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04x19 - Race Team: Buttercream

Posted: 05/11/22 05:57
by bunniefuu


Hey Blythie, what would you like for breakfast?

Bacon? Eggs? Granola? Tofu sausage?

Already dressed!

Honey, are you even listening to me?

I asked what would you like for breakfast.

Uh-huh, sure, sounds good.

How about some sautéed pet kibble

with a nice side of spicy crushed tree bark? Oak or pine?



Oh, hi Dad!

I'm hungry, what are you making for breakfast?

Uh-huh. Blythe, I wonder if you could go for even

half an hour without that phone.

Oh, this thing? I am so not attached to my phone.

I can easily live without it.


Sounds like you got a text.

I'm totally uninterested.



Uh, heh heh heh.


[dings continue and speed up]



Mmmm. Lived without that phone for all of nineteen seconds.

♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be [yeah]

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me We can be [yeah] ♪

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me


OK, Dad, so I may be a teensy bit attached to my phone.

But it has so many things I need!

My texts, my calendar, my pastebook, my instaspam.

Maybe you don't need those things

as much as you think you do.

But I do need it today.

My notifications are set to remind me

when 'Snipmates' is on!

And I can't miss that, right? See?

It even helps me eat.



Blythe, would it be so bad to go without it for a little while?

Of course not. I do it all the time.

Just last night, I put it down for eight whole hours.

You mean, when you went to sleep?

It counts!

Blythe, I'm not talking about just overnight.

I was thinking more like... one week.

ONE WEEK? I mean, one week? I could do that. No problem.

Good. And if you think it'll be difficult,

I could hold your phone for you.



Heh heh heh!

I mean, it'll prove I don't need it, if I keep it. You know?

Heh heh heh.

Hey, where are you two going?

The bunny races.

Bunny races?

Yeah. It's the greatest! They hold them under Downtown City.

Oh, I can't wait to see the 'Speedy Nibbler'.

She is MAD fast!

And she has an awesome Tokyo Drift style at the turns.

Whoo! [crash]

Pffft. Speedy Nibbler's all flash.

For my money, Fluffy Lightning

is the most 'hop-pennin'' hopper!


Fluffy Lightning? Speedy Nibbler?

So you go and watch these cute little bunnies

try to outrun each other? Are they even fast?

I only wish we could be as fast as those rabbits!

Those bunny racers are the toughest, roughest pets

on the racing circuit.

Cute, adorable, soft and gentle bunnies, are tough? Come on!

Don't be fooled by what you know about bunnies, Russell,

because these rabbits are--

Hey, Vinnie Von Vinster, what do you know about

bunnies 'n rabbits 'n our cottontail habits?


What? [sigh] Anyhoo...

Yeah. Buttercream is exactly the kind of bunny

who does not go to the bunny races.

I'm going to the bunny races? OK, I can go to the bunny races.

Look, Buttercream, this is our buddy hangout time, OK?

We like to enjoy the races just us guys. Understand?

Oh, sure. I understand.

That's why you'll barely even know this harely is therely.

Oh, I can't wait to see the racing bunny, bunny racers...

Oh, hi Blythe. You gotta hear where Vinnie and Sunil are--


Oh, So sorry, Russell. That's how long I haven't had my phone.

You don't have your phone?

Shh! Don't remind me! I'm not thinking about it.

No, I'm totally fine. Just ten thousand sixty-eight minutes

and forty-two seconds left!

But who's counting? [nervous giggle]

Well, howdy folks!

Welcome to the Bunny Races-races, races, races.

I'm your emcee, Weasel Whiskers-whiskers.

Now let's meet our racers-racers- racers.

In Lane One, our returning champion,

Fluffy Lightning- Lightning-Lightning.

In Lane Two, Speedy Nibbler- Nibbler-Nibbler.

In Lane Three, Quickstie O'Hare-Hare-Hare.

And in Lane Four, the Furry Fury-Fury-Fury.

Racers will compete for today's prize,

this gorgeous bouquet of carrots.

Racers on your marks!

That prize is so mine.

Yeah, right. I'll be taking that prize home, honey bunny,

and eating it.

Did you hear that trash talk?

They're so cutie-cute-cute!

Get set-et-et. And...


Hey, yo! I'm takin' this race into my own hands.

Ah, Buttercream?

What are you, hard'a hearin'? Outta my way!

What just happened?


Hey? Who the heck are you?

Name's Flash McCarrot, and I'll see you at the finish line!


Buttercream's actually gaining on the other bunnies!


She's not just gaining, she's passing them!

Eat my dust, slowdo.

She's almost in the lead!

There's only one bunny in front of her!

Fluffy Lightning? Ha! You look as fast as a runny nose!


And as the racers go to the final stretch,

it's Fluffy Lightning and a mysterious racer-racer-racer.

It's Fluffy Lightning! The Mysterious Racer!

Fluffy Lightning! And, it's a TIE-tie-tie!


That's our friend!

Whoo hoo! We KNOW her! We know her!

Hey, I crossed the finish line first!

Step off, long-ears. I beat you by a hare.

And the "hare" I beat you by was ME!


You want to make something of it?

Now now, ladies, there's no need to fight.

Save it for the race track, Fluffy Lightning, and...

Who are you, anyway?

Flash McCarrot, fastest bunny around, as I just proved.

You didn't win that race!

Bunnies, bunnies. We can settle this.

What do you say we have another race?

Buttercream! OH! That was amazing!

What got into you?

You two Flash McCarrot's managers?

Flash McCarrot?

I gotta tell you, you've got a superstar on your hands here.

But she needs a 'theme' like the other racers.

A costume to match her persona.

A costume? OK...

Great! Do that and come back in an hour for a race-off!

Fluffy Lightning vs. Flash McCarrot-arrot-arrot.

I can't wait to clean your clock.

The only cleaning you'll be doing is my rabbit tracks

off your back.

Come on, Blythe, there are plenty of things you can do

without your phone. I could call Youngmee!

Bet she'd have an idea.

But then I'd have to use my phone [groan].

Hey, I could play a game! But they're all on my phone.

Ugh, this day is going to last forever. What time is it anyway?

Ugh, I don't know because I always check the time...


[sigh] Dad was right; I'm too reliant on this thing.

And having it nearby is too tempting.

Here, Russell. No matter what I say,

do not give me back my phone.

You can count on me, Blythe.

[grunt] That is [grunt] if you would [grunt] let go!

Oh, phone, this is gonna hurt me more than it hurts you.



Well, so far it's hurt me the most!


Hey! What gives, porcupine!

You're in the way of my awesomeness!


What's happened to Buttercream's voice?

She's not Buttercream, anymore. She's Flash McCarrot.

We don't know if she got hit in the head,

or maybe she just got all wrapped up in the excitement,

but all of a sudden, she switched personalities

and now she's a speed demon!

Oh my goodness!

We have to figure out a way to get her old personality back!


So you want her to stay like that?

Yes! She has a big race in less than an hour,

and I think we may have a champion on our hands.

In fact, we need to get her ready. She needs a costume.

Oh! I've got the perfect costume theme,

but I could use the girls' help.

Hey! I look tough, right?

You look great!

Ugh, maybe we should have asked Blythe for help.

No time for that now, she's got a race to run.

Oh, you look fantastic! Yeah.

Too bad you can't record this so we can all watch it later.

But we can record it with that.

Blythe's phone? Oh no. She trusted me to keep it

and make sure she doesn't use it.

Then we're doing her a favor.

She can't use it if we're using it.

Well, strange as this sounds, I suppose you have a point.

But you have to be very careful.

If anything happens to that phone...

Don't worry, I'll take good care of it.

Well, well, well. What happened to you?

Candy store explode on your face?

Ha ha ha!


Maybe you should change your name to 'Funny Bunny'

'cause nobody's gonna call you 'Lightning'

after I beat you.

Whoa, whoa! Settle down, you two.

Vinnie: Yeah, save it for the race!

Ladies and gentlepets-pets-pets.

Please direct your attention to the starting line,

where reigning champion, Fluffy Lightning is about to take on

the newest challenger, Flash Mc-Carrot-Carrot-Carrot.

[wild cheering]

See you at the finish line, flat feet.

When you get there after me!


On your marks-marks-marks...

Well, take a good look now. . .

Get set-set-set...

because the only thing you're gonna see after this

is my... [ding] [voice changes to normal] cottontail!

Every bunny needs one and I'm a bunny needer.


What happened to her?

Go Flash McCarrot! GO!

I wonder why they call them 'tubes'

when there's 'threebs' and 'fourbs' and 'fibes' of them?



Oh no! Now she's hopping back to the starting line!


Buttercream's not herself! I mean, she's not the other self.


[cheers and hoots]

Buttercream, you lost the race!

What happened to Flash McCarrot?

Hhmmm. I don't know.

The last thing I remember was the dingity-pingity

of the starting bell thingity, and then...I was me again.

[gasp] It's the bell ding that makes her switch!

The winner and holder of the title,

Queen Supreme-Champene Bunny Racer... Fluffy Lightning!

Here's your trophy.

Ha ha! Cool!

Blythe's phone!

I hope she has unlimited minutes.

I forgot how nice it is to take my eyes off that little screen

and enjoy the here and now! [sigh]

Dad, you did me a favor, getting me to put down my phone.

I'm proud of you, honey.

Blythe? Where have you been? I've been texting you all day!

[chuckle] I've given up my phone for a while.

But this is important!

Oh, Youngmee. We think things are so important,

but once you put your phone down, you start to realize,

nothing is that important.

Josh Sharp asked me for your phone number.

What the huh?

Yeah, he said he really needed to ask you something.

So I gave him your phone number.

He's probably trying to call you, RIGHT NOW!


Russell! I need my phone!

Oh, I get it. This is a test, right?

'Cause you said not to give it back, 'no matter what.'

Forget what I said. This is an emergency!

Nice try. And I admit, it would be hard to resist.

But luckily, I can't give you your phone back.

Can't? Why not?

Vinnie and Sunil borrowed it.

They wanted to record Buttercream at the Bunny Races.

Vinnie and Sunil borrowed it? NO!

We're back.

YES! Quick, give me my phone! I need it right now!

No she doesn't. It's a test.

Russell, I know I told you not to give it back to me,

but this is an all-out emergency!

Whoa whoa! No need for you two to fight

'cause we couldn't give the phone back if we wanted to.

Ow! What was that for?

Oh no! What did you do with Blythe's phone?

Uh, well, you see, we um...

We lost it.


We're so sorry, Blythe. It was an accident.

I understand, but it's really important to me

that I get that phone back.

Well, getting it back might be kinda hard.

Unless, of course, Buttercream can win it back!

Or, should I say, Flash McCarrot.

Oh well, what do you know?

Fluffy Lightning is here working out, too!

Well, well, well. If it isn't Race Team Flash McCarrot.

Here to worship at the feet

of the reigning Bunny Races champion?

Actually, we need to apologize to you

for telling Flash to let you win that race.

Yeah, we saw how hard you took it almost losing that first race

so we told her to ease up.

You're tellin' me that you let me win that last race

because you felt sorry for me?

Look here, you dirty rats, I oughta--

Actually, I am a mongoose and he is a gecko.

And we're both very clean.

I demand a rematch!

And this time,

I want you to tell Flash not to hold anything back.

You got me? And if I win?

That PROVES that I really am the Queen Supreme-Champene

Bunny Racer!

If that's the way you want it.

Oh, but if Flash wins, you give us that phone-trophy.

Like her winning is ever gonna happen.

What's fluffy and yellow and goes round and round--


Ladies and Gentlepets-pets-pets.

Welcome to a re-rematch between

Fluffy Lightning-Lightning-Lightning

and Flash-Mc-Carrot-Carrot-Carrot.

But first, I need to test the starting bell.

[ding] Hey!


Bellsy-wellsy sure sounds swellsy.

YO! [ding]

[giggle] [ding]

What's goin' on here?

[ding ding ding ding]

Do you have to ring that thing so many times?

Well, I gotta make sure it's working!

On your mark-mark-mark. Get set-set-set.

Hey Fluffy Lightning, get ready to eat my---


I like candy! [giggle]



Let me at 'er!


That's my bell and I'm the only one allowed to handle it.


I wish I knew what was happnin', cap'n!












I am one de-energized bunny.

You're toast now, Flash McCarrot!

C'mon, Buttercream. You're so close!

You're almost there!

You've got to do it! Do it for Blythe!

Blythe? Aw, she sure is nice.

This is almost too easy!



And the winner is, Flash McCarrot by an ear-ear-ear!

WOO HOO. I'm feeling so many feelings!

Buttercream, you won my phone back! I'm so proud of you.

Me tooby, Ruby. Lucky for yousy, Flash is one fast rabbit.

[phone chimes]

OMG, It's Josh!

Well, I suggest that you answer it.

Ah, I can't believe how nervous I am!

What do you think he wants to ask?

Maybe he wants to see if I can go to the movies tonight?

Or, maybe he just wants help in math? Or--


Hello? Oh, hi Josh! What a surprise.

I didn't expect you to call.

Mmm-hmmm. Yeah... I think it's great.

OK, sounds good. Bye!

Dad was right. I am too reliant on this thing.

I was so anxious to get it back, and for this?

Why? What did he say?

He just wanted to know what I thought

of the Pet Wellness Center at the new vet's office.

The Pet Wellness Center?

Yeah. He wants to take his pet rabbit there.

He has a rabbit?

Yeah, her name is Fluffy Lightning. Isn't that cute?

If by cute you mean not very cute at all, then...
