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04x14 - Steamed

Posted: 05/11/22 05:54
by bunniefuu

- Wow, that sign looks great!

- You know, Blythe, somebody should be in charge

of making sure the 'pet' portion of Pawristas Coffee

is up to the strictest pet standards.

I don't know who, but... somebody.

- Great idea. All yours, Russell.

- Oh, I didn't mean me.

But I do happen to have a fifty-point checklist handy.

Convince Blythe to put me in charge. 'Check.'

- Oh, Blythe, isn't that sign wonderful?

Ho! Ho! It perfectly captures the spirit

of new Pawristas Coffee.

- A place for pets and their owners to enjoy

yummy drinks and treats together.

- That baby has all the bells and whistles

a medium amount of money could buy.

[yelling]: Hit it, fellas!

- [both]: Ooooooooo.

- Well, that's one thing done...

and a million more to do.

So, Mrs. Twombly, when did you say the grand opening was?

- Tomorrow. - Tomorrow?

- Did I say, 'tomorrow'? But, but, but that's...


- ♪♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do It all comes true ♪

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you We can be ♪

♪ Who we wanna be

♪ At Littlest Pet Shop

♪ You and me We can be ♪

♪ Who we wanna be

♪ At Littlest Pet Shop

♪ You and me ♪


- A little higher, Francois!



Now don't move, Francois.

- Uh...


- We did it, Whittany. We're bowling

and tanning at the same time!


Daddy, you're blocking our sunlight!

- It would seem that you girls

sure have a lot of time on your hands!

Which is why your...

mother has decided you need to get out of the house

and apply for jobs.

- [both]: JOBS?!

- Wait... - [both]: MOTHER?


- ♪ Good morning, good morning

♪ Good morning to you my sweet little angels ♪

- Mother, where have you been the last three seasons?

- You mean summer, fall and winter?

Well, I've been in the east wing

with a dreadful headache since summer.

- I guess that makes sense.

- But here I am, my sweet-ums!

And I'm oh-so-happy you'll be applying for jobs.

It builds character.

♪ And building character, you see ♪

♪ Can bring you happiness for free ♪

- [both]: Mother!

- First of all, stop being so happy.

- And second of all, we don't need to apply

for job-thingies. - Yeah.

- Ah, but my morning doves,

have you heard that...

♪ A job application a day

♪ Keeps those frowny faces away ♪

- [both]: MOTHER!

- Nice work, everybody.

At this rate, we'll be ready for tomorrow, no problem.

- If you hire me, I'll be the best employee

this button factory's ever seen.

- Uh... Madison,

this is a pawrista shop.

- Really?

I thought this was a button factory.

- Yeah.

We need a barista, or pawrista

as we're calling them, to make coffee.

But thanks for applying.

We'll, ah... let you know.

- What was that all about?

- Oh, just another under-qualified

pawrista applicant. How's everything going with you?

- Pretty good! We met a cat who's been living in the building for a while.

He says he'd like to help out around the shop.

- Ooh, dat's right,


Dah name's Fuzzy Gumbopaws

and I can be dah official pet food taster

'cause I do love me some food!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh...

- Hi, Fuzzy, I'm Blythe, and having a pet food taster

in the shop is a great idea.

- Well, you no is payin' me to loaf about.

Ha! Ha! You no is payin' me at awl!

But das-okay. [He smells.]

Mmm, mmm, mmm!

Time to test dah new treats we got up in here.

- And I've still got lots of boxes to check.

Tell Pepper and Minka I've still got a lot of boxes to check...

Check. - [sighing]: Well, I was up all night

watching a 'Wacky Brothers' wacky marathon,

so time for me... [yawning]

to take a little nappy-poo.

- Time for me to get back to those applications.

- And time for me to do something.



- Wow, check this place out!

I heard it was sway, but it's actually way sway!

Hi, Russell.

- I can't talk right now, Sugar Sprinkles.

- Sorry, my spikey little pal.

Maybe I can help with a fun little coffee ditty.

- As long as you compose it outside, I'm good.

- Hey thanks, compadré.

- Ah... Perfection!

Big check.

- Oooh,

dose look ripe for dah tastin'.

- Fuzzy! Don't!


- Ha! Deeeeelicious!

- The Official Taster

may not be working out so well.

- ♪ When I get thirsty

♪ And my mood is the worsty

♪ Oh where, oh where am I to go? ♪

♪ A vacuum store? Don't make me snore ♪

♪ A bowling lane? No, that's just lame ♪

♪ But there is one very special place I know ♪

♪ In case my face

♪ Is looking blue

♪ I make a stop at Pawristas Coffee ♪

♪ Try something new Yeah it's Pawristas Coffee ♪

♪ Of dreams

♪ Yeah it's Pawristas Coffee

♪ Of dreams

- Oh, I hope we're ready.

But what if nobody comes?

What is that?

[She smells.] Coffee?

Ooooh! Where's that wonderful aroma coming from?

What in...?

[He smells.] - Wow! This pawrista shop

has a sign that puts out a delicious coffee smell!

After it opens, I'm gonna come here with you every day!

- A coffee scent to attract customers?

Must be an additional feature

they forgot to tell me about. Ha! Ha!

That sign is just full of surprises!

- Ugh! There's not one qualified applicant

for a pawrista. What are we gonna do?

[Door opening.] Huh?

- Yes, it's us, Blythe.

- Your sign smells good, bee-tee-dubz.

- Pawristas Coffee isn't open until tomorrow, girls.

- We know.

We're here to apply for job-thingies, or whatever.

- You're the only place hiring in this whole town.

- You want to apply for a job?


- Ugh, that's right, Blythe. - Don't make us say it twice.

- I don't understand this,

but... okay. Do you have a resumé?

- A... what?

- A resumé? - Speak English, Blythe.

- It's a list of jobs you've had?

- [Both]: Oh...

- You mean a resume.

- Yeah...

A resume.

- Our resumes, like... don't exist.

- Ok, that might be a problem.

- I wrote,

'You're lame.' How's that for a resume?

- Why do you even want to work here anyway?

- We don't!

- Our mom is making us. - You have a mom?

- Yeah... She's totally been in our house this whole time.

- Don't, like, think about it too hard and it makes sense.

- Oooo-kay. So, if I'm going to sum this up:

You have no skills, no job experience,

and no abilities whatsoever.

- You say that like it's a bad thing.

- We will let you know.

Thanks for coming in.

- Whatever. Come on, Brittany,

let's go home and like, make our own coffee...

with our own Espresso-nator

Coffee Blaster.

[He smells.] - Mmm.

Did Fuzzy taste dese already? - YES!!

Yes, Fuzzy, you tasted those! Please, move on.

- Ooh, dat's right, dat's right.

But I didn't taste dis one. - NO!

Hey, whaddaya know?

It didn't fall.

Oh, no.


- Mrs. Twombly, I don't know how we're going to find

a good pawrista by tomorrow. - Oh,

I'm sorry you're having trouble, dear.

On the bright side, I just discovered something

that amazing sign does to bring in customers.

It puts out steam that smells

like delicious coffee! [She smells.]

- Uh, no, it doesn't. - Must be on the fritz.

Oh dear, yet another problem.

- Yep, it's definitely steamless.

- Mrs. Twombly has enough to worry about

without that sign going on the fritz.

- Hey, maybe it's just a loose wire.

I should climb up there and see what's the what.

- Well, please be extra, extra careful.

- It can't be any more dangerous up there than it is down here

with Fuzzy Gumbopaws.

I finally had to hide those dog biscuits in the back room behind a bunch of coffee.




- Ah! I wasn't asleep!

I was cleaning the sign!

In my dreams, I was cleaning it,

but that counts, right? - No time for excuses.

Need to figure out why this sign stopped emitting a coffee scent.

- I've been up here all day and I didn't notice it emitting

any coffee scent. It must've been something else.

Now what could emit an odor like that?

Some sort of animal? A smell-cat?

- Pepper, IT WAS YOU!

- ME?! Huh. Who-da thunk? - Pepper,

you've got to make that scent again.

A successful opening of Pawristas Coffee depends on it!


- Well, that's all of the applications,

Mrs. Twombly, and not a single good candidate

in the bunch. - Oooh...

This person sounds promising.

'Yourel Amé.'

She sounds French.

- Mrs. Twombly, it says,

'You're Lame.'

- 'You're Lame?' That sounds more Russian than French.

- Oh, it's just a mean joke by the Biskit twins.

- Well, how were they? - The worst!

Although, they do know how to operate

the Espresso-nator Coffee Blaster.

- We're down to the wire, Blythe.

That just might be good enough for me.

- Fisher, I just think a blue tie

would bring a sprinkling of merriment to your wardrobe.

- But Eliza,

I always wear fuchsia.

- ♪ A dash of color around your neck ♪

♪ Begins to feel a bit correct

♪ And it's true, the color blue ♪

♪ Brings out your eyes

♪ Oh my! With a tie

♪ This siiiiize-- - ♪ Eliiiiiiza!


[sighing]: I'll wear blue!

Just stop with all the singing and happiness!

- Huh, mother! Guess what?

We got job-thingies at the new pawrista shop!

We're so awesome, they were like, 'You're awesome.'

- It feels awesome when people know you're awesome.

- How wonderful!

Now, you know what it's like to apply yourself.

Lesson learned.

Now tell that pawrista shop you won't be taking the job.

- What?

- But they think we're awesome.

- This was just about acing the interview.

You're Biskits. You don't 'do' work.

- But we were kinda getting totes excited to work there.

- Because they did say that we're like...

awesome. - Which is like...

awesome. - ♪ Building character is fun

♪ But now your job is done

♪ So if you want to hear-- - MOTHER!


- Oooo! I got it! I got it!

I don't got it. - Gym socks?

- Moldy taco. - Ah, yes.

Russell, did you find a loose wire in the coffee mug?

- I sure did. Pepper made the scent.

- Okay. Pepper, just make it again.

- Shya! No problem. - Good.

I'd better go check on things.

- No problem?!

Well, don't just sit there trying to make the scent!


'Encourage Pepper'. Check.

- Wonderful, you're here!

We don't have much time, so if you girls will come

with me... - But- Ah!

- Save all your questions until the end, please.

As new employees, there are several rules and regulations

we must go over. A clean workplace

is a happy workplace. All employees

must wash their hands before returning to work.

Be nice to your fellow pawristas.

That's you. Any questions?

- Yeah, like, we can't-- - That was a trick question.

There's no time for questions. - Aaaah!

- Now, time to practice. Ready? - No.

- Good! Make me a double- triple-double-double-

triple-double-triple- triple latté.

- We're not gonna, like, work here.

- You can't work here?

- Yah. It's not like we nailed the job interview thingie,

and now we're totes secretly sad or whatever.

- Totes not secretly sad. - Deal with it.

- You were our last hope.

What are we going to do?

- Fuzzy Gumbopaws, what are you doing?!


- Ha! Ha! Ha!


- Ugh! Coffee grounds!

- Well, Pepper, have you made any progress?

- No. I've been wrackin' my brainbox all night,

and I just can't remember how I made that delicious coffee scent!

- Well, the grand opening is in twenty minutes,

so we're gonna have to figure this out.

- Ooh, what's goin' on up in here?

- Fuzzy, please leave before you destroy something.

- Ol' Fuzzy just thought

maybe he could help, since he saw this here polecat

climb in dah cup yesterday.

- You did? What happened after that?

- Well, after this one climbs in here,

down dere dat sweet little kitty

with dat mini bass fiddle starts singin'.

- [both]: Sugar Sprinkles!

- Your song lulled Pepper into a dreamy sleep

while she was inside the sign's mug,

and that's when she emitted her delicious coffee scent.

All because of that song!

- Wow, my songs are amazing!

- That's true, so, if you please...

- Okay, here goes.

♪ Skibeedaweee bow-bow

♪ Coffee dum dah dum

♪ La la la coffee

- Anything yet, Pepper?

- Nothing!

- Sugar Sprinkles, are you playing the right song?

- I don't know. I was just riffin' yesterday.

Feelin' the groove and jammin' out on the rhythms of life.

- Ugh!

What are we going to do?! - You're gonna need me,

dat's what. - Oh, ya!

I was totally feelin' his kitty vibes

when I saw his cute round tummy.

- Ha! Ha! Ha! - You're right, Fuzzy.

We do need you.

- Haha! Ol' Fuzzy 's

got two jobs now.

- Well, Sugar Sprinkles, be inspired!

- Oh yeah, look at his big ol' tum-tum.

- Ha! Ha! Ha!

Dat dere tickles.


♪ When I get thirsty

♪ And my mood is the worsty

♪ Oh where, oh where am I to go? ♪

♪ A vacuum store? Don't make me snore ♪

♪ A bowling lane? No, that's just lame. But there is ♪

♪ One very special place I know ♪

♪ In case my face is looking blue ♪

♪ I make a stop at Pawristas Coffee ♪

♪ Try something new

♪ Yeah, it's Pawristas

♪ Coffee of dreams

♪ Yeah it's Pawristas Coffee of dreams ♪

[He smells.]

- Hey, everybody.

That coffee smells delicious!

Let's go inside!

- Could you say your order one more time?

- Oh. I said,

I'd like a triple espresso mocha double nonfat caramel latté.

- You can do this, Madison.

Even though you may not have been my first choice,

I believe in you.

- I've been training all week... - Good.

- make buttons.

[sigh of anger]

- Like, what in the world is taking so long?

- We've been waiting for, like, minutes now.

- It'd be easier to just make our drinks

ourselves! - Totes magotes.

- Ulp!


- See, that wasn't so hard, was it?

- You two are awesome pawristas.

- True, but we're still not gonna work at this silly shop.

- Well, maybe just for, like...

today to prove we're as awesome as you said we are.

- Fair enough.

- [both]: NEXT!

- I don't know what's come over our girls.

- I don't know either, but...

♪ I love their brew It's true ♪

♪ Don't you? - Ugh, yes, my love.

- Congratulations, Mrs. Twombly.

It's a wonderful grand opening.

- Thank you for being there for me.

You're a shining star of optimism, Blythe,

and I love you for it.


I'm going to go get myself a cup of Pawrista!

- Blythe.

How long does Pepper have to snooze in that sign?

- Oh, just a few more hours.

Once everybody realizes how great the shop is,

we won't need her coffee scent to attract customers.

But until then...

- ♪ In case my face

♪ Is looking blue, I make a stop ♪

♪ At Pawristas Coffee, try something new ♪

♪ Yeah, it's Pawristas coffee of dreams ♪

♪ Yeah, it's Pawristas coffee of dreams ♪