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04x11 - Snipmates

Posted: 05/11/22 05:51
by bunniefuu

Blythe: [scream] Whoo-hoo-hoo! Ha! Ha!

Pets? Guess who just found out she's going to be on TV!

I'll give you three hints: Her initials are 'B.B.'

She's holding a sewing kit, and... she's me!


Uh, I'm gonna need one more hint.

What show?

Remember how I sent my audition portfolio in to be on Snipmates?

The fashion competition show

for up-and-coming design students?

That's the one! Well, I made the cut!

A car is coming right over to pick me up

and take me to Fashion University North

where they're filming the episode.

Really? Are you sure you're up for going

on another competition show?

Remember 'Shake a Leg'?

And 'Terriers and Tiaras'?

And 'So You Think You Won't Freeze On Camera'?

'Cause I'm afraid you might do just that.

Well, 'Snipmates' is about fashion. Totally my wheelhouse.

I couldn't be less nervous.

And get this: the winner gets their designs displayed

at Blahbittyblah's!

What's 'Blahbittyblah's'?

It's Downtown City's most exclusive boutique.

Its slogan is 'We were into it way before you were.'

Only the coolest of the cool are even allowed

to window shop there.

Aghhh! [groan]

Can you believe it? This is the best day ever!

[cat yowling]

Or the worst day ever.


Is everything all right, Sugar Sprinkles?

I don't want to talk about it.

[car horn toots)

Oooo, that's my car! Hope you feel better, Sugar Sprinkles.

Well, wish me luck!

Look out for sharks! Good luck! I hope you win!

Sugar Sprinkles: You're gonna lose.

Sugar Sprinkles, do you want to talk about it?



Outta my way, beach ball!

♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be [yeah]

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me We can be [yeah] ♪

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me


OK, Blythe, this is it.

You're on 'Snipmates' facing the best of the best.

Like, Moustache Guy... Mohawk Girl... Sweater Vest...

Mohawk Sweater Vest... What the what? The Biskits?

Uh, Whittany, Brittany?

Since when do you two care about design?

Since, like... never.

But, you're on 'Snipmates'.

Duh! The winner gets their design in 'Blahbittyblah's',

and that store is, like, ultra-exclusive.

We shop there all the time.

So we made Daddy buy us a spot on the show.

And we're totally gonna win.

I wonder what you use these for.

Scissors? For cutting things? Like fabric?

Oh, Blythe, you're so smart.

[southern accent] Blythe? Blythe Baxter?

McKenna Nicole?


I haven't seen you since fashion camp.

How's it going, ex-roomie?

Ha! Really good. Got my designs in some hometown marts,

won a few local contests.

But being on 'Snipmates' is big. I would do anything to win.

[doors snap open]

[gasp] Oh, look, here comes the show's judge!

Hello everyone. I'm Mona Autumn, editor of Trés Blasé Magazine,

and special guest judge for this episode of 'Snipmates'.

Oh, good to see you again, Blythe,

but don't think I'll cut you any breaks.

If anything, I may judge you just a little harsher.

Contestants, I have a simple question: Can you impress me?

Those of you who do will have no problems today.

Those of you don't will be... 'snipped'.

Now, there's a bus waiting outside to take everyone

to the 'Fabric Emporium' for your first task.

So, go! Snip-snip!

♪ [singing with ukulele]

♪ Pain and suffering,

♪ Pain and suffering,

♪ I hate skies so blue,

♪ I want rain and hail and lightning. ♪

♪ Bring the thunder, too.




Hmm. Is it just me, or does Sugar Sprinkles' song

lack its typical lovable quirkiness?

We need to find out what's bugging her.

I couldn't agree more. Go ask her.

Nu-uh, no way.

I'm good not knowing.

Someone has to find out. She's our friend.

Let's draw straws.

Good idea, dear.


Russell: Vinnie, you were supposed to draw a straw.

Whoa, I'm way off.

Uh, so, Sugar Sprinkles. How's it going?

How's it going? Oh, everything's...



[bowling pins falling]


What's gotten into her?

[gasp] It's not what's gotten into her.

It's what's not gotten onto her!

Darling, you keep emphasizing different words,

but I don't know what you're talking about.

Sugar Sprinkles is missing her...

sugar sprinkles!

Do you know what happens when a candy-coated cat

isn't coated in candy?

No, what?



OK, 'Snipmates' contestants.

You each have one minute and one dollar

to purchase fabric for a secret project.

Ugh! I've never touched

such a small amount of money in my life.

Like, gross.

Your minute begins... now! Impress me!


Clearance Corner! Perfect!

Ugh, tarnation.

There is nothing here but dusty, outdated rejects.

There's usually a hidden gem if you look for it.

If you say so. Good luck finding something.

[gasp] Hidden gem.

I had to climb every shelf,

but I found something I'm happy with.

How'd you do in the Clearance Corner?


Wow! That was in the clearance aisle? It is gorgeous.

All right, contestants, it's time to see what you can make

with your fabric choices.

Chop chop, back to the studio.

'Operation Re-Sprinkle' is a go!

'Team Extraction', you both will sneak into 'Sweet Delights'

and extract the replacement sprinkles.

Meanwhile, 'Team Distraction' will keep Sugar Sprinkles

occupied so she doesn't destroy the Day Camp.




I'm thinking a standard stop-and-drop.

We 'stop' the security system, and 'drop' down the vents.

Or, we could rappel from the roof,

slip in through the transom and scurry across the ceiling.

Well, you could simply go through the hole

between the two shops like we always do.

Ugh... The easy way.

[angry meowing]

I'm scared.

Yeah. I'm kinda wishing I'd signed up for 'Team Extraction'.

There's only one way to deal with a 'Negative Nancy'...


No, Penny Ling! She'll tear you to shreds!



Penny Ling's hug worked!

Maybe we don't need those replacement sprinkles after all.

See? There's nothing a little cuddling can't solve.


Hug her again, Penny Ling! Hug her again!


[screams and yowls]


This season, parachute pants will be landing

on store shelves. Ha ha.

You have three minutes to impress me with your design

for parachute pants using the fabric you purchased earlier.

And... Go!

Wait'll Mona sees the parachute pants made out of sparkling--

CAMOUFLAGE? What the huh? Of course! The Biskits did this!


I can't believe you two would stoop so low as to--


- not steal my fabric?

What do you want, Blythe?

Yeah, we're totally busy right now, like, making fashion.

Uh, I see that. And good luck with that parachute...

um, poncho?... Huh.

Well, if the Biskits didn't steal my fabric, who did?

Mona: Thirty seconds, designers!

Doesn't matter!

Time's up! Scissors down.

Meh. Horrid.

Fail. Barely passable.

Just tolerable.

You may all stay.

I have no words.

No wait, I do. You're both 'snipped'!

Good. I didn't know

we were gonna have to like, sew and stuff.

Uh, yeah. That is way too much, like... work.

Oh, camouflage?

Uh, yes, well, I had this other fabric, but it--

Clearly a comment on the ability of fashion

to disappear on its wearer.

Hmmm. Not bad. You're moving on.



Very creative. And that fabric, where did you find it?

Like I say, 'You can always find a hidden gem

in the Clearance Corner.'

Ugh! I say that.

Best of the round!

McKenna, you stole my fabric!

I didn't steal it. I borrowed it.

Here, I don't need it anymore.

I don't get it.

What happened to the McKenna I went to Fashion Camp with?

Nothin', it's just that you're my stiffest competition,

Sugar Plum. I've learned a lot since fashion camp,

like when it comes to design,

there is no such thing as 'playing fair'.

Fair is the ONLY way to play. And, I'm gonna prove it.


Yes, yes.

Arguing really ratchets up the drama for the show.

Make sure you get that.

On the runways of Milan there's an expl*si*n of food fashion.

So, for your next task, you will design consumable clothing.

There are your materials.

Do I even need to say it? Of course I do. Impress me.


Snipped. McKenna, what do you have for us?

I call this 'The Brocc-kini'.



Stylish and nutritious.


A sweet addition to any wardrobe:

the Mini-Marshmallow Skirt.



Is this sugar-free?


Yes, I guess it is.

Ah, low-sugar fashion. Very au courant.

Blythe, McKenna, you girls are moving to the final round.

As for the rest of you, you're 'snipped'!


Nice attempt to marsh my mallow, McKenna. Too bad it backfired.

Or maybe I'm just setting you up for an epic fail.

[angry yowl]

Ugh. I can't believe that didn't cheer her up.

Who doesn't love accordion music?


We're running out of distractions.

I'll take care of it.

Ha! All hail the conquering heroes!


Peanut butter cups and crushed cookies?

Her name is Sugar Sprinkles, not Crushed Cookies.


I didn't take care of it!



We shall return momentarily.

Girls, our 'Snipmate' winner will be determined

by a fashion two-parter, beginning with workplace attire.

Hey, Blythie, look at us! We're gonna be on TV! [laugh]

Your next task will be to design new uniforms for the airline.

You have one hour. Impress me.

Yes! I've been drawing outfits for my dad

since I was a little girl.

I've never even been on a plane.

That could be a problem, Sugar Plum.

Uh... How... much... longer...?

As long as it takes.

It's the only thing that's actually distracted her.


Uh-oh. I think I'm going to... Ahh... Ahhhh... Ahhhh...

No, Penny Ling! DON'T!


WHOA! [scream]




Nailed it! We got the sprinkles!

We just have to figure out how to get them on her head.




You did it! Way to go, Vinnie!

Ha ha! Totally meant to do that.




Hmmm. That should have worked.

Well, it didn't!

They're the right sprinkles.

And the correct colors.

Are they in the right order?

That's it! They're not in the right order!

Then rearrange them!

Attention passengers, we're ready for take-off.

Destination: Style. Stephanie?

♪ [techno]

Sharp, crisp, competent. Three things you want in a pilot.

Very nice, McKenna. Blythe?

Since humans first looked to the skies, they had but one thought:

'I want to fly, and I want to look good doing it.'

Captain Baxter?

But what's the point of looking good

if you don't feel good?

Nice fit in the shoulders, plenty of room in the chest,

but my favorite detail is my... Pant-padding.


For those extra-long long haul flights.

Blythe, I'm impressed. Looks like you've won this round.

Agh! Edit this out! EDIT THIS OUT!

Whoo! Was anyone else in here warm?

Oh, my, sure is windy today.

Hate to state the obvious, y'all,

but that uniform wasn't 'flight-ready'.

I must agree. This round goes to McKenna.

I don't get it. I used a 'double stitch' on that uniform.

It should have withstood that wind.

I know, it's almost as if it somehow got 'snipped'.

[evil laugh]

Huh! I've heard that laugh before.

Yeah. It sounds like ours.

What is McKenna up to?

McKenna is currently in the lead,

but our final task is the most difficult,

so it will be worth double.

You girls will have to design something for me.


These are a few of my favorite things.

Artificial shortened longhorns.

A page-less notebook.

And a ceremonial cape from the upper reaches

of Lower Antarctica.

This is the final task of the day, so Blythe,

you'll really have to impress me

to make up for that last fashion 'don't'.


[frantic screaming and yowls]

What's happenening? What am I doing in Littlest Pet Shop?

You don't know what's been happening?

Last thing I remember, I was hungry,

but I ran out of cat food.

So I ate the sprinkles on my head.

Oh. Oh, well. Catch you on the flippity.


OK, the stakes are high for this last task.

I've gotta nail it or McKenna wins it all.

Blythe, we need to talk.

I can't believe I'm about to say this,

but we want to..a...a..a help you.


McKenna doesn't get to pick on you.

Only we get to pick on you.

So we wanna, like, mess with her so she totally loses.

Uh, thanks I guess? But no thanks!

I wanna beat McKenna fair and square.

Fair and what?


I cannot believe Blythe doesn't want us to help her.

Well, if she doesn't want us to do something,

then we totes want to.


I almost feel sorry for McKenna.

I know, right? She only made it this far by like... cheating.

Uh? Wha...? Cheating?

I was simply um...testin' Blythe's skills!

But no more, I made it this far on talent!

I can out-design her any day of the week.

I mean, look at her. So innocent. So naive. Fair-minded.

Well, I have been out in the real fashion world.

And I am much more like Mona Autumn.

Blythe doesn't stand a chance.

Then, like prove it.

That's just what I'm about to do.

Totally worked.


Mona Autumn, you are a busy woman,

so you require a busy design.

No, no, no, no, no! I can't tell what's an armhole

and what's a neckhole.

McKenna, dear, that's a complete fashion disaster.


Ugh. Perhaps designing for me is too difficult for anyone.

Which means that if Blythe fails to impress me,

than McKenna will win 'Snipmates'.

Blythe, what do you have for me?

Thank you, Miss Autumn.

I once worked as Mona Autumn's assistant.

It was the hardest job I ever had.

Work comes at you fast and furious.

It can feel like the world wants to make you fail.

But Mona Autumn never fails.

Why? Because she knows how to focus. To keep it simple.

She knows if you ignore outside distractions

and just focus on the work,

then to keep it simple, you just...

keep it simple.

It's so... me.

Blythe Baxter is the winner of today's episode of 'Snipmates'!

[excited squeal]

So Blythe, like... won.

No doubt thanks to us.

Yeah, not 'cause that cape's super cute, or whatever.


This goes on sale tomorrow at BLAHBITTYBLAH'S.

Tell your friends. And be quick about it.



I can't believe it!

A Blythe Baxter original at Blahbittyblah's!

This is the best day ever.


That was it?

Blythe, your cape design was in the window for, like,


Hm, I guess that's how fast trends move at Blahbittyblah's.


♪ Fashion moves real fast,

♪ Fashion doesn't last,

♪ What was once the future,

♪ Is quickly in the past.