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04x10 - Pump Up the Panda

Posted: 05/11/22 05:51
by bunniefuu

Vinnie: Oooh! I bet it's a bug pizza!

Pepper: Rubber chickens!

Zoe: A karaoke machine!

C'mon, everybody, Blythe's big surprise for us

has to be better than that stuff.

She's Blythe! She doesn't mess around

when she promises something we will all flip for.


So you think it's cupcakes?

I'd flip for cupcakes.


OK, pets, I'm back!

Finally! Blythe, we've been waiting so long

for what your surprise is that it's driving us crazy.

Uh, I only told you ten minutes ago

that I had a surprise for you.

I had to go up to my apartment to get it.

[sheepish laugh] It appears that we are a very antsy bunch.

Well, the wait is over.

Introducing Blythe Style's 'Summer Sunsations'

pet beach wear!

[admiring gasps]

♪ [ s beach music]



♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be [yeah]

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me We can be [yeah] ♪

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

OK, pets, it's time to let everyone see your new suits

and what better place to do that

than here at Seal Beach Bay

Go have some fun, and look good doing it.

[happy chattering]

♪ [zydeco style]

♪ I'll make this suit look fabulous ♪

♪ without even breaking a sweat. ♪

♪ I'm gonna go Hang Ten,

♪ as long as I don't get wet.

♪ I'll dominate this game of Bocce ♪

♪ They're gonna know that I'm the best! ♪

♪ We're Blythe's Summer Sunsations, ♪

♪ Summer Sunsations across the beach today! ♪


♪ Hey! Hey!

♪ I'm gonna make beautiful sand art, ♪

♪ With each and every wave...

♪ I'll make all the ladies swoon, ♪

♪ They won't know how to behave ♪


♪ I'm gonna take a bunch of selfies, ♪

♪ Angled from every way.

♪ We're Blythe's Summer Sunsations, ♪

♪ Summer Sunsations across the beach today! ♪


This is just happening in our imaginations, is it not?



Where can we get those swimsuits for our pets?

I'll place my order today!

♪ We're Blythe's Summer Sunsations, ♪

♪ Blythe's Summer Sunsations,

♪ Summer Sunsations across the beach today! ♪


Uhhhh, pets. Little help?

Ha ha! Looking good, pal.

As are you, my friend.

It is no wonder everyone is staring at us.

Yep! I mean, a gecko, me, and a mongoose, you,

walkin' together on the beach in some sweet swimwear.

Who wouldn't wanna check that out?

High five!


WHOA! Check that out!

There's a sandcastle-building competition going on!

They might as well put my name on that trophy, right now.

Surely you are joking.

There is no way that you can beat me in such a contest,

my friend. I am the sandcastle-building master.

My claws allow me to add fine, beautiful details,

as well as pack and dig in ways

that you could never compete with.

Claws shmaws! People don't want detail, they want size!

I'll make a sandcastle

that'll dwarf your delicate sand-shack.

That sounds like a challenge.

Well, then, challenge accepted!

Oooh, get ready to eat some sand.

OK Penny Ling, it's gonna be up high!


OK. Here it...comes!


Penny Ling, are you OK?

Who me? Totes. Just not used to jogging in...sand...

that's all.

Oh. OK.



Here it comes!

Agh! You have got to be kidding.

Three, four, five...

C'mon, crabs, you call those burpees?

I guess I'm here for my health

if this is the effort you're gonna give me!


Can I help you?

I just... The disk... Just need to... Not pass out...

Sister, you seem out of shape. Soft. Flabby.

Thank you. Wait, that wasn't a compliment... was it?

My name is Snappy Clawster,

and I'm the best trainer that's a crustacean

on 'Seal Beach Bay'.

You mean there are others?

Look at you. You can barely breathe after running

just a few feet! You know what you need?

An oxygen t*nk?

You need me! You're winded because you're out of shape,

but I can change that.

You're the kind of challenge I've been looking for.

Oh, yeah? What kind of challenge is that?

If I can turn you into the lean, mean, fitness machine

that I know you can be,

it would cement my status as the greatest

pet-fitness trainer ever!

Well, I guess it couldn't hurt

to be in a little better shape.

Right! Let Snappy Clawster be the one that helps you realize

your full potential!

In return, all I ask is that you give percent!

Whaddaya say?

All right, let's do this!

Attagirl! Let's get started with a few jumping jacks.

Wait, we're starting now?

Less talk, more jump! One, two, three, four!

Blythe, people and their pets love our new swimsuits!

They can't take their eyes off us!

WHO is responsible for these pets' stunning summer style?

Well, I am! I'm Blythe Baxter.

I can't believe how amazing it all looks!

I'm Leonardo Pardo, fashion editor for

'Whiskers-and-Tails', the pet lifestyle website

that is the tastemaker on all things pet-tastic.

I know your site. I check it out, like, five times a day!

You know why you do?

Because you're as amazing as your designs.

I need a photo spread of this must-see pet look

of the season on my site five minutes ago!

My pet swimsuit designs on 'Whiskers-and-Tails'?

So many people would see them.

So, is that a 'yeah'?

Yes! I would love for my new line

to be featured on your site!

Wow. Perfection. Yeah.

I'll go grab my photo equipment out of my car

and we'll meet back here in fifteen.

Oh, uh, fifteen minutes? I guess we can do that.

Let me just get the sand off the pets' swimsuits,

maybe brush out their fur a bit.

Blythe, relax. Your fashions are perfect.

Your pets are perfect. You are perfect.

And Leonardo is going to make the magic happen.

You trust me, right?

Well, we just met...

Let me hear you say it. Trussssst.


Yeah, get a few more 'S's' in there. All snake-like!



Wow. Perfection. Yeah.


You pets rocked my designs

and now they're going to be all over the internet!

Let's go, Penny Ling! Knees up! Pick up the pace!


I'm... feeling... it...

Uh, did Penny Ling just run by with a lobster on her back?

Yes. Yes, she did.

Adorbs! Crushing it! Yeah, more, more!

Less! Wow, perfection!

Annnnnnd... we're done.

Do you want another prop besides the beachball,

Leonardo? Or is there another location you'd like to try?

We are up for anything you are.

It's not about the props or backdrops, Blythe.

It's about your designs. The clothes are the stars.

Besides, if there's anything that doesn't work,

I can always fix it with a little editing.

Remember the word of the day.



Mmmmm... Gecko Num-Num Treats.

HEY! Get your own gecko Num-Num Treats, ya sea vulture!



What? No! Shoo, you winged rodents! Shoo! Shoo!

So this is how you compete against me, Vinnie?

You think I made those birds flatten your sandcastle?

No way!

Is this not the same bag of gecko num-num treats

you are currently munching?

Well, yeah. They are the same.

And sure, that was my last packet of num-num treats.

STOP! But--

Two can play at that game.

C'mon Penny Ling, pump those elbows! Keep that core tight!

I wanna see you sweat, sister!

Through my fur?

Until I see sweat, it ain't over yet!

Great. He rhymes, too.

What was that?


So, Snappy, how long have you been a trainer?

What is this, social hour?

Well, I figured -- You're here... I'm here...

Might as well get to know each other, right?


Whew! Thank goodness, I could use a water break.



You're going to make me pay for that, aren't you?


♪ Having fun with my friends,

♪ Is the only way to go!

♪ Relaxing under the sun,

♪ And taking it nice and slow... ♪


♪ The sound of the ocean waves, ♪

♪ Puts a smile upon my face...

♪ Stuff my worries in the sand, ♪

♪ and forget about the rat race. ♪

♪ We're Blythe's Summer Sunsations, ♪

♪ Summer Sunsations across the beach today! ♪




So what's with those two?

They've been destroying each others' sandcastles all day.

Well, that's just...




All of the above.

OK, everyone!

I've been working out with a fitness trainer

and I'm ready to show you the results.

The new and improved Penny Ling!

Snappy Clawster pushed me to my limits,

but it was definitely worth it, don't you think?

Um, well... You look... You look...

You look the same.

[gasp] I do?

Ugh! I've been working out so hard,

but I still have the same body

I did when I started my training!

Well, what's wrong with that?


Penny Ling, it's awesome that you exercised so hard

to be fit and healthy,

but you shouldn't worry about your body shape.

You are a giant panda, after all,

and you're exactly the shape giant pandas come in.

Yeah...I guess I am.

And what kind of shape is that?

The cute and cuddly kind.

But I feel like I'm letting Snappy Clawster down.

He's counting on me to prove

that he can whip anyone into shape.

Well, what you look like

shouldn't determine his worth, or yours, Penny Ling.

You look great, Penny Ling.

Adorable as usual.

[cell phone chimes]

Pets! I just got a text from Leonardo!

He says that the photos from the beach sh**t

are finally up on 'Whiskers-and-Tails'!

I can't wait to see how you pets look in these photos!

Here they come!

Uh... Who's that?

Russell: I think that's us.


What happened to our bodies? Our heads? Our everything!

I can't tell who is who!

This one is you? No, wait, I think it's this one.

Or, is it this one over here?

We look awful!

And the entire world is going to see us looking this way!

I am not going to stand for this!

You all look perfect just the way you are!

What are you going to do, Blythe?

We are going back to the beach tomorrow to find Leonardo

and tell him to use the photos he took,

not these doctored-up ones!

Why don't you just text him back

and let him know how you feel?

Some things are better said in person.

GREAT! Back to the beach tomorrow

where they'll announce the winner

of the sandcastle-making contest.

Yes. We will have to watch someone else win

the first-prize trophy. Oh, the indignity.

It was pretty dumb of us to waste all that time

knocking down each other's sandcastles.

Well, you started it!

I didn't do anything! It was an accident!

That beach bird took my treats and dropped some

right onto your castle,

then he and all his friends went crazy.

Who knew seagulls liked gecko num num treats so much?

So, it was an accident?

Yes. I would never sabotage your sandcastle.

You mean 'sabotage'?

You say 'sabotage', I say 'sabotaage'.

I wish there was enough time left for either of us

to rebuild our masterpieces.


Yeah, however...

What 'however'?

If we joined forces, we could build a masterpiece

in time for the judging!

Yeah! Yeah! With our combined sandcastle building skills,

there's no way we won't win first prize!

Let's do it!

Yes, my friend, let's indeed do it!

Yeah. Wow. This. Oh, wow. Yeah. All day. Wow. Get out.

You're saving my life right now, lifeguard dog,

and you don't even know it!

Blythe, hey girl. Did you come to congratulate me

on the photos because your pets looked fierce?

They don't look 'fierce'! They look ridiculous!

Why, what do you mean?

You altered the pets' bodies and faces so much

they don't even look anything like themselves.

Oh, that. It's the way these things are done.

I get the sh*ts; I retouch the sh*ts

to make the models look perfect,

and you reap the benefits when everyone buys your fashions.

We all win, Blythe.

The pets don't! They look abnormal and unrealistic!

So what's the big deal?

No one should be made to feel that they need to

alter their faces or bodies to meet

what you think is acceptable!

Because it's not!

So you want me to take down the photos

and ruin your chance at selling your

'Summer Sunsations'... the whole world?

I want you to replace those altered photos of the pets

with the un-retouched ones!

Because if you don't, I'll tell the 'whole world'

that everything posted on 'Whiskers-and-Tails' is fake!

All right, all right!


...Five, six, seven... Pick up the pace, flappy!

I'm here for my session, Snappy. I'm feeling so great,

I decided I'm going to keep training with you.

Yeah, about that. It's not working out with me and you.


What do you mean, it's not working out?

Isn't it obvious? I've been pushing you hard,

my training regime is tougher than anyone else's,

and yet you still look the way you do.

It can only mean that you aren't taking this seriously.

You must be cheat-eating when I'm not looking.


There's no other explanation.

If you can't commit to me, I can't commit to you.




I guess some pets just are what they are.


HELP! Lobsters are terrible swimmers!

And I just ate and I'm starting to cramp!


Oh, no!


Are you two OK?

We are. Thanks to you.

The way you grabbed us out of those waves

and picked us up so easily. Do you know what this means?

It means my training worked!

You're a lean, mean fitness machine.

That was awesome!

Where did you get your incredible stamina?

From Snappy Clawster, the best trainer ever!

I'm only as good as my students.

And this one is the best!

Aww! [giggle]


Well, whaddaya think, Sunil? Maybe just one more turret?

No time. Here comes the judge.


So, judge, pretty amazing, huh?

If you just wanna give us the first place trophy now,

we're totally cool with that.

Yes, why waste the other competitors' time

when we all know who made the best sandcastle.

[gecko/mongoose chatter]

Hey, where are you going?

Can you not see how amazing our sandcastle is?

And you call yourself a judge?

Oh, well... You and I know how amazing our sandcastle was.

Indeed, my good friend, indeed! And we made it together!

Hey, you two, did your sandcastle win the contest?

Nah, but that's all right,

we know who made the best sandcastle.

How did everything go with Mr. 'Whiskers-and-Tails'?

Leonardo is replacing the altered pictures

with the original ones.

Oh, it's Leonardo calling now.

Hi Leonardo.

Look, if you're calling to try and get me to change my mind,

the answer is no, absolutely-

What? People love the original photos of the pets!

They find them...refreshing'?

And the traffic on your site has quadrupled

since you replaced the fake photos with the real ones?

Wow, amazing! What?

OMG! That would be awesome!

Yes, I know... Trusssssst.

Leonardo is going to run an ad banner on the site

saying that people can buy my pet fashions

exclusively at Littlest Pet Shop!

Looks like it's a win-win-win for all of us today.

We should celebrate!
