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04x05 - Littlest Pet Shop of Horrors

Posted: 05/11/22 05:48
by bunniefuu
♪ [eerie]


Best Halloween ever!


Blythe, a little help?




Pets, where are you? We brought you Halloween candy!

Who wants a Double-Dip Caramel Blast?


I know, Penny Ling, not your favorite.

But we also have Double Frosted Peanut Butter... cups?

♪ [horror stings]

Uh, Blythe, why is Penny Ling a zombie?

Uh, it's her Halloween costume?


Those aren't costumes!

It's the zombie-pocalypse!





Aw, cupcake crumbs.


Oh, no! Youngmee!



Worst Halloween ever.

♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be [yeah]

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me We can be [yeah] ♪

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me



Pets are zombies...

Friend is zombie...

What's with all the zombies?

The zombie virus is in the pet treats!

The pet treats!

Sunil, what are we going to do?

I don't know! There's no known cure for ZITS!


ZITS, Zombie Infected Treat Syndrome.

There's only one thing to do! Give up.


Wait! The zombies aren't saying 'brains,' they're saying...



Who-to-the-what now?

Let me see this. These things don't have an ounce of fiber.

No wonder those guys feel like zombies. They're bloated.

They need fiber! And I know just where to get it.

♪ [heroic theme]


Ugh. Zombie breath.

♪ [heroic theme]



Oh, come on! Come on!

Ah! Here it is!

Call of Nature All-Natural Fiber Flakes.


No prob. Your recommended daily allowance of bran is coming up.


Ugh, tastes like cardboard.

Moldy cardboard.



Heh heh. Everyone OK?

I'm not! I just ate pet treats.

Yeah, Blythe, that really wasn't your best.

Not my best?

You pets didn't like my story?


I really liked it, Blythe.

Wait, it wasn't supposed to be scary was it?

It's a Halloween story!

Of course it was supposed to be scary.

Well, I thought it was super scary!

Horrifying! Yet oddly tantalizing.

Please! Anybody could come up with a scarier story than that.

[chattering agreement]

OK, since you're here a little later tonight

while your owners celebrate Halloween,

why don't we have a scary story contest?

Winner gets this candy-coated liver ball.

I am never trick-or-treating at the Gundersons again.

Pepper: Wait a second.

That's not fair!

Penny Ling's a master storyteller. She'll easily win.

Ah, scary's not really my thing.

But I am available for guest appearances in other stories.

Agh. Must Vinnie and I participate?

You don't want to participate? But you two love scary stuff.

Well, it's, it's kind of a 'love-hate' thing.

We love to hate it.

Or hate to love it. Not really sure which one it is.

Then this is just the motivation

to make it a love to love it thing.

I don't. Well, I do know a story.

Then Vinnie, you can be the judge! What do you say?

We are most definitely, probably maybe in. Or not.


Uh, thanks for taking the landing, Steph. [yawn] I'm beat.

I'm coming off back-to-back-to-back-to-back

international long-hauls. Haha! That's four backs.

I'm so jet-lagged, I don't even know what day it is.

Know what I mean, Stephanie? Stephanie?


Werewolves at the airport? I told them this day would come!

But did they listen? NO! AHHHHHHHHH!

Let the 'Littlest Pet Shop Of Horrors' story contest begin.

Judge Vinnie, you ready?


I think.

OK, then, I'll go first.

I have a story that'll scare the pants off you!

If you wear pants, that is.

Dawn broke over Littlest Pet Shop...

And by night, the pets would know... terror!

So, this fella will be staying with us all day and overnight.


The bat's owner is a handsome, charming gentleman.

Don't see people in capes much anymore. [sigh]

[mysterious chuckle]

Uh, Mrs. Twombly...?


Oh! [laugh] Anyhoo, this is Vlad.

I'm sure he won't cause any trouble.

Hi, I'm Penny Ling. But my friends call me... Penny Ling.

Everyone is my friend.

What's your story, 'Short, Dark, and Oh-so Handsome'?

My story is as old as time itself.

I come from a far-off land

and have spent an eternity looking for true love.

It fills my days... and my nights. Especially the nights.

[winsome sighs]

I am so Team Vlad.

I don't get it. Vlad's got the girls all in a trance.

How does he do it?

Hard to say.

Perhaps his rakish good looks?

Or his brooding manner. Or maybe it's just being a bat.

That's it! He's not just a bat! Dude is a vampire!

Oh, yes. Of course.

Wait. What now?

♪ [drums start]

What? Who has a drum machine?

♪ [synthesizer joins drums]


♪ He's handsome and he's charming, ♪

♪ There's no denying that

♪ But although he must be disarming ♪

♪ You cannot trust this bat!

♪ I wouldn't make it up And you know I ain't a liar! ♪

♪ So you better listen to me, pup, ♪

♪ Cause you're falling for a vampire! ♪

♪ The dude is a vampire A creature of the night ♪

♪ It's your neck he desires, So don't let him out of sight. ♪

♪ The dude is a vampire

♪ I'm telling you it's true

♪ He's after something tasty

♪ So watch out or it might be you! ♪

Oh, Russell, you're so wrong about Vlad.

Oh, you don't believe me?

Well, then look in the mirror!

No reflection!

No kidding! What mirror can contain that much handsome?

♪ [eerie organ]

♪ The sun begins to rise,

♪ And now I must retire

That's 'cause, dude, you are percent...


Come on! That's, like, Vampire !

♪ The dude is a vampire! ♪ A creature of the night

♪ It's your neck he desires So don't let him out of sight ♪

♪ The dude is a vampire I'm telling you it's true ♪

♪ He's after something tasty

♪ So watch out or it might be you! ♪

Ouch! Oh, that's going to leave a mark!

Ow! Where's my sunscreen?

Pretty scary, huh?

Actually, more gross than scary.

Seriously. A burning bat? Ugh! Nasty!

And the song felt gimmicky.

Well, let's see what the judge has to say. Vinnie?

Ugh! Super, super scary!

The winner is Russell!

Hey! We all get a chance.

OK. Sunil, your turn.

I can do this. I can do this. I cannot do this!

'Increase security,' I said.

'Put in a werewolf detector,' I said.

'Roger, you're being paranoid,' they said.


[tire screech]

Whaaa! It's not just werewolves! It's witches!

And, and ... hockey players!

[tire screech]

Yes! Safe!

[engine rattles]

The car's stopping. Why is the car stopping? Outta gas?


And the craft services table was...


Oh, come on!

What is scarier than a photo sh**t with lousy catering?

Uh, anything?

Now, here's a showbiz story that's actually scary.

[snoring mumbles]

[alarm beeps]

Oh, no! I'm late for my big show!

Hey, check me out. I can drive!


That was close. Ugh!


Yay. Airbag.


Pepper... Pepper...

[groan] Where am I?

Oh, goodie! You're awake!

Huh? Penny Ling?

Penny Ling? I'm not Penny Ling.


[maniacal laugh]

Uh, by the way, I know I said I'd guest star in a story,

but really, what's with this dress?


♪ [horror music]

You were in an accident.

And I found you and brought you back here.

And now I'm gonna nurse you back to health. Isn't that great?

Nurse me? But I'm fine. Look, I --Oh, uh [grunt]

No, you're not fine. Not fine at all.

In fact, you can't even move.

You have to let me go! I have a big show to get to!

That's funny, so do I!

Ahem. Evening, folks. How's everybody doing?


Hey, so what's the deal with airplane food?

They should call it air-lame food. Ha ha!

Oh! Not as awful as that joke.

Hey, I thought you were gonna 'nurse me back to health.'

Laughter's the best medicine!

You hear about the bankrupt skunk?

She didn't have a scent! HA! Hahaha!

So, the owl says to the baseball player,

"Whooooo's on first?" Ha ha! Get it?

[groan] No! [groan]


WHY AREN'T YOU laughing? MY JOKES ARE FUNNY! [laugh]

No! No, it's not funny! It's horrible! [scream]

Whew! I was just having a bad dream. [alarm beeps]

[gasp] I got a big show to do!


Thank you. Hey, so what's the deal with... bad dreams?

I'm your Number One Super-Fan!

I'm your Number One Super-Fan!

I'm your Number One Super-Fan!


Wow! That story's gonna be tough to beat. Minka, you wanna try?

Uh-uh. I can't top that creep-fest.

Then we might have a winner. What do you think, judge?

Maybe, although Sunil hasn't gone yet.

Sunil, are you gonna go?


Monsters. So many monsters. How am I gonna get home?


I can do this! I deal with much worse every day.

I eat airplane food!



Huh, well, it looks like Sunil bailed.

So congratulations, Pepper.

You've won the Littlest Pet Shop of Horrors scary story contest.

Come to Mama!

Sunil: HOLD IT!

Um, what's with the jacket, darling?

It's not a costume contest.

Oh, this is no costume.

This lab coat belonged to my great-grandfather.

Wait! You're not gonna tell the story of Dr. Sunilenstein...

are you?

Who was Dr. Sunilenstein?

He was a scientist.

And according to family legend, he was one mad mongoose.

[thunderclap and church organ]

He was also a genius. His first invention? Color.

But Dr. Sunilenstein wasn't satisfied with that

and began to experiment in the unnatural.

Mink-gor, the brain.

Here it is, Dr. Sunilenstein.

Perfect specimen, nurse. Where did you dig it up?

It was in a jar of mixed-nuts, master.

Hm. Ask a silly question.


OK, nurse. Throw the switch!


Yes! Yes!


It's alive! ALIVE!


It can walk!


♪ [waltz]

It can... dance?

Ha! Hahahaha! Daaaaaance!



Whoa! I'm a genius! I have created a dancing monster.

He will spread joy across Downtown City-alvania.

Dr. Sunilenstein, you've violated nature's laws

creating that creature.

Not to mention the blackout you caused

when you threw those switches!


No way, you green-skinned ghoul.


Um, I'd rather not. No offense.

Master, I thought you said the dancing monster

would spread joy.

It appears I have miscalculated.



STOP! He means no harm.

Sometimes we fear that which we do not understand.


Yes, my not-very-smart friend. Dance to your heart's content.

Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance!

That thing's gone mad!

Dance, dance, dance!

Wait! Careful! You're getting too close to the generator!

Dancedancedancedance-- WHOAAAAAAH!


[powering up]






Everything was destroyed.

All that was left was this lab coat

and a monster who was doomed to dance alone... forever.

D-d-did all that really happen?

It couldn't have. Could it?

I don't know. But according to family lore...

At night... when the moon is full... you can hear...




We did it!

Woo! Best Halloween story ever!


That was made up?

Your great grand-father wasn't a mad scientist?

B-but what about that lab coat?

He was a dentist. Treated every mongoose in his village.

Had a booming practice, too.

After all, your average mongoose has over teeth.

Ha ha! Well, I know which scary story was my favorite.

Being scared is so silly.

There's no such thing as mad scientists...

...or vampires, or zombies.


A Zombie!



Dad? What happened to you?

Blythe, we gotta get outta here!

The town's overrun with monsters and ghouls!

Dad, it's Halloween.

It is? Wow, that explains so much.

Well, I'm beat. Night, dear.

So, Sunil, in your story,

was the monster doomed to dance alone, forever?

No, not really. Dr. Sunilenstein built a new lab, and then...

♪ [scary church organ]

Rise! Rise, I say!

Wakey-wakey! After all that nappin', my toes are a-tappin'.

No time for a trance, I just need to--


♪ [rock'n'roll]