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04x03 - Ivan the Terrific

Posted: 05/11/22 05:47
by bunniefuu
Blythe: Almost done?

Yes. Almost... done?

I mean it's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but-



You don't like it.

Well, I don't know that it's a good everyday look, but...

If I ever get a job as a street performer,

I'll know who to come to for makeup lessons.


I don't know why, but it's a lot harder

to put this stuff on somebody else's face than it is your own.

It is for me, anyway.



Did you both say the same thing, just now? I mean, the obviously?


That's so cool you can understand each other.

I'd love to be able to talk to my pet... if I had one.

Blythe, I've been thinking:

my aunt has Buttercream and you have Zoe

and the rest of the day campers as your pet pals.

Well, maybe it's time for me to have a pet friend, too.

Really? I think that's awesome.

Yeah, but I wanna make sure I pick the right pet.

Darling, you can help her with that.

That's a great idea, Zoe.

What's Zoe's great idea?

That I can help you find the perfect pet.

Maybe I can set up a bunch of interviews and, you know,

pre-screen for the ones you'd like the best.

Ooh! This is getting exciting!

All you have to do is tell me what kind of pet you'd like.

Well...I'd like an adorable furry, or scaly, or feathery...

or fishy forever friend.

OK. Got it. Kinda general, but it's a starting point, now--

But they can't be too big or too small and if they're furry,

not overly furry.

They should be super-friendly, of course,

but it's OK if they're socially awkward, but not too awkward.

Sounds like you may have your work cut out for you.

You know, Zoe? I think you may be right.

♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be [yeah]

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me We can be [yeah] ♪

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me


Mrs. Twombly: Well, there we go.

Littlest Pet Street development project.

As if seen from a hot air balloon or large flying reptile.

Pretty good.




This looks like performing bear fur.

And if there's anyone who knows

what performing bear fur looks like,

it's me, Circus Animal Control Officer Clive Gimbal!

[sniff] P.U.! This performing bear needs a bath!


OK, Youngmee, over the last few days I've talked to

a bunch of prospective pets,

but maybe instead of showing you all the interviews,

Great! we can narrow things down a bit.

So, I'm sure by now you've decided if you want a mammal,

reptile, bird, or fish.

Um, yes?

You don't sound very sure.

Sorry. I guess I don't want to limit myself just yet.

OK. Do you have any thoughts on size?


Perfect. How big do you want your pet?

Big enough?


I'm sorry! I do know I want my pet to be able to move.

Well, that's a start.


Great idea to throw a snack party, Zoe.

Thanks, sweetie. I have my moments.

Mmmmm. Your mushroom cookies are fungus-tastic!

Glad you like 'em!

Wanna try my gourmet snack?

Isn't that just a banana?


OK! Mmmm!

Does anyone want some housefly souffle?




[gasp] Beh, beh, beh, beh

beh, beh, beh, beh, beh--

What is wrong. my friend?

Did we cause you emotional distress

by our unified rejection of your grotesque snack?




Why is a bear running loose in Downtown City?

Oh, no! This is the start of the bear-pocalypse

as foretold in that fine made-for-television film,

Bearpocalypse Meets Pirahnapalooza!

So true! Downtown City is no place for a frightening bear.


Oh, yeah! You're a bear in Downtown City.

Aha, ha. But, you are quite cute and non-threatening.

For the moment.

There's gotta be a logical explanation of why-


There's a very large bear standing right behind me,

isn't there?



Um, I'm a poodle, obviously, and I like squeaky toys best

as they sound like tiny mythological creatures

to my mind. You know, elves, gnomes, pixies.

Not trolls or ogres or the like. Just the friendly ones.

When I hear a squeaky toy, it takes me to my happy place.

Youngmee: What did she say?

She really loves squeaky toys because they remind her

of magical creatures and happy places.

Oh. I'm not sure how to react to that.

Yeah, me neither.

You all wouldn't happen to have any squeaky toys

or pixies here, would you?


[growls and clears throat]

[Russian accent]One moment, please. [clears throat]

Ah, there. Forgive me, the tiny window was unlatched

so I squeezed through and let myself in.

How did you ever do that?

I get much practice squeezing into tiny clown car at circus.

Also, please forgive for menacing noises.

I was not making with growl, but merely clearing throat.

It's full of dust out there.

Haha! If I may ask, what is this place?

Well, Mr. Big Bear, you've only stumbled

into the very best pet place in the whole wide world...

The Littlest Pet Shop! Nice hat, by the way.

Haha. Oh, thank you. My name Ivan.

I am circus performer who is also bear.

I not mean to impose, but would it be allowable to stay

for short period of time?

I was accidentally separated from travelling circus

and need place to hide out for a while.

Hide out? From what?

Not what, who. There is Circus Animal Control Officer

who has picked up my scent.

Where I come from, man in uniform chasing bear

almost never ends well... for bear.

[inhale] Now here I am, drawn in by the delightful aroma

of delicious-smelling pet treats.

So, may I stay until owner realizes I am missing?

Can you give us one moment, Ivan?


What should we do?

Need I remind everyone that, jaunty clown cap or not,

we're dealing with a big scary bear

with big scary claws and teeth?

Oh, please. Don't you think if he was going to eat us,

he would've done it by now?

Not necessarily.

He might've eaten recently and is just saving us for dessert.

Ah, that's just silly, Sunil.

Everyone knows bears don't like dessert.

As a bear, I can tell you that dessert

is the most important meal of the day. Not counting breakfast,

brunch, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner.

What if we tell him he can stay

as long as he doesn't gobble us up?

[agreeing chatter]

Ivan, we've decided you can stay

as long as you promise not to eat us.

It deal, my friends. Now, may I impose upon you

to share your scrumptious pet treats? [lip smacks]

Am so hungry I could eat a whole day camp full of pets.


Kidding! I'm kidder.

[relieved sighs]

Oh, you're making it too easy on me, Mr. Performing Bear.

Nothing escapes the watchful eye of Clive Gimbal,

Circus Animal Control Officer!

Yo, I'm a gerbil and I like to work out a lot.

You know what I mean? Lifting weights.

AH... burrowing under cedar shavings, whatever.

Any sort of thing that helps keep this bro fit and trim.

Oh, and I love Korean food. Kimchi is fantastic!

Spicy pickled cabbage... BOOM!

He likes exercising and eating Korean food.

Uh, I don't know...

Youngmee, I'm not just saying this because he's the th pet

interview we've seen,

but I think he might be perfect for you.

He's adorable and he likes kimchi.

He is adorable but, and do NOT tell my parents,

I don't like kimchi.

Whoa ..Whoa ... Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ... Gah!


[humming] Howling harpsichords! There's a bear in the hizzouse!

Well, the pets certainly seem to be getting along with him.

Oh, Blythe must've checked him in while I was upstairs working

on my model Littlest Pet Street.

I have to admit,

I never expected to see a huge bear in the day camp.

Then again, I never expected to be Downtown City's

biggest real estate mogul, either.

Take that, Fisher Biskit!

Apparently, I come across as being somewhat ah, intimidating,

but I can assure you that I'm as gentle a... as a

um.. Oh, what do they call them, ah?

With the little ears and the soft fur

and the, the, the, um, whiskers...

A kitten?

No. Uh... A wolverine! Hah! Yes!

I'm as gentle as a wolverine. Uh, I mean kitten.

♪ [Russian music]


[excited chatter]

And now I do impression of fearsome Siberian tiger.


[huge roar]

A Siberian tiger is on the loose!

Or a circus bear doing a very good impression

of a Siberian tiger?

Barking bouncing biscuits!

Don't tell me Blythe checked in a Siberian tiger, too!

Nopers, it's just that mildly intimidating brown bear

with the funny little hat.

Mental note to self: Talk to Blythe about a possible weight,

claw, and fang limit on future day campers.

So, tell us a little bit about yourself.


Huh. Well, he may not be much of a talker, but he sure is cute.

Look at the beautiful colors on those fins.

And low-maintenance! There's a lot to be said

for low-maintenance pets on account of they're...

low maintenance.

I guess so.

So I take it it's a no for this guy too?

I think so. I don't know.

You're supposed to know when you know, you know?

I know.

Let's take a break and grab something to eat.

As long as it's not kimchi.

[happy shouts]

All right!

Ivan, that was the best Siberian tiger impression

I've ever heard!

Ah, you know, my friends,

this is most relaxed I've been in years.


Da. Most people and even other animals are afraid of me.

Well, I was terrified.


If there is a word that combines those two emotions--


Right. I was that!

But now that we know you, Ivan, we can see you're just a

big softie in a diminutive, yet stylish clown hat.

I am grateful all of you are not types who judge bear

by his cover. [laugh]

Oh, that was joke that combined

both references to my physical nature

and well-known phrase that makes assumptions

about individuals and published works

based on outward appearances.

I am literary kidder, who is also bear.

I can't believe I forgot my phone. Sorry about that.

Don't worry about it. Café Café isn't going anywhere.

Who knows, we may even see Jason # of the Soul Patches there.

It is one of his hangouts, after all.


I know what you mean about being misjudged, Ivan.

A skunk walking into a room full of people or pets

never gets a positive reaction.

Nobody wants to hug me

because they think they'll get stuck by my quills.

But Russell, they will get stuck by your quills, will they not?

Well, yes, but it doesn't mean I wouldn't like a hug.

Come here, my little prickly friend.

Oooh, oh, ah... That's nice.




What the huh? A bear in the day camp?

Huh, Mrs. Twombly must have checked him in.

I should talk to her about possible weight, claw,

and fang limits on future day campers.




Hey, come back here!


Hey, some creepy guy in a uniform is looking in

through the window.

Ah! That's Circus Animal Control Officer

I told you about earlier.

If I am captured, who knows what will happen!

It's OK, he's gone.


May I help you?

Uh-oh! Here comes that officer man!


OK, performing bear, I know you're in here somewhere!

How do I know? You left a trail of fur balls

and discarded snack bags leading up to that back window.

That's how!

Excuse me, who are you, and what are you doing in my day camp?

I'm the city's circus animal control officer

and I'm looking for something that might be in here.

What kind of something?

Sorry, ma'am, it's against regulations to reveal

the object of my search until said furry object is located.

Well, these pets are not from the circus

and I don't think your intentions are any good.

I think I know I saw what I saw,

and I'll keep coming back until I think I know I see it, again!


Well, I think you won't!

Don't worry, I'm OK.

Oh! The nerve of some people.


Ooooo... I am done for.

Don't worry, Ivan. We'll do whatever we can

to hide you until your owner shows up.

I only hope you are successful, my friends.

Welcome to Littlest Pet Shop where we don't sell pets,

we cater to them. May I help you ...sir?

No, no just looking around.

Well, help yourself. We don't only cater to pets,

we cater to customers, too.

[escaping air]

Ha..Heh, heh ...Hello again.

Gahhh! Oomph! Don't worry, I'm OK!

Sorry about all of this trouble, Blythe.

I don't know why, but I thought it would be easier for me

to pick the right pet.

Yeah, me too.

Don't worry.

It's like you said, you'll know when you know.


It doesn't look like Jason # made it here, today. Oh, well.

What the who? O.M.G! That's the bear I just saw at the day camp!

The bear in the where?

In the shop's day camp! He's hanging out with the pets.

That's odd. It says he's missing. And his name is Ivan.

Ooh, good pet name. I'm gonna remember that one.

Come on, we've gotta get back to the shop.

OK, where is he?

Where's who?


Heh heh heh...

Why don't you come down from there

before you hurt yourself, Ivan?


How you know me, when I have never known you?

I'm Blythe and I got your name from this.

Oh, that is me! Where did you get?

Your owner put it up. He's been looking for you,

so I called and told him where you are.

His owner isn't the only one looking for him.

This is why I hid on ceiling.

An officer of control is also looking for me

to no doubt take me to circus animal jail,

or something equally unbearable!

I must stay out of sight until my owner arrives.

Well, that'll be pretty soon.

[horn toots]

As a matter of fact, that should be him now.

♪ [circus music]




[stretching sound]


Oh, I'm so sorry.

I thought you might be someone else.

How can I help you, sir?


Your name is Bumples, and someone called and said

your pet performing bear is at Littlest Pet shop?

That would be me, Mrs. Twombly.

I called Bumples; his bear is right here.

Mad clown horn interpreting skills, by the way.

[fast toots]

Now, that's the kind of connection I want to have

with my pet. If I ever get one, that is.

You will. We're just making sure you get the right pet.

Well, my little pet friends, thank you

for letting me share some quality good times with you.

Littlest Pet Shop is indeed

'the very best pet place in the whole wide world.'

Must go. Good-bye all!


Aha! There you are-- AH!


[horn toots]

Well, it looks like you won't be able to take Ivan

to circus animal jail, after all.

Circus animal jail?

You're watching too much reality TV, little missy.

Then why were you after him?

To inspect his tiny clown hat.

According to section . B of the Downtown City Circus

animal care code, and I quote,

'All circus animal headgear shall be inspected

on an annual basis for the purpose of determining

if repair or replacement is necessary.'

I just needed to make sure his jaunty little chapeau

wasn't in violation of code.

Well, we certainly can't have that.

Well... I must be off.

That's an understatement.

OK, what are you two doing here? You're already somebody's pet.

Personally, I am here because I wanted to experience the joy

of being chosen, once again, as there is no happier feeling.

After that I was going home.

I'm here because the new guy invited me.

New guy?


[loud laughter]

This guy's hilarious!
