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09x10 - Never Say Never

Posted: 05/09/22 14:07
by bunniefuu
Previously on When Calls the Heart...



Get out of the car.

That'll make the m*rder charges
against you so much easier.

Did you co-sign our bank loan?

I know that you would have
done the same thing for me, too.

I would have asked you first.

Jeffrey's pursuing the
false charge against me.

I'm required to appear in
the court back in Chicago.

Well, Walden has told
Bill that I've kept records

of these illegal activities
hidden in my office.

The books Walden told you about,
right where he said they'd be.

For the past several days I
can't seem to eat or sleep.

The recent turn of events
involving Lucas and his arrest

have left me numb.

I know Lucas.

He is an honest, honorable man,

and most of the people in
Hope Valley feel the same.

But there are those who still wonder

if he could have actually been
partnered with Wyman Walden.

- Hey, Nathan.
- Joseph.

Fiona sent breakfast for you, too.

She's helping at the cafe.

Oh, that's nice.

- Hold on a second.
- Good morning, Lucas.

There's no reason for you
to have breakfast in there.

Thank you, Joseph. That's very kind.

Unless, of course, you want to.

Bye, now.


Yes, I am.

Very excited about building
this case against Walden

and that thug, Spurlock.

What's on your mind?

Well, I thought we could talk
some more about me resigning.

What's going on with you?

Oh, I just need a few days away, a week.

And as long as I've lived in Hope Valley

helping people was simple.

An easy "yes".

But then I became mayor
and now it seems that,

because of this rule or that regulation,

all I've been doing
lately is saying "no".

I'm not one for giving up, but...

this job just may not be for me.

I see.

Well, if you're gone for
more than a couple of weeks

I'm coming to get you.

ROSEMARY: I am just so nauseous.

LEE: So does she have a fever?

- . .
- Huh.

Chances are you have a
touch of the stomach bug

that's been going around.

Oh, yes, I heard of that.
Some time ago, though.

Mmm. This is a new one, I'm afraid.


And it is unpleasant.


I'll fill the same prescription for you

as I did for Molly for
bismuth subsalicylate.

I think Rosemary's just about ready

to try anything at this point.

Even things we can't pronounce.

You should rest and drink fluids

if you can manage to hold them down.

I will do my best. Thank you.


Well, enough of this shilly-shallying,

we have a newspaper to publish.

Oh, no, no, no. No, we don't,

Not today.

You are going home
and I'm going with you.

Honey, there is nothing
I would like more,

but we have our meeting
with Arthur Gilchrist.

We'll reschedule.

He's coming all the
way from San Francisco.

Sweetheart, he has
other business in town.


We will discuss this
later. At the office.


Where I promise I
will rest on our couch.


There's something I miss.

What's that?

Having someone to take care of me.

My husband's been gone so long
though I almost can't remember.



JEROME: Miss Miller.

Gentlemen, welcome.

I trust your trip was a good one.

It was rather smooth, actually.

The transition to steel rails

makes all the difference, doesn't it?


Fiona, it's as lovely meeting
again as it was the first time.

Better, in fact.

Uh, would you gentlemen care
to wash before getting together?

I'd find that civilized.

Jerome never turns down
a chance to freshen up.

Well, right this way.

I'll have your bags brought
to the Queen of Hearts.


Excuse me.

Are you really going?

Oh, it shouldn't be very long.

- And Fiona, good luck with the oil deal.
- Thank you.

ROSEMARY: Blaaargh!

LEE: Okay, okay, thank
you. Thank you so much.

I'm sorry.


LEE: Are you okay?

Did you two meet Mr. Gilchrist?

Oh, yes. I made quite the impression.

Yeah, that... that would
be an understatement.

I'm not feeling very well.

Maybe we should head
back to the office or...

- Lee...
- Oh.

- I think we better...
- Fiona, sorry.



Are you sure you wouldn't
rather be at home in bed?

I just need to sit still
and let my stomach settle.

How is Lucas?

Oh, I actually haven't
been to the jail yet.

I was on my way there
when I ran into Lee

and he told me about what happened.

You're a good friend. Thank you.

But go and see him.

I will be fine, and I don't want
you possibly catching anything

and passing it along to
him or to little Jack.


A-ha, there she is.

I brought you tea,
with a whisper of lemon

and a kiss of honey for my honey.

- I'm sorry you had to hear that.

ELIZABETH: It's all right.

Well, now that Lee is
here I think I will go.

You feel better.

- Bye, Elizabeth.
- Bye, Lee.

Morning house calls?

Oh, of sorts.

I'm off to check on Bill and
then back to see Rosemary.


Have you heard anything from Mei?

Only that Jeffrey is maintaining
his falsehoods against her.

Falsehoods in the court of law.

Elizabeth, I hope you're aware

that none of us question
Lucas's innocence.

I think there are at least a few.

Nathan and Bill are doing their jobs.


But they know Lucas.


Breakfast was great. I appreciate it.

- Mmm-hmm.
- And thanks to Fiona.

Mmm. Well, Fiona left
for her second job.

Or her third. She does work hard.

You know, um...

what I'd really like is another
piece of that gooey butter cake.

Help yourself.

What do you call this, anyways?

Gooey butter cake.


You're wearing out the boardwalk
pacing back and forth like that.

Two of the investors are
due over here any minute.

From what I heard, the deal was done.

- Mmm-hmm.
- So, why are you so nervous?

One of them, the younger one,
I can't quite get a handle on.

Sorry, I nibble when I'm nervous.

Yeah, I noticed.

I just wanna do my job the best I can

and be treated with respect.

But, I think, he's interested in me.

I see.

Well, um, when I have to
deal with someone like that,

people that stand in my way,

I find it best to be direct.

Not look away.

And don't be afraid to just say no.

But you carry a g*n.

- Mmm?
- Good point.

Wish me luck?

Why? You don't need it. You're smart.

And Mike left just like that?

Uh, I'm sure Hickam will be fine.

Being mayor may not be in his blood.

- Speaking of which.
- Oh, over .

- A-ha!
- Mmm-hmm.

You know, I have to say that
is excellent for someone your-

My what?


You better get that.



Yes, Florence.

I have an attorney from Granville.

Put him through. Thank you.

Connecting you now.

This is Bill Avery.


Good morning, counsellor.

Well, first of all,

your client was involved in
the hit and run of a Mountie

so a plea deal is completely
out of the question.

I'm listening.

Hey. How's Bill doing?

Ah, you were right. He does seem better.

Well, I told you I'd keep an eye on him.

Ha. I appreciate that.

But you two still have
a very long way to go

to prove that you are not
the worst patients ever.

- Come on.
- Hey.

You and Bill don't actually think

that Lucas is in cahoots with Walden.

I'm trying to keep an open mind, Faith,

but, you know, Lucas was
into some dirty dealings

before he arrived.

But should that have any bearing now?

Why didn't he come to Bill and I?

Well, Elizabeth thought that

Lucas wanted to do it all himself

and that maybe Walden
would figure things out

if you and Bill were in on the grift.

The grift? Listen to you.

What? That's the word, isn't it?

Lucas wanted to beat
Walden at his own game.

- Besides, he is innocent until...
- Until proven guilty. Yes, I know.

Faith, I'm just... I'm
trying to do my job.

You're trying to do your job.


Yes. I know.


Nathan did offer to let
me out for breakfast.

I assume you just stayed in your cell?

You have not wavered
in your belief in me.

Thank you.

Of course.

But it must hurt for anyone
to be less than supportive.

With people making
assumptions about my character

I'm starting to know a little
bit about how Henry feels.

And things are bound to
get even more unpleasant

when news leaks about the
mine possibly reopening.

I'm so sorry that this is happening.

And that it's all falling
around your birthday.

I haven't even gotten a chance
to give you your present.

Lucas, it was a wonderful
evening just the same.

But, you know, I do have a gift for you.

- No.

I forget that you like
to give other people gifts

on your birthday.

Elizabeth, this is very handsome.

Our time has come?

Yes, it has.


You two.

I've got news.


Sorry, sweetheart. I
didn't mean to wake you.

No, no. I was just dozing.
What was that noise?

Oh, well I just thought maybe I
would use my time constructively

so I've been working on my typing.

That's wonderful. How far did you get?

Well, I'm very good
with A. B not so much.

The rest is a mystery.

Well, you stick with it, sweetheart.

- Oh, our meeting.
- With Gilchrist?


Oh, it's all right. I cancelled it.

Actually, I think I cancelled.

Yeah, I think you did.

Probably for the best.

I suppose we can rearrange for tomorrow.

Ah, only if you're feeling better.

Which reminds me, Faith came by

but you were dozing so
she's gonna come by later.

I think I'll walk over and see her now.

Oh, ok. Sounds like a great idea.

Alone. You understand.

Of course I do. Can I at least walk you?

I'd like that.


You wanted to see me?

What is he doing here?

I got a call from the attorney

who's representing the man who hit you.

He wants to make a deal.

Well, of course you told him no.

I did, then I found
out what he had to offer

in exchange for the plea.

I don't care, Bill.

Nathan, would you please just listen?

We haven't even heard
yet what he's asked.

The man who hit you
was racing out of town

because Walden had hired him

to plant the incriminating
ledgers in Lucas's office.

He got scared and he took off.

Now, his testimony would
almost certainly assure

that Lucas is exonerated.

And what does he want in
exchange for a hit and run?

Or tampering with evidence? Or
leaving the scene of a crime?

Or almost k*lling me and my horse?!

He'd walk free.

Perhaps we should head
down to the derricks?

Fiona, let me ask you, this area here.

Would you take Mr. Smith
and myself to see it?

The coal mines are in the opposite
direction from the derricks.

Arthur, that's the last
place you want to go.

There's little or nothing to see,

and what there is

remains covered in a
thick black coal dust.

It's rather unpleasant.


- Hello?
- It's due diligence, Jerome.

And with my meeting cancelled
today at the Valley Voice...


I certainly have time.

Well, it looks like Lucas
will join our meeting

in Bill's office after all.

Yet still no sign of Henry?

No, sir.

Well, let's satisfy Mr.
Gilchrist's curiosity

and swing by the coal mines.

Don't fret, Jerome.

I'm sure Fiona will find
you somewhere to freshen up.

It's really the strangest thing.

Right now... I don't
feel one bit of nausea.

In fact, I could go for

a big scoop of honey vanilla ice cream.


It's definitely the
oddest flu I've ever had.

I don't know, I'm normally
so in tune with my body

but right now I... oh.


I really can't make
heads or tails of this.


I can... I think.

Rosemary, you might be pregnant.

Sorry, what did you say?

You might be pregnant.


Well, that's the funniest thing.

With this in it actually
sounded like you said "pregnant".

I did.

- Wha...
- I have gone through your chart

and over all your paperwork.

I... I think I need to lie down.

After all this time.

But there's a chance I'm not.

Every indication is that you are.


Oh... but it would be so early.

Let's just wait and see what
happens over the next few weeks.



I'd rather not tell Lee. Not
until we're absolutely sure.

If I even am at all.

Otherwise it would just break his heart.

Walden hid the ledgers
behind this panel.

They were here the whole
time and I didn't even know.

His insurance in case
he wanted to double deal.

Gotta give it to him, the man's smart.

I'd say devious.

That too.

Knowing he'd always
have the upper hand on me

and could blackmail me at any time.

I'm thankful that your
name has been cleared.

Well, if Nathan decides
he doesn't want Bill

to accept the plea deal,
it might be short-lived.

Whatever happens, we'll get through it.

You're gonna come visit me in jail?

Every day and twice on Sunday.

Well, according to my
spectacular new watch

it's time for the meeting.

I'll be waiting.



Jos... hi.

Are you coming in?

Is that all right?

Of course it is, Lee.


I don't want anything
standing in between you and me.

I don't either, and that's why I'm here.


I didn't listen to you about the loan.

I mean, I did, I
listened to you, but I...


I didn't hear you.


You know, when I found out
you went behind my back,

I can't tell you how that made me feel.


I mean, you might be able
to understand as a man

who wants to be a provider,

but I'm not certain that
you could ever understand

the rest of it.

And that's not your fault.

I don't want you carrying it for me.

I appreciate you coming
down to talk to me, Lee.

I just wanna look ahead to
my family's and my future.

You're a good man, Joseph Canfield.

You're a good friend.


Thank you, gentlemen.

Lucas, we appreciate you
being so accommodating.

It's Bill's office, Mr. Smith.

I'm simply providing the table.

Arthur, join us.

Finalizing this deal's
been a long time coming.

Uh, Lucas, you two haven't met yet.

Lucas, Arthur Gilchrist.

I've heard lots about you from Fiona.

Miss Miller, please.

Of course. I meant no disrespect.

All right.

Should we all have a seat

and try closing this agreement of yours?

Even in a reduced
capacity with Miss Miller

taking over for Henry I have
to say I wish he were here.

I'm sure you heard we had
to toss him out on his ear

at our last meeting in San Francisco.

I still think we were a bit rough.

I never toughed the
man. Did I, Miss Miller?

No, you didn't.

I'm not late, am I?

You sure know how to make an entrance.

Well, I would have been here sooner

if I hadn't have had
to track down Collin.

Can you tell me about that man again?

Collin McCorry of Scotland,

where he did his fair share of mining

before he landed here when
this was still Coal Valley.

So, you trust that these
maps are reliable then?

He's as good as any geological engineer,

he just never went to school for it.

And he believes that this
mine cannot be reopened

without a significant risk of collapse.

It's his finding that it
can never be made safe.

No matter what we do.

So far they haven't
mentioned reopening the mines.

Smith, or likely
Gilchrist, will tomorrow.

If it wasn't Elizabeth that
told me about the mine...

- Mmm-hmm.
- What would we do?

Oh, that's easy. We'd print the story.

And if we didn't, and word dribbled out,

which eventually it would.

Rumors spread like wildfire

creating all kinds of misinformation.

Then why aren't we publishing?

I don't know.

Maybe it'd be too impersonal
for people to find out that way?

And I'd be breaking my bond
with Elizabeth, my best friend.

- Oh, ow, Lee.
- Sorry.

I gave her my word.

Who said "he who dares not
offend cannot be honest"?

I don't know.

But I do know who said
I should talk to Joseph

before underwriting
his and Minnie's loan.

I'm gonna go talk to Elizabeth.

Ok, but you might uh...
you might need those.



How would you feel about

me building a treehouse
with little Jack?

I think he might be a bit young to help.

Yeah, but I thought it
could be something fun

we could do together.

Lucas, you are wonderful with him.

So yes. Why not? See how it goes.

If nothing else he'll enjoy
being outdoors with you,

playing with rocks, I'm sure.


- Oh!
- Rosemary.

Lucas. I'm sorry.

I wouldn't barge in if it
wasn't something important.

It's late. I'll leave you two.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Thank you for being so understanding.

I'll put the kettle on.
So we can talk over tea.

Oh. I woke you.

I must have nodded off.

I was headed home and I saw your light,

and as usual here you are, overworking.

[CHUCKLES] Is that a
professional opinion?

The opinion of someone who knows you.


And what happens in this town,
you can only bear so much.

Well, as I've told you before, Faith,

they don't make 'em like me anymore.

Bill, I didn't just
happen to be passing by.

I spoke with Carson.

I wanted his opinion on your symptoms.

Well, you had no right to do that.

- I'm worried about you.
- But I'm not.

And if you don't mind,
Faith, I have work to do.

Bill, please. Get some rest.


You are putting Lucas in a bad light.

That is not my intention.

- Well, I don't understand why...
- I don't like this any more...

- I already told you...
- I'm not asking your permission.

I think it is the
responsible thing to do

for everyone concerned
to print tomorrow.

Would you please just listen to me?

Yes. Of course.

With the oil company

Lucas ran and sold looking
to possibly reopen the mine?

People will blame him.
They already blame Henry.

Well, then this story
could help clear up-

Can't you please just wait

until you have all of the
facts before publishing?

Then let people think what they want.

I won't care then.

I told you all of this in
confidence, as my friend.

I wish you could see
things from my perspective

as our town's newspaper editor.

You've already made up your mind

to publish tomorrow, haven't you?

Rosemary, I really
hope you'll reconsider.


- Lucas.
- Nathan.

You have a moment?

At this time of night

I suppose if I said no
you wouldn't believe me.

Want to sit?


You know, I appreciate
it when it's like this.


No one's around.

When I'm riding up
and down these streets

or out by the row houses

I'm reminded why I...

why I wanted to be a
Mountie in the first place.

To protect these people. Keep them safe.

Keep order.

It's important to me.

And part of that is
holding people accountable

for their actions.

This plea, to me it's like
trading one wrong for another.

- It just doesn't...
- I understand.

I haven't made up my mind yet.

I want you to know how hard
this decision is for me.

And I want you to know
that this isn't about us.

I appreciate you saying that.

Good night, Nathan.

What do you suppose that's about?

Well, I'd like to think
my etiquette column

is getting some attention.

Manners once lost are hard to find.

- Good morning, Molly.
- Morning.



You have to see this!

They have a right to know.

I'm sorry. I spoke to Lee...

I was trying to protect Lucas.

And I wanted to protect the
town from troubling news.

But after speaking with you

and after reading your article...

I realized they have a right to know.

It was good.

And fair.

And it was the right thing to do.

Still, I'm not happy about
the way things unfolded.

Publishing may have been
the right thing to do

but it was the wrong
way to go about it and...

I'm sorry. I won't betray
your trust like that again,

not for the newspaper, not for anything.

I'm so glad to hear you say that.

I don't like the idea
of us not being able

to share things with each other.

I don't wanna be guarded with you.


I'm so sorry you're still
feeling under the weather.

Um. I wanted to tell you...

Maybe Faith should come
by and check on you.

I don't have a fever.

No, you don't. You're
actually quite cool.

You even have pink cheeks.
You look like you're glowing.


I was trying to tell you.

Yes. Maybe.



You're gonna have a baby?


FIONA: Line item , maintenance

and cost of said maintenance

- of all equipment relating to...
- Oh, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Is that your legal rendering?

No, it's my rubbish rendering.

I don't have time to
dance around this anymore.

Gentlemen, is your
intention to reopen the mine?

Unfortunately, it's not that simple.

It is that simple.

I'd like to acknowledge

that a binding agreement's
already in place.

And what we eventually do-

We live in the shadow of that mine.

Forty-seven men died there.

And that is why I don't
believe this issue is as simple

as it's been characterized.

This may be a good time
to take stock of ourselves

and what we want out of this agreement.

We'll adjourn for now.


Ah, Rosemary. What can I do for you?

Well, I was hoping to get a slice of...

Oh, this gooey butter cake that
I've been hearing so much about.

To take with me. Please, Joseph.

All righty.

I went for a walk and I
might have overdone it.

Oh, do you want me to get Lee for you?

No, no. I'll be fine.

Oh, it's the funniest thing.

Despite feeling like this,

well, I still want a piece of that cake.

[CHUCKLES] You won't
regret it. There you go.

- Thank you.
- Mmm-hmm.

Joseph, when you and I first met,

the morning Lee injured his back?

I remember that.

You dropped him off at the infirmary.

As you were leaving you said

"I'll be praying for your husband".

I remember that, too.

I know those weren't just words.

And ever since then, from time to time,

well, I've been praying that Lee and I

might some day have a baby.

Well, I believe that
god hears all our prayers

and answers every one of them.

Not always the way we want, of course.

- You do?
- Yes, I do.

Thank you.

And thank you.

You're very welcome. Enjoy.

JEROME: My interest was
never in coal, Henry.

I believe that oil is
this country's future.

The world's future.

But Arthur convinced the others
to reap additional benefits

by selling that coal to the foundry.

What are we doing?

Let's conduct business
the way we used to.

Civilized. Cordially.

Across a table and over two glasses.



Listen, I know Lucas is busy
with business negotiations.

Oh, you heard that, did you?

- Jack, Mountie Nathan's here.
- Okay.

I wanna let you know, I'm
advising Bill to take the plea.

You have no idea what this means.

Well, it's the right thing to do.

As a Mountie and all that you stand for,

I have an idea of what it took
for you to make this decision.

Thank you.

Mountie Nathan.

Mountie Jack.

Can I get you anything else?

No, thank you, Mr. Canfield.

How did you enjoy that pot roast?

Oh, not a bit, I'm afraid.


Wait, maybe there is something else.


The mine disaster.

Tell me about it?

Well, my family and I weren't
living here at the time

but I believe I can fill you
in on the scars that it's left.


If you'd care to sit.

Oh, yes.

Where do I begin?

Those tunnels are , feet deep.

Henry, you need not remind me.

I don't care what kind of
skilled labor you put in there.

You can't put men in there

without proper drainage and ventilation.

It's been years since coal
was excavated in this area.

There have to be better,
more efficient ways.

Better, but not good enough.

Sweetheart, I called the house

and when you didn't
answer I rushed over.

I'm sorry, I... I didn't
mean to make you worry.

You should be at home
resting on the couch.

Well, at home resting on
the couch sounds very nice.

- Well then let me drive you.
- All right.

- Lee?
- Yes?

I love you.

Well gee, sweetheart, I love you, too.

Now let's go.

We could go to court over
Judge Parker's ruling,

but his decision has
numerous weak points

and we'd only be
delaying the inevitable.

Allow Miss Miller to handle
the affairs of the oil company

while you and I handle the mine.

We'll work together to make
sure the working conditions

are made safe.

And if they can't be, well then,

nothing ventured, nothing gained.

What do you say?

What's this? What's this? Oh, a dragon.

What's this?

- Those are binoculars.

I can see you guys from far away.

Do we seem far away?

Wait, what's this?

That looks like a doll.

No, a statue doll.

Do you feel like celebrating tonight?

What do you have in mind?

Just another quiet dinner.

Yes. And that reminds me... binoculars

that I've forgotten to give
you your birthday present.



Telephone, buddy.

Just a moment.



- LUCAS: Yes please, Florence.


I appreciate you letting me know.

Henry's agreed to manage the mines.

So, they're definitely being reopened.

I'm afraid we're out of options.

Lucas, this isn't your fault.

I bear at least some responsibility.

Well, I don't believe that.

When Bill placed the call
Florence asked what it was about.

She's understandably very upset.

Tonight's not a night for celebration.

Would you mind if we postponed?

Of course not.

Thank you.

Oh, hey. You coming up?



Thanks, buddy.


Molly. Florence.

I'm sure you've heard what's gone on.

I'm sorry, I... I...


You're a hateful man, Henry.

How could you let this happen?

On my birthday, I thought
you were gonna propose.

I thought maybe you changed
your mind about this.

Happy belated birthday.

[ANNOUNCER] Only one episode
left before the season finale.

You are sure determined
to reopen the mine.

How much did he pay you

in exchange for the lives
that will be lost here?

I was counting on Henry
being the same Henry.

I was wrong.

- (expl*si*n BOOMING)
- Boom!

- Boom indeed.
- That felt big.

[ANNOUNCER] "When Calls the Heart"
is all-new, next Sunday night at .