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01x03 - New Angels of Promise

Posted: 05/09/22 07:54
by bunniefuu


Uber owns no vehicles.
Facebook creates no content.

Alibaba has no inventory.

The world is shifting
from tangible assets

to digital convenience.

That is why I'm here presenting
this idea to the panel, today.

We've developed an app to bring

the $ trillion derivative industry

to the blockchain by the year ,

with our half percent
fee charged on collateral

deposited in our smart contracts.

May I ask you to pause it for a second?

So using your app, I
take my Bitcoins

- and pretend it's Apple shares?
- Yes.

So, it's a bit like in trade.

Yeah, you're planning to launch
other asset classes, yeah?

I guess it wasn't clear
from my presentation.

Well, we're Book Club, we like clarity.

This isn't Y Combinator.

We've created the
framework for someone else

- to create digital assets...
- No. I got that.

- So it won't be our problem.
- Well, it will be your problem.

Because to the SEC or to the CSDC,

it's gonna look like a brokerage trade.

Which exemptions do you plan to use?

I don't have the answer
to that right now.

I won't pretend to have
the answer when I don't.

All right. Well, "right now"
doesn't exist in a vacuum.

So, why don't you think
about what I've said

and come back in a year,
'cause it's a great idea?

[WHISPERING] Excuse me,
sir. Ms. Flood is outside.

[HATCH] What do you mean she's
outside? Why isn't she here?

Uh, if you could excuse me.


Hey. Edes, what's up? Is it the AC?

I had them turn it off.

We're in puddles of sweat in there.

I had to have three Kahlua
popsicles to cool off.

Why aren't you in there?

What are you doing here, Wyant?

Hatch, as I'm sure you're aware,

OriGen doesn't require notice for...

Well, for termination.

What are you talking about?

[WYANT] We received
confirmation minutes ago.

- Confirmation of what?
- That you're a f*cking thief.

- What?
- Thomas Newton's tenth patent

was found on your personal computer.

By removing it from OriGen,

you violated your
non-disclosure agreements.

- We need you to sign, Hatch.
- [SCOFFS] No.

f*ck you! I was doing a
risk audit of Dad's annuities.

I'm the risk officer. That's my job.

Which patent whore were you selling to?

- Is it Intel? Apple?
- Edie, please.

I wasn't stealing anything
and I wasn't selling anything.

I was trying to understand
the f*cking thing.

Wyant, can you go recharge in
your flying pod or whatever?

I need to talk to my baby sister.

I didn't mean that pejoratively.
I mean, like a powerful baby.

A baby who can run a company...

You are the infant here.

You are so incompetent.

You disguised the patent on your
computer as a f*cking recipe.

For hummus? I'm the vegan, Hatch.

You eat cigarettes wrapped in shit!

Whatever contracts Dad inherited
when he took over OriGen

have left us with massive exposure.

It's even more insulting that you think

you can distract me with this bullshit.

Did you know that that
patent was classified as

top secret by the US
Department of Energy?

Which is f*cking terrifying?

You didn't. And neither did I.

Because Dad didn't see fit to tell us

before he jumped off a cliff.

Why would he tell you anything

given how little he thought of you, huh?

You somehow managed to be
roiling in contempt for him

while drowning in Kahlua.

Kahlua, in the st century.

You've never been able
to get past that Dad left

controlling interest
of the company to me...

So that he could control
you from the grave!

You never wanted to see what he was.

- He was a visionary.
- He wasn't the visionary.

No. No, no, no.

I am not gonna let you make this

about your obsession with that freak.

Nobody knows what Thomas Newton's

tenth patent was. Nobody
knows what it does.

Why was it written in base ?

That's not even our number system.

It's a word salad.

That's why it's been sitting
on a shelf for years.

Then why was it classified
the second that he disappeared?

I'm not engaging in
this. You're a thief.

- Who f*cking cares? Sign.
- You should care.

Because without Newton's
patents OriGen is nothing.

His tech was magic.

It was like from another planet.

Another planet? Oh, my God.

Can we please... Can this
just be about you and me?

I've been k*lling myself
holding this company together.

The only way we make money,
Hatch, is with those patents,

and you tried to go sell
one to our competition.

It doesn't matter that it's old

and it doesn't matter that it's useless.

You did it to f*ck me
because you're jealous!

Because you hate that Dad hated you.


Dad had a million secrets that
you never wanted to look into.

This one is dangerous enough

to be squashed by the US government.

This conversation's
over. Sign the papers.

Please, can I...

Can I just say "Please, don't fire me?"

Look, OriGen is all that
I have. It's all that I am.

I love it despite Dad.

I don't know anything else.

I... Look, I can't...

I can't bargain with you. I
can't, um, thr*aten consequences.

I can just say, "Please,
don't fire your brother."


I'm erasing you.

He would've been happy about this.

Yeah, he would.



Whatever's in that patent, there's...

no way it doesn't come back to burn you.



[STRAINED] Can we go to Seattle now?

[WEAKLY] Water.

- Water.
- He hardly weighs a thing.

[FARADAY] Water.


[JUSTIN] Oh, my God.


I need something. Come on, come on.


- More.
- Here. Here.

- [JOSIAH] Come on.


- Oh, sh...

[JUSTIN] Oh, my God. Oh, my God.



- Oh, my God.



- [JOSIAH] Oh.

We can go to OriGen now.


Bless you.

God bless you.


I can shave.



I... I'm not ready for this.

[JOSIAH] Don't be afraid, Juzzie.

It's okay. Come on.

Come here.


Why are you crying?


There's a price for everything, Dad.

Well, maybe we already paid it.

I know how impossible this all seems.

But now there's this man...

[JUSTIN] He's not just a man, Dad.

[JOSIAH] I know.

He needs you to take him...

[JUSTIN] Yeah, I'm not
leaving you and Molly now, Dad.

Now is exactly the time to leave.

We don't know if it's real, or...

It feels real.

Real as anything.

And even if it goes away,

everything is different now.

It's still you and me, Dad.

You and me have been twisted around

a couple of times already.


I should never have let it happen.

What does that mean?

You think you owe me.

- Oh, I do.
- No.

- I do...
- No!

But I let you think that.

You think your penance
for what has happened

is for you to quash your light

because it's been blinding sometimes.

No one...

No one would ever

want you to close the
doors on your mind.

Now there's a door in front of you.

On the other side is something
I could never imagine.

And this man...


This man came to you for help.

How could you possibly deny
yourself this next step, huh?

You would lose your mind,

and I will not be your excuse.

I don't want you here any longer.

Not a minute, do you understand?


Molly will be fine.


Look at me.


Come. Come.

One groove.



I want to give you a gift.


My mother, Alma, made
me a presentable man.

Now, you are traveling across
the country with my daughter.


We are going to have to tighten this up.

Gotta keep it tight.

See? Tight.


I'll only be gone a few days, okay?

Mom! Get out of the house,
you drive everyone crazy.

You've been cast out.

Please, baby Jesus, cast her out!

Molly, Molly, Molly. I need
to speak to you about Grandpa.

Yeah, yeah. Grandpa's
cured. Grandpa's all better!

He said he took like a
hundred million medicines

and this morning's medicine
was the one that achieved...

- Mass.
- ... mass.

[BOTH] 'Cause that's science.

And we're gonna make Eggos.

- And pancakes!
- And pancakes.

[BOTH] All by ourselves!

- So...
- On one...

[BOTH] Bye!


He looks regular.

funk music continues playing

music stops

What did you do

to my dad?

I realigned him.

How long will he be like he is now?

The rest of his life.


I just...

Thank you.

A temporary solution
is not a solution, boo.



None of that.

You know, you say things
without understanding context.

That seems to be the strategy here.

The misperception regarding
communication on this planet

is the illusion that it has taken place.

Stop it.


You have to tell me the plan.

In the vaults of OriGen

is Thomas Newton's tenth design.

He failed to build it.

We have to build it.

Tenth design? You said it was fusion.

Your dissertation theorized

the possibility of fusing atomic nuclei

by combining magnetic field
containment with plasma...

No, no, no, no. There's no way

of reaching the kind of
temperatures you'd need.

And even if you could,

there's still way too many questions

about breeding enough tritium.

Drive over there.

[JUSTIN] It's dead.


- Are you all right?


[JUSTIN] Uh... Are you all right?





There is no radioactivity.



This is cold fusion?


Quantum. Ta-da.

How long will this pumpjack run for?

- Decades.
- How'd you scale it?

I mean, this is generations ahead of...

Centuries beyond human understanding.

- An energy cell.
- A prototype.

- You built it?
- No.

Thomas Newton was the architect.

I assembled the components.

Totally clean? No radiation, no decay?

But this prototype
powered my journey here.

It is nearly drained.

The tenth design is
for a regenerating cell.

Inexhaustible. Limitless.

It will restore Anthea's
core temperature.


Oh, my God.

It's barely warm.

Our sea is boiled.

To achieve fusion, we need...


You... You came for water.

Earth is on the same trajectory,

facing the same collapse.

You know this. It is in your work.

I could've never imagined this.

You did imagine.

You came closer than
anyone in human history.

And when you couldn't continue,

you still chose to work

as a caretaker of the planet.

Where are you going?

Yeah. I just... I need a minute.

[FARADAY] We have to get to...

[JUSTIN] Please, I just need a minute.







Dr. Gregory Papel,

Icarus Program. Date
is September th, .


Subject refuses to reveal
algorithm for tenth design.

Ongoing dehydration protocol

largely ineffective.


[NEWTON] You're bleeding!

Don't you see it?

Your blood, your children's blood.

You are so careless!

[MAN ] Will you get
Mr. Newton some gin?



More. [COUGHS]

More. ♪ I don't want to set the world ♪

♪ On fire ♪

♪ I just want to start ♪

♪ A flame in your heart ♪

No X-ray!

No, no, no. No. Not my eyes!

- Not my eyes!


Ah. I can't see. I can't see.

Please help me.

Mary Lou...

I just wanna go home.

Mary Lou. Mary Lou...


I just want to be the one you love


I'll have reached the
goal I'm dreaming of

Believe me

I don't want to set the world on fire

I just want to start

A flame in your heart


Grandpa said I don't
have to brush my teeth.

- [JOSIAH] Don't tell her.
- [MOLLY] And we bought Skittles

and ate 'em for dinner.

- [JOSIAH] Miss Molly!
- [MOLLY] And then we watched

cricket until : .

[JOSIAH] Juzzie, everything is fine.

We love you, goodbye.

[FARADAY] The stars

look very different from here.


Yeah, I'll say.

Is it time to leave?


We have, uh, something to discuss.

What was it like on Anthea?


When I was a pupa,

the sea was already disappearing.

The fauna was toxic.

Herd animals were dying.

How many of you are left?

Only a few thousand.

There are still some at the pupal stage.

I'm so sorry.

How long do we have here?

The domino has already tipped.

As a species, you have
chosen to ignore the symptoms.

How long?

By ,

temperatures will have risen

above your extinction threshold.

From there, the remaining dominos

will fall in a matter of decades.



I don't know if you're right about

why I was working like I was working.

I just...

The work was like breathing.

- It felt...
- Inevitable.


But it was destructive to others.

If you destroyed nothing,

you would have accomplished nothing.

What I accomplished
wasn't worth what was lost.

By what scale?


Well, it's not so simple
to answer that question

now I've understood I'm
not alone in the universe.

With the spaceman

and blue cubes from other dimensions,

thank you very much.

So are you a scientist...

or are you something else now?


Take what you need back with you,

but leave the blueprint here.

Give us the same chance to
fix ourselves as you have.

That's the deal.

If I agree,

you will agree to be a scientist again.


Yeah, I will

agree to be a scientist again.

When I am gone,

you can keep the design.

How do you plan on getting back?

Newton will inform me

when it's time.

How are we supposed
to get inside OriGen?

Newton instructed me to find

the Wizard of Risk.

- Is that a game?
- No.

It's a person.


Please. I just need a little more time.

I needed someone who could
get me into Book Club!

Okay? You said you could
do that for me, Hatch.

I said I could try.

I said I would make some calls.

Well, Book Club's this f*cking week!

Look, your app isn't ready,

it violates about a
million privacy laws.

- Not that privacy exists.
- Oh, it's perfect.

So what? I'm supposed
to wait until next year?

f*ck me? Well, f*ck you!

You can wait till next
year before I pay you.

All right. You know what? Your
app's a piece of shit anyway.

- I wouldn't wipe my ass with it.

[COUGHS] You wanna get rich?

Invent an app that can wipe my ass.

And go through puberty.
What are you, ?



- Hatch Flood?
- Jesus.

Uh, to my intense regret,

- You okay?
- I have shingles. Who are you?

My name is Justin Falls,
this is Mr. Faraday,

and your office told us
you'd probably be here.

- What do you want?
- An IP attorney.

You are the Wizard.

- Where is your hat?
- [HATCH] Put that away.

- This is you.
- Yeah, I was blackout drunk.

But it is on the
Internet. You chose a font.

Have you ever made a sex tape?

All right. Well, that's mine, okay?

And it has a font. What do you want?

I was instructed to harness
your rage against OriGen.

That's not funny.

- It's an algorithm...
- I know what it is.

You remember the times you see base .

- How did you get this?
- He wrote it.


How did you...

I don't... You know
what? I don't wanna know.

Thomas Jerome Newton
sent me to find you.

[HATCH] Thomas Newton

sent you to me.

I just said that.

What else did Newton say about him?

- He said that he...
- No, no, no. Tell him.

[FARADAY] He said that
you had a good nose,

but the only one you could not sniff out

was you.

Keep the f*ck away from me.


- You need to come with us.
- Get the f*ck out of the way!

- And stay away from me.
- [JUSTIN] All right.

We're at the Holiday Inn on Aurora

if you change your mind. All right?


[SPENCER] You had no idea what it was.

[DREW] Spencer, how the hell
would I know what it was?

[SPENCER] Let's just put a pin
in the spaceman part for a sec.

[DREW] "A pin in the spaceman part"?

- Oh, okay.
- Just follow me.

, Thomas Newton, he comes here

and he makes a fortune off

nine patents that he uses

to start a company
called World Enterprises.

Okay? And then he leads the
tech industry for a decade.

Until we grab him.

We annex the company, we box it up,

we ship it off to the UK

to avoid congressional oversight, right?

Then we fold it into a
British industrial supplier

called OriGen, uh,
run by an Edward Flood.

And meanwhile, Newton just disappears.

What do you mean, "disappears"?

During the interrogation,

he revealed a tenth
patent that he never built.

Okay. He wouldn't
give it all the way up.

Cryptography couldn't crack it.

And it was written in base .

Stop, Spencer. What is that?

It's a form of arithmetic
last used by the Mesopotamians

, years before Christ.

It's symbols, Drew, okay?

And the most recurrent
in Newton's patent

is a sun motif, which
leads me to believe

it's a design for some
kind of energy source.


So now there's another visitor

and the two of them are...

We don't know what they're doing. Okay?

All we know is that there is a blueprint

for a power source
from outer f*cking space

sitting in the OriGen vault
and Newton's still in the wind.

Spencer, you know what
I have to ask you here.

I know that my own psych
map inclines me to...

The white whale obsession.

Yeah, I was gonna say hyper focus but...


It doesn't mean I'm
off the mark, you know?

It means it could be dangerous for you.

Listen to me. Listen to me, please.

I know what this is activating in you.

You'll never find the first
eight years of your life

because there's nothing there.

If I hadn't stopped you,

you would've searched
forever and died empty-handed.

I know you want me safe.

Safe and optimal.

f*ck. I put a lot of effort into you.

That patent could be a recipe for dip.

Oh, it's not f*cking dip, Drew.

Everyone involved in
the original op is dead.

Of course. It's been years.

After talking to Papel, there's no way

I'm gonna believe they
all died in their sleep.

You got to trust me on this.


Spencer, I can't compute "spaceman."

But I can compute "everybody's dead."

Because we do that when there's
something worth k*lling for.

I want to run this, okay?

I want the resources.

I want the clearances. You
just got to put me on it.

Let me find the new one. I'll find him.

I will find him and I will bring him in.

I always do, you know.

Find him.

But you let him run a little bit.


If that tenth design is a w*apon,

maybe it can be our w*apon.

How much do you need?

Half a million for
surveillance build-out,

and a person to help me
with intel. That'd be good.

Oh. Somebody in mind?

Yeah, um...

Your analyst who first
detected the signal

in New Mexico, her background is

very interesting.


I'll be nice.


I know of one other person

who understood base ,

let alone calculated in it.

And I have a nightmarish,

crazy-making idea
about where he was from.

So I need to know where he's from,

and I need to know what he's doing here.

And please, God, don't lie to me.

Come on in.


[JUSTIN] Hatch? Hey, come on.

You passed out.

Hey, hey. Are you okay?

- Can you sit up?

Here you go. Have some water.

Are you afraid of me?



The message is "Mars needs women."

"Mars needs women."

He's been watching TCM.

Look, I know that you
must have questions,

- so...
- [HATCH] Yeah, I have a bunch.

- He's from...
- Anthea.

And he brought cold fusion.


That's the tenth design?

Does OriGen know what they have?

No. Nobody could figure it out.



[WHISPERING] Do you know what this is?

I mean, do you know what this means?

Why are you whispering?

I'm f*cking terrified.

Okay, I do risk.

I hedge against very
real, very bad things.

Okay. And you're
talking about liberating

the planet Earth from oil forever.

Do you know what that looks like?

In the first days,
the exchanges collapse.

Nobody has any security from anything.

Policing is gone.

People are jumping off of buildings.

It makes look
like f*cking Christmas.

It's an addicted planet
going cold turkey.

There's lots of riots.

Power grids go obsolete.

I mean, a massive devaluation of land.

I mean, I could buy a f*cking
for two Pokemon cards.

Millions of people are
gonna lose their jobs

in the gas and oil sector alone.

Governments slash funding to everything.

Okay. Everybody withdraws
their troops from everywhere,

because there's nothing
left to fight for.

Until they decide to train their
weapons on their own citizens

for begging for food and water

and medicine and humanitarian aid.

And hey, if you're in the
cardboard coffin business,

it'll be a f*cking bonanza.

Iraq, Bolivia, Norway are done.

China, Germany, France are better.

Nobody gives a shit
about the Saudis anymore,

so we just redraw the
map of Central Asia.

Africa. The entire continent of Africa.

They've got the minerals,
the infrastructure...

I can't, I can't...

- I... I've gotta go.

Hey! Hey. Hey, hey, hey.

- Ah! Shingles.
- Oh, I'm so sorry.

Look, fusion declares w*r on everything.

And everything is
gonna declare w*r on us.

[JUSTIN] If we don't,
we're done by .

? Where did you get that?

I can't hedge chaos.

Chaos is why humans exist.

Meteors and dinosaurs.

Shifting land masses.

Eclipses, plague, w*r.

You rise and you adapt.

You regrow your brains and you adapt.

This is the next step, Mr. Flood.

When we take it...

nothing will ever be the same.

I'm Spencer Clay, Miss Dominguez.

- Come in. [CLEARS THROAT]
- [LISA] Oh, okay.

I'm sorry, I thought we were
meeting half an hour ago.

Did I get the time wrong?


No, you didn't.

Pleased to meet you, sir.

You're doing well in SIGINT, huh?

Thank you, sir.

Do you know why I wanted to meet you?

I did not invite you to sit.

Now I'm just wondering
about your accent.

You didn't do the work to get rid of it.

It's either arrogant or dumb.

Let's hope it's the former.

Five days ago, you intercepted a signal

out of New Mexico coming
from inside a tornado.

- Yes, sir.
- Did you discuss that with anyone?

Of course not.

Okay. Findings?

The tornado was spinning
counter clockwise.

Only around % do that,

and none ever reported in New Mexico.

[SPENCER] And what does that tell you?

The frequency of that signal

correlates to nothing on Earth.

[SPENCER] Lisa Elizabeth Dominguez.

ROTC at .

Tours, running signals in Islamabad.


Oh. So this is interesting.

Your parents immigrated
from Portugal legally.

Your uncle and his family did not.

- Correct.
- So you turned them over to ICE.

My uncle thought he
could game the system

while my parents did the right thing

and earned their way into this country.

You could have just
left your uncle alone,

but what you did was... punitive.

One could say the same about you,

sending that Ukrainian family to
a detention facility in Abilene

and their little boy died in a cage.

I think he was nine?

I'm running an op. Close hold. Funded.

Never gonna give you the whole picture,

but if you figure it out yourself,

I'll know I made the right choice.

You do what I tell you,

when I tell you, and nothing else.

Read this.

Find me any living
connection to the subject.

Name's Thomas Jerome
Newton. Help me find him,

you can just write
your own ticket... Lisa.

Thank you, sir.

I look forward to the opportunity.

Well, all right.

Oh, and, hey, Lise,

now that we're gonna
be working together,

watch your f*cking mouth.



R&B music plays



[HATCH] I got to ask.

Your face is amazing.

Is that a real face, huh? How is it...

Did you make it? What's the deal?

It's a skin suit.

Oh, a skin suit?

Skin suit. Skin suit.

I do not understand.

I was told OriGen was in Seattle.

What's in Seattle is
a phone and an office.

OriGen proper is in London.

London's the only
top-five tech ecosystem

with a startup visa program.

So, the capital benefits
outweigh even Silicon Valley.

He really likes his hot sauce.

I fled England in disgrace,
if you're wondering.

Do you have disgrace on your planet?

No, but I can smell it.

[WAITER] You can't drink that in here.

Oh, it's okay. I'm an attorney.

We are going to England.

- No, we're not.
- I have fusion.

- I have a family.
- You can collect them when we are at OriGen.

I can't just leave my daughter.

Your child has one
possible habitable future.


So do mine.

I have shown you the prototype.

Are you going to deny
what you have seen?

It's not that simple.
Edie doesn't trust me.

She believes that I tried
to sell Newton's design.

- Did you?
- No.

And don't ask me that again.

How do we get your sister to trust you?

[LAUGHS] Okay. Tell me
more about your prototype.

It is nearly capacitated.

Okay. But it works? You
could demonstrate it?

Uh, demonstrate it where?

Book Club.

- The tech startup thing?
- Yeah. Have you been?

A recruiter came to me at UNM.
No one would remember that.

We are going to Book Club.

Well, it starts in hours.

Uh, Edie always keeps a seat.

I mean, we'd have to get him a passport.

You need fingerprints.

- He doesn't have any.
- [FARADAY] No X-rays.

We require alternative transportation.

Last time he was at the airport,

he vomited water for, like, an hour.

Oh, that's wonderful.

Um, well, listen. Uh...

f*ck, we could book a private plane.

I know a guy who's got a timeshare

who might take my call.

Then we could change the
flight plan once we're airborne.

Blame it on engine trouble.

Then we could land off-grid
at the Isle of Mull,

they don't have customs.

Then we could rent a car to
London, we'd probably make it.


Nobody was moving.


This costs like...

[HATCH] Yeah, my every last dime.

Yesterday, my life was different.

- Boy, do I f*cking hear you.
- Uh-huh.

Hello, sir, I'm Ashley.

I'll be your flight attendant today.

Will the cabin be pressurized?

Uh... Yes. Of course, sir.


[ASHLEY] Can I offer
you something to drink?

- Water, champagne?
- Yeah. I'll have a double vodka tonic, please.

What the f*ck? Justin?

Face. Face. f*cked-up face.


Shit. Shit, shit.

You... You have to stay seated!

- What's happening to his face?
- Uh, nothing.

- Is he having a stroke?
- No.

It's a nut allergy, but don't
worry, she has his EpiPen.

- So listen, Ashley...
- Your face is falling off your skull.

Is this maximum velocity
for the aircraft?

I'm sure you've seen
things on this plane before.

You know, like, billionaire things

and acts of human
callousness and depravity.

The company makes you
sign an NDA, right?

What the f*ck is happening?

I was not wearing my skin
suit when I traveled here.

I don't know.

It's f*cking falling
off. Will it go back?

- Unclear.

Sir, you need to sit down!

You need to stay in
here and not come out.

Unless you have a staple
g*n, then we'll be fine.

I'll just get the chips and drinks,

and don't worry. Have a great flight!


[HATCH] Why don't you
bring your head in the car

so that it doesn't explode?

Is it your first time in London?

If anybody offers you
jellied eels, say no.

[JUSTIN] So we just walk in?

[HATCH] Yeah. I mean,
that's the last favor in the favor bank,

last b*llet in the chamber.

And when people see the thing...

Hey, look, if it's what you say it is,

then we'll have term sheets from

every company in the world by midnight.

And if it's not, we're
f*cked. [CHUCKLES]

I mean, I guess we could go see

Phantom of the Opera and commit su1c1de.


Hi. Um, Hatch Flood.

Sir, we must collect your pass.

[HATCH] Yeah. "Flood" like the disaster.

I have an Edie Flood.

Of course. Yeah. Please keep scrolling.

Flood, Flood...

Ah! Here you are.

You were a Post-it.

Of course I was. Um, thank you.

No cell phones allowed inside.

Thank you. Thank you.


I would like to present my science now.

It's when you're onstage.

I would like to present my science now.

No. That's the only way
that this works, okay?

There's gonna be a panel of smug people

and you guys are gonna go up...

No. Not me. Just him.

Yeah, I don't need to stand
in front of all these people.

[HATCH] Okay. So then,
um, it'll be you up there

just, uh, you know, being a genius.

And everybody here will hate you

because you're what
they wish they could be,

so they'll try to f*ck you up.

Whose design is this?

[JUSTIN] A chicken's.

- I'm so sorry. Sorry about...
- [MAN] Whatever.


Hey. Hey. No. No.

No. No, no, no. No.


Hey, Rajiv. Michael.

- Uh, this is Justin Falls.
- Hi.

And, uh, this is Mr. Faraday

and his pillow.

[JUSTIN] Shit.

No, no, no. Stop it. Stop.

Great glasses, Michael.

I tried a pair like
that but I looked stupid.

- But you look cool.
- [JUSTIN] Uh, hey.

- [WHISPERS] I'll find you, okay?
- Yeah, okay.

I think I know him.

Was he at Gartner IT?

Uh, Gartner? No.

Um, hey, thank you for
clearing a path for me tonight.

Um... How are you? How's your family?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We're good. We're good.

It's great to see you.

And a bit of a surprise.
I mean, you vanished.

Yeah, well...

I have a client presenting tonight.

I wish you'd told me that part, Hatch.

I thought you just wanted
to mingle, to say hi.

I saw your sister in the atrium.

She didn't say you were presenting.

Oh, is... Is Edie here?

Sorry. How exactly are you
going to get into the lineup?

Well, you know, I got
one more favor to call in.

Um, I'll have to put out
afterwards, I'm sure, but...

- That's a joke.
- [RAJIV] A joke?

You're scamming your way onto the stage.

You don't have the
f*cking courtesy to tell me

before I vouch for you.

Look, some of us have a
reputation to protect, Hatch.

I mean, you're a thief
and the Floods are a joke.

All right. You can leave Edie out of

- your high dudgeon, please.
- Why?

You know there's a pool on

when she'll figure out
that OriGen's a punchline?

So you'd prefer she fell on her sword?

Certainly be less painful than having to

watch her desperately waving
the banner of a company

that hasn't innovated since, what? ?

Enjoy the donuts, Hatch.


[HATCH] Yeah, I will.

I am.

f*cking dickhole.



What does it do?

It's a bird.

It does bird stuff.

- These are both for me.
- Are you sedating?

[JUSTIN] Mm-hmm.


[CAWS] f*ck it, man!

[MAN] Sybilla is a rescue bird.

She lived with a weird
family before we took her in.

She imitates to integrate.

[CAWS] f*ck it, man!

f*ck it, man!

f*ck it, man!

f*ck it, man!


- [FARADAY] f*ck it!
- [COCKATOO] f*ck it!

- No, no, no. No.

f*ck this, man!

- We don't engage with birds.
- f*ck this guy!

- f*ck it.
- [COCKATOO] f*ck it, man!

- [FARADAY] f*ck it!

f*ck this guy.

- Edie.

Hey. I'm here with a client.

How are you?

- I'm fine. Thank you.
- I don't care.

Listen, I'm here with someone special.

I'm here with somebody who
can give you what you want.

Who? Birdman? [SCOFFS]

Listen. You should really
meet this guy, Edie.

- Should?
- I'm trying to help you.

Then after all these
years, have the decency

to admit what you did.

Jesus Christ! Will you let that go?

Look. This guy could be something

for you, okay?

Something that doesn't have
Dad's fingerprints all over it.

[ANNOUNCER] Ladies and gentlemen,

the presentations
will begin momentarily.

Please make your way to
the library. Thank you.

Okay, Hatch.

Admit what you did

and we'll walk in there
together right now.


You die a public death. It's better.

This way we don't have to
f*cking run into each other.


Like that building block, graphene,

carbon nano tubes are extremely durable

and provide the opportunity
to develop ultra-high strength,

low-weight materials that
make them highly attractive...

[HATCH] Does he know the rules?

[JUSTIN] Yes. I went over it
with him like a million times.

I have told you that
about a million times.

- Okay, well...
- So can you stop freaking out?

Just take some deep breaths
and calm the f*ck down.

[HATCH] I am trying to.

[JUSTIN] You're actually freaking
me out right now, do you know that?

[HATCH] Well, then don't look at me.

- Calm down.
- [JUSTIN] Okay.

[HATCH] In minutes, we'll be...

Just take some deep breaths.

Go to a happy place, you know?

So tell me why what you're
showing me is exceptional,

- or go back to school.
- We...



- Go get him. Go, go. Go get him.
- Shit.


Someone, please...

What the f*ck are you doing?

He has not calculated the
chirality structure properly.


[WOMAN] Excuse me.

Are you a presenter here tonight?

I am.

[WOMAN] And what makes you think

you can interrupt this presentation?

I have come with a prototype
for a quantum fusion process.


Do it.