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02x17 - What Dreams May Come

Posted: 05/09/22 07:45
by bunniefuu
I serve as an equalizer.

I'm the one you call
when you can't call .

Previously on The Equalizer...

Does the name Mason Quinn
mean anything to you?

ROBYN: People that tangle
with Quinn end up dead.


QUINN: Don't come for me again,

because then I'll have
to come after you.

Everyone needs help with
the kind of secrets we carry.

And we can't just talk to anyone.

They need to be someone in my community.

Robyn, I need to know that

you're not putting my daughter at risk.

How much does Delilah
really know about you?

Dad called.

He wants to know if she feels safe

in this house.

ROBYN: Lies can be necessary
to protect your family,

but they can backfire on you.

They can hurt you and those around you

in ways you'd never anticipate.




That was taken by Mossad
two days ago in Sevastopol.


What is Mason Quinn doing in Sevastopol?

And who's this guy he's talking to?

That's Omar Delgado.

Former Cuban intelligence.

Right after meeting with Quinn,

our sources say he infiltrated the U.S.

McCall, we've been friends a long time.

This path you're walking down

ends in darkness.

It always ends in darkness, Arieh.

That's where the monsters live.


- Hey, Mom.
- Hey.

I just wanted to let you know
I was back home.

How'd things go at your dad's?

Uh, it was fine.

He ask you any questions about me?

What I'm up to?

Yeah, but I handled it.

It's no biggie.

You sure you're okay?

You know you can talk to me.

Yeah, I know.

I just, uh... I just wanted
to tell you I was back

and say good night.

So good night.



JULIEN: My sister Calista.

She moved up here from Baton Rouge

a few years back
to break into journalism.

Your message said she was in danger.

Well, I've been trying to find
her for the past few days.

When I couldn't, I came
up here to look for her.

Not in her apartment, not at work.

So you think someone's
trying to k*ll her?


Man with a scar on his face.

- You know him?
- No.

- Well, why do you think he's after her?
- I don't know.

Well, what does your sister say?

Why does it matter what she says?

She's out there.

She could...

She could be dead already.

I'm just looking for something to go on.

When is the last time
you spoke to your sister?

That doesn't matter.

It matters if you want my help.

A year ago.

A year ago? So how could you
possibly know she's in trouble?

Because I see things.

Visions of images that become real.

And I know how that sounds,
but I am not crazy.

It started when I was six years old.

My parents were going to the movies.

Before they leave, I just, I knew.

I saw my mother crying.
I saw my father...

laying on the ground, bleeding.

And I beg 'em to stay at home,
but nobody listens to me.

They were shot and k*lled
in a robbery that night.

That's a terrible trauma at any age.

But at six... Are you sure...

It wasn't my imagination?
Or a false memory, right?

No. No! I know what I saw.

And I couldn't do anything to stop it.

When we go into foster care,
me and Calista,

the visions continued;
car accidents, deaths.

And I couldn't do anything
to stop it then.

See, no one wanted to hear me.

So I learned...

keep my mouth shut.

Stave off the visions
with various medications.

But when it comes to my family...

The visions of Calista were so real,

I couldn't keep those out.

Please, please help me find her

before it's too late.

With your sister,
what, exactly, did you see?

I saw an orange glow, a silver Mercedes,

a man with a scar,


She's so scared.
She's got a g*n in her face.

- She screams.

I see.

You don't believe me.

- I didn't say that.
- You didn't have to.

Do you have anything else
suggesting she's in danger?

An email, a text...

I hoped you would be different...

...but you're just like everybody else.

Hang on, where you going?

I already lost my parents; I'm
not gonna lose my sister, too.

HARRY: Calista Thibideaux, .

Currently employed as
a lifestyle journalist

for an online news outlet called...

I'm sorry, are we really doing this?

Pretending that it's not, like,
I don't know, insane

that we're taking on a case
based on a premonition?

I didn't say I was taking on the case.

I can't say I'm not curious.

And what if his sister
really is in danger?

It couldn't hurt to figure it out.

Oh. Don't tell me you believe
in this nonsense, too.

Babe, it is not a crime
to have an open mind.

And I've had several experiences
that I cannot explain.

[SIGHS] Here comes Skinny Rick.

- Who's Skinny Rick?
- Skinny Rick is

a finance bro who hung himself
upstairs in the bathroom

during the crash of .

She thinks the upstairs bar is haunted.

Because it is.

Sometimes at night,
the light turns off by itself.

Because of the faulty electricity.

- And I hear footsteps.
- Of rats.

I'm telling you, I saw
the shadow of, like,

two skinny legs
just, like dangling and, like,

hitting the wall of the men's room.

Ooh, I... Even during the day

I don't like being in there.

It's just the men's bathroom.

It's revolting.
Nobody likes being in there.

- Come on, Rob, a little help.

I don't know, Harry.

I gotta say there are times when

I've had a feeling that I should duck

or take a different door,

or go left instead of right.

And more than once, those
decisions have saved my life.

I think that's just called training.

I mean, you guys, I've done
background on this guy.

Okay? He's been in and out
of rehab, he's been arrested

a multitude of times
for public disturbances,

and he's taken more than one
involuntary trip to the psych ward.

He mentioned he had some problems.

But still, he was rattled. Come on.

What's the harm in spending
a little time

looking into his concerns?

Even you cannot argue with that.

I'll reach out to Calista's job

and see if they heard from her.

And I'll look into her
phone records and financials

and see what they tell us.

ROBYN: And I will swing by her apartment

and do a wellness check.


Do a wellness check on you guys.


Building maintenance.






The place looks neat
but the drawers are open.

He was looking for something.

Okay, but can we talk about something?

The guy had a scar on his face.

You saying that's a coincidence?

I'm saying I'm sure
there's a logical explanation

- for how Julien knew about the guy.
- Which is?

I don't know yet.

Mm-hmm. Okay.

Well, Julien was definitely right about

his siter being in trouble.

You talk to the editor?

He hasn't heard from her in a week.

He mention what she was working on?

MEL: A lifestyle piece

on a local activist named Rosa Martinez.

Supposed to be the next A.O.C.

It was a puff piece,
but she never turned it in.

He tried contacting her a bunch of times

after some missed deadlines,

but he wasn't able to reach her.

I think I know why, though.
Calista turned her phone off

a couple of days ago,

but the last call she got was
from an unregistered number.

Then, an hour later,

she withdrew a thousand dollars
from her bank account.

Why would she need that kind of cash?

She was with some guy when
she was taking the money out.

Face rec ID'd him as Carlos Vela.

He's a street-level drug dealer.

He did time for possession and as*ault.

A drug dealer?

But how is that connected
to her disappearance?

Or our scar-faced sh**t?

Harry, send me the ATM photo.

Maybe Dante has some intel

on where this Carlos operates.

I'll track down Rosa Martinez.

If Calista was doing a piece on her,

they must have spent time together.

Maybe she knows something.

Harry, can you pull anything else

off that phone? Texts, notes?

Since she turned her phone off,
I'm gonna have to hack her cloud

through corporate servers.
I got a program running,

but it's gonna take a minute.

Okay, meantime,

I want to talk to Julien again,
see what else he knows.

You know what?
I think I'm gonna join you.

What? You wanted me to be open-minded.

Just, you know, want to meet the guy.


So it's true?

We can't speak to the premonitions.

But your sister is in danger.

You recognize him?

No. I don't think so.

Should I?

He's a drug dealer.

Your sister was with him
a couple days ago.

That's not possible.

Calista's always been clean.

She's the one trying
to get me to go into rehab.

All right, what about the guy
with the scar?

What can you tell us about him?

Uh, I don't know.

Um, it's all a jumble in my head.

Julien, you sure
you haven't seen him somewhere?

I'm sorry. I have to go.


I have to be on the corner
of st and Center

in, uh, in-in minutes.

- Why?
- I don't know.

I just know that something's
gonna happen there.

Something. Very specific.

- Uh, hey,

- do you mind if I come?
- Actually,

I think you're supposed to.

But we have to go.

- Wow.

Mystery field trip. You want to come?

Love to, but Dante just sent me
a location for Carlos Vela.

We have to go right now.

All right. Huh.



Because going to bat
for the people of this district,

making dreams
like this rec center a reality...

That's not just my job.

It's my honor.


And finally, I'd like to give a
special thanks to Rosa Martinez

for everything she's done
to make this project happen.


Excuse me, Ms. Martinez?

Hi. I'm Lynn.
I work with Calista Thibideaux.

Can I have a word?

Excuse me a second.

Sure. How's Calista doing?

Well, that's what I wanted
to ask you about.

When was the last time you saw her?

Maybe two weeks ago. Why?

She's missing.



I was worried something
like that would happen.

What do you mean by that?

Calista and I had several interviews.

At first, she was focused, engaged.

We actually bonded
over growing up in foster care.

But then?

She started showing up late,
missing appointments.

She was distracted, on edge.

Something was going on.

Did she ever say what?


Look, I'm not saying it was dr*gs,

but I've seen that behavior before

at the free clinic.

I really hope she's okay.

Thank you for your time.



Yo, Carlos.

I know you?


But you know her.

What dr*gs did you sell her?

[SCOFFS] Come on.


I can make your life,
and walking, extremely difficult

if you don't tell me
what I want to know.

Who the hell are you?

Long-term friend with a short fuse.

[GRUNTING] Okay, all right!

She was a customer, but

she wasn't looking to get high.

She wanted a g*n.

Sold her a . .

. ?


- She say why?
- No.

Said it had to be a piece
that couldn't be traced.

You don't ask for that unless
you're planning to use it.

So what are we looking for, anyway?

All I know is that I'm supposed
to be here right now.

And I'm supposed to be here with you?

You guys are good.
Got to hand it to you.

I mean, you make things
sound important, you know,

but just keep it vague enough
so you're never actually

- really wrong about anything.
- People have been

hating on me my entire life.

It's not my job to convince you.

Because you can't.

I mean, come on. Give me something.

Uh, what's the score of
tonight's Knicks game gonna be?

I'm thinking of a number
between one and ten.

That's a "gimme." It's always
either three or seven.

It doesn't work like that.

I have no control
over what I see or when.

That's convenient.

You think I really like
seeing burning bodies?

You think I like knowing
that the towers are gonna fall?

That the levee is going to fail?

Seeing all of those faces,

and I'm not able
to help a single one of them,

and you really think I give a damn

about whether or not you believe me?


Hey, Rob. How'd it go
with our drug dealer?

You were right. Calista did
buy something from him... a g*n.

No, that's not possible.

What makes you say that?

Because ever since our parents got shot,

Calista hates g*ns.

She hates 'em more than anything.

Well, he made it seem like
she intended to use it.

You guys see anything yet?

Oh, yeah. A woman

pushing a shopping cart
full of groceries.

And, uh, a group of girls,

high school girls, giggling.
Very suspicious.

Not helping, Harry.

Wait, wait. Hold up, hold up, hold up.

There's a guy with a ponytail

who's definitely too old

to be wearing a ponytail.

That's an open and shut case
right there, right?

- I got to go.
- Go?

Well, where?

- And he's gone.
- What happened?

I don't know. Must have had
another vision to get out

of explaining this one.
Do you want me to go after him?

No. We need to know more
about what Calista was up to.

How's your hacking bot coming
with that cloud account?

Should be done about now.

HARRY: This looks like
a general work folder.

Random story ideas.

Oh, look. Here's the unfinished
profile on Rosa Martinez.

This might be something. A notes folder.

Multitudes of entries in
the days before she disappeared.

" : a.m. MN arrived ."

" : a.m. CJS, North Street."

"MN. CJS." What are those? Initials?

These were all uploaded
in the early morning hours

between, like, : and : a.m.

Street names, numbers.

Looks like she was doing
some sort of surveillance.

For what? If it was a story,

wouldn't her editor know about it?

Harry, what's the last
thing she wrote down

before her phone went dark?

Last things to sync was

two days ago, : a.m.,
a couple of photos.

It's a silver Mercedes,

just like in Julien's premonition.

Now, that's a little weird.

I mean, you know,

there are silver Mercedes
all over town, right?

Yeah, Calista was definitely
interested in this one.

Harry, run that plate.

Well, uh, it's registered
to a shell corp.

It'll take a while
to track it to its owner,

but it does have GPS.

- Can you ping it?
- Yeah.

It's in Downtown Brooklyn.


Let's see how real
these premonitions are.

DELILAH: They're scary.

Like, my heart begins to pound,

my neck and my face get hot.

I want to run...

somewhere, hide.

And then it passes.

I mean, does this mean
my PTS is coming back?

I wouldn't phrase it quite like that,

but it sounds like
something is triggering you.

Is there anything specific
that you have noticed

that happens just before
these latest att*cks?

I mean, there is one thing,

I guess.

It's my parents.

Things got much better
after the divorce, but

I lie to my mom about
what my dad says about her,

and then, I lie to my dad
about what my mom does all day.

It's like I'm carrying around
all these secrets,

having to pretend like nothing
is wrong, and... [INHALES]


How do you do it?

You have to carry around
classified secrets all the time.

They're my patients, not my parents.

But I wonder,

is it keeping the secrets,

or is it the secrets themselves?

When her mentor was k*lled,
how did that make you feel?

Like... could happen to her.


you have been through so much.

Losing your friend,

learning about your mother's past

and what she's doing now.

Your world turned upside down.

Yeah, it did.

I don't really know why I'm crying.


I just... I thought I was over it.

Like PTS,

this isn't something that you get over,

like a cold.

You have to keep working at it.

Have you told your mom how you feel?

I don't know. She spends all day

helping people with real problems.

All she wants to hear is I'm okay.

Is that what she wants,

or is that what you want?

It's okay not to be okay.




Detective. Good to see
you back in the suit.


Could've done without
the welcome-back present.

Guy's name is Frank Castor.

Local hitter, been tied
to a half a dozen bodies.

Rounds that k*lled him were close range.

Looks to be small caliber.
Possibly a . .

How'd you find this guy?

Client's sister went missing.

A reporter named Calista Thibideaux.

Pretty sure this guy was after her.

Your client file a police report?

You wouldn't have
believed him if he did.

He had a vision that
his sister was in trouble.

And you took him on based on that?

I just wanted to see if he was right.

And from the looks of it, he was.

He was able to describe the car
and the dead body inside.

Here you go, Detective.

Did your client happen
to be Julien Thibideaux?

Yeah. Why?

I don't think his descriptions
are coming from his vision.

His prints were found
all over the inside of this car.

HARRY: I knew there was an explanation.

Julien is involved.

- Okay, but involved with what?
- Whatever.

The point is, it's not supernatural.

Well, if he's involved, why come to me?

Because he's looking for his sister.

Maybe she's hiding from him.

Maybe that's why she got a g*n.


Dante, what'd you find?

I just spoke to the PD in Youngsville,

where Julien and his sister grew up.

Turns out she went
to the cops more than once

to file a restraining order
against her brother.

She'd change her mind
at the last minute,

but clearly, there were issues.

ROBYN: Clearly, there still are.

We need to find Julien.

I'll put out an APB.
Call you with an update.

HARRY: I knew

there was something off about that dude.

Yeah, but Julien hiring a hitter?

That seems off, too.

Harry, is there a way you can track

where that silver Mercedes came from?

Uh, before it winded up parked
with a dead guy in the trunk?

There was no GPS history.

I can try and find it
on street cams in the area,

and then reverse track it,
I guess. It'll take some time.

But it could tell us when
Julien met up with scar-face.

And if anyone else is involved.


well, someone's working late hours.

It's this case.

How's Dee?

How's she doing
after her therapy session?

Distant, distracted.

She said she's good,

but went straight up
to her room to study.

She keeps saying she's fine, but

my instincts tell me
something is up with her.

Then again, my instincts
could use some fine-tuning.

I think my client may be lying to me.

Must be a criminal mastermind.

He claims

he had a vision
his sister was in danger.

Was he right?

About everything.

Which is why I should
have been suspicious.

I don't know about that.

I've had my share of premonitions

that have come true.

About what?




It upsets you to talk
about your dad's death.

Aunt Vi,

it's okay.

I want to hear.

The night it happened,
I... went to bed early.

Just remember feeling
like something was off.

Later on, I bolted up in the bed
from a deep sleep, my heart just


Before the police could call,
anybody could tell me, I...

I knew.

Call it spiritual or supernatural,

I don't know, but...

it was real.


Got to take this.

Hey, Dante. What's up?

Unis just picked up Julien.

I'm going to talk to him now.

I'll let you know what I find out.


DANTE: I'm gonna ask you again.

How do you know Frank Castor?

JULIEN: And I'm gonna tell you again.

- I don't.
- So, what?

Your fingerprints just
magically appeared in his car?

Don't matter what I say to you.

You're not gonna believe me.

Nobody ever believes my kind.

Okay. Let's say
you saw him in your dream.

That doesn't explain
why you were in his car.

Because I was drawn to it.

Something pulled me into

the direction where the car
was parked. I recognized it.

- From your dream?
- I thought it might offer

a clue about my sister,
so I looked inside,

but when I popped that trunk,

and I saw that body, man, I took off.

You're right. I don't believe you.

If you're so concerned
with your sister's safety,

you want to explain why she
almost filed a restraining order

- against you?
- That? Man, I'm trying to protect her.

That so? Sheriff I talked to
said you were violent.

My sister... she has not had
the best luck in men, okay?

And I could see it coming.
I could see it coming,

every single thing
that they were gonna do.

So, one night, I got into it with a guy

who was about to cheat on her.

- But he hadn't cheated on her?
- He hadn't cheated on her yet.

Coming up, my sister was
always looking out for me.

I was trying to do
the same thing, man, but I...

I was a lot.

So when she moved to New York,

when she asked me not to follow, hey,

I respected that.

And yet, here you are.

Because she's in trouble, man!

I'm just trying to find
her before it's too late.

- It might be too late already!
- What did you

and Calista talk about the night
she disappeared?

I didn't talk to Calista
the night she disappeared.

I pulled records from
that phone you have.

You and your sister talked

for minutes
three days ago. What about?

I don't remember having a phone call

with Calista three days ago.

So you can see into the future,
but you can't remember

a -minute call from a few nights ago?

I take pills sometimes to help me sleep.

And sometimes, when I'm on 'em,

I do things that I don't remember.

So either Julien's lying,
and he's involved,

or he's not involved,
and his sister told him

what she was into,

and his drug-addled mind
decided that that was a vision.

Either way, it's totally explainable,

except for the part
where you guys believed him.

Either way, Dante's holding him
for hours.

And we still have to find Calista.

Were you able to backtrack that car?

Yeah, it took a while to piece

the traffic cam footage together,

but I managed to trace the car
back to a bar.

Now that's our scar-face with this guy.

I ran him through the database.

This is Milosz Nemanjic.

He's the head of a branch
of the Serbian syndicate.

ROBYN: Milosz Nemanjic.

"MN." Like the initials
in Calista's notes.

She was following him?

Yeah, this is not a guy
you want on your bad side.

He was an orphan refugee from Belgrade.

He used to run errands
for the local Serbian gangs

here as a kid in New York,
and now, he runs the crew.

Okay, but what is a lifestyle
journalist doing tailing him?

And why do the Serbs want her dead?

If they are after her, it could
be why she bought that g*n.

Well, if she felt
she was in such danger,

why not to go to the cops?

It's time to make a new acquaintance.




I don't know who you are,
or how you got in here,

but if you wanted to k*ll me,
I'd be dead by now.

Why are you going after
Calista Thibideaux?

I don't know who that is.

You sent someone to k*ll her.
Ring any bells?

If I want someone dead, I do it myself,

up close and, uh,


What you gonna light it with? This?

Kneel. Face the wall.

I said kneel.

Oh, I thought you weren't gonna k*ll me.

You said that, not me.

You'll never get past my men.

I got in here, didn't I?

If you're gonna do it, do it.

HARRY: Did you get close enough?


HARRY: Oh, look at that.
He's making a call right now.

MAN: Yeah.

MILOSZ: Someone's asking
questions about the reporter.

Move everything out of there now.

Can you get a location
on that phone he just called?

I want to know what they're moving.

Mm-hmm. Triangulating.

Rob, I'm closer. I'm going.

Okay, let me know
when you got something.


They're definitely closing up shop.

ROBYN: Can you see
what they're transporting?

I'm gonna take a closer look.

Just be careful, Mel.




Rob, it's g*ns.

They're moving them in volume.
I also saw

this metallic dust...

Calista? Calista, wait!

- Calista?
- Stay back!


ROBYN: Mel, are you there?

What's happening?

Well, at least we know
Calista's still alive.

Yeah, and terrified enough
to sh**t at me.

She's probably in survival mode.

She doesn't know who to trust.

But what was she doing there?

Well, based on those crates
that Mel saw,

I think the Serbians are dealing g*ns.

Illegal g*ns. I mean,
the metallic dust I found?

- They were filing off serial numbers.
- That's why

Calista wanted a street piece
that couldn't be traced.

She was buying evidence for her article.

Except when that hitter found
her, she wound up using it.

Okay, but how did she stumble

across this whole operation
to begin with?

I mean, she's a lifestyle
reporter, right?

I mean, she's not Woodward
and Bernstein.

Well, she was doing a profile
on Rosa Martinez, the activist.

Can we pull up her bio?

Rosa Martinez. Grew up in the projects.

Graduated from Columbia,

started a bunch of
community outreach projects.

Can we see a list of the programs?

"Literacy Drive."

- "Big Brother Mentorship."
- There.

She started a g*n amnesty program.

You turn in your weapons, and in
exchange, you're not prosecuted.

But somehow, the Serbs get
ahold of them,

strip off the serial numbers

and then put them back on the streets.

So that's why she didn't
want to go to the cops.

Since the cops collect the g*ns,

she thought they might be involved.

Mel, this g*n you took...

Does it still have its serial number?

Yeah. Why?


DANTE: You were right.

It was turned into
the amnesty program a week ago.

Which means someone in that
program is funneling these g*ns

to the Serbian mob.

You don't think any cops
are involved, do you?

No, but I can't swear to it.

What's the chain of custody
for the weapons

after they're turned in?

Looks like volunteer NYPD
officers collect the firearms.

Then they're picked up
by an armored car and taken

to a foundry, where they're
melted down into scrap.

And who arranges that? Rosa Martinez?


They just put her name on the program

because it means something
in that community.

All the details, the contract,

this whole program is the brainchild

of Councilman Joe Silva.

Councilman Joe Silva? CJS.

HARRY: Councilman Joe Silva.
Former g*ng member.

Got into politics later
in life. Said he wanted

to serve the community
that he once harmed.

Now he's running for borough
president under a platform

of "ridding the streets
of senseless g*n v*olence."

If he's taking a cut from the Serbs,

he's definitely taking money
to run his campaign.

While stoking the g*n problem
he's promising to fix.

In order for Silva to do this,
he would need someone

helping him from inside
the chain of custody.

Well, I compiled

everybody from armored car
company and the smelting plant.

See if any of them have
a connection to the councilman.

A deep dive into all of them?
I mean, it would take weeks.

The Serbs are still after Calista.

She doesn't have weeks.



Oh, you got to be kidding me.

- MEL: What?
- Third row.

Second from the right.

That's the guy I saw
on Julien's stakeout.

Ponytail guy.

ROBYN: He works for
the smelting company.

Want to start with him?


Just want us to review
the press release for tomorrow,

- make sure I...
- Hey!

[GASPS] Calista.

Thank God.

Are you okay?

Can we talk?


It's about your g*n amnesty program.

I think Councilman Silva is
selling the g*ns to traffickers,

who are putting them
right back onto the streets.

- Are you sure?
- I will be

if you can help me get access
to some records.

- I got it.

Two months ago, Ponytail,

aka Deke Hartley,

was in a lot of debt...
till suddenly, he just wasn't.

It was all just paid off at once.

- Looks like we got our guy.
- MEL: So you're saying

that your stakeout with Julien
wasn't a waste of time?

You can t*rture me later. Right
now, we have bigger issues.

Like connecting those payments
to the councilman.

Well, doesn't look like
there's a money trail.

Must've been cash deposits.

We need a link, Harry.

I think I got one.

But it's not to the councilman.

You guys, it's to Rosa Martinez.

- What?
- Two years ago,

Hartley worked directly for Rosa.

And then, six months ago,
after he got a job

at the smelting factory,
suddenly, his daughter

got a full scholarship
to private school...

...funded by one of Rosa's programs.

That was a payoff. He's her inside man.

Councilman Silva isn't
the one giving g*ns

to the Serbs.

Rosa is.

Don't worry. I got you.


Excuse me. Is Rosa Martinez here?

We need to speak to her.

I'm sorry. She's gone for the day.

MEL: It's an emergency.

- Where can we find her?
- Not sure.

We were heading to an event,

but she had to cancel
to meet with a reporter.

They left together.

Is this the reporter?


ROBYN: Harry, we got a problem.

Rosa has Calista. We need to
find out where she's taking her.

I think I got
a pretty good guess. You know,

I've been trying to figure out
what the connection

is between Rosa and the Serbians.

And then it hit me.

Rosa spent time in foster care,

and Milosz Nemanjic

was an orphan.

Don't tell me.

I did some research,

and they were both placed
with the same family.

Rob, I mean,
they're essentially siblings.

Okay, I'm Rosa, and I want
to get rid of someone,

I don't do it myself.

No, I take her
to my sociopath foster brother.

Harry, you still have his phone cloned.

- Can you get a location?
- Yup.

- Dante's calling. Hold on.

Hey, Dante. What's up?

Is there something going on
with Julien's sister

that I should know about?

Detective! Let me go, man!
I have to save her!


Because out of nowhere,
the guy just freaked.

Started yelling
how his sister was about to die.

[SIGHS] He may be right.

I'll call you later.

This is my sister, man!


Are you sure the evidence
points to Councilman Silva?

I am. I just need
a paper trail to confirm it.

Have you shared any of it
with your editor yet?

No. I haven't told anyone.

What are we doing here?



No! No!


Why are you doing this, Rosa?

Putting all those g*ns
back on the streets?

Because if it wasn't me,
it'd just be someone else.

So the programs,
the neighborhood outreach...

- It's all a lie?
- No.

We still build rec centers,
support communities,

but we're just also
taking care of ourselves.

We always have.

I'm sorry, Calista.

The way we grew up, we both know
it's survival of the fittest.







Mel, get Rosa!









How's that
for getting g*ns off the street?


You okay?

A little shaken up, but... yeah.

I can't believe I looked up to her.

It was brave of you, taking
this on, risking your life.

After what happened to my parents,

I couldn't sit back and do nothing.

The truth needs to get out.

Well, thanks to you, it will.

Only 'cause you showed up.

How'd you find me?

We wouldn't have been looking
if it weren't for your brother.


JULIEN: Hey, Calista.

I know you told me not to follow you

- up here, but...
- Oh, God.

I'm glad you came.

I'm so happy you're okay.


What made you bring Julien?

I had a hunch
it was the right thing to do.

You had a hunch, huh?

Call it a cop intuition.



Hey. Did you see this?

Calista's article came out already.

Oh, great.

Uh, what about Julien, though?

I mean, clairvoyant or not,
that guy is kind of a mess.

Yeah, well, Calista asked him
to move to New York.

She wants to keep an eye on him.

And he promised not
to interfere in her life.

Does that include, uh, swearing
off the creepy premonitions?

Okay, Mr. Cynical, you have to admit

those creepy premonitions
helped us solve the case.

I will admit nothing of the kind.

Calista confirmed that she told him

that she was in danger on that
telephone call, all right?

That accounts for his "visions."

Well, what about the stakeout?

You saw the ponytailed man.

How do you explain that?

With a single word: coincidence.

So you do not believe that, sometimes,

someone can get, like,
a little glimpse of the future?

- Like, even just a little bit?
- I do not.

You know, when Rob set us up,

I almost canceled our first date.

No, I did. I had the phone out,
ready to call you.

But at the last minute,
I got a sense that...

something really important
was gonna happen,

that, like, my life
maybe was about to change.


Can we just agree

that that was the luckiest,

most magical night of my
life, and just move on?

Okay. I'll allow it.




I thought you could use a cup of love.

So, where did you land

with the premonitions?

His sister's safe, family's reunited.

I don't know what I believe, but...

when brother and sister finally met up,

their connection...

you could feel it.

Kind of like you

and Daddy.

Do you have any idea

how much your father adored you?

I know you think what
happened that night

was your fault...

...but it wasn't.

♪ In this temporary world ♪

♪ I tired out my tongue... ♪

DELILAH: Am I interrupting something?

ROBYN: No, baby girl.

What's going on?

Uh, Mom, can we...

I mean, do you have a minute?

Of course.

♪ So like a storm,
I'm moving forward... ♪

I, um...

I need to tell you

that I haven't been completely honest.

Everything isn't okay.

I had a sense.

It's like...

all the questions that Dad
keeps asking me, it's like,

he doesn't believe me anymore.

And he shouldn't, because I am lying.

I know.

And I'm sorry.

The worst part of my life

is knowing that I have to be dishonest

with the people I love.

Lord knows I wish that didn't
have to be a part of yours.

♪ Frustrated with confusion... ♪

Well, there's-there's something else.

Because of what you do, I...

keep getting these

random feelings of dread...

like something horrible
is going to happen and...

Dee, Dee. Dee.

Listen to me,

I would never let anything
happen to you.

Mom, it's not me that I'm worried about.

It's you.

♪ Why don't You save me ♪

♪ From myself? ♪

♪ Why don't You save me? ♪