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01x05 - Gunner

Posted: 05/09/22 06:57
by bunniefuu


MICRO: It was unnecessary. And
I don't get why you can't admit that.

A trained agent should be
able to extract themselves

from a vehicle unassisted.

- Upside down or not.
- We're still doing this, huh?

Yeah, because you need
to hear what I'm saying.

I've heard you. (GRUNTS)
I'm sick of hearing you.

Know what your problem is?
You think you're always right.

What you want is to hear me say it,
and that shit is not gonna happen.

You think the fact Madani knows
you're alive isn't an issue?

Come on, she was unconscious,
man. What did you want me to do?

(CHUCKLES) If she was unconscious,
she wouldn't have seen your face.

Okay, she was unconscious,
then she wasn't unconscious.

What? Okay. Let me... Our lives
just got way more complicated.

If Homeland Security enters your
name into the system, let me ask you,

how long before
Agent Orange knows that?

- Maybe you should've stuck to the plan.
- Frank...

You were driving right at her.

Was this stupid, bullshit, macho
game of chicken part of the plan?

If they catch you,
I don't see my family.

- So I made a decision.
- That's it.

You want me to get
your shit done.

But what you do is you bust
my balls. You are relentless!

You nag your wife like that?
I mean,

are you sure that
she wants you back?

- Are you sure? (MUMBLES)
- Oh, come on, man. Come on.

- Come on.
- I'm outta here.

Maybe while I'm gone, you could
come up with some new ways

to antagonize me
with your bullshit.

- Where you going?
- I think I'mma go see your wife.

See, now you're
trying to be hurtful.

You don't have to be
such a d*ck all the time.



So, by the end of it you're like,
"Wait, was the tiger even real?

Or did he just make up all
that animal stuff to, like...

get through it somehow?"

What do you think? Was
the tiger in the boat?

- You should check it out.
- Fair enough. Let's see the new one.

So you, uh... you read a lot, huh?

Takes my mind off things.
How about you?

Yeah. Yeah. I, uh...
I enjoy a good book.

What are you doing here?

I'm baking a cake.

- LEO: Where'd you get the skateboard?
- Why?

- 'Cause you didn't have it this morning.
- Yeah. Now I do.


It would have cost, like,
500 bucks if we went to a mechanic.

More, if your insurance went up.

SARAH: No, I know. You're right,
it was generous of him.

LEO: So inviting him to dinner
is a nice way to say thank you.

- It's just being polite.
- SARAH: We barely even know the guy.

Right, but you'll have him over
to fix the car?

Okay. That's not...
That's not fair. He insisted.

All the more reason
we should show our gratitude.

- Hey!
- Hey.

Um, we were just talking about
how grateful we are to you.

- My mom was thinking

she'd like to have you over,
you know, on Sunday, to say thank you.

FRANK: It's very kind,
but there's no need.

Really? I mean, it is
the least we could do.

I say, you break something,
you fix it, right? I broke the light.

Yeah, with your face.

- (CHUCKLES) It's a good point.

- Is that the book?
- Yeah.

FRANK: There's the tiger, huh?

SARAH: I am no Rachel Ray, but, uh,

I'll do my best to make
something edible.

It has been a while since
I've had a home-cooked meal.

ZACH: Been a while
since she made one.

SARAH: Hey, Zach?

(SIGHS) Don't... don't mind him.

You know, it would, uh...
it'd be an honor, yeah?

To be your guest Sunday.

- Good? Good.
- SARAH: Yeah. Yeah. Nice.

Jamming our comms and looping the
video required hi-tech know-how.

They were looking at 30 years
if they got caught. Why leave witnesses?

DINAH: I, for one,
am glad they did.

I told your mother
to keep you home.

She tried,
if it makes you feel better.


Why would you listen to her?
Or anyone else.

You know,
I loved that car.

My dad gave me it to me
as a 21st birthday present.

Someone k*lled it.
I can't let that lie.

Okay. You're here now.

What have you got?
You got a plate number for us?

Catch a glimpse of the driver?
Take a look at the car that hit you?

You dragged yourself down here
when you should be home, healing.

What are you bringing
to the table?

Could you give us a minute?

I just led my team
into an ambush.

You think I'm gonna sit at home
feeling sorry for myself

and let them put it right without
me? Would they respect me for that?

Shit happens, Dinah.

The operation was by
the numbers and you ran it well.

Right up until the point
where you went Steve McQueen

- and had to do it all yourself.
- What was I supposed to do?

I almost had the bastards.

Instead, they almost k*lled you.
The OIG is going to investigate.

How can they not? Truck full
of g*ns just went missing.

I suggest you cooperate... fully.

(CHUCKLES SOFTLY) You want to know
what those guys out there think?

That you're a badass. (CHUCKLES)

If there's anything
you need to tell me...

tell me now, before
the official Q and A.

I wish I could.



Special Agent Madani.

If you're not busy
saving the world,

I thought you might want to
take me out for a drink sometime.

Oh, it's... Yeah,
it's Billy Russo, by the way.





That son of yours... Boy,
does he remind me of you.

How so?

- He's a wall-to-wall assh*le.
- Mmm.

(CHUCKLES) Yeah, I got
something I need to show you.

- (GUNNER ON VIDEO) What's he saying?
- AGENT ORANGE: Nothing useful.

GUNNER: We sure he's even got anything?

AGENT ORANGE: You questioning my...

I was there, remember?

Someone from your unit risked
their lives filming this, Frank.

Somebody knew that
this was wrong and

they wanted to do something about it.

(AHMAD CRYING) Please...
I'm not a t*rror1st.

I have a family.
Children. (STAMMERS)


It was Gunner.

Gunner Henderson. He's
wearing the camera.

AHMAD: I'm a good man.

Tell me about him.

Look, I didn't know him
before Cerberus.

It's the way
these things worked.

We were just cherry-picked
from the elite teams, you know?

He's from Kentucky.

Bible guy, liked to quote scripture.
Hell of a soldier.

He knew what we were doing
was wrong.

I know that.

If he knew what they were doing,
maybe he knows who Agent Orange is.

MAN: We are a fortunate
people in this country.

Most Americans wake up
in warm beds,

suck down coffee with their
breakfast and go about their lives.

And good for them.

They deserve that life.

They deserve it not because
they earned it as individuals...

but because we've earned
it as a nation. As a people.

But not all of us get to
take that life for granted.

Our job at the CIA is to identify
and contain any dangers to it.

It's a job that's not always
clean, or pretty, or fun.

I've watched friends die...

and I've left good men
behind in shitty countries

because that was the
home they were born to.

I don't know a single operative
with any years under their belt

who hasn't had to do something
that gave them nightmares.

But we endure those nightmares...

embrace them, even...

so that the rest of America
can sleep peacefully.

That's why you're here.

My name is William Rawlins.

Welcome to the CIA.

Miss Page.

I'm Acting SAC Dinah Madani.
So sorry to keep you waiting.

Oh, no.
Figured it's something you do,

a little gentle intimidation. (CHUCKLES)

Why would I want to
intimidate you, Miss Page?

- Please.
- Thank you. It's Karen.


You look like you're in pain,
Agent Madani.

- Oh, I'm fine.
- It wouldn't have anything to do

with the incident at
the docks, would it?

A car exploded, your car,
according to the, uh, license plate,

but, uh, there was no police report,
which seems odd.

You're very well-informed.

I imagine our jobs aren't
dissimilar in that respect.

We're only as good as
our information.

Is it a story
you intend to run?

Maybe. I don't know enough yet.

Would you care to comment?

Karen, you strike me as someone
people would tend to trust.

I'd like to think
I could do the same.

Uh, trust me to do what? (SIGHS)

Not to report anything until
the full story is clear.

Did you trust Carson Wolf?

Off the record?

KAREN: Of course.

Wolf was dirty. Most likely
that's what got him k*lled.

That stays between us, of course,

though I suspect you
knew most of that already.

- Who told you?
- Mmm.

- Do you have any idea who k*lled him?
- No, I... Why would I?

Quite a time you've had
since you came to New York.

Accused of m*rder.
Helped bring down Wilson Fisk.

First you're a paralegal,
then a journalist.

Would you say you have a tendency
to get over-involved, Karen?

Depends on what you mean.

Frank Castle, for instance.

You were part of his defense team,
a fierce advocate for the man.

Then when he escaped prison,

he kidnapped you from
under police protection.

- Yet here you sit, alive and well.

I had nothing to fear
from Frank Castle.

He k*lled a lot of people.

You ask me...

the story of Frank Castle's a tragedy.
No one comes out of that well.

Is that why I'm here?

Talk about old cases
and a dead man?

Did he ever talk to you about
his time in Afghanistan?


Agent Madani, what exactly
happened on the docks?

You know, I was in
Kandahar myself before this.

Turns out Castle might have been
the man I needed to talk to.

Yeah, well, then it's
a shame that he's dead.


- What kind of a man was he?

Decent. Honest.

He had a code and
a sense of honor.

What do you think he'd be
doing if he were still alive?

Minding his own business.

Frank was a man better
left alone, Agent Madani.

Maybe we can grant him that,
now that he's gone.


You wanted to see me?

I want you to track down the
whereabouts of all these men.

This have something to
do with the missing g*ns?

It's a list of soldiers who
might've been in the room

when Ahmad Zubair was ex*cuted.

I narrowed it down
as best I could.

The operation in Kandahar
was off the books,

so there's no record of the
team actually being there.

But since they were there,

it means there's also no record
of them being anywhere else.

Frank Castle, Edward
Drogin, Gunner Henderson.

(SCOFFS) Who names
their kid Gunner?

There's gotta be
20 names on here.

Yeah. I'm banking on one
of them knowing something.

You know...
major shit just went down.

We got left holding
our asses in our hands.

OIG's coming in to
grill us on our failures.

And you... What are you doing?

You're chasing down a case about
dead men that no one cares about.

I'm sorry, but no.

I'm not doing this. Not now.
And neither should you.


Frank Castle stole those g*ns.


You know, I think maybe you should
go back to the hospital. Okay?

He stood right over me.
He looked me in the face.

So you're telling me the
Punisher is not only alive,

but he just stole a truck full
of g*ns from under our noses?

Castle pulled me out of my car.

Why would the Punisher
save my life?

He looked right at me and said,
"Stay out of my way, Madani."

What does that mean?
What is he chasing?

(SIGHS) Well, whatever it is...

with the arsenal he just stole,
you can bet he's gonna drop some bodies.

Now you want that
on your conscience?

Tell OIG.
Get out ahead of this thing.

The fact he's alive means
your case has validity.

I'm not going public with this.

Well, that's your call.

But they ask me a direct question
about it in an official Q and A?

I'm not gonna lie.

DINAH: Yeah. I'm banking on one
of them knowing something.


SAM: Frank Castle, Edward Drogin,
Gunner Henderson.

(SCOFFS) Who names their kid Gunner?


Edward Drogin,
Gunner Henderson.

There's gotta be
20 names on here.

DINAH: Yeah. I'm banking on
one of them knowing something.


Frank, you got mail.

I'll be back.

You gonna tell me
how Karen Page fits in?

- Nope.
- Right.

Well, we could use some milk.

And some 1/16th solder tips. (COUGHS)


- Hey.
- So I had an interesting day.

The, uh, special agent in charge

of Homeland Security
investigations called me up.

- Guess who she wanted to talk about?
- Yeah. So you met Madani, huh?

I think she knows you're alive.

I pulled her out of
a... a burning car, so...

She was also upside down.

Then I guess you kinda
had to, didn't you?

I guess.

Did you have anything to do with
that upside down burning car?


Take it David Lieberman had, uh...

- the answers you were looking for?
- Some.

Same people who came
after me came after him.

- Is he alive?
- He was smart.

Got out ahead of it.
Played possum.

He kept his family safe, Karen.

You know, I've been...

thinking about my son, Frankie.

I remember, second to last
deployment ended unexpectedly, right?

So I got to come home, you know.
Wanted to surprise them.

I pull up in the driveway
and I hear all this shouting,

this yelling from inside.

I remember thinking, "Oh, boy.
What'd the kid do now?" Right?

(CHUCKLES) "I mean, he's barely
eight years old. How bad could it be?"

But I walk in the house...

and he's painted this
marine on the wall.

You know, he didn't draw
it, Karen. He painted it.

It's huge.

You know, it takes up
half the wall and...

(CHUCKLES) it was pretty good, too.

I dragged him outside.

I put him on the ground.
I had a finger in his face.

So I asked him. I said...

I said, "What the hell
were you thinking?"

He looked up at me...
like a little man...

He said, "Marines scare
off bad guys, Daddy.

When you're not here, it's
my job to protect our girls."

They were better off
without me, Karen.

And me being with them...

me being by their side,
it got 'em k*lled.

I need to find...

I need to find these bastards that
took 'em from me. I gotta k*ll 'em.


So where does that end, Frank?

Because I look at you and...

my heart breaks
because all I can see

is just this endless,
echoing loneliness.

- I'm not lonely, Karen.
- Bullshit. We are all lonely.

I sometimes think that that is
all that life is, we're just...

We're just fighting
not to be alone.

So what do you want?
What should I do? Should I let it go?

No, but I want there
to be an after. For you.

Say that these men die, right?
You get what you want.

They'll paint them as martyrs,
Frank. Is that what you want?

(STAMMERS) You want to turn
these... these scumbags into heroes

with no one knowing
what they were?

- What's the alternative? What should I do?
- You expose them.

Right, you talk to Madani.
Or you tell me.

Right, I write a story about it.
We let the truth hang them.

These men decide what the truth is.

- You don't get to.
- They...

You don't get to do that!

Now, look, I...

I can't go after these men
and keep you safe.

- I can't...
- You don't need to.

What do you mean?

My family's gone 'cause of
what I know. They're gone!

Karen, I...


I cannot let that happen
to you, you got that?

I cannot let that happen.


OIG AGENT: What went
wrong, Agent Madani?

Someone knew about the arms deal
and h*jacked it.

Was that a failing in your
mission planning and execution?

Not in my opinion.

There's nothing you might
have done differently?

With hindsight, sure.

Did any tactical conversations
take place outside of this office?

- Not to my knowledge.
- No.

- Who designed the tactical plan?
- I did.

And you were confident
in this plan?

These questions are ridiculous,
if I may say so.

Did either of the agents from
the follow car see this suspect?

You haven't asked them?

I understand you might resent
these questions, Agent Madani,

but please answer them.

Not to my knowledge.

- And you chased the perpetrators?
- (GRUNTS) Almost caught 'em, too.

But you still have no knowledge
who they might be?

No, I do not.

Agent Stein?


Do you have any suspects?




Shit! (SIGHS)

(CHUCKLES) You damn well
knew I wouldn't tell.


we find Castle's unit,
the men on that list,

and hopefully they can
give us Castle.

Here's my condition.

You get a week. A week to find
Castle or some kind of evidence.

If we don't have anything, then
I'll go to Hernandez myself.

For both our sakes.



MARION: In recognition of
outstanding services in the field,

despite great danger and
serious personal injury,

it is my honor to present you with
the Distinguished Intelligence Medal.

Congratulations. Tell no one.

- Thank you, ma'am.

MARION: You may not
have the medal,

but all of our admiration,
that is yours to keep.

Well, all it cost me
was an eye.

Well, it cost our enemies
a hell of a lot more than that.

Your sacrifices took some very
heavy targets out of the game, Bill.

For that, you should
be very, very proud.

I'm keen to help
wherever I can.

- You gonna be around a while?
- Sure.

- Drop by and see me later.
- Will do.

Yeah. How 'bout this guy?

He's quite something,
your man, Gunner.

Completely off the grid.

You know, no electricity,
no phone, no Internet.

No running water. How the hell
you live without that?

Yeah. Maybe he's got a well.

Like most other people
on the planet.

- Huh. Never thought of that.
- There's a shocker.

Only thing in the system is
the deed to...

his family's land
and the cabin on it.

Point being, this is a man who is,
you know, hiding from the world.

FRANK: Maybe he just
doesn't like it.

MICRO: What's he gonna say
when you show up?

Is he gonna welcome you
with open arms?

Just write the address down.

Put it on a piece of
paper. Put it on the dash.

- I'm coming with you.
- (SCOFFS) You can forget about it.

(CHUCKLES) No, no, no, no.
"Forget about it." That's bullshit.

- Forget about it.
- No way!

You know what?
You're just pissed off

about the other night
because deep down...

No! Deep down,
you know that I'm right.

You can't agree to work with
someone and then cut them out.

Okay. I want you
to listen carefully.

- This guy, he is no joke.
- Okay.

Look, if he doesn't
want us there,

I do not have time
to look after you.

You won't even know I'm there.

I'll help with the driving.

Get you there all, you know,
bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. (CHUCKLES)

The Kandahar operation,
all right...

was, as you know, named...
for Cerberus.

Hellhound, multi-headed
guard dog of the underworld.

Which sounds really scary, right?

But Cerberus comes from
"Kerberos," I think. Greek.

(FRANK MUMBLES) Jesus Christ.

Which means "spotted."

So, Hades, you know,
Lord of the Dead...

literally named his dog Spot.

And you and Gunner, many
years later... (CHUCKLES)

were part of Operation Spot.

You almost done with that?

- Yeah. It says "mix thoroughly."
- It's fine, all right?

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

Want me to drive
while you eat?

No, I got it.

Where'd you get that?

- I made this.
- What do you mean, you made it?

- Did you make me one?
- No.

This stuff was all in the fridge,
you know?

I thought you liked those things.



Hey. Perfect timing.

- You wanted to see me?
- Yeah, thanks for stopping by. Scotch?

Knowing what you keep on hand,
I'd be a fool to say no.

Good answer.

Well, it's quite a day, huh?

Yes, and I'm humbled by it.

- Nonsense. You deserve it.

So, rumor has it that you're
not long for this office.

You'd think in a building full of

secrets, we'd be better
at keeping one.

Ah. Then the rumors are true.

The director is moving
up to a cabinet post.

God help us all.

The king is dead.
Long live the queen.

It's time they gave you
the big seat, Marion.

They should have last time.

That would have involved owing favors
in places I didn't want any debt.

I want you as
my deputy director, Bill.

I need someone who can make things
happen and make hard decisions.

Because unlike my
predecessor, I am not political

and I am not concerned
what my next move is.

I only want results and security.

The integrity of what
goes on here is paramount.

And I need people
that understand that.

Bringing in someone from
covert operations...

won't sit well with
Defense or State.

You just let me worry about that.

Look, you've led some
of the most effective ops

in recent history of this agency.

But you're right. To bring
you in as deputy director

will definitely get political.

So I need to know, Bill,
between you and me...

are there any skeletons
buried out there...

that might come back and
bite us both in the ass?

No, ma'am.

Will you work with me?

I'd be honored.

Good. Here's to us.

Once I head up, pull the van
off the road. You stay hidden.



What can it hurt?
Take it.

I don't wanna hear from
you unless you hear from me.

All right. You stay in the van.

No getting your hands
dirty this time.



You here?

Gunner, it's Frank Castle!

Brother, I just want to talk!

Come on, Gunner, it's Frank!






God damn it.

Gunner, God damn it,
it's Frank Castle!

Come on. I'm not a part of it, brother.
I never have been.

Hey. Hey!

Hey, hey, hey, hey.
I'm not your enemy, brother.

(PANTING) It's me.

That tape you made...
they thought it was me.

They k*lled my family for it.

Schoonover. He betrayed us.

And I put him down.

I just want a name, okay? I
want names and I'll let you be.


(PANTS) Come on.

Come on.

Hey, it's me.

I'm sorry I shot you.

Well, shit.

Yeah, brother, me, too.


I'm sorry about your family.

Agent Orange.

You know who he is?
You have a name?


So, why'd you do it, man,
why... Why'd you make the tape?

was this kid on base...

Young kid, 19, maybe.

He lent me his knife...

'cause I dropped mine somewhere.

Knife's a sacred thing, Frank.

Anyways, this...
kid got k*lled and...

I went down the mortuary to give
him his knife back, pay my respects.

Then I saw him.

They had that boy opened up.

They was putting bags
of dr*gs into his body.

Like he was nothing.

Like, just an empty carcass.
Him and all the rest of them in there.

Who was it, Gunner?

Who was in the room?

It was the colonel, Bennett...

the one who run the
mortuary. Him and Orange.

I didn't know who was in
on it, who I could trust.


- They with you?
- Shit, no.

Frank, you've got company.

(SOLDIER 1) Let's go! Let's go!

Hurry! Hurry!


(g*n FIRING)











FRANK: How bad?

- I can fight. How many?
- Five, maybe six.

Frank, I'm assuming
you and your buddy

are the two hiding
behind the tree, yeah?

Closest two are behind you
at your five and seven.


Now they're gonna come up behind
you from either side of the tree

and then you got ten
seconds till the next pair

comes at you from the front
making it a crossfire.


Let's go. Let's go. (PANTING)


Downhill. Move. Quickly.

(g*n FIRES)

I guess we got
a little help from above.

(g*n CLICKS)

Shit. Let's go.



- (g*n FIRING)
- Come on! Come on!

Come on! Come on!


You're gonna die, you hear
me? I'm gonna k*ll you!

You're gonna die!



Whoever you are,
I'm coming for you.


(EXHALES HEAVILY) Just like old times.


- Come on. Come on.


You gotta get out of here, man.

ZACH: How long are we gonna wait?

Let's just eat.



- Come on. Come on.

That's it. Come on.


- I'm sorry.
- Oh, hell, man.

I always figured I'd die
in these woods anyway.


Shh. Come on. Hey.

- Yo.


- Bury me, man.
- Stop that.

Just bury me. Promise
me you'll bury me, okay?




Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.

Just stay here.
I'll get help.

Just stay here.

I'll be back. I'll be back, Gunner.
You stay.




So... drinking?


Tough day?

Yeah. I had to make a decision

and I have no idea if
I made the right one.

Sometimes I think the only
way to get by in this world

is to step off it for a while,
you know?

And if it helps,
I also had a shitty day.

So, what are we gonna
do about that?

I'm open to suggestions.

You are?

I mean, within reason.

Why? What you got in mind?



Hey, you all right?
You all right?

I'm fine.


Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What happened?

- Hey, don't stop.
- What happened to you?




Oh, shit!




Come on now, Frank.

Everything's gonna be okay,
all right?

Everything's gonna be okay.




Might be hope for you yet, Spook.

(SIGHS) Okay, okay.
