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03x08 - Catch and Release

Posted: 05/09/22 06:49
by bunniefuu
Tessa: it's inevitable.

sometimes, your friends
are going to make decisions

That you just don't agree with.

I think
I'm gonna cut bangs.

and sometimes, your only job
is to be supportive.

I think I'm gonna
dye my bangs pink.

but if you watch your friend
make a decision

that can hurt them
without speaking up...

I'm so sick
of these bangs.

I think I'm just gonna
burn them off.

...then what kind of friend
are you?

Lisa, no!

[ Exhaling sharply ]
oh, god. Ow.

and the latest bad decision...

So, this weekend's
the big weekend.

The big weekend
for what?

My parents are going
out of town,

So I'm gonna ask malik
for his hand in marriage.


It's gonna be the most perfect
proposal ever.

I'm gonna sweep that boy
off his feet.


You said that already.


Lisa, come on.

Aren't we a little young
to be thinking about marriage?

Okay, first of all, we are not
thinking about marriage.

I am. Me.

And while I may be
young in age,

I have lived well beyond
my years.

I am an old soul, tessa.

I was born old.

Also, malik is
your first real boyfriend.

Correct. And he also happens
to be my soul mate.

Look, I know that you have yet
to experience

That kind of love...

Here we go.

...but just because you and ryan
didn't last

Doesn't mean
that we won't.

That's...a fair shot.


But I still don't see
what the rush is.

True love is the rush,

True love is urgent
and pressing

And in need
of our immediate attention.

This proposal is going down
with or without you,

So get on board
or step to the left,

Because this train
is leaving the station.

Alih jey: ♪ last night I had
a pleasant nightmare ♪

♪ Da-da-da-da

[ Dog barks ]

♪ Da, da, da, da

Dalia: okay.

oh, hey, monique.

I need you to make more
of an effort with the drains.

Uh, I will.

You know,
you always say that,

But the hair in our pipes
tells a different story.

I'm sorry.

I don't want you
to be sorry.

I just want you
to be better at your job.

Hand me my purse.

and "thank you"?

[ Dogs barking ]
what was that?

Nothing. Rough day?

Not at all.
It was actually kind of slow.

So, uh, what are you thinking
for dinner?

[ Toy squeaking ]
okay, geoff,

I need you to pick the squeakies
up off the floor

And put them
where they belong.

I feel like
you're a teenager

That I constantly have to tell
to clean his room.

Clean your room, geoff.
Clean your room.

How about indian?

There's great shrimp korma
down the street.

Do you think there's
such a thing as soul mates?

I...know you have yet
to experience that kind of love.

What the...?

Why does everyone
keep saying that to me?

But yeah.

I think soul mates exist.

I just think it's extremely hard
to identify them.

I just don't understand
how you can be sure

That you've met...
The one.

You can't be sure.

But you need to be sure,

Which is what makes the prospect
of marriage so daunting.

Lisa doesn't think
it's daunting.

She knows
she wants to marry malik,

And she thinks
I'm being a bad friend

For not being supportive.

being blindly supportive

Does not make you
a good friend.

Being honest does.

But now that you've been honest,
you have to back off.

It's lisa's decision,
not yours.

You can't let it
ruin your friendship.

[ Panting, whines ]

Uh...not today, buddy.

We're gonna take
a little break.

[ Whines ]

From what?
Doggie day care?

No, from nora.

Yesterday, she was seriously
bossy and borderline rude.

Did you call her on it?

That would have been rude.

You have to be honest,

You have to be honest,

And you can't let it
ruin your friendship.

A wise man told me that.

and a wise-ass repeated it.

So, I know the train
is leaving the station,

And I just want you to know
that I am on board.

Then let me see
your ticket.

Wait. [ Laughs ]



This means
so much to me.

I'm gonna keep this.

And I know marrying malik
seems crazy to you.

But to me,
it's crazy not to.

My parents married young.
Malik's parents married young.

We were bred
for long-term monogamy.

It's in our dna.

I think that's great.

I think it's great
that you know what you want

And you're going for it.

I'm going for it.

[ Chuckling ] yeah.

Go for it!

[ Doorbell rings ]

Hi. Hello.

i was happy for lisa.

[ Door closes ]
so why did I feel sad?

as lisa rushed
towards the altar,

george took
the opposite approach.

before things got
any further along with nora,

he decided to do
a background check.

Oh, hey.
Nora's not in today.

Yeah, no. I know.

I-i just stopped by
to pick up...

This ball with the fake mustache
attached to it.

a really popular item.

Oh, hey, george.
You know, nora's not in today.

Yeah, no. I know.

He just stopped in
for the mustache ball.

Those are a riot.

Yeah. [ Chuckles ]
yeah. know what?

Since I have you both here,

You mind if I ask you
a question?



Uh, is nora a bitch?

That was blunter
than I had intended.

Here's the thing.

I know I'm putting you in
a very uncomfortable position,

And I apologize,

But I can't tell you how many
times this has happened to me.

I get involved with someone,
I think I know who they are,

And then -- bam -- they turn out
to be somebody else.

And yesterday --

I have to get back.

Yesterday, monique,
I glimpsed something.

And I want to know
if I saw what I think I saw.

Is nora a big old bitch?
Or not?

[ Sighs ]
is she a bossy boots?

You tell me, geoff.
Don't lie to me, buddy.


That will be $ . ,

while george proceeded
with caution,

i was mad at myself for not
throwing it to the wind.

watching lisa carpe diem
put me to shame.

she knew what she wanted,

and she wasn't gonna
let it get away.

i certainly wasn't ready
to marry my ex-boyfriend ryan.

but that doesn't mean

i should have let him get away
without a fight.

[ Zipper closes ]

i had to go see him.

but since I didn't have
a credit card...

Is this gonna be enough?

Could you please not put that
on my chair?

Money is filthy,

And I seriously can't believe
you still use it.

Okay. Uh, where do you
want me to put it?

In the hamper.


I'm showing three direct flights
to orlando.


You know, make that two.

I don't like the equipment
delta uses on that route.

Looks like I can get you
a bulkhead,

Which is good,
'cause you have one.

Are you gonna need
a rental car?


I don't exactly know
where I'm going yet.

I still need to get
ryan's dorm info.

Mid-size or luxury?

I see you in a yaris
or something comparable.

You're , right?

No. Not right.

Go to school together.

I know.

But you seem like you've been
left back a lot.


Thanks a lot for coming through
for me, dalia.

I really owe you one.

No probs.

It was seriously
my pleasure.


Why is my return flight
to lebanon?

Like I told you,
my pleasure.

Enjoy your trip.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Tessa! Come in.

Hi, mrs. Shay.

I was wondering if you had
ryan's dorm info.

Oh, did you have something
you want to deliver to ryan,

Because we can
hand-deliver it.

Big game tomorrow.

Shay clan is gonna be there
to support him...

In more ways than one.
[ Chuckles ]

Ryan gets so pent-up
before the games.

You remember.
He needs release.

They paid for my ticket.

It'll be good for you two
lovebirds to see each other.


Anyways, tessa, what was it
that you had for ryan?

Oh, right. Yeah.


It was just, uh...

This bag of my old clothes.


I'm sure he'll love this.

Fred: that is gonna have to be
your carry-on, dear,

Because mine is full
of deer jerky

And june's is nothing
but boy shorts.

[ Laughs ]


This is some
real healthy fare

You got going here tonight,

I'm just trying to keep dad's
cholesterol in check, ma.

You don't like it?

No, i-i like it.

A little fibrous is all.

Like something
you'd feed a horse.

[ Chuckles ]
I like it, aunt tracy.

Thank you, shira.
Would you care for some more?

Oh, no.

What's this over here?

That's quinoa, dad.

Tastes like dirt.

Okay, let's change the subject,
shall we?

Lisa, anything new?

Funny you should ask.

There actually is something

I'd like to share
with the family.

Last year, as you know,
malik and I split up briefly.

It was one of the darkest times
of my life.

Prior to that,
my karaoke song

Had always been "I'm so excited"
by the pointer sisters.

Ooh, that's a good one.

But during that time,
I felt like I was just

Going through the motions,
so my karaoke song

Became "a*t*matic"
by the pointer sisters.

I like that one, too.

But then we reconciled.

[ The pointer sisters'
"jump (for my love)" plays ]

And I've never been happier.

So, tonight,
my karaoke song became "jump,"

By the pointer sisters.

And I'd like to sing that
for you now.

Uh, whoa,
what's going on?

Sounds like she's gonna sing us
some pointer sisters.

[ Chuckles ]

All right.

♪ Your eyes

♪ Tell me how you want me

♪ Can feel it
in your heartbeat ♪

♪ I know you like what you see

Okay, lisa!

♪ Hold me

♪ I'll give you
all that you need ♪

♪ Wrap your love around me

♪ You're so excited,
I can feel you getting hotter ♪

Oh, okay --

[ Laughs ]
♪ oh, baby

♪ I'll take down,
I'll take you down ♪

That's a bad girl.

♪ Where no one's
ever gone before ♪

♪ And if you want more

♪ If you want more,
more, more ♪

♪ Jump!

♪ For my love

♪ Jump in

♪ And feel my touch

♪ Jump! If you want to taste
my kisses in the night ♪

♪ Then jump, jump for my love

♪ Jump!

♪ I know my heart
can make you happy ♪

♪ Jump in!

♪ You know these arms
can fill you up ♪

♪ Jump! If you want to taste
my kisses in the night ♪

♪ Then jump, jump for my love

Will you marry me?


Oh, hell, no.
[ Music stops ]

But I want to spend
the rest of my life with him.

Well, that's too bad.
Malik's going to howard
next year, lisa.

He applied
early acceptance.

You did?

I-i was gonna tell you
if I got in.

I haven't
heard anything yet.

Ruth: but you will.

We're not gonna let you
throw away your future

To marry some
country-ass white girl

Who wants to be
a child bride.

I'm not a child.

neither is malik.

that's a grown man there,

Years old, so let's let him
speak for himself.

Yes. Please.
Speak for yourself, malik.

Do you want to marry me
or not?

[ Dog barks in distance ]

Lisa, wait!

You didn't give me
a chance to explain.

[ Crying ]

Can you stop crying
for long enough

To tell me
what happened?

[ Crying ] the train
went off the rails.

Oh, god,
I'm so embarrassed.

[ Sniffles ]

I guess he doesn't feel
the way I do.

What exactly did he say?

It's not what he said.
It's what he didn't say.

He didn't say yes.

I'm sorry, lisa.

Are you?

Yes. Hey,
I was on that train.

I showed you my ticket.

[ Sniffles ]

as bad as I felt for lisa,

i had to admit
i also felt relieved --

relieved that lisa
wasn't marrying malik,

and relieved that I wouldn't
have to see ryan and june

dancing at her wedding.

Heard you stopped by my job
not looking for me.

Oh. Yeah.

Well -- well, I was actually
just picking up... --
one of those.

Can I ask you
a question?

What's going on with you,

Nothing. What's --
what's going on with you?

[ Scoffs ]

We've been hanging out
for months now,

And just when I finally feel
like it's getting somewhere --

I catch you
being a big old bitch.


Super rude
to your employees --

No "please" or "thank yous",
a total bossy boots.

"Bossy boots"?

I'm done getting duped,

I-i've been done
getting duped.

[ Chuckling ]
who's duping you?

Am I pretending
like I'm someone I'm not?

So, I'm a little bossy at work.
I'll cop to that.

But I'm the boss.

Look, there's a million reasons
not to be with someone.

They grind their teeth,
or they hog the blankets.

I-i certainly hope not,

Because those are both
deal breakers.

But when you're
into someone,

None of that other stuff

You know, even if they do have
a poorly trained dog

And a hang-up on their ex
and a teenage daughter

And more facial hair
than you'd typically like.

When you fall
for someone,

None of that other stuff

george knew
what nora was saying was true,

and he also knew,
in that moment,

that he hadn't fallen for her.

I should go.

I should let you.

[ Sighs ]

Well, thanks again
for including me.


It was really great getting
a chance to see ryan play.


Listen, i, uh -- I don't want
you to beat yourself up.

I'm not.

It wasn't your fault.

I know.

I was in the stands.
I'm not the one who fumbled.

Oh, boy.
[ Chuckling ] okay.

It's okay. It's okay.

It's just
a little strange

That ryan has never fumbled
before in his life.

I think we can all agree

That the most logical

Is that some unholy force
was at work.

It could have also been
the rain.

Absolutely. It's not like you
put a curse on our son.

Please, take your curse
off our son.

Okay, you know,
I'm just gonna head out.


Drive safely.

You know, ryan's roommate
never even left the room.

So, we didn't get
a chance to...

[ Laughs ]

Oh, my god.
Why didn't you say so?

That's it.
Explains it all!

How about a nice,
warm breakfast?

Oh, sheila scrambles
a terrific egg.

I do.
[ Chuckles ]

it had been a while
since lisa had slept over.

and even though it was more
of a su1c1de watch

than a slumber party,

i was still glad
i could be there for her.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

I was thinking maybe I gave up
on the bangs too quickly.

I don't know.

with graduation looming,
it was just a matter of time

before life sent us
in our own separate directions,

but for now...

[ Bruno mars'
"count on me" plays ]

♪ If you ever find yourself

♪ Stuck in the middle
of the sea ♪

♪ I'll sail the world

♪ To find you

♪ If you ever find
yourself lost ♪

♪ In the dark
and you can't see ♪

♪ I'll be the light

♪ To guide you

♪ Find out what we're made of

♪ When we are called to help
our friends in need ♪

♪ You can count on me

♪ Like one, two, three

♪ I'll be there

♪ And I know when I need it

♪ I can count on you

♪ Like four, three, two

♪ And you'll be there

♪ 'Cause that's what friends
are supposed to do, oh, yeah ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh

♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ If you're tossing
and you're turning ♪

♪ And you just can't
fall asleep ♪

♪ I'll sing a song beside you

♪ And if you ever forget

♪ How much you really mean
to me ♪

♪ Every day I will remind you

♪ Ohh

♪ Find out what we're made of

♪ When we are called to help
our friends in need ♪

♪ you can count on me

♪ Like one, two, three

♪ I'll be there

♪ And I know when I need it

♪ I can count on you

♪ Like four, three, two

♪ And you'll be there

♪ 'Cause that's what friends
are supposed to do ♪

♪ Oh, yeah

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh

♪ Ooh

♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh

♪ Ooh
you're my best friend.

♪ Yeah, yeah

I couldn't imagine my life
without you.

[ Vocalizing ]

Lisa marie shay...

...will you marry me?


[ Cheers and applause ]

sometimes you have to let go.
there's no other choice.

in lisa's case,
i knew she'd be back.

we were best friends,

and nothing
was going to change that.

[ Cellphone vibrates ]

but as far as my own
love story goes...

[ School bell rings ]

...i guess we just have to wait
and see about that.