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03x24 - In the Loop

Posted: 05/09/22 06:39
by bunniefuu

[squeals and yips]

Come along, Russet, there's nothing to worry about.

I think you're really going to enjoy our day camp.

It-it's Russell...

and I'm not sure it's all that safe in here.

OK, young sweeties, settle down!

We have a new...

Some sort of rodent...

...joining our happy group today.

[squeals and yips]

Rodents are a bit of a novelty around here.

Actually, I'm a hedgehog, and we aren't rodents.

Now I want you all to make Ruffles feel right at home,

all righty?

Not Ruffles...

My name's Russell.

Oh, Look at his cool, spiky rodent fur!

Ah! And those divine rodent nails.


Look at his giant beady rodent eyes!

I don't think eyes can be both 'giant' and 'beady'.

Well, you got here just in time, Russell!

We've just started our morning mayhem.

M-m-morning m-m-mayhem?


Isn't mayhem a little...


What if someone gets hurt?

There's absolutely nothing to worry about

here at Littlest Pet Shop!

Well, I suppose there's no harm in having a little fun.

As long as no one gets-

[scream] Hurt!



Russell, are you all right?

As that dog is my witness, I'll never be unsafe again!



♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be [yeah]

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me We can be [yeah] ♪

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

♪ Truck chimes play Scott Joplin's "The Entertainer" ♪


Russell, check out my latest work!

Well, I mean, technically it's not late.

It's right on time,

but I still think it's the best thing I've ever done.

Minka, you're lucky to be alive.

I am?

Your paints are a complete disorganized disaster.

They shouldn't be scattered around so willy-nilly!


[screaming laughter]

That's funny.

Well, you won't think it's so funny

when Vinnie trips over your willy-nilly paints.


Whoa, look, Russell, I think I finally found

something funnier than squeaky chicken.


Ugh! Pepper, your props are a danger to yourself

and everyone in the day camp.

This'll never do!

So, Russell, what do you think of my new

'Mondo Magic Mysterio Magician's Box'?

It is so mysterious even I don't know what it does.

Despite the alliteration,

I think those corners are entirely too pointy.

Too pointy?

Yes, and much too danger-



Ah, there it is.

Loose floorboard.

One of these days I've got to remember to fix that.

Blythe: Good morning, pets!

I want you to meet our new day camper.

He's only here for today, so let's make him feel

really welcome, OK?

Harold Winston, family Sciuridae,

order Rodentianata.

Actually, it's pronounced Rodentia.

Ah, a fellow hog!

Hedge, if I'm not mistaken?

That's right.

Russell Ferguson.

And you must be a groundhog,

if I'm not mistaken...

And I rarely am.

Ah, that's a good one, Russell Ferguson!

Ha ha ha!

Blythe, to the front for customer assistance, please.

Oh, got to run!

Carpe diem!

Wow! Blythe knows how to speak German.

What a delight.

Actually, 'carpe diem' means 'seize the day',

but it's Latin, not German.

Hey, everyone, look!

Real rodent fur!

And fabulous rodent nails.

Giant beady rodent eyes!

Ooh! I love giant beady rodent eyes!

Minka, I've told you before that eyes can't be both giant and-

Do gather round.

I'm quite accustomed to this reaction.

It's a well-known fact that the groundhogs

are the most famous of the Rodentianata order.


Sorry, Harold, I think the rats might take issue with that.


♪ Dance like you know you can! ♪



What was that?

I thought a tree was falling!

Ha ha! So you're not familiar with the, uh,

finer points of musical theory?

It's customary to shout out how much one appreciates

the 'timbre' of a performer's voice by yelling 'timber'.

Ah? So when a lumberjack shouts 'timber'

those falling trees are just taking a bow?


Oh, thank you, everyone!



So you see, Vincent, adding an underwater

elephant step will greatly improve your timing.

Like this?

Yeah, that's right.

[impressed chatter]

An underwater elephant step?

Why yes, hedgehog.

That's not a real thing!

I'm fairly certain it is.

Well, I'm certain it isn't!

Why must you be so incredibly rude

to our special guest, Russell?

Please, everyone, I'm certain he means no offense

with these statements, however misguided.

Me misguided?

You're the one who claimed tree frogs are made of wood!




♪ [accordion]

[knock knock]

Aw, come on, Russell.

He can't be that bad.

Oh, he is.

He's a know-it-all who doesn't know anything!

He constantly gets his facts wrong!

So, he's a know-nothing?

Yes! They're the worst.

It's been scientifically proven, you know.

I can cite the studies if you like.

No. [chuckle] I believe you.

Oh, I wish today was over already

so I could end my Harold Winston nightmare.

Russell, I'm sorry you're not getting along with Harold,

but you should never wish a day away!

Once it's gone, you can't get it back.

That would be OK with me.

You know, before the invention of the wooden easel,

artists used to prop their canvases on weasels.

[impressed chatter]


Sunil, did you know the earliest known magic trick

involved pulling a hat out of a rabbit?

Ooh! That is fascinating.

What kind of hat?

By the way, Penny Ling,

they say the best bamboo comes from Indiana.





If you're not going to say anything nice,

maybe it's best you just move on.

Blythe: Harold!

Your owner's here! Time to go!

Time to go, already?

Wow! The day really flew by, didn't it?

Farewell, my new friends.

If only it were possible to live this day again.

Well, it was fun.

Too bad we'll never get your unique brand of facts again.

Don't forget to not write!

Ah! What a lovely fellow.

I shall miss him.

I'm just happy this day is finally over.

Tomorrow will be a whole new, Harold-free day.





♪ Truck chimes play Scott Joplin's "The Entertainer" ♪


This is more like it.

A brand new day, and no sign of--

Good morning, pets!

I want you to meet our new day camper.

He's only here for today,

so let's make him feel really welcome, OK?

Harold Winston, family Sciuridae,

order Rodentianata.

What the huh?

♪ [horror sting]

Harold, what are you doing here?

Russell, that's so rude!

Yeah, you've never even met this guy before!

What are you talking about?

He was here all day, yesterday!

We're sorry, Harold.

Russell isn't usually so abrasive.

Oh, it's all right.

The lesser hogs are known to be a bit short-tempered.

The lesser hogs?

I'd be happy to tell you more if you'd like.


[steam whistle]

♪ Dance like you know you can! ♪


You know, we already did this.

What's that there, uh, hedgehog?

We did this whole thing yesterday.

Uh, Pepper, you remember, don't you?


What in the world are you talking about, Russell?

Harold is about to claim that you're supposed

to shout 'timber' after a good performance,

and then I'll say he's wrong,

and then you'll all walk off.

Timber, Zoe! Timber!

All: Timber! Timber!

Oh, thank you, everyone!


So you see there, Vincent--

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

The underwater elephant step.

We've already been over this.

Ah, so you're familiar with Eastern dance.

I'm impressed.

This is some kind of joke, right?

You're all playing an elaborate prank on me, right?

Russell, why are you being so rude?

We truly are sorry, Harold.

Perhaps there is something in his water dish.

So this isn't a joke?

What is going-- [scream]



Blythe! You're the only one who can help me!

What is it, Russell?

I'm living the same day that happened yesterday.

Everything's exactly the same.

I know Harold just got here today,

but I met him yesterday!

Are you saying that you went back in time

or something?

Because that's crazy.

She said to the hedgehog.

Hah. Touché.

I know how it sounds, but it's true.

Yesterday is today!

And I think that groundhog had something to do with it.

Russell, maybe you just think you've met Harold before.

That sort of thing happens all the time.

No! I met him when he was here yesterday!

And it didn't go so well.

Then look at today as a second chance

to get to know him better.

No thanks!

I've already suffered through one day

of that insufferable suffermeister!

If anyone needs me, I'll be hiding in the corner

until this day is over.

♪ Truck chimes play Scott Joplin's "The Entertainer" ♪

♪ Dance like you know you can! ♪


Yeah, timber!


Before the invention of the wooden ... [words mix together]

...the best bamboo comes from Indiana...

What is going on?



You really think you've already lived this day twice?

Yes. And that's two times too many.

Well, maybe you're looking at it all wrong.

Maybe you're getting a chance to fix things.

Mmmm... A chance to fix things.



Blythe: Harold! Your owner's here; time to go!

Well, I've repaired everything in the day camp.

Arrivederci, Harold Winston, arrivederci.

Ha, a new day.

♪ Truck chimes play Scott Joplin's "The Entertainer" ♪

Hello there, Vinnie.

Notice anything different today?

Uh. your hair's a little less spiky?

That's what I like to hear.

Everything appears to be back to norm--

Blythe: Good morning, pets!

I want you to meet our new day camper.

No! It can't be!

Harold Winston, family Sciuridae,

order Rodentianata.




Are you OK, Russell?

Nothing matters.

None of it matters.

It's all just going to happen again and again,

no matter what I do.

Russell, do you want me to call the vet?

Call the vet?


You'll just have to call him again tomorrow.

[maniacal laughter]

Russell! What are you doing?

[laughter continues]

Russell, that's enough!



Russell, stop!

I'm going to call the vet!

Get back, all of you!

I have outlet covers and I'm not afraid to use them!

It's all right, everyone.

Give the hedgehog some space.

Stay back, Harold!

I don't know what kind of game you're playing,

but I've had enough!

I play no games, my friend.

Now please, put the outlet cover down.

What's wrong with you, Russell?

Uh, he's gone completely batty!

Was that comment really necessary?


It doesn't matter what any of you say!

It doesn't even matter what I say!

This day's just going to start all over again tomorrow!

Let me see if I can talk to him.

It's just as I thought.

I knew a hedgehog once in Peru who acted just like this--

Peru, eh?

Yeah, that's right.

Carlos was his name.

Carlos the hedgehog...

from Peru?

Are you sure?

Yes. He was definitely from Peru.




Yeah! That's right! HAHA!

I said it!


But, my dear hedgehog, how do you explain yourself?

Ha ha ha ha!

Come, pets.

I've found it's best in these cases to leave

the hedgehog alone with his thoughts.

Oh, why not?



♪ Truck chimes play Scott Joplin's "The Entertainer" ♪

♪ Dance like you know you can! ♪


Yeah, timber!

Timber! Timber!

Zoe: Oh, thank you, everyone!

[Russell humming]

Huh! Uh, hey Zoe, that song you were singing

is on your MP player.

May I borrow it?

Of course, Russell, but you've never shown much interest

in my music before.

Guess I never had time before.

Zoe, may I borrow your MP player?

But Russell, you're not into music.

I know, but I really like that song

you're going to sing later.

May I borrow your MP player?

You want to borrow my--

I've been studying musical theory.

You really do have excellent pitch.


♪ you know you can! ♪

♪ Dance like you know you can ♪

♪ Oh! Like you know you can!

♪ Dance like you know you can.

Come on baby, dance!

♪ Move your feet to the beat, get it sweet, ♪

that's right!

♪ You dance like you know you can! ♪

♪ Dance like you know you can! ♪

♪ Like you know you caaaaaaaaan! ♪


Yeah, Timber!


Whoo hoo!

Russell, I don't know what to say.

I finally get it, Zoe.

I understand why you love music so much.

You do?

Yes. I feel it!


♪ Scott Joplin's "The Entertainer" ♪




I tell you, Blythe, waking every morning

to face the exact same day

has really given me time to appreciate

the other pets' passions.

Are you feeling OK, Russell?

Oh, I feel as good as I have in a long time.

I know my friends better now

than I did before this day started...

so many days ago.

If you really do feel like you're stuck

in some sort of time loop, maybe you should-

I know, I know...I should get to know Harold better too.

Yeah, how did you know I was going to say that?

Well, let's just say I've heard it before.

But now I'm going to take your advice.

♪ Scott Joplin's "The Entertainer" ♪

Hello. Welcome to Littlest Pet Shop's day camp.

Harold Winston, family Sciuridae,

order Rodentianata.

I know. I know.

My name's Russell.

Ah, a marvellous specimen of the Spinyfluffidae family.

Actually it's--

Wait, did you say 'marvellous'?

Hmmm. Those spines, those claws;

You're quite well groomed, hedgehog.

Oh, well gee, ha ha, thanks.

Come on in, Harold, we'll show you around.



Russell, what are you doing?

You could have really hurt Harold!

I was trying to stop him from getting hurt!

He was about to step on this loose board




Uh, hey, uh, are you all right there, hedgehog?

Urgh! I've got to fix that board... again!

Someone certainly should.

It's a well-known fact that % of all pet shop

injuries are preventable.

Hey, that's right!

You got that fact correct!

Why, of course.

But between you and me, I do occasionally misspeak.

A product of just too many factoids

floating around in my brain, I'm afraid.

Well, it certainly sounds like you know your safety.

I do, and loose floorboards

are a particular bugaboo of mine.

Well what do you say we teach that loose board

some manners?


Aha, but the world record for days without an accident

came from a small smelting factory in Manila.

, days of blissful safety.

Are you sure?

I thought the record was , days,

from that king crab cannery in Alaska.

No, I'm quite certain.

That record came from--

Harold! Your owner's here!

Time to go!

So, did you have a nice day?

I most certainly did.

It's not often one finds such a kindred spirit.

Especially of the hedge variety.

I'm glad we spent this day together, too.

See you again tomorrow.

Aw, I don't think so, Russell.

Harold was only here for today.

We'll see.

Hey, has anyone seen Harold, today?

Harold Winston, the groundhog?

Mmm. He was here yesterday.

Yes, Russell, darling.

Harold was just a one-day day camper.

You mean, yesterday is finally over?

Uh, yeah!

That's why it's called yesterday!

Well, Harold may not have gotten his facts right,

but after spending all those days with him,

I'm actually going to miss that guy.

You know, Blythe, I have to admit I'm a little sad

to see yesterday go.

But it was worth every minute to be able to learn

so much about my friends.

And, I finally fixed that pesky floorboard.

Yes, ma'am, I am definitely turning over a new leaf

here at Littlest Pet Shop.

I'll never get frustrated with another day camper again,

no matter what.

Well, that's good, because we have a new day camper

coming in today.

Really? Who?

A parakeet called Crash Dangerfeather.

It says here she's already been kicked out of three

day camps for being reckless and unsafe.

With your new accepting attitude,

maybe you can be Crash's friend and show her around.