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03x21 - A Night at the Pawza

Posted: 05/09/22 06:38
by bunniefuu


That is so cool!

Oh, you must be very excited.

I am!

I've wanted one my whole life!

[excited chatter]

Oh, congratulations!

Blythe: Hey, what's all the fuss about?

♪ Tah-dah!

Uh... I don't see anything.

Look closer, Blythe, down here.

All I see is an ant.

Hey, she got it on the first guess.

This is my new pet.

Her name's Coconut.

Oh! Isn't she cute?


She has a cute name.

But she's an ant and where there's one ant,

there's usually...


[Sunil screams]

Ant alert! Ant alert!

Uh oh.

Mrs. Twombly, we've got ants!

♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be [yeah]

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me We can be [yeah] ♪

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

Blythe: So the shop is closed for the next three days?

Mrs. Twombly: I'm afraid so.

Aunt Annie says she'll need hours

to gather up all our ants

You get all the sweeties into the Littlest Pet Shuttle;

I'll get their owners up to speed.

Well, pets, it looks like we'll have to find a place

for you to hang out for three days.

Blythe, is Coconut going to be OK?

She'll be fine, Penny Ling.

'Aunt Annie's Ant Relocators' specializes

in rounding up ants and relocating them to ant farms

where they can be...ant-y.

Oh, that sounds nice.

I think it sounds disgusting!

Um, Blythe, there's only one other local place

I can think of that has a pet day camp.

Mrs. Twombly, please don't say 'Largest Ever Pet Shop.'

Well, where were you thinking?

Largest Ever Pet Shop.

I'm sorry, dear.

You said not to say it...

...and I did.

That is not an option, Mrs. Twombly.

Of course not!

You're absolutely right!

Not an option.



Blythe, get your internets!

My dear old friend Sophie has the perfect place

to board the sweeties!

She used to anyway. I haven't seen her in a while.

Sophie runs a place called 'The Pawza Hotel.'

Look it up and see if they have one of those

interweb screen thingies.

You mean a website.

If you say so.

The Pawza Hotel. Here it is!

Wow, it's beautiful!

The Pawza Hotel is a five-star pet luxury hotel.

It has a private spa...

Luxury suites...

Crystal chandeliers...

Even tennis courts!

It sounds really fancy.

It sounds like my kind of place.


Well, here we are!

The Pawza.

♪ [music slows and stops]

Uh, I hate to state the obvious,

but it doesn't look anything like the pictures.

Well, there must be something wrong with your internets.

[door creaks]

Mrs. Twombly: Hello! Anyone here?

I mean other than us, of course.

Woman: I'm in the back!


Anna Twombly!

Is it really you?

It's not only me...

It's also Blythe...

And our day camper sweeties from the Littlest Pet Shop.

Oh, how wonderful!

But I'm afraid you've caught us in the middle of things.


Oh, yes!

This is my assistant.

Madison and I were just doing some renovations.

Hi, Mrs. Twombly.

Hi, Blythe.

Oh, hi Madison!

What are you doing here?

Well, we're trying to make this place look as good

as I made it look on the website, which is kinda hard.

You designed the website?

It does make The Pawza look good.

Madison got a tad bit carried away.

Can you believe it?

I'm actually too good at my job.

We've had people calling all week,

wanting to board their pets at our luxury hotel,

but we're just not ready.

Oh, the thought of all those lost customers...

Oh, Sophe, I know how hard it is to keep a business

running in this town.

Let us help you.

Oh, no, no, it's too much!

But we insist!

We'd love to help out.

That would be wonderful!

So, do you know anything about carpentry, plumbing,

or electrical?

Uh, no, but I know a guy who does.

Hi, Dad. What are you doing for the next seventy-two hours?



I've heard of dust bunnies,

but these are like dust buffaloes!

I'll go look for a dust pan.

Or a dust wagon.

See, cause there's so much dust,

a dust pan wouldn't be enough.

Ha ha ha ha! I totally get it.

But you really should quit with the clowning

and get with the cleaning.

[agreeing chatter]

Get serious!



Oh em gee!

Ow, Whittany!

What's the big idea?

Both girls: STOP!

[tire screech]


No! Don't stop!

I am under strict doctor's orders to bike ride

one hour every day!

What is the Littlest Pet Shop shuttle doing here?

Hmm. What are you up to, Twombly?

Francois! My phone!

Toute suite!

[dial beeps]


Hello, Littlest Pet Shop...

I mean, hotel!

Wait, I didn't say that right.

I'll try again.

The Littlest Pet Shop Hotel!

Wait! What's the name of this place?

Sorry, I'm not used to answering the phones here.

My name is Blythe, how may I direct your call?

[dial tone]


Littlest Pet Shop Hotel?

Daddy, why did you just hang up on Blythe?

Why didn't you say something?

Yeah, like, 'How did you get your own hotel, Blythe?'


Twombly stole my idea!

She can't open a pet hotel before I do!

Come girls, time for lunch.

Francois, to the bistro!

Mr. Dale.

Mr. Biskit, how are you today?

Not well, which is why I have contacted you.

I have a special project

requiring your unique talents.

The Littlest Pet Hotel must never open.

At least not until I open my pet hotel first!

Behold, 'The Largest Ever Pet Hotel.'

Twenty stories, two hundred rooms,

separate dining areas for herbivores and carnivores,

a nightclub for nocturnals,

a game room for game animals,

a mile-high aviary,

a mile-deep burrow for rabbits,

and a card room just for doggies.

Dogs play cards?

[I don't know.]

Your dream is very inspiring, Mr. Biskit.

Do not worry.

I will take care of this.

I thought you could.

[whining] Daddy! We want a pet hotel!

Then you shall have it.

Yay. Oh, goody!

You're Biskits, and getting what we want

is our business!

It's time you learned the secret to Biskit success.



♪ When you're in business, The Biskit family business, ♪

♪ There are watchwords you will need to comprehend: ♪

♪ Intelligence and obedience, Confidence and allegiance! ♪

♪ With a soupcon of clairvoyance at the end. ♪


♪ Embrace your inner villainy

♪ Release your inner ignominy

♪ If you don't know what that means then ask a friend! ♪

♪ What does he mean?

♪ Can't he talk teen?

♪ We make choices for expedience ♪

♪ Forget if it's exorbitant

♪ If convenience is convenient, that's the price! ♪

♪ I mean when you're in business! ♪

♪ The Biskit Family Business ♪

♪ You do not let your conscience make you nice. ♪

♪ But we're so nice.

♪ Maybe we're too nice.

♪ We want to be in the business! ♪

♪ The Biskit Family Business!

♪ We want to do whatever we must do. ♪

♪ If your desire is for permanence Yes!

♪ Relevance Yes! predominance ♪

♪ The Biskit Family Business is for you. ♪


♪ A Biskit gets what a Biskit wants, ♪

♪ A Biskit takes and a Biskit flaunts!

♪ We brag! We deal!

♪ It's how we keep it real!

♪ We keep it real!

By Jove, I think they've got it!

♪ When you're in business, The Biskit family business ♪

♪ There are some words that you need to comprehend: ♪

♪ Intelligence and obedience,

♪ Confidence and allegiance!

♪ With a soupcon of clairvoyance ♪

♪ Now and then.


♪ We won't be slowed by the consequence, ♪

♪ or be swayed by the eloquence of the enemy of our enemy ♪

♪ that is our friend.

♪ And that's the end.

I can't believe I'm about to do this,

but somebody's got to clean these stairs.

Oo! Ow! Oo! Ow! Ow! Ow! Oo!



Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

I wonder if any of Coconut's ant friends are here.

Vinnie: Marco!



Yeah, it's pretty dusty in there, too.

You know Zoe, we may not have a lot in common,

but we're both allegic to work.


[sniff sniff]

Something smells, and it's not you.

Excuse me, young lady.

Oh, I'm sorry, we're not open for business just yet.

And you won't be, either.

Excuse me?

I'm from the Downtown City Inspector's Office

of Inspection.

Is this about the website? Because-

And I can tell you this hotel will never open.

Wait, this must be a misunderstanding.

Let me get the owner.

I don't need the owner.

You tell them for me that I'll be back tomorrow

for a full inspection.

Tomorrow? But we need weeks!

Months! Years maybe!


And if I see anything not up to code during my inspection,

I'm shutting this place down.

But you can't-!

Oh, I can.

Have a nice day.


Sophie! Mrs. Twombly! Dad!


Hmm, there is something strangely familiar

about that man's smell.

Come on, lets go tell Blythe.

So he said he was a building inspector

and that he'll be back tomorrow for his inspection.

How unexpected.


Not right now, Zoe.

I'll take you for a walk in a minute.

Got that third floor toilet to flush!

Who da man?


Now, on to the electrical!


Dad, an inspector stopped by

and he wants to close The Pawza down.

But we're just getting started!

Blythe do you know how to fix this?


[intense yapping]

I found a dust pan.


Madison, I need to stay here and help my Dad;

can you please take Zoe and Pepper out for a walk?

Uh, isn't that one a skunk?

Don't worry.

She doesn't bite.

It's not the biting that I'm worried about.


Hey, no pulling!



Not this way.


That way!




Look, Pepper, it's that building inspector!

Pepper: And he's with Fisher Biskit!

Of course!

That's why that smell was so familiar.

I smelled a Biskit!

So, I was thinking my hotel would be

just for cute animals, not for like, spiders.

And I was thinking mine would be made out of like,


Because that's never been done before.

Why didn't you simply shut them down right there on the spot?

I didn't want to arouse suspicion.

But no matter what they do,

that pet hotel will fail inspection,

and have to close its doors forever.

[evil laughter]

[girls join]

So Dad, I was thinking...

If we need to get this cable back inside the wall,

it would be fastest to give it to someone

who can fit inside the wall.

Vinnie, carry this up to the other side.

Wow, it's like he understood you!

Well, he's just really smart.

I knew it.

Hey, maybe we can rewire the whole place this way!


[Zoe yapping]

Uh, Dad? I'll be right back.

I left something...

in the shuttle.

OK, spill.

It's that Dale guy.

He's not a real building inspector...

whatever that is.

And, he works for Fisher Biskit!

What the what?

They want to close The Pawza down.

'Cause it sounds like the twins are going to open

their own pet hotels.

Oh, those Biskits.

Just hold up your side a little higher, Roger.

Hey, everybody, you won't believe what I just found out!

That inspector, Mr. Dale, is a fake!

He's working with Fisher Biskit,

who wants to put The Pawza out of business.

Who told you such a thing?

Um, well, I uh, I just know.

Well, it sure would be nice if this were all a practical joke,

but guys with badges are usually not the kind to joke.

Besides, Blythe, grown men don't go around

pretending to be someone they're not.

Well, how about that time Mr. Biskit pretended to be

his butler and his butler pretended to be a photographer?

Hmm. Good point.

Even so, we need to get this place ready,

just in case he's a real inspector.

Of course.

Me and my silly ideas.

I'm sure Mr. Dale is the real deal.

In fact, I'd like to volunteer to show him around

when he comes back.

Hmm. I suppose you two do have a history.

OK, pets, that so-called 'inspector'

will be here tomorrow and there's lots to do.

I think the best way to beat this fake hotel inspector

is with a fake hotel.


What's a fake hotel?

It's complicated, so let me go over my plan

from the beginning...


Oh, there's that fake inspector.

Better take your places.

Well, hello, Mr. Dale.

How can I help you?

I am back for my building inspection.

Oh, right!

Because you're the building inspector.

Are you sure you're a real building inspector, Mr. Dale?

Of course, and I'm in a hurry young lady,

so please let me see your owner.

That won't be necessary.

If you insist on doing this 'inspection'--

And are you still insisting on doing this inspection?

Uhhh... yes.


Very well then, you leave me no choice.

Follow me.

Let's begin with the rooftop tennis court.



Oh, Mr. Dale!

You have got to be more careful!


Oh, I'm sorry.

We don't have to go on,

if you'll just admit who you really are.

I'm the building inspector!

Then let's keep inspecting.

This door leads to our swimming pool.


I hate getting water in my eyes!

Well, we can stop then.

As soon as you admit who you really are!

I'm Mr. Dale, building inspector!

OK. Have it your way.

I'm sure you'll want to inspect our indoor ice skating rink.


Oh, Mr. Dale, I should have warned you.

These pets play a very aggressive game of ice hockey.


That does it!

I'm shutting this place down!

You can't shut us down

because you're not a real building inspector!

Admit it!

I admit NOTHING!

Except myself out this door.

Oh no, Mr. Dale. Don't open that door!




I tried to warn you.

That's a supply closet.


I give up!

So is there something you'd like to confess?

OK, OK, I admit it!

[sobbing] I'm not really a building inspector.

This was all a scam by my secret employer, Fisher Biskit.


He wants to have the most successful pet hotel

in Downtown City.

And who can blame him?

It's a genius idea!

I was hired to shut your operation down.

And I would've gotten away with it, too

if it hadn't been for you and these meddling pets!

Blythe, you were right!

Mr. Dale was a fake!

How did you know?

Well, uh, I just...

You just 'knew', right dear?

Right, Mrs. Twombly.




Everybody, I owe you all such a debt of thanks.

Me? Especially Madison.

Yes, dear. Without your vision of what this could be,

we never could have made it happen.

Wow. I guess you're kind of right.

Yay, me.


I can't believe we thought Blythe had her own hotel.

So, why is she, like...

working there?

Maybe she's doing that thing she does

where she's, like nice to people, or whatever?

For, like...



Home, driver!

Yes, M'um.