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03x20 - The Sister Story

Posted: 05/09/22 06:37
by bunniefuu

After experiencing today's 'tuna surprise',

I'll be bringing my own lunch to school tomorrow.

[from another room] Ohhhhmmmm.

Youngmee, did you hear that?

Unfortunately, yes.


What do you think it is?

Don't know.



But I'm not taking any chances.






[sighs of relief]

Ugh. I should've known it was your dad acting weird.


I mean, weirder.

We have been watching Blythe's father

making that strange sound for quite a while now.

And I bet you it's going to end in some kind of meltdown.

I'm sure of it.

Sunil: I don't think I would predict that.

Hey! You ate the whole bag!



Should we call somebody?

I mean, 'Oohhmming dad in a pet shop,'

seems like a good time to call somebody.

Who would we call?

Besides, I think I know what this is about.




Oh, hi, girls.

Just getting my Zen on.

I am deep and cool like still pond waters.

We should definitely call someone.

Why are you meditating here?

Room to stretch.

I did not need to see that.

Dad, this wouldn't have anything to do

with Aunt Mo's visit, would it?

This would absolutely, positively not have anything

to do with my extraordinarily competitive sister, Mo,

who thinks she's better than me at everything,

even though nothing could be further from the truth.

I'm better than her at lots of things, lots and lots of...


Why do you ask?

♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be [yeah]

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me We can be [yeah] ♪

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me


Yeah, so my Aunt Mo is coming for a visit.

[deep breathing]

And she and Dad are pretty competitive.

To put it mildly.

Blythe, my sister and I are not competitive!

Yes they are.

[chuckle] We're both adults now, and I'm over that.

He's not.

Just because she's older and thinks she's better

than me at everything doesn't mean it's true!

Dad, how about a few more of those deep breaths?

[deep breathing]

Hmm. This is a fascinating scenario.

I will now use my psychic skills

to predict what will happen next.

Who needs a magician

when I can use my observational-ish-kinda skills

to figure out what's going to happen.

Roger's not going to compete with his sis.

Ha! Care to make a wager?

No, but I'll bet you!

OK. If I win, you will have to clean all of my magic props.

And if I win?

You will have to clean all of my magic props.


Hey, wait a second!

Dad: You'll see, Blythe.

It's not going to be like the last time Mo visited.

Or the time before that, or the time before that.

What happened last time?

Well, aren't you going to pull your cord?

Ladies first!

Come on, pull your cord.

You know you want to!

You know you want to more!


[grunts of pain]

Both: HA! You pulled first!

And how about when you were kids?

OK Mo, so we'll swing toward each other,

and I'll do a whole buncha flips, and then you catch me!

No way!

I'm the big sister, so I'll do all the flips,

and you catch me!


You catch me, or I'm telling Mom!

Well, you better catch me, or I'm telling Dad!



How did you two end up in the circus?

That's on a need-to-know basis.

Youngmee? You can get Aunt Mo to tell you.

Hello all!

Give your Auntie Mo a hug!

You two aren't going to start bench pressing me, are you?

Oh, pft! Ha! You mean that old competition thing?

I am so over that.

[sigh] Great!

This means my whole weekend will be totally free

of any embarrassing scenes.


Right-o, kiddo!

Now come over here and let your favourite,

non-competitive aunt give you a hug.


Is it safe for me to be here?

I'm with you, Mo. Ha ha!

Been over that competition stuff for a long time.

Well, I've been over it longer than you!






Blythe, I'm going to go home and iron some wrinkled things

or wrinkle some ironed things

just home. See ya!



♪ [whistling]

♪ [whistling]

♪ [more complicated whistling] ♪

♪ [William Tell Overture]

♪ [William Tell Overture]

Uh, Aunt Mo? I wanted to show you some of my pet clothing des-

Oh, hey Blythe, I made your favourite breakfast!

Which isn't your favourite without whipped cream!

Uhhh. Thanks!

I like this new non-competitive

brother/sister thing you guys have going on.

A growing girl needs more pancakes.

Better with syrup!

And don't forget the cereal!

Or the lettuce!

And, Blythe's favorite pasta sauce!

You know she loves that tofu!


[frustrated sigh]

Because you're clearly not competing

with each other anymore.

Certainly not!

We're too mature for that!

Said the dad who gave his daughter pancakes

with pasta sauce.

I shall now pull an object out of my top hat.

I bet it's going to be a harmonica.

A harmonica?

From a magician's hat?

I don't think so.

My extraordinary powers of prediction tell me it will be...


You predict that you're going to pull a rabbit

out of a top hat?

My non-extraordinary powers could've predicted that.


HA! Boom! I win!

Pfft! Lucky guess.

♪ [harmonica notes]

And I'm done.

Farmer's market a la Blythe.

What's happening here?


I'm not saying or doing anything better than she is.

Me neither!

So, you're not competing over not competing?

Both: That's right.

[sigh] Good luck with that.

Thanks for letting us accompany you

to the farmer's market, Blythe.

Yeah, we've just got to see what your dad and aunt

are doing next.

And I must prove to Vinnie that I am better

at predicting future events than he is

with his observational skills.

Huh! Bet you that's not going to happen.

No prob.

I'm glad someone enjoys watching those two.



You stepped on the crack!

Did not.

Ha-ha! I could do this all day!

I could do it forever, plus infinity!

So embarrassing.

Hi, Blythe!

Where you headed?

Uh, the farmer's market.

Got to pick up some fresh fruit. to go!


[sigh] Too late.

I'm sure your friends would love to meet your aunt!

Blythe's friends love me!

Don't leave me hangin' ma sistah and brotha!

Been there, done that.

Give an auntie a slippity slide!

Are these two for real?

That would be a yes.

Let me getcha with a thump!


And bring it with a bump!


Here comes the Pow, Pow, Bam, Sha-Bam!

What did I do?

And don't forget the Whoopsie!

Or immediately forget the Whoopsie!

Ha ha ha ha! Now what are you going to do?


You're no match for me, why I...


Do you think we really need your magic predictatating

to figure out what's going to happen with these two?


I predictatate nothing good.

[sigh] Everything always looks so good

at the farmer's market.

Well, I for one am disappointed.

I don't see one farmer for sale at this market.

Hey Mo, you want to know how to make an apple turnover?

Like this!

Well, what do you call an apple with an attitude?

A crab apple, which is what you're going to be

when I out-juggle you!

You break it, you buy it.

I can pretty much guarantee something will break.

The question is how much.


Oh! Totally meant to do that!

Well, here, let me help you out.






Hmm. Sure smells appley.

Yes. It's coming from these tiresome apples,

which would make me much happier if they were anywhere but here!

The pets are loving those apples.

You know, I've always been a bit of a pet whisperer.


Well, my name's Vinnie, I like long walks in the park.

There's no need to whisper

when you can hear what they're saying loud and clear.

They want treats!

I bet you she is not a pet whisperer.

Yeah? Well, this goat thinks that I'm a snappy dresser!

And I predict he doesn't know what he's talking about.

Oh, no treats for me.

I'm on a diet.

Well, I'm not, and those pants are delicious.

Both: HA! I was right!

This llama's thinking we could be BFF's.

He'd only be using you to get to me.


Not likely, considering the llama just said

'hop on my back and let's go for a ride'.

I said nothing of the kind!

[derisive laugh]

I think she just said she'd like me

to be the one to ride her.

I'm pretty sure that's not what she said.

You two better listen to the smart girl.

Dad, remember how you said you wouldn't make a scene?

Well, riding a llama would definitely be a scene!

Mo can ride the goat.

Major scene alarm times two!

Not a good idea!

Well, I'm getting on the llama!

Not if I get on her first!

[angry shouts]

Ha ha!

I won that challenge!

Hey, I don't recall extending you an invitation

to get on my back.

So get off!


Yee haw!

OMG. We need to get my scooter and catch up to that llama!

Sometimes I do not like to be so right in my predictions.

So, you got one right. Big deal.

[traffic sounds]

Mo: Why is it so hard to find one man on a llama?

Bet you I spot him first!

Oh, you are on, my scaly little friend.

Get serious, you two.

Dad is lost on a llama!

And that is embarrassing for you, correct?


OK, yes.a little embarrassing.

But now I'm more worried.

I mean, Dad is lost on a llama!

Not anymore!

There he is!

Llama ahead!

Step on it!

Hey! I did see him first!

Hm! I'm right again.

My, my, you must be the fastest llama

in that petting zoo.

If you had asked nicely, I might have given you a ride,

but since you didn't.



I bet you they run into six people.

Two wearing lederhosen and one in a bunny suit...

on skates!

I predict that four will be on roller skates

and three will be wearing drinking-straw glasses.


The one thing I don't want to do right now is look!



Dad: Sorry!

Comin' through!

My fault!

Never ride a llama!

That's what I say!

Three guys in lederhosen and a duck on roller skates.

Ugh! So close!

Ugh! He's still here.

It's not like this hasn't happened before, you know.

The only difference is, last time it was my sister

riding on the back of an alligator.

He wasn't as fast as you, of course,

but he had much bigger teeth.

Why do things like this always happen

when my sister and I are around each other?

One of these days, your father's going to get hurt!

Why can't he just stop trying to be better than me

at everything?

Maybe it's the same reason you can't stop trying to

be better than him at everything!

You're right, Blythe.

I am the older one.

I should act more mature.

Soooo bored with watching these two.

They just keep doing one silly thing after another.

Yes, sadly their antics have become predictable

which has now made wagering on them....


Now there's a bet I know I can win!

Hey, Sunil, bet you I can jump up and grab some

leaves off a tree and land right back in this basket,

and you can't!

You should not attempt such a risky stunt.

Oh, I'm attempting.





Told you I could do it.

Big deal.


Do you think maybe you could slow down?

I knew I should have been the one to get on that llama.

That's your idea of acting more mature?

Thanks, Sweetie, but I meant to ride side saddle.

Come on, Roger! Trade places with me!

I'll get that llama under control.

Who says I'm not in control?




My sister's watching, so make me look good!

Ha ha! Silly llama!

You're going down the up escalator.


I bet you no one nowhere could get to the bottom

faster than us!

I predict you are wrong in that regard.

Wait! I didn't mean YOU and anyway, that wasn't a real bet.

You will not win this time!


I told you that victory would be mine!

Oh great! Another one!


Aunt Mo, you have to get Dad to stop!

I don't know how to stop him!

I never have!

I don't think he's trying to be better at everything than you;

I just think he wants your approval.

You are his big sister, after all!

I can approve.

Sunil, give me your paw!

That is not something I can do, my friend.

Well, I bet you you can't give me your paw

which means you'll do the opposite so you can win,

so go ahead and give me your paw!

I am no longer in the predicting business

because the future is not something I wish to know!

Roger, pull the llama over!


And admit defeat?








Totally OK. Heh heh.

I know, I know.

You break it, you bought it.

Sunil, if you're not in the predictatating business anymore,

I'm not in the betting business anymore, either.

From now on, we'll just wait to see what will happen?

Sounds like a better plan than jumping off things.

Ha! It's a deal!

But first, let me return this chunk of tail hair

to that nice llama.

Maybe riding that llama wasn't such a good idea.

I'm sure you could have done it better.



But really, who cares?

I'm just happy that you didn't get hurt.

Aw! Shall we declare this a lifelong truce?

Yes! But you know, Roger, there is one thing

you have completely outdone me on.

You raised an amazing daughter.

I couldn't agree more.

Well, I'm glad you two finally agree on something.

Now, why don't we go back home

and hear all about what's happening with Blythe,

while we make about a hundred apple pies.

It's a deal!

Bet you I can get back there before either of you!

Can you believe her?

She just agreed to a lifelong truce,

and there she goes, challenging me again.

You really want to run after her, don't you?

More than you could ever know.

Well, why run when you can ride?

If you can't beat 'em join 'em!

Are you kidding?

We can totally beat her!