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03x18 - Why Can’t We Be Friends?

Posted: 05/09/22 06:36
by bunniefuu

















Ha! I've got you now.





What did you do that for?

I almost had him.

Vinnie, You can't just go around crashing into us like that.

Yeah, knock it off! Or else!

OK, OK, I'll settle down.




Those guys just don't understand.

[squeaky high voice] I know what you mean.

I've been after that fly for the past two days.


♪ [horror sting]

♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be [yeah]

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

♪ We can be [yeah]

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

My name's Weber. I'm a house spider.


Oh, and I'm completely harmless, unless you're a fly.

I'm not a fly. I'm a gecko.

I know, so no danger for you.

Hi, I'm Vinnie.

So what's up with that fly, huh?

It's like he's nuclear- powered or something.

I know!

Some flies are just impossible to catch.

I remember one time I was tracking a fly for a whole week

and just as I was about to catch him,

somebody opened the door and out he went.

Aw, bummer!

One time I was out chasing flies near the dumpster

and I got scooped up by the garbage truck

and taken to the dump.

Whoa! I'll bet there were a ton of flies at the dump.

Why didn't you just stay there?

Because there's not here.

Good friends, huh?

The best.

See the tall blue guy with the big eyes and a tail?

He's my best bud, Sunil.

He's a good guy.

But if he sees a spider...

Oh. [moan]

He's got arachnophobia?

Oh no, he's just super afraid of spiders.

So you should probably make sure he doesn't see you.

No problem, I get that all the time.

Some pets have a thing about spiders.

But, like I said before, he's got nothing to worry about

unless he's a fly. Heh heh.

He's not. He's a mongoose.

Yes, I know.

Thanks for helping me drop off this stuff

at the thrift shop, Sue.

I'll treat you to a frozen yogurt at the place next door

before we head back.

How do you have so many clothes to give away?

You're not that old.

Well, these are from a couple seasons ago.

I love this place!

There's so much cool old stuff here

that I always get so inspired.

Oh, hi! Dropping off a donation?

Yeah, just some old clothes.

I haven't seen you before.

Did you just start working here?

Last week.

I'm Kora Dixon.

Isn't this place awesome?

I always find something new for my wardrobe.

Me, too!

I'm Blythe.


OK, I've got to ask. When did you wear this?

[laugh] I forgot.

I brought along some used pet fashions I designed, too.

Do you guys take those?

Pet fashions you designed?

Yep. I have a little line called 'Blythe Style'

sold exclusively at Littlest Pet Shop.

Consider my mind officially blown.

That is so cool!

Are these sequins?

Bugle beads, actually.

I was considering sequins, but--

Oh no, you definitely made the right choice.

It looks amazing on this shantung fabric.

Thanks, Kora.

[stomach rumbles]

Oops. Sorry.

Guess I'm hungrier than I thought.

How about that frozen yogurt, Blythe?

Oh, Kora, this is my friend, Sue.

Hi, Sue. Are you a designer, too?

No, I just came along for the frozen yogurt.

Oh, I made this one for the most adorable panda

you've ever seen, but she grew out of it.

That is way too cute!

Can't wait to see what else is in here!

Oh, I love this stitch work!

Blythe, why don't I go over and get us a table next door?

Yeah, sounds good.


Oh, hi, Sue!

What are you doing at the thrift store?

Well, I was helping Blythe drop some clothes off,

then we were going to grab some frozen yogurt.


Yeah, it was weird.

Blythe made friends with this girl named Kora,

and then they started talking about fashion stuff,

and the next thing you know, I'm out here talking to you.


Our girl does love her fashion.

Kora: Is this silk or cotton?

Blythe: Cotton, and it took me forever!


Well, I'm sure she'll be finished soon.

Want to get some frozen yogurt?

That's just where I was headed!

[hushed conversation]

Sunil: What is going on here, my friends?

Going on?

[nervous laughter]

Uh, nothing going on.

Right, pets?

[loud agreement]


Forgive me if I scoff at your attempt to deny

the evidence my own narrowing eyes have provided me with.

Upon approaching you all,

I distinctly saw your fevered whispering

morph into the quietness you are now exhibiting.

Uh, I lost you at 'forgive me.'

Vinnie, lay some truth on me, my brother.

Slip me some truth skin.

Is there something going on here that I am not a part of?



Very well.


Oh! Gross!

Dude, don't ever do that again.

Yeah, it's a deal.

Do you think Sunil suspects anything?

No. I think he bought it.

We are going to have to be more careful

in the future, though.

Now Weber, how about finishing your exciting story?

Oh, I don't know.

All: Please!

OK, OK. Now, where was I?

Oh yeah.

So this crow has obviously seen me

and I'm thinking I'm a goner...

[hushed conversation]

What do they take me for?

Some kind of fool?

It is obvious that something is going on.

Something that even Vinnie is keeping from me.

Oh Sunil, you silly boy.

What kind of occurrence would Vinnie be keeping from you?

Allow me to answer myself.

They are planning a surprise for me!

Blythe: That's Zoe. She's a for-real show dog

and is really fun to design for.

Kora: So cute!

Love the outfit, too.

Aw! That's so pretty!




Well, that's all the fashion sh*ts, I guess.

Blythe, those designs are awesome!

What's your next step?

Next step?

For 'Blythe Style'!

Your design choices are so cool.

I definitely think you could apply

your pet fashion sense to people, too.

I don't know. That's a big jump.

And I'm not sure I'm ready to make it just yet.

Oh, I think you could totally nail it.

I mean, people are a kind of animal, too, right?

Maybe you could use your pet fashion sense for inspiration.

Well, when you put it like that...

Come on, let's load you up with some inspiration!

♪ [dance beat]



Now remember, Blythe, think pets,

but design for people.

Right! Thanks for the encouragement

and all the great fabric and stuff, Kora!

No prob!


Hey! Careful!

Oh, sorry. I didn't see you.

Sue? What are you doing out here?

What did you do, buy out the whole store?

Looks like it, huh?

Kora inspired me to try my hand

at designing clothes for people.

Can you believe it?

But we've suggested that tons of times.

I know, but I always figured you guys were just being nice.

But Kora's not just being nice.


Anyway, Youngmee and I are going to play some tennis.

Want to come along?

Uh...sorry, I can't.

Too many ideas bouncing around in my noggin.

I've got to strike while the inspiration's hot.

See you guys later!

Wow! What's with her?

Don't worry.

She's just excited about trying something new.

Hey, fashion genius!

You forgot some of your stuff!

I'm guessing that's Blythe's new BFF.

I hate to say it, but I think we've just been demoted

to the rank of second-class friends.


What is this unusual new structure

which has mysteriously appeared in the corner of our day camp?

Pepper: So do we have all of the supplies we need?


As in party supplies such as birthday hats and cakes?

Oh my!

Russell: I think we do.

Now we just have to finish putting it together.

Putting it together?

Are they assembling a surprise present for me

behind this wall of kibble?

Zoe: Do we have the room?

The room?

Don't tell me they've invited so many guests

to my party that they've had to rent a party room!

Why they would be doing so much when my day of birthing

is not for several months is beyond me!

But that must be part of the surprise!

Oh! Goody goody!

Yes, we have the room.

My measurements are very accurate

and I've double-checked everything.

Hey, everyone, I just want to thank you

for making this great habitat for me.

Littlest Pet Shop is your home.

We want you to be happy here.

I just hope word doesn't get out about this

because then you'll have every spider in town coming here!

I hope not.

I can't imagine hiding that many spiders from Sunil.


OMG, Kora sends me the funniest texts.

Check out this Lolcat.


Where does she get this stuff?

So anyway, I was thinking we can go downtown

and catch a movie on Friday night,

and then hang out at the mall on Saturday.

Uh-huh. Sounds good.

Where in the world do you get this stuff?

You are the funniest.

Or we could make a day of it,

go to the mall movie theater and hang out afterwards.

They have a new fried dough kiosk in the food court.

What do you think, Blythe?

Ha ha!

Another one?

Kora? You are totes hilar!

Blythe, could you please stop texting Kora?

You had to hang up on me last night

so you could text her.


Because I texted her last night,

and she didn't even answer me.

Ha ha ha!

Kora just sent me a picture of a Lolcat

dressed like a super model!


I thought it was pretty funny.

Ooh, if it is taking all of my friends' efforting

to put together my present,

then it must be a very large and impressive present indeed!

OK, everyone, we're pretty much done.

Let's take a break!

Now's my chance.

It won't hurt to take a little peeky-weeky, will it?

[deep] No Sunil, it will not!


I am so excited about these!

I've gotta share with someone...or two.

Call Youngmee and Sue.

Phone: Calling Youngmee and Sue. -Both: Hello?

Hi, guys! Mind if I send you a pic of my latest design?


Are you sure you want to send us a pic?

Sure! Wait, why are you whispering?

Because we're at the library--

Where you said you'd--

Meet you. OMG!

I totally forgot.

I stopped by the thrift store on the way home

and Kora gave me the greatest idea.

So why don't you call her?

Yeah, we know you know her number.

Ugh! What have I done?

And now to take a peek at the amazing present

my good friends have made for me.

[running water]

♪ Clean, clean, clean. Time to clean ♪

♪ Clean my legs to a shiny sheen ♪

Running water and singing?

What kind of present is this?

♪ Clean my legs to a shiny sheen ♪

♪ [horror sting]



[screams back and forth]



[screaming continues]

OK, that qualifies as the most awkward introduction

I've ever experienced.

[Sunil screaming]

Blythe, there's an actual spider living in the day camp

with all of his hairy eight legs and his shower cap

and his body wash!

Peach scented!

The other pets have built him a place to live in!

What am I going to do?

OK, first you need to calm down.

I am calm.

You are not harboring any spiders in here, are you?

Let's just say no.

Now Sunil, I think you're overreacting.

I mean, I'm not a scientist or anything

but I do know that even though they look all alien-y and stuff,

most spiders just go about their own business.

But, I think spiders are scary.

I understand.

But ask yourself this:

If the other pets like the little guy well enough

to build him a place to live, how bad can he be?

I suppose you are correct.

But spiders are scary!

I know.

Come on, let's go talk to this scary spider.

OK... Wait, what?

Wow. This is awesome!

Thanks, Blythe.

Everyone pitched in.

What do you think of the spider-hider house, Sunil?

Is it escape-proof?

No. He can come and go as he pleases.

Then I do not like it.


I'm simply telling the truth.

Hi, my name is Blythe.

What's yours?

His name's Weber.

Weber? Oh, that's clever.

Why is his name clever?

Well, he's a spider and his name is Weber?

Not following.

Allow me, Blythe.

He is a spider and his name is Weber. Web-er.

Spider, Webbbb-ber. Get it?

Oh! Web-er! Yeah.

I don't get it.

Never mind.

Hello, Weber.

Can we talk to you?

We? As in you can talk to me?

I can.



You're not going to start screaming at me again, are you?

No. Are you going to start screaming at me?

Naw. I'm ordinarily not a screamer, but I was startled

when you pulled back the shower curtain.

Sorry about that.

No, please.

I am the one who should apologize for invading

your privacy in such a brusque manner.

You being in the shower with your peach body wash and all.


Apricot? Really?

Yeah. I find peach scented body washes to be a little strong.


So...fear of spiders, huh?

Yes, always.

I've heard it before.

Something about our hairy, eight-legged-ness. Right?

Yes, something like that.

I'll grant you, it is irrational as are all phobias.

My phobia is ghost cows.

Ghost cows?

Yes. I have this irrational fear of being outside

in the middle of a field at night

when a herd of ghost cows comes out of nowhere

and starts chasing me.

OK, your ghost cow phobia beats my spider phobia

and now I have ghost cow phobia, too.


You know, Weber? For a creepy crawly spider kind of guy,

you're all right.

Thanks, Sunil.

For a nervous Nellie mongoose kind of guy,

you're not so bad yourself.

Sorry! Whoa, easy there.

[sigh] I wish I could solve my friend problems

as easily as you guys just did.

What's wrong, Blythe?

Well... I made a new friend and I kind of messed up

by not paying as much attention to my old friends

as I usually do because I was excited that my new friend

is into fashion as much as I am.

The bottom line is that I don't know what to do

to fix things.

[all talking at once]

Hold on, everyone.

Yes, Weber?

Um, well, far be it from me to chime in

on a situation I don't know much about.

Don't worry about it.

I do it all the time.

But it sounds like all of your friends,

the new one and the old ones,

just need to get to know each other.

That is a great idea!

Thanks, Weber!

[All talking at once]

All right, everyone!

I cannot stand the suspense any longer.

Come clean.

What is my surprise for reals?

What surprise?

Oh ho ho ho! Well played, Pepper.

Vinnie, as my good and bestest pal,

I demand that you reveal the real surprise

that you all have been working on for me.

Go on, tell me now. Now. NOW!

Uh, your real surprise?

Sure, um...

Well, OK. Uh, uh, uh...

Oh, yeah!

Our real surprise for you was to give you the gift

of not being a scaredy- mongoose around spiders.



OK. Thanks.





All: Hi.

First, I want to thank you for both eventually

answering my numerous calls and texts

and agreeing to meet me here.

And I also want to apologize for neglecting you.

You're both my best besties

and even though I didn't do it on purpose,

the way I treated you was--

Hey, Blythe!

Oh hey, Kora.

You remember Kora, Sue.

And Kora, this is Youngmee.

Oh, yeah. Nice To meet you, Kora.

Hi. Blythe talks about you guys all the time.

She does?

Oh, yeah. Youngmee this, Sue that.

It's cool that you're so close.

We are close,

which is why I want to apologize to you both.

Blythe, we want to apologize to you

for the way we behaved.

Sue's right.

We should've been more understanding

about the reason you hit it off with Kora.

I mean, we like fashion and all,

but not as much as you two.

You guys are the best.

Yay, friends!

OK, now...

I've got some presents for all of you.


Are these your first 'people fashion' designs?

Yup. You--all of you were right.

I was ready for this.

These are adorable!

Totally! Soft and cuddly, too!

All: We love them!

[snoozing noises]

Oh! Ho ho! Web-er!

I get it!