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03x16 - Back Window

Posted: 05/09/22 06:35
by bunniefuu

[whistling wind]




[tire screech]


TV announcer: It's time for everyone's favorite

competition game show for pets...'FACEPLANT!'

[excited squeals]

And if pet contestants are able to last to the end,

they will face off against the dreaded


Aw, those aren't real great white sharks in that pool!

Are they?

[scoff] No.

[sigh] Oh, good.

They're hammerheads.



Wow, Penny Ling, you really like this show.

I sure do!

I'm a total 'PlantHead.'

A PlantHead? What's that?

A FacePlant super fan.

I've seen every episode.

I even have the novelizations.

Wait... What?

Oh! Shhh!

This is getting good.

Hold on folks...

This could be the first team to ever beat

the Magna-Oblitercourse!


[loud groans]

TV: I'm OK!

And into the Hammerhead Wave Pool they go!

Magna-Oblitercourse wins again!

Viewers, Faceplant will be visiting

Downtown City next week.

If you think your pet has what it takes to beat

the Magna-Oblitercourse, come on out to Downtown City Park,

Tuesday, for FacePlant tryouts!





Penny Ling has done it!

The only competitor to ever have defeated

the Magna-Oblitercourse!

And now she is being awarded the coveted

Golden Pet Cone, the greatest trophy in all pet sports.


Thank you!

I love you all!

Uh, Penny Ling, who are you blowing kisses to?

[gasp] That's it!

We're putting together a FacePlant team

to obliterate that Oblitercourse.

Nothing will stand in our way.

Yeah, not even common sense.

♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be (yeah)

♪ Who we want to be (yeah)

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

♪ We can be (yeah)

♪ Who we want to be (yeah)

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

[frustrated growl]

Come on, Blythe, you can do this.

[frustrated growl]

Blythe, what are you growling at?

Oh, hi, pets.

Just trying to get some much needed designs done.

I've got to come up with some new designs

for Blythe Style.

Our present stock is dangerously low.

Unfortunately, nothing's exactly popping off the page.

How are things going in day camp?

Penny Ling has us training for FacePlant.

Penny Ling and FacePlant?

Isn't that the pet game show

with the real great white sharks?


Oh, my mistake.

Well, I really need to get back to work here, so...


I'm never going to get unblocked!

Hey, Blythe.

Not now, Russell.

Who's Russell?

Oh, Josh! Heh heh heh.


Oh, Russell's...

no one.

So, I was working outside on a street beautification project,

and I saw you in here sketching.

What are you working on?

Sorry, Josh, I'm just not comfortable enough

to share my new designs yet.

They aren't where I'd like them to be.

Oh, sure. I understand. Well, good luck.

I look forward to seeing them when you're ready.


Will do.

You're officially in the loop.

[door closes]

You're officially in the loop?


Why would Josh Sharp be so interested

in what Blythe is sketching?

Doesn't that seem a little weird to you?

Why so suspicious, Russell?

Josh is a nice teen with impeccable hair.

Yeah. Maybe too impeccable.

I'm gonna keep my eyes on him.

Welcome, recruits, to the LPS FacePlant training facility.

Whoa, where did you get all that stuff, Penny Ling?

Well, lucky for us, I have a copy of the FacePlant home game.

Hammerhead sharks not included.

As we all know, the Magna-Oblitercourse

isn't going to obliterate itself.

But with our teamwork,

we really have a shot at making pet sports history.

[excited chatter]

But in order to win,

we are going to need to make the perfect pet pyramid.

Piece of cake, Penny Ling.

Just watch!

Come on, Penny Ling!

Climb up and grab the flag!

Ow! Ooh! Ow!

[grunts of pain]


Penny Ling, stop movin' around so much!


Penny Ling! Look out!


What happened?



Russell, are you OK?

Oh, I'm fine.

Nothing to worry about.


I guess there was something to worry about, after all.

Are you in any pain, Russell?


I just sprained quills through ,

as well as my personal favorites,

quills and .

That's all.

Well, the vet recommends you stay away from rigorous exercise

or training for questionably dangerous

pet game shows for a while.

Will do.

Looks like our FacePlant days are over.

What? No way. I'm so close.

I mean, we're so close to making pet sports history.

We can't quit now!

We just need to rearrange our stacking order a little,

and we'll be golden.

OK, but please be careful.


Did Vinnie just sh**t himself

out of a whipped cream cannon?

Uh, maybe?

Hm. Hammerhead sharks aren't included

but whipped cream cannons are?

What are the ages on this home game?

Come on, everybody! Let's go practice over on the other side

of the room to give Russell some peace and quiet.




Ha ha ha!







Bored. Bored. Bored!

Oh, no! Itch...itch...ITCH... ITCH!

Nose itch!

Foot itch!

Ear itch!

Full body itch!

So, remember, if you ever--

Russell: Everyone! Come quick!


Russell, what's the matter?

I really have an itch and I can't reach it.

Well, I can't get in there.

That's because you need really long reptile fingers.

You mean, like yours?



Get in there. Get in there. Get in there.

[ecstatic cries]


Ew! Why did I have to be born with such long fingers?

OK, everybody, let's get back.

We have to practice dodging giant chew sticks.

Hey, where you going?

Why don't you stay?

It's been forever since we hung out.

Actually, you've only been up there for eight minutes.

You're kidding!

Well, hedgehogs have no sense of time.

What's this?

That's a Quack-A-Matic.

If you have a real emergency,

blow it and we'll come STAT!

[slow quack]









[shattering glass]

That's it!



[frustrated growl]

What is it going to take to get this right?

Well, I can't come up with new designs,

but I sure have come up with plenty of recycling.

Maybe I can clear my head while I empty this.

[door opens]


Well, I might as well do something to pass the time.

Hm, let's see.

I spy with my oversized hedgehog eyes

something green and filthy!

Is it a dumpster, Russell?

Yes it is, Russell.

This game isn't very much fun with one pet

and a limited view.

Huh? I spy with my oversized hedgehog eyes,

a boy with impeccable hair going through our recycling bin.

[gasp] Josh Sharp is stealing Blythe's sketches!

I just knew Josh was acting weird.

Of course!

He must be working for the Biskits again!

I can't let him and the Biskits steal Blythe's ideas!

I have to alert the other pets about what's happening.


On FacePlant you always have to expect the unexpected.

FacePlant is all about surprises.


Don't worry about Russell.

He's fine.

We've got a gold cone to win!




What's that?


[bowling pins falling]

Russell, what's the matter with you?

Josh Sharp is stealing Blythe's designs!

Code Red. Code Red!

Why are we standing around?

Josh is gonna give Blythe's designs to the Biskits!

Russell, calm down, darling,

and tell us the problem.

OK, listen very closely to my tale of crime and deceit.

♪ [old TV Hitchock theme]

Hello there.

Could you just get to the point, already?

[rain and thunder]

♪ [dramatic]

I saw Josh Sharp steal Blythe's discarded designs.


He has no doubt delivered them to the evil Biskit twins.


And the Biskits will have the sketches made

into pet clothes.

Mass-producing thousands of them

which will ship all over the world,

resulting in Blythe's designs flooding the market.

Thereby driving Blythe, herself, out of business

for good!



Mount Rushmore?

Attacking birds?

Don't take this the wrong way, Russell,

but that is the most ridiculous fantasy

I have ever heard!

Why would I take that the wrong way?

We understand you still want to be part of the team, Russell,

but making up crazy stories isn't the way to get attention.

But, I didn't make it up, I--

Yeah. Who would ever think that Josh

could be capable of doing such a thing?

He's a perfectly nice teen with impeccable--

Hair! Yeah, I know, but-

Josh is captain of his soccer team.

[all talking at once]

You don't understand!

I saw him take Blythe's sketches

right out of the recycling bin!

[chattering continues]


How did he get that back?

I'm telling you, I saw what I saw!

OK, Russell, fine, just show me.

Great! To the back window!

Uh... little help!

So, Pepper, I was sitting right here,

when I suddenly heard a rustling...


...from outside.


We have you now, Josh Sharp!

Caught red-handed!


Pete the Rat.



Russell, I don't have any more time

to entertain your fantasies.

I have a questionably dangerous pet game show to train for.

But I--

I saw what I saw.

Maybe everyone's right.

Maybe I am just seeing things.


Gee, Pete the Rat is really doing some dumpster diving.

What the huh?

These sketches of Blythe's are awesome!

Ah, the game is afoot, Josh Sharp.

But mark my words, justice will be served.

Oh no! Itch, itch, ITCH!


[groan] Come on, brain. Work.


Ow, why did I think that would help?

Now I have designer's block and a headache.

What do I do?

We need to stop Josh

before he gets Blythe's sketches to the Biskits.

But the pets won't help me.

That leaves only one person in the Pet Shop that will: Blythe!

I know how much she likes Josh,

but she needs to know the truth!

Josh Sharp is a criminal mastermind...

AND he must be stopped!

But she's out front and I'm back here.

[door closes]

Oh, no! He's back!




She can't hear me.

Maybe this will work.


[sigh] There goes several more hours of work.

Oh, that didn't quite work either.

Well, I didn't want it to come to this,

but desperate times call for ridiculous measures.



Oh, no, Russell!




Russell! Are you OK?

Really seemed like a much better idea

right before I smashed to the cold, hard floor.

Blythe, I have something very important to tell you.

What is it?

Listen very closely to my tale of crime and deceit.

I saw Josh Sharp steal your discarded designs.

He has no doubt delivered them to the evil Biskit twins.

And the Biskits will have the sketches made into pet clothes,

...mass-producing thousands of them

which will ship all over the world,

resulting in your designs flooding the market.

Thereby driving you out of business for good!


Who to the what now?

I know it sounds crazy,

but believe me, Josh is up to no good!


Well, he was unusually interested in my sketches

when he stopped by earlier.

And he did work for the Biskits.


Maybe Josh is stealing my sketches!

What do we do?

I have a plan.

This is your plan?

Hey, they can't all be winners.

I'm really having a hard time believing

that Josh would steal my sketches

and give them to the Biskits.

Well, we'll find out for sure soon enough.

You threw out some of your sketches a little while ago,

so now we wait for him to take the bait.

Uh-oh! Someone's coming!


Huh! Perfect.

I just need a few more sketches.


Caught red-handed!

I can't believe it!


Didn't expect me, did you?


What are you doing here?

Don't you worry about what I'm doing here!

I know what you're doing here!

You're stealing my sketches!

And giving them to the Biskits?

So, what do you have to say for yourself?

You got me.

I took your sketches.

Oh, so you say you didn't take them, huh?

Well, I saw you take...


I took them. But I wasn't stealing them

to give to the Biskits.

I was trying to help you.

THAT confusing.

Well, I was concerned when I saw how frustrated you were

with your designs.

I'm just not comfortable enough to share my new designs yet.

They aren't where I'd like them to be.

Oh, sure, I understand.

Seeing you so frustrated reminded me

of when I was trying out for the soccer team.

I became so frustrated that I psyched myself out

and couldn't even kick the ball straight.

Then my parents told me to visualize my success.

So I made myself a vision board with clippings

of all my prior victories on the soccer field.

And it actually helped me focus;

I made the team.

When I saw that you had thrown out all your hard work,

I decided to do the same thing for you.

So you made a what now?

Wait here.

See? It's all the sketches you've thrown away,

which to tell you the truth,

I think are awesome!

Wow, Josh, this is really great.

I guess sometimes you need someone else

to help you see things differently.

I just wanted you to see this

before you threw some really good stuff away.

You owe that to the pet fashion community.

[goofy laugh]


So what do you think of my new designs, Youngmee?

Whoa, Blythe, these are fierce!

Your best work yet!

I really nailed it, thanks to Josh's vision board.

He is adorbs.

[sigh] Yes. Yes he is.


All right!

Whoo hoo hoo!

Feels good to finally be out of that cast.

Welcome back, quills number and !

, you're still my favorite.

Don't tell the others.

Where is everyone today?



What happened to you guys?

I guess we weren't as ready to do the pet pyramid

as we thought.

Let's just say that the only pet cone that I'll be wearing

won't be made of gold.

The vet prescribed we take it easy for a few days

and avoid any rigorous exercise or training

for questionably dangerous pet game shows.

Well, maybe for the time being you should consider

watching something a little more serene?

A new season of 'The Duchess of Lancashire Lane'

begins tonight.


So 'The Duchess of Lancashire Lane' takes place on...

you guessed it, Lancashire Lane.

And the Duchess was married

to the Duke of Lester-Upon-Avon who was once married to the...

...youngest sister of the Earl of Cadbury...