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03x12 - The Very Littlest Pet Shop

Posted: 05/09/22 06:32
by bunniefuu
Charge, Captain Cwackers!

Defeat those evil Cheesy Mice!

(game-losing sound effect)

Oh, Cheesy Mice, you vex me so!


Ah, you must be Mr. Coyfield and Mr. McHat.

Your wives called and said you'd be coming in.

♪ (banjo)


And these two must be Whiskers and Sideburns.

Aren't they adorable?


Yes, well...

Must've woken up on the wrong side of the tree

this morning.


Now don't worry about a thing.

We'll take good care of your pets.

And have fun at the family reunion!

Hoo, boy.

What a couple of charmers!



Hello, sweeties!

I'd like everyone to give a great big

Littlest Pet Shop Day Camp welcome

to two of the most adorable pets we've ever had as guests...

Whiskers and Sideburns!



♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be (yeah)

♪ Who we want to be (yeah)

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

♪ We can be (yeah)

♪ Who we want to be (yeah)

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me


I think we should get there as early as possible.

What time does the Dock open, anyway?

It says on the website that the gates open at nine a.m.

This is going to be awesome.

I'm gonna go on the roller coaster as soon as we get there!

Me too! And the arcade, we've got to hit that right away

before it gets too crowded. Others: Totally! Definitely!

Yeah! And this time I wanna win one of those octopus plushies.

I want churros, cotton candy, ice cream,

hot dogs, fried candy bars...

Jasper, did you forget what happened last year?

No, Sue, I didn't forget,

and I apologized about a ba-jillion times, too.

I can't help it if I have a tender tummy.

All we're saying Jasper, is that you don't have to eat

all seventeen kinds of fried dough

within the first ten minutes of getting there.


OK, gotta go.

See you at school.

Bye! See you!

Yeah, not one of my better designs.


They seem...nice.

Well, welcome to Littlest Pet Shop.






(hillbilly accent) Listen up, critters.

My name's Whiskers.

And my name's Sideburns.

Both: And that guy is my mortal enemy!

That doesn't sound good.

From this point on you're either part of Family Whiskers...

or Family Sideburns!



(hysterical laughter)


And another thing...

There will be no more contact...

Of any sort...

With the enemy!


(school bell rings)

OK, I got my customary 'B'.

How did you guys do on the test?

I got a 'B plus', which I'm totally relieved about

since I thought it might be a 'B', or even a 'B minus'.

I knew it wouldn't be a full 'C',

but I suppose there was an outside chance

I might've gotten a 'C plus'.


'B plus' for Blythe.

What did you get, Youngmee?

An 'A minus'!

My parents say it doesn't matter what grade I get

as long as it starts with an 'A'.

What did you get, Jasper?

Well, I definitely didn't ace the test

but I'm sure somebody else scored lower than I did.

This is seriously, like... hilarious!

Really? I don't think so.

Of course it is.

You scored higher than me on a test?

That's, like, never happened!

Well, now it has!

Obviously, I'm like, smarter than you!

Oh, really?

Well if you think you're so smart,

why don't you just go be with, like, your own kind!

Maybe I will!

Maybe you should!


Who's my own kind?

The smart kids!



The smart kids!



What do we do?

I say we make a run for it.

Good idea.

Hello, Blythe.


Too late.

Uh, hi, Brittany.

What's up?

Well, for, like, the first time in historical history,

I got a higher grade than Whittany,

making me, like...

the 'smart one'.

Uh, congratulations?

You don't understand.

Since I'm the 'smart one', I have no choice

but to hang out with, ugh, the smart kids.

OK. What does that have to do with us?

Don't be funny, Blythe.

You and your, like, friends, are the smart kids.

Heh heh heh.

Gentlemen, please!

This sort of behavior is not how we do business

here at Littlest Pet Shop.

We operate in the spirit of mutual respect and affection.

Hush, little porcupine.


I'll have you know--

I said 'hush!'


Now, the sad thing about this is that the critters

on the 'other' side have chosen to follow a koala

who is a devious criminal mastermind.

He is? Cool!

No! Not cool!

Right. That's what I meant. Not cool!

Not cool!

See now, what those varmints across the line

fail to understand is that they have fallen in

with a fibber and a cheater of the first order!

My vocabulary is sufficiently powerful

enough to know that these are very bad things to be.

Very bad things, indeed.

You know, you show promise, soldier.

Uh, where are you from?

My family hails from the Indian subcontinent, Sir!

Very good.

Now, I am officially appointing you

Watch Captain of Family Sideburns.

Watch Captain?

Oh, oh my!

I will need a new hat!

♪ (military)



(panicked screams)

♪ (western)





Watch Captain!

Hey! There will be no fantasy sequence featuring me

as a hat in this koala's army.

Is that understood?

Yes, Sir!

Well, I was just about to appoint a Watch Captain, too.

Ooh! Me! Me! Pick me!

Oh, no no no!

Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!

Uh, no, no, no, no, no, thank you.

I'm your guy!


No wait. I mean, no way, Jose.


Are you sure you can handle this responsibility, young 'un?

Oh, yes, Sir!

I'm a Watch Captain!

(excited cries)

That boy doesn't know what a Watch Captain is,

does he?

(cuckoos and chimes)


I mean, uh, nuh-uh.

And so, like, the weird thing is that Whittany

was always considered the smart one, which was,

like, a total drag for her,

but now that I'm the smart one it's, like,

a total drag for me.

Do you know what I mean?

Uh huh. Right?

I mean, I don't know how much longer I'm going

to be able to handle being such a brain.

Especially if it means neglecting my appearance

and basic hygiene like you and all the other smart kids.

(disgusted sigh)

So, what do smart kids,

Don't tell me that we're supposed to study,

and read, and listen to teachers, and stuff,

because, I am like not about that.

Know what I mean?

Uh huh.

Um, girl whose name I don't remember?

I'm only saying this because we're like,

alike now, but that top is a fashion crime

against humanity.


Like, sure.

BTW, as a group, we smart kids could definitely use

a serious fashion upgrade.

And by 'we', I mean you.


...and what's all this stuff about reading the

directions and following them?

My daddy says that if you can't use something right

out of the box, you shouldn't, like, use it at all.


Ew. Science is gross.






Aw, Pepper!

HA! You blinked!

And you stink!

Whoo hoo! Ha ha!

Looks like we're safe from Brittany.

For now.

Yeah, even though she's the smart one,

she still wouldn't be caught dead in a library.


Hey, you guys, I've got terrible news.

Brittany followed you?


She found out we're going to the Dock this weekend!


How'd she find out?

I don't know?


I couldn't help it!

She had me cornered against my locker

and she kept talking and talking.

I was starting to forget what my own voice sounded like.

So I accidently blurted it out.

We're going to the Dock later!

Oh no!

Another day full of Biskit insults?

I can't take much more!

Blythe, what are we gonna do?

I have no idea.

I'm getting tired of this and I wanna go back

to how things were before.

That's exactly what they said you'd do.

Could you please explain further?

I overheard them saying you were weak

and would cave in when the going got rough.

Oh they did, did they?

This whole thing is ruining my daily routine.

My water bowl and my chew toy assortment are over there,

as well as all of my beauty supplies.

I say we call this whole feud off.

Yeah! It's about time we called it off.

I've had enough!

That's exactly why they made sure your supplies

ended up over there.

What the what?

It's just that I overheard your so-called friends

tell that trouble-making koala that you would fall apart

within a day without grooming products

to cover up your uh, hideousness.


How dare they!

Stand still you, you mammal!

You stand still you, you reptile!

As far as I remember, we're all good friends, right?

Yes, this is what I remember also.

Then why are we so mad at each other?

That is a very good question.

Perhaps we should seek the wise counsel

of our good friend, Blythe,

on how best to end this ridiculous feud.

Hmm, good idea.

And now I think we should end this 'surface of the moon'

fantasy on account of there's no air up here.


We're OK! No worries!


Blythe! Blythe!

Blythe! Blythe!


What a day!

How am I going to get Brittany

to stop hanging out with us?






Blythe, we have these two guest pet koalas

who appear to be completely adorable,

but are at second glance complete trouble makers

who have introduced conflict, dissension,

and discord into our normally harmonious

day camp family!

And they make everyone pick sides

and not like each other because of some feud or something

and we don't know how to make it stop!

Please, you two!

I had a big day of 'NO FUN' at school,

and I'm kind of worn out.

It'll just take one second to help us.

Just two seconds at the most.

Oh, OK.

So what's this problem?

A feud of epic proportions.

Those koala cousins barely even talk to each other.

All they do is growl and hiss and glare

at each other.

And now they've drawn us into their fightingness, too.

See how the very room is divided?

A feud, huh?

Do you know what it's about?

No idea.

Not a clue.

Well, the only way to end a feud is to get to the

bottom of what started it in the first place.

You need to remind them of what brings them together,

what unites them as friends, cousins...

Or sisters!

I'm pretty sure they're not sisters.



I have an idea of how to keep Brittany

from ruining our trip to the Dock.

We need to reunite her with Whittany to remind

them of the one thing they still have in common!

What would that be?

They both can't stand me!

I texted both Biskits to meet us here.

Guess they got your text. Here they come.

Are you ready to put your dignity on the line

to save our sanity?

Gosh, when you put it like that, I'm not sure.


Better take your positions.


Here goes nothing.

Hi, Brittany, Whittany.

Thanks for coming.

Your text said there was like,

a smart kids meeting?

That's right.

Then, like, why did you invite me?


That's a surprisingly smart question.


Ha ha ha.

♪ (whistling)



(continuous yell)


(struggling not to laugh)

(screaming laughter)


Whittany, I am so sorry for making such a big deal

about being smarter than you.

Watching Blythe fall into that dumpster

made me realize what's really important.

Us laughing at Blythe!

(screaming laughter)

OK, that's enough.

Brittany, I, like, accept your apology.

I'm just so sorry you wasted a whole day

hanging around with those smart kid weirdoes.

Well, I'd like to say it wasn't so bad...

but it, like...



Oh yuck!

Come on, you two!

Enough is enough.

Just say you're sorry and end this silly feuding now!

Apologize to that scoundrel?

Ha! You'll never hear me beg no pardon from that rapscallion!

So, which one of you is going to koala-up

and apologize for whatever started the feud

in the first place?

That is if you can even remember.

Of course we remember.

It was, er --

Let's see...

Was it that I insisted we were koala bears

even though you pointed out

that that's not scientifically true?

No, we resolved that argument by looking it up online.

It had something to do with me wanting to try

eating something else besides eucalyptus leaves,

and you refused.

No. We switched to pasta for a week and got sick as dogs.

No offense.

None taken.

Apparently, our stomachs can't stand a whole lot

more than eucalyptus leaves.

Isn't that odd?

Well, then it had to be when you wanted to watch

your telenovellas,

and I wanted to watch my Mexican masked wrestling!

No. No.

Don't you remember?

We worked out a viewing schedule.

Ah, that's right, we did.

Ya know...

Hee hee hee hee!

I have no idea why we've been squabbling all this time.


Me neither.

(hysterical laughter)

Not a clue.

Both: Cousin!

Everyone: Awwww!

Attention all!

I'm sure I speak for my associate,

Watch Captain Vinnie, when I say that we, too,

must never allow anything like this

to affect our friendship.



Mrs. Twombly: My, my, my!

You two gloomy Gussies sure turned your frowns

upside down!

But wait, there's more!

That family reunion seems to have done you both

a world of good!

That was fun while it lasted.

OK, I'm going to win one of those octopus plushies

if it me takes all day.

Uh oh.

What's wrong?

Oh no.


Hello, Blythe.



You have no idea how happy we are to see

you both together, here.

Of course, you are. You're you...

and we're us.

(mean laughs)

(mimics the laugh)

Don't sweat it, Jasper.

They're them...


...and we're us!