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03x10 - Fish Out of Water

Posted: 05/09/22 06:31
by bunniefuu

(microphone feedback)

Man's voice: Yo yo! Students!

A friendly reminder that tomorrow

is Pet Appreciation Day.

Each student may bring up to two pets

of their choice to school for the occasion.

So, we'll see you and your favorite pets tomorrow morning.

That was it.


No, I'm done, that was it.

Is this, is it still on now?


(sigh) Oh, great!

It's going to be nearly impossible for me to pick

just two pets for Pet Appreciation Day.

No matter who I pick, the others won't feel appreciated.

Pet Appreciation Day?

Who cares?

Like, seriously, who would ever take part

in something like that?

Not us.

As if.

Like, no way.

For once, why can't you two just participate

in a school activity and be like everyone else?

Uh, cause we're not like everyone else!




Oh, I forgot to mention that all of you

who participate in Pet Appreciation Day

will be excused from classes

to take part in the day's activities.

Peace out.


(bell rings)

Did you hear that, Brittany?

Uh, yeah, it was the bell.

No, the thing about getting out of class

if we do that pet appreciation thingee.

Oh yeah, I did hear that.

We are so totally participating!

(nasty laughter)

♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be (yeah)

♪ Who we want to be (yeah)

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

♪ We can be (yeah)

♪ Who we want to be (yeah)

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

Oh! I gotta admit, I can't wait to see which of us

Blythe chooses to take with her for Pet Appreciation Day.

(monkey squawks)

Me either!

Then again, I have a hard time waiting for everything!

Hey, here she comes!

(all greeting Blythe at once)

Good morning, pets.

Well, Blythe, it's Pet Appreciation Day.

Yes. It is.

Have you decided which of us will be appreciated?


I just want everyone to know that I spent all night

fretting over which two of you

to take with me to school today.

I looked at the possibilities from every angle

and weighed the pros and the cons of my choice,

very, very carefully, and then...

I just wrote down the first two names

that popped into my head.

Makes sense.

So who is it?

(uneasy groan)

Going to school with me for Pet Appreciation Day are...


Before you announce the names,

I'd just like to say that we need to all keep in mind

that whoever is not chosen

shouldn't feel any less appreciated

just because they have to stay here all day

while two other pets are at school

with Blythe having the time of their lives.

I agree.

Makes no never mind to me where I spend my day,

as long as I'm with my pals.

OK, OK, you two!

We'll all be fine with whomever Blythe chooses.

So, who's it going to be?

Vinnie and Penny Ling!


She picked me! She picked me!

Vinnie and I are appreciated!

Whoo hoo!

In your face!

I really wish I could take all of you.

Oh, that's OK, Blythe. We're fine.

Said the fellow who's already been to Blythe's school.

Come on, Blythe, let's go!

Yeah! We don't want to be late for school!

And now, for my next trick,

I shall cause this solid, wooden block

to completely and utterly van-



Minka, you ruined my deep concentration!

This deceptively simple trick took me days to prepare.

Well, I've been watching you practice,

and I want to paint your portrait!


I have seen your work, and I do not understand

why I would even need to be present for such a painting.

It seems to me that all you do is fling paint at the canvas.

You think my paintings are just simple paint flingings?

Well, yes. Honestly, it does not seem to require much skill,

unlike the serious discipline magic demands.

In fact, I am positive that I could paint just as well as you,

my dear monkey friend.

Here ya go, Rembrandt!

If it's so easy, you try doing a painting!

Good luck.

But, but I do not want to paint!

Then you won't be able to!

Oh ho ho ho!

How wrong you are, my simian friend.

I will paint!


Wow! Check out this deluxe, custom pet carrier.

Whooo! Fan-cy!

Is there anything in there?

Only me, Cashmere!

I'm a chinchilla, in case you're not up

on your crepuscular rodents.

Actually I am.

I know a lot about chinchillas.

And you're a beautiful specimen of your breed, Cashmere.

Who are you calling Cashmere?

My name is Velvet!

But I thought you said your name was Cashmere.

I'm Cashmere!

And I'm Velvet!

We're twins!

Hey, she can understand us.

That is beyond weird.

I think she's beyond weird.


Must have been a two-for-one sale.

Two-for-one sale?

Blythe! Step away from our rare pet chimpchillas!

Oh no.


"Two-for-one sale"...

your favorite kind.

What are you talking about?


Please don't tell me that you went out

and got these two beautiful chinchillas

just for Pet Appreciation Day.

How can we not tell you that,

when that's what we, like...did?

You're the one who told us we should try to like,

fit in better at school.

I did, didn't I?

Well, don't lose any sleep over it.

We plan on turning them in to, like,

a shinchilla orphanage, at the end of the day.


Your turn to carry this, Brittany.

No, Whittany, it's your turn!

Uh, that is not good.

Who would get pets for a day,

and then take them to an orphanage?

Those two.

Right. Good Point.

I've gotta find a home for those two poor chinchillas

before the end of the day!

How hard can it be to do a painting?

There's the blank canvas...

There is the paint...

Here is the brush...

If Minka can do it, I certainly can.





I've heard of quick change,

but this takes the cake.

Sorry, Zoe!

That was meant for the canvas.

Well, next time aim for me,

and maybe you'll hit the canvas.

Heh heh.

Flung the paint a tad low.

Simple adjustment.

Wa ha!



And presto!

You ruined my snack.

Ah, ha ha!

My many apologies.

There may be more to the act of painting

than I originally believed.

I can't believe our new owners want to get rid of us

at the end of the day.

When they gave us names,

I thought they planned on keeping us.

They would be such great owners!

They're twins!

Like us!

And they're sassy!

Like us!

And they're rich!

Like we should be!

I wonder what it would be like to be their pets.

Oh, Whittany, dear!

Are Cashmere and Velvet's lunch treats ready for serving?

But of course, charming sister.

We mustn't allow our precious pets to want.

Have some organic timothy hay, darlings.

Come now, you can't eat all day.



♪ (classical waltz)

Whittany and Brittany would be just

the most thoughtful, kindest chinchilla owners on earth.

Well, two girls can dream, can't they?

Don't worry.

You'll find a good home.

Everyone always wants to adopt a nice pet.

Hey, great idea, Penny Ling.

Maybe that's how you can get adopted:

just be really nice to the Biskits.

And there's two of you, so you can be twice as nice.

Twice as nice?

Well, I guess we could fake that.

(bell rings)

All right, everyone! All Pet Appreciation Day

participants may proceed to the gym

and prepare to enlighten the student body about your pets.

Do we have to talk about those chimichillas?

(growl) What a burden!

We're only good at talking about ourselves.

What would we say?

You should say that your pets are a joy,

not a burden.

But they are a burden.

Yeah, we can't have our butler here,

so we have to like watch 'em and stuff.

Well, it's just for one day, right?

Too bad for you though, because pet ownership

can add a lot to your life.

FYI, Blythe, we like our lives just the way they are.

Yeah, and the sooner we ditch these two fuzzchillas,

the better.

I have no idea why I am finding this so very difficult.

Perhaps it's because I don't even look like a painter?

Now I am dressed for painting success!



Sorry about that, Russell!

This is not your best look.

The learning curve with painting can, for some,

be remarkably steep.

I heard that!

I've yet to find the trick to painting, that's all.


(excited murmurs)

Can you believe so many people

want to check out these two fuzzballs?


I mean, I know we've been popular before,

but it's usually just 'cause we, like, gave people stuff.

Yeah. Today they just want to see our dog-chillas.

Wow. I just had, like, a what do you call... thought.

You did not!

Yeah, I did.

Whittany, maybe owning pets could be like,

a good thing.

Uh, I don't think so, Brittany.

Taking care of two shrimpchillas would be like, work.


Don't say that word!

Actually, chinchillas aren't that much work.

(squeal) Don't say that word!

They can clean themselves.

Hey, are they cleaning themselves

'cause you told them to?

No, they're doing it

'cause that's just what some pets do.

Oh no!

It's going to chew my hand into liver pate,

or something.

She's not.

She's just being friendly.


Wow! Whittany, check out these two.

They're like so nice and cute.

Listen, Brittany, we don't want pets,

especially nice, cute ones.

We don't?

No. They're like...


Boring? Ew!

Whittany: Hey, Blythe!

Since you love these two so much,

you won't mind watching them while we take a

well-deserved like, break.

So, how's it going, Cashmere and Velvet?

Well, we followed your advice to a 'T.'

Some lousy words of wisdom you handed us!

'Be twice as nice.'

Now the Biskits hate us twice as much!

What are you two talking about?

Your pets gave us terrible advice.

And now the Biskits will never be our owners.

We were only trying to help.

Don't worry, as soon as school's over,

I'll help you find a good home.

You don't get it.

We've already found a good home.

The best home.

You mean, you want to live with the Biskits?

Do one-legged ducks swim in circles?



Have you seen their home?

Like, duh.

Wow, you two are just like them.

Yeah, it's like you're the furry little versions

of the Biskits.

Thank you!

What a compliment!

Listen you two,

if you really want to live with the Biskits,

just be your natural, snarky Biskit-like selves.

No more nice?

No more nice.

That we can do!

Maybe I've been overthinking this whole 'painting' thing.

I just need to channel my inner Minka.

(monkey squawks)

Whoo hoo hoo!

Whoo! Yes!




Sunil, why don't you be a doll

and fetch us some paper towels yourself, this time?

Luckily for Sunil, I look good in anything.

(angry shout)

She's pretty annoying.


Excuse me.

May I see your chinchillas?

There they are.

Uh, I can only see their backs.

That's odd.

They've been like, facing everyone all day,

looking like...happy.

Well, their backs are turned now.

I guess they just don't want to see anyone right now.


So what if they are?

You would be, too, with everyone looking at you

all day just 'cause you're super cute!

And twins!

Ow! I feel my brain locking up again.


Like, what made us say that?

I don't know!

OK, Vinnie. Let's help make sure those chinchillas get the home

of their totally shallow dreams.

Ahh! Get it off me!


Don't put it on me!

Let's get this party started.

(angry quacks)








OMG, Brit, look at 'em go!

Blythe: Cashmere! Velvet!

Come back!


Your chinchillas are totally out of control!

Brittany, call them, like... back.


Cashmere and Velvet!


Whoa! Dead end!




They didn't listen to Blythe,

but they listened to us.

Like, yeah.

Those chinchillas of yours caused a real ruckus.

They're just total troublemakers!



All right, I'm going give it my best shot.

Slingshot, that is.




All right, canvas I know you think you've defeated me,

but you haven't.

Let's see you handle my fast ball!

(motor start up)










How's the painting going, Sunil?

Not good.

I know. I was watching you from across the room.

I even did a painting of you trying to paint.

Oh. Minka, I fear I was all wrong about you.

You were?


What you do is deceptively difficult.

Clearly, I cannot do it and I owe you an apology

for thinking I could.

Aw, that's OK, Sunil.

I probably couldn't do magic.


Nah! Course I could!

Ha ha!

(monkey squawks)

I just want you to know that if you keep those chinchillas,

they are NOT allowed to play with Vinnie or Penny Ling.

Oh, boo-hoo.

That's so like sad for them.

(nasty laugh)

(similar nasty laugh)

Are they laughing at me?

I hope so.

Yeah, that would be a-maz-ing.


These two are AWEsome!


I have a general-issue

chinchilla orphanage carrier, Ma'ams.

Well, we don't know if we want them to go to the orphanage.

Yeah, we don't know.

Even though you two seem to have a way with them,

between you and me,

I really don't know what you see in those two.

They're moody and sassy...

And I don't even think they're very nice.

What's that, Blythe?

You don't like our chinchillas?

We're keeping them!

Don't fret about those two pets, Miss.

As luck would have it,

I grew up on a chinchilla ranch,

so they will be in fine hands.

Call me crazy, but I'm going to miss those two.

You're crazy.

Oh, don't worry, I have a feeling we haven't seen

the last of Cashmere and Velvet.

Sunil: So how was Pet Appreciation Day?

It was great!

Especially for Cashmere and Velvet.


Cashmere Biskit and Velvet Biskit.

Twin chinchillas that we got Whittany and Brittany

to adopt, permanently.

Which I hope they appreciate.

Well, I too came to appreciate a pet...

My friend Minka, whose painting skill I shall

never again mock, nor attempt to imitate.

We'd all appreciate that.



(laughter all around)