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03x09 - Feud for Thought

Posted: 05/09/22 06:30
by bunniefuu

Mrs. Twombly: Oh! That is fantastic news!

I'll see you tomorrow.

(happy shrieks)

Guess who's coming for a visit?

I don't know, but it must be somebody awesome,

'cause you're jumping up and down.

Oh! I am, aren't I?

Well, I can't help it.

My old friend, Tess McSavage is coming for a visit!

Who's that?

World famous zoologist, Tess McSavage?

Oh, that Tess McSavage!

The pets love her show so much.

I mean, I love her show!

You know her?

She's an old college friend.

She's coming to the big city to get away from it all.

She's coming to the big city to get away from it all?

That's kinda cray.

Well, it's not that 'cray' when you're used to spending

all of your time in the wilderness.

The city will be a nice break for her.

Wow, Tess McSavage coming to Littlest Pet Shop.

I've gotta go tell the pets.


She's going to tell the pets.

Ha ha!

Welcome back to 'Secrets Of The Wild'.

You know, I think each animal has a special gift.

One thing they do better than any other animal.


♪ The grand old duke of York! ♪ La la la la

As a human, I do love to sing.

But I do not sing nearly as well as the majestic humpback whale.


And I daresay, I love to run.

Ha ha.

But I could never win a race against a cheetah.


See what I mean?

Ha ha.

And I could never compete with this little fellow

in a digging contest.

(grunts and spitting)

Well, until next time, this is Tess McSavage.

And I just love sharing my wilderness secrets of the wild

with you!


Ah! I love that show!

Then you're going to be very excited to hear

that Tess McSavage is coming to Littlest Pet Shop!



(giddy shouts)

♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be (yeah)

♪ Who we wanna be (yeah)

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

♪ We can be (yeah)

♪ Who we wanna be (yeah)

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

Why is Tess McSavage coming to Littlest Pet Shop?

Apparently she's an old friend of Mrs. Twombly's.

Oh, I can't believe it!

I better start practicing what I do best.



Looking adorable?

No, sillies.



How'd you know?

♪ (happy humming)

Whoa, you've certainly given the shop a thorough cleaning,

Mrs. Twombly.

Well, it's not every day a world famous zoologist comes to visit.


Ah! She's here!

She's here!



Tess, what are you doing knocking on the front door?

This is my shop!

You can just walk in!

Guess I've spent too much time out in the wild.

No doors out there to contend with.


It's amazing to meet you, Ms. McSavage.

This is Blythe.

She works here with me.

As long as she doesn't work here without you.

(goofy laughter)

Oh, that's a giggle.


So this is Littlest Pet Shop!

That's right!

We don't sell pets, we cater to them.

We've even got a pet day camp.

Complete with pet day campers?

Would you like to meet them?

Does a turkey have wings? Yes!

(high-pitched cackle)

This is where our day campers spend their time.

I can't believe she's really here!

Oooh, sweet cuddly-wuddly!

You are the most adorable panda I've ever seen!

I do hope you're going to show me what you do best.

A hug?

Hmm. Why I've had many, many hugs-

Ooh, ooh ooh!

Penny Ling,that was a fantastic hug!

Unlike any I've ever had before.

Why I would venture to say it was the best hug

in the whole wide world!


Oh, my word, just look at all these beautiful pets!

Blythe: That's Russell...


Sunil and Vinnie...




And finally, this is Penny Ling.


Penny Ling is a...






(shriek continues)

Wow, I did not see that coming.

Nope, me neither.

If I can scare someone like Tess out of her wits

then I must be the most frightening monster

in the whole world.

But not the universe!

There must be something even more repugnant than you

beyond our solar system.



Vinnie, two words: Not helping.

I just want to show Tess what makes me special!

(loud crying)

Mrs. Twombly: Blythe, how's that tea?

Coming right up.

I'm feeling a little bit frazzled.

A cup of tea will set me right as rain.


Oh! Now that hits the spot!

And maybe a little nibble, as well.


Well, I'm glad to see you're feeling better.

Yes! That little power nap-ette did me wonders.

Seven minutes, it's all I need.

Ms. McSavage, what happened back there?

Back where, dear?

In the day camp, when you met Penny Ling.

I'm sorry, but I'm not up on big city lingo.

What is a Penny Ling?

Penny Ling is not a what, she's a who.

The panda you met in the day camp.

Oh Anna, you've still got it!

She was always such a prankster.

I think if I'd met a panda right here in Downtown City,

I'd have remembered.


But you did, and you went screaming from the room.

Young lady, I don't recall doing any such thing.

Are you sure?

Quite sure!

May I remind you that I am a world famous zoologist

and the idea that I would be frightened of a panda bear...

ha ha, honestly...

it's patently absurd!

Why, everyone knows I love bears.

Ah, here.

Here I am in the Arctic with the largest of all bears,

the mighty polar bear.

And uh...

Here's a hungry mama grizzly.

They do love their salmon!

And I could never forget this bear.

He was the most enthusiastic fella I've ever met!

Yes, I love all kinds of bears.

They may be my favorite animal.

(giddy laughter)

You know, I have no idea

why some people are so frightened of them.

They're just misunderstood! Like all of us, I suppose.

(shrill cackling)

(softly) Any idea why Tess took a break from her TV show?

Not a one.

Penny Ling, I've been thinking it over,

and there's only one explanation why Tess reacted to you

the way she did.

She's not afraid of you specifically;

she's afraid of pandas, in general.

So it's not me, it's just what I am.

(sarcastic) Oh, I feel so much better now.

Russell, are you sure it's not Penny Ling specifically?


I mean, how do you know Tess is afraid of all pandas?

Well, there's one way we can find out.

Pepper, do you still have that gorilla suit in your prop box?

Of course I do.

Oh! I get it.

If I'm a panda dressed as a gorilla,

then Tess won't know I'm a panda,

so she won't be afraid of me, unless she is afraid of me.

Uh, something like that.

I'm not going to look ridiculous, am I?

Ridiculous? Nah!

Vinnie: Penny Ling, you look ridiculous!

Haw haw!

Hey Pepper, a panda in a gorilla suit walks into a pet shop-


Not helping.

(muffled) This is never going to work.

But darling, if this does work, it'll all be worth it.

I never thought I'd say this,

but fashion must take a back seat this time.

This better work, because everyone-

What's that, dear?

I can't hear a word you're saying.


I said...

This better work because I need to show Tess

what makes this panda special.

Even if I have to be a gorilla to do it!


It's like you've never walked in fake gorilla feet before.



If Pepper is here, who's in her gorilla suit?

It's me, that's who.

Penny Ling!

Tess might see you!

We wanted Penny Ling to get another chance to show Tess

what makes her special.

And since Tess is afraid of pandas,

you put Penny Ling in a gorilla costume.

That's actually a pretty good idea.

Uh, Tess?

There's one more pet I wanted you to meet.

Another pet?

How delightful!



Oh dear, not again!

Back! Back I say!



Apparently Tess is just as afraid of gorillas

as she is of pandas.

It doesn't matter what I am!

There's something about me that sends her screaming!


I wonder what happened to Tess to make her act this way.

Let's see...

Tess McSavage plus gorilla.

World renowned zoologist Tess McSavage

flees gorilla sanctuary in panic.

Uncharacteristically frightened, Ms. McSavage fled the sanctuary,

and is believed to currently be in seclusion.

It says here that the gorilla that spooked Tess

was recently transferred to the Downtown City Zoo.

That's great news!

Call me Vinnie, but I don't get it.

How exactly is that 'great'?

Why would we call you Vinnie?

I must've taken one too many rubber chicken

bonks to the head.

Because, now I can find out from that gorilla

what happened with Tess McSavage.

I'll do anything to help Penny Ling get her chance

to show Tess what makes her special.

(animal squawks and growls)


Oh my!

The gorillas are right over this way.

Wow, this is a big habitat.

I hope I can find the gorilla that scared Tess.

OMG! There she is!

Pssst! Hey, gorilla! Psssst!

Is that girl talking to me?

Yes, you!

Can you come over here?

Oh well, gotta keep the paying customers happy.

I need to talk to you about something.

Wait. Either I'm hearing things

or you're a human girl who can understand me.

I am, but don't worry, you're not going bananas.

(weak laugh)

But since you're a gorilla, maybe that wouldn't be so bad.

(laughter with an abrupt stop)

So, anyway...

My name's Blythe.

What's yours?

Sunshine Sweetness.

I know. Weird, right?

A little.

So, Sunshine I wanted to ask you about a friend of mine.

Tess McSavage?

Go ahead. Ask.

Well, you met her once, right?

I did.

I guess you could say we had a misunderstanding.


About what?

About my 'Squeezy'.

He's my favorite plushy toy.

I love to cuddle with Squeezy.

But, on this one day...

While I was squeezing Squeezy, I got hungry...

And I do NOT like to get food on my Squeezy.

So I put him down for a nap,

while I went over and got something to eat.

Oh, how cute.

I love pandas.

When I saw Tess holding my panda bear,

I guess my motherly instincts just kicked in.

(angry grunts)



Sunshine: So I may have overreacted a tiny little bit.


I was just trying to protect my Squeezy.

Now I get it.

Tess must have been so traumatized after that incident

that she became afraid of both pandas and gorillas.

I'm sweet just as long as I'm hugging Squeezy.

I might even let her hold Squeezy now.

I am almost years old, after all.

Gotta learn to share my toys sometime.

Sunshine, how would you like another chance

to show Tess your gentle side?

Sure. My days are pretty free.


Here's what we'll do...


OK, first (fade out)

Just try one more time, Minka.

If you say so.

(tickle tickle tickle!)

Still can't laugh, huh?

I'm trying, but it's no use.

I won't feel like laughing until I can show Tess

what makes me special.

Well, you'll get your chance pretty soon.

Blythe came up with a good plan.

I just hope it works.

Penny Ling: It'll work.

I only wish I could be there to see it.

Well, who says we can't be there?

Just follow my lead.

This was a wonderful idea, Blythe.

Nothing clears the cobwebs out of the ol' noggin

like a stroll in the park.

And Downtown City park has just about everything:

green fields, a jogging path... the zoo.

Ha! Well, would you look at that.

Here we are at the zoo's entrance.

Ooh, marvelous!

What say we go in and give it a little look-see.

(barking, squawks)

Jumpin' Jimmies!

What's this all about?


Oh, you sweeties must really need to go out.

Well, when you gotta go, you gotta go.

(happy barks and yips)

Oh, this is a lovely zoo.

And there's more lovely just ahead.

Honey, look! Isn't that Tess McSavage?

Well, it sure is!

Wow, our first celebrity sighting ever!

There's someone I really want you to meet,

just around the corner.

Tess McSavage, star of our favorite show,

'Secrets of the Wild'!

Man: What are you doing in Downtown City?

Shouldn't you be off in the wilderness somewhere?

Oh honey, can't you see Ms. McSavage wants her privacy?

But you wouldn't mind one photo, would you?


And how about an autograph?

Here, sign my head!

We just LOVE the part of your show

when you explain what makes every animal special!

(barks and yips)

Heavens! You pets really want your exercise today.

There's the entrance to the zoo.





Blythe: Sunshine, what's wrong?

I've lost Squeezy!

I can't find him anywhere.

Oh no. That's terrible.

Terrible would be an improvement.

It's catastrophically... terrible.

I really must be going now.


We heart you, Tess McSavage!

Jeez Louise, I never thought I could get away from those two.

Tess, this is Sunshine Sweetness.

Blythe, it's-it's that gorilla!

And she's going to charge!




Please, Tess!

Calm down!

That gorilla's not going to charge me this time!

That's what I've been trying to tell you.

She never meant to scare you.

Huh? How could you possibly know that?


Mrs. Twombly: Look out! Coming through!



Look who's here!

It's Mrs. Twombly and the pets!

Oh Anna, thank goodness you're here!

Sunshine lost her panda toy.

See if you can find it.

We're on it.

OK g*ng, let's spread out to the perimeter

and work our way in.

(sad grunts)


She just needs a hug.

Blythe, we need to go.

This gorilla is clearly in a bad mood and it's upsetting Tess.

But there's a good reason why Sunshine is acting this way.

Yes, because she's a wild animal

and I no longer have any idea how to calm her down!


She's calm!

She's holding something.

Oh, good!

She found her panda!

A gorilla and a panda?


That's two times the horror!

Tess, Sunshine loves her toy panda and she mistakenly thought

you were trying to take it from her.

That's why she ran towards you.

She just wanted her Squeezy back.

Oh. I remember now.

Yes, that's right.

There was a toy panda.

I guess...

I wasn't really in danger at all.

Ha ha ha!

How silly of me!

You see?

It was all just a big misunderstanding.

Yes, so it seems, but...

That's not a toy in Sunshine's arms.

Agh! It's Penny Ling!


Sunshine must think Penny Ling is her toy!

Tess, that door's for employees only.

Don't worry, Mrs. Twombly.

She knows what she's doing.

Hello, Sunshine. Very nice to see you again.

Now, I know you've lost your toy panda

and I'm so sorry to hear that.

But, Penny Ling is not your toy.

She's a real panda.

It's so exciting to see Tess communicating

with such a creature.

Oh, to be able to talk to the animals!

Wouldn't that be something?

Yeah, it is. I mean, it would be something.

If we just keep re-tracing your steps,

I'm sure we'll find....


...your panda!

(happy grunting)

Aren't you just the cutest thing!


This is the best hug I've ever had!

That's what makes you special.

(excited barks and yips)

Blythe, I want to thank you and Penny Ling,

for helping me to get over my silly fear

of pandas and gorillas.

Heh heh.

But I still don't have the foggiest idea

how you unravelled this story.

Uh... Oh look! Your fans are here.

How would you two like another photo with Tess McSavage?

This time hugging a cute panda!

Who wouldn't?

That was pretty brave of you to sit in a gorilla's arms

like that, Penny Ling.

Weren't you scared?

Nah. I just thought about how you and Sunil would act...

You sure did! Makes perfect sense.

And then I did the opposite!
