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03x08 - Two Pets for Two Pests

Posted: 05/09/22 06:29
by bunniefuu


Good morning, pets.

Good morning, Blythe.

I've been waiting for today for a long time.

This is going to be a lazy, relaxing, lay-around,

nothing-scheduled-to-do sort of day.

♪ Finally the day I've been waiting for ♪

♪ A day just for me and nothing more ♪

♪ I've got nothing but time you see ♪

♪ It's a day to do what I want for only me! ♪

♪ Now let's see.

♪ I won't take the garbage can out ♪

♪ I won't put away my clothes

♪ Even if I want to help out.

♪ No, I won't worry

♪ For today is a carefree laze-about day for me! ♪

♪ Just sit back and relax with a book ♪

♪ Eating ice cream so I don't have to cook ♪

♪ I could stare up at the clouds ♪

♪ As the birds sing their happy song ♪

♪ "Oh hello!"

♪ I could take little naps throughout the day ♪


♪ I could just sing aloud To everyone I see ♪

♪ Today I'm going to spend the day ♪

♪ with no responsibility

(big sigh)

♪ Finally the day I've been waiting for ♪

♪ A day just for me and nothing more ♪

♪ Hum a lullaby While I prettify ♪

♪ Eat a piece of pie How can I deny ♪

♪ A holiday Doing macrame ♪

♪ As I nap away


♪ For today is a laze about,

♪ Lie around, unrenowned,

♪ Happy just to be free

♪ For today is a wonderful day

♪ Just for me!


What the huh?

♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be (yeah)

♪ Who we wanna be (yeah)

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

♪ We can be (yeah)

♪ Who we wanna be (yeah)

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

We hear you can communicate with pets.

It's about time you woke up.

We've been waiting out there for hours.

It's not like you've got nothing to do today.

H-h-how did you hear about me?

It's the word on the streets.

How ya doin'?

Welcome to the daycamp!

All the pets in Downtown City have heard about Blythe Baxter

and how she can communicate with pets, and we all need your help.

(all talking at once)

Well, it's true I can talk to pets,

but I'm not sure I can help with your problems.

♪ (violins)

OK, OK! I'll help you.

(happy cheers)

Change is good.

As a chameleon, you know that.

You'll get used to your new tree branch; just give it some time.


I've been at this for an hour now.

How are we doing with the line out there?

Is it possible that the pets are multiplying?

Only the rabbits.

And I thought today was going to be a lazy, relaxing, lay-around,

nothing-scheduled-to-do, kind of day.

What's the problem here?

Nervous tinkler.

OK, which one of you is the nervous tinkler?

Wait your turn.

So just remember, no water two to three hours before bedtime.


Well, hi, little ferret.

Aren't you adorable.

How can I help you?

(foreign language)


What's the matter?

This ferret just talked to me...

Blythe, all the pets talk to you.

But, I didn't understand her.


(foreign language)

She seems very upset about something.

(foreign language)

Oh, I think that's her name.


Whattaya say we just call her 'Jebbie' to keep it simple?

I want to help her, but I can't if I don't understand her.

This is very strange.

What's very strange?

(foreign language)



What you have here is a failure to communicate.

No kidding, Minks.

Well, you're in luck, Blythe,

because I can speak hundreds of languages, fluently.

I never knew that about you.

That's because you never asked.

Can't argue with that.

Don't worry, I'll have this language issue solved

in un minuto.

Which is French for 'in a jiffy'.

Actually, I think that's Ital--

Let's do this!

OK, but there's too much going on in here.

Let's go upstairs to my room.

C'mon, Jebbie.

I'll be right back.

I've got a Pet- to take care of.

(disappointed moans)

Zoe and Russell...

You're in charge until I get back.


Did Blythe just say something?

Yes. She just put us in charge.

In charge?

Of them?


(foreign language)

This language sounds vaguely familiar.

I feel like I've heard it somewhere else recently.

Let me work on some of my language skills here, Blythe.


(foreign language)

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm...

Blythe, our little ferret friend here is speaking Iceland'ish.


Yep. But, as you know, Blythe

Iceland'ish has lots of dialects.

I did not know that.

So now we have to figure out which dialect

Jebbie is speaking.


We want to see Blythe.

(all complaining at once)

Oh. What are we going to do?

What can we do?

Well, I guess we could try to help them out

until Blythe comes back.

There's some real commonsense cases here

that we could knock out for her.

(angry squeaks)

Boys, boys!

I see you have problems sharing.

I've often found that there's always a simple solution

to every big problem.


Now no more arguing.

Sometimes you have to learn to retract your quills

and get on with your lives.

Fear of hydrants, huh?

I feel your pain.

I am a recovering hydrant-aphobic, myself.

But the first step is realizing it's just a fire hydrant,

and not a weird little gorilla who can jump out at you

at any moment.

See? Not a weird little gorilla, at all.

Are you thinking the same thing I'm thinking?

If you're thinking Jupiter is a way cooler planet than Saturn,

then yes.

No, not quite.

I'm thinking we are actually pretty good at this advice game.

And that gives me an idea.

And now it's time for everyone's favorite advice talk show:



And here are your competent, caring and charismatic hosts...

Zoe and Russell.

Hello, pets, and welcome to Pet Problems Question Mark!

Where we turn your problems into our solutions.

Ha ha ha!

(annoying laugh)

I have no idea what that means.

Our first guest today is a turtle

who suffers from acute claustrophobia.

Ha ha ha!

Zoe, you may think her problem is 'a cute' one,

but our guest probably doesn't.

I won't go in the shell.

You can't make me go in there.

It's small.

It's dark.

I won't go in!

Audience: Awwwww!

Listen, friend.

You can't hide from your problems.

You hide and your problems seek.

Count to ten.

Olly olly oxen free.

That's your problems calling you.

You can't escape them.

And there's no do-over.

Now, I know from experience

that sometimes you want to just curl up in a ball

when things don't go your way,

but you can't do that!

Hear! Hear!

Just remember, that life is like a chew toy.

Sometimes you need to pull the stuffing out of it

to get to the squeaker.

Do you understand?

I do!

She does?

I'm cured!



(applause and cheers)

Next, we'll continue to solve pet problems

faster than the speed of...



We'll be right back.

Sunil: And, we're out.

Wow, that actually went better than I thought it ever could.

My prickly no-nonsense advice is exactly what these pets need.

Mixed with my heartfelt love of all pets and their problems.

Well, there's lots more pet problems to solve, so,

let's get a move on.

OK, I'm sure if I really focus, I can figure this out.

How can I help you?

(foreign language)


I don't, you don't like the food your owner's feeding you?

(foreign language)

Uh, your bed's pillow is uncomfortable?

(foreign language getting upset)

You don't like your new tree branch?

You're a nervous tinkler?

You came to the wrong girl for help?


I'm pretty sure it's the last one.

Aw, come on, Blythe.

Maybe we just need to think a little more 'outside the box'!


Call me crazy, but I think we're narrowing it down.

I hope so.

I get the feeling we don't have much more time to waste.

OK, for the next guest we have a tin can intolerant goat--

Pepper. Can we make sure the camera frames me closer?

If we do that, Zoe, then Russell will never be on camera.

Hmm. Would that be so tragic?


What is this?

My wardrobe change list.

According to this, you have a wardrobe change

every thirty seconds, or after every sentence.

Whichever comes first.

Is there anything else?

Russell: Well, since you asked...

Can you make sure camera one gets a good shot of my book?

Book? What book?

Quill at Ease, Don't Get Stuck, exclamation mark.


There's a free copy in it for you if it gets good airtime.

He signed mine.

To Jenny Ding?


(angry muttering)

I just can't seem to figure out how to help Jebbie.

(foreign language)

Sorry, Jebbie.

I still don't understand you.

Uh, Jebbie's lips didn't move.

Unless that's what's wrong with her!

She's a ventriloquist and she's missing her dummy!

Ha! That's it, isn't it?

(foreign language)

It's coming from around the corner.

(foreign language)

That's it!

That's why Jebbie's language sounded so familiar.

She's speaking Korean!

Que pasa?

Which is French for, 'Did I miss something?'

I'll just get Youngmee to help me figure out

what Jebbie's saying.

Ah, Blythe, I don't think Youngmee knows "Iceland'ish",

but if you want to give it a try, I say, go for it.

Wait here. I'll be right back.

Youngmee, I want to learn Korean.

Really, Blythe?

That's unexpected, but...



I can teach you the basics in no time at all.

Here are a few easy words to start with.

'Joh-eun achim', means 'good morning',

while 'annyeonghi jumuseyo' means--

Actually, I already have a few phrases I want to learn.

'How can I help you?'

'Why are you here in Downtown City?'

'Would you like some ferret chow for lunch?'


Thanks, Youngmee!

You're welcome?

Pepper, we saw the show's rundown,

and I noticed that my musical number,

'Too Bad You're Not More Like Me', has been cut.

And why has my cooking segment been bumped?

I was going to make my famous 'No-Guilt Lasagna'.

(loud whistle)

Remember what this show is about?

Helping pets!

What happened to that?

We do help pets.

Can you help me with my fear of rejection?


I can't take these shenanigans anymore!

Effective immediately, Pet Problems, Question Mark,


And just when I signed my elbow patch endorsement deal.


(happy gasp)

(rapid fire Korean)

Blythe, I didn't know you could speak Iceland'ish.

You're just full of surprises.

I'll be right back.

Just need to run this over to Youngmee again.

Back for another lesson?

Yes! Lesson!

Great! Here are some helpful phrases

if you're traveling on a bus.

OK, but first I was hoping you could translate

this actual phrase I just actually heard

from some actual Korean tourists.

It says, 'I got out of my crate at the airport

and I lost my owner?'

Oh no.

That's so sad.

What tourist would get out of their crate?

Uh, ha ha.

Thanks for the translation, Youngmee.

I'll be back for another lesson soon.

Minka, I know what's wrong with Jebbie.

She needs to get to the airport to get back to Korea.



On vacation from Icelandia, huh?


I wonder when her flight leaves.


I don't need any help translating that.

Jebbie needs to get to the airport right now!

bbie to the airport.

But which airline?

Hey! I wonder if she flew here on my dad's Pet Jet.

Jebbie, does this look like the plane that you were on?

(happy squeal)

She flew in on the Pet Jet!

Then she must have gotten separated

from her owner at the airport!

Jebbie, I understand you!

I understand you!

Oh, don't look so worried, Jebbie.

Turns out you came to exactly the right girl!

My dad's working tonight's flight to Korea,

so all I have to do is put Jebbie in the pocket

of his red flight bag and she'll be on her way!

There you go.

One first class seat back home to Korea.

But it's just temporary until we can get you back

into your proper pet carrier with your owner.

Here, Jebbie, just a couple of things for your trip.

An ice pop and a picture of a snowman.

That's, uhhh...

very nice of you, Minka.

Just wanted to make her feel

like she's already back in Icelandia.

Well, have a nice flight home, Jebbie.

Blythe! Blythe! Blythe!

Is that a good 'Blythe, Blythe, Blythe',

or a bad 'Blythe, Blythe, Blythe'?

Uh, there's a difference?

You need to get down to the Day Camp right away.

What's the matter?

Well, there's been a little um, hiccup.

What kind of a hiccup?

This kind of hiccup.


We followed the advice that these two gave us

and look what happened!

They're worse off than when they got here!

How did this happen?

No clue.

Don't look at me.

We're gonna go now. Bye.

This is going to take me the rest of the day to fix.

But good news, Blythe, Jebbie is safely on her way

to the airport.

Well, at least that turned out all right.

Yeah! I just saw your dad leaving

with his big black flight bag.


Oh no!

He took the wrong flight bag!


All right, everybody, I would ask that each of you

please return tomorrow, when Blythe will be able to speak

with you at length about your difficulties.

But before you do that, you must remember that these problems

you are dealing with are your own.

Blythe can only help steer you

on the proper path to a solution.

She cannot drive you there.

You must make that journey alone.

And when you arrive, you may realize that you didn't really

need any help after all.

Thank you and have a pleasant afternoon.

(happy chatter)

That was some amazing advice, Sunil.

I'm not gonna lie...

I actually cried a little.

Have you ever considered doing your own daytime advice show?

Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!

This isn't good. This isn't good!

There's still enough time to make it to the airport...

but not much.

Come on, Jebbie, we've got a plane to catch!


(honking horns)

Leave this to me, Blythe.



(squawks that sound like a siren)

Keep it up, Minka!

They think we're a police scooter!


And with time to spare.

No time to thank me now.

Let's get Jebbie back to Icelandia.


Where is he? Where is he? Where is he?

Oh, your dad's straight ahead.


Blythe, what are you--

You silly goose --

you took your wrong flight bag.

But, red is my domestic flight bag.

Black is for international flights.

Are you sure?

I always remember red meant international because...

there's a 'D' in red, like there's one in 'D'-mestic.

And then I'd think the opposite of that.

You know...

I think you're right about that.

Thanks for bringing me the right bag,

I'll never make that mistake again.

Thank you.

(You're welcome in Korean)

I really hope Jebbie and her owner

have a good flight back to Icelandia.

I think it's going to be a great flight.

For a lazy, relaxing, lay-around,

nothing-scheduled-to-do kind of day, I sure was busy.

(gasp) Youngmee!

Blythe, I finally figured out your secret.

M-M-My secret?


The reason you wanted me to translate that stuff today

is because you wanted to take me with you the next time

your dad flies to Korea!

You got me, Youngmee.


We'll have so much fun!

I just hope I won't have to go in a crate.

('Safe travels' in Korean)

captions by: sassonique