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03x03 - Some Assistance Required

Posted: 05/09/22 06:26
by bunniefuu


BLYTHE! I'm outta food!

BLYTHE! Vinnie's rumbling tummy's keeping me awake!

BLYTHE! I can't find a thing to wear!

BLYTHE! We both want this rubber band!

BLYTHE! I need a hug.

♪ (humming)


♪ (humming)


Wow, Blythe, how'd you do all that?

I can barely do one thing at a time.

Which is why you shouldn't be eating and talking.

Well, thanks to you guys,

I feel like there's no crisis I can't handle.

(door opens)


(panicked gasps)

Yes, may I help you?


Wait, you look familiar.

It's me, Phoebe, Mona Autumn's assistant

at Tres Blasé Magazine.

Oh, right, Phoebe!

You look worried. What's the matter?

The matter is only the greatest crisis

in the history of crises.

And you're the only one who can help!

♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be (Yeah)

♪ Who we wanna be (yeah)

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

♪ We can be (yeah)

♪ Who we wanna be (yeah)

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

I'm the only one who can help?

What's the big crisis?

I'm taking tomorrow off.

A day off? That's the big crisis?

You don't understand!

I haven't taken a single day off

since I started working for Mona Autumn.

Mona doesn't believe in vacations.

At least, not for the people who work for her.

So how did you convince her to give you one?

I told her if I didn't take a day off,

my head would explode.

Well, actually, I e-mailed her.

Also, I had my doctor e-mail her.

Also, I had my psychiatrist, acupuncturist,

chiropractor and high school guidance counselor e-mail her.

Sounds like you really do need a day off.

But how do I fit in?

Mona would only agree to give me a day off

if I found someone to fill in.

And the only person she approved for the job is you!

Hmmm. A chance to work alongside Mona Autumn...

I'll do it!


Oh, and Mona wants you to bring along

a hedgehog named Russell, and a dog named Zoe.

OK, no probs. But why?

The magazine's feature on the International Pet

Fashion Expo was so successful,

Mona's decided to do an occasional

pet fashion feature.

And she wants experienced pet models?

Actually, she just wants a purple dog

and an orange hedgehog.

Oh! Well, they'll be there!

Now, Blythe, this is very important.

Please pay close attention to what I'm about to say.

Tomorrow, Mona has a post-lunch meeting

with a very reclusive, very famous designer

about doing a feature for the magazine.

It's a meeting Mona's been trying to set for months.

Very important. Got it.

I'll greet her and send her right in.


These are lists of just a couple things

you should know before you come in tomorrow.


I know you'll do great.

And if you need me, for any reason...?

There's no way you'll be able to reach me

because I'm off the grid!

(happy squeals)

I'm free! I'm free!



(elevator dings)

So, Blythe, are you nervous? I am.

Modeling at the Pet Expo was fun,

but it sure wasn't easy.

What if working for Mona isn't as easy

as you think it's going to be?

Ha! I can take anything Mona throws at me.

Besides, she's always liked me.

We have a great relationship.


This must be Russell and Zoe.

Specially requested by Ms. Autumn.

I'm Blythe.

Of course you are.

I am Oliver St. Oliver, head of Pet Modeling.

I shall take exemplary care of your friends.

Good to know.

Bye, you two!

See you at the end of the day!

We'll be ready for you both shortly.

(door closes)

Welcome to the big show, Russell, but be careful.

Any pet models we meet are likely to be a smidge...


(British accent) Hello, fellow models!

My name is Tangier.

I'm Russell. This is Zoe.

(gasp) Zoe Trent!

Oh! This is an honor!

Your many posters and billboards

do not do you justice.

Well, it's all about knowing

how to make the camera work for you.

Oh, so true!

I've been the alpha-male model here for years.

The top dog, you might say. Ha-ha-ha.

But it's always a pleasure to work

with new colleagues.

If there's anything you need, anything,

don't hesitate to ask.

Gee, he seems really nice.

(skeptical) Mm-hm.



Blythe! What are you doing here?


I'm going to be working for your owner today.

How exciting!

I just hope you survive.

I better let her know I'm here.

Blythe, don't!

Mona hates knocking.


Binder two, page eleven.


I thought I heard you.

So glad you could fill in for what's-her-name.

This will be such fun, don't you think?

Let's get started! Oh, I know it--

I need my correspondence files from January,

February, March, not April, but yes May.

Type up two memos, one to proofreading with three errors,

just to see if they're paying attention,

one to security, telling them I don't like

how I look on the security cameras.

Shouldn't you be writing this down?

Oh! Uh, of course!

Pick up my dry cleaning at Fabio's,

adjust the thermostat to my office

to one fifth of one degree lower,

and get a birthday present for my nephew Zebediah.

He loves German toy cars from the s.

Now! Where are all my correspondence files?

Let's get on the stick, Blythe! Huh?

We have a long day ahead of us!


What the yikes!

Mona Autumn's office, can you hold?

Mona hold's office, can you Autumn?

Autumn hold's Mona, can you office?


The smell of chrome is making me nauseous.

Get me an appointment with my hypno-aroma-therapist.






It's barely the middle of the day

and I'm already exhausted.

Plus I haven't spent one minute shadowing Mona,

watching and learning.

Blythe! Tomorrow's newspapers, polo mallet repair,

then lunch!

Ah! Thank goodness, lunch.

Not your lunch, dear. My lunch!

Quinoa salad with imported feta and shaved asparagus.

Hold the asparagus.



Be sure to forward Mona's calls

to that special cell phone she gave you.

And don't forget the earpieces.

Be back soon, unless Mona calls me with thirty more errands.

Russell, darling, relax.

You know me, Zoe.

Not so good with the relaxing.

My goodness, don't we look spectacular, hm?

Russell, what's the matter?

Is your outfit too small?

No, it's fine.

Oh, beginner's nerves, then.

I remember my first in-house photo sh**t.

One of the pet models tore his outfit

and now he works in the petting zoo of a traveling carnival.

Oh ho ho!

But I'm sure that won't happen to you,

best new friend, eh?

He really is very nice.

Hm. A little too nice, if you ask me.

All right, pets to the set!

Here we go, Russell.


Oh no!

Oh dear!


You tore it!


Oh, that's right!

Luckily, we have an exact duplicate costume.

Heh heh. Oh, Tangier, whatever would we do without you?

Whoo hoo! That is lucky.


(door opens)

Well, that's what Ms. Autumn wants.

Yes, a table for seventeen... and a half, a half!

Um, OK, well sure, sounds good!

Good-bye. Good- bye. Good-bye.



Blythe, you're three minutes past Mona's lunchtime.

There was traffic, then a line, then another line...

And by the way, do you know how hard it is

to find tomorrow's newspaper?

When Mona doesn't eat on time, Mona gets angry.

And you don't want to see Mona angry.

(sigh) OK, OK!


No knocking.

(frustrated sigh)

Food... need food.

Your quinoa salad, Ms. Autumn.

Oh! (gobbling)

Oh, thank goodness!

I can feel myself returning to normal already.

I need to be at my best for my meeting

with Clover Fields after lunch.

Oh, yes, the reclusive designer.

Clover must share her new collection with only Tres Blasé.

Anything out of the ordinary could send Clover running

so we have to make sure everything is just right.

Skip your own lunch; make sure that happens.

Sure. Um...

Would it be all right if I sat in on your meeting

with Clover Fields?


If there is an assistant in the meeting,

Clover might run away screaming!

Now go! Make sure everything is spic and span!


Whoops! Better tuck in your scarf, Russell.

Oliver hates messy.

Oh. Heh heh, thanks, Tangier.

Our friend's working for Ms. Autumn right now,

so I'd hate to make another mistake

and have it get back to her.

And I don't want you to, either.

Oliver's fired a lot of pet models since I've been here.

OK, take your places pet models!

♪ (techno)













That one would have been perfect

if Russell hadn't completely ruined it!

Now, let's try again.









Why do you hate me?


I may be able to use Tangier's fantastic work

with some computer editing.

All right. While you pets eat lunch,

I'll put together the runway set.

If we can't make that work,

You're out of here, mister... porcupine!


Bad luck, Russell.

Zoe, if I keep messing up, he'll tell Ms. Autumn,

and she'll get mad at Blythe.

Russell, let me see your scarf.



It must be going around.

The only thing going around is Tangier!


He's going around sabotaging you!

There's sneezing powder on this scarf.



And I'll bet your aviator outfit was already torn

when Tangier gave it to you.

Why, that no-good-nik!

I ought to take his goggles and--

Russell! Darling!

That's not the way to handle this matter.

If Oliver saw you retaliating,

Tangier would really get his way.

Well, we can't tell Oliver what Tangier did.

Then we'll just have to show him.

Yes, Ms. Autumn wants that ring sized by tomorrow.

I'll send over a plaster model of her finger

this afternoon.


Well, Cairo, did I miss anything?

Uh, I don't see anything,

which means Mona will find about two hundred things.

Hello. I'm here to see Mona Autumn.

My name's Clover Fields.

Oh, Ms. Fields, welcome to Tres Blasé magazine.

I'm Blythe, Ms. Autumn's assistant.

This office is so orderly.

I like that.

Would you like to sit down?



I'll let Ms. Autumn know you're here.

(piercing scream)

Well, I guess it's true what they say about Mona Autumn.

Ms. Autumn! Is everything all right?

You tell me!


My quinoa salad!

Did you forget to tell them to hold the asparagus shavings?

Yes. No! Maybe?

I'm pretty sure I forgot.

Blythe, I'm allergic to asparagus!

(whimper) I am so sorry!

There were just so many things to remember.

I was overwhelmed!

I'll reschedule your meeting with Clover Fields.

NO! Clover doesn't reschedule, ever!

This is a disaster!

I will be a laughing stock, and so will my magazine.

Ms. Autumn, I'll make this meeting work, I promise.

Is Mona ready to see me?

Well, uh, she uh...

Just a moment!

Did Mona eat asparagus?


These should help.


Just another minute.

Ms. Fields is getting a little impatient...

And what do you suggest to alleviate this situation?

Here, pick out something for lunch.

Haven't you heard?

I've already had lunch!

Have another.

♪ (spy theme)

This hot sauce should help warm up

Russell's modeling career.

(wheeze and chuckle)

Russell: Tangier!

I just want to thank you for how helpful you've been today.

Oh right, well, if we help each other,

the whole sh**t will go better.

So true. So very true.

Oliver: Are we ready, pets?

All right, let's try to do better than we did last time.

Places everyone!

Did Mona forget to pay the electric bill?

Ha-ha. Good one, Ms. Fields.

No! She just likes to conserve energy.

Ms. Fields is here to see you, Ms. Autumn.

Well, hello, Clover.

So good to see you.

Wish I could say the same.

I was about to order lunch.

Would you like something?

No, thank you.


Got it.

Very good choice...

Excellent! Sounds tasty.

Oh, this lamp!

Ms. Autumn and I have been trying to find

the best spot for it for months.

I just like to see who I'm talking to...


Oh! My goodness!

Hello, there, kitty.



Aren't you going to eat anything, Russell?

You shouldn't do a photo sh**t on an empty stomach.



Lunch is over! Let's make magic!

♪ (techno)

And here we go.


No, no, NO!

You are ruining my photo sh**t!

You will not set foot in front of my cameras ever again!


What is it, girl?

Is Timmy in trouble again?


Is there something on here you want me to see?

What the-?


Bad boy!

And I was blaming poor Russell

when it was your fault!

Someone needs a time out in his carrier.

Russell, your performance was divine,

eating hot sauce like that.

Thanks for your help, Zoe.

Oh, it's nothing, darling.

Like I told Tangier earlier,

it's just a matter of knowing cameras,

and how to make them work for you.


Do you mind if I move this lamp so that I can see Mona?

Forget about the lamp.

Let's get some real light in here!

Excuse me, but all that light...

Even with my sunglasses on,

it's very hard to see.

Of course!

Guess I'll just close the blind again

so you can see everything...

Here I go.

♪ (horror stings)

What the-!

Oh, this?

It's just...

Ms. Autumn needs to protect her face.

She's very sensitive to any kind of light.

(huge gasp)

I'm the exact same way!

Why has she stopped talking?

Oh, uh... well, you see...

Ms. Autumn has become successful by following

a very specific set of rules.

That's it!

Mona's first rule is to only listen during a first meeting,

so she can get a sense of the person

she's going to do business with.

Oh, how incredibly unusual.

And how refreshing!

You know, I've been called 'unusual' myself.

It's nice to meet a kindred spirit.

(heavy sigh of relief)

Well, it's obvious that you and Ms. Autumn

have so much in common.

It makes sense that Tres Blasé

would be the only magazine that understands you.

And that it should be the only magazine

that debuts your new collection.

You're right!

Mona, what a brilliant presentation!

I'd say we have a deal!

Oh, no!


Well, it looks like you have a deal.

This is very exciting!

I look forward to working together.

Thanks so much for coming.

Ms. Autumn will be in touch soon

to discuss your new collection.


Very good.


Blythe, you were incredible!

I just said all the stuff you would've said

if I hadn't put you in such a bad position.

Hey! Your face and voice are already a lot better.

I think you'll be back to normal in no time.

I'll be better than normal,

with Clover's new designs, thanks to you.

I learned a lot about you today, Blythe.

That you're fast on your feet,

and that you're creative in more than a clothes-designing way.

And that you're not cut out to be an assistant.

Not mine anyway.

I know, and I'm so sorry, Ms. Autumn.

I thought I could handle everything by myself...

But sometimes, we all need some help.

Well, for now, I think your time is best spent

coming up with new designs,

which I'll always be happy to look at and comment on.

Thanks, Ms. Autumn!

I'll get some ready, and maybe we can have lunch.

Only if Phoebe orders it.



Oh yes.

So, Blythe, how was your day?

Oh, it had its ups and downs.

But luckily it ended 'up'.

What about you two?

Pretty much the same as yours.

But it didn't end 'up' for everyone.

Oliver: Definitely not your best work, Tangier.

You may have been too focused on other things.

If only you gave total commitment

to your modeling work like Russell.
