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03x02 - w*r of the Weirds

Posted: 05/09/22 06:25
by bunniefuu



Careful, Blythe!

The bake sale won't make any money on muddy cupcakes.

We can't go this way!


It's Josh Sharp!


I'm confused.

Don't you like Josh?

Yes... NO!

I mean, I don't know.



Well, every time I go near him,

something embarrassing happens and then he says "hi"

and I can't think of anything to say,

so I just laugh a stupid goofy laugh.

(donkey bray laugh)

Oh, that is embarrassing.

I know!

So I've decided to just not ever walk by him.

Never. Ever. Ever!

Oh Blythe, it can't be that bad.

Hey, watch out for that--!



... mud puddle.


Josh: Hey, Blythe.

(braying laugh)

It is that bad.


♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be (Yeah)

♪ Who we wanna be (yeah)

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

♪ We can be (yeah)

♪ Who we wanna be (yeah)

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me



It's that time of year.

Love is in the air.

Look at that couple!

Oh, so cute.

Oh, and those two...

Look at that couple. Adorable!

Yeah. How cute. Awwww.


What's so great about love?

Yawn. Booooooring!

Oh, Russell, don't you love movies about the prince

who falls in love with the princess?

No. I like movies where starships fly through space

to new planets.

(Sunil giggles)

I like ones where someone falls down a lot.

They're always funny.




(Russell and Sunil laugh)


Russell, I think you just haven't experienced love yet.

Someday, you'll see how amazing it is!

HA! Hahaha!

I will never fall in love.


Who are you?

Name's Baaaaa-Baa Lou.

I was once just like you, pal.

But then I saw the light and I'll never go back

to the way I used to be.


You fell in love?

Tell us! Tell us!


We want to hear all the fabulous details!

I remember it as if it happened just five minutes ago.

Because it was so romantic?

That, and because it just happened five minutes ago.

My owner and I were walking through the park

on our way here.

And there she was!

At first, I didn't even notice her.

But then, I heard this music.

♪ (strumming ukelele)

I looked at her, and it was like...



♪ Baaa baaa baaa baaa

Oooh, I've heard about this.

They say there's a mysterious pet out there

who goes around spreading love.

Like some kinda pet cupid.

More like a cu-pet!

Ha ha ha ha!

Oh, oh, oh! I slay me.

She goes by the name 'The Secret Cupid'.

Doesn't that sound romantic, Russell?


I think it sounds...

(imitates goat) Duuuuumb.


Blythe: Ugh! I'm still so embarrassed.

Why? Because you slipped in the mud and landed

in front of a guy you may or may not like,

and then laughed a goofy laugh with cupcakes on your eyes?

Pffft, that could happen to anyone.

I still have crumbs in my eyes!

Blythe, you need to confront your fears

about having to talk to Josh.

I've been doing a little research.

Way back in the day when someone wanted someone else

to know how they felt, they did this thing called

(full of wonder) writing a 'letter.'

You write your thoughts down on a piece of paper,

and then you put the address on one of these things.

Then you put it all in a mailbox,

and in a day or two,

the person you addressed it to gets it.

Ha, seems like a lot of work.

Let's just try it.

Josh Sharp, Poe Street.

Oh no!



I am not sending a letter to Josh.

You won't actually send it.

Once you get your feelings down on paper,

you'll put it in this envelope,

But instead of dropping it in the mailbox,

you drop it in the trash.

So it's like I'm throwing away

all those embarrassing feelings.


Dear Josh...

In math class, I like when you go to the board

and figure out one of the problems.


Put some of your feelings into it.

My feelings, huh?


Oh! It is so wonderful and cute

When I watch you find a true square root!


That enough 'feeling' for you?


I know that one plus one is two...

Oh, I got it!

But when I see you adding numbers,

my insides turn to goo!


♪ Baa baa-ba-ba baaaaa

Oh, look at that silly kid!

He's not hurting anyone.

Yeah. And if we get more pets like this guy to entertain us?

I'm all for it. He's a hoot!

Well, I think it's ridicu-Whoa! HEY!

♪ Baa baa-ba-ba baaaaa

What are you-

Let go of me!



OK, that does it!

This 'Secret Cupid' is just some sort of love vigilante

who must be stopped!

We need a detective.

(British accent) And by Jove, I think we've got one!


♪ Cyril McFlip, Cyril McFlip,

Never mind that!

We have got to catch this secret trouble maker,

old chaps.

Now, who's with me?

Vinnie: I'm with Russell, uh, I mean Cyril McFlip.

Let's catch the Secret Cupid.

♪ Baa baa-ba-ba baaaaa, bababa baaaaa.... ♪

I don't want to end up like that guy.

Me neither.

I'm in.

Oooo, can I go, too?

I'd love to meet the Secret Cupid.

We're not going to make chums with this fellow,

Penny Ling, but having you there might work well.

Now then, here's what we're going to do, mates.

Penny and I will pose as potential boyfriend

and potential girlfriend.

If this 'Secret Cupid' character

sees us walking through the park,

he's bound to try and make us fall in love.

(giggle) OK!

But he's going to fail!


Vinnie, Sunil?

You'll jump out and nab him, red-handed!

How will we recognize him?

He just said!

The Secret Cupid will be the one with the red hands.

Oh, blimey!


There! I've just poured out my deepest feelings to Josh.


He's going to love to get this letter.

Oh no, you don't!


I was just kidding.

I'd never do that to you, Blythe.


Signed, sealed, and NEVER to be delivered.

Which reminds me...

I need to deliver myself to Sweet Delights.

Gotta bake more cupcakes to replace the ones

we ruined this morning.

See ya, Blythe.

I've got to admit, that was pretty fun,

but now it's time to drop you in the trash.


What is going on?

Blythe, would you take us to the park? Right now?

Please, please, PLEASE!

Well, I wasn't planning on going out just now.



Those sad puppy eyes always get me.

Vinnie: Blythe! Come on!


Blythe? Blythe, you in here?

Huh? Would you look at that!

A letter.

I haven't seen one of these in ages.

How retro.


She probably doesn't even realize that you actually

have to mail it.

Hmm, the kids these days.


So uh...

what's with the mustache and wig?

Oh! Uh, we're just trying some new looks.

Uh huh.

And the nets?

Uh, uh, we're going to catch butterflies.

That is correct.

It is a new hobby.


So, you two wait in those bushes over there.



Uh, OK, I've been calling him Russell all this time.

Penny Ling, you come from that side,

and pretend to just meet me.

I'll be coming from the other way.

Hey there, panda bear, I'm just a single hedgehog

without a girlfriend.

And I'm just a lonely panda girl,

hoping to meet a nice guy.

Preferably a doctor!

Um...what is this all about?

We're ah- just pretending.


Well, you two enjoy yourselves.

I'll be over there on the bench.

No sign of the Secret Cupid yet.

I think you need to keep up the act...

Tell me all the things that are so great about me.

Oh... Well... There's uh...

your fur.

Which is very, uhhhh...


Definitely furry.

Oh! What else do you think is absolutely fabulous about...

... me?

Don't forget, we're not really being romantic,

Penny Ling.

We're just pretending.

Oh, I know.


You were about to tell me how amazing I am.

You're pushing it.

♪ Secret Cupid is my name, Some think I'm 'coo-coo!' ♪

♪ My secret's not too secret though, ♪

♪ Cause Love's what I do-do!


Sugar Sprinkles?

You're the Secret Cupid?

Aww, you're so cute.

You got me.


I've also got you!

♪ You can love most anyone It's happy and it's free. ♪

♪ Go ahead and try it with the next pet that you see! ♪


Whoa, I suddenly feel...


Penny Ling...

Vinnie: OMG!

Sunil: Sugar Sprinkles is the Secret Cupid!


(shouts and crashes)

Why aren't you running after her, Russell?

Sugar Sprinkles is the Secret Cupid!

Now that I think about it, what's the harm

with Secret Cupid?

I mean, we could all use a little more love

in this world, couldn't we?

Especially with someone as amazing and adorable

as Penny Ling.

Is Russell OK?

Well, hello there, Pretty Panda.


Oh, right. We're pretending. But...

Shhhh! Don't speak!

I just want to gaze into your pretty panda eyes.

We don't need words.

We have the language...

of love.

(phone rings)

What's up, Youngmee?

You'll never guess who I just saw

skating past the pet shop.

Josh Sharp.


Good thing I'm in the park.

Looked like he was headed toward the park.



He's here right now!

I've got to get out of here

before I do something embarrassing.

Let's go! Park visit's over!

All: Huh?

We have to stop meeting like this.

Everybody. Stay down!

AH! Are you guys playing 'Hide and Seek'?

(squawk) I want to play!


No, Minka.

We're not playing 'Hide and Seek'.


In the middle of the day?

Oh it's just you, Dad.

Sorry. Heh heh.

Just a little joke.


Blythe, you're such a card.

And speaking of cards, I mailed that letter of yours.

Letter? What letter?

It was in your room, in a red envelope?




Oh, you don't have to thank me.

You know honey, you actually have to put letters in a mailbox

if you want them to get to the person you wrote it to.


Don't worry, Blythe, I stuck a stamp on it!

Heh heh.

The kids today...

Quick Minka, jump inside!

Look for a red envelope!


I don't see it.

Wait. Here! GOT IT!

Oh no!

This isn't my letter!

My letter is red!

Heh heh. Oops!

I guess you forgot that monkeys are

red-green colorblind.

No, no, no, no, nooooo!


Hey, Blythe.

(braying laugh)


Flowers for my poopsie woopsie panda bear?

That's very sweet, Russell.

You shouldn't have.


Oh! Um, that's very nice of you. But I, I don't really--

Your favorite,

strawberry flavored bamboo.

Really, Russell...




♪ (accordion tango)


Er ah...


This isn't really necessary.


You know, Senorita.

They say Spanish is the language of love.



Feliz Navidad!


Oh, um, you know, Russell...

You really don't need to be so nice to me all the time.

Of course, I don't need to.

I do it in the name of romance.



Oh uh, well...

Maybe you could take a break from the romance

for a while?


Love takes no vacations.


No? That's too bad, because...

I kinda need one right now!

Oho! So we are playing hide and seek, huh?

Well, ready or not, here I come!

Blythe: There it is...

Josh's house.

And here comes the mailman.

Almost ready, Zoe?

Please Blythe, the 'dog chasing the mailman'

is such a cliche!

I'm trying to bring something new to it all.

Well, he's almost here.

Can you bring something new, in say, the next three seconds?

Yes, yes. I'm ready.




(squeak squeak)


(joyful gasp)

(yips and squeaks)

Zoe, what happened?

Got me with the old squeaky toy trick.

He's good. He's very good.

♪ (Vinnie beat-boxing)


Come back here, my darling enchilada!

What has gotten into our prickly pal?

That Secret Cupid has gone too far.

You girls and your romantic notions.

Us? We're just as fed up as you are

with Don Juan de Russell.

We've got to do something!


We'll march right out there to Sugar Sprinkles

and demand she turn Russell back to normal.

♪ You can love most anyone

♪ It's happy and it's free.

♪ Go ahead and try it with the next pet that you see! ♪

But before we go...

Hey! What gives?


Hey there, my back doesn't usually go that way!

What are you two doing here?

Hiding from Vinnie and Sunil.


Secret Cupid put them under her love spell,

just like Russell.

Well, I think the coast is clear.

Russell: Oh, senoritas.

Feliz Navidad.



They're playing hard to get.

That's OK. I've got the perfect plan to romance them back again.

Whew! They're gone.

That's a relief.

I'll say.

♪ (disco)

All: Uh oh!


Oh! What are we going to do?

We've got to find Sugar Sprinkles.

She got them into this,

maybe she can snap them out of it.

OK! On three we make a break for it.

One... Two... THREE!

Sugar Sprinkles! You need to do something

about your love songs!

Your music has created a monster.

Three monsters!

Oh, you grumpy poos, you're just not used to all that

love when it comes your way.

You'll get used to it.

Besides, I'm not sure how to reverse my love song magic.

♪ (disco)

OK, that's just wrong.


I've never tried to reverse the spell before.

Let's see...

HEY! Snap out of it!

(snapping fingers)

Hmmm. That didn't work.

Maybe if I try singing my love song backwards


♪ Tec-res dip-uck see I'm mane muss kinth my ook ook ♪

♪ I'm stec-res ton oot tec-res oath suck vul twa I ood ood ♪

Huh? Yech!

Oh! That is so gross!


Vinnie: What the huh?

Thank you, Sugar Sprinkles.

You got the boys to stop bugging us.

Aww, you don't have to thank me.

Thank her?

Are you out of your mind?

Sugar Sprinkles, you made us act ridiculous!

Hmm... No offense, but I kinda prefer the lovey-dovey Russell

to this Russell.

Take a listen to this.


Aw, come on, Russell, you know you love this one.

Hey, wait for us!


Come back!

It's a good song!

Stop, Sugar Sprinkles!

Put that ukulele down!

The mailman's headed for Josh's house next.

I'm sunk.


I'll just move to Siberia.

Nobody will ever find me there.


Yes! My letter!

Let's get out of here, Zoe.



Hey, Blythe.


♪ (ukelele)


♪ My secrets not too secret though cuz look what I do do ♪


Aw, it's Baa-Baa Lou and his girlfriend.


That's so cute!


You know, I got to admit,

they make a cute couple.

Well, I suppose there is a time and place for love.

Aw, Russell, I knew you had it in you.

But this is not the time or place!

Gimme that.