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03x01 - Sleeper

Posted: 05/09/22 06:25
by bunniefuu

♪ The wheels on the Littlest Pet Shuttle go round and round, ♪

♪ Round and round Round and round ♪

♪ The wheels on the Littlest Pet Shuttle go round and round, ♪

♪ All through the town.

Everybody sing!


Oh yeah, forgot about our pesky language barrier.


Oh, I know our owners like it,

but I'm not crazy about the new vet shuttle service.

It means I'll be getting sh*ts on a more regular basis. Ow!

The vet's hands are like icebergs!

Yeah, and really c-c-cold, too.

When you're a superstar like me,

a trip to the vet comes with the job.

I have a whole entourage

who make sure I'm in tiptop condition.

Tip-top, tip tip tip top, tip top toppy tippy-dippity top top

pitty toppity tip tip t-o-o-o-o-o-p!

Ooh, sorry, sweetie.

I forgot that was one of your trigger words.

I'm OK.

(full mouth) I like the vet.

She gave me seven cookies.

The vet gave you seven cookies?

Ah, Penny Ling, do you think maybe you were supposed

to share those cookies with the rest of us?


Oh! Sorry.

Radio: Hello, everyone.

Fisher Biskit here, owner of Largest Ever Pet Shop,

with one question for you.

Are you tired of shopping for your pet at those under-supplied

little neighborhood pet shops?

Oh, for the love of pudding.

Then march over to Largest Ever Pet Shop for a galaxy of choices

and out-of-this-world savings!


That'll be enough out of you, Fisher Biskit.

Although, I should do more advertising myself.




I declare a foul as you did not tell me in advance

that we were playing the

"Whoever spots a trash can first gets to punch his friend

in the arm" game.

Therefore, I declare the right to deliver

four penalty punches onto your spindly reptile ar--.

Wait, Sunil!


Are you seeking mercy from my mighty knuckles?

No. Look!

Oh my...

♪ (sci-fi sting)

Is it possible that you are thinking

what I am possibly thinking?

It is if you're thinking we'll be abducted by aliens

and have our brains replaced with tomatoes.



♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be (Yeah)

♪ Who we wanna be (yeah)

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

♪ We can be (yeah)

♪ Who we wanna be (yeah)

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

♪ (eerie)

Mm, it sure looks like a spaceship.

That's because it is a spaceship!


I don't know.

What is there to know?

It's right there, floating up in the sky!

Full of aliens from another planet whose only goal

is to turn us all into their mindless robots!

Oh, I don't want to be mindless, or mind-probed,

or otherwise bothered by these alien overlords!

Alien overlord?

I know that guy!


Eep glork.


I know! Ha ha!

Oh, I want you to keep it, so you'll always remember

the friendship of the pets of earth!

Or is it 'guys'?

Is an alien with three heads one person or three?

Sunil's talking about the new rulers

of the planet Earth, Minka.

I've heard that these aliens like to sneak up on you

in the middle of the night and push you over!


(alien giggling)


What the...?

That's right!

They're panda tippers.

(fearful gasps)

Hi, Mrs. Twombly.

Would you like some help unloading the pets?

Is Fisher Biskit an annoying old goatherd?

I'm guessing that means 'yes'.


What the heck was that about?

I'm not sure, but it did just give me a good advertising idea.

I'm gonna hire me a sign spinner!

(panicked screams)

Hurry, Sunil, we've got to get Fort Vinnie put together

before the aliens come charging through our front door.

And would you mind telling me why this fort

is automatically named after you?

Why is it not being called Fort Sunil? Hm?

Fine! We'll call it Fort Vinnie and Sunil.

And would you mind telling me why your name

automatically comes first in the fort title

and my name comes in the second place?

Fine! Fort Sunil and Vinnie!

Hm, much better.

But with all of that pet chow stacked up,

will it not be more of a bunker, really?

Unless you want to be mind-controlled,

or otherwise mind-probed, I'd get busy dragging some more

of those sacks of pet chow over here!

Mind probed?


Ah, let's see...




What are you doing, Russell?

I am attempting to create a universal language

in order that we might communicate with these aliens.

My hope is that I can convince them that we mean no harm

and wish to peacefully coexist with them.

Oh, yeah.

I was gonna do that, but since you already started...

What have you got?


Well, excuse me for asking.

No, Pepper, (raspberry) is all I got so far.


This is one panda who's not going to be tipped over

so easily.

Zoe, aren't you a-scared of the aliens?

I was, (pose), until I realized that someone

with as much star power as me, (pose),

has absolutely nothing to worry about.

In fact, it might actually be a boon to my career.

How do you figure that?

I'll have a whole new set of fans

back on the aliens' home planet.

I wish I had as much confidence as you do.

I'm worried that my jokes won't translate

for this kind of 'out-of-town audience',

and they'll be like...



(battle cries)

Yeah ha!

You plan on fighting off aliens with a pooper scooper?

Like a mop is any better?

HA! Do you plan on wetting the floor so the aliens slip?

I can assure you that me and my scooper will do just fine

in defending Fort Sunil!

You mean Fort Vinnie.

Fort Sunil!

Fort Vinnie!

Fort Sunil!

Minka: Pets! Pets! Pets!

Let's all calm down.

Minka is here to save the day.

What are you talking about, Minka?

How do you plan on saving the day?

(sigh) How soon they forget.

Don't you all remember the time I landed on Mars?

There were aliens there, right?

I can handle any aliens that might try to invade us.

(panicked screams)

OK, Mrs. Twombly, I just have one question.

What's that, Madison?

Would you mind repeating everything you just said?

(sigh) Of course not, dear.

Your job as a sign spinner is to draw customers

into Littlest Pet Shop.

How you do that is...

Spin the sign fast, but not too fast.

Add some funky dance steps

to let the people know you're having a good time.

And bring it home with some Kung Fu moves!

(martial arts shouts)

That will absolutely make any pedestrians want to come into

the shop and spend some sweet moolah.


I think so.

Good! Show me what you got, kid.


All righty, then.

What the huh?

OK, what's this all about?

(all talking at once)

Wait. Hold on. STOP!

Just one of you, please.

Well, Blythe, I can only assume you haven't seen it

on the news yet,

but we've discovered that our beloved Downtown City

is being invaded by aliens!

Ha ha!

What are you talking about?

That's ridiculous!

No, it's not, Blythe.

I can honestly tell you that I saw the invader's spacecraft

with my own eyes.

That's silly talk, and I can prove it.

What's up, Blythe-y-Blythe-Blythe?

Dad, I just wanted to ask your professional opinion

on kind of a silly little something.

Silly little somethin's are my specialty.


Um, UFOs, alien spaceships and all that,

there's no such thing...


Yeah. OK.

Let me bounce that around in the old noodle for a sec.


Well, to be honest, Blythe,

I can't be certain they don't exist.


I mean, I can't really be sure if what I saw

were weather balloons, or lightning,

or a trick of the light,

but I've seen some really weird stuff up there over the years.

One time I even saw a cloud that looked like my Aunt Laura.

Does that answer your question?

I'm not sure...

but, thanks.

(all talking at once)

As far as I'm concerned,

that also means that my dad can't be certain they do exist.

I think.

Well, I took a hit on the Lady Liberty costume,

but at least I got a partial refund on that arrow sign.

(girl on TV) Hello, people with money to spend.

Our Daddy is Fisher Biskit and he, like,

owns this awesome store.

Right, Brittany?

You are so, like, right, Whittany. Like.


He owns Largest Ever Pet Shop which is, like,

the best pet store in all of Downtown City.

Right, Brittany?

That's right, Whittany.

All those other pet shops, exspecially the littlest,

tiniest ones are just like sad, and stuff.


Nuts to that noise.

I'll show you, Fisher Biskit!

You have my solemn oath!

Sorry dear, that was just a motivational outburst

played for dramatic effect.

Can I have my pay?


(panicked chatter)

Blythe, put your hat back on!

Yes, a thin layer of shiny aluminum foil is all that stands

between you and being made to eat foods you do not like!


He's right!

♪ (sci-fi)

Vinnie: There was this pet I talked to

who said he was abducted once

and they made him eat all of his vegetables.


(struggling grunts)

Here comes the airplane!

(airplane noise)



True story.


And who was the pet that told you this?

All right, everybody.

I don't think we're being invaded by aliens.


But I do think that you saw something.

Something that, like my Dad said, can't be explained.

You two were the first to see what looked like a spaceship

hovering near the top of a building, right?

Ye-Yes, you are correct.

Where was this building?

In the middle of Downtown City, on the way back

from the vetertranarianian lady, person.

Who gave us cookies that Penny Ling thought were all hers.

I said I was sorry.

OK, Vinnie and Sunil, no offense but you two tend to overreact.

Hm, true dat.

Most assuredly.

So we are going to get to the bottom of this

and the best way to do that is to go

to where this UFO is supposed to be.

(horrified gasps)


YAY! I can't wait to go see the aliens!

Minka, I have to say you really have been very calm

through all of this.

I have, haven't I?

Go me!

So, Blythe, we're going to ground zero of the invasion?

I'm not sure that's such a good idea.

Yeah, I haven't had enough time to work up any jokes

that don't involve beetle grubs.

And there's a ray g*n with my name on it.

Pets, please!

As I already told you, there's no need to worry

with space explorer Minka in the mix.

You keep forgetting that I have experience

with the whole alien-interaction thing.

These ought to bring in some customers.

(bored) Free samples!

Get 'em while they're hot.


Agh, these cookies taste weird.

What's in them?

Beef, chicken, and pork by-products.


Oh, those aren't cookies; they're kibble cakes for pets.


That's weird.

I thought they tasted pretty good.


Come on, Penny Ling, hop on.



I don't want to get tipped.

Penny Ling, I promise that I will not allow any aliens

to tip you.

(motor starts)

Friend Vinnie, as we draw ever closer to our impending doom,

allow me to say that it has been a pleasure and a privilege

to consider you both a trusted colleague

and a valued associate.

Aw, thanks, Sunil.

Any chance you could repeat that using smaller words?


♪ (humming to herself)


I feel like somebody's watching me.

♪ (humming)

All righty, my 'Twombly-sense'

is definitely telling me something.

Oh, good heavens!

Fisher Biskit!


Let's play 'Whoever spots an alien first

gets to punch the other guy in the arm.'

If I spot the alien first,

do I get to punch both of you?

No! No!

Minka, this is a male bonding ritual, thusly and therefore,

as a female you are automatically excluded.

Ow! Ow!

I'm surprised they haven't started the invasion yet.

There's not an alien in sight.

(sigh) That's because there are no aliens.

Alien tripod mind probe machine!

♪ (sci-fi)


The aliens' indestructible tripod ship!

(relieved sighs)


Did you hear that?

Oh, it's their panda-tipper machine!

And their portable ray g*n!

Vinnie and Sunil: NO! It's an alien as*ault robot!


(relieved sighs)

Oh! What's that?

♪ (sci-fi)



(relieved sighs)

A water tower, a garbage truck and floppy air-dancers...

No aliens!

You pets need to get your imaginations under control.



Here we are, Blythe.

Blythe: Largest Ever Pet Shop?

This is where you saw the spaceship?

Yuppers, this is the place.

(agreeing chatter)

Well, whatever you saw, it's not here anymore.

But where did it go?

Maybe they changed their plans

and decided to invade another city.

Yeah, that's gotta be it.

I'll bet they went to invade Uptown City.

Oh, or perhaps Midtown City; they deserve it.

(surprised gasps)

Hello, Blythe...beasts.

What brings you here?

Decide to show your furry little friends

what a real pet shop looks like?

No, they -- I mean, I just thought I saw something up there

when I rode by earlier.

If you're talking about the flying saucer advertising

inflatable thingee, it's, like... gone.

Daddy sold it online to some loser for a huge profit.

It's amazing what some people will buy.

Yeah, like...

Fashions by Blythe.

(mean laugh)

Oh, they're horrible.

If anybody deserves to be abducted and mind-controlled

by aliens, it's those two.


First they'd have to find their minds.

Well, at least now we know we're not being invaded.

We do?

Yeah, didn't you hear the Biskits?

What you saw was an advertising inflatable.

What does that mean?

Well, it's a giant blow-up that looks like it's something

that it's supposed to look like,

but it really isn't that something,

just a fake version of it, full of air,

and it's used to sell stuff because people look at it

and then, apparently they go inside and buy stuff.

Make sense?


Makes total sense.

Oh, we knew it was one of those inflatalatables all along.

Didn't we, Sunil?

(giggle) Of course!

We were only hoping to provide some healthy play time

by initiating a wave of invasion paranoia.

So, did everyone have a good time with their fear?

All: No!

What the? I don't believe it.

Well, what do you think, Blythe?

I got it at a huge discount.

Practically stole the thing.

If that doesn't grab your attention and make you want

to shop here, I don't know what will.

Where did you get it?

I bought it online from a guy by the name of Bisher Fiskit.

Bisher Fisket? Oh no.


(startled gasps)

♪ (sci-fi)

Come over to Largest Ever Pet Shop

where the savings are out of this world!

I'll never give up, Fisher Biskit.


Captain, we've been hit by a powerful sonic w*apon!

Turn around, this planet is far too dangerous to invade!

Yes, sir.