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02x23 - The Hedgehog In The Plastic Bubble

Posted: 05/08/22 08:21
by bunniefuu
Just one more and...

( Twombly screams ) Aah!

You okay, Mrs. Twombly?

Oh. Oh, my yes.

I just got an e-mail invitation

to a Chinese New Year celebration in China!

Where in China?

Shanghai. They're honoring me

as "the Originator and Wuhu Master of Kung-Fu Quilting."

"As our guest of honor, you and your family

"are invited to attend a special ceremony

"which will also celebrate the final day

of the Chinese New Year." Wow!

Congratulations, Mrs. T.

And don't worry. I'll see to things here

while you're overseas. I am not going.

What the huh?!

♪ You think about All the things ♪

♪ That you love to do ♪

♪ It all comes true ♪

♪ You find a place You never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy To just be you ♪

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

BLYTHE: Mrs. Twombly, what do you mean you're not going to Shanghai?

It'll be a great trip for you and your family.

Oh, that's the problem.

I don't have any family to go with me.

My sister, and sole sibling, is stationed at the South Pole

on a top secret mission for the next two years.

There's no way she can get away to go with me.

Sorry to hear that, Mrs. T.,

but you know, my dad and I, and the pets

are also your family.

We'd all love to go with you.

Yes, well, that would be lovely, but...

And as long as you have a pet-- Or seven.

you also get to travel on the Pet Jet.


Ho-ho-ho! Well Blythe,

it looks like we're all going to China.

Great news, everyone!

We're all going to China!

Did you just say we're going to China?

I did.

I thought china was the stuff you eat on.

Oh, sweet ignorant Vinnie,

China's the place that makes a lot of the stuff you eat on.

Yes, China is a major global exporter as well as dinnerware,

but why are we going there?

Isn't it obvious?

To meet my relatives, of course.

Pandas are from China.

Well, maybe you can meet some of your relatives

when we're there, Penny Ling.

But actually we're going because

Mrs. Twombly is being honored at a ceremony in Shanghai

for being the originator of Kung Fu Quilting.

Her family was also invited, and we're her family.

Your owners said they'd love for you to be there.

( all cheer )

TWOMBLY: People of Shanghai,

in accepting this great honor,

I must compliment you on your exemplary hospitality.

Oh. That's terrible.

Ugh. You're not accepting a doctorate in quantum physics,

Twombly, for goodness sake.

Gotta sell 'em a load of clams and leave 'em wanting more.

Keep re-writing, Mrs. T. You'll nail it.

Oh, I guess I'm just nervous about public speaking.

But I am also so excited about this trip.

Me too. It'll be a great chance for me

to get some design inspiration

for the upcoming Pet Fashion Expo.

Psst! Blythe.

Uh, what is it, Dad?

( laughs )

I just wanted to tell you

that there's something I can't tell you.

Okay. Well, can you give me a hint?

Okay. It's something I want to do

for Mrs. Twombly's ceremony.

I've already said too much.

Oh, Blythie, you do have a way of getting things out of me.

Hey, everybody, I wanted to talk to you

about Mrs. Twombly's ceremony.

( pets chattering )

Uh, where's Penny?

Well, ever since she found out she's gonna meet her relatives,

she's been in her own world,

staring at herself in the mirror.

Oh, well, I'll have to fill her in later.

I wanted to show you all this!

BOTH: Aah! A dragon!

Don't be silly.

It's not a dragon, it's a Chinese dragon puppet.

That's right, Russell.

These puppets are part of the Chinese New Year celebration.

I thought it'd be great for you guys to all work together

to build it, then you'll each fit inside

and perform a traditional dance for Mrs. T.'s ceremony.

She'll love it. Pardon me, Blythe,

but why is it that we would want to dance

while wearing this dragon costume?

It's all part of the Chinese New Year celebration

and according to tradition, when accompanied by drum beats,

the dance is said to banish evil spirits.

BOTH: Aah! Aah! Aah! Evil spirits!

Ugh. You guys are too--

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Did you say, "spirits"?

As in g-g-ghosts?

Oh, I'm sure it's all just a part of the tradition.

But even if there are evil spirits,

Vinnie can dance them away. Right, Vinnie?

Right. Don't worry, guys.

I'm gonna dance like no one in a Chinese Dragon puppet

has ever danced before.

Oh, we're not worried.

But I think Russell might be.

Oh, that's right, Russell,

you're just a tad afraid of ghosts, aren't you?

Ghosts and marshmallows.

Look out, Russell, there goes a marshmallow ghost!

Huh? Aah!

( all laughing )

That's not funny!

Meeting my family will answer

so many questions I have about myself.

Like, I wonder if everyone in my family

has a cute little belly, like I do.

Or if they all have really big eyes, like I do.

Or if they have two colors of polish

on their toenails, like I do.

I'm not sure you can inherit painted toe nails, Penny Ling.

But you can find out for sure, because Mrs. Twombly's ceremony

is being held at the Shanghai Wildlife Preserve

where they have a large panda population. Look.


That's where my relatives live.

What a crazy coincidence.

Yeah, you couldn't write this stuff.

PENNY LING: Hey, panda relatives!

( majestic theme playing )

ALL: Penny Ling!

Yes, it's me, your American relative.

We've been waiting for you for a long time.

Let me see your nails.


And look.

BOTH: Tummy!

And look.

Wow, so much like me.

You guys really are...

ALL: Family!

( sighs )

( upbeat theme playing )

PENNY LING: Okay, I'm ready, Blythe.

Can we go meet my family now?

Okay, Penny Ling, let me just check in

with everyone before we go.

We're going to the wildlife preserve, Dad.

Did you want to join us? ROGER: No can do, Blythie.

I gotta work on my surprise for Mrs. Twombly's ceremony.

You go ahead and have fun, though.

( grunting )

Practicing for your big night, huh?

Oh, yes. I am a little rusty.

Well, you look great. To you, maybe,

but I'm going to be in front of devoted kung fu quilters.

I've gotta be on top of my game. Hee-yah!

Oh, can we go now? Just one more check-in.

How's the dragon puppet coming along?

Great. Your drawing is very precise.

And this fabric you chose is faboo.

But Blythe, has it been treated?

Treated with what?

With g-g-ghost-repellent.

( all laugh )

Maybe you could pick up some ghost repellent

while you're out?

Oh. Can we go, now?

Okay, let's go.

So Penny Ling, on the way to the wildlife preserve,

I thought we could check out at the historic Bund district,

then visit Yuyuan Garden, then check out the marketplace.

Okay, but can we take the Really Fast Shuttle Tour?

Heh-heh. The Really Fast Shuttle Tour.

Funny. ( horn honks )

"The Really Fast Shuttle Tour."

Well, sounds like the tour for us.

( Blythe & Penny Ling yelling )

( upbeat Chinese theme playing )

Great shot of the Bund District, Blythe.

( both yell )

BLYTHE: Had to get a shot of the famous Jade Rock in Yuyuan Garden.

Pretty. Whoa! Whoa!

( both grunt )

BLYTHE: Great shot of that Chinese junk, huh, Penny Ling?

Oh, Blythe, that's not nice to call that boat junk.

But that's what they're called in China: junks.


BOTH: Whoa!

Come on, Blythe, I can't wait

to finally meet my Chinese panda relatives.

You go on, Penny Ling.

I've gotta try and fix this mess on my head.

I'll catch up with you later.

Do you really think this puppet and its corresponding dance

will repel any evil spirits we may encounter tomorrow night?

With my great choreography,

all of you and Penny Ling too,

we've got nothing to worry about.

I sure hope you're right, Vinnie.

Oh, us too, Vinnie.

Yeah, tell us again

how we're gonna keep the ghosts away.

( girls howling )

With pleasure.

( Vinnie grunting )

♪ I'm the one dancer No ghost can lick ♪

♪ Sending evil spirits packing With my lizard scissor kick ♪

♪ I spin like a butterfly Sting like a bee ♪

♪ You're a ghost? So what? You still don't scare me ♪

♪ Oops, watch out Nope, you didn't see that ♪

♪ I twinkle on my toes And one, two, three, splat ♪

♪ Every pirouette spin Is faster than lightning ♪

♪ If there's anything I'm good at ♪

♪ It's dance-fu fighting ♪

♪ I'm the Terra Cotta King You don't stand a chance ♪

♪ I've got a hundred ancient Warriors just waiting to dance ♪

♪ Every kick, step in perfect Synchronization ♪

♪ The undefeated ghost army Of the dance-fu nation ♪

♪ You've been buried in The ground since ancient times ♪

♪ I know trees who are better At busting out rhymes ♪

♪ Your moves are so old They're all covered in rust ♪

♪ Prepare your ghost army To be turned to dust ♪

♪ A little do-se-do step And then repeat ♪

♪ This is one dance where I step on your feet ♪

♪ I spin like a dervish Just try and run ♪

♪ That's ghost army zero To one hundred and one ♪

♪ Hi-yah ♪

( all laughing and cheering )

( thunder crashes )

♪ What's the problem, Vinnie? You look a little scared ♪

♪ Not used to fighting dragons? Better start to prepare ♪

♪ My entire body is a dance-fu Fighting machine ♪

♪ I'll eat five of you for Breakfast and still stay lean ♪

♪ Trained in the ancient art Of dance w*r ♪

♪ I'll scare you to death Then bring you back for more ♪

♪ I see your puny moves It's a dancing fail ♪

♪ Now prepare to get schooled By my dance-fu tail ♪

♪ You're big, I'll admit You got that going ♪

♪ But oops, watch out, I think Your clumsy is showing ♪

♪ You call yourself a dragon? You can't even blow fire ♪

♪ Now grab a cane and sit back You're about to retire ♪

( grunts )


( dragon whimpering )

( pets cheering )

Oh. Poor Penny Ling.

She missed a heck of a fantasy.

Hello! I'm Penny Ling and I'm your long-lost cousin.

Hmm. Are you speaking to me?

Yes, I'm Penny Ling, and we're cousins.

Oh. I am Ling Pen.

I came all the way from America just to meet you, Ling Pen.

I could tell you were American by your very thick accent.

Uh, I have an accent?

What did you say? Oh, yes.

Accent very thick.

I have some grasp of what you do and say

because of my love for all American movie musicals.

My, how random.

These are more of your cousins, Penny Ling.

This is Ling Jun and Jun Ling.

They also adore American movie musicals.




Oh, well, two out of three's not bad.

It's so wonderful to meet you all.

Would you like me to tell you about my life?

No, we already know so much about American life from movies.

Oh. Well, maybe you can tell me about your life?

Mmm. We live here. We like American movie musicals.

You must like to sing all the time in the rain.

Um, no, not really.

Oh, well you must like to put clickity-clacks on your feet

and dance with a friend on stairs.

Can't say that I've done too much of that.

Here, we make these, just like in the movies.

You know, like this.

( upbeat theme playing )

♪ Come with me And you will see ♪

♪ How much fun That it will be ♪

ALL: ♪ And in the rain, we sing ♪

Oh, my, yes.

That was wonderful.

Seven song and dance numbers in a row.

Thank you, cousin. We must now nap after so much dancing.

But we would like you to join us tomorrow night

for a traditional family meal to celebrate Chinese New Year.

You will be our guest of honor.

Ah! Me?

Your guest of honor? Oof!

Of course I'll join you, cousins.

Oh, and we cannot wait to see your fancy American costume.

( all snoring )

Tomorrow night, a traditional family meal with my family!

I'm glad we're taking the normal speed shuttle back to the hotel.

So did you enjoy yourself today, Penny Ling?

Well, there were a few lulls, but mostly it was great.

And isn't that what spending time with family is all about?

Hey, maybe you could swing by

before Mrs. Twombly's ceremony tomorrow night.

Well, actually, they invited me

to a traditional panda family meal in my honor tomorrow night.

But you can't miss Mrs. Twombly's ceremony.

It's the whole reason we're here.

And the pets need you to help them with their dragon dance.

I feel terrible about missing Mrs. Twombly's ceremony,

but this dinner involves my real family.


Okay, okay! Please don't cry!

I'll let everyone know you'll have to miss the ceremony

and the dragon dance for family reasons.

Oh, thank you, Blythe! I knew you'd understand.

( sighs ): I just hope everyone else does.

( upbeat theme playing )

( door opens )

Wow, fantastic work, everyone!

You followed my design to the letter.

Yes, and we left plenty of room for you in the tail, Penny Ling.

Right. Well, about that...

I'll tell them, Blythe. You see,

I met my panda relatives, and they invited me to join them

for a special dinner in my honor.

Whoa, well, that's fantastic.

Tomorrow night. ALL: What?

But, Penny, you're a crucial element of our dragon puppet.

You're our caboose!

Without you, our dragon will be draggin'.

And our dance won't be as good as it needs to be.

I'm really sorry,

but my family is important to me and I just have to go.

Listen, everyone,

if I know Penny Ling as well as I think I do,

I'm sure she'll get back here in time.

MRS. TWOMBLY ( screams ): Blythe!

What's the matter, Mrs. T?

The hotel washed my kung fu quilting uniform...

in hot water.

Oops. Okay, relax, Mrs. T.

I'll have your uniform as good as new, in time for tomorrow.

Oh, thank you, Blythe. I knew you could help.

Whew! I need a Manchurian tea break.

Ugh. What else could go wrong?

PENNY LING ( screams ): Blythe!

Penny Ling, what is it?

I need a favor. It's really important.

I need an American costume for my dinner tomorrow night.

An American costume. What's that?

I don't know, but it seems important to my family,

so can you please help me?

( whimpers )

Uh, sure, I'll get right on it.

Oh, thank you, Blythe.

I'll be over there practicing my Chinese language skills.

Ugh. I wonder what the Chinese word for "help" is.

Ha, ha. I don't know.

The only word I know so far is "ni hao." It means "hello."

Ni hao. Ni hao. Ni hao. Ni hao.

Ni hao. Ni hao. Ni hao.

( Chinese theme playing )

Ooh! A full house.

Ooh! Does that include the evil spirits?

It might, since Penny Ling not being here

won't allow us to operate the puppet properly.

And despite what you said, Blythe,

I don't see her anywhere.

I still think our little panda will come through.

I sure hope you're right.

We don't have long before we go on.

( dramatic theme playing )


Oh, very good Chinese,

but your accent is still very thick.

What is this you are wearing?

It's an American costume, just like you asked.

Blythe made it for me last night.

I'm the Statue of Liberty.

Oh. What movie musical was this liberty statue in?

Oh. Is that what you wanted? A musical costume?

Oh, well. Come, let us eat.

( Chinese theme playing )

( sniffs )


It smells like Pepper when she's not very happy.

( sniffs )

Ah. It is called stinky tofu.

We like it very much.

( chuckles )

( speaking in Chinese )

Who to the what now?

Panda Elder says that the more it stinks,

the better its flavor.


Where is Penny? We're nearly on!

How can we do a dragon dance

to keep the evil spirits away without her?

MAN ( over PA ): Ladies and gentlemen, to begin our ceremony,

please enjoy a special dragon dance

performed for our guest of honor, Anna Twombly.

( crowd cheering ) Oh. Thank you.

Vinnie, you can do this... for Mrs. Twombly.

Okay, I'll amp up my dancing.

Now, as part of our celebration,

it is time to perform a traditional dragon dance.

Oh, I know about this.

It's to ward off the evil spirits.

Oh, so sorry, Penny Ling,

but there is no room for you in our dragon puppet.


I really don't fit in here.

But I know where I do fit in.

( upbeat Chinese theme playing )

Uhh! We got too much butt ballast!

Everyone hold up your sections!

I'll try to steer her out of this tailspin.

( crowd gasping and murmuring )

Oh, no!

( dramatic theme playing )

Ni hao, everyone!

Aah! Penny Ling?

Oh, thank goodness. You got here just in time.

Can you set us free?

( dramatic theme playing )

( Penny Ling grunting )

( upbeat Chinese theme playing )

( crowd cheering )

( pets cheering )

Colossal footwork as usual, Vinnie.

I'm sorry for being late, everyone,

and for even leaving in the first place.

You're all my real family, as much as any of my relatives.

Now I'd like to introduce tonight's guest of honor,

Mrs. Anna Twombly.

( crowd cheering )

We present to you this plaque in recognition

of your contribution to the art of kung fu quilting

as its Wuhu master and originator.

( crowd cheering )

Oh, my goodness! Thank you all so much.

And I also want to thank my family members,

the ones who couldn't make it

and the ones who are with me tonight.

And especially you, Blythe Baxter,

for really making all of this possible.

That's my daughter! Ha, ha!

And, uh, this is for you, Mrs. Twombly.

( rock theme playing )

Hyah! Thank you. Thank you, thank you.

Heh. That's my dad.


And that's a great musical costume.

Ah! Ho! Viva!

Ah, family.

( upbeat pop theme playing )

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪