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02x13 - So Interesting

Posted: 05/08/22 08:14
by bunniefuu
Ew! This window is filthy.

Ha, ha. LOL. That's not a window, Sunil.

It's actually a new product for the pet shop.

Insect farm kits.

Insect farm? Aah!

( Sunil screaming )

Keep it away!

Sunil, get a hold of yourself!

Okay, what seems to be the problem?

I do not like insects.

Ants, cockroaches, centipedes, millipedes, billipedes--

all the pedes creep me out! Aah!

Well, they're not even in the farm yet, so don't worry.

TWOMBLY: Oh, here we are.

All ready to install the insects.

Oh, dear, where are they?

Oh, I see the problem. There's a hole in the box.

( Sunil scoffs )

SUNIL: What did Mrs. Twombly just say?

Uh, Sunil? You--

What are you trying to tell me?

Well? What is it?

( screams )

( sighs )

( marching theme playing )

( shrieks )

( screaming )

( bugs chittering )

( Sunil screaming )

That sound!

I can't take it!

( screaming )

( high-pitched screaming )


It's like he's screaming,

only nothing's coming out.

( Zoe barking )

Aah! That sound!

I can't take it!

( Zoe barking )

You know, dogs can hear very high-pitched sounds.

Perhaps Sunil is screaming so high

that only dogs can hear it.

If there were only a way to prove my theory.

( Zoe continues barking )

( dogs barking )

( all pets screaming )

♪ You think about All the things ♪

♪ That you love to do ♪

♪ It all comes true ♪

♪ You find a place You never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy To just be you ♪

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

( bell ringing )

Hi, Blythe. What's...up?

What happened in here?

Oh, hi, Jasper.

Let's just say the shop... went to the dogs.

Wow. Too bad you're not Super Sam.

You could clean up this mess in no time with your...


( deep voice ): Super telekinetic powers!


Well, I may not have superpowers, but I do have...


( deep voice ): Super helpful friends!

( upbeat theme playing )

Oh, I'm not sure how you got in there, you little rascal...

There we are!

Sunil, are you okay?

I shoved myself between two pieces of glass,

just to avoid some tiny little bugs.

I am not okay.

I am...ashamed.

Aw, everyone gets a little scared sometimes.

Not like me.

Mere fleas make me lose

my otherwise very pleasant disposition.

It's clear that I am a coward.

A wimp. A chicken.

( clucks )

Sunil, you can't help it

if you're a little frightened by bugs.

It's not just bugs.

I have phobias of darkness, bright sunshine, paper clips,

and those little photo display cubes.

Photo display cubes?

It always looks like the people are stuck inside them.

Just like I am stuck inside this puny body,

trapped by my fears.

No good to anyone...

What's this?

Super Sam? I wonder if he finds that suit restrictive.

"The most courageous superhero in the universe!"

Oh, gotta roll, Blythe.

I'm supposed to meet my mom for lunch.

Whoa, it's : , already?

I've gotta go help Youngmee and Aunt Christie.

We're taking the Sweet Delights truck out

to find a good location for the lunchtime crowd.

Aunt Christie's adding a new

"not-too-sweet sandwich" to the lunch menu.

Mmm, sounds sandwichy. Good luck with that.

Yo, Blythe, need some company

on the Sweet Delights food truck?

Hint, hint, fudge, fudge.

( pets clamoring indistinctly )

Quiet, everyone!

Blythe, I just happened to have been reading

about the food truck craze on the internet.

There was an article on the best truck locations in the city.

BLYTHE: Really?

I only tell you this

because I could be helpful on your journey.

Huh, that would be helpful, Russell.

Why don't you come along?

Well, only if you think I could be helpful.

PETS: Aw... Injustice.

Aw... You definitely are helping, Russell.

Helping yourself to lots of treats.

( laughing )

I crack myself up.

Hey, humor and sweets-- both good for the soul.

So you know where the ultimate "sweet spot" is?

Yeah, Blythe said it's like the be-all,

end-all of parking places for food trucks.

Hmm. Who'd you get this tip from, Blythe?

From, uh, a tip...person.

A tipper, of sorts. You know, people who tip.

( nervous chuckle )

Aah! A bug!

PENNY LING: Meh. It's just a dust-bunny.


Do you see my lot in life, Penny Ling?

Reduced to jelly by a puff of dirt with a cute name.

Ah! Sunil, have you ever heard about...

the legend of El Cobra-Cabra?

El Cobra-what?

It is said that every hundred years

the insects choose a worthy soul

and transfer their powers to him--

The power to crawl up walls like a beetle,

the super strength of an ant,

to fly like... Well, like a fly.

Doesn't that sound amazing?

Frankly, it sounds scary.

Sunil, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

I don't know. Are you thinking about handlebar mustaches?

No, can't say that I was.

Maybe those bugs were trying to tell you something.

That you are...El Cobra-Cabra!

( mimics trumpet fanfare )

El Cobra-Cabra? That's ridiculous, Penny Ling.

Is it?

My source said the parking space is right down this block.

Lots of people walking by all day long.

And it's right...there!

AUNT CHRISTIE: I see it! The whole block is open!

Hey! They took our sweet spot!

BLYTHE: Who has a food truck the length of an entire block?

Excuse me! We saw this spot first!

Step away from the vehicle.

( all scream )

ROBOT: Please make your selection.

Liverwurst sandwich is your only selection.


ROBOT: Please enjoy an extra-sugary beverage.

( grunting )

Stupid sticky soda pop.

I had a feeling this was your truck.

BOTH: Hello, Blythe!


If you want a refund, well, tough.

We don't, like, give any.

Would you guys mind telling your robot driver

to scootch up a skosh?

Our truck can't fit in.

Like, nope. We got here, like, first.

If you snooze, you don't, like, win.

This is ridiculous!

Your customers don't even like your food.

All you sell are liverwurst sandwiches

and soda pop without cups.

Whatevs. Daddy says the food truck game

isn't about what you sell.

It's about, like, eliminating your competition.

So if nobody else can sell food,

meaning you and your friends,

then we only need to sell one thing.

Daddy says monopolies are awesome!

( siren wailing )

No! Wait!

They're coming right back!

Hey, a little friendly advice?

Oh, you're so cute!

But darn, I'm very bad at advice.

Plus, It always backfires, and then people get mad at you.

Not advice for me, ma'am. Advice for you.

If you want to get the sweet spot,

you gotta get here at : a.m.

Oh, really? So tomorrow, if we get here before : ,

we should get an open spot, no problem.

That's not going to work. Get anywhere near here before : ,

and you'll be given a ticket by my owner.

And, boy, does he love giving tickets.

Yeah! Tickets! Whoo-hoo!

Tickets, tickets, tickets...

But if you get here any later than : ,

someone else will get the spot. So it's gotta be...

( in unison ): Exactly : .

( siren wailing )

Earlier than : , Aunt Christie will get a parking ticket...

And any later, someone else will get the parking spot.

So we need to be there at exactly : , huh?

That's gonna be tricky.

Hmm, what we could do tomorrow is get there a little early

and wait on the other side of the street.

Then at exactly : , pull into the spot.

I'll go tell Youngmee.

Blythe, will you make something for me?

Sure, Penny Ling. What is it?

A supersuit! Like this.

A supersuit? Why do you want a supersuit?

It's for Sunil.

That bug freak out made him lose his self-confidence.

So you want to dress him up like Super Sam

to help him get his confidence back?


Sounds like a plan, Penny Ling.

I'd love to help.

Yay! Oh, and Blythe?

Can you design a costume for me too?

He's gonna need a sidekick.

( mischievous theme playing )


Ah! What is this?

Seemingly from out of nowhere, a box!

I think you pushed it in front of me.

Look! This costume must be for you!

For me?

You've been walking around as Sunil,

but in real life you are El Cobra-Cabra!

( mimics trumpet fanfare )

And I must be your sidekick...


( superhero theme playing )

That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

Oh, no! Look! It's Pepper!

Help! Help!

I am somehow stuck atop this very tall fire hydrant!

( whimpers )

Uh-oh. Perhaps we could find a ladder and--


Ah! Look! Sunil can fly!

Aah! I can fly?

Get Pepper! She needs your help!

( Sunil screaming )

SUNIL: Tell me when it's over.

( Sunil screaming )

( Pepper and Sunil screaming )

Oh, El Cobra-Cabra, you saved my life!

( pets cheering )

I saved Pepper?

How did I do that?

How? Why, you're... El Cobra-Cabra!

( mimics trumpet fanfare )

I guess I am no ordinary mongoose. I am...

El Cobra-Cabra.

( action theme playing )

♪ Who's the mongoose With super-duper zeal? ♪

♪ Who makes bad guys return What they steal? ♪

♪ Who lights candles In the candelabra? ♪

♪ Who puts magic In the abracadabra? ♪

♪ Watch out ♪

♪ It's El Cobra-Cabra ♪

ANNOUNCER: And Sidekick Panda.


So, Sunil, are you brimming with confidence, now?

Are you frightened of nothing?

I am reborn, sidekick,

ready to take on my new responsibilities.

Now come on. There are pets out there who need our help.

Pets out there?

Wait, I think we need to stay here in the day camp area.

BLYTHE: Well, it's : ,

and the Biskit's truck is nowhere in sight.

If we want to get that sweet spot,

we better make our move now, Aunt Christie.

( truck honking )

Oh, no! It's the Biskits!

Aunt Christie, step on it!

( suspenseful theme playing )

Monban, find another way to get to the parking spot.

Recalculating route.

( tires screeching )

Reprogramming red lights to green.

BLYTHE: There's the sweet spot!

And we're gonna get there first!

( engine revving )

( tires screeching )

( truck honks horn )

How the what?

Those Biskits are pretty sneaky.

( blows whistle )

Aw... That police officer sure is nice.

See the way he looks out for pets?

Hmm...the crosswalks.

( Russell grunts )

That's how we can help Blythe!

( light dramatic theme playing )

A pet in need. This looks like a job for...

El Cobra-Cabra!

( mimics trumpet fanfare )

Let's go, Sidekick Panda.

We must get that chew toy for him.

It's Pandamonium.

Never fear, young chinchilla.

I'm going to use my superpowers to get you that chew toy.

You don't need that, do you?

Think of the possible dental problems.

I will simply walk up the wall to retrieve your chew toy.

( gasps ): Wait!

Heroism cannot wait, Sidekick Panda.

( whimpering )

( Penny Ling grunts )

Here you are.

And no need to thank me.

It is all in the line of duty.

Who's next?

( action theme playing )

♪ Who's the mongoose With super-duper zeal? ♪

♪ Who makes bad guys return What they steal? ♪

♪ Who lights candles In the candelabra? ♪

♪ Who puts magic In the abracadabra? ♪

♪ Watch out ♪

♪ It's El Cobra-Cabra ♪

ANNOUNCER: And Sidekick Panda.

It's Pandamonium.

Sidekick Panda! To our secret lair!

Uhh! We have a secret lair?

( superhero theme playing )

This isn't a secret lair. It's Blythe's bedroom.

Sunil, maybe we should take a rest.

Even superheroes take a break once in a while.

Look! A pet in distress, Sidekick Panda!

That's Pandamonium.

( pig squealing and squirrel chittering )

Ooh, that's a pickle. I hope someone can help them.

We will fly down and save them.

Fly down?

This is a job for...

El Cobra-Cabra!

( Sunil screaming )

Oh! Oh, Sunil!

( Sunil screaming )

( dramatic theme playing )

SUNIL: Aah! Unh!

What the...? PENNY LING: I got you.

( straining ): Just a few more feet.

What is going on, Penny Ling?

Well, you see, there's a problem

with jumping out the window, and it's this--

You can't fly.

What do you mean?

Did I lose my superpowers by using them so much?

Well, not exactly.

The truth is...

You never really had superpowers.

I do not understand.

We wanted to make you believe you had superpowers.

I was upset that you felt like a coward,

and I thought we could give you a little self-confidence.

So the flying, the walking on walls, the super strength?

You didn't have those powers,

but you still did all those heroic things.

And you weren't scared when you did any of them.

I didn't really do anything.

El Cobra-Cabra.

( mimics trumpet fanfare weakly )

RUSSELL: Now, to beat the Biskits,

we're gonna need everybody's help.

( pets clamor ) Okay, so what do we have to do?

You don't need me.

I'll only get scared, run away, and ruin everything.

You have to come with us, Sunil. You're part of our team.

( pets clamoring ) Sunil, we need you.

Okay, here's the parking spot.

Now, if we just rely on the traffic lights and our speed,

the Biskits will win every time

with their robot driver and hi-tech gadgets.

But there's one thing Monban can't control:

The pedestrians in the crosswalks.

( dramatic theme playing )

( tires screeching )

Uhh! Monban, why did we stop?

We're going to be like, late.

We cannot go forward. Pedestrians.

( both groan )

WHITTANY: About time!

( cars honk horns )

Come on! We've gotta beat them to the next intersection!

Sugar Sprinkles, all systems go.

Ooh, radio jargon. Come in, good buddy.

Roger, we got a smokey in our convoy,

and all systems appear to be go.

Are you on your way to the parking spot?

That's a big ten-four.

We just shot an eyeball at a wooly bear,

so giving you a heads up on...

RUSSELL ( on radio ): Where are they?!

They're turning onto th Street!

( dramatic theme playing )

( tires screech )

Ugh! We only have one minute left to get to the parking spot!

Monban, turn around!

Ha! We just need to beat them to one more intersection,

and those Biskits are baked.

( all screaming )

VINNIE: It's in my eye! Hey!

Thought you might need some, like, refreshment, Blythe.

( Whittany and Brittany laughing )

( all groaning )

( dramatic theme playing )

Come on.

We need to... get to the crosswalk.

( pets grunting )

We're stuck! Where do they get their soda?

It's stickier than glue!

This is terrible!

We're not gonna make it to the crosswalk!

At a time like this, we could really use El Cobra-Cabra.

He could sweep in and save the day.

Yes. I am sorry I am not El Cobra-Cabra.

But I am Sunil. And Sunil isn't completely without powers.

Huh? Scare me, Penny Ling!

Oh, no, I couldn't do that.

Penny Ling, we don't have much time!

Scare me!

( roars )

( high-pitched screaming )

Uhh! That sound!

It's driving me crazy!

( dogs barking in the distance )

Wait! What's that?

( dogs barking )

( dramatic theme playing )

That's so, like, totally unfair.

( Aunt Christie and Youngmee cheering )

( all cheering )

MAN: This is very good.

( indistinct chatter )

Well, Sunil, it appears that you're a hero after all.

You actually do have an awesome talent, Sunil.

Your scream is your superpower.

Well, I really should thank Penny Ling.

Who knew she could scare the be-whosits out of me?

Aw, well, you were the brave one

to take a chance like you did, Sunil.

I mean, what if you couldn't recreate that exact sound?

Well, then, I suppose I would have just looked like

a silly screaming mongoose.

I like to think of you as Super-Sonic Sunil.

But you're still my Sidekick Panda.

ALL: Pandamonium!

( all laughing )

( upbeat pop theme playing )

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪