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02x10 - Alligators and Handbags

Posted: 05/08/22 08:11
by bunniefuu
Blythe, who's your favorite father?

Hmm, let's see, there's that one on TV

with the extraordinarily large head who tells corny jokes.

Eh, who's that?

Never mind.

Well, anyway, you're going to be very happy

when you hear who I met today.

Really? Who? My flight home from Switzerland

was chartered for a single pet passenger,

on her way home from a spa vacation.

Who was that passenger, you ask?

A hairless Egyptian Sphinx cat named Cairo, belonging to--

Mona Autumn, Fashion Editor in Chief of Tres Blase Magazine?

( squeals )

That's right!

She was waiting for her precious kitty at the airport,

and I met her!

Naturally, I told her about my daughter

who went to a prestigious fashion camp

and came up with a pet backpack that was the hit of the camp.

Oh, no, Dad, you didn't.

I did.

And it just so happens she has a big feature coming up

on backpacks and handbags,

and I convinced her not only to meet with you,

but to give you her opinion on your designs!

The appointment is set for this afternoon.

I know, you're speechless.

That's okay, you can thank me later.

♪ F r of the year ♪

Yo, Blythe, you look greener than me.

What's the problem?

The problem is that we're talking about Mona Autumn.

One nod from her,

and you can have an amazing career in fashion.

She sounds great!

But she's also known for being really mean.

She cuts fashion wannabes into little pieces

if she doesn't like their designs.


She sounds terrible.

Blythe, darling.

The reputation of this Mona person

isn't anything to be scared of.

She eats and sleeps just like anyone else.

( snoring )

Well, almost anyone else.


Welcome to Littlest Pet Shop.

Are you looking for day care for your sweet little pet partner?

( animal growling )

I'll take that as a yes.

Well, sweeties, say hello to your new friend.

This is...

Wiggles McSunbask.



( growls )

He eats and sleeps just like anyone else.

It's nice to meet you, Wiggles.

( all shriek )

Eats and sleeps just like everyone else, huh, Zoe?

♪ You think about All the things ♪

♪ That you love to do ♪

♪ It all comes true ♪

♪ You find a place You never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy To just be you ♪

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

( Blythe groans )

What was the matter with that backpack design, Blythe?

I thought it was fantabulous!

Yeah! They're all neat!

That one was "ick." This one was "meh." And that one was:

( groans )

Mona Autumn won't like any of these.

So show her your petpack. That's t.

I'm not gonna show her something I made at camp.

Darling, your designs are spectacular, each and every--

All right, this one is rather "meh."

But, the point is, you don't know what this

Mona person is going to like.

Of course I do. It's so simple.

She likes designs that are long but short.

Poofy but flat.

Silky but rough.

Simple. Right.

I only have one shot with Mona Autumn,

and if I blow it,

it could ruin any chance I have at a future in fashion.

Oh, doing some last minute sketching I see. How's it going?

Oh, just great.

Yeah, I can tell by all the crumpled paper.

How about some fresh air?

Might as well.

It's not like I'm accomplishing anything here.

I do not enjoy seeing Blythe so upset.

I wish there was something we could do.

( menacing theme playing )

I wish there was something we could do

about Wiggles McSunbask.

He's going to destroy everything if we don't stop him.

( burps )

Maybe we should just be nice to him and welcome him.

Once he gets to know us, he'll love us.

Ooh, this ain't gonna be pretty.

Hi there. My name is Penny Ling,

and I just wanted to welcome you to--

( menacing theme playing )

( roars )

( shrieks )

He doesn't care for "nice."

Let me try.

After all, everyone understands comedy, am I right?

Hey, Wiggles, I got a joke for ya.

How many alligators does it take to change a water dish?

( roars )

( whimpers )

Must've already heard that one.

All right, I'll talk to him, scaly guy to scaly guy.

Yo, pal.

I know you're new around here,

so I thought I'd give you the lowdown

on who ya need to know.

You can call me Vinnie.

I'm gonna call youse breakfast,

if you don't get outta my face.

You unnerstand?

Oh. Yes, sir, your Gator-ship.

Maybe-- Maybe we should just give him some space.

And that's how you start a conversation with an alligator.

A little worried about your meeting?

"W ed" is one word for it.

I've read about Mona Autumn.

I know what she's supposed to be like.

Since when do you know about the fashion world, Dad?

Since my daughter got interested in fashion, that's when.

So my suggestion is this:

When you get in there to meet with her,

imagine her wearing a moose costume.

A moose costume?

No one ever looked scary in a moose costume.

Trust me.

Ha, ha. A moose costume.

Ta-da! A hot dog masterpiece

RUSSELL: So then, we're agreed?

Instead of talking to one-on-one,

we'll go over as a group?

I think it's a great idea, Russell.

Safety in numbers.

Okay, then, let's go!

Why, hello, Giggles.

I mean, Wiggles.

We were just coming to--

Look, youse guys, I've decided there's enough space

in this here pet shop for all of us.

( all sigh )

That is so good to hear.

( screeching )

So this is your space.

The rest of this place,

well, that's my space. Unnerstand?

And if I find any of youse in my space?

I'll introduce youse to my little friends!


Oh, we "unnersta

( menacing theme playing )

She eats and sleeps like everyone else.

She eats and sleeps like everyone else.

MONA ( yelling ): I want soothing!

Do you call those designs soothing?

I asked for soothing designs!

Miss Autumn will see you now.

She eats and sleeps like everyone else.

She eats and sleeps like everyone else.

There's nothing to be scared of.

She eats and sleeps like everyone else.

Hello, human.

You must be Cairo.

Yes. Yes, I am.

And we're having a conversation?

Yeah, it's a thing I can do.

Oh, isn't that special?

I'm Blythe. My dad flew you home this morning.

From my spa trip.

It was supposed to relax me. It didn't.

Do you have any advice on how I should deal with Mona?

Oh, you know...

Don't blink twice in a row, don't use the word gorgonzola,

and whatever you do, do not stare at her ankles.

Uh, right. Thanks.

How dare you?

( whimpers )

Imagine her wearing a moose costume.

( lowing )

If you keep telling me things I don't want to hear,

I will put your career into a blender and push puree!

Welcome to Tres Blase Magazine.

So you're the daughter of the pilot

that flew my precious little Cairo home.

Uh, yes, Miss Ma'am.

I mean, Mona Miss.

I mean, Ma'am Miss Autumn, Ma'am.

Please sit down.

So I hear you're an aspiring designer.

Uh, yes, that's right.

Since I was a little girl--

Unfortunately, I have to fire

a no-talent hack of a photographer in a few minutes,

so I simply don't have time for the epic saga of your life.

Is that your portfolio?

Oh! Yes, ma'am.

All of the backpack designs in there are new.

I did them today, just for this meeting.

Mmm. These remind me of something.

Do you know what these remind me of?

Uh... No?

Rubbish! They're tiresome. Predictable.

Boring! Well, I--

The mark of someone utterly without an original vision.

Or a point of view. Or a unique voice.

Someone who might want to think of a different career to pursue.

It was nice meeting you.

Raphael? Mona. You're fired!

( melancholic theme playing )

Minka, stand still!

This is me standing still!

Is everyone else all right?

Aside from really, really, really having to go

to the bathroom because we've been standing here for hours?

Aside from that. Oh, peachy.

( groaning )

Ah! Quick!

Somebody grab Sunil before he falls outside the circle!

Huh? Ah!

What happened?

You almost got us turned into gator chow is what happened!

( laughing )

If only there was something we could do about Wiggles.

He's too big. Too strong.

And has, like, about too many teeth.

It would be marvelous if there was some way we could show him

he couldn't push us around.

( all sigh )

( dramatic theme playing )

Either youse guys come out and give me the fortress,

or I'm comin' in!


You heard him, pets!

Armor up!

Super intelligence!

Super long arms and legs!

Uh, super slitheriness!

Super variable stink blasts!

Super quietness!

Super niceness!

Super fabulousness!

( grunts )

I'm gonna ruin your world.

You can't do anything, lizard lips.

Not as long as we stand together.

( shrieking )

( Minka grunting )

I can't take it any longer!

ALL: Minka!

( growls )

( roars )

( all yelling )

Hi, guys.

( pets clamoring )

( dumbwaiter squeaking )

( growls )

Oh, hey, honey!

How did your meeting with Mona go?

She said my designs were boring, unoriginal, and predictable.

I'm thinking the meeting didn't go so well.

No, it didn't go well.

Did you try pretending she was in a moose costume?

I can't believe she didn't like your petpack!

I didn't show it to her.

What? Why not?

I was trying to design something that I thought Mona would like,

so she'd like me.

But did you like those designs?


Well, there's your problem, right there.

You were so worried about Mona's temper

that you bent over backwards to please her,

but you didn't stay true to yourself.

Yeah, well, it turns out what I'd heard

about Mona's temper was true.

She's impossible to please.

Then you might as well go down swinging,

showing her what you like the best out of your designs.

What you put the most of yourself into.

My petpack.

Most importantly, honey, you can't just give up

the first time someone tells you no.

Dad, you're the best.

That's what I keep trying to tell ya.

( pets clamoring )

No time right now!

( snoring )

Maybe we can roll him out the door.

Or mail him to another country.

Or to another planet.

Or we could use this time, while he's sleeping,

to make our stand against him, the way we imagined it.

( triumphant theme playing )

RUSSELL: Attention, Wiggles McSunbask!


We don't have to be best friends.

We don't even have to talk.

But you can't push us around

and tell us where we can and can't go.

We were here first.

So you'll take the space we give you!

And that's the way it is.

Do you "unnerstand?"


( all yelling )

Heck of a speech, Russell.

But I don't think Wiggles feels the same way.

( growls )

( laughing )

Use the powers your armor gives you!

I'll come up with a super-intelligent plan!

( grunting )

Oh, come on.

I'll have to get back to you on that.

I'll take him out with a multi-scent blast!


( pets coughing )

Ooh, that did not go well.

You cannot resist my fabulousness!


He really is cold-blooded.

I liked that fort you made.

Now, you're gonna make me one.

But my paws really were not made for construction work.

( roars )

Where would you like the moat?

( upbeat theme playing )

I'd like to see Miss Autumn please.

Do you have an appointment?

I don't see an appointment listed.

Miss Autumn won't seen anyone without an appointment.

Not even me.

I only need a minute. It's impossible.

She's completely booked. Then I'll wait.

Maybe one of her appointments will be late,

and I can sneak in for a second.

Wait? Here?

Without an appointment?

Well, that-- That's just not done.

If Miss Autumn comes out here and finds you waiting

without an appointment, she'll go nuclear!

And we'll all be destroyed.

That's a chance I'm willing to take.

Hey! That doesn't go there!

Put it where I told you to put it!

He can't talk to Penny Ling that way.

If she starts to cry because of him, I'm going to--

Zoe, don't! It'll just get us all in trouble.

( bowl shatters )

Now look what ya did, panda!

( sobbing )

( growls )

My fortress is never going to be perfect now.

That's enough!

We're not taking this from you anymore!

Uh, Zoe, maybe you shouldn't talk to Wiggles like that.

And certainly do not say "we."

I am sick of being scared,

and I know the rest of you are too.

I'm going to take the advice I gave Blythe earlier.

You eat and sleep like any other animal.

Just because alligators have scary reputations,

I am not going to let you frighten me.

I'm done just rolling over

and letting you run things around here.

What are you going to do about it?

( suspenseful theme playing )

( crying )

Well, this was certainly unexpected.

( sobbing )

Penny Ling, what's the matter?

I-I don't like seeing anyone cry.

Okay, everyone stop crying!

And you, stop with the crocodile tears!

These are alligator tears.


No one's ever stood up to me before,

and I don't know what to do.

I've never been in a real fight.

Please-- Please don't hurt me.

But Wiggles, you were acting so tough.

Because of how I look,

I thought I could act mean,

and get my way.

I'm sorry, youse guys.

I'll just go back over to that little spot you gave me before.

Wiggles, wait!

Just because you look scary

doesn't mean you have to be scary.

Yeah. If you're nice inside,

there's no reason you can't be that on the outside.

And we can do things together,

like friends.

I've never had friends before.

Maybe because you never tried.

Would you like to try with us, Wiggles?

I would...


Are you sure you wouldn't like to make an appointment

for some future date?

Miss Autumn has some time in... three years.

I'm not leaving until I see her today.

( door opens loudly )

You, shaking helmet girl...

Have the car pick me up downstairs

at the northeast corner of the building,

three feet and six inches from the front door.

Make a dinner reservation for one at Chez Nouveau Riche,

place an order for a mixed salad,

and make sure that this time the lettuce comes on the side!

Huh? You're that backpackista from earlier.

What are you doing here?

Does she have an appointment?

( whimpers )

We'll sort out your punishment tomorrow.

It will involve trimming Cairo's eyebrows.

( sobs )

Miss Autumn, I'd like a second chance to show you--

I don't give second chances.

Thrift stores give second chances.

You're making a big moosestake.

I mean mistake!

No one speaks to me like that--

( elevator dings )

What did I just do?

( suspenseful theme playing )

( elevator dings )

Miss Autumn, I am so, so, so, so, so--


Cairo just jumped in, and she seems to love it.

And I trust no one's judgment more than Cairo.

Clearly, you have real potential as a designer, uh...

Sally, Gina, Lola, uh, a little help.

Blythe. Blythe. Yes, of course.

But what impresses me most about you

is that you didn't take no for an answer.

Let me tell you a little secret.

I'm not half as mean as I seem.

I act this way to weed out the people

who are just sucking up to me.

And you're definitely not one of those.

Good for you.

Uh, thank you.

Stay in touch, Blythe.

I'll be keeping an eye out for you.

Oh, is it all right if I keep this sample of your work?

Yes! Of course!

( squealing )

Hello, everyone!

You won't believe what just happened to me.

What the huh? Wow.

This is one awesome fortress you're building.

Yike! Yo, it's okay.

This is Blythe.

Oh, uh, hi.

I'm glad you like the fortress.

You wanna help us? Sure!

Just gotta go upstairs real quick and change clothes.

Hey, kiddo!

How was the rest of your day?

You were pretty upset before.


The rest of my day was great, thanks to you.

I went back to see Mona Autumn.

You did? Yeah.

And I learned second chances aren't just for thrift stores.

♪ Father of the year ♪

Thank you!

( upbeat pop theme playing )

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪