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02x01 - Missing Blythe

Posted: 05/08/22 08:00
by bunniefuu
( upbeat theme playing )

A couple of months ago, I sent all of my designs to FUN,

they're holding a fashion camp,

and they accepted me!

Who knows how long I'll be gone?

ALL: What the what?

We've got to do something!

No, we don't. What?

You've seen how excited she is.

I think the right thing to do is to support Blythe

as she pursues her dream.

Even though we'll all miss her like crazy.

I just can't imagine this place without Blythe.

Neither can I.

The good news is that Blythe's not gonna be gone

for the rest of her life,

ALL: Hooray!

The bad news is, that she will be gone

all summer.

ALL: Oh.

♪ You think about All the things ♪

♪ That you love to do ♪

♪ It all comes true ♪

♪ You find a place You never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy To just be you ♪

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

BLYTHE: This is FUN, Fashion University North,

where I've been attending Fashion Camp this summer.

Isn't the campus awesome?

I've been super-busy here

learning about all things fashion.

This is the "Sew-What" student dorm, where I've been living.

And that's who I've been living with,

my roommate, McKenna Nicole. She loves fashion.

As you can see, it's all over our room.

This has been an amazing experience,

but I sure do miss everyone back at home.

For the tenth time, Dad, I'm fine.

But how are you? I mean, really?

I am fine, and also, dandy.

I've got everything around here under control.

Uh, Dad, is something on fire?

What? Of course not! No.

( smoke detector ringing )

Uh, there's no fire, uh, think I need to change

the smoke detector's batteries. Uh, I'll let you go, honey.

( computer beeps )

I am not letting another toaster go up in smoke!

And who doesn't remember those inspiring words Blythe spoke

when we launched a bold rescue mission

at Largest Ever Pet Shop?

( pets mumbling indistinctly )

So does anyone actually remember what they were?

Because I'm having trouble.

Oh, that was a fantastic caper made all the better

because Blythe was with us.

I sure miss her.

Me too.

Me too...uh, also.

Hey, but at least we've got Madison.

MADISON: Good morning, little creatures.

( suspenseful theme playing )

( upbeat theme playing )

Yeah, she's a real party.

Hey everyone, it's almost time

for Blythe's morning check-in on the webcam.

( pets gasping )

I'm so glad Mrs. Twombly put this camera in here,

so at least Blythe can see us.

Too bad we can't see her.

Okay, Blythe, how about this?

Floppy or...fedora?

You look great in both, McKenna.

I know! That's why it's so hard.

Fedora it is.

So are you ready for class, Blythe?

I'll be there in just a sec.

I've gotta check something on my computer first.

Good morning, everyone.

( upbeat theme playing )

It's so great to see all of you.

Blythe, are you talking to those pets again?

What? No!

( laughing )

They're not going to answer back.

( nervous chuckle )

I know that.

Well, let's go. It's time to get our fashion on.

( pets barking and yelping )

And...cameras off.

We can relax.

( pets exhaling )

Boy, it's getting harder and harder

to put on a happy face for Blythe.

I'm not sure how long I can keep up this charade.

Me either. And, I don't even know what charade means.

It's only a matter of time before she sees right through us

and realizes how miserable we all are.

Maybe it would just be better to stay away from that camera

when the red light comes on.

Well, I'm not sure that's a good idea.

If we all avoid the camera,

Blythe will know there's something wrong.

( car honking )

( upbeat theme playing )

Littlest Pet Shuttle?

( pop music playing )

♪ Every morning now I get up to see ♪

♪ A campus as fashionable As a campus can be ♪

♪ There's so much to learn here And there's so much to do ♪

♪ I'm so excited That I made it into ♪

♪ Fashion University North ♪

♪ Stitching shoulder pads As I match my plaids ♪

♪ Fashion University North ♪

♪ Living out my dream At a sewing machine ♪

♪ So much glamour here And so much style ♪

♪ How could anyone think That this is not worthwhile? ♪

♪ Stitching for hours At a color chart ♪

♪ Wearing a thimble ♪

Ouch! ♪ Would have been smart ♪

♪ Fashion camp Is someplace special ♪

♪ To everybody here ♪

♪ I want to be the best designer Of the entire year ♪

♪ Fashion University North ♪

♪ Our clothes are pressed And we're all obsessed ♪

♪ Fashion University North ♪

♪ Come and swear you'll be A fashion devotee ♪

♪ Fashion University North ♪ ♪ Fashion University North ♪

We can have fun, right? Don't have to work all night.

♪ Fashion University North ♪ ♪ Fashion University North ♪

♪ Okay, let's take a break And get a tall milkshake ♪

♪ Fashion University North ♪ ♪ Fashion University North ♪

♪ How long's this gonna last? I'm gonna miss my class ♪

♪ Fashion University North ♪

♪ Fashion University North ♪

♪ Sometimes fashion can be ♪

♪ A bore ♪

That brings us all the way up to the early 's

when a new class of coal-tar dyes was invented, known as...

Anyone? Anyone?

A new class of new dyes? Anyone?

Indanthrenes. Indanthrenes.

Which reminds me of a humorous story about the young man...

Wow, Mrs. Twombly, you got a shuttle?

What's it for?

It's for all our LPS customers and future customers.

I can pick up pets, or drop them off, or deliver food,

whatever our customer needs.

Did you hear that?


I think I accidentally poured my drinking water into my ear.

Mrs. Twombly is going mobile,

which means if a customer calls her for a pick-up,

she's gotta pick 'em up.

Right! So what does that mean for us?

All we have to do is find a way to send a request

to Mrs. Twombly...

to pick up something...

or someone...

from Blythe's school.

And include a reason that we need to tag along.

And we are on our way to see Blythe! It's easy-peasy...

ALL: Lemon squeezey!


RUSSELL: Come on, we can't all be hiding from the camera.

Russell's right.

Penny Ling, get out there.

Me?! How am I supposed to do that?

Oh! Sunil you knocked that water out of my ear

when you climbed up on my head.

But now my ear tickles. I've gotta scratch it.

( pets groaning )

Vinnie, stop it!


It really tickles.

( pets chattering indistinctly )

BLYTHE: Huh, nobody's there.

How weird.

( pets screaming )

We can't keep this up. We've gotta get Mrs. Twombly

to take us to see Blythe, right away.

And that is why, hats are my very favorite fashion accessory.

( gasping in awe )

Hey, does anyone want to do something, like go for a walk,

or maybe even play a game?

You know, just take a little break from fashion?

( gasping )

Oh, Blythe, you are too funny.

I tell her all the time she's too funny.

( McKenna giggling )

( laughing )

Now, back to my hat...

Oops, got a text.

"Missing you at new Zany Island on the Super Blaster Coaster!"


RUSSELL: Okay, I'm on the Littlest Pet Shuttle's website.

Now, we'll just fill out this "pet pick-up request e-mail,"

and get back to LPS before we're missed.

Okay, let's see, pet's name...


Got it.

Pet's location.

Fashion University North.

Pet's drop-off location.

Littlest Pet Shop Day Camp.

Oh! Add, "Where the pets, especially the funny skunk,

are the best."

And the mongoose. Don't forget to mention the mongoose.

You know, no one's really coming to the day camp, so who cares?

Well, I do, but excuse me.

Ugh! Okay.

"At the day camp, where there's a funny skunk and a mongoose."

A handsome mongoose.

"A handsome mongoose."

Now, I'll just add some special instructions and...

it's sent.


What? That we came up with such a foolproof plan?

No. That you can type so well with those tiny little fingers.

Remember everyone, you're designing

a "multi-tasking" accessory.

I'm looking for form and function.

Oh! This looks great, Blythe! Tell me about it.

Sure, Miss Westerkamp,

this is a backpack that not only holds all your things...

but there's also a little compartment here

where you can put your pet.

That is great, Blythe! Very unique.

I'd say you're well on your way to becoming a great designer.

Whoo-hoo, good for you, Blythe!

Now, maybe you could help me with my hat.

Sure, McKenna.

But first, I've gotta make a phone call.

( phone ringing )

Hello, Littlest Pet Shop.

This is temporary employee Madison. Maybe I can help you?

BLYTHE ( on phone ): Oh, hi, Madison. This is Blythe.

Who? You know,

the girl you're filling in for.

Oh, Blythe!

How are you feeling?

I can see how you got sick working here, Blythe.

There's fur and scales

and all kinds of icky things around here.

But I'm not sick.

And it's not icky there, it--

Is Mrs. Twombly around?

MADISON: Ooh, sorry.

She's kinda busy right now.

but I'll tell her you called. Wait!

I was really calling about the pets. Are they okay?

I guess so.

I try not to go back there too much.

( whispering ): It's icky.

Again with the "icky."

Ooh, I gotta go perform

another one of my many duties.

Goodbye, Blythe. Feel better!

No! Don't hang up! Argh! What is up with that girl?

Russell, look!

Madison is reading something on the computer!

Hey, I bet it's your e-mail!

Ooh, Mrs. Twombly's coming in.

RUSSELL: Shh! Let's listen.

Mrs. Twombly, we just got an LPS shuttle request for a pick-up

from someplace called...

Fashion University North.

Fashion University North? That's where Blythe is!

Oh, do they have good doctors there?

Good doctors?

There is something not right about that girl.

It's where Blythe's attending fashion camp.

What great luck that my first pick-up is there too!

Now I can pay her a visit.

It says here in the "special instructions"

to please bring along other pets

to help keep the little sweetie calm. Hmm.

( Blythe sighs )

I sure wish I could see you all in person.

( intercom buzzing )

ANNOUNCER: Attention, fashion campers.

For those of you who'd like to get a little taste of home,

sign up for the camp bus leaving tomorrow

for a day trip to Downtown City.

Well, since I need to keep my "pick-up" calm,

I'll take all the pets with me and make a fun day of it!

No way! Way.

Our plan actually worked! We're going to see Blythe!

( pets barking and yelping )

I've gotta go sign up! I'm going home! Whoo-hoo!

Well, we're off to FUN to pick up our first pet customer

and see Blythe!

You can't get much more fun than that!

There, Zoe. Snug as a pup in a cup.

So, Mrs. T., ready for your first shuttle run?

Ready as a June bug in July.

Yeah, I'm not sure what that one means, either.

Sorry you have to work today.

I'll give Blythe a big hug for you.

See you around like a donut.

So long, like a hot dog.

So, Blythe, you left before I could ask you.

Which one? Cowboy hat or derby?

You look good in both.

I know! That's why it's so hard!

Don't forget, when you get back there's an all day mandatory

lecture on the "History of Plaid."

Oh, boy. See ya, McKenna!

( pets barking and yelping )

My, aren't you sweeties talkative?

I bet you're saying, "Mrs. Twombly, sing us a song."

I'm not sayin' that. Are you?

Nuh-uh! TWOMBLY: Okay, here we go.

♪ Ninety-nine cans of pet food On the shelf ♪

♪ Ninety-nine cans of pet food ♪

♪ You take one down Sell it to a customer ♪

♪ Ninety-eight cans of pet food On the shelf ♪

♪ Ninety-eight cans of pet food On the shelf ♪

♪ Ninety-eight cans Of pet food ♪

( indistinct chattering )

( sighs )

Hat. Fashion.


♪ Everywhere I look I just see glamour and style ♪

♪ But I need other things To make my life worthwhile ♪

♪ Stitching for hours At a color chart ♪

♪ I can't even tell these Silly things apart ♪

♪ Fashion University North ♪

♪ So many shoulder pads All I can see is plaid ♪

♪ Fashion University North ♪

♪ I feel just like a sardine Stuck at a sewing machine ♪

♪ Fashion University North ♪ ♪ Fashion University North ♪

♪ Fashion University North ♪ ♪ Fashion University North ♪

Hurry back to learn about plaid.

( evil laughs )


The Plaid Monster's gonna get me!

♪ Oh yeah, plaid monster's Gonna get you too ♪

♪ Only one can of pet food On the shelf ♪

♪ Only one can of pet food ♪

♪ You take it down Sell it to a customer ♪

♪ No more cans of pet food On the shelf ♪

( sighs )


Did you hear that? No more cans!

( rhythmically clapping )

♪ No more cans of pet food On the shelf ♪

♪ No more cans of pet food ♪

♪ We call the supplier And order some more ♪

♪ Then we'll have lots Of pet food in the store ♪

♪ Ninety-nine cans of pet food On the shelf ♪

♪ Ninety-nine cans of pet food ♪

♪ You take one down Sell it to a customer ♪

♪ Ninety-eight cans of pet food On the shelf ♪

( barking )

What's that, Zoe?

Need to stretch your legs? Me too.

Stretch our legs and plug our ears.

( upbeat theme playing )

( music playing in earphones )

( upbeat theme playing )

Hope everyone did their business,

because the next stop is FUN!

( pets barking and yelping )

Won't Blythe be surprised to see me?

Won't everyone be surprised to see me?

Hi! Can I help you?


It's me.


Oh, Blythe! You look like you're feeling better.

I feel fine. I came home on a day pass to surprise everyone.

Where are the pets?

Mrs. Twombly took them in the shuttle to go pick-up

a new pet customer.

Will they be back soon?

Um, I dunno.

How long does it take to get to...


FUN? Why would you ask that?

'Cause that's where they went.

They were going to stop by and see...

Oh, you! Surprise.

Are you serious?

Not very often, but right now, yes.

I gotta go see my dad.

He's not home.

He had his pilot's uniform on, so he either had to work,

or he went to some kind of costume party.

This is terrible.

Young man,

I'm here to pick up a pet.

Her name is... Let's see. Oh, here it is--

Anita Bath.

( Sunil and Pepper chuckling )

( chuckling )

Ma'am, I'm afraid you're a victim of a practical joke,

'cause we don't have any pets here.

Just people.

Oh, my! I've fallen victim to some kind

of fashion school-kid prank?

Well, then can we see Blythe Baxter? I know she's a people.

ROGER: No, you can't.

Roger? What are you doing here?

Same thing you are, surprising Blythe.

Unfortunately, she's not here.

She went home for the day to surprise us.

What? Oh, nuts to that noise.

Youngmee, it's me! Are you at Sweet Delights?

Well, go to the front window. Now.

OMG! What are you doing here?

I came home for the day to surprise everyone.

But I just found out they all went up to FUN to surprise me.

Now I don't know what to do.

Hmm, I may have an idea...

TWOMBLY: Thanks ever so for riding back with us, Roger.

No problemo. Now, who wants to hear a story about Blythe

when she was little?

( pets barking and yelping )

TWOMBLY: Oh, well, they really love my singing,

but if you want to tell a story, I suppose that's jake too.

Great, so Blythe was just three years old, when one day...

♪ Ninety-nine layers of cake In the truck ♪

♪ Ninety-nine layers of cake ♪

( laughing )

Which brings us to Blythe's fourth birthday party, where--

Look! We're coming up to that rest area.

Let's stop and stretch our ears-- Uh, our legs!

Aunt Christie, can we stop up ahead?

Sorry, Blythe.

I had a ginormous smoothie before we left.

The Littlest Pet Shuttle? The Sweet Delights truck?

Dad! Blythe!

( pets barking and yelping )

Oh, it's so great to see you all! I missed you so much.

( upbeat theme playing )

Well, Blythe, since we're halfway to FUN,

we should just drop you off after our little picnic.

Uh, about that, Dad.

I've had an amazing time at fashion camp,

and I've learned so much,

but, well, I miss doing stuff like this.

And I have no idea which hat looks best on McKenna!

Who to the what now?

For sure FUN was a great experience.

But I want to have other great experiences this summer

with my friends and you and the pets and...

Is it okay if I don't go back?

It's more than okay, Blythie. Let's go home.

Oh, Dad, you're the best! I'm going to go tell the pets.

Did you hear that, everyone?

I'm coming home for the rest of the summer!

( pets barking and yelping )

It's like those pets really understand her.

Oh, I think they do. I think they do.

( upbeat pop theme playing )

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪