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02x16 - Champagne Problems

Posted: 05/08/22 06:45
by bunniefuu

What's going? What is this?

years. We're celebrating.

Is that scarlet sage?

- Sure is.
- I loved how it grew wild

near the porch at home.

AUGUST: Where do you think we got it?

Little anniversary trespassing.

He's kidding. You are, right?

Okay, scooch. I mean,
this all looks beautiful,

but, uh, we're a little
particular about our bacon.

No, Mama, please, go and relax outside.

We know how Dad likes bacon.

Why don't we get you situated outside?

- Outside.

- Make 'em happy. Go outside. Come on.
- Go, the two of you.

Happy anniversary.

- Thank you very much.
- Thanks.

- BONHAM: Y'all are the best.
- ABELINE: It's very sweet.

BONHAM I guess.

- Let's go.
- Thanks.

Thank you, Augie.

Is anyone else getting cold feet?

Mawline seemed a little bit...

Trust me,
after all they've gone through lately...

All right. Enjoy.

...getting showered with love

is exactly what Mama needs right now.

Uh, let's just go over the plan again.

Yeah, yeah. I'm-I'm gonna get
the bubbly. [CELL PHONE CHIMES]

Trey actually told me
about a place here in town

that deals rare wines, so...
He's in Vegas

with his mom, but...

- Bubbles?
- Yes.

Good. Great. Check. Uh, kids?

- Don't ruin the surprise. Be on time.
- Mm-hmm.

And, uh...

- Yeah, I think we got it.
- And we may have a little

something else planned for them as well.

- Yeah? Awesome.
- STELLA: Mm-hmm.

Oh, one more thing, uh,

Cassie wants to tag along today,

so we'll have all hands on deck,
plus one.

Well, she can ride with me.

Love to get a chance to meet
your newest victim.

WALKER: Great. Let's do it.
Divide and conquer.

- Divide and conquer.
- Divide and conquer.


Hey, Pops. I'm just, uh...

Listen, uh, these windows
aren't double-paned,

and you already can't whisper
worth a damn, son.

Yeah, that-that's... that's nothing.

Okay, listen,

if you're really looking for something

to get your mother, there is
one thing that you can do.

Great, sure, anything.


Abby hasn't been the same
since everything

with Geraldine went down.

You know, we all...

feel the way we feel about that,

but your mother... [SIGHS]

Well, hell, the one thing
that'll make this day

really special...

is Geraldine giving her a chance.

- Yes, sir.
- So, you're working on that?

I will do. All right.



That was so nice, huh? Just three of us

getting out of town for a couple days.

Yeah. Yeah.

I know it was a little tense
with Denise.

- I get it. It's-it's a lot to process.
- Yeah.

You know, waking up in your s,

learning that you have
a sister and that...

Well, you know.

- Yeah. She'll come around.
- It's... Yeah.

I know that. Yeah.

I mean, Lord knows I'm

still wrapping my head around it, but

- I am glad that we're trying.

Me, too.

Well, thank you... Aw.

- ...for everything.
- Of course, of course.


Um, hey, you know what, though?

You and I haven't really had any

mother-daughter time,
just, you know, just one-on-one.

Wow, that's... still so...

[LAUGHS] crazy. Um,

Yeah, no, I guess you're right.

Why don't you come on by tonight?

I'll pull out some family recipes

and, you know, read you in on
some secrets.

Yeah. I think I'd like that.

All right.

All right. Bye, honey.


You really know your Syrahs.

[SIGHS] I guess I

just like to think about
the life of wine,

how it's a living thing.

I like to think about

what was going on

the year the grapes were growing, and...

Are you really buying this?


There's, like, one movie about wine,

and you, a wine person, haven't seen it?

Uh... Oh, come on, it's Paul Giamatti.

It's a great film. It's Sideways.

My dad's a real bourbon guy,
so the fact he brings up

this wine that they toasted

every time that he talks
about their wedding...

I mean, it must be special.

That or

just because it gives my mom
the giggles.


Oh, the Chalamet Esprit Brut
Vintage ' .

Bottle that nice would give
anybody the giggles.

It's a wonderful gift,
if you can find it.

[CHUCKLES] So... can you get it?

For you, I'll see what I can do.

I'll say this,

they're lucky to have a son like you.


I'll place some calls
with local collectors.

- If you'll leave me your info...
- Yeah.

Uh, William.

Well, Liam. Everybody calls me Liam.

Um, but, I'm sorry,
I didn't get your name.




You two know each other.

I-I didn't realize you worked here.

Clearly, given that you're here.

LIAM: Oh. You two know each other

in-in a not great way.

I just wasn't sure where you...

No, of course. The city's chock-full

of specialty wine and spirit shops.

[CHUCKLES] I mean, it kind of is.

BEN: I'm sorry.

I'm late for my lunch break. Um...

My colleague will help you.

LIAM: Yeah, I...



What the hell was that?

That was everyone's favorite Perez.

My brother.

- Oh.

You're gross.

Speaking of gross. How's the drama?

I'm sorry, the what?

Oh, you know, that little
love triangle you seem to find

yourself in that, you know, threatens

to destroy not only my band,

but, like, the only real guy friends

I've had in a while.

Not to make it about me or anything.

Yeah, definitely
not making it about you.

But I think I've had a breakthrough,

and not just about boys.

I'm at a fork in the road
in a lot of ways.

You'll get it when you're a senior.

Yeah? Mm-hmm.

All this stuff

for Gramps and Mawline,

everything that they've been through.

Yeah, horse races, m*rder charges.

We're here because of a turning point.

Think about it.

On what was maybe

one of the most interesting
nights of Mawline's life,

just as she was celebrating
her engagement to Marv,

she met Gramps, and everything changed.


Okay, so...

Todd or Colton or "choosing myself."

Am I staying here or going
to freaking Oregon for college?

All I'm saying

is fate, like, butted in

and basically pointed the way
for Mawline,

and years later,

here we are.

Something happened that night,
and Mawline listened.

So, I'm just gonna wait
for a sign to guide me.


Oh, nothing. I was gonna burp,

but it feels like you were
saying something important,

so I refrained.





Check it out.

- What do you think?
- CASSIE: Wow.

It's, uh, subtle, understated.

I love it. Yeah.

I'm glad that someone's making progress.

Hey, uh, you get that champagne?

Uh, we ran into a little issue.

[CHUCKLES] He's being nice.
We didn't get it.

- We had a...
- Okay.

...little run-in with my big brother

which sent the whole thing, well,


which is a movie

any so-called wine person
should've seen.

Uh, hold on a second. Let's back it up.

You have a brother?
And he lives in Austin?

Uh, how am I just finding this out?

Well, you know what,
didn't really come up

between the, "Hey, get in the trunk,"

and the, "Oh, no, I've made
a traumatic discovery

about my partner," so...

But, yes, I do.

I'm gathering that you two
aren't really close?

LIAM: Cordi, can I actually
pick your brain

- just for a second?
- Yeah.

Alone. Uh... about the banner.

About the... Um...

What's wrong with the banner?

I-I saw what went down

between her and her brother

today, and I think what

she may need is a little less

boom, smash, overshare,

and a little more gentle.

[LAUGHS] Thanks, Liam, 'cause, mm,

that sounded a little bit like a jab.

It's not a... [CLEARS THROAT]

Divide and conquer,


How are things going with the whole

reuniting of Mom and Geri?

It's delicate right now, you know.

I called her earlier.
Haven't heard back,

but, uh...

Yeah. You know what, why don't,
why don't you let me take over

things here for just a little bit?

You know?

Yeah. Thanks.

I'll, uh, you know,
I'll check back in with Ger.

- Okay.
- Uh, don't touch my banner.

I'm not gonna...

touch the banner.

You know, your dad should really bring

the porn 'stache back.

- No. No. Um...
- Yes. [GROWLS]

Look, I, uh, I don't mean to pry.

Okay? And you just say the word,
I'll drop it completely.

I don't know what happened
between you and your brother,

Ben, but I do know

about brothers and trauma.

Um, we were always close.

Like, uh,

"matching sweaters
at Christmas by choice"

- close.
- Mm-hmm.

And then...

things happened.


Well, like you said,

you-you have a brother. You get it.

I don't know what things happened,

or how Miles figures into any of this,

but what I can say is

that when Emily died,

I mean, Cordi disappeared.

I mean, he was gone gone, you know,

and I went to him
when he was undercover,

just to try and get real with him

'cause I was afraid
he-he would never come home.

There was just this
world of hurt between us

that would've torn us apart, and...

I may be totally off base,

but I felt some of that

with you two today.

[SIGHS] Yeah.

I just don't know what step
I'm supposed to take.

I don't want to oversimplify it,
but, I mean, maybe just

put one foot in front
of the other, you know?

Repeat as necessary.

See where that road takes you.

It's got to be a lot better than
where you two are right now.

- So, we ditching homeroom or...
- [LAUGHING] a big game, varsity?

No, no, I-I just wanted to, uh,

copy your and Em's homework

under the bleachers before biology.

Oh, memories.

Yeah, that's kind of why I wanted to

see you here. Memories, you know?

Simpler times.


At the Kansas show,

I didn't mean to step in between you

and-and your new... you...

I didn't mean to step
in between you and Gale.

- But I did. Sorry. [CELL PHONE RINGING]
- No, it's-it's fine.

- Why don't you... Might be work, so...
- No, no, no. I-I-I

feel terrible about the way I acted.

And I know that-that's not

the reason we're-we're
not... you know, together,

but I-I-I needed to-to-to own up to it,

and I need to make it...




I-I'm gonna show you
that I'm committed to

our friendship

because that's still there,
always will be.

I know that.

So, you-your big ask?


- I mean, you texted me...
- Right, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Uh, sorry, um, it-it's-it's not for me,

it's-it's for, it's for my folks.

Uh, so we're throwing them a surprise

get-together at The Side Step tonight

- for their th anniversary.
- ?

Wow, feels like they just turned .

[LAUGHS] I know, I know, right? Um...

Thing is, um...

And I hate

putting you in this position, but...

Thing is, there's gonna be
a dark cloud over Mama

all night if you're not there,

you know?

Cordi... [SIGHS]

- It's not that simple.
- Geri,

is there anything I can do

- to help? Anything?
- Can you square

the fact that the father I love

k*lled the man who brought me
into this world only to

throw me out like trash? [CHUCKLES]

Or-or maybe go back so that your mom

didn't sit on that secret?

And, again,

I understand,


I can't undo

how it makes me feel.

Yeah, yeah, I-I get that.

I do. Um...

Just consider it for them, please.

I will consider it.


- For them and you, okay?
- Yup.

Okay. I'll see you later.

- See you.


Wait, whoa, whoa.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on.

Wait, Twyla... what?

Okay, uh... Hang tight.

I'm on my way.

You're saying $
just happened to disappear

- on your first day?
- TWYLA: Exactly.

It's my first day.

I know how to hide a con
better than that.

Hey, uh, Ranger Cordell Walker.

Um, I'm here. Officer.

Uh, I'm... What's going on?

[SCOFFS] I'll tell you what's going on,

she thought she could
take me for a ride.

Thought I wouldn't notice
her misdirecting

electronic funds transfers
right under my nose.

Oh, if I took you for a ride,
you'd know it, buddy.

Okay, okay, Twyla, cool it.

Cool it.

BOSS: There's nothing left
to solve here.

A criminal with prior
felony theft convictions

thought she'd try it again,

but not today.

- Take her away.
- Nah, no, no. Not so fast.

- No one is putting Twyla behind bars

without her getting a fair shake,

you understand that?

H-Hold on a second, okay? Just, um...

Everybody just hang tight

for a minute, okay?
I have to address this.


What up, stinker?

You texted me SOS. What's up?

Yeah, the berries
are clogged in the dispenser

for my Bourbon Blackberry Collins.

You don't text "SOS" over a-a bourbon...


The signature cocktail that I'm...

I made just in case
we can't get the champagne.

[WALKER] I don't really have time
for this right now, Liam.

I'm trying to keep Twyla

out of jail, so...

Twyla? You're with Twyla right now?

Second time in one week.
Hey, you better pray

that Mom and Dad or Geri
don't catch wind of this.

Don't start, all right?

I'm just doing my job.

Hey, I'm serious about Geri.

This is not a good way to make peace.

Does she know that you're with Twyla?

There's nothing to know, Liam.

A-And Geri and I a-aren't even,

- like... [STAMMERS]
- Yeah, I know, I know,

but Twyla equals Rodeo Kings.

She was all over
the news cycle, and I-I know

that she had nothing to do
with Hoyt's death

and that whole nightmare, but...

I don't think that Geri's

gonna be able to make that distinction.

Liam, I got this.

Secret to brisket is to get a good sear

before it slow roasts.

You're gonna school me on brisket?

Well... I've been searing

your brisket for months now.

Mm. What?

What I want to know

is the spice ratio
in that chili of yours.

I-I nearly forgot,

you're the one who's been
prepping and-and-and serving

- at The Side Step this whole time. Wow.
- Mm-hmm.

Well, I guess this, uh, chili has been

in family hands this whole time.
Imagine that.

- Hadn't thought about it that way.
- Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Mm. Okay,

you get the spices I'll get the pot,

and, uh, we'll swap secrets, all right?

Okay. Okay.

Here we go. Whew.

- Let's go with this one.
- Oh. They used to...

I moved them.

Here we go.

Right here.

[SIGHS] Mm...

So, I'll get this one.


- You okay, sweetheart?
- Yeah,

no, I think it's just...

being in this kitchen.

Everything's... Yeah. different.


A-And it's-it's

Abeline and-and Bonham's

th anniversary.

[GASPS] Oh... And they're celebrating

- tonight.
- Okay.

They asked me to be there, so...

All right, well,
I'm-I'm glad you said so.

Uh, look, I-I understand

you have a history with Bonham and Abby,

of course I do,

and after all the losses
they've been through,

I'd expect they need you there tonight.

So you should go.

Yeah, you g... you got my blessing,

not-not that you need it, of course.

Look, um...

I can't say why Abeline
stayed silent all those years,

but what I can say is

Marv saddled her
with an impossible choice.

Don't let him do the same thing to you.

Okay, thank you. Uh... Well, good news,

Mr. O'Brien... [CLEARS THROAT]

our financial forensics

tracked down that, uh,
$ in misallocated EFTs.

Mm-hmm. Bad news,

- looks like it was your clerical error.
- What?

[SIGHS] Regardless, you can't

blame me for looking at her record

and coming to the conclusion...

Oh, I can, and I am.

Your oversight

could've upended her life.

All I need to know is that she...

WALKER: Is that she's trying
to turn her life around.

That she's a STEM grant recipient

who took a job to make ends meet.

Do you think she worked all
those years to-to case a bank?

Twyla trusted the wrong guy,
and it backfired and snowballed.

She's paid for it already.

She doesn't need to pay
for the rest of her life.

I'll check in with you tomorrow.





Two Perezes, one Austin.

This town ain't weird enough

for the both of us.

Look, Mom made it sound like
you hadn't put down roots yet.

Well, I wasn't gonna stay in Houston

after Lucas.

Oh, you're still here?

Figured you would've run
at the mention of his name.

All right, okay. Well, I deserve that.


Look, I'm trying to fix this.

Just let me explain what happened.

I know what happened. I was there.

I watched my boyfriend die.
Where the hell were you?

I was trying to...

Pretend nothing was happening?

Um... [GROANS]

Okay, right, okay. Um...

Let's just stick to the
champagne my friend asked about,

okay? Did you get it?

His family needs my help.

Oh, his family?

Wow, how selfless, Cass.

What a friend. I'm sure everything

will go great for them
with you in their corner.

- You know what...
- No, I don't.

Oh, is this when you send a postcard?

He asked about you, you know.

Near the end, he asked about you.

I never really knew what to say.

Lucky for you, he was so far gone

he never really knew the truth.

You're okay, you're okay.




My goodness, you look as
beautiful as the day we met.

You know, everything's gonna be
all right in time,

so let's just

enjoy the night.

I know.

What do you think
they got planned for us?

Viking funeral. [LAUGHS]

So be it.

As long as I sail out with you.


Dad seemed super bummed
to miss dinner tonight,

but he had a ton of work stuff.

Anyways, it should be fun with
just us and Uncle Liam, right?

Of course it will. Won't it, hon?

ABELINE: Oh, yes.

Oh, crap. Hey, guys, I just got a text

that, uh, Uncle Liam's stuck

in traffic. He said he won't be able

- to make dinner either.
- Oh.

Oh, what a shame.

- ABELINE: You know,

since it's just the four of us,

why don't we just swing by
a-a food truck?

Oh, I'm craving Patrizi's.

Oh, Patrizi's.

Yeah, that'd hit the spot.

Oh, um, I'm gluten-free now,

so Italian really might not be

- the best...
- BONHAM: Oh, well, you know, tacos

is always a good anniversary
meal, isn't it?

Well, you know, a-and-and

Rosarito's has got corn tortillas.

I left my prescription at the bar.

Why would you leave your prescription?

- I didn't know you took a prescription.
- Yeah, no,

it's-it's really vital.

I just forget the name of it. Um...

It's at The Side Step,
so let's go to the...

- uh, Side Step.
- Well, we're right here,

so it's no problem, Augie. [CHUCKLES]

We might as well just all go inside.

ABELINE: Well, we could stay in the car.

AUGUST [STAMMERS] Let's go inside.

STELLA: I don't think
that's a great idea. Yeah.

CROWD: Surprise!


Thank you. Hey...

Hey, you, too. What's going on?


Happy anniversary, Daddy, Mama.

LIAM: We're so proud
to have you as parents.

We love you so much.

WALKER: Mama. All right, come
on. Yeah, yeah. Bring it in.

Hey. Big hug.


All right, all right.
Eat, drink, be merry.

Open bar.


Whoa, that's a good sign.
How's it going?

Uh, hey, Lou, can I get another
Bourbon Blackberry Collins?



I got what you were looking for.


Uh... Chalamet Esprit Brut Vintage ' .

A real champagne in the ass to find

but I finally found it for you.

Wait, a minute, I called
every single wine distributor

in the state of Texas.

How did you get this?

A long story for another day.

I just hope it brings
your folks some joy.

Or, uh, at least a good buzz.


Okay, well, thank you.

Thank you. Uh...

Hey, why don't you stick around?

Night's just, uh, getting started.

Twist my arm. [CHUCKLES]

LOU: We're almost out, Liam.

The drink is a hit.

Thank you, Lou.

Um, you know what?

You're a booze expert.

What do you think about this
Bourbon Blackberry Collins?


It's a revelation.

This Bourbon Blackberry Collins

changed my life.

Are you pandering because I made it?

Wait, you crafted this cocktail?

I can't tell if you're messing with...

No, had I known that you were

the visionary mixologist
of this resplendent...

Okay, I know you're messing with me.

No, no, no, it's good. It really is.

It's just a bit acidic.


Folks, folks.

Excuse me. Thank you, sorry.

I-I wanted to, uh, say,

uh... I wanted to thank all y'all
for coming out tonight

and, uh, I'd like to raise a glass

to the beautiful couple
we are all here to celebrate.

[CHEERING] I-I hear you.
I... My sentiments exactly.

Uh, as lucky as these two are
to have found each other,

I wonder if Liam and I

and my son and daughter

aren't actually
the luckiest people in here,

because we got to have them as parents,

as-as grandparents.

And we all know how generous they are

with their love and friendship.

Uh, hear, hear.


- ABELINE: Thank you, son.
- Yeah, just wanted to do

something special for you tonight.

Um, you know, all the family's

gone through, lately,
a lot of losses, with the ranch

- and uprooting the family...
- Uprooting?

- Yeah.
- Our family, our marriage,

it's-it's not a ranch, son.

Tonight, I'm remembering...

Hmm. Hmm... Uh-oh.



is something you grow.

And something we grow.

Through the dark and murky

and through the daybreak.

It's us.

It's always us.

And it's all of us.

You know, we, um... [CHUCKLES]

years ago, it was fate we met.

BONHAM: You know, it could be

that I followed her to the Driskill.



Stop it. No, he did not.

Listen, it was fate we met.

But we choose each other every day.

And years ago,

we planted a promise...

...that grew with everyone

we welcomed into our family.

Everyone we loved along the way.

So when I look out at all of you,

I do not see a family uprooted.

I see a family thriving.

♪ I'm-a wait, I'm-a wait ♪

♪ I'm-a wait for you ♪

♪ Wait for you, wait for you ♪

♪ Wait for you ♪

♪ Wait for you, wait for you... ♪

To this thriving family.

- To this thriving family.

♪ I'm-a wait for you,
I'm-a, I'm-a wait for you. ♪

You know, all this mushiness
hits a little different

when you just got dumped.

Time will heal, brother.

Yeah, I guess it wasn't
so much about fate

for them after all, huh?


You know,

I don't know what the future holds,

but like Mawline said, the
universe gave me options.

But I have to choose.

Todd or Colton,

or whether my next chapter starts here

or across the country.

I might not have an answer yet, but...

I just hope to one day have
what Mawline and Gramps have.

You will.

I think you will, too.


You know, once you leave

the whole gulp and burp thing behind.

All right, you're just
ruining the moment, Stella.

It's just fun, you know?
Hey, thanks again.

Of course.



Hey, you know, anybody could've brought

that bottle of champagne.

I don't think your brother

is sticking around
for my mixology skills, so...

♪ I got the lonely... ♪


♪ I got the lonely... ♪

- Yeah, um, over here.
- Okay.

♪ I got the lonely ♪

♪ Birds in town ♪



Thank you,

for helping them out.

Heard they needed a win.


I-I screwed up.

Earlier today.

Well, for months, really.
I, uh, I couldn't reach out.

Uh, something stopped me.

It was pride, guilt.

Couldn't really admit it

to myself earlier, but

when I ran into you today and...

...and Liam made me take

a harder look at what I did...


Talk to me.

Look, when you called about Lucas,

I don't know what I was expecting,

but I certainly wasn't expecting...

Huntington's. Hospice.

We all knew it was coming.

All of us. We were prepared and...

No, but... No, I wasn't.

Okay? And that's the thing.

I loved him, too, Ben.

And I couldn't accept it.

And then, boom, Miles disappeared and...

Uh... Y-You're seriously comparing

my boyfriend of nearly a decade

to some partner
you were assigned, like, what?

- Six months ago?
- No, no, no, no.

I... I mean, I didn't mean to.

Look, I, um...

I saw you and...

how you were handling
Lucas's fate with grace.

And I was just... [SCOFFS]

...I was bumbling.

And then Miles went missing,

and I lost myself in it...

...because it felt like
something I could possibly fix.

Because I couldn't fix Lucas.

So your answer to that was
sending cards and, uh, catering?

I thought I was helping,
by giving you space.

At least, that's what I told myself.

But I was really just avoiding...

...his... his Huntington's.

Lucas dying.

I thought if I could find Miles,

I could protect myself from more loss.

[LAUGHING]: And it's ridiculous, I know.

And, oh, he's gone, too, and I hurt you.

And I am so sorry, Benny.


LIAM: Uh, excuse me.

Everybody, can I have your attention?

So, Daddy, you always mentioned this,

uh, every time you talked about
the wedding, so I figured

- it meant something special.
- BONHAM: It does.

And it means a lot, son. Thank you.

Thank you, Daddy. Um...

on their wedding night, my mom and dad

said "I do," and they sealed it

with a kiss and a toast.

And so, years later,

we go back to that same vine.

- Everybody stand back.
- Oh...

Here we go, all right?[LAUGHTER]


BONHAM: Thank you so much.

All right, so...

I would like to... Oops.

Propose a toast to my mom and dad...

BONHAM: I'm gonna
stop you right there, son.

I know you got

some beautiful things prepared, but I...

There's just,
there's a little thing I...

Something I want to do.

- All right?
- LIAM: Sure, Dad.

Yeah, of course. Yeah.


This one's for you, darling.

I guess it's...
I guess it's for all of you.


All right.


♪ I don't know why ♪

♪ I act the way I do ♪

♪ Like I ain't got ♪

♪ A single thing to lose ♪

♪ Sometimes I'm my own ♪

♪ Worst enemy ♪

♪ Well, I guess that's just ♪

♪ The cowboy in me ♪

[WHISPERS]: He's still got it.

♪ I got a life... Hey. ♪


I didn't think you were gonna make it.

Well, you show up for the people
that mean something to you.

♪ Wake up fightin' mad ♪

♪ At where this road I'm headed down ♪

♪ Might lead ♪

♪ Well, I guess that's just ♪

♪ The cowboy in me ♪

- ♪ The urge to... ♪
- Ger, um...

You know, I...


I've been so worried

about what being a Davidson means.

But what I'm realizing

is that I want you both in my life.

The Davidsons,

all you crazy Walkers.

Okay, well, you can have that.

I'm not sure what comes next.

What comes next is this family,

and our-our friendship, and, Geri,

I'm all in.

I promise.

I like that.

A new chapter.

Yeah. A new chapter.

♪ But you set your mind to see ♪

♪ This love on through ♪

♪ Well, I guess that's just the cowboy ♪

♪ In you ♪

♪ We ride and never worry
about the fall ♪

♪ Well, I guess that's just the cowboy ♪

♪ In us all. ♪

- I love you.



- Here's to more years.


Thank you, my boy.

Oh, thank you, my sweet girl.

Thank you so much.

I am so happy you're here.

I may be a Davidson now,

but I am still a Walker
through and through.


I love you.


BONHAM: Thank y'all so much. Thank you.

Thank you, New York, thank you, too.

Nice pipes, Coach!

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go on, go on, go on.

Look at this.[LAUGHTER]

All right. Chariot is here.

Drive carefully, Stella. Precious cargo!



Welcome, welcome.

- Make yourselves at home.
- Wow, this is great.

Put on some music...

- Hey.
- Yeah.

I, um...

I don't think I would've been able

to face this without your help.

Hmm. Well, you're Cordi's new partner.

It's kind of a package deal.

You're family now. And you're welcome.

- Well, good.
- Hey,

since you're all warm and fuzzy,

how would you feel about me
asking your brother out?


All right.


So you've picked our poison.

Mmm. I've been feeling this lately.

TX Whiskey.

Mmm. Well, I will be right back.

Don't do anything I wouldn't do.


Hey, I wanted to float something by you.

I'm all ears.

So, I've been playing it safe,

you know, focusing
on my family and their needs.

And, uh, I had a good guy
with me for a while.

But, uh,

I wasn't really focusing
on what I wanted.

And I'm done waiting.

A-Are you okay? This is a lot.

- I can be a lot someti...
- Oh, no.

- I'm here for it. [CHUCKLES]
- Okay.

Great. I, um...

How would you feel about

seeing where this
could lead over dinner?

I think I'd like that.


[SIGHS] So, what'd I miss?

I was about to tell Liam

about the time you tried
to go on a hunger strike

but missed snacks so you settled
on a pants strike.

Oh. Well, let's just not.

"Pants strike"?

Let me hear about that, actually...

[LAUGHS]: Never.

- Cheers, y'all.
- Cheers. Cheers.

- Welcome.
- Thank you.


Come in! Uh, door's unlocked.

Jackets, keys, anything left behind,

I-I put into the lost and found. Uh...

Twyla. Hi.

I didn't want to crash
the family shindig.

I never got the chance

to properly thank you earlier.

Oh. Well... [CHUCKLES]

No, don't-don't...

Don't worry about that, Twyla,
I... just...

just doing my job. [CLEARS THROAT]


You know, I guess I hadn't really

put it together till today.

Even when you were playing dress-up,

calling yourself "Duke,"

you really were getting to know me.

♪ You were never mine ♪

♪ Only in secret... ♪

Whatever happened to, uh,

that clean slate we talked about
when I helped you

secure an early release from prison?

Look no g*n.

Ain't that clean enough?

This song has, uh...

too many memories for me.


Well, I think we can find

something to share
that's short of a dance.

♪ And the way... ♪

Yeah. Um...

- Be my guest.
- Okay.


♪ I would never change ♪

♪ This life... ♪

Thank you.

Of course.

Long day?

Good day.

Well, that's good.


Mine was crap.


Save one bright spot.

♪ Don't you know... ♪

So tell me about yours.

WALKER: Well, woke up
and we surprised my folks

with, uh, breakfast, homemade.

[GASPS] Uh, at our, new place,

which, you know...


♪ For you and I ♪

♪ For you and I, for you and I. ♪