01x01 - The Pilot

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 to 7. Aired: September 2008 to December 2014.*
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A man in his early 30s struggles to find a balance in his life between being a new dad and his involvement in a motorcycle club.
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01x01 - The Pilot

Post by bunniefuu »

A warehouse of weapons of Sons

Un Mayans : They sell birdseed, ése

Un autre Mayans : Are you kidding me, man?

Marcus : In the back. White boy was right. M*s. Niners had a special order. Full auto, laser sc*pes.

Un Mayans : N*gg*rs still couldn't hit sh*t.

Marcus : Load the M*s and the Gl*cks in the truck, huh?

Un Mayans : Here

Un autre Mayans : What about the other g*ns and sh*t?

Marcus : Torch it

In the shop

Jax : Hey, Louise

Louise : You know, you can buy these by the case. Be a lot cheaper

Jax : No, a box at a time keeps me humble. Get a pack of smokes too, darling

Louise : It was my favorite. What the hell is that?

Jax : Oh, sh*t!

A warehouse of weapons

Clay : What the hell happened?

Vic : Propane thanks caught fire. a*mo was in there. The place just bl*w.

Clay : sh*t

Vic : Yeah. The fire d*ck says it was a*son. Saw a lot of boot prints

Clay : Cowboy boots?

Vic : Yeah, Ithink so

Tig : sh*t-eating Mayans, man

Jax : Where the hell was Rodrigo?

Vic : No sign of your watchman

Clay : What's the exposure?

Vic : Officially? Me and the fire department. The fire captain can be convinced to rethink his report

Jax : Unofficially?

Vic : Unofficially, this blast was seen in two counties. This location is d*ad

Clay : Jesus Christ. The M*s?

Vic: Gone. As are most of the Gl*cks

Jax : Get the firemen on board. Don't want this sh*t hitting A*F's radar. Let's get out of here

Vic : No, you gotta see something else

Clay : Do we really? g*dd*mn. Fried and refried

Tig : They're illegals. Part of our assembly crew

Vic : We found them before the F.D. went through

Clay : Ah, after the smoke clears, get rid of the bod*es

Vic : What am I supposed to tell our boys up in Oaktown? I'm supposed to deliver five cases to Laroy before tomorrow morning

Clay : Call the gangster hotline, set a meeting

Jax : All right, here

Clay : Two in the back of the h*ad. Quick and painless

Jax : It ain't easy being king

Clay : Yeah, you remember that

The garage Teller Morrow

Jax : Some days, you're the Beemer. Some days, you're the g*dd*mn deer

Chibs : Some yuppie creamed her up at the streams

Jax : He run into it or hit a tree while it was giving him head?

Prospect : How the hell you want me to get it out of there? Come on. Jesus, man.

Jax : Just pretend it's carve-your-own-steak night at Sizzler

Prospect : I don't eat meat, man.

Jax : Figure it out, grunt

Chibs : What the hell happened?

Jax : Mayans t*rched the warehouse. Stole the Niners' M*s

Chibs : Holy sh*t

Jax : Clay's gone to sit down with Laroy. Try and buy us some time

Chibs : Niners already paid for that hardware

Jax : That's the tricky part

Cell phone ringing

Jax : Hey, Ma.

Gemma : Did you go to storage?

Jax : Not yet

Gemma : I hope there's something you can use. Haven't looked through that baby stuff in years

Jax : I'm sure anything will help

Gemma : Still coming to dinner tomorrow night? I'm picking up steaks from German

Jax : Oh, you know it

Gemma : You should bring Chibs and that new kid

Jax : New kid doesn't eat meat

Gemma : Don't patch him in. Can't trust anyone who doesn't eat meat.

Jax : Hay, you heard from my crazy ex-wife at all? Never answers her g*dd*mn phone

Gemma : That's because she knows it's you

Jax : She's supposed to be sending me the doctor bills. Haven't seen one in weeks

Gemma : I'll go by on my way home. I'll check in on her

Jax : Thanks... Grandma!

Gemma : assh*le!

In the park

Laroy : Long ride from Charming to Oakland.How come Easy Rider meeting me face-to-face?

Clay : Assembly warehouse burned down. All the g*ns, including your M*s, bl*wn to sh*t

Laroy : There's zero balance due on that hardware

Clay : The shipment is gonna be a little late

Laroy : That can't happen. Got a shipment of my own coming in. Very important cargo

Clay : I've been doing business with the One-Niners for a long time. I always respected our arrangement. I never sold g*n one to the Mexicans. Now I need for you to show me a little respect... and give me a few more days for delivery

Laroy : Don't give a sh*t about history or respect. This is about business, old man.

Clay : And I'm telling you, brother... giving me some more time, really smart business

Laroy : You got till Sunday. I don't get those M*s by then... there's gonna be some new black faces cruising the streets of Charming. And a b*rned-down warehouse is gonna be the least of your problems

In the garage

Jax read : The life and d*ath os Sam Crow. How the Sons of Anarchy lost their way. By John Thomas Teller. For my sons : Thomas, who's already at peace, and Jackson... may he never know this life of chaos.

In the club

Prospect : Just put it over there

Bobby : Half-Sack. Piney clogged the toilet again

Prospect : Jesus Christ, that guy sh*ts more than a grizzly, man. It ain't human. Hey, hey, just put it right here, under the...

Long John : Where did you get that name. Half-Sack

Prospect : Oh, man, I, uh, gotmy left nut blown off by an APer frag in Iraq. Look at that guy

Clay : Jesus Christ. Put that deformed nut bag away, will you?

Prospect : Sorry Clay, I...

Tig : Disappear, go on

Clay : Find Jax

Chibs : Jax ! Hey, Jax, we're at the table

Jax : Okay

At home Jax

Gemma : Wendy! Stupid Junkie bitch!

Sons are meeting around the table

Clay : We got one more day out of Laroy. That's it. Niners are expecting a huge heroin shipment. Carbines are for protection.

Bobby : What happens if those Mayans crash that dope party with Laroy's M*s?

Jax : We lose all the Niner business, buy ourselves a huge black...

Clay : That ain't gonna happen. These Mexi assholes come into our territory? They steal from us? They sh*t on our livelihood? And I don't care who we gotta grease or k*ll. I want those g*dd*mn g*ns back.

Jax : All right, me and Chibs will pull together our current intel on the Mayans. Juice, start hacking into crime databases. Get addresses on any Mayans in the system.

Clay : Find those g*ns, Bobby. I wanna Fat Man and Little Boy every inch of that g*dd*mn place.

Jax : Bobby's got Tahoe this weekend

Bobby : I'm canceling that sh*t

Jax : No, man

Bobby : I should be able to decide

Clay : You got two ex-wives who already spent the g*dd*mn casino checks. Last thing we need is Pls and lawyers camping out out front

Bobby : Who's gonna handle the pyro I'm not there?

Tig : Nobody blows up sh*t better than Opie

Jax : Opie's leaning right these days

Clay : Opie's gonna lean any way we need him to. You get him on board

Bobby : So you're sure you're okay with me stepping away from this?

Clay : Yeah, yeah, take the Prospect with you

Bobby : Yeah, I'll get him half-laid

Clay : What is that smell?

Bobby : Yo

Clay : Oh, sh*t

Gemma arrives at the garage Teller

Gemma : I tried calling you

Jax : What is it?

At the hospital Saint Thomas

Gemma : I found these matches next to a bunch of her empty thumb bags. Hairy Dog

Clay : sh*t. It's gotta be the Nords dealing out of the Dog again

Bobby : Darby got out of Chino two weeks ago

Clay : Yeah, well, call that n*zi prick. Set a meeting

Jax : What the hell happened?

Tara : When waas the last time you saw her?

Jax : Couple of weeks

Tara : Her hands and feet were full of tracks. Toxicology reports aren't back yet, but it's most likely crank.

Jax : The baby?

Tara : We had to do an emergency C-section. He's 10 weeks premature

Jax : Holy sh*t

Tara : Come on, let's sit down and I'll walk you through it

Jax : Just tell me

Tara : He's got a congenital heart defect and gastroschisis, a tear in his abdomen. The gastro and the early birth are from the dr*gs. But the CHD is probably...

Gemma : The family flaw

Tara : Yes, it's genetic. Either one would be serious, but not life-threatening. However, the two of them together... Dr Namid gives him a 20 percent chance, and I'm afraid that's being optimistic.

Jax : She never wanted to talk to me. I didn't know

Tara : Her OB said she missed her last three appointments. No one knew. Dr Namid wants to fix his belly first. Then if he stabilizes, he'll go in and try to repair the heart. I'm sorry, Jax. I can take you to see him now.

Jax : Tara! You don't have to do this. I'm sure you got other patients

Tara : I asked Dr Namid if I could assist. I wanna help your son

Jax : His name's Abel

Tara : That's a good name. Jax!

Gemma : Jackson!

Jax : Go with Tara. I got something to do

Clay : Watch his back

In a bar

Jax : Sell crank to my pregnant ex-wife?

Bobby : Easy, boys

Chibs : Whoa, whoa, whoa. I think you made your point

Jax : Stupid peckerwood sh*thead

Bobby : Enjoy your lunch. Shish keballs are on me.

Bobby : You're Okay ?

Jax : Yeah, I'm gonna go find Opie

Bobby : All right

On the workplace of Opie

Opie : So everybody's saying it was a g*n factory that blew up out by the streams

Jax : Mayans hit us. Stole our M*s. We need you

Opie : For what?

Jax : Bobby's got a gig this weekend

Opie : No way man

Jax : Gotta get in and out fast. You're the only guy who can pull it off

Opie : You think I wanna be here chipping wood for sh*t pay? I made a promise to Donna. I'm earning straight

Jax : Come on, Opie. Weall earn straight. I spend 40 hours a week with a g*dd*mn power tool in my hand

Opie : When you're on Clay's payroll, everything in your hand is a power tool.

Jax : You saying no to the club?

Opie : Everything turned to sh*t since I got out. I'm in debt up to my eyeballs. My kids hardly know me. I even mention Samcro to Donna, she's gonna bust out crying.

Jax : Look, man, if you need money...

Opie : I don't wanna borrow. I wanna earn

Jax : Family's just gotta adjust to you being around again. Kids have gotta get used to how ugly their dad is. Donna knows what the life is.

Opie : You leave a woman alone for five years, two kids... the only thing that she knows is that she doesn't want it to happen again

Boss Opie : Break's over. Let's go

Opie : Let me know when you need me

Sons are meeting around the table

Clay : What's the, uh, Nords' roster looking like these days?

Bobby : Fifteen, 16 guys. A few new kids breaking in. Same extreme hate sh*t

Juice : Still got meth labs outside of Lodi. Selling mostly to truckers, some of the Mexi gangs

Jax : You think they're stepping up?

Clay : Hmm. Only two things feel good in the joint: Jerking off and thinking about the sh*t you're gonna do when you get out. Darby's been in there for three years. I just wanna make sure all his big-shot dreams ended up in his cum rag... and not on his to-do list. How's his guy doing?

Juice : Fractures cheek, broken nose, left nut swinging solo.

Chibs : Yes, it was beatiful. That's my boy, ha, ha

Jax : Yeah, he's lucky to be breathing

Clay : So, uh, any luck up north?

Happy : Tacoma can help with the Glocks, but there's no M*s anywhere. Washington State, Oregon, Nevada, nobody's got stock, man

Jax : We'll have all the Mayan intel by the morning. We'll get our g*ns back

Clay : Oh, yeah, we will. Treasury?

Bobby : All the bills are paid. Bar is stocked. Uh, run fund is covered for the next two months. Tig's the only man who owes me dues

Tig : I'm a little short. Catch you next week

Happy : Guess those little Thai boys are getting expensive, huh?

Tig : Ha-ha-ha. Yeah, they are. How about I slit your eyes and have you suck my d*ck?

Clay : All right, all right. Anything else?

Piney : Yeah, I, uh, just wanna say to Jackson on a club level...the Sons of Anarchy, the Redwood Original, is here for you. Your father would be proud of the man you've become, you know. Every time I see you sitting at this table, well, I do a double take at you.

Opie : It's probably just the weed, Pop

Piney : Probably. I mean, he's... Anyway, whatever you need, son, it's yours.

Jax : Thank you, Piney. Thanks boys

Clay : Meeting closed

Always at the club

Prospect : Here you go, Clay

Clay : Thanks, kid

Prospect : Bobby?

Bobby : Yeah

Clay : What the hell is that smell?

Bobby : I don't know. God if I know. I smell it too

Clay : It's that box

Bobby : What is it?

Clay : I don't know

Bobby : Oh, damn.

Prospect : Hey that's mine

Bobby : Are you out of your g*dd*mn mind?

Prospect : No I just... You know, I throught it was like a surprise. We could mount it in the club. You know, like on the wall

Jax : It's gotta be stuffed and treated, you idiot

Prospect : Yeah, I know, I just... Stuffed with what?

It's party at the Sons, Tig and Happy make a boxing match

Clay : Get up!

Bobby : Did, uh, Rosen track down any real estate for the rebuild?

Clay : Ten acres for sale up North 84. You know, a stretch of industry, paint factories, container yards. Kick his ass!

Piney : Trucking in supplies will look like regular business

Jax : What'd happen if we didn't rebuild?

Clay : What do you mean?

Jax : Take the land profit, put it in something else. Hey, I'm just thinking about what's best long-term. We got heat with the Mayans, A*F crawling up our ass. Might be time to look at other ways to earn

Clay : Well, there's a lot of sh*t upin the air right now. Well figure out what the next move is. Bobby break that sh*t up

Bobby : All right, all right, all right. No, no, no. Hey, step down. Step down. Hug it up. Yeah

Clay : You dooing okay?

Jax : Yeah

Clay : Your mom says you haven't been back to the hospital

Jax : Come on, man, don't push me out of this.

Clay : I know you're all spun out over Wendy and the kid. Understandable. It's awful sh*t. But your father and I, we worked hard to create this business. We served time. We lost brothers. We spilled a lot of blood. And you're gonna need this now more than ever. A sick kid, it's an expensive burden. You wanna do the right thing by your family... don't you?

Jax : Yeah, of course

Clay : Well, then go see your son

Jax : All right

Jax hand see Wendy at the hospital

Wendy : I didn't think you'd wanna see me. Everyone hates me. I'm sorry Jax. I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me

Jax : You need to get help, Wendy

Wendy : I know, I know. I will, I promise. This time, I promise. The doctor said Abel's getting stronger. He said maybe they would fix his belly. Maybe tomorrow morning

Jax : They'll do everything they can

Wendy : My lawyer said they might file criminal charges. Fetal abuse. I got stuff back at the house in the stash drawer

Jax : Jesus Christ

Wendy : Just if they find that sh*t, they're gonna put me away. You own the house, Jax. I'd hate to see this blow back on you

Jax : Yeah of course

Wendy : Jax, wait. Please, please, Jax

Jax comes home

Jax : It's almost midnight

Gemma : This place is a g*dd*mn pigsty

Jax : Cleaning was never her strong suit

Gemma : What are you doing here?

Jax : It's my house

Gemma : You know what I mean. I don't want you to see it this way

Jax : Mom, you don't have to do this.

Gemma : Look, I just wanna get it livable. Buy you some decent carpet. Cigarette burns everywhere

Jax : Mom!

Gemma : Get you out of that dorm room, back home with your son

Jax : Mom, for chrissakes, stop cleaning. He's not gonna make it

Gemma : What are you talking about? What happened?

Jax : He was born with half a stomach and a hole in his heart. He's gonna d*e

Gemma : Do you say that. You are the only one this boy's got. You don't believe he's gonna live, you might as well go and k*ll him yourself. I'm sorry. You gotta go see him, Jax

Jax : I can't

Gemma : Why? Because he'll break your heart? It's called being a father

Jax : For how long? A day? A week?

Gemma : You know, you were born with that same heart defect... your little brother had. You seem pretty sturdy to me. I came through hell. Landed on my feet. Your father was hit by a g*dd*mn semi, dragged 178 yards...and that bastard lived for two more days. Tellers do not d*e easy

Jax : No, we just d*e bloody

Gemma : That's the Irish in us

Jax : When you and dad hooked up, he ever talk to you about his vision? About what he wanted from the club?

Gemma : His vision was... you know, what it is. A brotherhood. Family

Jax : And running g*ns? He want that?

Gemma : He never talked about that. Why?

Jax : I found a box of his old sh*t in the storage unit. There's, like, pictures and journals and... Things I never knew about him

Gemma : What kind of things?

Jax : It seemed like his original idea for the MC was something simpler. You know, social rebellion. He called it a Harley commune. It wasn't outlaw. It was real hippie sh*t.

Gemma : We had a lot of bright ideas back then. We were kids. Your father became a man. Man take care of business

Jax : Yeah, we do. You should get home, Mom. Finish cleaning tomorrow. I'll lock up.

Gemma : Ok, darling

Jax : Good night, mom

Gemma : Good night, baby

In the board of Gemma and Clay

Gemma : How are the hands, baby?

Clay : Ah. Just the damp. Where have you been?

Gemma : Cleaning up at Jax's

Clay : Of course you were. All this stuff with Abel is pushing some old buttons, huh?

Gemma : It's not my buttons I'm worried about. Jax is going through some sh*t

Clay : Yeah,I know

Gemma : Not just with the kid

Clay : What do you mean?

Gemma : He found a box of John's stuff in storage. He was aking me about his original vision for the club. Did he wanna get into running g*ns?

Clay : Tonight he said that maybe we shouldn't rebuild the factory

Gemma : sh*t, He's getting chewed up by that guilt. Remorse is a dangerous thing. Look what Tommy's d*ath did to John. It changed him. Made him soft. You've gotta nail Jax down. You have to nail him down hard, Clay. Whatever it takes. I don't want the ghost of John poisoning him... ruining everything we've built

Clay : Nothing is gonna get ruined, okay? Just don't throw your panic into high gear.

Gemma : They respect him. Jax is strong. And when you step down as presi...

Clay : Hey, hey, I'm not going anywhere

Gemma : I know baby. I know. It's just, when you can't ride anymore... they'll vote my son in as president. I just wanna make sure he's following in the right father's footsteps. Okay?

In a cafe, the Sons have an appointment with Darby

Clay : A little get-well present for your guy, Darby

Darby : That's some serious iron. Izzy'll like that, thank you

Jax : Figurent it would give him something that had some balls

Clay : I know what it's like running a crew. Sometimes your guys do sh*t... without thinking things through

Darby : My guys are thinking just fine

Jax: They thinking fine when they sell crank to my pregnant ex?

Darby : That was unfortunate. How's your little family doing, anyway?

Clay : All right, all right, Everybody contain your sh*t.

Un Nords : Get off me

Clay : You done?

Jax : Yeah

Clay : Sorry folks. Go back to your corndogs. Won't happen again

Darby : I made sure the brotherhood had Opie's back every minute that he was in Chino

Clay : Oh, I know how it works inside, Darby. Question is, do you remember how it works outside?

Un Nords : A lot changes in three years

Clay : And a lot stays the same. Nothing happens in Charming we don't control or get a piece of.

Bobby : If we wanted a meth trade, we'd have one

Jax : We don't

Clay : You know the drill. I mean, you can cook all the crank you want along the border. But you do not deal in Charming.

Darby : We ain't the only cook shop in town. Devil wants in, he'll get in.

Clay : Well, then you got your work cut out for you. Because the next time the devil crosses the border... I'm coming after you. And next time, I'm not gonna use a 357... as a get-well present

Darby : There's no need to be making threats. Me and my boys have always managed to make things work with Samcro.

Clay : Good

Jax : Milk and Cookies are on us

The hospital St Thomas

Tara : Abel's stomach surgery went well, but it's putting a strain on his system. Dr Namid doesn't wanna wait. We should do the heart surgery now

Luanne : That's good, right? That they're not waiting?

Tara : It's the best choice, yes

Gemma : Thanks

Tara : Can we talk?

Gemma : What is it?

Tara : Wendy's in really bad shape. She's still detoxing. Can't stop crying

Gemma : And?

Tara : I was hoping mayde you could talk to her. Just let her know she's not all alone

Gemma : Trust me. Nothing I'm gonna say to that crank whore is gonna make her feel loved

Tara : I forgot just how forthright you can be

Gemma : You forgot a lot of thinks, sweetheart

Tara : If you have a problem with me assisting on Abel's case, just say so.

Gemma : You a good doctor?

Tara : Yes

Gemma : Then I don't have a problem

Tara : Good. Look, people change. I'm not the same girl Iwas 10 years ago

Gemma : I am. Guess there's some things you can't change

Tara : I leave it there so I remember all that sh*t's behind me

Gemma : Forgot just how clever you can be. Bitch

Sons of the club

Jax : Mayans got two shops where they cut and bag the heroin. twenty minutes outside of Oakland. Here

Juice : Marcus Alvarez, presient of the Oakland charter... owns both buildings where they run their dope

Chibs : The local cops are on the payroll, so it's a no-hassle gig

Jax : Which makes them lazy. Alvarez don't try too hard to cover his tracks

Tig : He knows that we'd be on to cut shops. He wouldn't take a chance housing the M*s there

Clay : Stores them someplace off the grid

Jax : Backtracked one of Alvarez' dummy corporations... in San Leandro, along the UPac rail line. Here. Marcalva Industrial Storage. Way off the grid

Clay : Good work, kids

Opie preparing expl*sives at him

Donna : What are you doing?

Opie : Gotta make a run

Donna : What's in the bag?

Opie : Nothing

Donna : You promised you were done

Opie : It's got nothing to do with you

Donna : I get sh*t on if you get caught

Opie : Not gonna happen

Donna : You sat in a cell for five years while Clay and the others got rich. They sold you out. You know that. You're just too weak to stand up to them

Opie : Give me the bag. Give me the bag.

Donna : No, no, no...

Opie : Donna, stop it. Stop it

Donna : No, don't

Opie : Donna

Donna : Come on, boys. Let's go inside

Opie : Didn't hear you pull up

Jax : Parked down the block. Didn't wanna tweak Donna

Opie : You catch all that?

Jax : Enough

Opie : I think she's already tweaked

Jax : Yeah, stay here. I'll handle the run

Opie : Oh oh oh, I don't show up, Clay will chop off both our dicks

Jax : Take your kid to the ER. Tell them she hit her head or something. Just get on record being there. I'll cover you with Samcro.

Opie : What about the boom?

Jax : I watched you do it before. I'll call you on the prepay if I need help

Opie : Are you sure about this?

Jax : Go fix your family

Opie : Hey, Why didn't you tell me about your kid?

Jax : I didn't know what to say. Still don't

Clay and Jax on the road to go to the warehouse of Mayans

Clay : Where's Opie?

Jax : Kid got hurt. Had to take her to the hospital. Got the bag. I can make it work. It's all good, brother

Concert Taho

Elvis asian : How does that sound? That was beatiful, babe. It's all shook up, ha, ha

Simon : Bobby, Jesus, what are you doing here?

Bobby : Simon, what the hell is that? I'm booked. Tonight, tomorrow, five shows

Simon : I got a new girl in booking. Dumb bitch doubled up my acts

Bobby : Yeah, well, g*dd*mn it, Simon

Prospect : Why don't you just tell Chung King to take a hike?

Simon : I got six busloads of Korean tourists coming in. They love Asian Elvis. I'll get you next month, Bobby

Elvis asian : Better luck next time, bubba. Thank you!

Backstage Concert

Elvis asian : Who is it?

Prospect : The colonel

Elvis asiatique : Oh, sweet Jesus.Oh help me, Mama, help me. Oh sweet Jesus...

The Sons are the warehouse of Mayans

Clay : Praise Jesus, it's a miracle

Chibs : And I've got the rest over there

Clay : Get the g*ns in the van. Wire this sh*thole up

Jax : sh*t

Clay : What the hell is the problem?

Jax : Nothing. I just gotta check something with Opie

Tig : g*ns are loaded. What's the holdup?

Clay : We got company. Gotta be the Mayans

Tig : Yeah.

Clay : Get the van out of sight, lay low.

Tig : Let's go

Clay : You. With me

Un Mayans : Open it

Un autre Mayans : It's the electric panel way into the back

Un Mayans : Okay man!

Clay : sh*t! We should've been long gone by now

Jax : Well, we got the iron. Let's get the hell out of here

Clay : I came to send a message. Those two w*tbacks see that busted back door... they'll call for backup

Jax : Blowing up sh*t's one thing.We off these guys, could trigger something out of control

Clay : Well, that's the cost of your mistake. You got a problem making it right?

Jax : I'll draw them to the Dumpster

Jax : (singing) When your bladder's full, you gotta piss

Un Mayans : Hey, tell your dirtbag budd*es, they camp out here, they get some of this

Clay : No, bang bang, por favor. You tell your dirtbag budd*es... they steal from Samcro, they get some of this

Happy : I got him

Jax : Go check the back. Make sure that's all of them

Clay : He's all yours

During the operation of Abel to the hospital

Une Infirmière : BP's dropping

Le Docteur : Get the paddles

Une Infirmière : Charging

Le Docteur : Keep clear

Tara : Check the leads

Le Docteur : Prepare to massage the heart

A warehouse of Mayans

Un Mayans : Por Favor

Jax : I'm all right. Got the vest

Clay : Finish it

Jax : It's finished

Chibs : Oh Mary, mother of Christ, I leave you bad boys for two minutes and it all turns to sh*t

Jax : We're all good

Clay : Let's get out of here

Tig : Clay, look at this

Jax : Darby's guy

Clay : Darby did make some new friends in Chino

Tig : White boy must've sucked lots of brown d*ck

Jax : Nords crew up with the Mayans, gives them numbers, access to g*ns

Clay : A common enemy, us!

Jax : Darby wants Charming

Clay : There goes the neighborhood

At St Thomas's Hospital

Une infirmière : Sinus rhythm's back. Oh two sats are coming up

A warehouse of Mayans

Chibs : Candles in the cake

Clay : Let's go home

Gemma visits Wendy in the hospital

Gemma : Hi

Wendy : Hey

Gemma : Looks like the boy might actually see his first birthday

Wendy : He made it? Oh, Abel, thank God

Gemma : Yes, thank you, God. Maybe we should say a little prayer

Wendy : Okay. That'd be good

Gemma : Dear God, thank you for saving this boy... for this murderous junkie mom who cared more about a 40 dollar rush... than she did her own flesh and blood

Wendy : Don't you dare

Gemma : Don't I dare? You pathetic whore. Guess the DA was impressed with your Bible stud*es. Hear they're not gonna press charges

Wendy : When I check out of here, I'm going into Promises

Gemma : Let's just throw money at those 12-step freaks. How long is it gonna last this time? Six months? Three? A couple of weeks?

Wendy : It's gonna be different this time. This time I have my baby to live for

Gemma : That's where you're wrong. You have no baby. You lost that privilege. You so much as cast a shadow on that kid... try to turn some legal screw and get custody... I will finish this job. He will never call you " Mommy". I suggest you turn to Jesus

Jax : Is he gonna be okay?

Tara : He looks good... Clean yourself up, Jax

Gemma : (A Jax talking Abel) He's perfect
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