01x17 - Helicopter Dad

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Littlest Pet Shop". Aired: November 10, 2012 – June 4, 2016.*
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Animated series that centers on Blythe Baxter, a teen girl who, after moving into an apartment in a city, gains the ability to communicate with animals.
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01x17 - Helicopter Dad

Post by bunniefuu »

( indistinct chatter )

( tires screeching )

( heavy rock music playing ) Yeah!


( mimicking guitar riff )

( laughing )

( mimicking drum beats )

( songs ends )

Gets more embarrassing every time.

I'm gonna pretend that's a compliment.

See you after school, Dad.


I totally forgot.

( clears throat )

I have a commuter flight today.

I won't be able to pick you up.

N.P., I'll hitch a ride with some kid

who just got his license, has bad eyesight,

and thinks the speed limit is for wimps.

What? ( chuckles )

Gotcha! I'll just get a ride with Youngmee.

I was J.K.

( laughs )

Yeah, J.K.

"Judo karate," I knew that.

I am hip to the lingo.

Anyway, um, ahem--

I'll probably be late getting home

late again.

It's okay, Dad. I understand.

I just feel bad.

We should spend more time together.

I know. Sometimes it is a drag,

but we'll plan to do something soon.

Just the two of us.


( engine starts, tires screech )

( upbeat theme playing )

Homework, check.

Perfectly sharpened pencils, check.

Brand-new notebook with my name

written in cloud letters on the front, check.

( sniffing ) Steaming hot coffee, check.


What the huh? Dad?

Ha-ha, gotcha!

♪ You think about All the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place You never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy To just be you ♪

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

Dad, what are you doing here?

SUE: Hi, Mr. Baxter!

Is Blythe in trouble, Mr. Baxter?

No. No one's in trouble.

And while I'm here, call me

by my old flight school nickname, The Rog.

Oh, I get it. The Rog is short for Roger.

So cute.

The Rog?

Honey, we are going to spend

the whole day together.

The whole day together?

That's awesome!

Wait-- What about your flight?


Got Someone To Cover For Me.

See what I did there?

G.S.C-- No, wait. G.S.T.M--

No, that's not it. We get it, dad.

Good one, The Rog.

All right, give me five.


Up high.

Down low.

Missed me. Give me five.

It'll be so much fun having your dad at school.

I know! So much-- ROGER: Ow!

( straining )


Heh, fun?

Don't you have any of those cool bandages

with the kitty cats or the spaceships on them?

No, but I do have this.


I'll tell everyone you gave me a smile.

( chuckles ) Ugh!

Oh, B.T.W., would it be possible

to add something to Blythe's medical file?

She had this skin rash a year ago

in one of the oddest places-- Dad!

Don't wanna be late for class.

TWOMBLY: Oh, my, you're a cute,

little tortoise.

At least I think you are.

The only thing I've seen of you so far is your shell.

Gather around, sweeties.

We have a new camper with us today.

This is Olive Shellstein.

She's a little shy.

But I'm sure you'll all have fun together.

A tortoise! ( all chattering )

Well, ahem, she's quiet.

Which hole is her face?

I don't want to be talking to the wrong end.

Maybe she's hibernating.

Uh, Olive?

I just wanted you to know, we're a friendly bunch

here at Littlest Pet Shop.

Well, of course we are!

Olive, you can come out and play, now.

( scoffs )

Worst case of stage fright I've ever seen.

I'll get her to come out.

( funky bass theme playing )


( Vinnie panting )

She's definitely "comatoasted."

I'll laugh her out!

So this guy says, "My mother's a tortoise

"and my father's a porcupine.

I was born to be a slowpoke!"

( laughing )

Get it?

Okay, kid's got no sense of humor.

( playing )

She's not a music lover, either.

Maybe we're just too overwhelming.

Overwhelming? Who's overwhelming?

I'm not overwhelming. I may be whelming,

but I'm not overwhelming.

Who would say I'm overwhelming? Nobody.

Nope, nobody would say, "Minka, you're overwhelming."


ROGER: Honest, Principal Morris,

when I told the class to toss their books out the window,

I didn't think they'd actually do it.

But, between us grown-ups,

square roots are pretty useless in the real world,

don't you agree?

Can I get an "uh-huh" on that?

( groans )

( upbeat theme playing )

ROGER: You feeling okay, Blythey?

You're all red in the face.

Shh! Dad...

Now your pupils look huge.

I mean, more huge than usual.

I think you're coming down with something.

You're washing your hands after

going to the bathroom, right?

You're sweating.

Do you have a fever?

BLYTHE: Dad, I'm totally fine.

Excuse me, young sir, does she look okay to you?


Just getting a second opinion.

Could you hand me a napkin?

My little lady's neck is really sweaty.

Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hi!

Hello? Howdy! Hello?

Hi! Hello? Hello? Hello?

Hi! Hello?

Howdy! Hello? Howdy!

Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello?

Hi! Hello? Howdy!

Hello? Minka!

I think it's time to give up.

Give up?

Give up?

I am a monkey!

And monkeys do not give up!

And we will get Olive out!

( bagpipe theme playing )

Now, who's going to be a monkey with me?

( playing )

( gasping )

Well, you're pretty much the only monkey here.

Fine, but together we can make a friend!

But we need to fight for her!

Don't you want to fight for a friend?

Of course you do.

For like me, you don't know the meaning of giving up.

Yes, we do. Yeah, we do.

I don't know, do we?

It means quitting.

For a new friend!

This isn't good.

Especially in crocodile-infested waters.

No crocodiles!

( all exclaiming ) ( bagpipes expelling )

Well, just because Olive wants to hide inside her castle,

doesn't mean she doesn't want a friend.

Everyone wants a friend, right?

( pets groaning ) So um...

( upbeat theme playing )

I got it! I got it!

( kids laughing )

Dad, I had that!

Oh, don't mention it. ( groans )

Hey, Blythey-Blythe, aren't those two your friends?

Hi, girls!

( scoffing )

Whittany, look who brought her own, like--

Wait, what's that person called

who, like, takes care of you?

Like, a care-type person?

That's it!

Look who brought her own, like,

care-type person with her today.


Come on, ladies, let's get our fitness on.

Like, sorry.

Medical excuse.

Our doctor says our legs might, like,

hurt if we run or walk--

Or, like, ugh, stand.

Bummer. BLYTHE: I got it!

Oh, like to stay and chat, girls,

but I'm needed!

( screaming )

That move was called the Baxter b*mb!

Right, Blythey-Blythe?

We actually don't play a lot of volleyball--

High-fives all around! Anybody?

Don't leave me hanging.

Got you, The Rog.

Blythe, your dad is hilarious.

I wish my dad was fun like yours.

What do you mean I'm off the team, coach?

Come on!

Okay now, who would like to read their poem next?

Dad, what are you doing?


Ooh-ooh, I have a poem.

( snickering )

I've always been known as a bit of a wordsmith.

Now, this is a poem I wrote when I was

to a young lady I was going steady with.

And I don't mind confessing that back then

I was what you kids call a "playa."

( all laughing )

It's called Lips of Fire.

( school bell rings )

Oh, come on!

Literally saved by the bell.

This day cannot end soon enough.

I thought you were excited to spend the day with your dad.

I was...at first.

But this much together time is starting to get to me.

I mean, he took notes for me in history class,

did my science project--

He even sang my part in chorus.

That doesn't sound so bad.

Then you need to hear my dad sing.

Blythe, I got us matching hats for art class.

Tres chic, non?

( whistling )

( sniffing ) Mmm!

These dog treats smell just like my Aunt Esther's pot roast.

Do you always sniff the new products?

Oh, I like to be informed.

So how was your day?

Well, it was-- Awesome!

We spent the whole day together.

Every second of every minute of every hour. Right, hon?

Yeah, right, Dad.

You're now looking at the two newest members

of the school pep squad.

Give me a B!

How was your day, Mrs. T.?

As amazing as ours?

Unfortunately, it wasn't.

I'm afraid my sister's got the Vapors, again.

In my family, if it's not the Vapors,

it's the Itch, the Kink, or the Quinsy.

And don't even ask about the time my cousin

came down with the Rising of the Lights.

Now, that's a story.

After I close up the shop,

I'm going to take her some medicine.

No, Mrs. Twombly. Go now!

I'll take care of the shop until closing.

But I thought you were spending the day with your dad.

No! I mean, I have been.

But you need me.

I have to be here.

I can do it by myself.

I can, I can, I can.

You understand, right, Dad?

This is an emergency and I need to help Mrs. Twombly.

Of course you do.

With your dear old dad.

Howdy, partner! ( screams )

So, what's on the "skedj"?

I should go check on the pets in Day Camp.

You can just stay--

Right behind you.

Huh. Look at that tortoise shell.

It reminds me of my bike helmet.

( bicycle bell chimes )

( laughing )

Ha-ha, this is going on my blog.

Oh, that must be Olive.

Mrs. Twombly said she's not very social.

Maybe she needs a little encouragement.

Hey, remember our "Howdy Do" song?

Uh, from my preschool talent show?

Yep, that slayed them back in the day.

I'll bet Olive would come out of her shell for that.

Oh, I don't know, Dad.

Come on!

It'll be like the old days.

Well, it was fun.

♪ Howdy do Howdy do ♪

♪ I like to skip In a circle with you ♪

♪ Howdy do Howdy do ♪

♪ Rainbows are nice And so are you ♪

ROGER AND BLYTHE: ♪ Howdy do, howdy do

♪ I like to skip In a circle with you ♪

♪ Howdy do Howdy do ♪

♪ Rainbows are nice And so are you ♪

♪ Howdy do Howdy-- ♪

JOSH: Uh, excuse me?

Sorry to interrupt, but do you sell dog whistles?

Uh, dog whistles?

I don't think we do.

Okay, thanks anyway.

Nice dance, though.

Huh, I guess this tortoise isn't very social.

So, what's next?

Ha! I got the old maid again!

Olive, you are on a lucky streak.

Now, I don't know too much about turtles, Minka,

but I'm pretty sure this one

isn't interested in playing with you.

First of all, Olive is a tortoise.

And number B, I don't appreciate

you speaking that way about my new friend.

Even I have to agree with Pepper.

Olive doesn't seem to want to be bothered with friends.

Well maybe she doesn't want to be friends with anyone,

but she wants to be friends with me.

Ahem, attention everybody!

Except Olive, of course.

Olive is my new best friend and that's final!

So get used to it and that's finally final.

( whimsical theme playing )

( sighs )

Oh, Blythe, this is Olive.

I'm her new best friend.

Nice to officially meet you, Olive.

She's quiet. I find her refreshing.

Yeah, me too.

You know, everyone thinks she just wants to be alone.

Isn't that hilarious?

Well, sometimes it is good to be alone.

Pfft! Why would anyone want to be alone?

My dad's been glued to me all day.

This is the first minute I've had to myself.

I know he wants to spend as much time as he can with me,

but it's too much.

Why don't you tell him that?

I don't want to hurt his feelings.

ROGER: Blythe! Blythe!

Hide me!

Blythe? You in here sweetie?


( Blythe sneezes )

Found you! You sure did.

Hide-and-seek, huh? Great idea!

Let's go again. This time I'll hide.


( chattering )

Wait, Dad. Yeah?

I just, well, I just wanna tell you that I need to be--

Need to be what, huh? Uh, by myself for awhile.

What do you mean a while? I just need a break

from all of the dad/daughter stuff, because...

What like volleyball?

We've been having so much fun--

I just want to be alone!


Of course.

I understand.

I'll leave you alone.



( cackling )

Oh, girlfriend, you are too funny.

Oh, Zoe, do you mind coming back in a little bit?

Olive and I are kind of opening up to each other.

It's private.

Mmm, it must be private.

Only one of you is doing the talking.

Um... you good back here?

I'm great back here.

KEN: Hello?

Can I help you?

My name's Ken.

I'm here to pick up my pet tortoise, Olive.

Oh, sure.

Let me go and-- ROGER: Ken?

Ken Kankatka?

I recognize that voice!

The Rog!

BOTH: Hey, hey!

Hoo-hoo! Ha-ha!

( both laughing )

Blythe, this is Ken Kankatka,

a.k.a. The Ken.

We were in flight school together.

Nice to meet you.

Remember the guy

who landed on the flight instructor's car?

( laughing )

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, good times.

Boy, we sure had some fun together.

Just you and me.

( Roger and Ken laughing )

Uh, bowl on your head, because...?

I'm trying to be more tortoise-ish,

so Olive and I can really relate to each other

when we do all the fun tortoise-y things together!

( whimsical theme playing )

Yep, just a couple of best friends having fun together.

You're being a great friend, Minka.

But is Olive?

You know, you can't make Olive be your friend.

Who's making her?

She wants to be my friend. Right, Olive?

Right? Right?

Olive, come out and say you're friends with me!

Right now!

( gibbering angrily )

I give up.

OLIVE: And I was just

starting to like you.

And then I said, "That's no lady,

that's my co-pilot."

( both laughing )

So, I'm gonna go get Olive, now.


Wow, Minka.

Should you really be doing that?

Sure! Olive loves to give shell rides, don't you?

We're having so much fun together.

We wanna spend all our time together always and always,

and always all of it!

Time. Together. Always.

That's awesome.

( crying )

Everything okay, Blythe?

Since I asked to be alone,

I-- I-- I should just be alone.

Even if I don't really want to be alone.

But I'm alone.

Blythe, Ken's got to go. Do you have Olive?

( crying ): She's over there.

See you.

Wouldn't wanna be you.

( both laughing )

( straining )

What are you doing in here?

Being alone.

Isn't that what you wanted?

I thought I did.

Dad, I'm really sorry I yelled at you

and told you to leave me alone.

It's okay.

I guess I was pretty overbearing today.

It's just that I feel bad when I'm away so much.

And I totally miss you.

But we don't have to be together every second to have fun.

You know what? You're right.

Let's get out of here.

( sniffling )


( straining )


I'm stuck.

Guess we'll have to spend a little more time together.

Sounds good to me.

♪ Howdy do

♪ Howdy do ♪ Howdy do

♪ I like to skip In a circle with you ♪

♪ Howdy do, howdy do

♪ Rainbows are nice And so are you ♪

( upbeat pop theme playing )

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪
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