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02x02 - Day 34 / 12

Posted: 05/06/22 09:14
by bunniefuu





Rafael Garcia.

And where are you coming from today?

My home in Tijuana.

[CBP OFFICER] Where are you going?

To school in San Diego.

But where did you think you were going?

When you boarded that plane,

where do you think you were headed?

Answer the question.

I don't know how much time I have.

Where did you think

that plane was taking you,

and what exactly do you
remember about it going down?

To... to Hawaii. To a
retreat, but... but...

And then there was a
mechanical failure, right?

Or something that felt
like a mechanical failure?

Did... did they give you
anything to eat on the flight?

I don't know. Can you just stop?

Was there cake? Was there dessert?

Maybe, yes. Yeah, I
think there was cake.

But can... can you stop
and tell me who you are

and what the f*ck you're doing here?

I'm you.

I am you.

I mean, obviously, I'm not you-you.

But everything that
you have been through,

the same thing happened to me.

The plane crash, the
island, the ending up here.

Same sandals, same
sweatpants, same nightmare.

Okay, don't take this the wrong way,

but I really think I
should go get somebody.

No, don't, don't, don't. Don't.

Nobody behind this door is
actually here to help you.

This place, this situation,

this whole mind-f*cking saga
that you've been trapped in

for I don't know how long,

it's all a setup.

The plane crash wasn't an accident.

This isn't a coast guard station.

Our parents aren't coming to get us.


This is a prison,

and if we have any chance
of getting out of here,

like, any at all, I'm going
to need you to talk to me.

♪ ♪

Okay, I know how it sounds
and how I sound saying it,

but that awareness,
that has got to count

for something, right?

And I am aware.

I am, like, nauseously aware

of how crazy I must seem right now.

Not just crazy.

♪ ♪


I am.

♪ ♪

All right.

I'm either agreeing to this for real,

or I'm just humoring you

until you disappear.

Which one is it?

Trying to figure that out myself.


... what do you want to know?


♪ ♪

[RAFAEL] We were all lost,

all eight of us.

Not that I was worse off,

but for me, it kind of
felt, like, double lost.

Lost inside of a lost place.

What the f*ck am I even doing?

[LEAH] You're helping me save your life.

That's what you're doing.

Every single thing you
tell me, it's like a...

it's like another rung in the
ladder leading out of here.

[RAF] Okay, and I'm
trying to buy into that,

- but I don't even know your name.
- Leah.

It's Leah.

Just checking.

I'm Raf.


The f*ck you lookin' at?

I can't wash off for five minutes

without some perv trying to
get a look at my d*ck, huh?

Wh... what? What?

You were watching me.

You still are.

- You little d*ck-looker.
- I wasn't.

I... I didn't even
know you were out there.

It's like you can't look away, man.

f*ckin' shameless.

Maybe... maybe put your pants back on.

Hey, hey, hey. Don't
put this back on me.

That's what you call,
uh, blaming the victim.

Honestly, Kirin, I
wasn't looking at you.

I... I would never do that.

[KIRIN] Honestly, Rafe,

I'm not real clear on what
you would or wouldn't do

'cause I don't know shit about you.

We've been here for, what, four days

and you've said maybe words tops.

So excuse me if I can't
rule out the possibility

that you might peep the occasional d*ck.

I have a f*cking girlfriend!

[KIRIN] Whoa!

Okay, noted.

But you do know this
isn't about that, right?

I don't give a shit if you're gay.

This is about privacy.

I'm not gay. I...

I repeat. Definitely not about that.

But if that is something
you're looking to prove,

screaming at the top of your lungs

that you have a girlfriend doesn't help.

Seems a little desperate.

Kirin, I am...

I am nothing.

I am... I'm nothing
you're saying that I am.

I'm just...

I'm going.

[LEAH] So you spent a lot of time alone?

At first, I guess.

And the others, they...
they considered you

to be sort of quiet?

Why are you looking at me as
if that's some sort of red flag?

Well, in my experience, out there...

if someone was quiet,
on their own a lot...

... it meant they were hiding something.

Yeah, well, it wasn't some slick cover,

just a good old personality flaw.

He did seem pretty skeptical, though,

about what you were doing.

And why is it so hard for
you to explain yourself?

Because, like,

I was just sitting
there, and... 'cause...

I don't know. I mean, I didn't know...

[LEAH] Didn't know what?




♪ ♪

[RAF] My life before...

♪ ♪

... was... was...

♪ ♪

... there was darkness.

♪ ♪

There was haze.

♪ ♪

The days were so tiring, so repetitive,

it all just kind of blurred together...

... like a fog...

... hanging heavy in my head.

[TEACHER] Rafael, this is third period.

You're not in my class until sixth.

Oh, right, right.

Perdón. I... I'm sorry.

A fog so thick,

even I couldn't see myself through it.

♪ ♪

Only one thing was clear.

♪ ♪

Only one thing made sense.

♪ ♪

Only one thing made me
feel like I made sense.

And there I was stuck on that island,

thousands of miles away from it.

So like I said...

Lost in a lost place.

You have some experience with that?


You have no idea.

♪ ♪

Shift's up.

- Can I tag you in?
- Yeah.

Did she sleep at all?

Shit, that's four days.

Yeah, can't tell where
her mind is, you know,

or what made her want
to take her own life.


I wouldn't waste your time wondering.

Maybe her head's in the clouds.

Maybe she's fantasizing
about her geriatric boyfriend.

What matters is, she's alive

and she's finally f*cking quiet.

Deepest apologies, but
I'm not gonna be pressed

over her sad little case of insomnia.

You know what would have helped?

A benzo.

But she hoovered them all

before we made her puke 'em out,

so it looks like she dug
her own grave on that one.

Yeah, Fatin. She almost did.

I'm sorry.

But I'm done with her.

- I don't think you mean that.
- I don't?

No, I know shit talk when I hear it,

and you don't mean that.

All right.

Well, we had you scheduled
to watch her later,

but maybe I'll just pull a double shift.

Thank you.

Hey, happy to play nurse to Rachel,

you know, if you need me to.

I got all the time in
the world for that one.

♪ ♪

[RACHEL] Let's go.

I'm not gonna sit here being pitied.

Let's go.

♪ ♪

Are we, uh... are we feeling
optimistic about that?

[SCOFFS] Absolutely f*cking not.

♪ ♪

[SHELBY] Whoops.

♪ ♪

Look at me making a racket like
some kind of amateur, I swear.

I usually got a much softer foot.

Shh, shh. You're gonna scare it.

If the trap didn't
hold, it might bolt out.

Stay here.

♪ ♪



Oh, you got him good, Martha.

- He's a beauty.

You know, I really thought that

I might be able to lend
some expertise today,

but turns out, I'm a little obsolete.


- Oh, sorry.
- No, don't apologize.

I'm in awe, and besides, I can
still provide moral support,

and that's what Toni thought
you might need anyway.

Toni told you to come with me?

We sort of decided together, I guess.

She was telling me about your rabbits

and, uh, the shelties you used to have,

and we both just got to thinking how...

tough it must be,

you know, loving animals
the way that you do and...

still coming out here every day,

taking on so much just
so that we can eat.

What else has Toni said about me?

I don't know. Lots of things, I guess.

But only in the spirit of
helping you out, you know?

And speaking for myself, I...

... I know how hard it is to, um...

to put your values aside or change them

faster than you might be ready for.

We just want to be there for you.

Yeah, I know. Thanks.


... we should go.

He's not gonna last us very long.

Starvation is a notoriously
horrific way to die.

Right up there with radiation poisoning

- and crucifixion...
- [KIRIN] Jesus, could you not?

No one's f*ckin' starving to death.

This can't be all that's left, can it?

- That seems impossible.
- [IVAN] Yeah, I'm sorry.

I just, uh... it can't
end like this for me.

I mean, my mom doesn't even know

where to look for my
novella, so how am I

supposed to be published
posthumously, hmm?

It's on my Google Drive, Mother.

Just click on the second
folder marked "Novella W-I-P."

Shut up, Taylor! We'll be fine.

We just need to slow down on the food

since obviously, rescue's not...

... since they're taking
longer than we thought.

We can play a game,
like, as a distraction.

I always play my Xbox when I want

to stop snacking on refined sugars.

My nutritionist encourages it.

Not a bad call. Any suggestions?

- Hell no.
- Oh, maybe a theater game.

Something that will expose us.

- Definitely no theater.
- Okay, awesome.

How about two truths and a lie?

Sounds cool. I'll play.

- Yes, Rafe all day.
- Hey.

Take a seat. It's "Raf."

[JOSH] Get out of here. Raf?

Yeah. [JOSH] I love it. [CHUCKLES]

Anyway, you know the game, right?

You say two truths and a lie,

and then we guess which is which.

Where you're from, they might
call it something different,

like dos verdades... das verdades...

You know, I think I... I think I get it.


So, like, uh, I go to
school in San Diego,

but I live in Tijuana.

[JOSH] Ah, that one's true.

He's a crosser. It's
actually really admirable.

[SCOTTY] Raf, man, you're
not supposed to say something

that somebody can immediately confirm.

That's just bad gameplay.

Unless he and Josh are colluding.


Oh, shit, f*ck.

I love a good game of wits.

Please, continue.

Secondly... my girlfriend's family

actually owns this salsa company.

- [SCOFFS] That's bullshit.
- But is it, though?

First off, it's bullshit
that anyone would bring salsa

on a weekend retreat to begin with.

Oh, I can only eat the low-acid kind.

Wasn't sure if they'd have any.

But your girlfriend being heir
to the Veracruz Salsa company

is an even bigger load of shit.

And lastly...

... I secretly like to
look at people's dicks.


He admitted it. Holy shit.

Rafe here was lurking like a sicko,

trying to sneak a peek at my dicko.

[RAFAEL] Wait, no, that...
that one was the lie.

That was the whole point.

Wait, wait, wait, so your
girlfriend does in fact own

a publicly traded salsa company?

Yeah, yes.

Yeah, her dad owns stake
in the parent company.

So that one is the lie,
and you are a d*ck looker.

Jesus, no. I just...

- [RAF] Oh. I'm so sorry!
- [SETH] Oh.

[KIRIN] What the f*ck?

- Oh!
- I'm so sorry!

You tool! We could have eaten that!

I'm so sorry! I am so sorry!

Nobody move. Don't touch that.

Uh, can I? Thank you.

[SCOTTY] Could somebody
please explain to me

what in the absolute
caucasity this man is doing?

Grabbing sh*ts for his
ridiculous social media feed.

Not having to hear about Spillz
was the lone silver lining

of this place, and now...


Wait, wait, wait, Seth,
you're... you're Spillz?

You're, like, the Spillz, with a Z?

- Guilty.
- What the f*ck is Spillz?

Oh, my God. You haven't heard of Spillz?

It's, like, this Insta and Twitter

that rates pictures of spilled food

always with the best and
most hilarious captions.

- Oh, my God.
- It's no big deal.

Yo, yo. I've heard of that before.

You do brand collabs
and shit like that, huh?

Yo, I bet you get paid. Don't you?

[JOSH] Oh, wait, what are
you gonna rate the salsa?

Like, a level-five Sloppy Tsunami?

And what are you gonna name it?

[SETH] Well, maybe, like,
a play on pico de gallo.

Maybe, like, pico de "oh, no."

- [KIRIN] f*cking lame!

[MARISOL] Raf, come here.


♪ ♪

What do you think?

I don't know.

I mean, it can't really compete
with my mom's velvet painting

- of Selena, but...
- Stop playing.

No, no, and I kind of think
that I could do just as good.

I painted a fruit bowl in art class,

and Mrs. Wentz said,
"What even is that?"

- I think I'm a natural.
- God, I hate you so much.

Mm-mm-mm. You love me.

Now would you shut up and look with me?

The colors are so deep and so saturated.

I feel physically
warmer when I look at it.

Hmm, specifically,
where do you feel warmer?


Raf, I didn't know you were here.

How you doing?

You're eating the canapés.

Oh, sorry. Was I not supposed to?

No, no, no, go to town,

as long as you tell me what you think.

These are the samples from the caterer

so that we can choose our
spread for Thursday night.

- I like the chewy ones.
- [INES] The pulpo?

I know. They're to die for.

See, I knew you had good taste.

Is he coming with us on Thursday?

No, he's got soccer in Carlsbad.

Oh, uh, actually, maybe not.

They don't always put
me on the game roster.

What's on Thursday?

Oh, well, we're hosting

a fundraiser/gallery night.

This entire house is gonna
be filled with indigenous art.

- Gringos with cash to burn.

AKA valuable benefactors
who are gonna help us

relocate all these pieces

down to the cultural center in Tijuana

'cause they've been up in
the States for too long.

Wow, that's, uh...

- that's amazing.
- [INES] Yeah.

Mi amor, we have to hit the road.

- I'll see you Thursday.
- Okay.

- Bye.
- Bye.

So what should I wear to this thing?

I mean, I know I'm mostly
invisible when I'm with you,

but, uh, I don't want to
be a grungy hole in the air.

Hey, where's your, uh...

Oh, I took it off to shower.

I probably just left it in the bathroom.

- Oye, floating away on me.
- Yeah.

No, I'm just completely
obsessed with it.

What's beautiful about
it is how simple it is.

You know, a native woman at work,

just a totally regular
moment for her but...

one that could have been
erased or forgotten or whatever,

but that's the incredible
thing about art, you know.

It remembers.

Deep. Deep into my bullshit.

No, no, I get it. It's your thing.

Listening to you go off like that is...

it's amazing.

You should do one of those
TED Talks or whatever.


I love how you always hype me up.



♪ ♪

Do you ever...

you ever think about what your thing is?

Maybe. I don't know.

Guess I'll figure it out eventually.

But if not...

this is pretty great.

♪ ♪

You smell so good.

[DOT] "As her blood warmed,

he drew her closer and deepened,

deepened the kiss a whisper at a time

until everything blurred.

She went pliant,

and the sigh she made was surrender."

Steamy, right?

Like a fresh pile of shit.

I mean, an entire book about
hornball wedding planners

in some snobby f*ckin' town

called "Green-wich," Connecticut.

"Grennich." And that's not the only one.

Apparently, there's four in the series.

Four of these turds?

I can't even get one
sequel of District ,

and the world gets four
of these shit cakes.

Why don't you just give
it a few more pages?

Maybe it'll hook you.
It's a hot little romp.

People actually enjoy this activity,

holding open a big stack of paper

and just moving their
eyes back and forth

and back and forth?

God. Toni, help me out.

Fatin is trying to convince me

that I might actually enjoy reading

this skid mark of a romance book.

Oh, hell yeah. I love that one.

[LAUGHS] Get the f*ck out.

I'm not, like, a Martha-level superfan.

That's, like, super straight and white.

But I don't know, I kind of
like all the wedding shit.

You kind of like the what?

[TONI] The wedding-planning stuff.

Gets me thinking what I
want for mine, you know?

A big-ass buttercream cake,

flowers all over the place,
a fancy f*ckin' dinner.

Wait, what's it called
when it's not a buffet?

Plated, a plated dinner.
I want all that shit.

This is incredible.

Who are you? Who are any of you?

Why am I a stranger in a strange land?

Uh-oh. I know what's wrong with you.

Your dependents walked off,
the shelter is put in place,

and for the first time ever,
Dorothy has nothing to do.

And that's a problem
because she sucks at leisure.

She's fine at leisure.


Where you going?

To do leisure.

♪ ♪

Are you okay?

I'm sorry, Leah,

for the other day.

I went off on you so hard.

Something just sort of broke.

And to think that I might have...

... to think that I
might have pushed you...

Rachel, you didn't.

And I didn't.

I don't think I actually
meant to, like, end it all.

I think I just wanted to stop feeling.

I know.

It's the f*cking worst.

I will say, and yes, I'm absolutely

asking the universe to
slap me back down, but...

... right now, doing useful shit,

I kind of feel okay.

Bold of you to say that out loud.

Yeah, I'm regretting it already.

I'm feeling better too, by the way.

It's like...

I forgot that my blood
wants to circulate.




You really want to get it pumping?

- What is that?
- Let's find out.

♪ ♪


No, no.


Shit, shit.

♪ ♪


Ow, ow.


Ow, f*ck, ow!

f*ck! f*ck, f*ck.

[SETH] Raf!

- Ow!
- [SETH] What the f*ck?

- [RAF] They're all over me!
- Oh, shit. Oh, shit.

- f*ck! Ow!
- Pants off now, come on.

Now, now, let's go. Let's go.

- Let's go.
- f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.


Oh, f*ck me. Oh, Jesus,
it f*cking stings.


- [RAF] Ow! f*ck.
- [SETH] It's working.

We're getting 'em. We're getting 'em.

You're okay.

♪ ♪



[CHUCKLES] Oh, shit.


So you were swarmed by fire ants.

Tell me, Rafael, how
do... how do you feel?

[CHUCKLES] Not great.

I feel like I almost got eaten
alive over this thing that...

... might only matter to me.

Well, my therapist would say
there's a lot to unpack there.

But I... I hate my therapist,

so maybe we can just let it lie.


This is just not my day.

- Mm.
- Like, at all.

You should ask Scotty and
Bo about the ant bites.

They're from the Florida sticks.

I'm sure they've seen a few.

And Josh probably has
ten different creams.

[CHUCKLES] Yeah, well,

I'm not really sure where
I stand with those guys.

Do you want my read of the situation?

Everyone's f*ckin' afraid.

Unknowns are crazy scary,

and this island is a big gaping unknown,

and I mean, no offense, but so are you.

But people just want to
put other people on the map.

Take my stepbro Henry, for instance.

He's the prince of f*ckin' darkness,

but you can still map him.

Gothy e-boy is a known quantity,

which makes him entirely unscary, but...

... you're a different story, you know?

I mean, we just got
to get you on the map.

You make it sound like it's easy.

Let's go. Let's go.



[SIGHS] Track down some food,

fruit, berries, I don't know.

There's got to be some goods out there.

You can be the guy that brings snacks.

Everybody loves that guy. Everybody.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪


this about, heartbreaker?

You trying that on for homecoming?

- Babe.
- [ELIAS] Mm.

Look at your boy, my God!

He looks like his dad, no?

You come from a long,
long line of Garcias

who look incredible in suits.

This doesn't surprise me.

Thanks, yeah... But no.

[IN ENGLISH] I, um... I
actually have an event tonight,

and it's kind of formal, so...

[IN SPANISH] Rafael, but it's Thursday.

Your father works third shift,
so you work the stand with me.

That's how it goes,
that's what we agreed on.

I know, I know, I'm
sorry... I would, but like...

[IN ENGLISH] ... it's
kind of a big deal.

[IN SPANISH] How's it a big deal
if we haven't heard about it?

That school of yours sends
emails about every little thing.

No, it's not a school thing...

like, a Chicano art show.

[IN SPANISH] At the Núñezes' house.


[IN ENGLISH] No, it's
just... it's... they're...

they're trying to raise money

to bring Mexican
culture back to Tijuana,

so it's important.


[IN SPANISH] Here's what I get, Rafael.

I get that you quit soccer to
spend more time with that girl.

I get that your head is full of
fantasies about her and her family.

That you're getting C's in four classes.

What you don't seem to be getting

is that the Núñezes and their
paintings don't pay your tuition.

[IN ENGLISH] Well, the Núñezes
are actually major donors

to the scholarship
fund, so they kind of do.

[ELIAS] Hey...

[IN SPANISH] You aren't better than us.

Hurry up!

Take these tamales to the truck.

Wait for your mother.

♪ ♪

what I'm supposed to be doing,

going up there, meeting
people like them.

I mean, that's why you
sent me to the school

in the first place, isn't it?

And, you know, it actually
reflects good on you

- that they even want me there.

[IN SPANISH] You shut up, and you listen

because it's important
that you hear this.

That girl...

... is going to forget you.

Her family is going to forget you.

She's gonna go off to some pretty little

college on the other side of the country

and you will never see her again.

I might make shit money,

but I bet every cent of it
that that's what happens.

[IN ENGLISH] You don't know anything.

see, but in the meantime

take the tamales to the truck
and wait for your mother.

Move it.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


idea what I'm doing, but...

look at these bad boys.

Wonder if they're okay to eat.

Yeah, there's a rhyme
for berries, um, I think.

What is it?

Uh, uh, purple and blue, good for you.

White and yellow, k*ll a fellow.

Guess you're not totally
clueless about the outdoors.

Yeah, well, Henry actually
taught me that rhyme.

Yeah, the little knowledge I
have actually came from him.

Kid was a serious Boy
Scout back in the day.

He knows how to tie, like,
different kinds of knots.

[RAF] Oh, didn't even
know there were that many.

Yeah. Yeah.

He used to, um, tie my
headphone cords together

just to f*ck with me,

but, um, AirPods, so...

Yeah, you guys don't
seem all that close.

Yeah. Is it that obvious, huh?


Up there.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


What the f*ck did you find?



♪ ♪








Come on, come on, come on, come on.

[IN SPANISH] Sweets?

[IN SPANISH] Go away! Go away!






♪ ♪

Hey, man. I'm so sorry.

[IN SPANISH] What the
f*ck is wrong with you?!

- [IN ENGLISH] I said I'm sorry.
- [IN SPANISH] f*cking brat!

Don't you know how to pay attention?

[IN ENGLISH] f*ck you, man.
I said it was an accident.



Hey, over here.


[GRUNTS] f*ck!

Got him.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Holy shit.

Get that. Get it.

You ready?




[SETH] Um, what do you...
what do you think's in there?

Considering my track record today,

it's probably a portal to hell.


I'll go first.




♪ ♪

[RAF] Seth?


Rafael Garcia, I am
pleased to inform you

that your shit day has
just turned into gold.

Get down here.

Dude. Mother lode, right?

Give me that box. Give me that box.

Holy shit!

Oh, my f*cking God. Dude!


Where do you think it came from?

I don't know.

Looks like this place was used

to do some kind of wildlife study.

Last data entry's from .

Do you think any of
the food is still good?

Oh, yeah, expiration dates

are just suggestions on things like...



Well, yeah, but also...

... lifeblood.

This, this is all you, man.
We found this because of you.

So don't go doubting your
instincts on me, all right,

because you got some good ones.

- Seriously.
- Thanks.


♪ ♪

Call who you need to.


[ELIAS] Hola, sí, bueno.

Bueno, sí.




No one was home.

Anyone else you can call?


♪ ♪

[TONI] Hey, stranger.

Everything all right?

Mm-hmm, just trying
to skin them downwind.

Doesn't always smell so great.

Are you sure you're okay

with me and Shelby
hanging out and everything?

'Cause she told me that maybe
you weren't feeling so...

Shelby told you, you
told Shelby, that...

that is what I'm not okay with.

My shit is my shit, and I
want it to stay that way.

Martha, I would never say
anything about anything

that you wouldn't tell her yourself.

Not on my life would I do that.

How about you just tell
her nothing, you know?

- To be on the safe side.
- Yeah, of course.

Whatever you need.


I don't mean to be...

Nah, it's cool. It's all cool.

I'm so proud of you.


You've gotten so strong.
You're like a f*ckin' warrior.

Whoop, whoop! Surprise!


Yeah, surprise they
didn't m*rder each other

- in cold blood.
- [TONI] Where'd that come from?

- Pulled it out of the water.
- [FATIN] What the hell's in it?

Take a look. Bet you'll like it.

Or at least be, like, mildly
amused and confused by it.

[TONI] Party supplies?

[FATIN] Um...

... an old person's party,
an old person named Barbara.

Why on earth are y'all
acting disappointed?

I mean, look at these.

That... yeah, plastic forks.

Yeah, but they're,
like, the fancy plastic.

Like, full-on dishwasher safe.

And aren't you excited to eat
with a frickin' fork again?

Oh, my God. How precious are these?

- They're plates.

You're gonna lose your girlfriend

to this kitschy party shit.

I mean, can you get her off like this?

[SHELBY] This Barbara
knows how to party.

You know, honestly, I'm not sure.

This is a real heat check for me.

Hey, Fatin, there might
be something for you yet.

Okay, I take back all
negative commentary.

Barbara, you're a f*cking legend.

Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait.

Is this what I think it is?

[MARTHA] Oh, it's a piñata. And candy!

Holy shit, Babs, you were gonna
beat up your boss in effigy?

Yeah, I can't tell whether
that's punk rock or disturbing.

[FATIN] Both.

[RACHEL] You okay, Leah?

Yeah, no. I'm... I'm...




Yeah, I'm sorry.

It's just the piñata.


My dad has this friend named Top Ramen.

His name is actually Paul,
but we call him Top Ramen

because this one time on a ski trip,

he got very drunk

and snorted, like, ten
lines of ramen seasoning.

The piñata looks just like him.

[LEAH] Wow.


[SHELBY] Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Look, you know Dot's gonna
want to inventory the shit

- out of all this.
- Yeah, where is Dot?

♪ ♪

[KIRIN] Hey, Boy Scout.

Don't you know how to make a fire?

Yes, but only with a ferro rod.

A what?

It's a rod-shaped tool

often made of synthetic
alloy or magnesium.

Okay, you can stop.

Bo-Bo, you crashing, man?

Only a little.



Oh, man. Man, that's funny.

[KIRIN] I swear to God, Josh.

If you're laughing
about something you saw

- on f*cking Spillz again.
- [JOSH] I'm sorry.

It just keeps popping into my head.

There was this one photo...
there's tikka masala

all over someone's computer keyboard...

- Stop!
- Shut up!

Oh, my God. Oh, my God!

I forgot about my kids.

Okay, I'll bite.

Tell me about these kids, Joshua.

I put them in my bag,

and I hid them in one of my socks.

[SCOTTY] Sour Patch Kids?

Who the hell just calls them Kids?

- Doesn't everybody?
- Absolutely not.

- But you know what? I love it.
- [HENRY] Yeah, me too.

It brings cannibalism into the
experience in a more real way.

Yeah, I'd like to cannibalize
a few right now, actually.

Hey, Joshua, may I have a child?

Um, sh**t.

I, uh... I forgot I
already ate most of them.

Tut! Shh!

The f*ck?

A lighter? You had this all along?


yeah, right.

Um, that's actually for my...

my ear candle in case I get too waxy...

You f*ckin' moron!

All this time, we've been freezing,

and here we could have had a campfire.

But no, you've been
too busy yukking it up

over that smarty-farty's
dumb little website

to remember you had a g*dd*mn lighter

in your g*dd*mn suitcase!

Okay, somebody needs
to, like, deescalate.

You're gonna tell me that?

You of all people gonna
f*ckin' tell me that?

Deescalate my ball sack, Taylor.

What else have you forgotten
to tell us about, huh?

Maybe it's time to have
a real good look around.

- [SCOTTY] Jesus.
- [KIRIN] You want a spill?

There's a spill.

What should we rate it, huh?

Stage seven suitcase
some f*ckin' something

stupid f*cking piece-of-shit disaster?

Uh, Kirin, if you steal my IP,

I will have to send a cease and desist.

- Anybody hungry?
- My God!

- Oh!
- Oh!

Oh, my God! Peanut butter.

A third-tier nut butter, but
I... I am not complaining.

[JOSH] You found all this?

Oh, no, not me. Raf did.


Raf, oh, thank you!

But hey, stop burying the lede, brother.

Oh, right.

There's beer and more
of it at the bunker.

Oh, my God!


Let's go!

Hey, Kirin. A lifeblood?

Yeah, thanks.

Hey, you don't drink.

Yeah, but then I thought about it.

And does that even make any sense?


Guys, thanks be to Raf.


[IVAN] Hey, hey, Raf, Raf, Raf!

[ALL CHANTING] Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf!

Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf,
Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf,

Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf,
Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf!

Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf!

[CBP OFFICER] Rafael Garcia.

That's you, right? You're good to go.



Ay, Mari.

Thank you.


[RAUL] Uh, Raf, you won't
be able to head stateside

until the hold on your visa is lifted,

but I don't think it'll take long.

And Marisol can get
your homework for you

so you don't fall behind.

I know how important that is to you.

Oh, and if the immigration
stuff gets too sticky...


... here's a good
organization to contact.

I have a lawyer friend who
knows the CBP in and out.

He says they're a great resource.


Are we...

are we, like, okay?


♪ ♪


- Mom.
- [INES] Hmm?

Can you turn it up? I think
this is Martha Molinar.

[INES] Yeah.


♪ ♪

[RAF] It's like I always
used to need someone else.

♪ ♪

... to make me feel whole...

♪ ♪

[RAF] ... to make me feel...

... a little less lost.

♪ ♪

But I know better now.

It never leads anywhere good.

Well, that doesn't exactly bode well,

like, for me.



♪ ♪

I'm asking you to trust me,

to go along with me here,

to think that I'm not completely insane

and that I'm working to free us both.

♪ ♪

But it just doesn't sound like
you're prepared to do that.

No. I'm not.

♪ ♪

But it doesn't seem like I have
much of a choice here, do I?

♪ ♪

I'm gonna get us out of here, Raf.

I swear to f*cking God.

[ORDERLY] Hey, hey!

Hey, what are you
doing? You can't be here.




She's fine.

Uh, please, have a seat.


♪ ♪

I've got a great story for you.


Would you like to hear it?

Yes, please.

Once upon a time,

two plane crashes were staged.

All of the victims were dosed
and stranded on two islands,

eight on one, eight on the other.

Though that number
was subject to change.

♪ ♪

I met Rafael tonight.

♪ ♪

We've been catching up.

♪ ♪

But you already knew that, didn't you?

You've got eyes on us all the time.

There's no way I would
have been allowed to stay

in that room if there wasn't something

that you wanted from him.

Something you can't seem to get.

♪ ♪

Something you think I can.

♪ ♪

You're not in charge here.

♪ ♪

I mean, that's, like, painfully obvious.

♪ ♪

But I want you to tell whoever is...

♪ ♪

... that I can get them what they need.

♪ ♪

But there's something I want too.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[CHILD] Beep, beep, coming through!