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02x01 - Day 30 / 1

Posted: 05/06/22 09:12
by bunniefuu
[FABER] I know this is delicate,

but we do need your account
of what happened that day.




♪ Keep your helmet ♪

♪ Keep your life, son ♪

♪ Just a... ♪

We couldn't see them, you know?

We could hear them.

[TAYLOR] ♪ Here's your r*fle ♪

If I'm being honest,
I can still hear them.

[NORA] Rachel!

Nora! Nora!

It could have lasted a second.

Or maybe an hour. I don't know.

[TAYLOR] ♪ And some things
you just can't... ♪

But then she was just...

Nora. Nora!



She was gone.

♪ ♪

[TAYLOR] ♪ Watch you breathe in ♪

♪ Watch you breathing out ♪

It was Dot who saw her first.

[DOT] Rachel!

- You're bleeding.

- Where are you bleeding?

[RACHEL] I lost her.

Some of us froze.

But some of us just sort of... [SNIFFS]

... knew what to do.

[DOT] I'm gonna have to cauterize it.

[TAYLOR] ♪ Someone's daughter... ♪

[DOT] Hold her down.

[TAYLOR] ♪ Someone's father ♪



♪ ♪

[FATIN] Some of us took
it harder than others,

who let the whole thing...

shatter them.

♪ ♪



The pit was here! Nora put me here!

[TAYLOR] ♪ Only minutes to sleep ♪


There are no...


♪ ♪

And I don't think there ever will be.

But what I will say for all of us...

Is that it tied us together.

Into, like, I don't know...

something more than we were.

Yeah, after that happened,
we became, like...

There's no other way to
say it. We became a family.

♪ ♪

It was how fast it all happened.

That's what's hard to believe...

that idea that only three weeks before,


we didn't know each other at all.

There was awkwardness, distance...

a lot of glances...


We were cautious, with our walls up,

just strangers heading
in a new direction...

... with no f*cking
idea what was coming.


♪ ♪

Cake anyone?

♪ ♪

- Passageways intro video,

take uno.

I'm Josh Herbert,

and I am super stoked
about this retreat.


Oh, nice.

Rosa... comin' hot with my meds.

Saw the activity list for this retreat.


As I was saying, I am super stoked.

Like, almost as stoked
as I was about magic camp.

I run a sub- ,

and I deadlift three
times my body weight.

So, if you think I'm gonna be challenged

by some stand-up-paddleboarding

you can f*ck right off.

[HENRY] I've prepared a statement.

I'm going on this
retreat against my will.

I'm making this video
because it's mandatory,

and I will now offer
a short list of things

I'd rather do than go on this trip.

Still deliberating,

but I might wear this on day one.

Walk over thumbtacks...

[IVAN] Sort of my litmus test.

You know, it's like, if you
don't know these legends,

I... I just won't to engage with you.

... get strep throat...

I forgot what I'm supposed to say.

[SCOTTY] Bo, i-it's just three
words to describe yourself.


... lick the slide at the
McDonald's PlayPlace...

I mow lawns.

The boy does not know
how to sell himself.

Here, let me show you how it's done.

Hold that.

Three words... I don't know.

The name's Scotty
Simms coming to you live

from the shit-ass corner of the - - ,

but not for long, friends,

'cause I'm a savvy and...
and motivated entrepreneur

with some big ideas

for the fashion and
skin-care industries.

[BO] Scotty, that's
more than three words.


Three words that
encapsulate me are simply

"man of taste."

Boring white guy.

[DJ] I mean that literally as well.

I collect rare whiskeys on the DL.

Oh, I barely have to
even hide this stuff

'cause Mom's f*ckin' clueless.


Beautiful mouthfeel.

I am Rafael Garcia... Raf for short.

Most people call me Raf.


yeah, I don't... I don't know.

I guess I'm just excited
to meet everybody.

Um, never been to Hawaii before.

Actually never been on a plane before,

so I'm a little nervous about that.


[RAF] Things that I'll miss...

Come in!


[FABER] You're smiling.
That's a nice development.

I was just admiring our
beloved control group.


Not what I expected you to call them.

days, Daniel.

They lasted days,

while the women lasted
the full , so...

And, God, all that begging
for money and tap-dancing

like a f*cking monkey for my investors,

that was all worthwhile.

The boys were the perfect
failures we needed,

so how could I not belove them?

Yeah, well, we're gonna
start processing them now.

Just stopped by to let you know.

You holding up, Dean? You look fraught.

I don't do fraught.

Complicated feelings
is, uh, more Dan's thing.

[GRETCHEN] Well, I know
this has been a trial,

but I'm asking for one
last push from both of you.

There is no question they imploded.

Once we find out how...

we wear the crown.


Yeah. Go break 'em open, gentlemen.

Oh, if you can, start
with this little angel.

I want to know how he fell.

♪ ♪

I don't really know what
you guys want from me.

Well, just your version
of what happened.

[YOUNG] Why don't we take those off?

They're an "abundance of
caution" measure anyway.

Because of what I did?

[FABER] Yes, Rafael.

It's Raf.

I go by Raf.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[YOUNG SIGHS] Well, Raf,

why don't you take us
through that first day?

♪ ♪

I remember not knowing names.

Never been very good at it.

Maybe it's 'cause everybody
is so bad with mine.

But, yeah, that, uh...

... that first day, I just
sort of knew the basics.

There was the two best
friends from Florida...

... Josh, whose name
I only knew from school,

the smart one with the fancy clothes,

the lax-bro, the emo
kid with the glasses,

and his stepbrother Seth,

whose name, for some reason, just...

... stuck with me.


And, of course, the tracksuit kid...

who really hated his mom.

Good one, Mother. Great idea.

How about... how about
we... we ship me off

to some wilderness f*cking circle jerk?

"Maybe it'll be fun," she said.

Yeah, "Maybe you'll learn something."

Okay, sure. Yeah.

Maybe I'll learn what it's
like to almost basically drown.

Maybe I'll learn what it's like

to get a metric shit-ton
of water up my f*ckin' nose!

Or maybe I'll learn what
it's like to absolutely

and extremely hate you,

you f*cking d*ck-tit! [GRUNTS]

Oh, jeez, f*ck!

- [DJ] God.

[SCOTTY] I'm... I'm sorry.

I just... I just...

I can't pretend that
that shit wasn't funny.

"d*ck-tit!" [GRUNTS]



Hey, you doing okay?


Henry, come on. Not now.


We're either lost, dead, or raptured.

None of us are okay.

I'll rephrase.

Are you doing okay, considering?

Why are you doing that?

Doing what?


It's fine, actually.
It's healthy, really.

And I think it should be
more normalized as a behavior.

Jesus f*cking Christ.

Who came with this kid?

Is he always like this?

I... I don't really know.

We're in different friend groups.

Hi, Rafe.

[KIRIN] Whatever.

Look, we've been sitting
on our asses for too long.

Let's quit f*ckin'
crying and do something.

Uh, hey, man. W...
what's your name, again?

He'll tell you it's Kirin,

but we all know he's
a natural-born Chad.

Don't start, Taylor. Don't even start.

Okay, uh, some history there.

Uh, look, Kirin,

why don't we just let
Josh be Josh for a sec?

We've all been dropped into this, like,

live-action fever dream.

We should probably normalize

having any reaction that we want.

Like, if you want to
call your mom a d*ck-tit,

then go for it.

I did need to. She f*ckin' sucks.

God damn it, people.

Can we please stop
talking and just move?

And go where?

[KIRIN] To go look for shit.

Deserted islands don't even exist.

We f*ckin' found 'em all.

Yeah, see that's true.

All these islands been
snapped up by rich dudes

with, like, Illuminati money.

All right, everybody up!

Why did I just do what he told me to do?

It's that captain daddy
voice. You just can't fight it.

I mean, look at me, I've loathed him

since middle school, and my ass got up.

Look, obviously, rescue's coming,

but if there's some sick
hotel around the corner

and we're too lazy to go find it,

we're gonna feel like total dicks.

So I think we split up,
head in separate directions.

Just send someone back
when you find something.

Everyone from here
over, you're one group.

I mean... [WHISTLES]

I mean from here over.

The others, you're with me. Let's go.

It's still happening.
It's like a tractor beam.

So, hey, you, uh, doing
okay? You bouncing back?

Way back, yeah. I always get a cry high.

Oh, good.

So, look, as much as
I hate taking advice

from a triple-didge.

A what?

Oh, sorry, it's just
this thing that I say.

You know, when someone has a
triple-digit SAT score, it...


Thank you for laughing. Um... [STAMMERS]

Look, I know it's smug and it's mean,

but the point is, he's not wrong.

If we stay sitting
here with our thoughts,

it's just gonna break us.

Let's get moving, and we'll be
out of this place in no time.

♪ ♪

[SHELBY] One week. It's been one week.

[TONI] Hmm.

[SHELBY] I don't know. It
just doesn't feel right.

There's all this heaviness without her.

And Rachel...

it's like all she
knows is hurt right now.

♪ ♪

But meanwhile...

I'm over here with you just like...

Like what?

I want to hear you describe it.

♪ ♪

[SHELBY] Like I'm
floating, like I'm weak.

But I like it.

Like I'm high on every
drug they warned us about

in those middle-school assemblies...

Okay, stop, you're hitting my sap limit.

- You asked me to.
- I know.

I'm just giving you a hard time.

And by the way...

... I'm really happy, too.

The guilt of it all.

[SIGHS SOFTLY] What are we
supposed to do with that?

Have you talked to your
friend God about it?

Actually, I haven't been doing
a whole lot of that lately...


What do you think He'd say?

♪ ♪

To be grateful for the good.

It's there to help us survive the rest.


♪ ♪

It pisses me off so much
to say this, you know.

Like, it'll never not
piss me off to say this

to a f*cking pageant champion.

Like, it makes me feel like
captain f*cking obvious.

♪ ♪

You are so beautiful.

♪ ♪

Why am I not getting stronger?

All I do is lift shit.

And I basically eat paleo.

Maybe it'll hit you all at once,

and, like, your muscles

will come bursting out of
your shirt like the Hulk.

So the elements have, like,

actually curdled your
brain, haven't they?

- Here's good?
- Yeah.

- Final touch.


Ah! Okay.

- [DOT] Hey!

[DOT] I know that this didn't
do shit for us last time,

but we can't move inland

without leaving proof of life behind.

So, between this and the
signal fire, we should be good.

What does SOS mean, again?

I feel like I should know
this, but I'm drawing a blank.

You know who would have known?

♪ ♪

Which, uh, reminds me,
it's my turn to check in.

♪ ♪

[DOT] Hey.

Cool if I sit?

♪ ♪


It's just, um, time
for a new wrap, so...

♪ ♪

What if I started beatboxing?
You know, like R-A-P?

What if I was the kind of assh*le

who thought that would be a good joke?

But you know I'll never
do that to you, right?

No Patch Adams bullshit.

♪ ♪

Which, um...

also means being straight with you.

Seven days out, there
shouldn't be this much swelling.

And, uh, being on this beach,

you know, it's not
doing it any favors...

um, all the sand getting in there.

♪ ♪

We're moving today, Rachel.

And I-I'm gonna need
you to come with us.

♪ ♪

Her stuff, too. It's all...

That stays.

♪ ♪

It has to stay...

... in case she comes back.

♪ ♪

[FATIN] Martha...

you've been holding out on me, girl.

I was consolidating some of our shit,

and I found this at the
bottom of your suitcase.

This is literature.

I mean, I've only perused,
but it's already better

than Jeff's soggy diaper of a book.

It's got short sentences,

a few bedroom scenes for the spank bank,

if she'll ever go there again.

It's a beach read.

Got a true f*cking
beach read on our hands,

and we're leaving the g*dd*mn beach.

Sorry. Forgot I had it.

You okay?

Can I ask you a question?

Have you...

have you noticed any new vibes

between some of the people here?

Mm, are you referring to the
clinically depressive vibes

at our three o'clock?

Because I think Rachel's
got a good reason...

No, I don't mean bad vibes.

I mean more like...

shiny vibes...

... like, between two people...

who might be more than friends.


Shelby and Toni.

Oh, my God, are you just
now finding out about this?

That's been live for, like, a week now.

- A-a week?
- Oh, no.

Did you catch them boning in the woods?

God, I should've known.

I've been looking for
them to help me pack.

Hmm, I can usually smell
an orgasm a mile away.

I wonder if I have a sinus thing.


Nothing. It's just...

Wood for the signal fire like you asked.

No, It's perfect conceptually.

It's just, I thought
you would get more of it.

You've been gone for, like, an hour.

You, like, my shift supervisor now?

Do you have, like, a clock on me?


What do you care how I spend my time?

Because I miss you...

among other f*cking things.

I'm right here. I haven't gone anywhere.

I know you're still looking for it.

I can't not, Fatin.

That pit, it's... it's
my only way of knowing

that I am not, like,
truly and completely...

Leah, it's a mirage.

♪ ♪

Where are you going?

I'm not... It's not that.


thought I'd try again.

Make a less pathetic
attempt at the firewood,

try to save some face...

If I can.

♪ ♪

[JOSH] Scared?

No, no.

[CHUCKLES] Boy, I don't even know.

It comes in waves, the
insanity of all this,

making me seasick.

I have some Dramamine

back in my suitcase, if you need it.

[CHUCKLES] You're an angel,
but I wasn't being literal.

I meant, like, spiritually.

Yeah, unfortunately, the wilderness

just doesn't really
agree with me, you know?

Like, it's not a very
empowering environment

for me, personally.

And bless Mother Nature,
but she is just not my muse.

You know, Frost and
Tennyson and Keats...

she's their bitch.

Like everything else, the white man

has laid claim to her.

Ugh, I know.

And I am...

I'm so sorry.

Are you a poet?

[DJ] f*ck a duck!

[IVAN] Oh, Lord, that bitch is.

- I bet his toe's broken.

Have you ever broken a bone?

I broke my arm in fourth grade,

and I didn't have many friends then,

so I forged a whole lot
of signatures on there.

My therapist says it's
a foundational wound.

[DJ] Damn it! [GROANS]

[SETH] I know I should feel bad for him.

But the empathy well is bone-dry.

By the way, it's Raf, right?

I've heard a couple
people say Raff or Rafe.

- It's Raf, yeah.
- Yeah.

But... but whatever, really.

I-I hear all versions all the time.

[LAUGHS] Yeah, yeah. Raf, though.

Good... good solid name.

[DJ] Ah, ah, damn it! Take five!

Oh, uh, he's... Yeah, okay. Let's go.

[DJ] I need to take five.

I know it's just a toe.

And if I were with the
other guys right now,

that steak-head triple-didge
would be calling me a p*ssy.

You used triple-didge.

[CHUCKLES] Yeah, it's good.

- It's catchy.

You got anything in your
medicine cabinet for this?

Oh, my God. Yeah. I
have everything for this.

Are you on Team Ibuprofen
or Team Acetaminophen?

Uh, both.

[SETH] Yeah, man.

I mean, look, if you want
to head back, you can.

Nobody needs to be a hero.

Are you serious?

I mean, I'd only be
slowing you guys down.

Yeah, totally. Your call.

Thanks, guys, seriously.



♪ ♪

[SETH] All right.

[DJ] Hey, guys.

Good luck.

♪ ♪


[FATIN] I'm really not
sure about this new spot.

I mean, I don't even like trees.

People think that they're
peaceful and spiritual.

But you know what I
call them? f*cking old.

Remind me again why
we're leaving the beach,

because right now this feels insane.

[SHELBY] Come on, now,
we'll be out of the sun,

out of the wind, warmer at night.

And away from where we lost her.


It'll be good for all of us.

[TONI] Uh...

uh, hey, Marty, I've got a sick
setup for us right over here.


You all right?


[TONI] You're just
thinking about Nora or...


Okay, well, then what's the deal?

Hey, I figure we've been
crashing together for years

and haven't k*lled each other yet.

Come on, take a load off.

Actually, I was thinking
I should bunk alone.

Um, I'm a hot sleeper,
and the space is so tight,

I just, I don't want to sweat you out.

So I should just sleep over there.

- Okay.
- [MARTHA] Um...

But feel free to give my spot
to someone else, though...

... like, maybe Shelby.

So you know?

You know, I was gonna tell you.

I just didn't find the time, and I...

Toni, it's... it's okay.

You're cool with it?

[FATIN] God damn it.

Do... do you guys know
what happened to the axe?

I put it in that pile of stuff

that Leah was supposed to bring.

She was supposed to be back hours ago.

[SHELBY] You know, I haven't seen her.

You think she's okay?


She just doesn't know
when to f*cking quit.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[HENRY] Yeah, I'd like to
humbly suggest that we go back.

This is obviously a wasteland.

[KIRIN] We'll find something, all right?

Not before we lose daylight.

Why do you keep doing that
thing with your fingers?

Gauge how long till sunset.
Every finger is minutes.

What are you? Some kind of Boy Scout?


Well, I-I quit in ninth grade.

I ended up wanting something
different for myself...


No shit.

Look, I-I don't love agreeing

with f*ckin' Testosterone
Jones over here,

but, um, I do think
we'll find something.

I mean, it's like I was saying,

we're probably about to roll up

on some sick Architect's
Digest type house, you know,

owned by some billionaire or something.

Yeah, let's hope not.

What are you talking about, Damien?

[BO] His name's Henry, I think.

It's fine, Bo, I think your friend

was just drawing a parallel between me

and the Antichrist boy from the Omen.

- [BO] Oh.

But to answer your question,
yeah, I've got zero desire

to stumble upon the home
of a wealthy recluse.

[SCOTTY] Why not?

[HENRY] 'Cause they'll k*ll us for sure.

Think about every rich guy

who's ever lived in a secluded place.

General Zaroff in The
Most Dangerous Game,

Poe Dameron in Ex Machina, Dracula.

You know, k*lling trespassers
is their whole deal.

Nah. The f*ck?

D-Dracula is not a
billionaire. He's undead.

If you adjust for
inflation, he actually is.

But, look, anyway, my point remains.

You know, money and isolation
have turned them all...

into bloodthirsty eccentrics.

All right, man, as an
eventual billionaire,

I object to you roasting us, okay?

We got some good guys going on.

Uh, Melinda Gates, Daddy Warbucks.

Oh, Mr. Peanut, he's
a f*cking gentleman.

I mean, he's always tipping that cap.

[HENRY] Yeah, but is
Mr. Peanut a billionaire,

or is it just that he has a monocle?

Oh, my God. Can you all
just put a f*cking lip on it

and start actually looking out for shit?

It's lid. Put a lid on it.

[KIRIN] Whatever!

Let's just go back, then, losers.

After I take a piss, though.

I got to pee, too. [MUMBLES]


Thanks, man.

Thanks for the privacy.
Extremely cool of you.

- Yes.


is it sore when you piss?


Must have got bruised at some point.

Or maybe I was just out
in the water too long,

and now I got, like, saltwater d*ck.

Oh, no. Yeah, saltwater d*ck
is basically a death sentence.

You being serious?

No. Saltwater d*ck is not real.

Life is, though.

Life is what?

A death sentence.



I don't have anything to dry it with.

Come on, man, you got to get over that.

You the only clown in the world I know

that can't just shake it or leave it.

All right, let me see what I got.

Here, try that, Publix receipt.

Okay, well, now what do I do with it?

Oh, my gosh. [SCOFFS]
Just... just leave it!

Let posterity know
that my mama sent me out

for f*cking cat food and light bulbs!

Hey. Did you drop this granola bar?

Oh, shit, um...

I forgot I had this on me.

Listen, you know, this bar

and any other food that we might have,

let's just keep it on the
hush-hush for right now.

- But...
- No, I know.

We're gonna get airlifted
out this bitch in no time,

but just in case we don't,

we got to start looking out for us.

I mean, look at those trust-fund kids.

You think they know
how to manage resources?


We got to save some for us.

You should hold on to it.


♪ ♪

Please don't.

Sorry, I was, um...

just on a*t*matic.

Collecting everything
I see for the new camp.

♪ ♪

I'm, um...

I'm with you, by the way...

[STAMMERS] ... as in I'm not
sure that we should be moving.

It's like we're accepting
that this is our life now,

that home isn't out there.


something that we have to make here.

Why are we so...

stuck on this concept of acceptance?

Isn't acceptance just another
word for f*cking giving up?

I don't want to give up, Rachel.

♪ ♪

Maybe this doesn't help, but...

... I want you to know
that I think about her.

I think about her every day.

♪ ♪

Like, was it her idea to come?

♪ ♪

Do you remember how she heard about it?

Was it at school or your parents, or...

or did somebody else get involved?

I don't understand

- why you're asking me this.
- [LEAH] Just try, Rachel.

Try to remember how
she found out about it

and why she came here.

She... she was afraid.

And how did she learn about it?


she was afraid that I...

that I was gonna die, and then she...

[LEAH] But how did she
hear about the retreat?

And that's why, all right?

[LEAH] Think, Rachel, think!

That's why. That's why, okay?

She wanted this for me.

She was trying to save
me from myself, and...

now she's gone, and it's my fault.

She's gone now, and
it's... it's my fault.

- Okay, but... but...

but how did she bring you here, Rachel?

She's gone, and it's my fault!

[LEAH] Rachel, you have to remember.

[RACHEL] She's gone!
It's my fault, okay?

Rachel, Rachel.

You have to tell me.
Rachel, Rachel, please.

Are you happy? She's
gone, and it's my fault!

Is that what you wanted to know?

She's gone, and it is my fault!



♪ ♪

What the hell was that?

I... I needed to find out what she knew.

You have a girl hanging on
by an absolute f*cking thread,

and your move is to go in and slice it?

What is wrong with you?

You take your delusions,
and you take your theories,

and you f*cking bury them, now!

And if you ever take them

within feet of Rachel again,

I'll f*cking k*ll you.

♪ ♪

[RAF] Some realities
are too hard to let in...

... too scary...

too ugly, too...


Like, when we first got there,

no one wanted to admit
how terrified we all were.

None of that really sunk in until...

Not, uh, not a massive
success as recon missions go.


We'll find something. Maybe
the others already did.

They're back.

♪ ♪

What the f*ck?

[SETH] Holy shit.


♪ ♪

[PERSON] Oh, f*ck. Oh, Jesus.

♪ ♪

[PERSON] Oh, f*ck. Oh, shit.

Oh, f*ck.

♪ ♪



How did you figure that happened?

We didn't know.

You know, we figured
he went to take a piss,

slipped on a rock and
got swept out and, uh...

Got swept out and... ?

I don't know, but...

... it haunts me...

... like a lot of things
that happened on that island.


♪ ♪

I don't get how it even happened.

[SETH] The tide was vicious.

He must have got hit by a breaker

and gotten att*cked by something.

[SCOTTY] Shit, man.

Nature doesn't play.

So what are we gonna do with him?

[HENRY] We can't leave him here.

Every carnivore on this
island will come for him...

♪ ♪

... and then us.

We could do a Navy funeral...

like some of my dad's
friends in the service.

I mean, at sea.

Absolutely not.

With the thing that ate him, bro?

- f*ck, no.
- [SETH] No, no, guys, guys.

I-I think Bo is right.

That's f*cking insane.

If we... if we weigh him
down and we keep him close,

then we stay safe.

Osama bin Laden was buried at sea.

God, who even cares right now?

Okay, so who's...

pallbearing this affair?

Because if there's something out there

that can literally deface a bitch...

[SCOFFS] ... I think I'm a no.

I'll do it.

I can't do it alone.

Raf, you okay to wingman?

Y-yeah. Uh, yes.

He picked me. I don't know why.

But he picked me.

He picked me to walk
into the dark with him.

And I liked it.

[NO MONO: "v*olence BROKEN"]

[SINGER] ♪ This is the bottom line ♪

♪ Let it find you ♪

♪ I'll go there with you ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I guess it's kind of like ♪

♪ You're losing all you had held on to ♪

♪ ♪

♪ And I can hear it now ♪

♪ Rushing over ♪

♪ Rushing to me ♪

♪ ♪

♪ You know I'm feeling like ♪

♪ Help me, help me ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Help me, help me ♪

♪ Help me ♪

♪ ♪

[DOT] It's, uh...

[SIGHS] It's warmer at the new camp.

Nice atmosphere, too. Martha saged it.

That being said, I'm not
actually here to evict you.

You need to stay, you stay.


I had a school counselor
give me a pamphlet

on the so-called five stages of grief...

denial, bargaining, so on and such.


Real dumb.

I used that pamphlet to move
a spider out of my house.

And then I threw that shit in the trash.

There is no way that there's only five.


You lose someone, and every new second

feels like a brand-new circle of hell.

So I'm thinking...

however many seconds in your lifetime

that they're gone, that's how many.

Just a billion little bullshit stages.

So I'm not gonna rush you.

It's not up to me how
much time you need.

I just hope that
you're cool with company

because I'm not letting
you stay out here alone.


you got any good games we could play,

you know, pass the time a little?

[RACHEL] Miss Mary Mack.

Not familiar.

♪ Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack ♪

♪ All dressed in black, black, black ♪

♪ With silver buttons,
buttons, buttons ♪

Wait, isn't that, like, a...

like, a clapping game?


You're jerking me around.


A little fun at my own expense.

I'm gonna tell you
what this is right here.

I'm not moving on.

There is no...

... leveling out of this feeling.

[SIGHS] I'm just...

I'm just tired.

And as nice as you're being,

I don't want you to
watch over me like that.

That was always her gig.

♪ ♪

And I'm just not ready
to fill that position yet.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

You comin'?

♪ ♪


This is an upgrade, right?

Like, I know it is

in just about every way,

but something feels off.

[FATIN] I know. It's like we
changed our white-noise machine

from ocean sounds to woodsy ambience.

I'm not quite vibing with it.

I think it's just different, is all.

I know what it is.

Oh, God.

I almost forgot.


It's that we're missing someone.

- [FATIN] Hey, there he is.

[MARTHA] Welcome home, Marcus.

Oh, my Lord!


[MARTHA] That was close.

I'm so sorry, baby.

It's okay. It's gonna be okay.


It's gonna be okay.

We're all gonna be okay.


♪ ♪

Here's f*cking hoping.

[HALSEY] ♪ 'Cause I ♪

♪ Sabotage the things I love the most ♪

♪ Camouflage so I can feed
the lie that I'm composed ♪

♪ You do not want this ♪

♪ Sabotage the things I love the most ♪

♪ You do not want this ♪

♪ Camouflage so I can feed
the lie that I'm composed ♪

♪ You do not want this ♪

♪ ♪

♪ You do not want this ♪

♪ ♪

♪ You do not ♪

♪ ♪

[SETH] What's... what's her name?


[SETH] I've... I've seen
those bracelets before.

If it's hooked, that
means you're taken, right?

Yeah. I-it's dumb, I know.

It's like a wedding
ring for stupid kids.

I think it's kind of dope.

I actually think you do, too.

Here, some warm-up gear.

Um, a sweatshirt and a beer coat.

Well, it's not a beer,
but you get the idea.

It washed up on the...
from the wreck, I guess.

This belongs to Josh Herbert.

His mother loves him.

- More like his housekeeper.

Guess I should tell Marisol
I actually belong to Josh now.

[LAUGHS] So it's Marisol.


I have a girlfriend, too.


Man, I told her I'd send her a postcard,

but it's got to be more of a
message-in-a-bottle situation.

Hey, um...

real check-in.

You doing okay?

You ask people that a lot.

I know. I know. It's kind of my thing.

Julia says that I'm like
a kindergarten teacher

in Northern California. [CHUCKLES]

No, no, I mean, I
actually think it's cool.


are you?


♪ ♪

Not really.


♪ ♪


But in the back of my mind, I'm counting

on the whole "what doesn't
k*ll you makes you stronger."

♪ ♪

I'm not.

[YOUNG] You're not what?


But you have changed.

I imagine you'd concede that.


[FABER] Well, you're not a little good,

quiet Catholic kid from Tijuana.

I mean, not... not saying that, uh,

you're no longer that, but...

just saying that there are differences.

What I hate...

... is that you can't control it...

♪ ♪

... what you turn into.

♪ ♪

We all started wanting to be things...


... loved...

♪ ♪

... safe...

♪ ♪

... powerful...

♪ ♪

... included...

♪ ♪

... seen...

♪ ♪

... to be with someone,

to be like someone.

We wanted to be all that.

We wanted to be men.

But the truth is...

... some of us were becoming monsters.

♪ ♪


Not into it?

I don't really drink much.


Well, you could pour one out. For DJ.

I mean, we're basically
hypothermic on his account.

But, hey, a nice gesture.

Here we go.

- DJ.
- For DJ.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Was it as miserable
as you thought it'd be?

Answer me when I ask you a question.

Fine, sure.

♪ ♪

It was infinitely more miserable

than I ever could have imagined.

And I cannot believe you
willingly put me through it.

Well, such is the wages of sin, Devon.

f*ck you.

I-I cannot believe your ingratitude.

After what you did and
the strings I pulled...

What part of "f*ck
you" wasn't clear, Mom?

You know what? I royally f*cked up.

I'm a shitty kid. I am.

Who doesn't know enough
about the world or myself

not to ruin things
every once in a while.

And I live with that every day.

A person is dead 'cause of what I did.

But you, you're this whole entire adult

destroying the lives of these kids.

And it's not an accident.

You planned this.

♪ ♪

You enjoy it.

♪ ♪

I might be a f*ck-up,

but you're a f*ckin' psychopath.

♪ ♪

Thanks for being such
a team player today.

We'll be calling you
back in at some point.

Maybe as soon as tomorrow,
so be prepared for that.

Take care.

♪ ♪

Don't scream.

[CHILD] Beep, beep, coming through!