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08x23 - Sounds of Silence

Posted: 05/06/22 09:05
by bunniefuu
[Twilight] I can't believe
you two are going

on a Friendship Quest!

This is amazing!

What do ya mean, Twilight?

We've been on one together before.


This is the first time
the map has teamed up

the same ponies for a second quest.

That is special.

Must be 'cause we're extra good
at solvin' friendship problems.

[Twilight] I hope so.

Cause it looks like this one
might be a little tricky.

You're going to the Peaks of Peril.

The... Peaks of... P-P-Peril?

Aw, it's just a name.

It doesn't mean anything.

Like how Cloudsdale is in the clouds,

and the Crystal Empire is made of crystal?

Fair point.

So what can you tell us
about the place, Twilight?

Only what Rockhoof told me.

Back in his day, nopony knew
much about the Peaks of Peril.

Except for the legend
on this ancient shield.

It says a group called the
Kirin used to live there,

known for their kindness
and truth-speaking.

Now we know
why the map called us.

other creatures also lived there.

The Nirik.
Fearsome beasts of pure fire.

Maybe... you should go
instead of me, Twilight.

[nervous giggle]

Sorry, Fluttershy.

Flanks don't lie.

Aw, I'm sure the two of us'll
get that friendship problem

solved, no matter what
kinda creature has it.

[nervous giggle]

♪ My little pony, my little pony ♪

♪ Aaaahhh ♪

♪ My little Pony ♪

♪ I used to wonder
what friendship could be ♪

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ Until you all shared its magic
with me ♪

♪ Big adventure ♪
♪ Tons of fun ♪

♪ A beautiful heart! ♪
♪ Faithful and strong ♪

♪ Sharing kindness ♪
♪ it's an easy feat ♪

♪ And magic makes it
all complete! ♪

♪ To have my little pony ♪

♪ Do you know you're all
my very best friends ♪

[whistling wind]

Guess nopony else is goin'
out as far as we are.

Maybe they know
something we don't.

Now Fluttershy,
I've told you a dozen times!

There's nothing to be scared...

- [growl]
- [both scream]

[old person's voice] I'm sorry.


You really startled us!

It's just that I'm not used to

seeing anypony

taking the train
to the end of the line.

[ominous] The final destination.

The last stop!

We get the picture. Why?

Nothing but uncharted terrain
and wild beasts out that way.

[bursts of evil laughing]

Well, maybe there's a little
somethin' to be scared of.






Those must be the Peaks of Peril.

Tough goin',
huh Fluttersh... Fluttershy?





[sweet music]

There. That should be enough
flowers to keep your tree cozy.


What are you doin'?

This is no time for visitin' varmints!

We're on a friendship quest, remember?

- Yes, but actual...
- Come on!

We're burnin' daylight.

I know,
but what I found out is that...

Now, we gotta get up that peak.

I figure if we use some
rope and elbow grease,

we can make it up half...

Can you please listen to me?

What I'm trying to say is,

the squirrels told me
a short cut they take

to the Kirin village.

[grinding rock]

Oh. Heh heh. Sorry, Fluttershy.

I s'pose I got a little too
caught up in the adventure.

That's all right.

If you hadn't come back to get me,

I probably would've talked
to the squirrels all day.




I hope that's not a Nirik.

[frightened whimper]

[rustling leaves]

Show yourself!


Well, hi!

I'm Applejack,
and this here is Fluttershy.

If you have any friendship problems,
we're here to help!

Huh. Quiet bunch,
ain't they?

We're from Equestria.

And we're plum-tickled to meet y'all.


What are your names?

Fluttershy. Remember?

Maybe they don't
understand us.




Oh! But you don't speak?

Don't or won't?

Will you excuse us for a moment?

You have to ask "yes or no"

or they won't answer.

Like talkin' to Angel bunny?

Not exactly.

I can always tell
what Angel is feeling.

But these Kirin,
don't show anything.

Well, how are we gonna
solve a friendship problem

if none of 'em will tell us
what it is?

[scary music]

These Kirin are quieter than
an apple blossom on snowfall.

Still. There's gotta be
some way to make 'em speak.

Beautiful day, ain't it?

Knock knock!

Now you say "who's there?"


Police who?

Police say somethin'?

Uh oh. I feel a sneeze comin' on.


[Fluttershy] Gesundheit!


Don't any of y'all talk?


Now we're gettin' somewhere!

A dark spooky path that leads
into unknown territory?

Tell ya what, sugarcube.

You stay and see
if you can get anything

out of these here Kirin.

I'll go try to find one that talks.

Phew! Be careful!
And watch out for Niriks!

[teeth chattering]


[rustling leaves]


Phew... Aaah!

Oh! Have you seen a Kirin that talks?

Any idea where I should look?

Oh, for the love of Celestia.

Can't you just say somethin'?

[laugh] Gotcha!

Sorry, sorry but that was too good.

Oh, you don't know how much I miss jokes.

HI-larity! Am I pronouncing that right?

Some words I haven't said in a wil..
While.. While.

Hi, I'm Autumn Blaze.

You've just arrived and perhaps
you're tired or hungry,

or reflective, and want to
sleep and eat and journal?

Which you should do! Of course.
But first, oh! Oh!

What joy to talk with another
creature, it's been so long.

You must tell me everything
about you,

there's so much to say,
so much to do!

Oh, look at me, I'm going on
and you haven't seen...

I mean have you seen?
But I haven't seen.

Of course, you haven't,
you just so I will, yeah.

Follow me.

That was somethin', all right.


[wind hisses]

Oh, wow.

This is amazing.

Oh, You think so too?

The way the light shimmers
off everything like...

like it all suddenly woke
up the moment you saw it,

and you realize maybe the water
and the mountains and the forest

and the, yes the rainbow
and the stars and the sky

are all looking back at you
thinking the same thing?

That we are
a part of the everything.

That maybe there's just one
thing, and we are all it!

I was gonna say
"it's pretty," but yeah.

Ha ha ha! Mmmmm.

And this is just the
first stop on a journey

of amazing things to see,
smell, tiptoe through!

I haven't been able to share all
of this with anypony in forever,

since they all took that vow of silence,

so it's a lot for me to,
you know, process.

that deal with.

Whoa, there...
Vow of silence?

That's uh, that's why
they asked me to leave.

I hope it's not a sore subject,
but you mind explaining

why y'all went quiet in the first place?

It's a long story.

You'd rather not talk about it?

No. I under...

♪ I'd rather siiiiiiiing! ♪

♪ La, lalalalala lalala, lalala laaaaaa! ♪

♪ The Kirin used to speak and
sing we weren't always quiet ♪

♪ we told stories and funny
jokes my stand-up was a riot. ♪

♪ But then one day a fight broke out ♪

♪ and hurtful words were said ♪

♪ flaring tempers were inflamed
destruction quickly spread ♪

♪ and flaming red from head to
head even burnt our bread! ♪

Sorry, I forgot how much I love rhyming!

Where was I? Oh right!

♪ My happy village lay in ruins
relationships got worse ♪

♪ spoiler alert: we'd quickly learned ♪

♪ that words could be a curse. ♪

♪ "No more talking" yelled our leader. ♪

♪ The last thing said out loud. ♪

♪ Into the stream of silence
we stepped as a crowd. ♪

♪ The water cooled emotions
and peace was soon restored ♪

♪ but with no way to speak my thoughts ♪

♪ I got super bored. ♪

There's only so long that

Sudoku can keep you entertained.

♪ Cause rainbows
won't light up the sky ♪

♪ unless you let it rain ♪

♪ and shiny apples sometimes
come with worms. ♪

♪ Though you can't give up your laughter ♪

♪ cause you're scared of a little pain ♪

♪ it's a lesson that the
Kirin never learned. ♪

♪ I was stuck in silent prison
with the voices in my head ♪

♪ till I tripped over my salvation in a

♪ helpful flower bed ♪

♪ I'd found a cure to clear my pipes ♪

♪ and I became quite chatty ♪

♪ with years and years
of stored up words ♪

♪ I drove my village batty! ♪

♪ They didn't like
my jokes and songs ♪

♪ and daily dose of news ♪

♪ the plays I wrote,
the speeches spoke,

♪ variety reviews ♪

♪ or the story about the Kirin
who hid below an opera stage ♪

[spoken quickly] and fell in
love with this opera singer

he wore a freaky half
mask and played the organ

and got all broody because
the singer was in love with

another dude so he took her away
on this underground gondola

I mean,
who doesn't love musical theatre?

♪ The village leader
made it clear ♪

♪ I had to make my choice ♪

♪ I could stay and live
with them ♪

♪ or I could
keep my voice ♪

♪ so I came here, but
left the couch alone, ♪

♪ they're hard to move. ♪

♪ With just the view for company
until you heard me groove! ♪

Take it away, boys!


♪ Cause rainbows won't light up the sky ♪

♪ unless you let it rain ♪

♪ and candles just won't
glow until they're burned. ♪

♪ Though you can't give up your laughter ♪

♪ cause you're scared of a little pain ♪

♪ it's a lesson that
my village never learned. ♪

♪ No matter how hard
I schooled them ♪

♪ fear of hurt is still what ruled them ♪

♪ sometimes you gotta let it
raiiiiiiiiiin! ♪

♪ ..raiiiiiiiiiin! ♪

♪ Yeah, sometimes you've
gotta let it rain. ♪

I can't believe it!

No pony should give up
feelin' their feelins,

just to keep from gettin' angry.

That's what I said!

Y'know, when I started talking again.

I bet this here's the problem
that Fluttershy and I

came to help y'all with!

Really? Who's Fluttershy?

Oh, did you name your shadow?

Mine's called Silhouette
Gloom of the Sundown Lands.


Well, I'm thinking if we just
go talk to the other Kirin,

we can get 'em to welcome you
back proper-like.

Maybe even convince 'em
to take your cure!

Oh, Yes, Yes of course!

Oh.. Just one small thing.

The antidote from my anecdote?

It's gone.

There's no cure left?

I used the last of the Foal's
Breath flowers to make it.

And I haven't seen them
bloom since.

Well, this wouldn't be a
Friendship Quest if it was easy!

I'm gonna start by gettin' your
friends to welcome you back.

You know?
Between you and me,

I'm not sure
she's going to convince them.


But... I hope she does.

Fluttershy, guess what!

[Both] I figured out the
friendship problem!

Me too.

Go ahead.


Bet that's a problem
the Kirin never have.

[giggle] No.

we gotta get 'em all talkin' again.

Oh, no-no-no-no-no!

We can't ever let that happen.

I thought you said you figured
out the friendship problem!

Was somethin' lost in translation?

The Kirin are usually peaceful and kind.

But when they get mad,
they turn into Niriks,

creatures made of fire and vengeance!

That seemed less scary
when it was in a song.

The last time they all
argued, they got so angry,

they accidentally destroyed
their whole village!

So the Kirin decided
to make sure

it would never happen again.

But that's no reason
to stop talkin'!

Yes it is!

Fire is dangerous.

Especially in a forest like this!

Think of all the animals
it could hurt!

Not if they don't turn
into fire-breathin' Nirik

in the first place!

And how can you be sure
that won't happen?

There's gotta be a better way

than givin' up all your feelings!


You're not listening!

Cause you're not talkin' any sense!

[Fluttershy] Um, what are they doing?


Maybe they got worried

we were arguing with
each other.

Aw, shucks.

We were just havin' a
normal, civil disagreement.


Where are they taking us?

To the Stream of Silence.

If we hit that water,
we'll never be able to talk

or feel anything ever again.


Put them down!


[frightened squeal]

It's all right,
I think I know this one.

And she's tryin' to help.


Well, yeah!

Can't have them silence
the only friend

who'll speak to me.

She talks!

You have no idea.

meet Autumn Blaze.

Thank you for that,
um, wall of fire.

But I thought Niriks were
dangerous when they're angry.

How did you know you could
control your temper?

I didn't. I guess anger's
like other feelings.

It's not about having them,
it's what you do with them.

And giving up

to keep away anger
is no kinda life.

I never thought of it
that way.

I can't imagine not being able
to talk to my animal friends.

Fern Flare, you used to love
to laugh at everything.

And Rain Shine, you sung the
most beautiful harmonies.

Don't you miss it?

I know you're worried
about fightin'.

But friends can disagree
without causin' a ruckus.

Every pony gets
mad sometimes.

Even Applejack and I argue.

When do we ever argue?

Ahem. On the way here!

And about the Kirin
being silent!

And right now!


We don't always see

But we never let that get
in the way of our friendship.

And if you're really angry,
then take some time away

to be a Nirik
where it won't hurt anypony.

I think they're tryin'
to say somethin'.

OK. Are you hungry?

Oh, no! SomeKirin trapped in a well?

OK, Baby?

Baby fish?

Baby-Baby fish mouth?


Ah just write it down!

this is making me furious!

Would you excuse me?

I'll be right back.


You were saying.

Oh! You want the cure for
the Stream of Silence!

That's wonderful!

Uh, Isn't it?

Well, it would be.

Except there aren't any flowers
left to make the cure.

Are you sure?

Oh, beyond sure.

Believe me, I've had a lot
of alone time lately.

I searched the entire forest
seventy three and a half times.

Although I wonder if that second
half could make a difference.

I wish she'd told us what kind
of flowers she's looking for.

They're called Foal's Breath.

I've never heard of that.


Uh Fluttershy?
A little help?

- [chittering]
- [gasps]

He says he knows where
to find Foals Breath!

Well, what are we waitin' for?

Lead the way!

That's what foal's breath looks like?

Autumn Blaze never would
have made it past the Peaks

to search here.

I owe you an apology. Why?

'Cause if your kindness
hadn't made you stop to help

the squirrels, we never would've
found this here flower.

And if your honesty hadn't
convinced the Kirin to talk,

we wouldn't need to find it.

Heh heh. Guess it's a good
thing the map sent both of us.


Aah! You found them!
Where were they?

Tell me everything,
and feel free to add

complicated descriptions
and comedic tangents.

Oh, right.
First things first.

[majestic music]

[excited chatter]

Autumn Blaze,
you have given us a gift:

the realization that
anger is within us.

But it is our choice
how we let it out.

We would very much like it if
you came back to live with us.

I can't say how much
we've missed your beautiful voice.


♪ Cause rainbows won't
light up the sky unless

you let it rain

and candles just won't
glow until they're burned.

Though you can't give up
your laughter

cause you're scared of a little pain

it's a lesson that my
village never learned.

Oh yes, cause rainbows
won't light up your sky

♪ unless you let it... ♪


♪ Raiiiin! ♪


♪ My Little Pony ♪


♪ My Little Pony ♪


♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ Friends ♪

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