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06x15 - Miguel

Posted: 05/04/22 11:18
by bunniefuu
Previously on This Is Us...

- Can I help you?
- Yeah, um, I'm looking for a suit.

Come on, Jack, just say it like it is.

We both know that I wasn't there

for Andy and Amber
like I should have been.

You know, after your mother
and I split,

I promised my best friend
and myself that

I would fight to keep
you kids in my life.

And for a long time, I tried.

In heartbreak, ten years
after her husband

and my best friend died,

Rebecca and I found each other.

Now, you don't have to be
happy for us,

but we're not gonna apologize
for being together.

Let's toast to your mother
not calling you William.

- Salud.
- Salud.


DOCTOR: I'd like to see
the blood pressure

come down a little.

- MIGUEL: Okay.
- How's the new hip treating you

in the couple of months
since the wedding?

Oh, the hip's great, thank you.

DOCTOR: What about fatigue?
Now, you mentioned feeling

shortness of breath during exercise?


I think I'd like to set you up

for a stress test.

I don't have time
for that, Doc, I'm sorry.

You're not a young man
anymore, Mr. Rivas, no.

Our bodies don't recover
the way they used to.

You've got to get some rest.



Let's get you out of bed.


Come on, let's get
your glasses on so you can see.





Bon appétit.

All right, keep that tension
and raise it above your head.

There you go, honey.

- Keep the tension on your shoulders. Perfect.

LAILA: Hello?

- Hola.
- Great, honey.

Okay, lower it, lower it back down...

Good morning, Rebecca, Miguel.

- Good morning, Laila.
- What's she...?

- Wh-Who is that?
- Oh, that's Laila.

She's our nurse. She comes every...

every day to help us out.
You know her.


Of course. Yeah.

Um, good morning, Laila.

Can I help you with your exercises?

I-I think it's okay. We've got it.

- We're almost done here anyway.
- Mm-hmm.

I'll go make sure her meds are sorted.

I already took care of that as well.

- Thank you.
- Okay.

All right. Want to try another one?

- Mm-hmm.
- All right, let's pull that...

See? I told you we'd make it.

From a little seed to our first bloom.

- Mm.
- One day at a time.

One day at a time.

That's right.

Mom responding to the new meds?

- There we go. Okay.

KATE (OVER PHONE): Jack and Hailey
keep asking to see Grandma and Grandpa.

Can you Facetime?

Miguel, come on, man.

I'm paying a lot of money
for this nurse.

She comes highly recommended.

- One more each hand.
- Sun, mountain.


She's, uh, she's adjusting,
Randall, yeah.

Oh, uh, can we Facetime
tomorrow, Kate?

I hear you, Kev, I hear you.

RANDALL: I'll see you in a few weeks.

KATE: Can't wait for Thanksgiving.

KEVIN: See you in a couple days.

Okay, see you at Thanksgiving.
Take care.








two outs, two balls, and two strikes.

The pitch.

- A little liner to right field.

- (CHUCKLING): No, you...
- Lo siento.

- I sorry.
- You must be Risto's boy.

You a Pirates fan?


Man, oh, man.

Great player, that Clemente.
Great player.

Can't understand a damn word he says,

but, uh, he sure is something.

I got something for you.

I caught a foul ball off
Mazeroski the other day.

You been to a game yet?

Well, tell your dad
he's got to take you.

Forbes Field is... it's a gem.

Try to sneak down to the seats
behind home plate.

That's where I caught that ball.

Best seats in the house.

Only want to see a game.

No matter where to sit.

Son, where you sit

is all that matters.

SPORTSCASTER: The relay. Safe!


America to call. To call.

America's the greatest
land of all...


the greatest land of all.

Mike Rivers.


I-I'm Mike Rivers. That's me.

Ah. Uh, Bill Lundy.

- Hi. Nice to meet you.
- Pleasure to meet you.

Uh, come on back.


Well, Mike, your résumé
speaks for itself.

Top salesman six straight quarters

- at John Fall's Men's Shop.
- Mm-hmm.

You speak Spanish?

Uh, I do, yes.

Well, I won't pretend
that's not helpful.

A lot of our new guys on site
barely speak a word of English.

When can you start?

I can start right away.

- Thank you.
- Great.

Um, the name's Miguel, by the way.

Miguel Rivas.

I sent in two résumés,

but, um, Miguel never got a call back.

Miguel. Okay.

Am I saying it right? Miguel?

Miguel. But you can say

whatever you want, Mr. Lundy.

Um, Sally's just down the hall
that way.

She'll get you situated
with your start paperwork...


Yes, that's perfect.

- Thank you.
- All right.

Merry Christmas. (LAUGHS)

Merry Christmas. Ah!

Merry Christmas. Feliz Navidad.

What'd you do to your hair?

You don't like it? Oh, by the way,

I brought some, uh, wine.
It's, uh, good stuff.

No wine. It's Christmas Eve,

and we're having coquito.

- It's good to see you, mijo.
- Good to see you, too, Papi.

- You're always busy.
- Yeah, well...

The new job treating you well?

- Oh, I love it.
- Yeah?

Yeah, uh, it's very challenging,

but it also pays very well.

I just got a new car.
A Chevy El Camino.

What do I tell you about saving?

I know, Papi, I know.

Come on, Papi, you know how it is.

I-I got to project success now.

Well, how it is sure isn't
how it used to be.

- I will toast to that. Salud.
- Salud.

Gabi's busy making pasteles,
but she says Merry Christmas.


She also says she misses
your curly hair.

Well, I'm not trying to look
like I just flew in

from San Juan, Mami.


How is she doing, by the way?

- Take it day by day.
- Mm.

You know, Mami,
I really wish that you would

let me hire somebody to help you
take care of Aunt Gabi.

She's got me. Save your money.

Mami, I have plenty of money.
Don't worry about it.

Just let me help you.

- You have something to say, Papi?
- To who?


The guy with the slick hair,
the slick car...

What are you talking about?

Que no...

You-you split me in half
when you moved us here,

and now I'm finally
figuring out, and what,

you want me to struggle like you?

Why is it so hard for you to watch me

make something of myself
in this place?

In this place that you brought us to?

I will.

Enjoy the wine, Mami.

I'm gonna go.

I'm gonna go. Merry Christmas.

Rocking around the Christmas tree

Let the Christmas spirit ring...

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Merry Christmas, Miguel.
- Hey.

Hey, Peggy. Good to see you.
How's it going?

Marshall, take it easy tonight, okay?

Keep an eye on him. Good to see you.

- Hey.
- Hey, Jack.

We're over here, man.

Why'd you bring your girlfriend
if you know that she hates me?

She doesn't hate you, she just,
you know, she thinks you're

- a lot. Come on.
- That's the same... Hi. Hey, Rebecca.

How's it going?

Uh... you have been hogging my guy.

In fact, he's been
flaking on me so much

to spend time with you that
I started calling him Dandruff.


- On account of all the flaking.
- Hilarious.

Hey, Migs, was that a new
El Cam parked out front?

I got to, I got to take
a look at that.

MIGUEL: Oh, yeah,
come on, I'll show you.

You know what, actually,
I'm thinking more of a,

uh, a private viewing.

- No.
- Yeah, no, why don't you, you stick around?

You guys talk amongst yourselves.

Get to know each other.



- He's never used that word.
- Yeah.

Not exactly subtle, is he?

Like a brick through a window.



- So...
- So, uh...

Sorry. You-you first.

Why do you say people's names
all the time?


"Marshall! Jack!

Great to see you, Jack."

Uh, it's...

It's just a little
business trick that I use.

I use it to remember people's names.

You look someone right in the eye,

you say their name, Rebecca,
and you...

And does that work?

Yeah, it does.
And most people like it.

Well, Miguel,

I'm not most people, Miguel.

Okay, yeah, now I can see
how that can be annoying.



Yellow is the color

- ♪ Of my true love's hair

- ♪ In the morning
- Just go say hi.

- Watch this.
- ♪ When we rise

In the morning when we rise

That's the time...

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Miguel.
- Miguel, I'm Shelly.

- Nice to meet you, Shelly.
- Nice to meet you.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Oh, my God...

Freedom is a word I rarely use

Without thinking


Without thinking

- ♪ Mm-hmm...
- Welcome home, buddy.

What do you want from me, Shelly?

I made it home for dinner

- just like you asked me to.
- Oh, gee.

I guess I should have scheduled
Andy's parent-teacher conference

- during dinner, then, but...
- That's just ridiculous.

SHELLY: Did you know
Rebecca told me Jack gets home...

- MIGUEL: Oh, no, no, no.
- No, every single night at : .

MIGUEL: No, we're not having
this conversation.

- SHELLY: Every night...
- I am not Jack!

SHELLY: You certainly are not.





- Rebecca?

- Honey?
- Miguel!

Oh, it's snowing.

It's so beautiful.

- Yes.
- Come dance with me.

It's beautiful and it's cold, honey.


You're not wearing a coat.

Aw, geez.


Here, honey, put this on.

We got to get you warm. All right?

Come on, let's get back in the house.

We'll dance in the house, okay?

Oh... oh!


See, isn't this so much fun?


- No more fun, honey.

We've got to get inside, okay?


Jack died.

REBECCA: These past few years, Miguel,

you've been so good to me, to us.

And I just think

somewhere along the way I...

I'm moving to Houston.

I got, I got a job offer there
a few months back.

It's-it's near my kids.

It's just, I don't,
I don't know what else to do.

You're my favorite person.

MIGUEL: Hey, Andy. So,
I'm officially in Houston.

I have box seats
for next week's game, so...

I was just calling to make sure

you got my last message. I, uh...

I wanted to see if you were
free this weekend.

So give your dad a call back.


Hello? Oh, hey, Mami. I was...

What's wrong?





Mira, it's the cowboy! (LAUGHS)

Hide your cattle. (SPEAKS SPANISH)

- Hi.
- Mmm.


Look at him. He looks
like a Taíno Gordon Gekko.

Sí. ¡Gordo Geco!




He died proud of you.

- He'd want you to know that.
- Yeah.

I just wish I would have had
more time with him.

I know, papá, I know.


Ven, come help me with Gabi.



Okay. Come on, papi.

I cannot believe

Gabi is still holding on. Wow.

I don't know how you do it, Mami.

I hated Gabi growing up. Hated her.

- What?
- We fought over everything.

Our parents, clothes, boys.

She used to get
these terrible headaches.

I was convinced she was
faking it for attention.

Had to be.

years old, massive stroke.

She wasn't faking.

I see how hard you work.

- Thankless work.
- There is no thankless.

Love is giving your heart
without expectation.

(SCOFFS) Well...

I don't know that I have that in me.

And right now

I'm just, um...

I don't know, I'm just
a little lost right now.


I know you will find your way.

I know you will, mijo.

I also know you'll find someone
to love like that again.

Well, you know,
I think my biggest regret

is probably not getting
Papi's coquito recipe.

(SCOFFS) Coño,
who do you think taught him?

- Prove it.



Oh, gobble-gobble, party people!


KEVIN: Gobble-go... I-I'm not
doing that. Get in here.

- KATE: Come on.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Happy Thanksgiving Eve.
- Happy Thanksgiving.

- Hey.
- What's up, man?

KATE: Wait,
where's Beth and the girls?

RANDALL: Coming up tomorrow.

Uh, where are my adorable
nieces and nephews?

Oh, you just missed them.

- Philip took 'em on a nature walk.
- Yeah.

A Brit, his stepkids,
and a TV star's twins.

I pitched it to my agents,
and they were like,

- "Too hard to follow."
- I wonder why.

Hey, Ma. It's Randall.

Mm, my son. My son.

It's good to see you.


- Randall.
- My guy.

- What? Oh.

- You okay there?
- Yeah, I'm okay.

I-I think I just slept
on my back wrong.

In fact, I'm gonna go get
some Tylenol.

- Are you gonna be okay, honey?
- Mm-hmm.

Okay, great, I'll be right back.

Right on, man.

You look good, Ma.

- You feeling okay?
- I'm hanging in there.

Hanging in there.
What are you talking about?

You're doing better than that.

Randall, she was this close
to going on that nature walk.

Yeah, she was.

Where is Miguel?

- Where did Miguel go?
- He, uh...

Miguel? Miguel!

- Mom... - Mom, it's all right.
- Miguel?

- It's all right.
- He's gonna be right back.

Everything's all right.
It's okay. Hey, look at me.

Everything is all right.

- M-Miguel...
- Everything is all right.

It's okay, I'm right here.

- I'm sorry.
- Oh, Miguel.

I thought you...

I won't leave you.

I'm sorry. I won't leave you again.

Ha! Liar.


(CHUCKLES) sh**t. Um...




Hey, Bob. (SIGHS)
I hate to do this to you, man,

but we've got a small fire
we need to put out here.

- REBECCA: Hi. Okay, okay, so, um...

- So, I'm running in for one item...
- Mm-hmm.

...and I head for the express.

And I'm just about to put
my item on the counter,

no purse.

- No purse, keys...

What ever happened to, um,
to what's-his-name?

Was a nice guy, kind of boring.

Um... Matt.

You are awful. (LAUGHS)

- We dated for a few more months, and...

Oh, hell, he was boring.
It was boring.



Um... I'm gonna be out

in your neck of the woods next week.

For business.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Should we meet up for dinner?

Oh, I see him. Thank you so much.

It's so good to see you.
Wow. You look great.

Thank you. You, too.

- Oh, thank you.
- Oh, goodness. You barely age.

Oh, you should talk. Look at you.

- Wow. Here.

- Thanks.
- Mm-hmm.


- Okay.


- So...
- So... Uh, you go.


Uh, how long are you in town?

Uh, just a few days. You?

Interesting. You're... You live here.

- Obviously. I don't know why I said that.
- I do.


That was a dumb thing to say.

Um... I'm just...

It's... Uh...

It's really nice to see you.


Rebecca, um...

I spent the last eight years wondering

if I made the right decision.

I have replayed it over
and over in my head,

and, um...

I had to leave.

I never felt like I belonged.

Puerto Rican or American.
Spanish or English.

I've just...

I've never felt at home anywhere.

And if I'm being honest,

the first time that
I ever felt homesick in my life

was when I left you on that porch.

And I'm not really...

sure how to explain it.

It's really nice to see you, too.

♪ ♪




You should have your company
open up a branch

- here in Pittsburgh.

Okay. Uh, well,
it would save on airfare.

- Uh-huh.
- I could put a down payment on a house

with what I've spent on flights
these past few months.

- Actually,

I have been discussing
retirement packages

- with my partners.
- What? (GASPS)


- Yeah?
- Come on. Retire and come here.

Be here. Please.

Mmm... Mmm.


We never talk about him.

Sometimes I wonder
what he'd think about all this.

I've wondered, too. Obviously.

But, I mean,
the amount of time I've spent...

wondering about all of this...


I think he would want
what's best for us.

For both of us.

His two favorite people
he once left alone in a bar

until they became friends.

We have to tell the kids.

Okay. So,
the kids know you'll be here.

And, thankfully, you're no stranger

- to Pearson Thanksgivings.
- Oh, yeah. I know the drill.

- Uh, Pilgrim Rick.
- Uh-huh.

- Hot dogs and Police Academy .
- Yeah.

And we just take it slow.

- Yeah.
- You know, let them get used to the fact

that you're back over dinner.

- And then over dessert, we can wait.
- Mm-hmm.

We can just ease-ease right in.

- Right. Easy.
- Yeah.

- This is gonna be fine.
- Yeah.

No, I think you're pretty fine.

- Oh, you do, do you? Oh.
- I really do.

- Hey, come here for a second.


KEVIN: Hello, hello.

The hell?


RANDALL: I'm sorry, you
two are living together?

How long have you been dating?

After Tess was born,

- we hooked up.

MIGUEL: Uh, well, what
she means by "hooked up"

is that we, that we met up.

We connected.

- Right, honey? Yeah.
- REBECCA: Yeah.

Wait, what does
the other "hook up" mean?

Slept together.

Oh, no.

No, no. That didn't start
until much more recently.

- Oh, no.

Don't need to hear all that.

I don't know why
you guys are so surprised.

I knew it.

- Didn't I say, baby?
- She did.

I mean, I said, "We haven't seen
the last of Migs."

And then I was like,

"Why does your mom have
Fourth of July plans?

Like, she never has
Fourth of July plans."

- No offense, Rebecca.
- None-none taken. (CHUCKLES)

Right, well, I mean...

if you're happy...

- KEVIN: What the...?

- KATE: What?
- The hell are you two talking about?

Uh, no, this is...

He was Dad's best friend.

This i... How do you two justify this?

Kevin, you are an adult.

Act like one.

(STAMMERS) Uh, guys, I...

I loved your father.

I-I loved him so much,


I am in love with your mom now.

A-And we waited a very long time

This whole thing is ridiculous.

This is ridiculous.

Thanksgiving's canceled.

- And I'm taking the hat with me.
- Kevin.

♪ ♪

I love you, Miguel.

I promise to love you until the end.


REBECCA: I will care for you

until the end of my days,

in sickness and in health.


REBECCA: Until death parts us.

He chased after her in the snow,
and he fell.

He does not want to talk about it.

I didn't think it was that bad,
but then again

he always puts on a brave face, so...


- What'd I miss?
- Excuse me.

(SIGHS) We should talk.

Guys, it's-it's just a bruise.
It's fine.

(STAMMERS) It's embarrassing to...

to even talk about, really.

I think... We think

- that it's time to get full-time help for her.
- Yeah.

She has full-time help.

That you dismiss
in the middle of the day.

We're talking about permanent,
around-the-clock care

- to help you more.
- It's not that easy, Randall.

She doesn't respond well to strangers.

What would you have done if
you had been seriously injured,

- Miguel?
- Well, I wasn't seriously injured.

But you could have been.

Kevin, she's my wife!


I made a vow.

We know, Miguel.

I have failed at everything else
in my life.

My parents. Shelly.


I haven't seen my son in five years.

We are not questioning
how much you love her.

Kate, I am not leaving her side.

Okay? This is...

Every morning at : ,

I am the first thing she sees
when she wakes up.

And it grounds her.

It grounds me.

So, as long as she needs me...

I'm not going anywhere.


- Miguel, look at me.

We're not doing this to you.

We're doing this for you.

You've honored your vows, sir.

You have honored them and then some.

We're grateful to you, man.

We love you.

We do.

- We really love you.

I have to be there for her.

RANDALL: You have been.

You will be.

Now, will you let somebody help
take care of you now?




LAILA: Go for five, okay?

Slow to the right.


Go slow.

Make sure you tighten your core, okay?

♪ ♪

Are you taking the nitroglycerin
before exercise?

- Uh, yes.
- Good. Good.

What has me concerned is
that pain in the left arm.

I'm gonna go ahead and schedule
this stress test for you.

To heal the wounds

- MIGUEL: Get her shoes on.
- KEVIN: Mm-hmm.

- ♪ Of lovers past
- Okay.

Until a new one comes along

- Help you up?
- Yeah.

- ♪ I spoke to you
- Here we go.

- ♪ In cautious tones

- Glasses. There you go.
- ♪ You answered me

With no pretense

- One, two, three.

- Here we go.
- ♪ And still I feel

- ♪ I said too much
- There we go.

My silence is my self-defense

And every time

I've held a rose

It seems I only...

- Hey.

And so it goes

- Morning.
- ♪ And so it goes

And you're the only one

- ♪ Who knows


What are you doing here?

Look, man, I'm-I'm not gonna
stand here and, uh,

pretend like I know
everything there is to know

about your relationship
with Miguel. I...

I assume he wasn't the
greatest father growing up.

Truth is, I never talked to him
about it. I never...

Never talked to him about...

well, him, actually.

- ♪ In every heart...

Your father may not have
a lot of time left.

The doctors are worried
about heart failure,

and, uh...

Take it from me, man.

You don't want to leave things

Of lovers past...

What do you expect me to do with that?

Do whatever you want.

Thought you should know.

I spoke to you

In cautious tones

You answered me with no pretense


And still I feel

I said too much


My silence is my self-defense

And every time

I've held a rose

It seems I only felt the thorns

- Oh!

And so it goes

- ♪ And so it goes
- Found it.

- Hey!
- ♪ And so will you soon

- ♪ I suppose

But if my silence

Made you leave

Then that would be
my worst mistake

So I will share

This room with you

And you can have

This heart to break

♪ ♪

- ♪ And this is why
- REBECCA: Okay, fine.

- ♪ My eyes are closed...
- I'll bite.

Who the hell are you?

What's your story?

For all I've seen

And so it goes

- ♪ And so it goes

- What's my story?
- Yeah.


So I would choose

To be with you

That's if the choice
were mine to make

But you can make decisions, too

- ♪ And you can have

This heart to break

No sé, pero... es una buena pregunta.

And what does that mean?

It means... I don't know...

But it is a good question.

Ask me again, later.