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02x17 - Edge of the World

Posted: 05/03/22 11:58
by bunniefuu
Wow, King.

This looks great!

I-I hope they like it too.

Hooty hoot! We have visitors.

They're here!

Welcome to
the Owl House, folks.

Hope this place
wasn't too hard to find.

Not at all.
Thank you for having us.

King of Dads!

You made it!

Wouldn't have missed it
for the world, son.

I'm so happy we saw
that video of yours.

Now, maybe after dinner
we can have a nice game of catch.


Prince of Brothers,
Prince of Sisters,

do you have something
to say to your big bro?

Big brother!

Please have a seat,
Your Honorable Mr. Dr. King of Dads.

King prepared
a special feast for you all.


Patience, children.

It would be rude
not to give thanks first.

Oh! Oh! I can start!

I'm thankful that my demon
family finally got to meet my owl family.

Seriously, thi...
this is amazing!

I-It's almost like a dream...



King, come on.
It's time to wake up.

What's going on?
Is there trouble?

We're about to find out.
Luz is ready to talk.

Let's slash and rend
and crush and bruise.

Let's curse the land
with nine bright hues!

I'm gonna tell everyone
about the Day of Unity,

that you've been lying
about the Titan for years!

I'll do anything
to save humanity from evil.

This is just
a lot to take in.

We don't have time
to take anything in.

We have to
stop Belos!

I-I was a part of his plan.

I-I fell for everything!

King, Hooty,
you know what to do.

Well, one thing's
for sure.

People can tell
when you've been inside their head.

It's only a matter of time
before Belos sends his scouts over here.

You need to hide.

I am not hiding.

I'm gonna stop Belos
from completing the Draining Spell.

I just need to
figure out how.


I came as fast
as I could.

Owlbert filled me in
on the Draining Spell.

Oh, Titan, I can't believe this is what
the Day of Unity was about this whole time.

Ugh. I was such
a fool, a dolt, a chump, a...

Hey, no pity parties
in this house.

Besides, Luz is upset
enough as it is.

You're right.
I'll do anything to help.

Lulu! I am so happy
to see you, I could... I could...

Oh, here it comes!

- Ugh! Gross.
- Oh, my word.

Hooty you gotta
stop eating garbage from the ground.


He's also been
eating our mail.


"Dear King Clawthorne,
if you wish to know who you truly are,

come to this location
and meet our warrior clan."

I think
they might be my family!

And maybe they're
an answer to all our problems.

That's incredible, but how is it supposed
to help us stop Belos?

They're a clan
of warriors!

How else do you
defeat a tyrant with their own army?

By making an army
of your own!

Well, it's not like
we have many allies.

Not to mention it's a chance for King
to find out where he came from.

I say
let's go for it!

Well, I say you two
need a safe place to hide

while the adults
take care of things.

I'm actually in favor of this plan.

You are?

It wouldn't hurt
to check.

Plus, judging
by King's map,

you two would be taken far, far away
from the Boiling Isles and Emperor Belos.

What if something
goes wrong?

Hooty could
accompany them.

Their safety would be
your responsibility, my dear, brave Hootsifer.

I would protect
these silly children with my life!

Yeah, well, how...
how would they even get there?

I know a ship
that might take us.

Yeah! The ole Selkidomus crew.
Think about it.

Belos won't be able
to withstand a whole army of mes.

Such allies
would be quite valuable.

I wonder
if I still have my sailor's hat.

Does anyone else feel that marching
around the edge of the forest?

Fine. You can go.

We'll find out all we can on
our end to create a plan for, uh, when you get back.

Thank you, Eda!
We won't let you down.

Let's pack
for the trip.

Wait for me!

You know you made
the right choice, don't you?

Plus, I've explored that area,
there is nothing of note.

Whoever wrote that letter was sending them
on a wild "Luz" chase.

Oh, no, no, no. No, no. Don't cry.

Oh, the joke wasn't
that bad, was it?

This is so much bigger
than I imagined, Lily.

I thought Luz
was just some lost kid,

but because of me
she's wrapped up in this thing with Belos

and it's...
it's just not fair.

She and King are children.

They shouldn't have
to deal with this.

We have a whole week
until the Day of Unity.

We'll figure out
how to keep them safe.

All right,
let's get to work.

Doin' a lot of work there, Salty.
Where's the crew?

Well, I'm no longer working
for the Golden Guard.

So, me mates abandoned ship
for greener, snailier pastures.

They were like family to me too.

Land ho!

Land ho!

Is that a finger?

It's a long way
from our Titan.

That's 'cause it's not from our Titan.

This be part
of a different beastie.

Come back with
a good story, sea squirts!

If ye come back
at all!

Aw, he's so

Is anyone here?

Maybe we're a bunch of early birds.

Or maybe they got
sick of waiting.

That letter was
over a month old.

Hang on.

There's something here.


Here we go!

Luz, are
you okay?

Where's your
other arm?

I only ever
had two, Hooty.

Did you think
I had more?

Luz, look!

That doesn't look like
the Boiling Isles to me.

That's because it isn't.

Welcome to the other side
of the world.

You dare trespass
on this sacred...

By the Huntsman,

'tis King!

My name is Tarak.
Hail and well-met.

Uh, y-yeah.

'Tis King!

Psst! King,
introduce us.

Right. Uh, this is Luz
the human/friend/sister.

And this is Hooty
the, uh, door?

Your warrior-ship.

Did you send me
that letter?

A-Are you my...


Alas, no.

Nor is he here.

But I did
send the letter,

and, by the sight
of you, I know he was one of us.

He passed down
that handsome skull of yours, didn't he?

Now we celebrate!

Everyone will be
so happy to meet you.

Who's everyone?

Welcome to
Titan Trapper Island.

I've never seen so many demons
that look like me.

Look at them go!

We are Titan Trappers,

under oath to protect the world from
giant monsters of death and destruction...

But uh, not many of us have seen
a live one, of course.


Aren't Titans extinct?

Not all of them.

The Grand Huntsman
says one remains,

so we sharpen our spears until
the vile creature rears its head and a new hunt can begin!

And now, dear King, you can join us and become
a Titan Trapper yourself.


Oh, my gosh.
King, that's amazing!

Well, we don't know any Titans
but the world could definitely use your help.

That's right! It's a lot
to explain right now, but could you...

I mean, we, help the people
of the Boiling Isles?

Any enemy of yours is an enemy of ours!

But we can make no vows.

For that you must beseech
our elder, the wisest hunter of them all...


Is that short
for something?

Nope, just Bill.

He's so cool, he actually met our god,
the Grand Huntsman!

He's my best friend.
It's no big deal.


Look what they gave me!


That looks
awfully pointy, buddy.

Don't worry. It's mostly
paper-mache. And bone.

They're gonna show me
their Titan Trapper ways, Luz!

I guess they're my ways too.

How about Hooty and I
go see the elder,

and in the meantime, you learn all you can
about being a Titan Trapper?

This is
a dream come true!

Just be careful!
I will!

Are we really
leaving him alone?

He should have time
to get to know his family.

Besides, we have a job to do.

All right, King.
Ready to become a Titan Trapper?

I shall
take my leave.

Tell Bill
I said hi.


Whoa. Look at
all this stuff, Hooty!

This will help us
defeat Belos for sure.


- Hmm.
- Tarak? Is that you?

I told you to stop
rummaging through my stuff!

Tarak's not here. It's just us.

Uh, greetings.
My name is...

What's that? Speak up!

You barge in like an angry
Titan only to whisper like the wind?

Greetings! Uh, this lowly
traveler begs an audience with the great Bill.

Mayhaps we might
perchance to venture to...

Oh, for the love of...
Tarak sent you here, didn't he?

He said you were the wisest
of all the Trappers. And also his friend.

He says hi.

Of course he does.
What do you want?

I'm here to ask if you would
lend me your mighty warriors.

You see, Emperor Belos has threatened to...

That upstart on the carcass kingdom?
He's no big deal.

I've got battle scars older than his reign
as Emperor! Wanna see?

We're good. But please
understand, Mr. Bill,

a lot of people are in danger and they
don't even realize it.

Yeah, that dude is
straight up evil.

Don't worry. We'll help.

But if you think
Belos is evil,

you've never seen
a live Titan.

The children out there
haven't either.

Don't know a thing about
their ravenous appetites, or their terrible cries!

Even their babies act
like little monarchs.

The last living Titan, I saw it once
before it disappeared.

Its hateful roar
blew out my eardrums.

How did it go? "Weh!"

So, Titans are always hungry,

act like monarchs
and say, "Weh"?

The Huntsman wants us
to find the last one.

Only a Titan's power
can free him from his prison.

But we've had no luck.

Nice poster, right?

I took
a printmaking class once.

Not sure about the font though.
I feel like the serifs...

Luz, follow me!

Oh, hey! Thought I'd get
Lulu some souvenirs.

Their god is
that collector kid?

Ah! You've found
the shrine to the Huntsman.

It's been my little
DIY project for years.

You like our disguises?

You gotta look like a Titan
to trap one.

But if I ever find
that missing Titan,

I'd hunt it down,
tear it limb from limb,

and mount its head in pride
as we released the Huntsman!

Then we can finally go from being Titan Trappers
to Titan Slayers!

Say, who's your buddy's tailor?
His costume looks so real!

Uh, this has all been super cool, but I gotta go
check on, um, things.

But what about the... What were you talking about?
Your quest with Belos.

Oh, ha, I'm sure it'll work itself out. Really.
Okay, bye!

We gotta get
King outta here now!

Then run faster!

I'm trying!

- Hmm.
- Weh!



Now, behold!

Our armory.

Whoa! There's all sorts
of things I shouldn't touch.

Aye, for now.

But when you grow older,

I will be delighted to show you
how to dismember your enemies.

You would do that?

Can you also tell me
what this means?

I'm not sure what that is.

But maybe we can
find out together.

I assume your father was lost
in a hunt of yore.

But a Titan Trapper
is never alone.

I'm just happy to see
he passed down this.

Can I ask a favor?

It's a little silly, but,
uh, can we play catch?

I believe you may find
some equipment thither.


Ah, Bill! Tis Tarak,
what sayeth you friend?

Shut it. Listen.
That kid you're with...

I found them!

Is something wrong?

Uh, our little game must wait.

The time has come
to celebrate your, uh...

Induction into
the Titan Trappers! Come!

You don't have to go all out like this.
I'm fine doing a small thing.

Family and friends kinda thing.

Your presence is
very special to us, King.

Now, we can release the Grand Huntsmen
from his prison and be granted power and glory.

In the ashes of your old life,
your destiny awaits.

Carry this torch to the tablet
and set it aflame.

D-did you hear that?

The connection has been made.

And now we can summon him.

Ah, you're taking too long!

Don't worry, child.
We're almost done.

Then we get
to play catch, right?

Uh, did you
pull something, Bill?

I can't move! W-whoa!

Weh? Wha-what's happening?

Is this the power
of a Titan?

No, you bonehead!

It's that girl and her
ungodly sock monster!

I'm so glad you're okay!

What're you talking about?
We were just about to play catch.

Hey, Luz just saved your life!

These guys wouldn't hurt me.
They get me!

They know what it's like
to be left behind.

King, if this is
about your dad...

No! I mean, yeah,
but it's you too, Luz!

You'll eventually go back to the human realm.
I know how it works.

I've read your Azura books.

You even
promised your mom.

I just thought I had to
prepare for a world without you in it.

But they won't help.
King, you're not one of them.

Then what am I?


You're a Titan, King.


Tis the wretched spawn of...

Shut up
and get that Titan!

Come on, King!




I got it!


Tell Lulu
how brave I was!

Stop fighting!
I'm one of you guys!

You were never one of us.

My brothers and sisters,
a new hunt begins today!

With this gift, the grand
Huntsman will return,

and I shall ride cloaked
in glory above all others.

You mean, "we," right?

You promised the Huntsman
would grant all of us glory.


Are Titans even evil?

How much have you
been making up?

Uh, don't let
the girl fool you!

I'm totally not lying.
Hand me my spear.

Just gimme that thing!

Not today!

Get off me.
And get that Titan!

Time to go home.


We can't let them get through.
We have to destroy this thing.

Then step back.



I wanna go home.

Um, hi.


You want breakfast?

Hup, hup, hup,
hup, hup, hup, hup!

Hup, hup, hup, hup, hup!

Hup, hup, hup, hup, hup!

Hup, hup, hup!

We have them surrounded.

Good. Arrest anyone inside.
For the Emperor.

For the emperor!