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01x03 - King Roydas

Posted: 05/03/22 08:50
by bunniefuu
I guess the reason why

Myths & Muffins
with Mister Hudgens

is the best after school club

is not because
of the myths or the muffins,

- but because of--
- Mr. Hudgens, sure, sure.

Next question,
why do you smell so good?

- What does that have
to do with myths and muffins?

- I'm sorry, are you the
editor of the "Zina Gazette"?

No, because I am, baby boy.

I mean,
I could make you the co-editor,

but we'd have to spend
a lot of late nights

researching all sorts of
juicy stories.

You can run Roy,
but you can't hide.

- Hey, bestie!
- Viv!

You look ridiculous.
Myths & Muffins

starts in five minutes--
where's your toga?

- I didn't know that we had
to dress--

You're on your own,

I just locked on Roy's scent.

Wanda, Cosmo!

- Ta-da!

- You look ridiculous.
Where's your toga?

- I didn't know anything
about Myths & Muffins!

With Mr. Hudgens!

Who's Mr. Hudgens, anyway?

- He's a teacher who
makes stories come alive.

- And he's got a smile
that melts you like microwave.

Stick me in, set it to high!

- I need to wish myself
into something

Greek and mythy, quick.

Pick a god, any god.

- I'm Aphrodite,
goddess of cool parties!

- There is no god
of cool parties.

Maybe Dionysus.

Oh, man.

Mr. Hudgens is gonna love you!

Viv, Mr. Hudgens is en route!

Oh, 'sup guys!

- Last question
before we poof, dear.

Would you care
to upgrade this wish

and make it sassy?

Oh, I really don't care.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,

what's this I hear about making
wishes sassy?

- It's been rough out there
in the real world,

so the Committee
of Fairy Fun is pushing us

to get kids
to make wishes sassy.

- Oh, I really don't--
- Make it sassy.

I know it's not my wish--
just do it.

Hey, cool!

I'm clearly Athena,
the Goddess of Wisdom!

Complete with my own
owl sidekick!

- Honey, you put
the "dumb" in "wisdom."

- What is happening?

- You just got burned
by Bernard the Sassy Owl!

I put the "burn" in Bernard.

"Owl" be back with some
burn cream, Queen Atheen!

See? Fun!

Yeah, great fun.

- Good news,
I found the burn cream!

- Oh, Bernard.
Will you ever learn?

Owl no!

- So King Midas
was granted one wish,

and my man wished for everything
he touched to turn to gold!

Sure, maybe the first things
he turned to gold

made it seem pretty cool.

Then his food,
water, even his daughter

became victims
of the golden touch.

So he wished for everything
to go back to normal.

- He just gave up?
- You know it, bud!

That's why King Midas
is a lesson and not a legend.

Mr. Hudgens is amazing!

- Hey there, Athena.
- Who, me?

- First time here?
- Yeah, my name is--

Hold on, let me guess.

Jessica Lombardo?

- Vivian Turner.
- That's cool too.

- Excuse me,
how do we become legends?

- How do you become a legend?
Oof, I wasn't prepared for that.

Oh, wait!

Number one, change the world.

Number two, never give
up in the face of a setback.

And number three,
have a little fun along the way.

- So, what you're saying
is we should never give up,

in order to be legends?

Exactly, Roy, never quit!

Which brings me
to my next and final point.

I quit.

- What?

Today's my last day at TJH.

My partner and I
are going to travel

the world together,
know what it means to be free

and see where all these
crazy myths really took place.

Eat only
the most exotic of muffins.

So, I'm afraid this is goodbye.

But remember, be legends.

- But, no, Mr. Hudgens!

What are we gonna do?

- We can't--
- Wait!

- Mr. Hudgens is back!
- He didn't leave us after all.

- No, no, no, sorry.

Just forgot
my trusty muffin pan.

- I could never quit you.
- No!

- I can't believe
more people didn't buy

my newspaper where
every article's about Roy.

Now I feel stupid
for printing so many copies.

- I feel stupid for letting
you store the extras in my room.

- Well, I can't
store them in mine.

Can you imagine what
my bedroom would look like

with stacks of newspapers
all over the place?

Yeah, I can.

- Maybe I should
just give up on journalism.

I mean, Roy's
always complaining about how

I never have
enough time for him.

One, he's never said that.

And two, you just
need a big scoop, you know?

Some hot story that'll put
the "Zina Gazette" on the map.

- Viv, sorry I'm sweaty,
but we gotta talk.

Can you give us a second?

- You're here, you're sweaty--
there is literally nothing that

would get me
to leave this room right now.

If you need me, I'll be
wherever that headband landed.

- I just thought
of the greatest wish idea ever

and I cannot wait to tell you
and Wanda and Cosmo about it.

So what's your wish, Roy?

- Do you want a stack
of leading newspapers that

entices readers with songs?


You got it!

- No, come on Stackie.
There's got to be

- some way we can--
- No, we can't.

Now can we all
please get back to my wish?

Yeah, thanks kid.

Stackie's song
about being worthless

was kind
of bringing the room down.

- Okay, I wish that everything
I touch would turn to gold.

You love it.

- That is the single
worst wish I have ever heard.

- Go on.
- That's it.

What could possibly go wrong?

- You remember
Myths & Muffins.

Things ended up going
really badly for King Midas.

I'm not King Midas.

I'm King Roy.

King Roy is a legend.

- It's not even your
turn to wish, it's mine.

And here's a smart wish.

I wish that Zina will
eventually find a big juicy

story so everyone will
want to buy her newspaper.

- Got it!
- Wanda...

- Would you like
to upgrade that wish to sassy?

Uh, I'm good.

Yawn, okay, my turn.

I wish that everything
I touch would turn to gold,

and that wish is
sassy all by itself.

Can't argue with that!

Don't do it.

It's the only way he'll learn.

- If I see a poof cloud right
now I'm going to be really--

...not surprised at all.

Whoo, high five!

- No!
- I'm kidding.

Stackie, hook a boy up
with a montage song!

Oh, Roy.

Everything you touch
turns to gold!

Oh, probably Viv texting
me about what a legend I am.

Oh, snap.

Wait, is this my setback?

This whole
legend thing is too easy.


Did you get me this solid gold
"World's Best Mommy" mug?

- I don't know,
are you the World's Best Mommy?

I love it!

High five, son!

- High five indee--

Okay, I have
a feeling this is my setback.

I can fix this.

I can fix this, I can fix this!

What would Mr. Hudgens say?

- A legend never gives up
in the face of a setback.

But, I turned my mom to gold.

This setback feels like
a super setback.

- Then you sir, are on your
way to becoming a super legend.

Ooh, spicy.

Super legend?

Who, me?

I do not hate the sound of that.

Hey, Roy.

I surrender.

I gotta admit, you're a legend.

You've managed to turn things
to gold without-- oh, my God!

Did you turn your mom into gold?

It's okay!

This is the setback,
we wanted this.


- The bigger the setback,
the bigger the legend.

Mr. Hudgens just told
me via thought bubble.


- If I fix this,
I'll become a super legend.

Okay, so you're stupid.

- Viv, the legend
is still in motion.

- I'm about to fix this.
- No, I'm about to fix this.

Wanda, Cosmo?

Yup, turned his mom gold.

- She makes for a great slide,


- Okay, I wish that everything
Roy has touched

is no longer gold.

- Oh, come on.
- You got it!

- Uh-oh.

- What's wrong,
why isn't it working?

Well, according to the rules,

you can't unwish one
of your sibling's wishes.

- Okay, then
I'll wish for whatever,

and when it's your turn,
you can unwish your Midas touch.

- Zero chance.
- What?

It's all part of the legend.

If I un-wished it,
I'd be a cautionary tale,

and I'm
an awesome-ary tale.

- You need to fix
this before anyone sees it.

- Hello loving family,
I'm descending the stairs.

Ah, yes, another safe descent.

Is there anything these
feet can't do-- oh, my God!

- I love it!
- What?

- Who made this solid
gold statue of your mother

with the crescendo
of one of our famous high fives?

I must meet
this legendary artist.

I am that legend.

- You made this?
- I did.

- Viv, take a picture of me as I
shake this talented man's hand.

Put 'er there, brah!

- No!

- We just need a minute alone
with the gold statue Roy carved

so that way we can--

You carved that statue?

- Abso-stinking-lutely.

- More like

I think I just
found my big scoop!

The "Zina Gazette" says...

So, what do you think, kids?

Should I quit my job and become
an old timey news announcer?


You're just jealous!

Extra, extra!

Roy's wearing a blue jacket!

I'll take a copy.

- Well, I hope you're happy.
- What're you talking about?

- If you hadn't made that
reckless and dangerous wish

for Zina to get a big scoop,
I wouldn't be in this mess!

If I hadn't?

You're the one
who--this isn't my fault!

I know, I know.

You're just lucky
a certified super legend is here

to fix the setback
you created with your wish.


Say, Roy...

Your mother's been
gone for three days.

I'm starting to get worried.

And not just
because I'm becoming

attracted to this statue.


- Do you know where she is?
Have you heard from her?


- I think she took
a trip to the secret spa.

- I've never
heard of the secret spa.

- Exactly,
because it's a secret.


Then I guess
we've got more time together.

Hey, is that guy the mayor?

- You mean that baby?

Dimmsdale's mayor's a baby.

Sure, and who's
the guy holding him, his dad?

What? No, gross.

That's his translator.

It's absolute nonsense.

Whoever heard
of a baby being the mayor?

- Yeah, it does sound pretty--
- Move.

Are you the artist
currently known as Roy?

I sure am.

- That's nonsense,
you're just a boy.

Let's start this
ridiculous interview.

- Um, okay.
- Three, two, one.

I'm Judy Stoneface
with the No Nonsense News.

I'm here with local sculptor

First question, how did a boy
like you get all this gold?

- I melted all my
first place trophies.

- I'm told
you're quite the athlete.

So that's actually
not nonsense at all.

Thank you!

- Don't thank me,
that's nonsense.

Baby mayor, I'm told
you have an announcement.

Yes, he does.

- Thank you, Judy.
- Nonsense.

- Mm-hmm.


Excellent, well,

I am certainly not going
to say that.

Ha ha ha ha!


The mayor says the city
of Dimmsdale wants to buy this

statue from you
and send it on a world tour

so everyone will
see what a talented

the town of Dimmsdale has.


I think we should keep
the statue here in Dimmsdale.

So do I.

The mayor wants to know why.

Yeah, why?

Because, you love that statue.

It's like a mother to you.

That's absolute nonsense.

No, no, no, she's right.

I love this statue too much--
not for sale.

Oh, thank God.

- Well, the mayor
thought you might say that.

Wow, really?

- Yes, so he thought
you could make us a new statue

with this other
human-sized block of gold.

Yes, well,
we did have to sell a few

police cars and the entire

Animal Control Department
to buy it.

But who cares?

There hasn't
been an animal attack

Dimmsdale for 100 years,
to the day.

I don't think I can do that.

Nonsense, of course you can.

I don't have my tools.

- Well, the mayor
thought you might say that.

So he had the bright idea
to sell all the stop signs

in Dimmsdale and buy you
this gold hammer and chisel.

Here you go.

You have the tools.

And now chis that gold!

- Chis that gold!
Chis that gold!

- Roy, you need
to un-wish this, now.

We've officially
entered Nutso Butso town.

- Nutso Butso town
is ten miles that way.

We're in Dimmsdale,
where I am the local legend.

Hey, Roy!

Are you gonna
chis this gold or not?

- Yeah!
- Good question.

- Ah, Furlbey, a legend
can never disappoint the crowd.

And so, I shall chis!

How'd I do?

- I think you
need Wanda and Cosmo.

- Hey, Mr. Roy, no offense,
but your statue stinks.

- This is
all part of my process!

Another part of my process
is talking privately

with my stepsister.

I'll be back.

- Well, what're we supposed
to do while you're gone?

You're my hero.

- Uh, sing
"Take Me Out to the Ballgame."

That's also part of
my process.

You heard the Roy.

And a-one and a-two!

Nonsense, nonsense!

Oh, all right,
this is kind of nice.

Ready when you are, Roy.

- Just give us the word,
and we'll un-wish that wish.

Hold on just a sec.

Hey, champ.

What's going on?

You a super legend yet?

- Things have
gotten a little sticky.

Who is Roy talking to?

- He's talking
to an imaginary Mr. Hudgens.

Oh, dear.

- I gotta ask,
buddy, you having fun?

Remember that's step
three to becoming a legend.

I mean, at first, yeah.

But my stepsister's
being a real chis.

- Hey, don't tell
imaginary Mr. Hudgens that!

I am not being a chis.

- Think about how
to make things fun again.

I'm gonna eat this muffin.

Ooh, salt and vinegar,
my favorite.

I'm gonna wolf this down.

Wolf, that's it!

- What?
- What?

I'm gonna wish for a wolf!

Hear me out--
I go out there,

I yell "Wolf!",
there actually is one.

People get scared,
they run away.

forgets about my statue.


- Roy, you're literally going
to be the boy who cried wolf.

- Nope, gonna be
Roy who cried wolf.

- I beg of you,
just un-wish your wish.

But the wolf is fun!

And Mr. Hudgens said
that part of becoming

a legend is
having fun along the way.

I wish for a wolf.

And make it sassy.

Ooh, coming right up!


Oh, did someone cry wolf?

- Did that wolf just talk?

Sure did, Stoneface!

And if your outfit could talk,

it would say
"I've given up."

Oh, no! It's sassy!

Yes, but it's also talking!

- The mayor says no
time to address the talking.

Everyone just accept it and run
before it bites and insults us!

- You can run,
but you can't hide!

Or that horrible dye job.

We did it!

I think we can file this problem
under solved.


You made it worse.
This is all so wrong.

- I'll tell you
what's wrong, honey--

that shirt with those pants.

Now, get bit!

- And that
concludes the legend of Roy.

Time to hang up
these golden fingies.

Your mom is still gold.

- And she'll be fine.
But let's recap.

I changed the world,
I overcame a major setback,

and I had
a little fun along the way.

Boom, legend, chaa!

Now let's go home, me hungee!

Are you forgetting something?

Right, right, right, right.

Cosmo, Wanda!

- Are we done
with this wish, yet?

Yeah, we're done.

- I wish this was
all cleaned up and that

gold wolf was
up on that pedestal.

- You want
to make that wish sassy?

No sassy!

- I'm callin' the statue
"The Legend of Roy."

May he live on forever.

So, Hogies?

- For the final time,
you still have the Midas touch

and your mother
is a gold statue.

Oh, yeah.

I wish I could touch things
and turn them back to normal.

You got it!

High five yo, Mommy!

Where am I?

I feel like I've been asleep
for three days.

What happened?


- Oh!
There you are, my love.

Wow, you're even
better than the gold thing.

I've learned my lesson.

But we gotta get you home.
There's a wolf on the loose!

- So?
- It's sassy.

I'm not dressed to be sassed!

So how was the secret spa?

What secret spa?


Hey, handsome.

Flash me those pearly
whites next to you new statue?

"Sassy Wolf..."

- I hope so.
Mama needs a deep tissue.

- Wait,
you can't relax without me!

Watch me.