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02x02 - Xaman-Ek

Posted: 05/02/22 13:38
by bunniefuu
- Previously on
"Mayans M.C."...

- It's Mini.

- Hola?

- She was watching
from the rocks

on a sat phone.

[both grunting]

- [gagging]

- Three of my best men dead.

- That's a very dangerous
12-year-old kid.

- You have to take her
to Dr. Cayman.

She's getting worse.

- We don't know that.

- Who's the old man?

- Felipe?

It's EZ and Angel's pop.

- His sons are Mayans?

- Yeah.

- I know it's a lot,

and I wouldn't ask
if this wasn't--

- I know.
A family thing.

Having me run
background checks,

pull local estate records...

don't make me part of something
I'm gonna regret, EZ.

- It's done.

The golden boy is
free and clear.

You can help him pack his shit
in the morning.

- Angel!

- They reached out at all?

- Not a word.

Almost eight months.

- This shit with you
and Angel,

it's gone on too long.

I don't care how you do it.
Work it the f*ck out.


- We have to talk, Angel.

It's about Mom.

I know who k*lled her.

[lighter clicks]

- So you--you just been
living with this?

- How the f*ck was
I supposed to tell you?

It's the first time
in eight months

you looked me in the eye.

- Yeah, I get that.

So Pops know anything
about this?

- No.

- [sighs softly]

Why you telling me now, man?

- [exhales]

When everything unraveled
with Potter...

I know I betrayed you.

I know staying here
in the club,

it kept that wound fresh.

The life everyone thought I was
supposed to have,

the one I thought
I f*cked up...

None of that was real.

I'm not the golden boy, Angel.

I stayed because I was
afraid to leave.

You and Pop...

It's the only thing in my life
I know is real.

And the club.

I need to be
a part of something.

- You didn't answer
my question.

- I can't lose you, Angel.

- And this is the tie
that binds.

You know, most people would
either put a b*llet in his head

or walked away from this,
but this--

bro, this is f*cking nuts.

You got arrest records,

family history,

Jesus Christ, you did a f*cking
psychological profile on him.

- Had to do something.

I know proof isn't
what I know I saw.

Couldn't take it to the cops.

M.C.'s relationship
with SAMCRO.

Couldn't take it to Bishop.

- And that look in your eye,

It's the same look you had
nine years ago.

Put you in this whole
f*cking mess.

- I don't know how
to do this.

- You're not gonna let it go
until you do.

Till it's finished.

And now...

neither will I.

[slow acoustic strumming]


- [speaking Spanish]


- [sighs]

[exhales sharply]

[dramatic music]


- * Mother of exiles

* The torch of hope

* In the toss of the tempest

* Threw us Madison's rope

* But the brazen giant

* With limbs astride

* Blocks the golden door

* To the U.S. of Lies

* Damn your huddled masses

* Scrub our floors

* Cut our grasses

* I am a wolf

* A wild cur

* Cut from the pack

* With blood on my fur

* And every howl

* Marks a debt

* 'Cause a beaten dog


* Never forgets


* Every howl marks a debt


* 'Cause a beaten dog

* Never forgets


* Never forgets


- Everything good?

- Yeah, I guess.

Where's Gilly?

- The Creep's
on a scrap run.


- She doing okay?

- Yeah.
She's upstairs.

- [speaking Spanish]

- Rode here together.

- That's a good sign.

- We're working shit out.

- Glad to hear that, son.

- I got a letter
from Corrections.

Stockton PO.

Have to...
clean up some parole paperwork.

Discharge shit.

Angel said he'd ride up
with me.

- Lot of patches
north of Berdoo.

Should take Coco
and Gilly with.

- I was thinking maybe
we'd go up alone.

Eight-hour ride...

give us a chance
to keep talking.

- Yeah.
Makes sense.

- Stay off the 10.

Still haven't cleaned up
our Samoan problem.

- Right.

- I'll make
the ride-through calls.

- The clubhouse will be
your first stop in Stockton.

We'll let Ramos
know you're coming.

He'll sort you out.

- Okay.

- Eat.

- Settling in?

- I suppose.

- Can't be any worse
than living out of a tent.

- At least I could see
the danger out in the desert.


I need a black light

to find the things
that can k*ll me.

- [chuckles]

It's just until
the merc heat is off.

- I know.

She's busy today.

Lots of kicks.

- That's 'cause he...

wants Mom to relax.

She's doing too much.

[speaking Spanish]

- What is it?

- [sighs]

I know you have your reasons

for keeping things
on the down-low

about all this.

But I'd at least like to tell
my family I'm having a kid.

- The family you've completely
shut out?

You haven't talked
to your father in months.

And every time I ask you
what's going on with EZ,

you tell me it's historical.

- Oh, come on, querida.

You--your whole life
is a f*cking closed book.

I tell you
just about everything.

Most of it you don't even
want to hear.

You hardly tell me anything.

- And that's why we're perfect
for each other.

Let's wait until she's born
and we're all safe,

and then you can tell
the club, your family,

and the whole world can know.

- Like I have a choice.

Gotta head up north
for a couple days.

Help my brother out.

Historical shit.

[speaking Spanish]

Will be around
if you need anything.

- Okay.

Um, I'm worried
about Mini.

She's not going
to handle this well.

We haven't been separated
since I found her.

- The club's headed
to the farmhouse

to help with the move.

I'll have Coco
keep an eye on her.

- Thank you.

[gentle music]

[knock at door]


- [speaking Spanish]

- Sí.


- [speaking Spanish]

- Okay.

[foreboding music]


- So busy.

- Hope everything goes well
with Dr. Cayman.

See you when you get home.

- Yes.

- Be right back.

- Estas bien?
- Yes, perfecto.

- Let me know
if you need anything.

- I'll be fine.

I just want to break ground

It feels like we've been
working on this forever.

- Yeah, I know.
And we will.

- Mm-hmm.
- I love you.

- I love you.

Oh, and good luck.

- Yeah.
- Hey.

Maybe Dr. Cayman can
convince her to see a shrink.

- Maybe.

- There you are, señora.

- A usted.

- You finish "Native Son"?

- Yeah, it was good.


I think I like "Wilderness"

and "Go Tell It
on the Mountain" better.

- Fiction.

Makes all that shit
a little more palatable.

- Truth I know.

- You on the road?
- Yeah.

Headed to Stockton.

- M.C.?

- Mostly.

[engine idling]

We talked.

- Good.

- Pops.

- Good to see you, son.

Travel safe.

- The f*ck you grinning about?

- No reason.

[engines revving]

[indistinct chatter]

- Iliana.

- Emily.

How are you, sweet girl?

- I'm good, I'm good.
How are things here?

- Still catching up.
Getting there.

Getting settled in
at the new place?

- Mm, as settled
as we'll ever be, I guess.

- I was hoping I would
see you on Sunday.

I had lunch
with your mother.

- I didn't know
Diana was in town.

- Shit.

I'm sorry.

Are things still...
- They are what they are.

- Agricultural park proposal?

- Yes, finally.
- Wonderful.

Okay, just give everything
to Marlin,

and he'll walk you
through the process.

I have to go.

It's really good to see you.

- You too.

Sorry--Iliana, what--
what process?

Why do I have to be
walked through anything?

- It's a projected calendar
for the review.

There's already six bids,

and there's another week
before the deadline.

Just want to let people know
that it's not gonna be

a quick turnaround.

- There are six f*ckin' bids?!

- Keep your voice down.

- When were you gonna tell us

that we had competition
for the agri-park?

- Well, if you came
to the town council meeting,

then you would have known.

- Oh, f*ck that!

- We are barely
back on our feet here.

This town has been off the grid
for over two months.

Not a dime of aid.

$70 billion on a f*cking wall,

but half a mile away,

we can't even keep
the lights on.

- What does that have to do

with the other bids?

- The EPA rules,

the ones that
miraculously changed

to accommodate your husband--

that didn't stay a secret.

The fire gave others time
to put in competitive bids.

You didn't think big agri
would come knocking?

- Well, we thought
you'd protect us.

We had a professional

- I'm the f*cking mayor, Emily.

I am not Santo Padre's
cartel boss.

Look, things like this,

I have to answer
to a comptroller,

city planner,
town council--

- Well, there wouldn't be
things like this

if it wasn't for my husband.

So answering to him
should be your only concern.

[Spanish rap music]

[engines revving]


[rapping in Spanish]

[engines gunning]

- What's going on?

- The kid, Mini's, missing.

Looks like she ran away.

- When?

- Maybe an hour ago.

Must have slipped out
the back.

- Adelita was worried
about that.

- Mini hasn't been right
since the thing with the mercs.

Blames herself.

- Does the kid know where
Adelita is?

- Just that she's over
the border.

- Might try to find her.

- She's headed north.

Closest town will take her
about two hours on foot.

- We'll head out there.

Have your people
comb the woods, huh?

- Might need a picture.

- We're printing something up.

- [speaking Spanish]

- And her?

- Gracias.

[indistinct chatter]

[soft dramatic music]


- What's that?

- Happy.

He's got a small house
outside of Charming.

Freeway access
less than a half-mile.

- What do you think we're gonna
do when we get there?

Ring his doorbell?

Take him out for coffee?

- What are we gonna do?

- You trust me?
- Of course.

[engines rumbling]

- You know this crew?

- f*ck no.

- Mayans.

Santo Padre.

We didn't get
a courtesy call.

You're riding through
our territory.

- Since when?

- We're on the state highway,

- Not anymore.

- Just getting gas and smokes.

- Don't bother lighting that.

You're not staying.

Why don't get you get back
on your cholo chops

and get out of here?

The next time,
make a call.


- Yeah, we get it.

Next time we call
the Slow Boys.

- The f*ck you just say?

- Sorry, he's just picking up

a lack of cognitive energy
coming our way.

- What?

- Exactly.

- You poser f*cking douchebags.

You guys watch some
bullshit TV show

and think a vest and two wheels
makes you a club.


Guessing Brad and Todd here

got all their totally awesome
gym bros

filling up their f*cking table.

- Yeah.

At the little monkey clubhouse
in their mom's basement.

- You don't know what--
- Shut the f*ck up!

Jesus, man,
you guys are an embarrassment.

Now go climb on your h*m*
and get the f*ck out of here.

- I can see those Tony Robbins
seminars are really paying off.

- Man, f*ck Tony.

f*ck his gigantic head.

- Yup.


- The Arcade!
Let's go!

- Seriously?

- We got all day,
little brother.

The ride's the only part
that's never complicated.

Gotta make that shit last.

Unless you're afraid
I'll kick your ass.

- Loser pays.

[engines roaring]

[phone ringing]

Mi amor, te como fue?

- Peña f*cked us.

- What?

Stay here.
Wait for my mother.

Have Paco bring the car.

- What's going on?

- Not sure.

I'll be with Emily.

- [laughs]

- Remember Dad working
in Del Monte?

- Sort of.

I remember the day Pops
opened up the shop.

- Me too.

He was so happy.

- Eh, I don't know if Felipe's
ever been happy.

- Growin' up in Sonora,

dirt f*ckin' poor,

Pop had a rough life
before he got here.

- We'll never know anything
about that,

'cause our old man
don't tell us shit.

Talks to that jar of ashes more
than his own two f*ckin' sons.

[machines beeping]

- Loser.

- [speaking Spanish]

- Gracias.

[indistinct chatter]

- Any luck?

- No. You?

- Nothing.

Checked the bodegas,
lavandería, the post office,

and for some reason a bar
full of local whores.

- If I was 12,
that's where I'd be.

- [sighs] No one's seen her
at the open market.

Knocked on a few homes
as well.

- All right,
let's finish up, huh?

- Shit.

Mercs on your six.


- Looking for Adelita?

- Well, they're not here
for spring break.

- Maybe we tell 'em
we're here to help.

- Seeing us will create
more questions than answers.

Stay out of sight.


- Taza, you and Hank
take point.

- Got it.
- Go.

- [speaking Spanish]

- Choke!
- Shit.

- [laughing]


- There is no hole.

There is no hole.

- Boom, mothafucka!

I am a golden god!
Fear me.

- Congrats, you're
a mini golf pro.

- You should be
proud of yourself.

- I am unfuckingstoppable.

- Hey, it's me...

- I'll have Rita reach out
to Dr. Luna,

schedule a time for you
to meet.

I think you'll really like her.

[phone ringing]
- Dr. Cayman's office.

Can I put you on a brief hold?

- I know it's what Miguel
and Emily want.

- We all want you
to get better, Dita.

- Yes.
Thank you, doctor.

[phone ringing]
- Dr. Cayman's office.

[tense music]


- You sure you know how
to put it in the hole?

- [chuckling]

[engines revving]

- Sounds like a lot
of bikes.

- Yes, it does.

That's a lot of white guys
on steroids.

- Yeah.
They seem kind of pissed.

- So what's the plan?

- Just stay cool.

- He keeps the g*n
in the bedroll.

- I understand you had
something to say

about our club.

- [laughs]

- Yeah, sorry about that.

Just trying to impress
the prospect.

- We're going to impress
something else.

- Go.

- f*ck.
- Oh, shit!

[people screaming]

- [groans]

- Crazy shit!

- Screw you!

- Yeah, pretty f*ckin' tough
with a g*n.

- Yeah, that's why I carry one.

- What the f*ck?!

[crowd yelling]

[engines revving]
- Come on, come on!

[Spanish rap music]




- He's on your right.

[tires screech]

[man grunts]

[sirens wailing]
- Shit.


- Got to settle our shit
another time!

Patches over badges, always!

- Yeah, but this shit
ain't over.


[tires screech]

[indistinct chatter]

- [whistles]

They're on the move.

- [speaking Spanish]

- [speaking Spanish]

- Gracias.

- If the kid's here,
mercs didn't find her.

Maybe she found
a place to hide.

- Well, if she's hiding,
we ain't gonna find her either.

- Call Pablo.
Let him know.

- We gotta tell Adelita.

She might know
where the kid would go.

- Yeah, I'll call Vic.

- g*n, g*n!

- [speaking Spanish]

Put it down!

- [speaking Spanish]

- Whoa.
- Shit.

- Let's get out of here.

- Team's arriving.

- Did you get a hit?

- Not exactly.

We showed a shop owner
a picture of the kid.

He hadn't seen her.

Said two other guys showed up
looking for her as well though,

wearing motorcycle vests.

- Mayans.

- Yes, sir.

They were just looking
for the kid, not Adelita.

We were everywhere.
Didn't spot 'em.

- You put the M.C. on--
- No.

Expand our watch list.

Track the M.C.,
where they go, who they meet.

- Yes, sir.

[engine starts]

- Putting b*ll*ts
in the car--

you knew the sh*ts
would bring the cops.

It's f*ckin' smart.

- Sometimes that happens.

- [chuckles]

- Did she say who else
put in a bid?

- Yeah, big agri.

It has to be Cargill,
maybe Dole.

Maybe the Chinese.

- I'll find out who
we're up against.

- Then what?

- I'll handle it.

- What does that mean?


You cannot bring the other
world into this, Miguel.

- Well, what, you think
these big corporations

don't break the law?

Their CEOs are all corrupt.

f*cking country club criminals.

- If you cross that line,

even just once,

you undermine all the work
you've done to go legitimate.

You f*ck up your legacy.

This isn't just about you.

It's about your son

and his sons.

I'll talk to Iliana.

I'll see what I can find out.

[tires screech]

- What's the matter?
- Have you heard from Dita?

- What?

No, why?

- She's gone.

She finished with her doc

but never came back
to the waiting room.

She must have left
through a back door.

- Wait, left?

- Sorry, Mikey,
I don't know.

- Be right with you.

- Hola, Ignacio.

- [sighs]

Señora Galindo.

[bass thumping]

- [speaking Spanish]

- You good?

- Yeah, I'll get the bikes.

- Hoses around the back.

Gate should be open.
- Thanks.

[siren blips]

- Santo Padre.


You're a long way
from home, amigo.

- You guys aren't letting
all them Mexican rapists

hop the fences, are you?

- Little bit worried.
- Yeah.

- I'll keep my--
- Prospect.

Don't play with the animals.

They might look dumb
and harmless,

but trust me, they're
some nasty m*therf*ckers.

- f*ck you, Medina.


- That's Stockton's finest.

Welcome to northern Cali.

[knock at door]

- How's she doing?

- I think she'll be okay.

All she knows
how to do is run...

from one place to the next.

- I get that.

- Do you think the soldiers
saw her?

- No.

They did,
they wouldn't have left.

- [exhales]

Thank you for letting her
stay here.

- It's okay.
We'll make it work.

- She feels safe with you.

- [woman moaning]

- Um, maybe we should, uh,
keep the door closed.

[reflective music]


- [speaking Spanish]

- Cristobal.

- My boys...

They have a different name.

And, uh, no connection
to my past.

- Our past doesn't just
go away.

We're all connected, Ignacio.

- Felipe.

- All right.
Thank you.

- Anything?

- [sighs] None of the hospitals
or clinics have her.

- That's a good thing.

- I reached out to our friend
in the sheriff department.

He's gonna put something out
on the wire, keep it anonymous.

He'll turn out with something.

- Señor Galindo,
she's here.

Pulling in now.

- Did you ever find out?

- Find out what?

It was nice to see you.

We should do this again.
- Mamá!

[speaking Spanish]

- Gracias.

[engine starts]

[slow acoustic strumming]


- Come on, prospect.

We're grabbing some food.

- [woman singing in Spanish]


- Lead the way, pendejos.


[locks door]

- I gave her an Ambien.

She'll sleep.

Maybe she'll tell us more
in the morning.

- What the f*ck was that today?

I mean, why go to that shop?

See EZ's father?

- I don't know.

I've never mentioned anything.

I mean, she knows we get
our meat from there sometimes.

She agreed to go
to a shrink.

Your mom will get better, baby.


[indistinct chatter]

- [breathing heavily]


get her phone.

Get this.

- What?

- Get...

and tape it.

- Are you serious?

- Yeah, I want to send it
to my ex.

- [sighs]

- I want Annie to see
that I found a new whore.

- Yeah, where'd you steal
this from, Hope?

- Come here, come here,
come here, come here,

come here, come here.

- This is so f*cking...

Come on, man, I'm starving.
- [laughs]

- Hurry up before
the truck leaves.

- Come in just to check it out.

- I gotta take a piss, man.
- All right then.

- You may want to keep an eye
on him, all right?

- Yeah.

- All right.

Hey, prospect.

Recycle that shit.

Plastic and can--
in that one.

- Yes, sir.

- Andale pues.


- [grunting]

- Dude, you're so f*cked up.

- I'm just misunderstood.
- Hey.

- What the f*ck...


[dark music]


[tires squeal]


- EZ?

- Medina?

No! No, no, no, no!

Que pasol?

- Shit!



- [panting]
- He's gone.

- [murmuring in Spanish]

- Search the woods!

[indistinct shouting]

- Let's get
these m*therf*ckers!

[somber music]


[baby giggles]

[typewriter clicking,
bell dings]