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02x07 - Episode 7

Posted: 05/02/22 12:31
by bunniefuu
We've held him almost five hours.

We need to talk to him
before he calls a lawyer.

- We have to use the magazines.
- It's not enough.

We need something that tells him
we've already nailed him.

- It's got to unnerve him.
- Right.

His rock.

If he's got one.

Berkowitz always had his kit.

This is a white guy
from outside the victims' world.

If our perp's doing these,
he's working on the move.

There'd be something in there
that connects him with the crimes.

You got anything he could use
to strangle or restrain anyone?

Rope. But every plumber's got rope.

Any supremacist literature?


The Geter boy's been missing
almost a week.

We have to move, Holden.

You can't force a square peg
into a round hole

just because you prefer it to fit.

- Bill.
- What is it?

Awful lot of tape.

We have no evidence tape was used
on any of the victims.

We have no evidence that it wasn't.

We'll get you more of those.

You need anything else?


No, I'm...

- I'm fine.
- You sure?

Okay. Sure.

You're a plumber.


You're pretty clean, you know.


Your record.

It's clean.

There's the... petty theft.
What's that about?

Well, that was, um...
That was just a misunderstanding.


Well, yeah. I, uh...

I put cash on the counter
for them tires,

but, uh, they never found it, so...

You know, it's hard to argue with that.

Good point.

Looks like you grew up here.

Born in Fulton County.

- Mm-hmm. My whole life.
- So you know your way around.

The shortcuts, the back roads.

Most of your clients live nearby?

Word-of-mouth type of thing?


Some folks I know.

But I work all over.

- All over where, exactly?
- Um...

East Point, uh... Lakewood Heights.


You know, mostly south of downtown, so...

You drive a lot.

Gotta get to work.

You go through
a lot of different neighborhoods.

White neighborhoods,

black neighborhoods.


I mean, it's mostly mixed-in down here.

You get to see
a lot of different ways of life.

You're in people's homes,

under the sink.

They go about their business,

almost forget you're there.

I guess.

Any of your clientele have kids?

Probably. I, uh...

You know, I'm just there
to do my thing, and I don't, uh...

But you'd notice a kid if he was around.

I suppose.

Most of your clients white?

Like I said, you know, it's a mix.

So you're in black homes too.

Some, yeah.

Sugar, right?


I got it.

Sorry about that.

- Thanks.
- Mm-hmm.

You belong to any clubs?


You know, groups.

Go to any meetings?

What kind of meetings?

Maybe the kind
where you all have the same dislikes,


The kind where you...

wear a sheet.

No, I don't... I don't...
I don't get involved in that shit.

That's not... That's not me.
I... I... That's...

- You sure?
- Well...

Seems pretty common,
this neck of the woods.

I, uh... Well... It...

It is. Uh...

But I wasn't raised like that.
You know, not to do things like that.

Like what?

Like, hatin' people and shit, you know?

Just because of...

...who they are.
No, I... I wasn't raised like that.

Looks like we're almost done

with your truck.

- My truck?
- We've been searching it

since you stepped through the door.

Uh, for what?

Do you recognize this?

- It's tape.
- You have an awful lot of it.

I'm a plumber, so...

You was... You was, um...
You was looking for tape?

You watch the news lately?

You keep a dozen rolls of tape
on hand just in case...


The Chattahoochee threatens
to burst through a shower drain?

- I don't know. What about the news?
- You ever been to Redwine Road?

Yeah, I drive it

- on my way to work sometimes.
- So you must've seen the news.

Heard about the bodies.

So the only reason
you go down Redwine Road is for work?

- Yeah, I... I, uh...
- Never for anything else?

You know what these are?

Mm... Yeah.

They're, uh...

- Yeah, I know what they are.
- We found your fingerprints on them.

I don't understand.

We also found traces of semen
on the magazines.

You need us to tell you

where we found those?

Fifty feet from the bodies
of two m*rder*d boys.

And across Redwine Road

from where we found Milton Harvey's body
last year.

I'm sorry.

- I'm so sorry.
- I'm sure you are.

Now you just need to tell us
what you're sorry for.

Well, my, uh, wife, she's, um...

- Your wife?
- Yeah, my wife.

She's pregnant and, um...

It's our first.
And we haven't, you know...

And I bought those magazines,
and I took them to the woods,

and I used 'em.

I ain't never hurt nobody.

You're tellin' me
you went into the woods to jack off?

I don't know nothin' about any murders.


It's just, sometimes you gotta...

- Another body.
- Is it...?

It's not Lubie.

Forensics says he was k*lled
and dumped within the last six hours.

We think it's a kid named Terry Pue.

Last seen around midnight,
well after we picked this guy up.

He couldn't have done it.

So you're telling me the guy
we spent all night squeezing,

who doesn't match our profile,
not a single criteria...

We had his semen, fingerprints.

That guy did nothing wrong
but whack it in the woods.

And while we were dicking around
with duct tape and porn,

another kid was m*rder*d.

I'll make the apology.

Gotta stick around
to make the call to Slaton anyway.

Don't want him to see it first
on the news.


You had to.

Just leave a prelim report on my desk.

Get some sleep. It's already tomorrow.


With unconfirmed reports
that yet another body has been found,

there may finally be a break
in the investigation...

- I can't go out there.
- It's okay. I'll take you out the back.

...but a man was taken into custody

and questioned overnight by the FBI.

This comes just days after the discovery
of two new sets of remains.

- Safety commissioner...
- That's guy's life is ruined.

...outside the task force.

I cannot comment on the status
of the individual at this time,

other than the fact that we issued...

- Yeah.
- ...a custodial warrant.

No charges have been issued as of yet.

Well, we're not getting
any more favors from DA Slaton.

- I can let you know...
- Waste of time.

It could've been him.

You wanted it to be.

We had to eliminate him.

There's no point in us being down here

if we're not doing the one thing
only we know how to do.

We can't have tunnel vision, Holden.

Whittling down possibilities
is not tunnel vision.

That guy didn't fit.

We don't have enough yet
to know what fits.

- Where are you going?
- I need a shower, food, and sleep.

I'm no good to anyone
after 24 g*dd*mn hours.

...further comment
from task force officials,

but we have crews following this...

I'll answer your questions one at a time.

Is the man you released a suspect?

The gentleman's not being charged
and is not being considered a suspect. No.

We have reports
of another body being found.

- What can you tell us about that?
- I'm not able to talk about any details.

Thank you.

The body found this morning
along Sigman Road in Rockdale County

has been identified
as 15-year-old Terry Pue.

The cause of death was strangulation.

The task force and FBI had searched
that stretch along Sigman Road

just a few days ago based on a tip.

That search turned up nothing.

Today, the same area yielded...

...the 19th victim
of Atlanta's child slayings.

This is the first time
a body has been found in Rockdale County.

Rockdale Sheriff's Department said today
they would be cooperating with APD

and Task Force Chief Morris Redding

in their investigation.

- Hello.
- He's f*cking with us.

- What?
- The k*ller, he's f*cking with us.

If he's still f*ckin' with us
in eight hours,

tell me about it.

The search continues
for three children still missing,

11-year-old Darron Glass,

11-year-old Jeffrey Mathis,

and 14-year-old Lubie Geter.

When we got the hoax call
from Sigman Road,

we walked that site for 12 hours
and we found nothing.

Until yesterday.

Terry Pue, right where we'd searched.

He dumped Pue's body on Sigman Road
because he saw us on TV.

He's following the press,

taunting us.

You know, BTK sent his first letter

after the police arrested two other guys
for the Otero murders.

Just like we arrested the plumber.

It's about credit.

And look, he's dropped bodies
in three major counties around Atlanta.

Cobb, Fulton, and then he drops the tenth,
Aaron Wyche,

four feet over the line in Dekalb County.

Every major county except for Rockdale.

Terry Pue.

Sigman Road's in Rockdale County.

It's not random.

He's showing us how deliberate he is.

How smart he is.

He's been having a one-sided conversation.

We need to respond.

It puts him in control.

Like he's directing the hunt.

Dropping Pue's body
at a site we've searched

is a way of inserting himself
in the investigation.

We've seen this before.
Kemper, BTK, Berkowitz,

they love to be the only ones at the table
playing with a full deck.

All right.

What do we do?

He's responding to media coverage.

We need to strictly manage
what we give them.

That way, we're focusing him
to respond to the right things.

And what if he responds
by abducting another child?

All I can tell you is, with BTK,

they chose not to engage,
and he continued to k*ll.

We might be able to push him
to make a mistake.

Let's provide him a single,
focused opportunity to insert himself.

- Something we control.
- And who is "he"?

Seems we ought to start with the guy

who called and told us
to search Sigman Road.

The man we're looking for
would never allow his voice

- to be recorded.
- We don't know that for certain.

That caller was ranting.

We've never found evidence
that these crimes are racially motivated.

Son, we've got 19 dead black children.

You telling me that's a coincidence?

This is Atlanta. You don't have to carry
a burning cross to be a r*cist.

Some of the biggest ones are sitting
behind a gavel.

Holden, they have a point.

We've had two white callers:
the Terrell case and the Geter case.

It's hard to rule them both out
as hoaxes without...



We set up memorials
for some of the victims.

Put crosses at a couple of the dump sites.

We make an announcement, hold a vigil.

We can tie it to one of the STOP marches.

The press will eat that up.
It'll go everywhere.

He won't be able to stay away.

We photograph license plates,
canvass the crowds.

Look for anyone that fits our profile.

He could show up at an odd hour
when it's not populated.

- Be easy to spot.
- Hold... Hold on.

This sounds like
a whole lot of screwin' around,

not a lot of police work.

Frankly, sir,

you have a better idea?

What are these?

Pedophile convictions
goin' back three years.

- Agent Barney said you asked for 'em.
- Thank you.

Hey, you got time
to help me go through these sex offenders?

I'm picking out sites for the memorials.

As soon as I get this off to DC.

Great. Separate out the black males,
early 20s to early 30s,

with convictions involving kids nine
to 15.

- Bedtime reading.
- You going somewhere?

Goin' home.

I told Wendy I'd catch up
at the office on Fridays.

We've got less than ten days
to put this together.

There's the crosses to source,
press releases.


And without the cooperation of STOP,
I'd say we got less than no chance.

You made that relationship,
let's see how it goes.

See you Monday.

How would he k*ll 'em?

How long would he take?

What would he use?
What marks would he leave?

Everybody in the scene's
into their own thing.

You'd have to ask him.


I'm ready.

Only your k*ller would know that...

- He had no interest in ever talking to us.
- I thought you had him primed.

I was naive to think that we'd built
any real rapport so quickly.

Agent Smith.

Okay. Thank you.

Gunn wants to see you.

I've been going through
the Bateson transcript.

I'm curious, why did you take the lead
in this interview?

Because it's clear
Gregg isn't up to the task?

Oh, I'm not sure that that's fair.

I think he just needs
more experience in the field.

And whether Gregg
or I conducted the interview,

it was obvious

that Bateson wasn't interested
in discussing his compulsion.

You're disappointed in the results?

I felt we could've got more.

But he could see where I was headed,
and that's when he ended the interview.

That is frustrating.

You know, Wendy, there's no reason
for you to put your work on hold

to fly cross-country to do these.

Oh, it's all right.

It's, uh... It's quite valuable.

And it keeps us on schedule
while Bill and Holden are away.

I am appreciative
of you taking up the slack, but...

your expertise is needed here in analysis.

And we'll train more agents
to do interviews,

but I don't have anybody else
who can do what you do.

Hands-on's actually helpful
for my analysis.

It allows me to see things first...

The bureau's investing
a lot of resources in this.

Not just as research,
but as the tip of an investigative spear.

Um, it's preferable
that our agents conduct these interviews.

And that frees you up to do
the more important aspects of your work.

We soon will have six to ten agents

collecting histories
all around the country.

You're gonna have your hands full.

♪ And we never wanna lose it ♪

♪ It's like a favorite song
That we love to sing ♪

- Hello, Agent Ford.
- Mrs. Bell.

♪ Ev'ry time we hear the music... ♪

You certainly expanded.

- This is very well-organized.
- We have to be.

There's, unfortunately,
a lot to keep track of.


We don't get drop-ins
from the task force... ever.

I take it you're here on business.

We have a strategy
that could help us identify a suspect.

But... I need a favor.

How can we help?

What is the planned route for the march?

We'll... start at city hall...

and end at Wheat Street Baptist Church.

I was wondering if you could reroute
to a couple of nearby locations

significant to the victims,

maybe hold short vigils.

Actually, what are these two?

Lubie and Eric.


By directing the attention of the press
to these specific sites,

we'll be elevating
their perceived importance for the k*ller.

- "Perceived importance"?
- Yes, ma'am.

We want him to identify these sites
as memorials.

Are these memorials
for the families or for him?

For the families, of course.

we need him to notice.

We'll erect a cross at each site,

create a place for... remembrance.

Where he might come and remember.


Lubie's still missing.

His family might not want a memorial.

Mothers need hope.

I'm sure you can empathize.

I really think we can catch him.

This march is important to these families,
not just because they want justice.

They want to be seen.

They want to grieve and feel like
this city has set aside this moment

to grieve with them.

I can't guarantee
they'll be as receptive to this

as you want to believe.

I do not, in any way, want to diminish
any of those aspects of healing.

But this could be our only opportunity
to flush him out.

♪ We're in this love together ♪

I'll talk to the families.

Drop the crosses by next Friday.

If they agree,

we'll put them up.

- They'll feel more comfortable with that.
- Thank you. I appreciate this.

How's the Big Peach?

No one calls it that.

Any end in sight?

It's rabbit hole after rabbit hole.

What've you got?

Applicants for you to review.

And also a rough training curriculum.

I'd like to get your notes on it
before moving forward.

How's Holden?

Only pissing off half the people
most of the time.

Sounds about right. And you?

Four days there, half a day here,

weekends tryin' to catch my breath.

Feels like I never get anything done.

Go over the applicants next week.

Maybe just take a look at the curriculum.


Hey, Wendy?


I'm sorry.

I thought we'd be done by now.

If we jumped through all the hoops,
played nice,

we'd get the therapist's report
and be on our way.

And I appreciate you giving me space,
but it's okay to ask.

- Bill...
- I'm distracted all the time.

I can't finish one g*dd*mn thing.

It's just...

It feels
like he's actually moving backwards.

In what respects?

He stopped talking.

He doesn't play anymore.

Brian should be throwing a baseball,
playing hide-and-seek,

telling me about his stupid day.

Well, regression may be
a normal part of the healing process.

I have no idea
what's going on inside that head.

Brian was three when we got him.

The doctors said he was fine,

but who knows
what his life was like before.

How he was treated.
What he'd been exposed to.

How does a seven-year-old do what he did?

He watched a child die,

crucified the body,
and didn't tell anyone?

You said he was trying to help.

It was a helpless toddler.

They just left him there.

And Brian knew.

He knew.

Was this inside him when we got him?

Or did we do something?

Bill, I know you.
And you didn't do this to him.

It's not your fault.

So this might just be who he is?

The old man's takin' off, buddy.

You can't keep doing this.

they have coffee in Atlanta, too.

I'm serious, Bill.

You're not getting any sleep.

I can tell you're not eating down there.

You're trying to be in two places at once,
and with everything going on with Brian,

you can't keep this up.

Honey, it's 19 kids.

Just... come home.

Good morning, Mr. Tench.

Good morning.

I'm sorry, did we have an appointment?

Unscheduled spot visit.

Of course.

Come in.

Taking a trip?

I have to go out of town for work.

- How long?
- I'm not quite sure.

It's a pretty big case.

But I'll be back
for all Brian's appointments.

Can I get you some coffee?
I was just about to make breakfast.

- Yes, thank you.
- Please.

What's the case you're working on?

ATKID. Atlanta Child Murders.



Horrible reports coming out about that.

How many children?


A few are still missing.

I was surprised
that he's on an active case.

He's usually in research,


Why did you take this assignment?

Well, my unit, Behavioral Sciences,

we were asked by the Justice Department
to do a profile.

- Here you go.
- Profile?

A workup of the suspect.

Create a list of characteristics
police can use to narrow the search field.

That's fascinating.

How do you create your list?

We interview men who've been convicted
of extremely violent crimes...

serial K*llers, we're calling them.

- Uh-huh.
- And find similarities.

Upbringing, social environment,

factors that have contributed
to their particular behaviors.

And you think...
that could help in Atlanta?

We're hoping.

What we do is still pretty new,

so it can be hard
to get everyone to buy in.

It all starts somewhere.

Is Brian aware of the kind of work you do?

Brian knows I catch bad guys.

He doesn't know... specifics.

- Mm-hmm.
- You don't, uh... Uh, no, thank you.

You don't... bring your work home?


Mrs. Tench,

this is a typical morning in your house?

- Just about.
- I'm usually at work by now.

A cup of coffee and a cigarette,
but I'm off.

Maybe we should get Brian.


- Honey? Breakfast!
- You typically get home around what time?

Depends. Changes day to day.


And business trips,
those are typical for you?

Our interviews
and cases are all over the country,

so we have to go
wherever the need takes us.

Oh, there you are.

You remember Mommy's friend, Miss Leland?

Ms. Leland.

Hi, Brian.

You remember me, right?

Good morning.

I didn't know you cooked.

Don't get too excited,

'cause it's just eggs.


This is nice, isn't it?

Needs a little salt.

Oh, I didn't realize
you were fishing for compliments.

- How'd you sleep?
- Eh.

- Work?
- I just thought

that I'd really broken through
with Henley.

You did.
You learned something about yourself.

Even with Bateson, I thought
that Gunn would at least see some of that.

I just think it's ridiculous

that I'm spending all my time sitting
in a basement,

waiting instead of helping out.

And you're good at it.

- Yeah, I was.
- So tell him that.

Tell him you want to keep going.
He's not a mind reader.

- I did.
- I'm sure you were painfully polite.

Use your big-girl voice.

I've never been great
at asking for what I want.

Practice makes perfect.

Yeah, but maybe Gunn's right.

The first interview was easy
because I could relate to him.

You are talking about a sexual sadist.

Ah, maybe it was just a fluke.

The bright side is that we'll get

to spend more time together.

Well, we're together right now.

No, I didn't mean it...

You and me, this is nice, isn't it?

Yeah, it is.

You know that I have a spare bedroom.

I never use it.

It's just sitting there,
practically empty.


It's... just going to waste.

Are you asking me to move in with you?

You're already here four nights a week.

And we could get you a... a dresser.

You want me to be your roommate?

think of how much money you'd save.

Are you asking me to be your roommate
or are you asking me to move in with you?

I want you to be here and...

Wendy, you need to decide
what the f*ck you're asking me first.

Because if I'm gonna move in,
I'd wanna share a bed with you.

I want to pay rent.

I don't want you to just toss me
a bit of your excess life.

I'm... I'm trying to do something nice.

It sounds like you're trying
to keep your guest bedroom occupied.

No, that's not it at all.

I want you to be here, and I want you
to feel like you have your own space.

All right, let's tease this out.

Say I move my stuff in
and I have my own "space."

What happens in six months?

If I don't pick up the dishes
or I don't come home on time?

What happens if somebody comes over?

Or you don't have four sh*ts of tequila
to be able to kiss me in public?

That's not fair.

- I was out for years in Boston.
- But now you compartmentalize.

Because I wouldn't be able to do my job
effectively if I didn't.

I understand that you're sensitive
about work, and I get it.

No, this has nothing to do with work.

I'm not someone
that you need to take care of.

You keep saying that...
that we'll just figure this out,

and I don't understand what that means.
So if you could just tell me, I'll...

I want you to want me to move in.

Not because it's a good use
of an extra bedroom

or because it's better for taxes.

Because you want it.

I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.

STOP has agreed
to place memorials at two sites.

They'll pause for a short prayer at each
to draw press attention.

- We'll need to assign personnel...
- Sorry.

Welcome back.

I was telling the chief
we have STOP's help.

We just have to get them crosses
in advance.

That's great.
Think they'd put out a press statement?

Be best coming from them.

Sure, I can work on that.

It's very gracious of them to help out,
but, uh, I think we should be cautious

about involving the mothers
too much in our operations.

Why? They're the people
most committed to solving these crimes.

We're all committed, Agent Ford,

but there are rumblings
city hall might open an investigation.

Into what?

STOP's taken in a ton of donations.

There are concerns over exactly
who received the benefits.

Wait, what?

There may not be
equal distribution

among families, and some folks...

- Are you kidding me?
- Holden.

Who gives a shit where the money is going?

If we turn our backs on Camille,
and on the other families,

that entire community will shut us out.


- No one will talk to us.
- He's right, Chief.

- We got the Ops Order for the crosses.
- Finally.

- But there are a few details to work out.
- What details?

- Everything is ready on this end.
- What's the problem?

DC is discussing
who should make the crosses.

Excuse me?

Whether it should be
their exhibit section at headquarters

or the carpentry shop at Quantico.

Why don't we ask the Klan
for their suppliers?

I tried to do an end run,
but I got buried in acronyms. Sorry, guys.

There's gotta be a way
to get this done efficiently.

We can source the project
to an outside vendor.

I'd have to submit a requisition.

Then the Puzzle Palace
would have to approve...

This is ridiculous.

I'm calling Ted.

Apologies, Chief.

He cares.

- We all do, Agent Tench.
- Thank you, sir.

Ted's gonna try to fast-track the crosses.

We've still got a few days.
We have to try.

I'll stay on it.

I found something in those files

you gave me over the weekend.
Sex offenders.

This guy was picked up
just after Lubie went missing,

faces charges for sodomy with a minor.

Look at the house.

This the brick house
down the street in Lakewood?


A neighbor said Lubie
and Earl Terrell used to go to this house.

We should get a warrant.

Vice already tore his house and car apart.

Pulled out boxes of Polaroids,

hundreds of them, all young boys.

They arrested two other men
who shared the photos between them,

possibly sold them.

- We need to look through those photos.
- But here's the thing.

Evidence file says
every single picture was of white kids.

Makes sense.

- This isn't our guy.
- How can you be so sure?

He's white, he's old,

his car isn't close to a police vehicle.

Has your hypothesis ever entertained
that there could be more than one unsub?

That two things could be going on
at the same time?


But this guy isn't preying on
our victim pool.

We need to follow this up.

We know two victims went to his house.
Maybe there were other offenders there.

Especially if these guys were part
of a ring.

We know Earl and Lubie hung out
with another victim.

They called him Pat-Man.
Patrick Rogers. Number 17.

I'll take 'em.

Thank you.

Um, Mrs. Tench?


Thank you.

They say it takes time.

I can't... imagine.

He was such a sweet boy.

A beautiful boy.

My father's eyes.

Can I get you sugar, anything? I...

I can't stop asking:

Why would God let this happen?

I've been praying.

Hoping that he would speak to me.

Give me some answers.


- If there's anything...
- They let me see him.

His skin was...

It wasn't Daniel. But his hair...

Their hair is so fine at that age.

I made them tell me... everything.

I had to know.

Uh... where he was.

What he saw last.

Father Monaghan says
the Lord is mysterious.

We can't know his plan.

We can only await his grace.

I've decided I can't carry this anymore.

This pain,

the anger. It's...

I can't.

I came here because I want you to know
I forgive your son.

- I don't...
- He wasn't trying to hurt anyone.

He was trying to help.

That's what he was doing,
putting... Daniel on that cross.

I see that now.

May I meet... your Brian?

I'd like him to understand
that I forgive him.

That I know his intentions were pure.

That's he's a good boy,
just like my Daniel.


- I just want to tell him...
- No, I'm sorry.

That won't be possible.

I understand.

I never...

Even when you have a baby,

and they tell you
to expect the unexpected,

I never...

We should go.

I forgive you.

I do.

Thank you for meeting with me.

Mrs. Rogers?

FBI, right?

May I come in?

You the first person to come by here
since he been gone.

Sorry... don't have anything new for you.

Pat-Man liked music?

Patrick loved his music.

Loved to disco dance.

He even wrote his own songs.

More Motown.

That's what he said.


He wrote
"I Feel Your Love in the Sunshine,"

and, uh...

"Lonely Without You."

I love that one.

He was talented.

Mrs. Rogers,
did Patrick know Lubie Geter...

or Earl Terrell?


He knew Lubie and Earl.

It was hard on him losing those two.

Seemed every few weeks,
there was somebody he knew.

Are you saying he knew more victims
than just Lubie and Earl?

Oh, yeah.

He knew Aaron Jackson.

They were good friends.

They carried groceries together
down at Moreland Plaza.

Let's see.

At one point,
he dated Alfred Evans' cousin.

So when he died,

that was way back, Patrick knew about him.

He knew Charles Stephens.

And I think he must've known Terry,
because I know Lubie used to...

Terry Pue?

It's a blessing
Patrick never had to know about him.

Did he ever talk to you about the murders?
Or the victims?

He was all broke up about Little Aaron.

Aaron Wyche.

Aaron Wyche.

How'd he know him?

Aaron lived right over there.

The day they pulled Aaron
from up underneath that bridge,

Patrick, he come home and he said,

"Mama... he's gettin' closer."

Police and emergency vehicles
responded this morning... a powerful expl*si*n
in the Bowen Homes Housing complex.

The blast tore through a daycare center
at approximately 11:30,

k*lling three children
and injuring 11 others.

The city says early investigations point
to a faulty boiler.

But many residents of Bowen Homes
are not satisfied.

They are convinced it is tied
to the recent slayings of black children.

Mayor Maynard Jackson
will update the community

and address concerns tonight
at a local Baptist church.

I grieve for,
and I grieve with, this community...

and these families.

With all the families
who have lost little ones.

This is tragedy
heaped upon inexplicable tragedy.

But remember,

he "hath not given us
the spirit of fear...

...but of power...


- ...and of love."
- Yes.

We cannot allow anything
to tear at the bonds of our community.


It is within those bonds
that we have always prevailed.

- He's very good.
- Through our courage,

- through our optimism, and our faith.
- His daddy and granddaddy were preachers.

Consoling is the family business.

As a member of this community,
and as your mayor,

I assure you that just as no injustice
will go unanswered,

no negligence will go unpunished.

Uh, Mayor Jackson, what is the city doing
to find out what caused the expl*si*n?

We are absolutely committed
to finding out what happened here.

But what exactly are you doing?

Who are you investigating?

Well, right now, the question is:
What are we investigating?


It appears that some
of the heating equipment was quite old.

I'm a veteran.
That sounded like a b*mb.

Nah, it blew down fences.
It wasn't no boiler.

There is no indication from the scene
of any expl*sive device.

They killin' children every other way.
Why not like this?

My friends, we cannot conflate an accident

- with the murders...
- Ain't no accident!

We know who done this!

Just like we know
who done all the rest of 'em!

It's the Klan!

Please, let me be very clear,
there is no evidence of Klan involvement.

They been terrorizing us for generations!

- Now they're coming after our children!
- How could you not investigate them?

- We are looking into every possible lead.
- What leads?

Why don't you tell these people the truth?

It's the Klan that's doing this!

We got 19 dead or missing black children!

Who else doin' that to us?

They our babies!

They our babies!

Please, good people.

We must remain calm.

I thought these were his supporters.

They are.

If I believed the Klan
had anything to do with this,

I would not sleep until I had
each and every one of them behind bars.

- You may write it as scripture.
- We know who it is, why don't you know?

We will leave no stone unturned.

We got us a black mayor!
We got us a black commissioner!

Black council members!

We voted for you!
And now ain't nobody doing nothing for us?

We are not your adversaries
in this problem.

- Wanna know who the Klan is?
- Yeah!

We are together in this.

They the rich white men
that own him and him!

You boot-licking lackeys,
always telling us not to be emotional!

- Well damn it, I'm emotional!
- All right, sir.

Come on!

I've never seen a black politician
shouted down at a church before.

The accident
has nothing to do with the murders.

- They don't want to hear logic.
- They don't want to hear excuses.

Eleven black children had to die
for this city to take us seriously.


Now they tell us
they're turnin' over every stone.

Well, I have news for them:

we will leave no stone unturned!

- This is what they want to hear.
- We know what isn't being done!

We know what isn't being said!

And why?

Because they're afraid...

That's right.

...of losing election dollars.

Losing tourists.

While we are losing babies!

- Yes!
- We got nothing left to lose!

We elected these leaders,

yet our children are not given
the full protection of the law!

We are going to make this city

give every poor, black child

- the same consideration and protection...
- Yes! Yes! every other kind of child.

That's right!

We will show the world
who is the real strength of Atlanta!

The plane was late.

Redding and Jim are already up there.

- Any clue what it's about?
- Nope.

Jesus, you should've been with us
Thursday night.

- Where?
- The mayor spoke at a Baptist church.

Bill, they shouted him down
from the pulpit.

At a black church?

These people are saying
that everything is the Klan:

the expl*si*n, the killings.
They didn't care what he had to say.

- Which is why we're not getting support...
- You gentlemen coming?

Also, while you were gone,
we missed the Friday STOP deadline.

The crosses never materialized,
and the march starts in an hour.

Look, we tried.

Did we?

The mayor's ordered
a covert investigation into the Klan.

This is what I was trying to tell you.

Jim and I saw him
take the beating of his life

trying to convince people
it's not the Klan.

To convince people
not to jump to conclusions.

And he's right.

Are we directing this investigation
based on voter whim?

This has nothing to do with
what you saw at that church.

The mayor has always believed,
and I agree,

we have to take a serious look
into the Klan.

But we don't want to inflame the public.

He wants GBI to take the lead.

Fine, let them have it.

Why wouldn't the task force run it?
We know the cases.

The mayor insists this be run
completely independent of APD.

We have a long history of Klan
in the ranks.

If any member of the force,
past or present,

turns out to be involved,
we need a clean chain of evidence.

Makes sense.

I need an agent from the bureau
to serve as liaison for the operation.

You got it, Chief.

You've got warrants for wiretaps
and authorization for 24-hour surveillance

on local operatives.

This stays under the radar.

Only myself and Commissioner Brown
will be read in.

I'll set you up with GBI.

- What?
- Nothing.


You think this operation
is a good use of your time?

What I "think" is we're here
to solve 19 murders.

So I'm gonna allow
for every possibility.

Even if it has nothing to do
with what we came here to pursue?

we're not here to support any theory.

We should be deriving a theory
by either confirming or eliminating leads.

Evidence informs the profile.
Not the other way around.

What evidence is there
to suspect the Klan?

Generations of v*olence
and systemic racism.

We can't not investigate that.

Then let some brick agent sit in the woods
and stare at rednecks.

We need to stay focused.

- If you're distracted...
- I'm not distracted.

I know you have a family,

and I understand being home
on the weekends...

- Holden.
- But now you're taking

part of Thursday, all of Friday,
plane's late half the time on Monday.

Look, I have some things
to deal with at home.

It's personal.

The crosses.


"Assembly required"?

Who comes up with this shit?

We're not gonna make it in time.

I promised I would be there.

I'm f*cking doing this.

Promise me you'll never tell anyone
I helped build crosses for a march.

Done. Where's the base?

Just go! Go! Go!

Go all the way down Butler:
that'll take us south to Auburn.

We can beat them to the church,
get at least one up before they get there.

Hey, assh*le!

You can't park here!

- You're gonna have to move the car.
- FBI.

Excuse me!

Federal agent! Pardon me!

Excuse me. I have to move this.

- No problem.
- All right.

Another one, please.

Jim says they found another body.



- Strangulation.
- Where?

Vandiver Road.

About two miles from victims one and two.

What was he wearing?

Just his Jockeys.

Same as four others.

It fits. He fits the pattern.

They've got to get on board with us.
This is one predator, Bill.

We just got to figure out
how to get him in the open.

Today was...

You had a good idea.
Probably won't be your last.

I don't understand
how 19 children can be slaughtered,

and we spend an afternoon figuring out
which drill bit is official size.

It's been a tough day.

You heard from Quantico?

Does Gunn even know
what we're trying to do down here?

I don't think anyone knows
how to deal with this, Holden.

It's not like there's a blueprint
for this.

We should be creating a blueprint.

As the experts.

How are we supposed to do that

when everything has to be filled out
in triplicate?

Maybe when there's an even 20,
we'll get a longer leash.

Your turn, right?

I'm good for another.

Nah, I'm gonna get flat.

All right.
All the travel takes it out of you.


Thanks for the drink.

♪ I can dream up schemes
When I'm sitting in my seat ♪

♪ I don't see any flaws ♪

♪ Till I get to my feet ♪

♪ I wish I never woke up this morning ♪

♪ Life was easy ♪

♪ When it was boring ♪

♪ I could make a mark
If it weren't so dark ♪

♪ I could be replaced
By any bright spark ♪

♪ But darkness makes me fumble ♪

♪ For a key ♪

♪ To a door ♪

♪ That's wide open ♪

♪ Instead of worrying about my clothes ♪

♪ I could be someone that nobody knows ♪

♪ I wish I never woke up this morning ♪

♪ Life was easy ♪

♪ When it was boring ♪

♪ I can dream up schemes
When I'm sitting in my seat ♪

♪ I don't see any flaws ♪

♪ Till I get to my feet ♪

♪ I wish I never woke up this morning ♪

♪ Life was easy ♪

♪ When it was boring ♪