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01x04 - Secret

Posted: 05/02/22 09:23
by bunniefuu
-S Ep -


I'm sorry for not texting you. Uh...

I just wanted to talk in person.



Just come in, you're getting soaked.

Yeah, good idea.

Did you forget a coat?

Oh. Uh...

Yeah, I didn't check the weather
before I left.



So, about last night. Um...

- I just wanted to say...
- Nick.

I didn't know you were coming round.


Yeah. Sorry, yeah.

He's just picking up
a jumper he left here last week.


Uh, well, don't forget we're going
to Grandma's this morning, Charlie.

You could at least
change out of your pajamas.

Let's go to my room.


- So...
- I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry. It was...

I didn't think properly
about what I was doing and...

I did a stupid thing.
I don't want you to feel awkward about it.

- It was all my fault.
- Hang on.

I shouldn't have kissed you.

I bet you just felt pressured
to do it because I asked,

and you probably
don't wanna talk to me again,

but I at least had to say sorry.

See if there's a chance
we can still be friends?

- Charlie...
- I don't want to lose you

- because I did something stupid.
- Charlie.



I'm so sorry, I...

I'm just so sorry I ran away last night.

I was just freaking out because, uh...

I was confused
and surprised and, like, honestly...

I'm having a proper, full-on gay crisis.

And it's not that
I didn't want to, you know...

kiss you.

I just...

I was just so confused.

I've just been so, so confused.

I just think I need some time to...

figure this out.

At school... is it okay if we, like...

Keep this a secret?


I just don't really know if I can, uh...

You know.

Come out as anything.


It's fine.



♪ 'Cause I can't really
Guess what you want ♪

♪ If you let me down, let me down slow ♪

♪ If you let me down, let me down slow ♪

♪ If you've got feelings for me ♪

♪ You just gotta speak honestly ♪




Did I forget something?



♪ I don't wanna give you up ♪

♪ I don't wanna let you
Love somebody else but me ♪

♪ So what's it gonna be? ♪



♪ I don't wanna give you up ♪

♪ I don't wanna make it look
Like it's no big deal ♪

♪ So what's it gonna be? ♪

♪ So what's it gonna be? ♪



Something's different.


- Have you changed your hair?
- What? No.

You have!
I've known you since, like, Year .

I can tell when something's changed.
You look different.

It's different now you're messing with it.

Don't worry,
I'm a highly qualified hair stylist.

Qualified from where?

- The University of Hair Stylists.
- Wow.

Yeah, seems legit.

Oh, I've got to go.
I forgot I had morning detention.





- Oh. Hi.
- Hi.

Is this how it's going to be now?

- Am I officially the third wheel?
- No.

We're finally taking the opportunity
to kiss as much as possible.

No, we're not.
Did you finish your work?

- Probably.
- Probably not, eh?

There's a boy in there, waiting for you.



Is it the secret boyfriend
or the straight boy crush?

- He's on the rugby team.
- Hmm.

- I joined the rugby team.
- Mmm.

Of course you did.

Don't get crumbs on the floor

or I'll get told off
by the cleaners. Again.

Go on.



I missed you.

I saw you in form, like, four hours ago.

Sure your friends don't mind
you eating lunch with me?

Nah. They can deal with it.

Clearly, I need to be here to get tips
on how to be good at rugby.

Oh, really? So that's what
this is actually all about then?


Feels nice to be able
to ditch my friends for once.

All they want to do at lunch is just sit
on the field and chuck stuff at people.

Chuck stuff?


Mainly Harry.

He's an idiot.

My friends are nothing like you.

Are we even allowed in here?

Yeah. I used to
come in here a lot last year.

Like, when the bullying was really bad.

Mr. Ajayi was the only teacher
who really cared that much.

Well, he was giving me evils
before you got here.

He must have thought you were Ben.

I told him about the "Ben making me
keep us a secret" thing.

Not... I mean, that's nothing
like what we're doing.

You're nothing like him.

This is completely different.


That's it boys, tackle low.

Get over the ball.

Kick it!

- Go for the tackle, boys.
- Charlie!

Come on, man. For the third time!

Is he going to tackle anyone,
or is he gonna stand there?

- Why did he even join the team?
- All right.

Boys, quick.

We all need to step up
for the St. John's match.


If we can't even tackle them,
we've got no chance. No chance at all.

You're on cone collection today, Charlie.


You gonna be okay for the match next week?

I'd keep you on reserve for longer,

but Kieran has an unavoidable
dentist appointment.

I'll be fine.

About the tackling,
you've really got to commit to it, okay?

Try not to worry about getting hurt
and just throw yourself into it.

- Okay.
- It's all about confidence.

Well, it's hard to be confident
when they all see me

as a stereotypical gay boy
who can't do sports.

A lot of gay people
are good at sports, Charlie.

♪ Call me by name ♪

♪ This name I can't remember ♪

♪ I can't connect to ♪

♪ A vicious game ♪

♪ Is calling to push forward ♪

♪ Yet expect it to remain ♪

♪ All of these moving parts ♪

♪ From the start we were changing ♪

♪ Bigger scenes and bigger stars ♪

♪ It's not hard to contain it ♪

♪ But to never lose it? ♪

♪ Well... ♪

♪ We've got the heart
It's true ♪

♪ Don't wanna waste love ♪

♪ Don't wanna hurt you
Hurt you ♪

♪ Lifting off deeper blues ♪

♪ We're gonna let heart hold true ♪

Well, apparently they were kissing
at Harry's party. Like, properly kissing.

Yeah, well, some girls
who are friends just do that.

Actually, when you think about it,
there are , people at this school,

so at least a few of them
are going to be lesbians.

Maybe you're a lesbian
and you have no idea.

It'll die down soon, won't it?

I really, really hope so.

Tara, I need to talk to you.

Oh, God.

Hi, Imogen, what's up?

One minute I hear you
and Nick are a thing,

the next I hear you're kissing
some girl at Harry's party.

Tara literally kisses
her girlfriend at a crowded party,

and people are still asking her
if she's dating a guy

she kissed once when she was ?

- So that girl is her girlfriend?
- That girl? I'm right here!

All right. Fine, I was just asking.

Just so you know, me and Nick
are together, so I just needed to check.

You and Nick Nelson are together?


I mean, pretty much.

Look, we look cute together.

Yeah. Very cute.

So you and Nick are definitely not...

- I'm a lesbian.
- Okay.

I'm not, like, h*m*.

I'm an ally.


We thank you for your service.

I bet Charlie's eating lunch
with Nick again.

He's been eating lunch with him a lot.

Well, they're in the honeymoon phase.

It's not even like they're dating.

Unless they are.

I mean... Look at them.

It's a bad idea to even walk near them,
let alone actually befriend one of them.

Charlie's putting himself in danger

just because he has
a little unrequited crush.

Oi, catch.

Sorry, mate.

- Oh, my God.
- You okay?


Can I have the ball back?


It's mine now.



So, all my friends are showing up
in a bit to watch me play.

All your friends?

Tao, Isaac and Elle.

I've said they really
didn't have to come, but...

Elle said they wanted to be supportive.

Oh. That's...

That's nice.

Don't worry.

I won't say anything about us.


Yeah, good. Thanks.

You sure it's okay?

Yeah. Of course.

Not going to flake out today, are you?

- No.
- We're counting on you.

- They're here. I'll be right back.
- Let's line up.

Groups of three
for the passing exercise. Let's go.

- Hi.
- Oh, my God, I missed you.

- You too.
- Excuse me, where's our hug?

I see you all the time.

So this is Tara and Darcy.

Yeah. Hi.


My guy.

I'm not gonna lie to you,

I'm mainly here to get acquainted
with the local gays, but, you know,

you and Nick Nelson
are looking suspiciously couple-y.

Oh, my God, please ignore her.

We're friends. He's my friend.

Well, friends as in friends,
or friends as in friends?


Why? Are there rumors, or...

No, no. Nothing but my gay intuition.

I promise.
We're totally platonic, good friends.

Disappointing, but... Okay.

You all right, Nick?

Oi, Nick! Come, come.

Join in, yeah?

Quick question.

Why are the other team literal adult men?

They're a specialist sports school.

Oh, wow.

Oh, God.



Be dominant.
We have to show them who we are,

what we're proud of, yeah, boys?
One, two, three!

Come on, boys.

All right, line up, boys.

Come on, Nicholas!

Harry, don't let the game go soft.

So, does anyone remember
the rules of rugby because I don't.

- No.
- Yeah.

Come on, Nicholas!


Come on. Let's go, boys. Come on!

Head up!

There we are, yeah.

Five, six, seven. Heave!


- Ow.
- Oh, my gosh.

Get back up, Charlie.

Yes, Charlie!

- Shake it off, it's fine! Come on!
- Yes!

Hold it.

Mate. See that number , yeah?

He definitely has something for you, mate.

A crush or something, mate.

Is Harry Green picking on Charlie?

Maybe they're friends.

That's even worse.

Next, Charlie will be bringing
the whole rugby team

to our film night
and making us watch Avengers or something.

Is that your nightmare scenario?

Watching a movie you hate
with people you don't like very much?

Charlie's befriending bullies,
and our friendship group is falling apart.

- Take this seriously.
- Hey.

I didn't come to risk seeing
all the Truham Boys who used to pick on me

just for you to tell me
our friendship group's falling apart.

Go after him, mate. %.

All right. Boys, set up. Set up.

Go on, mate.

Keep your head up, Charlie.

- Hang in there, boys.
- Come on!


Is it okay if we, like...

Keep this a secret?


Okay, that's it, I'm calling it.
This rain is too dangerous!

Match is over! Everyone off the pitch!



Is your nose okay?

I don't know.

Let me see.

It looks fine.


You've got some mud on your face though.

Um, sorry...


I'm really sorry
for being all clingy and annoying.

I'm making this so awkward.

You wanted to keep us a secret
and I'm messing it up.

I'm the one who should be saying sorry.



for, um...

interrupting, but Ms. Singh told me
to give you some... antiseptic wipes.



I'd better go.


Isaac won't say anything.



Charlie's not going to give up
on Nick Nelson, is he?

Highly doubt it.

Maybe we should
just stop getting involved.

I can't believe
you just actually suggested that.

You, Tao Xu,
King of Getting Involved.

Shut up.

- It was nice meeting your friends though.
- Yeah?


They seem cool.

They are.

Have they replaced us?

As if anyone could replace

your incredibly annoying,
loud presence in my life.

How dare you?

Who you waiting for?

I was just waiting to see Nick.

- Oh. Finally ready to make a move?
- I know...

- Just piss off, Harry.
- Ooh!

Okay, fine. If you're gonna be
a coward about it.

Ooh, feisty.

Oh. Hey.


What's up?

You did so good.

Uh, I mean, the match was cancelled
and we were losing anyway, but...


So what's going on?



wanted to ask you if, um...

Like, this is really random.

But maybe we could,
like... go out somewhere.


Like, I guess sort of a... date.

Or something.

Oh. Um...

Go on, Nick.

Yeah. I guess so, sure.

Yes, lad.

Lads, let's get out of here.