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01x06 - Fortitude

Posted: 05/01/22 17:42
by bunniefuu
- You see?
- Yes.

I told you. You can
manifest anything.

- Yes, you did.
- Do you see that?

I do. Yeah. Yeah.

So, what do you want?

I want the sun.

Let's manifest the sun.

Corte Madera?


Yeah, I don't think
I can do this.

Of course you can. It's
easy. It's a board meeting.

Just tell them all the
amazing things we're doing.

When are you coming back?

- Back where?
- Back here.

I am here.

Well, I don't know
what that means.

I'm at WeWork right now.

WeWork is... It's
wherever we are.


Does everyone have water?

May I have some of your water?

Where's Adam?


What are you doing, motek?


Oh, yeah?

- Mommy, look. I found a crab leg.
- Oh, wow!

- Let me see.
- No, the seagull...

- My love, do you have a minute?
- Of course, of course.

So… I found the old pitch deck that
you and Miguel made after Greendesk.

And I started thinking
back to Concept Living

and what it means to truly
create a physical social network.

And I just started
riffing and, well…

We revolutionized work.

Now we bring WeWork's mission,
our entire philosophy,

to airlines, gyms,
to banking, living.

We are more than WeWork.

We are a way of life.

So what do you think?

I think… it's magic.

And I think you're magic.

Love it!

- I'm a magician.
- You're a magician.

Our core mission remains the same:
To elevate the world's consciousness.

But now we will be even more
than coworking space. Even more.

You don't think small, do you?

No, no. I don't know
any other way to think.

You made Fortune's Unicorn List

of private companies with
valuations over one billion dollars.

You're poised to control the most
square footage in New York City.

Yet some of the world's
greatest companies have stumbled

when they've taken their eyes off
the ball of their core businesses.

We don't stumble.


Did he just pitch
a WeWork airline?

- My pleasure.
- Thank you. Good to see you.

You took the kids out of school?

Well, we're homeschooling
them with a Chabad curriculum.

They're receiving the best
education in the world.

The swell was at least six feet.

- Bruce!
- Adam.


Welcome to our
new home. Welcome.

What the hell are
you doing here?

I am so sorry. It's
Harlow's school.

Oh, okay. Okay.

Hello. Rebekah Paltrow Neumann.

- Can I get you anything?
- Look.

They're turning on you.

What do you mean?

I mean, who is turning on me?

The board.

They wanna go public.

And they're concerned that your
eccentricities are not the right fit

- for the CEO of a public company.
- Wait, wait, wait.

My eccentricities?

My eccentricities?

Like what? The fact that I work
24 hours a day, seven days a week?

Or that I've grown this company faster
than Google or Alibaba or Amazon?

Those eccentricities,
Bruce? Those eccentricities?

I'm in your corner.

I'm on your side.

Then you should be talking to
them. Not to me. Not to me, Bruce.

I came to you first.

When we were trying to
expand, I needed you.

And you turned me away.

I'm sorry you see it that way.

The way I see it, I have
been with you from the start.

I have given you millions.

- But you seem to have forgotten.
- No, no. I haven't forgotten.

I'm curious.

At Benchmark, do you speak
to the CEO of Uber this way?

That's what I wonder.
I'm thinking no.


A bicycle valet service.

Yeah. It's your company. You
get to make the decisions.

As long as you're in charge,
you get to call the sh*ts.

Next time, I will call.

We have to go back.

If you're worried about
our kids falling behind,

then you're using the
wrong measuring stick.

I have them listen in
on Adam's business calls

in between tutoring sessions.

I mean, second years at Harvard
Business School would k*ll

for this kind of education.

You should see it,
what Rivka's doing.

- It's amazing.
- Thank you.

And we are teaching them
conscious entrepreneurship.

We believe in a
traditional curriculum.

Phonics, addition, subtraction.

- Things like that.
- They're getting all of that. All of it.

Traditional curriculums
breed traditional thinkers.

Then maybe we're not the right
school for you or your daughter.

Listen, we want Harlow here.

But it sounds like you need to
decide whether that's the right fit.

I feel bad for the
other kids. I really do.

I wish they were getting the
kind of education that Harlow is.

Hello. Put a stop payment on the
last check to Harlow's school.

We're going to find another place for
her to finger-paint for $42,000 a year.


And to think we were going
to donate a meditation room.

No, the curriculum's fantastic, but what
about the socialization aspect of it?

We can't overlook that.

- Spence?
- It's too far.

- Sacred Heart?
- It's too Catholic.

- Hackley?
- No, no. No.

None of these schools are going
to feed our children's souls.

You're not crazy enough.


- Yes.
- Yes.

- Yes.
- Yes.

- Oh, my God.
- Hey.

Oh, yes.

- We're gonna start a school.
- Yes.

We're gonna start a s...

I need to order some books on
education. I'll be right back.

Ingrid? Ingrid?
Where's my phone?


Turn on CNBC.

- CNBC? Why?
- Just turn it on.

And it's now official,

Travis Kalanick has
resigned as CEO of Uber.

Five of the ride-hailing
giant's biggest investors

demanded that Kalanick
step down immediately.

This included Uber's
largest shareholder,

the venture capital
firm Benchmark Capital.

Benchmark. We're good
with Benchmark, right?

Calling you back.

…delivered to the embattled CEO.

In a just-released statement…

I'm gonna get Bjarke
Ingels to design it.

Great. Great.

Bruce is here.

- Bruce?
- Bruce.



- You mind if we come in?
- Hi.


- Hey. Adam...
- How's the back?

- Good.
- Good.

I want you to meet
Cameron Lautner.

And, Cameron, the
legendary Adam Neumann.

- Cameron! That's the name of our masseuse.
- Our masseuse.

- Our masseuse.
- Yeah, well, we call her Cammy.

Yes, yes, Cammy. We can
call you Cammy Number Two.

Cam is fine.

But Cammy's easier to remember.
It's got a ring to it.

Yeah, I thought unicorns
had hooves actually.

- That's sneakers.
- We have horns too.

Be careful. Be careful.

I'll get you.

And this is Adam's
cofounder, Miguel.

- Nice to meet you.
- Pleasure.

- And his wife, Re...
- Chief Branding Officer.

- And Chief Branding Officer, Rebekah.
- Rebekah Paltrow Neumann.

- Absolutely charmed.
- Thank you.

My better half.

Cameron is one of my
partners at Benchmark.

And he's here to help.

Yeah, well… didn't know
we needed help. But…

Everyone can do with a
little help, can't they?

We've been doing
pretty good on our own.

Or maybe you still can't see the
horn. It's right here. You see it?

- Yes, you do have a little horn, Adam.
- Yes, I do.

Benchmark's recommendation is that you
let us help you prepare for an IPO.

Just tighten things up a bit.

But it's your company. I
mean, you call the sh*ts.

Well, what do you think?

- I think everyone could use a little help.
- Yeah.

- Oh, hi, Bea.
- Good lad. Great.


Bjarke? Okay, I'll meet
him by the elevators.

If you'll excuse me. I have
to meet with our architect.

We're starting a school.

See you later. Lovely
to meet you. Bruce.

Chief Brand Officer.

Yeah, well, you know, the market
doesn't really like education.

There's no money in it. So…

But you get that. You get it.

Look, who should I speak
to about my office?

- Your office?
- I live here now, mate.

I see clouds.

Clouds. Of Burmese teak.

Yes. Yes, Bjarke. And…

A meadow. Right?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?


Oh, this is incredible.

Can you feel the energy
that we're creating in here?

Yes, I do.

These columns?

But they're not columns.

- They're not?
- They're trees.

They're trees. I
just got chills.

Oh, my gosh. Just wow.

- Yes.
- Yes. Yes?

- Yes.
- This energy will be expensive.

Bjarke, our mission is to unleash
every child's superpowers.

You can't put a
price tag on that.

I don't understand. I thought
this is what we wanted, right?

To go public?

Miguel, you and I
grew up on communes.

We had to share clothes,
toys, everything.

We never had anything
that belonged to us.

Now WeWork is ours. It's ours!

And we will not have our company belong
to other people. Not yet. Not yet.

What about our employees
and their options?

Cam's asking for balance
sheets for the past ten years.

Give him nothing.

Wait, no, no!

Give him everything.


Welcome to WeWork, m*therf*cker.

Okay, just fill in the open spaces.
Start in the back. Stack 'em up.

Any open space, fill it
with a box. Thank you.

Think you'll need help
with an intern, or…

No, I'm good.

The glasses…

Okay. I just wanted to take a moment to
thank you for... for making the time.

I know you're terribly busy.

Couple of questions I had.

What's Wavegarden?

It's a really great
wave pool that we...

He knows what it is.
He has all the files.

Yeah, well, I just
wanted to check...

WeWork didn't buy a stake
in a wave pool company

just 'cause you like
to surf, did it?

Actually, we're planning on
building a permanent summer camp.

- Excellent.
- Permanent.

How about Laird Superfood?

That's a…
turmeric-and-mushroom-infused creamers.

It's delicious.

So, I'm just trying to
understand things here.

Why would a shared workspace
company buy a stake

in a coffee creamer company?

- Because our employees drink coffee.
- Just…

Let them finish.
Let them finish.

This particular coffee creamer
company is owned by Laird Hamilton.

So I know it's a
silly, silly question,

but did you buy a stake in it

because you wanted to hang
out with famous surfers, or…

I can see this is a
little performance.

- And it's very, very entertaining.
- Thank you.

But please get to the point.
I have a company to run.

The thing is that this is what
they're going to do, isn't it?

You know, they're gonna ask
all the tough questions.

They're gonna look
under every stone.

And six people hit on this
in, what, less than a week?

So, honest question. I
want your answer here.

What do you think's gonna happen

when every analyst in the f*cking
world is looking at WeWork?

The board never objected to a
single one of these transactions.

Trust me, I get
that. The thing is…

When you're a private company,
you can do whatever you want.

Buy all the coffee creamers you
want. Honestly. I don't give a f*ck.

But when you go public,

there are the SEC shareholders
to think about, right?

10-Ks and 8-Ks and
8-Qs and Forms 3, 4, 5

and Schedules 13s and...
Absolutely boring. I know.

But it's really important
we get this done,

so if we can just put our big boy
pants on for a little while longer

and just push on through
this... Is that all right?

- Continue.
- Thank you.

You told The Wall Street Journal
that WeWork was profitable.

You said we wouldn't need any
more investment before the IPO.

That's just not true.

Just help me out here. Why
are you lying, Mr. Neumann?

Turn that f*cking music off!

Continue. Continue.
You've got my attention.

I just feel like the right partner will
authenticate our mission even more.

So, to that end, I want
Adam Braun to run it.

- Scooter Braun's brother.
- Yes.

- I...
- Hello, shalom.

Yes. Sorry to interrupt.

No, no, no, no.

I did a piece on Scooter Braun back
when Justin and Selena broke up, so…

MissionU is very successful.

- He'll never leave.
- Okay.

So we buy MissionU.


- How much is it?
- Four million if we're lucky.

Okay, great. So...

Talk to you tomorrow. Thanks.

- Good meeting?
- Oh, so good.

There's so much to do.

Great, great, great.

We can't buy any more
companies right now.

Adam, I can't slow down.

WeGrow's mission
is too important.

WeGrow's mission will
have to wait, okay?


I'm not going to
wait. Not anymore.

You've let negative thoughts in.

Yeah, well, it's just...

I don't know what to manifest
anymore. I feel trapped.

So manifest freedom.


I'm gonna have the lawyers
draw up the contracts.

Y muchas gracias to the
mayor. Yes. The mayor.

And to our 100th city.

- Nosotros!
- Trabajamos!

- Nosotros!
- Trabajamos!

- Nosotros!
- Trabajamos!

- Nosotros!
- Trabajamos!

- Nosotros!
- Trabajamos!


Here we go. One more.

- Come on, man.
- Yo, here we go.

Here we go.

- I have to go to el baño.
- Hold on. You ready?

- Yes, yes.
- Oh! Whoa!

- No, no! Whoa!
- Whoa!


"Meet me in Mexico
City"? You're crazy.

- Right? Yes! Who's crazy? Yes!
- What the hell is that?

- Who is crazy?
- Hey!

Who is crazy, eh?

I want to feel that every
day for the rest of my life.




Buy out the others.

Benchmark, the
banks. All of them.

No IPO. No one telling us what to do.
No one looking over our shoulders.

We only answer to each other.
And... And we show them.

We show them what crazy
really looks like.

What do you think?

I think you have fortitude.

Drink, drink!

A round for the bar.
sh*ts por todos.

sh*ts por todos!

- Nosotros!
- Trabajamos!

Did you get it?

- Yeah.
- Great.

Did you see her Instagram?

Yes, yes, very nice work.
Very nice work, team.

I need to talk to you.

Cammy Number Two.
What do you want?

I'm in a meeting.

What's this?


- We discussed this. No school.
- No, no.

You discussed it.

I listened, and I decided
not to take your advice.

That's all it is, right? Advice?
We're doing everything on the board.

- Adam.
- Everything. Yes?

What do you wanna wear for CNBC?

Gray Prada suit,
white button-down,

maybe the suede Gucci shoes?

And I'll take your tie.

Oh, you like it?

Yeah, but ask Damian if
the stripes are okay.

- I know that always drives him crazy.
- Adam,

investors are trying to
understand our core business.

It's a business that's losing
astronomical amounts of money.

We can't start a
new business now.

Okay. That's too bad because
I just had an amazing idea.

Oh, you'll love it.

Here it is.


Here's the concept.

We go back to work, okay?

And you can get the
f*ck out of my office.

- Great.
- Yes. Yes, it's good. Good.

Okay, where were we?



Continue. Continue.

Masa buys out the other
investors for 20 billion,

which values WeWork
at $47 billion,

but he wants control of
the company post-buyout.

No, no. I remain in control.

Nonnegotiable. You understand?


Let's go through these.

Cam, we went through those.

Then let's go
through them again.

Up, up. Up, up.

What is WeGrow's mission?

It's the same as all
the We companies.

To elevate the
world's consciousness.

Maybe a little
more specifically.

The mission of WeGrow is to
unleash every person's superpower.

And expand happiness.

- Okay. Right.
- Okay.

You know what? Let's
take it back a step.

During a press release, you kinda
wanna stick with the basics.

Well, obviously.

So, the basic idea here
is WeGrow is a school.

Well, it's really more of a
practice and a new approach to life.

- Okay. Right.
- Okay.

Who were your teachers?

His Holiness the Dalai
Lama and Mother Nature.

Damian! Stop f*cking
around. Come on. I need you.

- Come, come, come.
- Ada...

Four. Three.

Are you New York's
biggest leaseholder yet?

We're about to close a deal
that will make us number one.

Walter Isaacson recently compared
you to Steve Jobs. Is it...

Walter is great. I'm thinking about
having him write my biography.

That will put you in some
pretty rarefied company.

Da Vinci. Einstein.
Kissinger. Jobs.

Does Neumann belong
among names like that?

- Da Vinci, Einstein... Come on.
- No, no, no. Absolutely not.

- Not yet. Oh.
- Not yet.

Not yet.

You have built the second most
valuable private company in America.

Third most in the world.
It is a bona fide unicorn.

Last year, your revenue
doubled to 1.8 billion.

Now, but you did lose 1.9.

What do you say to claims that
you'll never be profitable?

It took Amazon, what, nine
years to make a profit.

At year eight, we're almost at breakeven,
so I'd say we're ahead of schedule.

Is WeWork the next Amazon?

- Adam? When'd you get...
- We're a trillion-dollar company.

Do you know how long it takes
a diamond to be created?

I need to talk to
you about earlier.

Between half a million
and four million years.

I was working with
Damian when you came in,

and you just interrupted
us, and it's...

Watch how I handle this. Watch.

For three days in 1999,

Masayoshi Son was the
richest man in the world,

and he will be again
because of WeWork.

- Thank you, Mr. Neumann.
- Thank you very much.

Last year, your revenue
doubled to 1.8 billion.

Now, but you did lose 1.9.

What do you say to claims that
you'll never be profitable?

He insists on control.

And he would prohibit you from investing
in competing real estate ventures.

He presumes to tell us
what we can invest in?

They are burning through
cash at an alarming rate.

And with the downward
pressure on our stock price.

Son-san, we should
not do this deal.

The terms are unfavorable.

Then we improve the terms.

He's coming!

Louder. Louder.

Masa's counter.

- How is it?
- They pushed back. Hard.

Well, then we push
back harder, okay?

And then they push back, and we
push back, and they push back again.

- That's why it's called a negotiation.
- They are not messing around.

Not with this pressure
on their share price.

We should accept.

Listen to me, Matthew.

Masa respects crazy. You
understand? Crazy. Push back!

On what?


We must have fortitude.


Make the beast a
beautiful man, Bobby.

You got it.




- Hey! Oh!
- Eight point f*cking nine!


With this lease, we just
passed 8.9 million square feet!

WeWork now controls the most square
footage in all of New York City!

- Wow!
- Yeah!

And we are going to party!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Nice and straight
in the back, Bobby.

Nice and straight.

Adam, Lars called from SoftBank.

Masa wants you to meet with somebody
named Khaldoon Khalifa Al Mubarak.

He's head of Abu Dhabi's
sovereign wealth fund.

Put it in my calendar.

But Abu Dhabi's not gonna let SoftBank
invest any more money in WeWork.

You have to meet with him and impress
him. He said it's very important.

Tell him not to worry. I'll knock
Mubarak's kandura off, you understand?

I'll make his agal
spin like a top.

- Okay.
- Hey. Now, I want you to plan a party.

- A what?
- A party.

A party for being New
York's biggest leaseholder.

- Okay.
- Yes. And see if we can get

"Neumann, WeWork's
messianic CEO,

says the brave new world of
the gig economy is reshap"...

Messianic, like, messiah?


Phil, do you think
that I'm messianic?

- Be honest.
- Yeah. Yeah, I do.

"Now, Neumann spends his
Mondays at WeWork HQ"…


"Topped off with sh*ts of
tequila for the entire staff."

Hey, Adam, you're set for tomorrow
at The Mercer with Al Mubarak.

Who is that?

The head of Abu Dhabi's
sovereign wealth fund.

You had that call with
SoftBank about him.

Al Mubarak. He's one of the
Vision Fund's biggest investors.

He said has doubts about WeWork.

And he won't when I
get done with him.

Okay, how is the
party planning coming?

Did you get the Black Eyed
Peas or or...

Trading phone calls.
Stuff like that.

What is the board doing here?

If I had known you were coming,
I would have put out muffins.

- Have a seat.
- I was planning on it.

So, how can I help you?


You're not really fit to be CEO
of a public company, are you?

You see, WeWork has grown,

and Adam hasn't.

You know, I'm not
talking about the tequila

and the cock and balls
in the Zen garden

and all that
adolescent bullshit.

No. I'm talking about this.


Got 55 Chrystie
Street, 189 Lispenard.

These are buildings that are owned by
Adam and are leased back to WeWork.

How is he negotiating the
best terms for the company

if he's negotiating
against himself?

He trademarked the word "we"

and then sold it to the
company for $5.9 million.

That's your money.

Turmeric coffee creamer company
and a wave pool company,

and now his wife's quite frankly
insane vanity project, a school.

Hands up if anybody can tell me

why a shared workspace
company is building a school.

What are you waiting for?

Are you waiting
for gasps of shock?

I told you. I said the board knew
about every single transaction.

They didn't object to any of it.

Yes, you know, they did
give you a lot of rope,

and you hung yourself with it.

Right? He's very charming,

but we stand to lose
or gain billions

based on this moment.

Let's get rid of
the rotting corpse.

Remove him as CEO.

Where were you when we were screwing
together desks ten years ago?

Or when I was flying from
Jaipur to Hanoi to Shanghai

trying to expand into Asia?

Where were you?

You don't want me
here? Okay. Okay.

Who is going to
run this company?

Is it him? Miguel?


Good luck.

Find another person who
can walk into a room

and come out 12 minutes
later with $4 billion.

I'm a golden f*cking goose
laying golden f*cking eggs.

And I'm going to make every single
one of you filthy f*cking rich.

So let's do it. Let's do it.

Let's vote on Cam's motion.
No, no. Let's do it.

- All in favor!
- Great.

All in favor!

Let's go. Good. Come,
come, come, come, come.

Yes, well, there it is.

5-4 in favor of you f*cking off.

Meeting adjourned.

Muffins on the way.

Adam, you're not a golden goose.

You just have fortitude.

Again! Again! Again!

Again! Again! Again! Again!

- Yeah! Yes! Again! Again!
- WeWork! WeWork! WeWork! WeWork!

- Again! Yes! Yeah!
- WeWork! WeWork!

Yes! Yeah!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

WeWork! WeWork! WeWork!

You're gonna be there
tomorrow, right?

For what?

Tomorrow is the first day of
WeGrow. You're talking to the kids.


Adam. Adam.

Adam, you need to wake up.

- Who is it?
- It's me. Birdie.

It's 11:23. You have the
meeting with Al Mubarak.

Masa's investor.

- Who?
- You're gonna miss it. We have to go.

- Sh...
- We have to go.

Sheikh, my deepest apologies.

Please, excuse me.

I hope they're
treating you well.

He was 45 minutes late.

Saudi Arabia and now Abu Dhabi refuse
to allow us to invest more money in him.

His demands in the negotiation
have been infuriating.

He is like a child.

He's been spoiled long enough.

Son-san, we must
put an end to this.

Masa! It's your prodigal son.

Listen, I had a small
scheduling problem with Mubarak,

but call me back.

Not a big deal. Call me
back. Call me day or night.

Agree to their terms.
Close it up. Close it.

Did Masa call?

- No, he didn't. But you do have...
- Listen.

Only get me for Masa.

For Masa. That's it.

So, here at WeGrow, we
place equal priority

on your mental, physical,
and spiritual development.

However you learn is just fine.

Call Adam's office again.

Okay, while we wait for
our very special guest,

why don't we go
around the circle,

and everyone can say
what their superpower is.

Okay, yes, what's
your superpower?


You have to be at
WeGrow in three minutes.

Oh, shit.

Why didn't you tell me?

Remember to always
follow your passions

and never do anything
you don't love

and, and…

Fight to the death for everything
that you do, you understand?

All right.

All right, all right, well,
I'm sure we all can agree

that those inspiring words
from Mr. Neumann came

better late than never.

So, teachers, if you could
please gather your students

and please take them
to the music corner.

Parents, you are welcome to join
in for this very, very special day.

Thank you so much.

Will you come with me
for a moment, please?

Of course. Yeah, of course.

How about I come to one of your
board meetings in a bathrobe?

Don't be dramatic, okay?

Can we not do this here?

- Here of all places.
- Oh, okay. Okay.

Then when are we
supposed to do it?

When you come home in the
middle of the night, shit-faced?

That happened twice. Twice.

You're gonna destroy
everything we have built.

- You can't...
- We built? We built?

Did you say, "we built"?

I built this. I built it.

You, you just take and take
and take and take and take.

You wanted to be an actor.

I gave you a theater.

You wanted to be an
executive. I gave you a job.

You wanted to be an educator.

I built you a f*cking school.

You, you think you built this?

You built shit.



All right, listen up! All
right, you beautiful people!

I just want to do a toast
to 8.9 million square feet!


8.9! 8.9! 8.9!

Masa! Finally! I've been
trying to reach you.

Good to hear your voice.

Listen to me.

There was a small scheduling
error with Al Mubarak.

Nothing really. You're probably
not even be aware of it.

- Nothing to be concerned about.
- Adam.

Listen, if he was upset
at all, it's easy to fix.

I'll jump on the plane tomorrow.

- I'll be there tomorrow.
- Adam.

I'll knock his socks
off, you understand?

I cannot move forward
with Fortitude.

I'm sorry.

8.9! 8.9! 8.9!

8.9! 8.9!

- Yeah, baby! We love you.
- Yeah, baby! You, man.

You! You, man!

8.9! 8.9! 8.9! 8.9!

f*ck me.