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01x02 - The Land

Posted: 04/30/22 19:02
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪


♪ ♪


[vehicle door closes]

[Cecilia] Tell me you did not
drive through my gate.

Tell me that, please.
I heard what's been going on.

You've lost your damn minds.

Good God, look at you, Billy.
You're a mess.

- Just hand on a second...
- Boys, come on now. It's late and you're drunk.

And before you do anything
else stupid, I think you ought

to just go home and wait for
your brother there, all right?

- Where's Rhett and Perry? I...
- I don't want to hear it!

Now go home and cool off.
I can't believe

I haven't even heard
an apology yet.

- Sorry, Mrs. Abbott.
- Thank you, Billy.

See, Luke? Be smart.

Follow your brother's lead here,
and we'll talk later.

Okay? Good night. God bless.

[sighs] All right.
Where's your father?

♪ ♪

[thunder rumbling]


♪ ♪

- [thunder rumbling]
- [gasps]


♪ ♪


[horse neighs]

[horse snorts]

♪ ♪

[door opens]

[footsteps approaching]

[door closes]

I'm-a go get a shirt.

[Cecilia] What happened
to your leg?

Don't worry about that.

- [Rhett] You're bleeding.
- I'm fine.

All right, then.
Where's the body?

[Rhett] Don't tell me that.
I don't want to know that.

If this all goes to shit,
it's on me, too, pal.

If it does come to that,
I'm taking all the blame.

Perry, stop.

We are all in this.

Okay, Royal, look...

you tell us everything
you think we need to know.

It's gone.

The body's gone.
That's all there is to know.

- [Perry] Is it on our land?
- It's gone.

So, what's next?

We get back to work,
that's what's next.

- [Perry] Dad.
- This ranch needs to be business as usual.

So, what, just act like
all this never happened?

You want to tell me
what else there is to do?

[Rhett] Well, first off,
there's that woman on our land.

What woman?
What woman, Royal?

[Rhett] There's a hippie chick
camping on the west pasture.

- [Cecilia] Since when?
- Since recently. - [Rhett] Since last week.

- Jesus Christ.
- [Cecilia] When were you gonna tell me about this?

- [Royal] Look...
- If she saw something...

- [Royal] She didn't.
- How do you know that?

I need you all to trust me.

- Is she still out there?
- N-No. I'll find her.

You get her off this land
as soon as possible.

But hold on, we need to know

if she saw something.

We need to find her,
talk to her.

I'll find her, okay?
I'll figure it out.

Yeah, you done better had, pal.

[Perry] What about traces
of anything else?

- Like what?
- [Cecilia] Like your shirt. Oh, my God.

- [overlapping chatter]
- I told you I don't know where my shirt is.

[Rhett] You sure about that?

What do you mean,
am I sure about that?

Do not get snippy
with your father.

If you're asking us
to go all in on this,

then we got to be
on the same page.

What are you talking about?

Your-your leg's bleeding.

Well, I'm all right, hon.

[Amy] Why is his leg bleeding?

Amy, could you give us a minute?

- [Cecilia] Look, hon...
- I have to eat breakfast before I go to school.

[Cecilia sighs]

♪ ♪

Was it Luke or Billy?

- Huh?
- That shot you.

Mm, it was Luke.

But you're telling me
he didn't see you?

No. Got lucky.

Fired one off in the dark.

You think we'll be forgiven
for this?

Fixing to find out.

- [♪ Supertramp: "Goodbye Stranger"]
- ♪ Goodbye Jane ♪

[Joy] Rose, honey,
eat your breakfast.

♪ Meet again... ♪

Who on earth keeps dinging you?

Luke Tillerson,
asking if we've seen Trevor.


Should've never given
that family my cell.

- ♪ Sweet devotion ♪
- ♪ Goodbye Mary ♪

- ♪ It's not for me ♪
- ♪ Goodbye Jane ♪

- ♪ Just give me motion ♪
- ♪ Will we ever ♪

- ♪ To set me free ♪
- ♪ Meet again ♪

- ♪ In the land and the ocean ♪
- ♪ Feel no sorrow ♪

♪ Far away ♪

- ♪ Feel no shame ♪
- [horn honks]

[Joy] Attaboy, Fred!

♪ Feel no pain ♪

- ♪ So goodbye Mary ♪
- ♪ Goodbye Mary ♪

- ♪ So goodbye Jane ♪
- ♪ Goodbye Jane ♪

- ♪ Will we ever ♪
- ♪ Will we ever ♪

- Eff me, that's hot.
- ♪ Meet again ♪

♪ Meet again ♪

Hey, Rhett, how you doing?

Sheriff Joy.

[horse snorts]


- Come on. [smacks lips]
- [horse whinnies]

[Joy] It's a buckle.

[Luke] It's Trevor's.

Found it behind the roadhouse
the last night we saw him.

All right.

- And that was when?
- Sunday.

What do you want me to do
with this?


Look, there's blood right there.

You know damn well
that could be anything.

- And as sheriff, I can't...
- Acting sheriff.

Sorry, that's just... that's
your official title, right?

Since Burt died?

Yeah. The point is,

I can't admit this as evidence,
Luke, you just handed it to me.

[chuckles softly]

I get that you're worried,

but would I be right in assuming
this ain't the first time

Trev's gone missing
for a day or two?

Trust me.

We'll keep our eye on it.


I hear you're running
against Trudy Cole for sheriff.

[chuckles] I'd say
he's running against me.

That guy's got some fans
in Lander.

Should be a good race.

- Mm.
- [snaps fingers]

- When's the vote?
- days.

[Luke whistles]

Never been an Indian sheriff

Or a gay one. [chuckles]

Well, it's about time.

Why don't you let us know
how we can help?

And, uh, I'm sorry to bother you
about this Trevor stuff.

You know, we're just
real worried about him,

that's all.

I tell you what.

Let me bring this
down to the office.

You mind if I take this with me?

No. It's all yours.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[music playing softly
over radio]

- Hi.
- Hi.

Is there any change we can chat
somewhere else?

Uh... I don't know. I don't have
a break for another hour.


Okay what?

I'll wait.

Here? At the bank?

- Yeah, or, you know, wherever.
- [chuckles]

Meet me at the diner
across the street.


[Rhett] That was it,

until I saw my dad
win the rodeo.

Ever since then, I knew.

Didn't want to do anything
but ride bulls.

Congratulations, by the way.

- On what?
- On moving forward.

The guy that placed higher
than you was DQ'd for dr*gs.

You're riding next week.

[stammers quietly] What?

- Are you serious?
- [chuckles]

Been on another planet
or something?

No, uh, um...

Just been a lot going on.

Hey, do you want
to get dinner with me?

- Um...
- I mean, not tonight. Just whenever.

- Or tonight, if you want to tonight.
- Wait, are you asking me out?

- Sí. Yeah.
- Oh, you speak Spanish now?

- [chuckles]
- Pero es sólo poquito.


Está bien.

Voy ir a cenar contigo.

Pero te advierto que usualmente
no salgo con güeros como tú.

Vas a tender que echarle
muchos huevos.


- I didn't understand that at all...
- [chuckles]

...but, um, how about...
how about tomorrow?

Yeah. Tomorrow works.

Is that what
you wanted to talk about?

No, it was something else.

The other night,

I'm not too proud
of what I did to Trevor.

You mean the fight?
It's all right.

I never liked that guy much,

No, it's just...

Well, you know the Tillersons.

If you wouldn't mind,
keep that quiet.

You got it.

[phone ringing faintly]

- [phone beeps]
- Hello?

[cattle lowing]

[Cecilia] Hey. acres?

Some snake of a lawyer
for the Tillersons

- just called and told me.
- I know. I know.

Well, why is this
the first I'm hearing about it?

A lot's been going on
around here,

in case you haven't noticed.
We got bigger fish to fry.

Oh, I'd say half
our west pasture is

a pretty damn big fish.

Where are you going?

Go see Todd Barney.

Hey, hey. Take Perry with you.

No, he's got to work.

No, what he needs is his father.

Now, I-I don't know
if he can shake this, Royal.

Please, just try and help him.

Can't bear to see him like this.

- All right.
- Okay.

It was an accident.

Both of you were drunk.

Got in a fight. Went too far.

It was an accident, right?

I stopped believing
in accidents.

You talking about Rebecca?

I'm talking about fate.


[Perry] Yeah.

What about it?

Is that how you think
the world works?

[Royal exhales slowly]

I don't know
how the world works.

[Todd] So this here's
your ranch.

Rights assigned in .

And this here is
the Tillerson ranch.

Right assigned in .

Now, these honeyfugglers claim
you're acres

onto their land,
and here's why.

State had all sorts of issues

when they restructured
country lines,

so what you got here is
a good old-fashioned

topographical f*ck job.

See that?

That's a corner
of your west pasture.

But by this map,
you can't tell

if it's Tillerson land
or no one's land.

It's all higgledy-piggledy.

Point is, they got a hell of
a case it ain't yours.

Or what, they got a county
assessor in their pocket?

- Certainly possible.
- Mm.

You want my advice?

- Give them the damn land.
- No.

It's pretty country,
but it ain't worth losing

- the whole ranch over.
- All right, let me get this straight, Todd.

My own lawyer's advice is
just to go chickenshit on this

and hand over a mile
of our own property?

This ain't just any piece
of land we're talking about.

It's where our family ranched
for three generations.

I'm not just gonna up
and give it away.

- All I'm saying is, the Tillersons don't lose.
- Yeah.

A first for everything, Todd.


[Perry] Look, he's got a point.

We give them the acreage,

maybe they'll back off
the Trevor stuff.

Why not cozy up to them,
get them off our backs?

Son, let me tell you
about the Tillersons, okay?

Look, when you were a kid,

Wayne Tillerson had a ranch hand
that was gored by a bull.

Stuck clean through the stomach.

Everyone knew he was done for,
but no one could get him

free of the animal.

So, with the ambulance, like,
an hour away,

Wayne had two choices:

sh**t the bull,
k*lling valuable stock

but giving the man
a dignified death,

or don't.

Wayne chose the second one.

Sent everyone back to work
as the guy dragged around

on that bull before the ranch
hand breathed his last.

You don't cozy up
to the Tillersons.

You keep them as far away
as possible.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Something happen to your leg?

Ah, just old age.

Pulled it getting out of bed,

if you can believe it.

I'll let him know you're here.

[faint voice singing]

[Billy] ♪ ...from myself ♪

♪ There's nowhere to hide ♪

♪ Don't make me close
one more door ♪

♪ I don't want to hurt anymore ♪

♪ Stay in my arms if you dare ♪

♪ Or must I imagine you there? ♪

♪ Don't walk away from me ♪

♪ I have nothing, nothing ♪

♪ Nothing ♪

♪ If I don't have you ♪

All right. Come on.

[monitor beeping steadily]

[Luke clears throat]

[bed whirring]


Wayne. How's the, uh...

Luke, would you fetch me
a Clamato?

Royal, something to drink?

Uh, you got iced tea?

Oh, same as him. Thanks.

- You still looking for Trev?
- Luke's on it.

I'm sure he's just off
on one of his hellbenders,

or passed out in some biddy's
bed, or blah, blah, blah.

Let's get down to brass tacks,
Roy, you're on my land.

- Now, hold on now.
- Hey, you should be happy I ain't asking for reparations

- for all the years you stoled it.
- Now, let's be honest here,

no one's stealing anything
but you.

This is Wyoming, Roy.

It's only ever been stoled
since the day it got its name.

You pay someone off?

[Wayne] Only one person
breaking the law here.

State says it ain't me.

[Royal] Then why now?

Maybe I just want to get
closer to you.


[takes deep breath]

I'll give you acres
of my south pasture instead.


Why west?

Why west, you know?

You tell me.

[footsteps approaching]

You know, there was a period
in the late ' s

when I got really
into erotic art.

I must've bought
three dozen paintings.

You know, I ain't talking about
any prudes, you know.

I'm not talking about
Aubrey Beardsley

or Pablo f*cking Picasso.

I'm talking about
the real out-there stuff.

Stomach in your throat
kind of stuff.

Nan Goldin. Betty Tompkins.

George Condo,
you see what I mean?


And I did it because I thought
I wanted something spicy,

I thought I wanted
something gooey.

Yeah, I wanted my home
to be a place

where your ticker sped up.

But that didn't happen.

So I bought more and more.

I kept thinking if I could
just find the right painting,

if I could just find
the right photograph, you know?

Pretty soon the walls were
covered in smut,

it would make your toes curl.

And yet, still, it didn't work.

And what I realized...

was that what got
my heart racing

was what I couldn't see,

what I didn't know about.

It was hidden from me

and kept me looking.

We're born to hunt,

and one frontier begets another.

I'm hungry more
than anything else.


I want your west pasture
'cause I want your west pasture.


I'm offering you a hell of
a deal on the valley...

I don't care if you're offering
me a second dinger, Roy.

That west pasture is
gonna be mine.

And the g*dd*mn state of Wyoming
says so, too.

[inhales sharply]

I guess we'll have
the lawyers figure it out, then.

What's so special to you
about that land?

I suppose it's just sentimental.

You always were shifty.

Ever since the day we met.


Thanks for the clam juice,

♪ ♪

[insects trilling]

♪ ♪

Can I go for a hike?
I did all my chores.


All right.

- Stick to the trail.
- Okay.

Back before dinner!

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[Amy] Excuse me.


Why are you here?

I don't know.

But I know that
I'm supposed to be here.


You see that?

I've been...

I've been drawing it
for years and years,

and now... now I see it
all over the place here.

Looks like my family brand.

You're an Abbott?

- Is Royal...
- You know him?

He was acting all weird
this morning,

but I guess
he's always been weird.


Yeah. At breakfast.


[softly] Nothing, I'm...

I'm just happy to hear it.

I like your necklace.

Oh. This?


Me, too.

[quietly] Me, too.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[horse snorts]

♪ ♪

[horse snickers]

♪ ♪

[clicks tongue]

♪ ♪

[indistinct conversation]

- [Perry] Potatoes?
- [Cecilia] Mm-hmm.

[spoon banging on dish]

[Cecilia] Thank you.

- Rhett, hand me the bread, honey.
- [Rhett] Yeah.

Can I pray?


I want to pray for the supper.

All right.

[Royal] Dear God...

...we pray for...



For his family.

And for our boys.

Our family.

We ask... that You forgive us.

I guess.

We ask that
You show us the way here,

'cause we're in trouble.

We are desperate.


You made this crazy world.

So maybe You can give us
some sort of hint

as to what You're up to,

'cause I don't have
the first f*cking clue.

And maybe it's that You have
nothing to do with this,

or maybe You're not even there,
who knows.

There is a big distance
between You and us...

a gap, a void...
there is a great void,

and I'm asking You
to fill that void.

I'm asking You
to fill that void.

I'm asking You to come down here
and explain Yourself,

because this world of Yours
isn't quite adding up,

and I hate You for it,
I really do.

And I don't even think
I f*cking believe in You,

but I really hate You.



[clock ticking quietly]

- Uh, is there something...
- [door opens]

Sorry I'm late.

- [Perry] Where you been?
- Just out hiking.

I met some hippie woman.

You met some what?

Um, a girl named Autumn.

She knows you.

You stay away from her,
you understand?

- Don't you ever talk to her again.
- Why?

And that goes for everyone.
No one talks to her.

Got it? No one.

We're moving the cattle.


Moving the cattle
to the east pasture.

- When?
- [Royal] Tomorrow.

They only grazed the west
for a few days.

- It's not time to... Why?
- We're moving them tomorrow.

- 'Cause I say so.
- There's no way we'll find enough hands in time.

I'm counting ten perfectly
good ones around this table.

- Amy has school.
- Mm-mm. Not tomorrow, she doesn't.

- Royal...
- No, it's what we're doing, damn it.

All by ourselves.
We're moving the cattle.

And there is a great void!

We're moving the damn cows
off the west pasture,

and that's that.

Now, pass the g*dd*mn potatoes.

- [♪ The Planters: "My Prayer"]
- ♪ When the twilight is gone ♪

♪ Gone ♪

♪ And those songbirds are
singing ♪

♪ Ah ♪

- [whistling]
- ♪ When the twilight is gone ♪

- ♪ Gone ♪
- [indistinct shouting]

- ♪ You come into my heart ♪
- [Rhett] Now come on.

♪ Ah ♪

♪ And here in my heart
you will stay ♪

♪ While ♪

♪ I pray ♪

[Rhett] Come on!

♪ My prayer ♪

♪ Is to linger with you ♪

[Royal] Hup, hup, hup, hup.


- ♪ At the end of the day ♪
- [clicking tongue]

- Hup, hup, hup, hup. Hup.
- ♪ In a dream that's divine ♪

♪ My prayer ♪

- ♪ Is a rapture in blue ♪
- [horse neighs]

♪ With the world far away ♪

♪ And your lips close to mine...

Where's he going?

Off his rocker, you ask me.

♪ Tonight ♪

♪ While our hearts are aglow ♪

- ♪ Oh, tell the words ♪
- [lowing]

- [neighs]
- ♪ That I'm longing to know ♪

♪ At the end of ♪

♪ My prayer ♪

♪ Do-do-do-do,
do-do-do-do, do ♪

[insects trilling]

♪ ♪

[horse whinnies softly]

♪ ♪

[Autumn] What are you
looking for?

[rodent squeaking]

[Royal] I'd ask you the same.

Want you off my land.

No, you don't.

And why is that?

'Cause you need me to keep
a hell of a lot of secrets,

least of which is the fact that
you threw a body into a hole.

So did you.

But you came back.


What's your real name?


- What's your last name?
- Rivers.

How'd you get all your money?

Trust fund.

f*ck you. You have
an interest in mining?

- Mining?
- Mm-hmm. Drilling.

Mining. You have an interest
in mining?


- You work for the government?
- [chuckles] No.

- Have you ever?
- No.

You ever been involved
in a cult?


What does the color yellow
mean to you?

- What does the color yellow mean to you?
- I'm thinking. Why?

- What's the color yellow...
- Power.

- You ever k*ll anyone?
- No, have you?

Was that you that did that?

Were you trying to k*ll me
when you threw me in?

[Autumn] No.

My turn.

What do you remember
from your childhood?

Do you remember anything
before the age of nine?


'Cause I didn't
until I got here.

Do you believe in fate?

Something brought me here.

What would that be?

That's what you're gonna help me
figure out.

Something's happening here.

Something bigger
than you and me,

and we're the only two people
that know about it.

And we can help each other
understand this.

- We don't have to be afraid.
- [horse snorts]

What did you see in there?

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[alarm blaring]

♪ ♪

[indistinct radio chatter]

[man over radio] Once again,
I repeat:

we have movement
inside the wire.

[man continues indistinctly]

Hold your fire. Hold your fire.


[indistinct chatter]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[man] I say again:
Sector A through manila

Oscar Mike in seconds.

♪ ♪

[man continuing indistinctly]

All teams, teams,
maintain vectors of fire.

This our land?


Not anymore.


You died.

You died two years ago.

Okay? You died in my arms.


[man] All teams, take
your positions. We're live,

we're live.
I say again: all teams,

take positions. We're live.
Bravo .

[continues indistinctly]


[♪ The Rolling Stones:
"Paint It, Black"]

♪ ♪

- [woman shrieks]
- [grunts] - [man] Do not move!

♪ I see a red room,
and I want to paint it black ♪

- ♪ No colors anymore ♪
- [indistinct shouting]

♪ I want them to turn black ♪

♪ I see the girls walk by ♪

♪ Dressed in
their summer clothes ♪

♪ I have to turn my head ♪

♪ Until my darkness goes ♪

♪ I see a line of cars ♪

♪ And they're
all painted black ♪

♪ With flowers and my love ♪

♪ Both never to come back ♪

♪ I've seen people turn
their heads ♪

♪ And quickly look away ♪

♪ Like a newborn baby ♪

♪ It just happens every day ♪

♪ I look inside myself ♪

♪ And see my heart is black ♪

♪ I see my red door ♪

♪ I must have it painted black ♪

♪ Maybe then I'll fade away ♪

♪ And not have to
face the facts ♪

♪ It's not easy facing up ♪

♪ When your whole world
is black ♪

♪ No more will my green sea ♪

♪ Go turn a deeper blue ♪

♪ I could not foresee
this thing ♪

♪ Happening to you ♪

♪ If I look hard enough ♪

♪ Into the setting sun ♪

♪ My love will laugh with me ♪

♪ Before the morning comes ♪

♪ I see a red door ♪

♪ And I want to paint it black ♪

♪ No colors anymore ♪

♪ I want them to turn black ♪

♪ I see the girls walk by ♪

♪ Dressed in
their summer clothes ♪

♪ I have to turn my head ♪

♪ Until my darkness goes ♪