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04x19 - The Long Sleep

Posted: 04/30/22 07:19
by bunniefuu

♪ Whoa, thought it was a nightmare ♪

♪ Lord, it all so true... ♪

WOMAN: That bad, huh?

[CHUCKLES] Sorry. It's just...

Well, you obviously had a tough day.

Working on your third round.

Doesn't really seem to be helping.


Am I that obvious?

Might I suggest the problem is
you're doing it wrong?

You need to consume a lot more.

Only the hard stuff.


you certainly can't drink alone.

- Two sh*ts of whiskey, please.
- BARTENDER: You got it.

♪ million... ♪

I'm Angie.

I'm Greg.

♪ Take aim... ♪

I'm sorry. I-I got to ask you.

Are you always this direct?

Not usually.

But, uh, my song,

it's gonna come
on the jukebox really soon,

and I still don't have a dance partner.

Oh, well, it's-it's gonna take
more than one shot

to get me on that dance floor. [LAUGHS]


Well, I am always up for a challenge.


GREG: But you know what?
I-I shouldn't complain, though.

It's one of the few
good union jobs left.

Yeah. Well, I work in medical sales.

The money is good,

but it can get lonely.


Oh. There it is.

- You're up, cowboy.
- Oh.

- No, I don't know.
- Come on.

♪ Papa twist cabbage off instinct ♪

♪ Don't think... stink ♪

♪ Pink gators, my Detroit players ♪

♪ Timbs for my hooligans ♪

♪ In Brooklyn, dead right ♪
♪ That's right ♪

♪ If the head right, ♪

- ♪ Biggie there e'ry night ♪

♪ Papa been smooth
since days of Underoos ♪

♪ Never lose,
never choose to bruise crews ♪

♪ Who do somethin' to us,
talk go through us ♪ Come on, do it ♪

♪ Biggie, Biggie, Biggie,
can't you see? ♪

♪ Sometimes your words
just hypnotize me ♪

♪ And I just love your flashy ways ♪

- ♪ Guess that's why they broke ♪

♪ and you're so paid... ♪

Let's get out of here.



Now, when you said

you wanted me to go with you
on a test-drive,

this is not what I had in mind.

Oh, come on. Get a load
of this bad boy, huh?

Carbon fiber frame.

Convertible travel system.

I mean, you got to be
kidding me. For that price,

you can buy yourself a decent used car.

What about that one?
It's less expensive,

and it's got a convenient
little cubby for your beer.

Pretty sure that's a
cupholder for the baby.

No. Why would a baby need a beer, Rick?

- That's very irresponsible parenting.
- Okay.

- All jokes aside, a stroller

is a very good investment

for an active family.

Speaking of active families,

is, uh, Suzy ever gonna make
an honest man out of you,

or are things just kind of status quo?

Mm, things are still
very much status quo.

She told me last night

the thought of being physically intimate

with somebody was enough
to make her want to vomit.

And this is coming from a woman

who is binge-eating pickles

wrapped in processed cheese slices.

Okay, so she's having cravings.
Just not the right ones.

That's right. But, you
know, I-I'm okay with it.

I mean, right now,

my job is to support her
through this pregnancy.

If she wants to go
further later on, great,

but, uh, you know, I'm not
gonna force the issue.

It's still got to be tough, though,

spending so much time with her

when you have all these feelings, right?

I get that you don't want to jeopardize

the partnership. I understand

that part of it.

Okay, hang on.

Why, all of a sudden, are you asking

these deeply probing questions?

I mean, no offense, but you have

the emotional intelligence
of a nine-year-old.

- That is not true.
- Come on, man. We're brothers.

You can tell me anything.


All right. Um...

So, lately, I've been
kind of coming to terms

with the fact that...

I may possibly,

uh, have feelings for Higgins.

Now, I know this is a lot to take in.


- What are you doing?
- I'm just recording the date

- and time.
- Of?

Of the moment where you realized

what the rest of us already know:

that you and Higgins are
meant for each other.

I mean, TC, Kumu and I,

we got a text chain going about it.

Okay, first of all, a text chain?

That's pretty juvenile. Secondly,

it's not that simple. I mean,

Higgins and I
are business partners, right?

If things go wrong, which they may,

it could be very awkward,

especially considering
how close everybody is.

It would just get weird.

Oh, so you're gonna die alone
for the sake of me?

That's very thoughtful of you.

No, that's not what I'm saying.
What I amsaying is

that if I'm gonna explore this,

then I just want to make sure
that it's...

it's the right move, you know?

Yeah, fair enough.

But maybe instead

of thinking of all the ways
it could go bad,

you think of the ways it could go good.

You owe that to yourself.

- TC: Come on, man. You got this.

- Ten.

- Uh-huh.



That's outstanding,
dude. That's a new high.

There's no way I'm gonna
make my goal by summer.

Hey, that's what I thought when
I first made it to boot camp.

Trust me, you keep doing this Marine PT,

you'll be busting out
pull-ups in no time.

All right? We rest when we dead, baby.

Plank position. One minute. Let's go.

You know,
some people might consider this

a form of child abuse. [CHUCKLES]

[CHUCKLES] Look, you want to be able

- to post up bigger defenders, right?
- Yeah.

This is what it takes.

- Oh, thank you, God.

All right, get a drink
while I take this.

Hey, Gordie, what's up?

Listen, I just spoke
with Cade's social worker.

Is something wrong?

she just found out his mom

has family back on the mainland.

They were recently notified
about her death.

Seems they didn't know
where she'd been living

or that she even had a son.


- Okay.
- KATSUMOTO: There's more.

Cade's grandmother
just flew in from Tennessee.

She's asking to meet with him.

- You still there?
- Uh, yeah. Sorry.

I'm just processing.

So, this lady wants to meet, huh?

I'm guessing it's to make her case

as to why Cade
would be better off with her.

How 'bout we just take things
one step at a time.

For now, she just wants to set
a time and introduce herself.

Yeah, okay.

But before we make that happen,

I want to meet with her first.

- Just the two of us.
- Fair enough.

I'll set it up, send you the details.

All right, Gordie.


Is everything cool?

Yeah. It's all good.

Least, it will be

till you get halfway
through this two-minute plank.

Two minutes? It was supposed to be one.

That was before I gave you a break.

Let's go, baby.

- Oorah!
- Oorah!


Oh. Magnum.

[CHUCKLES]: How long
have you been standing there?

Uh, sorry. I just didn't want
to startle you.

Little early in the day,
don't you think?

Something you need?

Need? No, there's nothing
I need. I was just thinking

that since we don't have
anything on the schedule,

maybe we could do something
outside of work, like...

...hike Pillbox or something. [CHUCKLES]

What is it?


No, that sounds... lovely.


I already have plans.

Cole invited me

on a picnic. Hence the...


So you're not just texting?

No. It's still very early.

I mean, we'll see.

Okay. Well...

have fun.


It's the front gate.


Is this Magnum
and Higgins Investigations?

- It is, yes.
- GREG: I'm sorry. I know

I don't have an appointment,
but I really need your help.

Okay. So, just so we're clear,

the last thing you remember
is leaving a bar in Wisconsin

with a woman who had
bought you several drinks.

And then, nearly two
days later, you end up

on a beach on Oahu

with blood on your clothes

and no recollection
of how you got there?

Yeah, that's right.

Also, I'm pretty sure
this blood isn't mine.

I-I don't seem to be cut anywhere.

Well, clearly, you're the victim here.

This woman obviously drugged you, right?

So I think the next course
of action is to go to HPD

so they can launch
a formal investigation.

N-No, I-I can't go to the cops.

Mr. Nettles, is there something
else you're not telling us?

After I woke up, I...

I found this in my pocket.

It's recently been fired.

Right. Well, I guess
I'd better cancel that picnic.

Okay, here we are. Looks like

the g*n was reported stolen

two years ago, and it's been linked

to some unsolved robberies
in Michigan and Virginia.

And eventually ended up
in the hands of our client,

who has no idea how he got it
or how he got to Hawaii.

This case is gonna be a breeze.

HIGGINS: Ah, look at that.

- The aloha look suits you.
- Um,

thanks for lending me some clothes.

MAGNUM: Yeah, of course.

Uh, everything okay?

I didn't notice until I started
to change, but...

That looks like a seat belt
bruise from a car accident.

How does this even happen?

HIGGINS: Well, I've done a
little research,

and based on the symptoms
that you told me about...

The dizziness, the dry mouth
and the light sensitivity...

I think that you've been drugged
with scopolamine.

What's that?

- I just assumed I was roofied.
- HIGGINS: Rohypnol

knocks you out, so it's unlikely
you would have been lucid enough

to board a plane without
TCA stopping you,

whereas scopolamine
will leave you fully conscious

but very suggestible.

MAGNUM: It also erases memory

of events. Criminal organizations

have used it to rob tourists.

Well, if it's money that lady was after,

she picked a bad target.

I got maybe bucks to my name.

At least, I did yesterday.

- Guessing I'm broke now.
- HIGGINS: Well, actually,

I ran your financials,

and they haven't touched
your checking account.

There are just a couple
of recent charges

on your credit card.

There's one for a flight
from Milwaukee to Honolulu

and another
for a local car rental company

here on Oahu.

So, wait, this wasn't about robbing me?


It was about getting you here to Hawaii.

HIGGINS: Yeah, and I think she just used

your credit card to avoid being traced

from the purchases.

Why would someone
want to bring me to Hawaii?

I've never been before.

I don't know anyone here.

Look, I know this is, uh...

It's all very overwhelming,

but we're doing our best
to get you some answers.

HIGGINS: For starters, I'm gonna
look into the car rental,

and I'm also gonna contact
the bar in Wisconsin

to see if they can help me ID
the lady who drugged you.

And while she's doing that,

I think we should
probably get you to a doctor.

No. Won't the hospital
just report me to the cops?

I wouldn't worry about that.
The doctor we're taking you to,

uh, doesn't work at a hospital.

- I'm here for a Mrs. Jensen?
- Mm-hmm. Right this way.

TC: Hi, Mrs. Jensen.

I'm Theodore Calvin.

Thank you for agreeing to meet with me.

I am so grateful for everything
you've done for my grandson.

Of course. He's a...

He's a great kid.

Um, please have a seat.

I'll be honest. The last few weeks

have been a real roller coaster.

It had been nearly years

since I've seen or heard about Monica.

Learning she died the way she did...

Well, that sort of thing
can really break you.

But then to be told she had a son,

that I had a grandson?

It gave me hope that something good

might come out of this tragedy.

That's actually
why I wanted to meet with you,

to get a sense
of what your expectations are.

I understand Cade had it pretty hard

after Monica passed.

And you are a saint for taking him in.

But I'm here now,

and I can give Cade
something he hasn't had

since his mother died.

Well, I agree with you, Ms. Jensen,

that... that kid's
been through more hurt than...

anyone should ever have to suffer.

But he's got people here now.

I mean, we may not be his blood,
but we are family.

We've given him a home.

A job. Stability.

And you just show up out the blue.


I'm just worried that Cade's life

may be disrupted again.

You're right. And it's a lot
to put on you all.

And believe me,

I only want what's best for Cade.

But I think you'll agree

he deserves a chance
to meet his grandmother.

So, please,

can I see him?

Not a fan of needles, I'm guessing.

I don't mind 'em usually, but, uh...

I'm feeling a little queasy
today for some reason.

Stomach pain's a symptom of scopolamine.

But we'll know for sure
when the tox panel comes back.

- Oh.

Winner, winner, chicken katsu dinner.

Looks like we got a hit
on the blood from your shirt.

CODIS matched it to a Trevor Lyttle?

MAGNUM: Aggravated as*ault,

armed robbery.

Most of these charges are
from Michigan and Virginia.

Same states where the g*n was used.

So, not only did you end up

with Trevor Lyttle's blood on you.

You also ended up with his g*n.

What's up?

I've seen him before.

[GRUNTING] He was on top of me,

and-and he had his hands around my neck.

He was trying to k*ll me.

But I got his g*n away from him.

- It just fired in my hand.

I don't think I k*lled him, but...

but I might have shot his ear off.

KENJI: Okay.

Yeah, that's, um... [CLEARS THROAT]

...a lot.

Yeah, yeah. Give us a second, will you?


Higgy, good timing.

So, we just ID'd one of the kidnappers,

and Greg is starting
to get his memory back.

Brilliant. We're going to need it.

I found the car
they rented under his name.

You should come see this.

I guess it's a little late

to ask if I took out rental insurance.

MAGNUM: You know,
if Lyttle was behind the wheel,

airbag could've broken his nose,

- which would cause all that blood.
- HIGGINS: Yeah.

The tire marks on the road
indicate that the car swerved

before coming off it.

- GREG: She was in the car, too.
- HIGGINS: Angie?

GREG: Yeah, she was hitting me,
trying to get something away from me.

And then Trevor reached back to help.


[GRUNTS] That's when we crashed.

Okay. Can you remember anything
after that?

I made it out of the car,
but before I knew it...


...Lyttle was on top of me.

Well, that explains
how you got his blood on you.

GREG: Honestly, the more

I remember, the less any of this

makes sense. What was I even doing

in a car with them? Where were we going?

Can't tell you where you were going,

but I can tell you where you came from.

Parking receipt from Hawaii Union Bank.

Time stamp, : p.m.

yesterday afternoon.

Well, that's only
a couple of miles from here,

so it stands to reason that's
where you were coming from

when you crashed.

Why the hell would
they take me to a bank?

Geez, it's like I'm watching
someone else.

I seem so... normal.

MAGNUM: They're taking you to the back,

which is normally where
the safe-deposit boxes are.

Yeah, but don't you need a key
for those?

I mean, why would they let me back there

- if I don't have an account?
- Not sure.

But there aren't any cameras
back there for privacy reasons.

So there's no way to know
what I did back there.

It doesn't even look like
I left with anything.

Or whatever was in the safe-deposit box

is small enough to fit in your pocket.

Wait, that's her. That's Angie.

Okay, so she went
through all this trouble, right?

She drugged you, brought you to Hawaii

to get whatever was
in that safe-deposit box.

Which begs the question,

what was inside it
that was worth so much effort?

Does the name Frank Medina ring a bell?

Never heard of him. Why?

Because the safe-deposit
box that you accessed

belongs to him, and he listed you

as the beneficiary.

Why would a stranger
make me his beneficiary?

I don't know.
But according to Mr. Medina's

recent account activity,
he's still very much alive

and living here on the island.


Great. Now what?

Well, this is typically the point

where Magnum picks the lock.


Don't have to. It's already open.

Isn't this breaking and entering?

Technically, it's trespassing.


It looks like we aren't the only people

looking for Frank Medina.

GREG: Shouldn't we leave?

This is a crime scene now, isn't it?

MAGNUM: What is it?

This is me when I was a kid.

- MAGNUM: Who's the old guy?
- GREG: That's

my grandpa Ralph Nettles.

But I haven't seen or heard
from him in over years.


You should come here.


Look, I'm...

I'm really sorry, Greg.

Thanks. It's, uh...

It's just a lot to take in. [SNIFFLES]


I'm guessing you had absolutely no idea

your grandfather was living
in Hawaii under an alias.

I didn't even know he was still alive.

He and my dad

had a falling-out when I was a kid.

MAGNUM: Well...

I'm no M.E.,

but I think he's been dead
for at least a couple days.

Found this shell casing by his g*n,

so I think he got a couple sh*ts off

when Angie and Lyttle entered the room.

How can you be so sure it was them?

Well, they tore the place apart
until they found the contract

for your grandfather's safe-deposit box.

It was left out on a table.

And that's how they knew
that Greg was the beneficiary.

MAGNUM: Yeah, we should dig into
your grandfather's past.

See what he's been up to
for the past couple decades.

It could give us some
insight as to what could be

in that safe-deposit box that
would be worth so much trouble.

HIGGINS: Yeah. And, Greg, I'm sorry,

but we really are
gonna have to alert HPD.

This is a m*rder case now.

No, yeah. I-I get it.

- MAGNUM: You all right?

Oh, the stomach pain. It's, uh...

- It's getting worse.
- You could have internal bleeding

from the car accident. We have
to get him to a hospital.

Yeah, but we can't
leave the crime scene.

- Got an idea.

- Hey, Kumu.

We need a favor.

TC: Hey, man. Can I talk to you

- for a second?
- CADE: Yeah, what's up?

I got some news from
your social worker this morning.

Your, uh, grandmom
just arrived on the island.

Your mom's mom?

And she wants to meet you.


I-I don't understand.

TC: Your family on the mainland

didn't know anything about you.

They only just found out

when they were contacted
about your mom's passing.

Your grandmom booked a flight,
and now she's here.

Look, this is

totally your call,
but for what it's worth,

I met with her this morning,
and she seems nice.

She just wants a chance to meet you.


What do you think I should do?

Well, she did come all this way.

Maybe you should hear her out.

See what she has to say.

Will you be there with me?

Yeah, if that's what you want.


Then you got it.

Hey. Uh...

Got to say, I'm impressed
with how well you handled that.

Things are going so well for Cade.

Suddenly some relatives show up,

want to take space in the kid's life?

I'd be freaking out.

I amfreaking out.

I just don't want Cade to see it.

Every time that kid

gets his footing around here,

the rug gets snatched
out from under him.

I hear you, pal. It ain't easy.

But you're doing the right thing.

Man, I don't even know if I know
what the right thing is anymore.


[SIGHS] Okay, they have your insurance.

Now comes the fun part. [CHUCKLES]

Growing old while we wait.


Juliet told me about your grandfather.

I'm so very sorry.

Well, thanks.

You know, it was only after
he left that, uh,

I started to appreciate

all the adventures he dragged me on.

You know, riding around
on his motorcycle

and playing hooky from school
to go hunting.


Ah, he'd probably be disappointed

to see I'm still in Wisconsin.

Working -hour weeks.

Living my boring life.


There's nothing wrong with a quiet,

stable life.

That's what most people want.

True. But, uh...

[SNIFFLES] I guess when Grandpa split,

I, uh...

I kind of stopped believing
anything was possible.

Sounds like a special guy.

[CHUCKLES]: He was larger than life.

Oh, I wish I'd have gotten
some more of his genes.

I bet there's more of him in you
than you think.


LIA: Okay, well, seems like we got a hit

on one of the prints CSU pulled,

but it wasn't to Lyttle

or the female accomplice.

Who, then?

No ID.

But it matches prints from a heist

in Antwerp's diamond district
back in August .

A -karat diamond valued
at over $ million was stolen.

Well, Greg's grandfather
opened the safety-deposit box

in September .

That's right around the same time
he disappeared from Greg's life.

You throw in the fact that he was living

under an assumed name,
I'm beginning to think

Ralph Nettles was behind that heist.

KATSUMOTO: So, somehow
Lyttle and Angie discovered Nettles

was hiding the diamond
in the safe-deposit box.

They track him down.

But before they can get him
to give up the key,

he pulls a g*n,
forcing them to sh**t him.

So they toss the place,

find the safe-deposit contract,

and then they realize

that the only hope they have
is your client.

Well, at least now we can
give Greg some answers.

TC: Ms. Jensen, this is...


You are the spitting image
of your mother.

It's nice to meet you.

Let's sit down.

I had so many things I wanted to say,

and now, sitting here looking at you,

I am speechless.

Well, Cade's been doing
really well in school.

His teachers say he's almost
all the way caught up,

and he even made the basketball team.

JENSEN: That's wonderful.

My children, they were always
excellent athletes.

My youngest son
even played baseball in college.

- I-I have an uncle?
- JENSEN: Two.

And an aunt. Too many cousins to count.

Some of them

are around the same age as you.

You could be going to school together.

I just know they would love to meet you.

Maybe you can visit.

I've got a question.

Of course.

Where have you been all this time?

Your mother Monica,

sh-sh-she was always...


We tried to help her,
but at a certain point

she stopped wanting to be helped.

Maybe, but she never stopped needing it.


We didn't know where she was.

We didn't know about you.

But now we do, and I am here to tell you

that you're part of our family.

- You don't have to be alone.

Well, that's just it.

I'm not alone.

- Cade, please.
- CADE: No, you don't get it.

Your other grandkids,
they might need you.

My mom, she might have needed you.

But I don't.

Just go home.


He's right.

I should have done more for Monica.

I should have kept looking.

Now she's gone.

Cade's all I have left of her.

And I don't even have him, do I?

Maybe this was just...

too much too soon.

He's in good hands here.

I can see that now.

Thank you so much, Mr. Calvin.

It's a lot to digest,

but at least Greg finally knows
what happened to him.

Agreed. This experience
couldn't have been easy,

but hopefully closure will be worth it.

- Yeah.


Uh, no. It's, uh, Cole.

I'll get back to him later.

So, you know...

You know, this morning...

I was just wondering

what compelled you to ask me
to spend the day with you.

Just kind of seemed
like it came out of nowhere.

[CHUCKLES]: Uh, I don't know.

Uh, TC was training Cade,

and-and Rick's on daddy duty,

- so...
- Right.

So you're saying you just
didn't have any better options?

No, that's not what I'm saying.

That's not what I'm saying at all. I...

Thomas, it's okay. I'm kidding.

♪ Why can't we be friends? ♪

Gordie, what's up?

Got a hit on our girl, Angie.

The bar finally sent over that footage.

Facial recognition ID'd her

as Chloe De Witte. .

- Belgian national.
- MAGNUM: The fact that she's

from the same country where
the diamond heist took place

can't be a coincidence.

Although there's no way she
was involved. She's too young.

She is. But her father wasn't.

According to Interpol, the Antwerp heist

was a two-man job
which included Chloe's father,

Bertrand De Witte.

He was arrested and died
in prison two years ago.

So that's how she knew
about Ralph Nettles.

She then enlists Trevor Lyttle

- to track him down and get the diamond.
- KATSUMOTO: Exactly.

But it doesn't appear Chloe
and Trevor actually got it.

Why do you say that?

LIA: Because they're
still on the island.

Chloe's credit card was used last night

to book a room at the Aloha Sands Motel.

It was used again today

for parking at
the Honolulu Memorial Hospital.

So, what, they're treating
injuries from the car accident?

That's what we thought, too,

until we saw they visited
three more hospitals today.

They're looking for Greg.

Right. They're not treating
their injuries.

They're hoping that he's treating his.

Greg remembered

struggling with Chloe
over something in the car.

It must have been the diamond.

They think he knows where it's at.

And if they find him,

the fact that he doesn't
remember anything

- is not gonna save his life.



Kumu, we think Greg may be in danger.

The two of you need to leave
the hospital right now.

But he's not with me.

They just took him back for an X-ray.

Find security. Tell 'em they
got to lock down the building.




Sir, stay in your room.



Sorry, ma'am.
Building's been locked down.

You'll have to take... [GRUNTS]

HIGGINS: Hi. Kumu.

I'm so sorry.

- It's not your fault, Kumu.
- HIGGINS: I'm gonna call Gordon.

- HPD should be able to track the car.
- KUMU: I don't understand.

Why do they think Greg has any idea

what happened to the diamond?

No idea.

WOMAN: Ms. Tuileta?

I understand Mr. Nettles consented

to informing you about his condition.

There's something you need to see.

You got to be kidding me.



He's waking up!

Oh, well. I suppose this will be

a lot more painful for him now.

Get him on the floor.





Time to get back what you took.

[MUFFLED]: No! Oh, God, no!

- He's moving too much!

TREVOR: Not for long.

Wait! You want the entire motel
to hear the g*nsh*t?

Get something to muffle it.

- This will only take a minute.
- [MUFFLED]: No, please!

Good to see you again, by the way.


HPD! Hands in the air!





I can't thank you enough.

Just glad we got here in time.

We'll circle back for more info,

soon as we're done questioning her.

In the meantime, these guys are
gonna take you to the hospital,

get that diamond out of your tummy.

MAGNUM: It's actually
probably for the best.

I mean, if we let Mother Nature
run its course,

it would be... unpleasant. [CHUCKLES]

Still can't believe I did that.

Guess the dr*gs were
wearing off and I had, like,

a moment of clarity
or something. [LAUGHS]

Seems like your abductors
not only overestimated

the potency of those dr*gs,

they also underestimated you, Greg.


We got a warrant for
the remaining contents

of the safe deposit box.

Looks like your grandfather
left this for you.

We'll give you a little bit of privacy.

Thanks for your help today.

Thank you for yours.

Can you drop by HPD later?

Got a couple things I need
to go over for the report.

Of course.

- Yeah.
- Thanks.

- I'll see you there.
- See you.

Greg seems to be handling all
this pretty well, considering.

Yeah, aside from losing his grandfather,

I think, uh, you know,
this whole thing's

kind of been a thrill for him.

It shook him up, definitely,
but sort of in a good way.



What is it?

- Got somewhere to be?
- Yeah. Kind of.

It's Cole?

No. No, I, uh,
I just have an appointment.

I ordered an Uber, I'm gonna go, but...


I'll see you back at the house?

- Yeah, sure.
- Bye.

You're gonna make me
talk first, aren't you?

That wasn't the plan, but...

if you got something you want to say.

She had no right to do that.

I mean, who does she think she is,

showing up out of nowhere,
talking about my mom

and, like, how I'm part
of her family now.

You're right.

It was a lot to put on you.

Nobody can blame you
for how you reacted.

So why do I feel so bad?

Just one man's opinion here,
but maybe you feel bad

because you see what I see.

That your grandmom just wants
to be a part of your life.

Maybe you're afraid that
you'll have to choose between

the family you got here with me,
and the one you were born into.

Well, I choose here. I choose you.

I know.

But maybe...

...maybe you don't have to choose.

What's this?

Email confirmation for the ticket

to Nashville I bought you.

Round trip.

Leaves Wednesday morning, but you can

change the dates or cancel altogether.

It's your call.

So you think I should go see them?

I think, if you do,

the worst that can happen is
you come home

wanting nothing to do with them.

But if you don't go...

Knowing where you come from,
good or bad,

becomes more important
the older you get.

It may not seem like it now, but

there'll be a day when

you'll regret not knowing
that part of yourself.

Whatever you decide,

just know this...

I'll always be here for you,
no matter what.


SUZY: In here!

- Hey.
- Hey.

What are you doing?

You know you're not supposed
to be on your feet

for long stretches.

- Trade you?
- Okay.

Thank you.


Don't get me wrong.

I want this baby out of me.

But part of me's gonna miss that smell.


You know...

I think we're gonna be
really good at this.

HIGGINS: Thanks so much for
seeing me at such short notice.

I always make time
for a patient in crisis.

Well, I don't know that "crisis" is, uh,

quite the right word, but...

And yet here we are,
well after office hours,

with you struggling to tell me something

- you clearly need to say.
- Mm.

So, I recently met
a wonderful man called Cole.

And we've been texting
for the past few weeks

and then he finally
asked me out on a date.

Okay, that all sounds lovely.

Yes, but unfortunately I had to cancel

because w-we were hired for a job.

You can always reschedule, right?

Yes, I could. Only...

You don't want to.

I think that's why I'm here.

Before we landed the job,

Magnum actually asked

if I wanted to spend the day with him.

And the truth is that

I haven't been able
to stop thinking about it.

Like, what did he mean

and... [SIGHS]

why such a small gesture
is affecting me so much.

Maybe because you wanted
to spend the day with him?

Well, I mean, at that moment,

the idea of spending the day
with Magnum,

it was more appealing than
the idea of a picnic with Cole.

So-so-so, yes, I suppose so.

I mean,

in any case, I have to fix this because

I can't have Magnum, of all people,

on my mind all the time.

Well, you're having a recurring dream

where the two of you kiss.

I'd say he's on your mind,
whether you like it or not.

Yes, but it isn't,
it isn't a good thing.

I mean, I've had this
fearful feeling all day.

Fearful of what might happen?

Well, yes, that, but also...

fearful that...

maybe he would never ask me again.

Maybe I... closed the door on...

Juliet, do you want a romantic
relationship with Magnum?

You know it's never too late
to tell someone how you feel.

Well, no, I mean, I can't.

The stakes are too high.
There's our friendship.

Our business.

I mean, once I let
that cat out of the bag,

the... you... I can't just
put it back in.

Don't you think it might just be best

to resist foolish impulses?

What you resist persists.

And I have a feeling that
you've been resisting this

for far longer than you'd care to admit.

If you and Magnum

are really as close as you feel,

it's important to be honest

with yourself and with him.

There's a lot to risk,

but it's better than the alternative.

Which is what?

Saying no to what you really want.

Juliet, what do you want?