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21x07 - Legacy

Posted: 04/30/22 06:28
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system,

the people are represented

by two separate,
yet equally important groups:

the police, who investigate crime,

and the district attorneys,
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

It's censorship, pure and simple.

I actually agree
with the board on this one.

Seriously? "Romeo and Juliet?"

- Yeah.
- But it's a classic.

That's filled with toxic masculinity.

Come on. [LAUGHING]

And while they're at it,
they should take

a look at "Othello" and "Henry V."

Used to be
the conservatives banned books.

Now it's the woke liberals, too.


That's Henry Gleason.


Henry, can you hear me?

Oh my God. I think he's dead.

Call .

DOA was Head of School, Henry Gleason.

Took a single b*llet to the chest.


- mm.
- Time of death?

MLI has it somewhere between

: last night and : this morning.

[SIGHS] Witnesses?

A few people said they
heard a loud bang last night

around : .


Thank you.

Yo. Found something?

Looks like the
k*ller went through this door.

There's blood on the push bar.


"Go forth without fear."

Might wanna get a new slogan.



Our spring musical was last night.

"Dear Evan Hansen" in the auditorium.

So it was crowded.

What time did the play let out?

Around : . I left just before : .

Anyone left here?

Corridors were empty.

Henry said he was heading back
to the office to get his coat.

And the classroom where he was shot,

that's on the way to his office?

It's the th grade homeroom.

Ms. Sandler, can you think of

a reason why someone
would want to k*ll him?

I really didn't know him that well.

This was his first year at the school.

Married? Kids?

Said his students were his children.

And not just at Davenport.

He spent his free time working with kids

from economically unstable families,

tutoring, helping
with college applications.

Yeah. We're gonna need his computer.

Sure. Whatever you like.

And the footage from
your security cameras.

I'm afraid that's going to be a problem.

The school's surveillance
footage was erased.

All of it?

Someone hacked
into the system and wiped out

everything between
: p.m. and midnight.

Has Computer Crimes tried to recover it?

Yeah, I just got off
the phone with them.

It's gone for good.

Can they at least
trace the source of the hack?

- They're working on that.
- All right.

Let's get a video canvass going.

Check for cameras in nearby buildings.

Where are we on forensics?

FAS ran the discharged shell casing.

No hit in IBIS.

Ah, computer analyst
found an electronic footprint,

leads to an IP address to a -year-old.

A ninth grader at the school.
Lives on the Upper West Side.

Get a warrant for his computer.

And then pay him a visit.
- Okay.

Just make sure
he's got a parent with him.




These detectives
want to see your computer.

Dylan, we need access to your computer.

I've got homework. I have a Latin test.

We have evidence you hacked
into the school's

security system last night
and erased the footage.

If he doesn't move, we're gonna
arrest him for obstruction.

- Let them in.
- But Dad...

They have a search warrant.

Stay back.

Why do you have the girl's
lacrosse trophy here?

And what are you doing
with Mr. Gleason's nameplate?

Okay, I admit it.

I stole the stuff from school.

It was a challenge on social media.

The goal was to steal
stupid things from school.

It was like a dare.

When you took some of this stuff,

did Mr. Gleason walk in?


Did you see him on your way out?

He try to stop you
and that's why you shot him?

- I didn't sh**t him.
- So...

why did you delete the security footage?

I woke up in the middle of the night.

I had a panic attack.

I was nervous they were gonna
see the stuff missing

and watch the video.

What time did you
leave school yesterday?

Around : .

- You weren't at the play?
- No.

I already saw
the real "Dear Evan Hansen."

Why would I wanna watch
a bunch of annoying kids do it?

Look, I can show you.

I posted it as soon as I got home.

Look, there I am in room.
Time stamp's : p.m.

Look at all this stuff!

One, two, three... six!

I feel invincible!

I got home around : ,

and Dylan was in his room, studying.

All right. You know anyone at school

that might have hated Mr. Gleason?

Half the parents.

Why do you say that?

This guy Gleason was
trying to change the world.

You know, jam all that progressive

woke nonsense down everyone's throat.

He made the parents sign a pledge

acknowledging they were anti-r*cist.

Look, I get it.

We all want the world
to be more inclusive.

But how does forcing people to
sign a pledge change anything?

Hm. So, some parents got upset?


Some parents went ballistic.

The other day,
for example, I saw a woman

screaming at Gleason.

Said if she had a g*n,
she'd sh**t him in the face.

That's a direct quote.


I'm not so sure about
this critical race thing,

teaching young kids to feel guilty

about the color of their skin.

It's more complicated than that.

- No, I'm sure it is.
- Come on, Frank.

White kids...

Especially these white kids
in these schools,

they got to get lessons
on what it was like

growing up Black in America.

About how these things really went down.

I don't disagree, but isn't that the job

of the parents, not the schools?

Mrs. Wayland!

Can I help you?

Yeah. Detective Bernard.

- Detective Cosgrove.
- Yeah, we'd like to ask you

a couple of questions
about Henry Gleason.


We understand you weren't
a big fan of his,

- threatened him?
- I didn't mean it literally.

I was just upset.

About what?

Let's just say we didn't see eye-to-eye

on his educational philosophy.

- Why's that?
- I just found out about

this "extra time" scam...
Kids getting diagnosed

with these fake learning disabilities

so they can get extra time for tests,

for the SAT.

Almost % of the kids in my
daughter's class are doing it.

It's outrageous.

So I asked Gleason about it.

I take it you weren't
happy with his response.

He pretended these kids actually had

real learning disabilities.

Three or four kids, sure.

But kids? Really?

It's cheating.

My kid has four hours.

These kids get ten?

Oh, I get it.

My kids, they go to a regular ol'

public school and they're
doing the same thing there...

Can't help but make you angry right?

Yeah, and sometimes
it's that kind of passion

that makes people do stupid things.

Please. I was just pissed off.

But I didn't k*ll Gleason.

I've never even touched a g*n.

All right. Just the same.

Where were you two
nights ago around : p.m.?

DC, for work.

Took the Acela first thing
yesterday morning.


Okay, we believe you.

Guessing you weren't the only parent

who didn't see eye-to-eye with Gleason.

Can you think of anyone else
that was upset with him?

I can think of about ten.

Were there any people
upset enough to sh**t him?

We'd like to talk to you
about a guy named George Pratt.

Sure. He has a son
and a daughter at the school.

Or... had. His son Ethan
was recently expelled.

- Hm.
- Why's that?

He violated the school's
anti-racism policy.

What did he do?


some kids were playing around
and started singing.

♪ Bum bum bum... ♪

That's him.

♪ Where the shovel, 'cause
bitch I'm a gold digger ♪

♪ Gold digger ♪

Okay, we got it.

We don't need to hear the rest.

Henry expelled all four boys.

And three of the families
accepted the decision.

But not Pratt?

No, he's fighting
to get Ethan reinstated.

Was he at the school two nights ago?

His daughter was in the play.

Kids got kicked outta school

for singing the words to a stupid song?

You think that's okay?

- The word was in the lyrics.
- It doesn't matter.

If you don't want people to say it,

then don't put it
in the song in the first place.

Again, it's more complicated.

Okay, Kev, make it clear for me.

Why can't a white kid sing
along to his favorite rap song?

There's never a good reason

for a white person to use that word.


Got it.

Hey, guys, I got
some stuff on George Pratt.

He's , a managing director
at Goldman Sachs

and, according to court documents,

he's been married
and divorced three times.

Lives on nd Street.

Does he have a rap sheet?

No, but he has a carry permit.

What type of g*n does he own?

Mmm. g*ns, plural.

This guy owns a . , a . and a .

k*ller used a mill.

Ah, it's time we have
a chat with Mr. Pratt.

Oh, I love it when you rhyme.

Mr. Pratt, we know that
you own a millimeter handgun.

That g*n is registered. It's legal.

And it's also the same caliber

as the g*n that k*lled Henry Gleason.

We know that you
didn't like Henry Gleason.

No, it wasn't dislike.

- It was hate.
- Okay.

You didn't agree with his
decision to expel your son.


No shortage of private
schools in the city.

Why not just send
your kid somewhere else?

I'm on the Board
of Trustees at Davenport.

My father went there, I went there,

my children go there. [HUFFS]

If anyone needed to leave,
it was Gleason.

Looks like you got your wish.

I didn't k*ll him.

You were at the school
when he was k*lled, correct?

I was at the play.

Where'd you go when it let out?


Never went into a classroom?

No, never.

- Never talked to Gleason?
- No.

You have anyone else
that can verify that?

I was with another parent.

We walked outside together
and... waited for our kids.


We're gonna need that parent's name.

Well, Pratt's story checks out.

The parent says she was
with him from the time the play

let out until he left
the school with his daughter.

Hey guys, check this out.

We have some video footage
from the camera

across the street from the school.


That's Pratt and the other parent.


- Right, and watch this.
- Oh.

He seems to be in a hurry.

Timestamp says : .

Can you get a clean shot
of that kid's face?

He's got something on his jacket.

Punch in on that.


Could be blood.

Get the school to ID this kid

and let's get a search
warrant for the jacket.


We found a jacket in Cooper's
bedroom, had some blood on it.

Preliminary test results
show its type A-negative.

Coincidentally, it's the same
blood type as Henry Gleason.

Cooper didn't k*ll Gleason.

Well, we'd like to hear
Cooper's side of the story.

- It's not what you think.
- Stop.

- I...
- I said, stop.

Ms. Young. We have Cooper on video.

A few minutes after Gleason was shot,

he's running away from the crime scene

with blood on his jacket.

Now, if Cooper were my son,
I would urge him to cooperate.

I know how this works.

Whenever anything goes wrong,
the rich families close ranks

and try to pin things
on the scholarship kids.

We might be able to help him.

If he shot Gleason, he
could have had a good reason.

- Mom...
- Keep your mouth shut.

We want a lawyer.


All the evidence seems to be
pointing in his direction.

But before we charge
a -year-old with m*rder,

- I need a little more.
- We're trying, but...

What about Gleason's
computer? His phone?

Just a bunch of privileged parents

and entitled kids griping about
their grades and test scores.

The kid is just dying
to tell us what he knows.

But his mom won't let him.

My gut says there's more to the story.

All right, let's hold him for now.

And then have a tech
scrub his electronics,

and in the meantime,
let's find a motive.

Cooper Young is a good student.

He's active in school activities,

lettered in three sports.

And you can't think of any reason why

he would want to harm Mr. Gleason?

He punched another student
on the soccer field,

so Gleason suspended him from the team.

I bet Cooper didn't like that.

He didn't. Mother didn't either.

To be honest,

I thought it was a little harsh.

Cooper was getting recruited
by lots of colleges.

We'll need to see his disciplinary file,

and while we're here, we'd like
to take a look at his locker.

All right. It's this way.

Thank you.

What's that say?

"Cooper, meet me in
homeroom after the play."

Sounds like someone else
was in that classroom.

Who put the drawing of the g*n

in your locker, Cooper?

Who wanted to meet you in your
homeroom after the play?

Before he answers that,
we need some kind of assurance

that you're not going to prosecute him.

We can't promise that.

If he did nothing wrong,
he has nothing to worry about.

And if he's involved,
we'll talk to the DA

and let them know that you cooperated.

Bennett Richardson put that note...

Or... drawing in my locker.

Bennett Richardson?

Yeah. He's a punk.

Thinks he owns the world.

Always makes sure I know that he knows

I'm getting financial aid.

Why did he put that in your locker?

We got into a fight the other day.

Was this on the soccer field?

I... sort of kicked his ass.

He wanted a rematch?

Something like that.

I, uh... I didn't think he'd have a g*n.

I just, you know, I thought
he was just, you know...


Start from the beginning,
tell us what happened.

I walked into the classroom.

He pulled the g*n out of his backpack.

I was like, "What the hell
are you doing, bro?"

I freaked.

Did he say anything?


Said he was gonna k*ll me.

Or, no, his exact words were,

"I'm going to sh**t you in
the chest and watch you die."

What did you do?

I-I tackled him.

Tried to grab the g*n.

And then Gleason came in.

And, uh, he saw the g*n,

started yelling for Bennett to drop it.

And... and the g*n went off.

Bennett... Bennett
shot Gleason in the chest.

And then he turned to me.


I thought he was gonna k*ll me.

I really did.

But he took off.

And then what happened?

Well, I tried to help Mr. Gleason,

but he was hurt real bad.

And that's how I got
the blood on my jacket.

He told you what he knows,
and now we'd like to leave.

No. No one is leaving
until we sort this out.

What the hell is this?

We have a search warrant
for your premises.

We'll let you back up
as soon as we're done.

No, no, no, this is not acceptable.

Maybe not, but it's the law.

Make sure no one leaves.


Ooh, looky here, looky here.

Two rounds of live a*mo.
Looks like millimeter.

Let's photograph that.

- Yeah.

Check this out.

Artist look familiar?


I think that's what they call
"emotional realism."


Come here and turn around.

- Hey, don't touch him.
- You're gonna regret this.

I have a team of lawyers
on their way down.

You're under arrest for the m*rder

- of Henry Gleason.
- Dad?

Don't say a word. Not a word, Bennett.

Tell them you want a lawyer.

Bennett, say it right now,
"I want a lawyer."

I want a lawyer.

Honey, it's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay.

It's gonna be okay.

Where does a sheltered prep school kid

from Manhattan get hold of a p*stol?

His grandfather bought
and registered it in Wyoming,

where they had a family vacation house.

- Bennett must have taken it.
- So, we have an eyewitness.

Two rounds of millimeter
amm*nit*on found in his bedroom

and the note from Cooper Young's locker.

Plus all the other disturbing artwork.

- How old is he?
- .

You want to try him
as a juvenile or an adult?


You sure about that?

The statute presumes a
-year-old accused of m*rder

will be tried in adult court.
I see no reason

to make an exception
for Bennett Richardson.

I do. He's young
and emotionally unstable.

Is sending this kid
to prison for - years

really the right thing?

If he's tried as a juvenile,

he could be out in
as little as five years.

If Bennett Richardson
was mature enough to acquire

a millimeter handgun, load it,

and g*n down an innocent man,

he's mature enough to be
treated as an adult at trial.

File for a retention hearing.


The statute requires
that the people prove

one of three elements... in this
case the people can prove two.

The crime was violent
and a g*n was used.

Mr. Quinn?

What Mr. Price said is true.

But my client is still a child,

still thinks and acts like a child.

He deserves a chance
to be rehabilitated.

First, he's six months short of his

th birthday... That's hardly a child.

Second, he doesn't deserve anything...

He k*lled man,
shot him dead for no reason.

I hear what you're saying, Mr. Quinn.

I have an -year-old son at home.

He can barely make
a piece of toast without

burning the house down.

But the people have met
the statutory requirements.

Mr. Richardson shall be tried
as an adult. Anything else?

Okay, but I'd like to ask once again

that my client be released on bail.

The people object... bail
has already been litigated.

We're asking the court to reconsider.

Based on what?

The family is willing to pay the cost

of an ankle monitor and will

also agree to pay
for -hour police detail.

That should assure
his appearance at trial.

Your Honor, we're not

intimidated by the judicial system.

We have no intention of
fleeing or avoiding the trial.

We look forward to bringing
this case to a close

and clearing our son's name.

Bail is set at $ million.

The family will post forthwith.

Next case. [TAPS GAVEL]

Bennett Richardson
is admitting he shot Gleason.

He just filed notice that he intends

to offer an affirmative
defense... justification.

How can he possibly claim self-defense?

There was no imminent threat.
He was the aggressor.

According to his affidavit,
Bennett brought a g*n to school

because Cooper was bullying him,

says he was in fear for his life.

This case isn't about self-preservation.

It's about revenge.

Cooper beat up Bennett,
and this was payback.

"I didn't plan to sh**t anyone.

"I brought the g*n to school
to scare Cooper,

"to make him stop harassing me.

"When I pulled out the g*n,
Cooper came at me,

"pushed me to the ground.
I wasn't expecting that.

"The g*n went off
and the b*llet hit Mr. Gleason.

[BELL DINGS] It was an accident."

He took a loaded g*n to school

and pointed it at a fellow student.

Thank you.

He may not have intended
to k*ll Henry Gleason,

but the intent
transfers to him just the same.

The first thing we
need to do is shore up

our theory that this was premeditated.

Best evidence of his
state of mind is his artwork.

It's filled with rage.


Bennett is exceptionally talented

but, like a lot of creatives,
he has a dark side.

The subject matter in his sketches

had become increasingly violent.

Did you show this to anyone?

His parents. And the head of school,

Henry Gleason,
they said they'd deal with it.

Did they?

I have no idea, but someone
told Bennett I was concerned.

How did Bennett take that?

A couple of days later,
he confronted me and he...

- He stabbed you?
- I was helping him

cut materials for a mixed media project.

He was using a box cutter,
and he got upset.

He said it slipped.

But you think it was intentional.

I can't prove it.

Why wasn't he kicked out of school?

Gleason asked me
to meet with his parents.

I had a long conversation
with them, shared my concerns.

Bennett's father pleaded with me.

He said he'd get Bennett help.

So you just ignore
the fact that he stabbed you

based on one
conversation with his father?

Bennett's father gave me
$ , to keep it quiet.


Oh, I'm sorry, it's an emergency.

Bennett got ahold of some pills

in his parents' medicine cabinet.

Valium, Ativan, Celexa.

He tried to k*ll himself?

Yes, but he didn't try that hard.

More like a cry for help.

So, he's okay?

He's under sedation.

We'll keep him under observation

for a few days, but he should be fine.

Thank you.

You son of a bitch.
How dare you come down here?

He is a child, for God's sakes,

he can't handle this kind of stress.

- He's gonna wind up dead.
- Is that what you want?

No, of course not.

Let me handle this.

What the hell are you doing here?

I wanted to see Bennett's doctor,

find out what was going on.

I'll tell you what's going on.

As soon as I get back to my office,

I'm filing for a competency evaluation.

With what just transpired?

I don't think my client
is fit to stand trial.

Do you understand where you are?

A police station.

Do you know who I am?

A government shrink.

Do you know why we're here?

So you can tell my Dad if I'm crazy.

Actually, I send
my findings to the judge.

Are you depressed, Bennett?

Wouldn't you be?

Point taken.

You took a lot of pills.

You want to tell me what's going on?

I didn't mean to do it.


k*ll Mr. Gleason.

Or Cooper.

I didn't want anyone to die.

I never should have told my father

that Cooper kicked my ass.

How come?

Because then my father

wouldn't have told me to fight back.

None of this would have happened.

And Mr. Gleason would still be alive.

Your father told you to fight back?


He said, what are you gonna do about it?

My father told me to grow up.

Be a man. Stand up for myself.

That why you took the g*n to school?

To impress your father?

That's what I thought
he wanted me to do.

His father practically demanded

that he attack this kid.

Where did you get the g*n?

It belonged to my grandpa.

And then he gave it to my dad,

and then my dad gave it to me.

Your father gave you the g*n?

For my th birthday.

Who the hell gives
an emotionally disturbed

-year-old a g*n for their birthday?

I heard the news.

Psychiatrist found the defendant

competent to stand trial.

Yes, he apparently has
no diagnosable mental illness

and he was obviously
filled with guilt and remorse.

Meaning, he knows what he did was wrong.

You're right.

But it wasn't necessarily his idea.

What do you mean?

His father urged him to seek
retribution on Cooper Young.

That's why he brought a g*n to school.

A g*n Bennett's father gave him.

Knowing his son had emotional issues,

drawing pictures depicting violent acts,

he gave his son a w*apon?

amm*nit*on too.

As a result, Henry Gleason is dead.

- Are you suggesting...
- Yes.

I want to charge him
with m*rder as well.

Under what theory?

That he was an accomplice.

He provided the m*rder w*apon,
which means he assisted

in the commission of the crime.

Bennett couldn't have
carried it out without it.

Is there any precedent
for what you're proposing?


Can you convict the father
without the son's cooperation?



Talk to the kid's lawyer, see
if you can work something out.

No way.

I won't testify against my father.

Come on, Bennett.

Think it through.

We are giving you a second
chance at a normal life.

With good time, you'll
be out of prison in years.

It's a hell
of a lot better than spending

the rest of your life in prison.

I'm not going to rat out my dad.

- A man he loves very much.
- I know it's not easy.

There aren't any easy solutions
to this situation.

It's just a question
of which difficult choice

you're prepared to make.

My father told me
to stand up for myself.

Be strong. Someone hits you,
you hit back.

There's nothing wrong with that.

You brought a g*n to a fistfight,

and you fired that g*n
and k*lled an innocent man.

There's no walking that back.

If you want Bennett's cooperation,

you'll need to immunize him.

A free pass on a m*rder?

Otherwise, it's a hard "no."

If we want to prosecute John Richardson,

we have to let Bennett walk free.

I know the father's culpable,

but is he really more culpable
than the actual trigger man?

Without John Richardson,
his son would never have had

a handgun, he never would
have k*lled Henry Gleason.

I totally get that, Nolan.

But we have a solid case
against Bennett.

The case against
the father is a lot weaker.

Not to mention, it's
predicated on the testimony

of an emotionally disturbed -year-old.

We go after the father and lose,

everyone walks away a free man
and we look like fools.

If we have learned anything

over the past decade,
it's that locking up

disturbed kids doesn't prevent
more school sh**t.

It's proven to be
an ineffective deterrent.

We need to try a different approach,

we need to send a message.

We need to hold more people accountable,

people who should intervene.

Helluva speech...
if you were running for office.

But you're not, you're a prosecutor

and your job is to follow the law

and get justice for victims.

I can win the case, Jack.

We've prepared a grant of immunity.

Means your testimony
is no longer requested.

It's now required.

I'm going to call you as a witness

in your father's trial.

What if I say no?

Like I just said, that's not an option.

We talked about this, Bennett.

You're going to testify.

And just so we're clear,
if you fail to comply,

you will be held in contempt
and sent to jail and we try you

for the m*rder of Henry Gleason.

Same thing will happen
if you lie on the stand.

Why don't you give him a preview

of what you're going to ask?

Fair enough.

Had your dad ever seen your artwork?

The ones that involved g*ns,
that expressed v*olence?

I don't know.

Okay. Okay, yes, he's seen my drawings.

He knew I had weird thoughts sometimes.

Did he ever try to get you help?

Hired a boxing coach.

Said it would help
get my aggressions out.

Anything else?

Taught me how to sh**t g*ns.

When you told him
about how you got the bruise,

did he say anything?

When I, uh,

told my father that Cooper was the one

who punched me in the face,

he said I had to stand up for myself.

Let Cooper know I'm not a weakling.

Fight back. Regain my power.

And what did you interpret that to mean?

Objection, relevance?

- This is an accomplice m*rder.
- I'll allow it.

What did you think your
father meant when he told you

to stand up for yourself
and regain your power?

That I...

shouldn't let anyone push me around.

Your father knew you had a g*n?


In fact, he was one who gave it to you.


He gave you amm*nit*on as well?


He, uh...

I... uh...

Bennett, buddy. Answer the question.

- Don't worry about me...
- Stop.

Mr. Richardson.

Be quiet or I'll have you
removed from the courtroom.

Bennett, can you
please answer the question?

No, I'm not going to do this anymore.

You understand that
if you refuse to respond,

I'll have no choice
but to hold you in contempt.

I don't care.

Since the witness hasn't been
subjected to cross examination,

I'd move to strike his testimony.

Members of the jury, I'm instructing you

to disregard everything
the witness has said.

You are not to consider it
as part of your deliberations.

He's made up his mind.

He's not going
to testify against his father.

That means our deal
with Bennett is officially off.

And only other person
who knows what really

happened in your house, who knows what

your husband did and said is you.

- What do you mean?
- We need you to testify.

Are you insane?

Why would you think I would
help put my husband in prison?

Because it's
in your son's best interest.

No. It's in Bennett's best interest

to have his father home with us.

You don't seem to understand.
If you don't cooperate,

we're going to try Bennett for m*rder.

And if I testify?

We'll agree not to move
forward against your son

when the trial is over,
he'll come home with you.

Someone has to pay
for Henry Gleason's m*rder.

The two choices are Bennett or John.

We'd prefer that person to be John,

but it's really up to you.

I can't choose between
my husband and my son.


Okay, I'll do it.

Fine. Put me on the stand.

As you know, we filed an application

to quash the subpoena.

Mrs. Richardson should be
disqualified from testifying.

I'll hear you, Mr. Price.

But the case law is clear

on confidential matters between spouses.

Spousal privilege doesn't apply

in instances of child abuse.


What the hell are you
accusing me of now?

I've never laid a hand on my child!

I'm not alleging
that Mr. Richardson was ever

physical with his son.

I'm asserting that,
giving your emotionally

disturbed teenager a loaded handgun

and then telling him
to stand up for himself?

I'd submit that that falls under

the category of abuse and neglect.

Mr. Price is trying to
criminalize parenting decisions

he doesn't agree with.

g*ns are a part
of the Richardson's culture.

That is how my client was raised

and that's how he
chose to raise Bennett.

My client may not be raising Bennett

the way Mr. Price would like,

but that doesn't mean it's abusive.

I find that the defendant's behavior

is more than a case of bad parenting.

Defendant's motion to quash is denied.

Mrs. Richardson may testify.

Your husband was aware of Bennett's

increasingly erratic behavior?

We both were.

Bennett stabbed his art teacher

with a box cutter...
Your husband knew about that?


In fact, he paid off the victim

of that attack to keep his mouth shut.

He reached
a settlement with the teacher.

Look, John is a good man.

He really is. We didn't know what to do.

We both knew Bennett was
troubled, but we thought...

We hoped that it was just a phase.

Did you try therapy?

John doesn't believe in therapy.

He thinks it's self-indulgent.

Better to do nothing?

He handled it the way
he knew, the way he was raised.

John tried to get Bennett into sports

to take out his aggressions.

Boxing, wrestling, Outward Bound...

Bennett hated all of it.

So he gave him a g*n?

g*ns were the one thing
Bennett seemed to enjoy.

So John took him to sh**t skeet

and to target practice at
the range, and hunting trips.

I may not agree with all my
husband's decisions,

but I know that John is a good father

and he loves Bennett very much.


To be clear, your husband gave

your emotionally unstable son

a millimeter semi-a*t*matic handgun,

and when your son got into a dispute

with another boy at school,
your husband urged him

to be a man and stand his ground,

and as a result your son took

that millimeter to school

and k*lled Henry Gleason.




Thank you.

Nothing further.


Your husband never told
Bennett to k*ll anyone, did he?

Of course not.

He didn't say,
"Hey, take the g*n to school

and k*ll the principal," did he?

- Never.
- He was nowhere near

the school when Mr. Gleason was k*lled.

Correct. He was at work.

Thank you.

Members of the jury. How do you find?

We find the defendant guilty.

Thank you for your service.
You're excused.

Court is adjourned.


I am so sorry.

Go to hell.