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04x11 - Some Like It Hot Rod

Posted: 04/29/22 07:20
by bunniefuu
Thank you. Welcome back
to our segment on stain removal.

When talking about stains, most people
think of stains in clothes - food, grease...

And the kind Tim is most familiar with,

Speaking of stains, what is that?


That's the oldest trick in the book.

No, no, no, Al.
That is the oldest trick in the book.

- Just get back with stains.
- All right.

We're not talking about stains your wife
can get out with cotton balls and club soda,

we're talking about man-sized stains.

That's right. Soot and grime
that gets on the outside of buildings.

For stains like these, you need
better remedies - steam, sandblasters,

solvents, high-pressure washers.

Larry, follow Al and me outside.

Right. We're gonna use high pressure
to get the soot and grime off our building.

Right. We're gonna be removing
some graffiti. Hi, Chrissy.

Actually, Tim,
there's no graffiti on our building.

There is now.

Now, remember, Al, l did this to show
the audience how to remove graffiti, OK?

Do you think the pressure washer
will take it off?

l sure hope so, for Al's sake.

''Al is a gal''?
Why are you calling me a gal?

'Cause it rhymes with Al. And l couldn't
remember if weenie ended with y or ie

All right, enough is enough. l am tired
of being embarrassed all the time.

Look at your fly.

Got you again!

Anyway, we're gonna remove this rumor
with Binford's series power washer.

Now, normally these things have about
horse, but l've added a few extra ponies.

(Al) How many more?

Oh, about .
Heidi, start her up.

Stand back.

Just like butter.

Well, that worked just great.

Now ''Al's a gal'' is in there permanently
and what are you gonna do about that?

Add ''For a good time, call...''


- (Mark) # Come, they told me
- (boys) # Ba bum ba bum bum

# The newborn king to see

# Ba bum ba bum bum

No, guys, guys.
You can't sing ''Ba bum ba bum bum.''

lt's ''Pa rum pa pum pum.''

''Ba bum ba bum bum''
just doesn't make any sense.

What's the difference?

Well, if you sing ''Ba bam ba bum bum''
instead of ''Pa rum pa pum pum,''

everybody'll think
you're da da da da dumb.

OK. Now try it again, all right?

# Come, they told me

# Pa rum pa pum pum

- Very good. That's perfect.
- Hey, that's our favorite Christmas carol.

- ''The Little Engine Boy.''
- # Vroom vroom vroom vroom vroom.

(car horn)

- That's our ride.
- Wait! Your parents are early.

- Yes!
- Guys, you have no sense of commitment.

All right, get all your hats
and gloves and everything.

- l'm gonna walk 'em out.
- (Jill) Thanks.

You know, these guys have got to learn
that Christmas is not just about fun.

You taught me.
l'm sure you can teach them.

What is this? You're supposed to stay here
and help paint the sets for Mark's pageant.

- l gotta paint a whole village.
- We'd love to stay and help you.

Unfortunately we've got
that gosh darn hockey game this afternoon.

Well, what time is this ''gosh darn''
hockey game gonna be over?

Well, what time
are you gonna be done painting?

Well, if that's your attitude, l just don't know
if l want you to help me after all.

All right.

Thanks. Thanks a lot.

Tim, it's just you and l painting sets. Would
you move the hot rod out of the garage?

l can't go now. l'm five minutes late already
at Eddie's Body Shop.

- Eddie's Auto Shop?
- Yeah.

He's having that party. The editor from Hot
Rod magazine's gonna be there. l told you.

l have this fourth grade Christmas pageant
to produce. l've only got one week left.

l won't be late.
l'll be home right after, OK?

# Bye, bye bye bye bye

# Bye bye ba bye bye

- Hi, Dad.
- Mark, come on.

lt's just you and me now
doing all this work.

Will you bring the paint to the garage
while l move the hot rod?

l can't.
l'm going over to Billy's.

Right. And leave me alone here
to do all the work on your pageant.


Oh, well, now l think about it,
l'd much rather stay here with you.

l'll never forget
my fourth grade Christmas play.

l memorized all my lines
months in advance.

l was so excited.
l got to be Mary.

- Bet you were great.
- Oh, l was, l was.

l had the audience
eating out of the palm of my hand

until l threw up
all over the three wise men.

- Mom, great game.
- Yeah. We won, two to one.

Great, but when it's snowing you're
supposed to come through the garage,

not track it all over the house.
When did it start snowing?

A few hours ago.
Mom, didn't you notice the blizzard?

No. l was inside painting all day while
the rest of my family was out having fun.

- Where's the hot rod?
- The hot rod.

Yeah. You know, the thing Dad kisses
every night before he goes to bed.

Oh, my God!
l left it outside.

Well, you covered it, right?


lt's covered now.

How could l have done
something so stupid?

They say when two people
have been married for a long time

they start acting like each other.

You're not helping, Brad.

We better clean this up
before Dad gets home.

Look, it's just snow. Snow is water,
water is wet. Anything wet can be dried.

Why don't you just throw it in the dryer
and set it on auto?

Randy, will you turn up the heat? Brad,
start scooping. Dump the snow outside.

Mark, you keep watch.
Your father could be home any minute.

- Dad's coming.
- That's not funny.

- No, he's really coming.
- Oh, my God!

OK, guys, guys, you get to work.

- l'm gonna try and stall him.
- OK.


Boy, that blizzard
dumped some snow out there, huh?

Hi, honey.
You're home early.

l had one of the best days of my life. l had
a talk with the editor from the magazine.

Oh, honey, that's wonderful.

- l didn't tell you what we talked about.
- Right!

Sit down and tell me. Every word, even if
it takes all night. You want some coffee?

Sure, why not? They're thinking
of doing an article on my hot rod.

Your hot rod.

He's coming by in the morning
to check it out.

Oh, God!

lt's great news. l told him it was a cherry
hot rod. lt's never even been out in the rain.

l probably spend more time with that
than l do with... Never mind.

l gotta go and tweak some stuff out.

No, wait!
Wait, wait, wait, wait!

- Um... Tell me some more about this man.
- What man?

- This editor. Where was he born?
- l don't know, New Jersey.

- What books and movies does he like?
- Who would know?

- What do you like?
- What difference does it make?

We have not talked about books and
movies for a long time. We're drifting apart.

Why don't you sit down here?
We'll just talk like we used to, you know.

- You know what my favorite book is?
- No, l don't.

The encyclopedia.

Have you been hitting the eggnog
a little early this year?

No, no, honey.
Oh, Tim! Tim! l have a great idea.

- Let's go to the movies, right now.
- l can't go to the movies.

Tim, don't say that you can't. lf you believe
you can, you can make it happen.

l believe you've lost your mind, honey.

My hot rod!

You always said
you wanted a snowmobile.

- Who did this to my car?
- Mom, do you wanna take that one?

And by the way, good luck.

- You did this?
- Honey. Honey, it was just an accident.

lt wasn't snowing
when l moved it outside.

You did this? Look at all the snow in here.
The interior's wrecked.

The carpet's all wet.
Look, my gauges are all fogged up.

Couldn't you just take them out and dry
them off and then put 'em back together?

You love to take things apart
and put 'em back together.

- How'd this happen?
- l've been under a lot of pressure lately.

l've had the pageant and shopping and
school and my parents coming next week.

There's no excuse for this.
Why don't you admit you screwed up?


l think that you could be
a little bit more understanding.

l mean, it's not like
this was my fault.

- Whose fault was this?
- Yours.


Hey, if you had moved the hot rod
out of the garage as l asked you to,

then you would've remembered
to put the cover on.

This is unbelievable. Did l blame you
when l dropped the beam on your car?

- Yes, you did.
- And remember how lame that was?

- Yes, l do.
- l've worked on this car for three years.

You send it out like a stray cat.
This is like a member of the family.

You just wait a minute.
Everything l have ever owned,

you have managed to puncture, singe,
pulverize, crack, crush, melt or explode,

and every time l have managed to come up
with the compassion to forgive you.

This one time this happens, do you have
the same compassion to forgive me? No!

- Thank you so much.
- Honey, l...

Wait a minute.
You are really good.

You screw up
and l'm getting yelled at.

You are really, really good.

When you've got that gauge dried out, you
can use these towels to sop up the carpet.

You know what?
l haven't heard the word ''please'' all night.

You're right.
Please shut up and get back to work.

l'm starving.
l thought you said there'd be sandwiches.

What do l look like?
A deli?

All l'm saying is that
if you were at my house sopping up a car,

l would serve you a little something.

l'm sorry. The guy's coming tomorrow and
it's important to me. l'm worried, all right?

Hey, guys.

You've been working for hours.
Wouldn't you like sandwiches?

- We're all right, Jill.
- Well... well, actually...

lf we eat it'll just take longer,
all right?


l've been thinking
and maybe you're right.

Maybe l have a problem
admitting l'm wrong.

l think that it has to do with
my relationship with my mother.

No, no, no. Please, not this
''my mother made me screw up'' again.

- l have a lot of issues with my mother.
- Here we go.

You see, to my mother
an apology was like an admission of guilt,

which gave her the right to give me
a lecture on what a bad person l was.

That's fascinating, Jill, it really is.
But l'm not your mom.

l thought you'd pick up on that since
l stopped wearing my hair in a beehive.

Tim, the mother-child relationship
has all these complexities

that affect all aspects of your life.

Boy, is that true.
No matter how hard you fight against it,

you always are your mother's child.

Hey, l got a great idea.

Let's all get together tomorrow night
and watch Terms of ndearment

(Jill) Wilson.


Hi-de-ho, neighborette.

- (Jill) ls that the heater that Tim wanted?
- Yes. So how's the hot rod coming along?

Oh, it's still really wet.

l don't know if it's gonna dry in time.
l'm so mad at myself.

Wilson, l've been thinking about this.

Do you think that subconsciously
l left the hot rod out in the snow

to get back at Tim for dropping
that two-ton beam on my station wagon?

Jill, that's a very interesting theory,

but l'm sure that your leaving the car out
was just an accident.

Yeah. But you know what Freud says
about that, ''There are no accidents.''

Well, obviously Freud
never saw Tool Time

Well, maybe l was personifying the hot rod
as a rival for Tim's love,

then transferring
my feelings of jealousy to it.

Or it could be
about the balance of power.

l always had a problem subjugating my
ego to the strong-willed male - i.e. my dad.

lt just taps right into my preadolescent,
deep-seated feelings of rejection.

Jill, the psychological knowledge
you're acquiring at college

can give you
some very powerful insights.

You're telling me.

On the other hand, a little knowledge and
an imagination can make a person cuckoo.

- You think l'm reading too much into this?
- Yes, l do.

So basically l just screwed up.

- Yes, you did.
- Yeah. You're probably right.

Tim just accused me of not being able
to admit it when l'm wrong.

l do have a tendency to, you know,
just pass blame on to other people.

Of course, Tim was the one who didn't
move the hot rod out of the garage,

not to mention the fact
that he went to a party.

- Brad and Randy went to a game and...
- Jill. Jill.

(grunts) l'm doing it again. Right.

- Thanks, Wilson.
- (chuckles)

(Tim) Al, what are you doing?

Al, what are you doing?

Getting a drink of water.

- (Tim) What's taking you so long?
- Oh, l'm really thirsty.

- Al?
- Mm-hm?

- What are you doing, Al?
- Nothing.

- Nothing.
- You're eating.

- No.
- Yes.

lt's : in the morning.
l had an early lunch

and l get a little testy when l haven't eaten
in hours. l'm taking a break.

l got an idea.
Let me have that.

We'll split it

and we'll both take five.



lt's good.
What do you call this?

Ham and cheese.

The trick is, though,
to add a little dill to your mustard.

Al, you live life on the edge.

You know, Tim, l don't want you
to get the wrong impression

about my relationship with my mother.

Yes, we've had
some difficult moments,

and, yes,
she can be overbearing -

suffocating, really -

but she means well.

However, she does have
a pretty tart tongue.




What time is it?
What day is it?

What am l doing sleeping with Al?
Get up!

ls it five minutes already?

lt's been five hours.

The guy's gonna be here in minutes.
l am dead.

- l gotta go.
- No, stick around.

No. l mean l gotta go.

We've got a bathroom
in the house, Al.


Hi, honey.

- The car looks dry.
- lt's dry as a bone.

- How'd you do this?
- l'm packing heat.

- l even conditioned the leather.
- Oh!

l came down in the middle of the night
and saw you two sleeping on the couch

with little pieces of dill
stuck to your lips.

lt was very cute.

l didn't have the heart to wake you so l just
decided that l would finish it all myself.

l can't believe you did this.

Well, after all,

it was my fault.

l don't know, l think l must have some dill
in my ear. Could you say that a bit louder?

Don't push your luck.

Get in.
See if it meets your approval.

Jill, this is the greatest gift
you've ever given me.

l gave you three children.

Yeah, but none of them
came out this clean.

The interior looks really good.
You did a nice job on all the details.

- Did you wax this thing?
- l waxed it.

You know,
deep down you must be a car babe.

Very, very deep down.

l love you.

l've still got it.

# Come, they told me

# Pa rum pa pum pum

- Great news, honey. Oh, l'm sorry.
- No, it's OK. Really. Really.

- Boys, do you wanna take a break?
- OK.

- Yeah.
- l need aspirin and l need it now.

They decided to put
a picture of the hot rod in the magazine.

They did?
Oh, good. l'm so glad.

They're gonna get a woman
in a string bikini to sit on the hood.

Tim, l have never been more proud of you
than l am at this moment.

l suggested you be that woman.

Well, l appreciate the thought, Tim,

but there's not enough string
in the whole wide world.

Tim, the complexities of the mother-child
relationship affect all aspects of your life.

Oh, boy, ain't that the truth?

You know, no... How...
How matter how hard you fight it,

you're always your mother's child.

Hey, l got a fun idea.
