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11x11 - Passing the Stone

Posted: 04/28/22 11:39
by bunniefuu
Previously on "nypd blue"...

I've sent michael back.

Michael's father showed up.

If he's made any threats,
we can do something about it.

My wife doesn't feel safe.

I'll talk to michael's father.

We're done.

I'm off the list
for captain's money.

You're kidding.
A little payback
for the trial.

This is as far as I'll go
on the job.

Give them a year.

I've already given them 18.

Why you messing up
michael's life?

Can I ask you
the same thing?

We're helping him out.
That's messing with him?

I'm talking about you
trying to turn him into
a white boy like yourself.

Go ahead, white boy.

You glad about going
to your aunt's?

I don't really know her.

I talked to her.
She seems like a nice person.

Hi, I'm detective jones.

I can't have any problems
with his dad.

That's my only condition.

Michael's father tries to
contact you for any reason,

Call me.
All right.


Hey, aunt tammy.

Look at you, all grown up.

You ready?

Come on.


Medavoy: hey.

D.o.a.'S a stuart steinman.

That's his jewelry store,
and that's his wife.

she with him?

No, they live
across the street.

She heard the sh*ts, looked out
the window, saw her husband.

The wallet's on him
and $300 cash.

Was he carrying jewelry?
Wife said he wasn't.

She see anyone
leaving the scene?

She broke down.
We were giving her a minute.

She looks better now.

We'll start a canvas.

Mrs. Steinman, detectives
sipowicz and clark.

We're very sorry.

Did you hear the sh*ts
this morning?

I was in the bedroom.

I looked out the window
and saw him lying there.

Clark: did you see anyone
on the street?

I just saw stuart.

What about a car
pulling away?

I was looking
at my husband.

Can you think of anyone
who might have done this?
He was a decent man.

Anyone who was
giving him trouble,

Personally or in
his business life?


Who, mrs. Steinman?

Well, there's this
neighborhood guy.

Last week he told stuart
he should rot in hell,

And would rot in hell.

On account of what?

Being a jew.

This guy calls himself
mohammed something.

But he's white ‐‐
a convert.

Now what could be
more foolish?

Did your husband and this guy
ever get into fights?

Just a lot of yelling back
and forth from both of them.

Did you hear that
this morning?

You know where
this mohammed lives?

It's got to be nearby.

I think he goes
to the mosque on eighth.

[ Sniffling ]

Stuart just thought he was
a dumb, confused kid.

Well, we'll look into it,
mrs. Steinman.

They need to get the blood
off the street.

He needs to be buried whole.

I don't know
how to do that.

Why don't you give us
the number of your rabbi?

We'll see it gets
taken care of.

[ Sighs ]
holy w*r.

Yeah, buckle up.

Here's the deal.

We got a d. O. A. Jewish male.

Main suspect right now
is a muslim

The d. O. A. Had some
run‐ins with.

Junior's trying to get
an address on him.

His name's kamal mohammed,

But he's actually a white kid
formerly know as tim garrity.

Detective jones?
It's michael.

d.o.a. Was a jeweler,

But there's no indication
this was a robbery,

Which makes us think
this was a straight beef.

Bias unit's been notified
in case this shakes out
as a hate crime.

I'll be right there.

Michael's aunt got
assaulted at her apartment.

I'm gonna head over there.
Go ahead.

The aunt michael's
been staying with?


I'll come with you.

Got an address
on this mohammed kid.

Let's hit it.

Detective jones and medavoy.

You're the one
knows the kid?

Yeah. Where's tammy?

On her way to bellevue.

She got knocked around
pretty good.

Anything on the perp?

How'd the job come in?

Next‐door neighbor heard
the commotion, called 911.

The one out in the hallway?


You take her.
I'll talk to michael.

You all right?


What happened?

I was walking to catch the train
to go to school.

This guy jason,
who lives down the hall,

Comes running up, telling me
aunt tammy just got att*cked.

So I run back here,
called you.

Where's tammy's other kids?

They left before I did.

She been having a problem
with anybody?


She seeing anyone?

Not that I know about.

Was your dad here
this morning?


Has he been here at all
since you moved in?

No. I told you
I'd let you know if he did.

'Cause it sounds like
something he'd do, michael.

I didn't see him.

I don't know what else
to tell you.

If you're lying,

If you know your dad was here,
I'm done, michael.

I can't be around this anymore,
knowing he's hurting people.

I'm telling you the truth.

Sit down, tim.

Kamal, if you don't mind.

You know stuart steinman?


When did you see him last?

A few days ago.

He got assaulted
this morning.

We know that you two
like to get into it.

Just verbally ‐‐


Zionism, palestine,

How hot would it get?

voices were raised.

Never came to blows?

Invite all to the way
of thy lord with wisdom

And beautiful preaching
and argue with them,

Not as*ault them.

Is he all right?

He's dead ‐‐ sh*t twice.

Account for yourself
this morning.

Is that an accusation?
Yeah, it is, tim.

Because I engaged the man
in verbal discourse,

Or because I'm a muslim?

It's just you in here,
no other "moo‐slims."

I ask you not to disparage
the name of my religion.

The only thing we're disparaging
is you, you phony assh*le.

Where were you?

Fajr‐‐ morning prayers.

Who will confirm it?

I will not give you
the names of my brothers.

Then you'll sit your ass
in a cell.

There are other muslims
imprisoned unjustly.

It is my honor
to join them.

When did you convert?
Two years ago.

Whydid you convert?
Why are you a cop?

To solve crimes
like this one,

But unlike you
and your conversion,

I've been at this
for over 30 years.

I got nothing to prove
to my pals.

And if that's what you're doing
here by stonewalling us,

Knock off the bullshit now.

Because if you were involved,
we can help you.

But if you weren't,
and this is a waste of our time,

I'll rip that beard
out of your face.

I have nothing more
to say to you.

Uniform picked up
michael's dad.

They're bringing him in.

All right.

How you feeling?

[ Sighs ]

Like I'm getting sucked
into something

That's gonna end up bad.

For michael?
No, for me.

All I want is to see michael
turn out all right,

But his dad...

I feel like I'm getting pushed
past what I can deal with.

You want me to talk to michael,
being objective?

No, I don't want anyone
talking to him but me.

The kid's doing all he can
to hang in there as it is.

So where you at?

I believe michael.
I don't think he saw anything.

Where you at
with his father?

Or are you walking around here
with your jaw set

Related to something else?

Look, I'm not gonna
lie to you.

Part of his game's been
trying to draw me out.

Draw you into b*ating the hell
out of him,

Which would solve
all of his problems.

Which is why I haven't.

If he's trying to get to you,
why give him what he wants?

Let greg and rita
take the interview.

All right.

What's up
with the neighbor?

She willing to look
at a lineup?

She says she didn't
get a good look,

And she made it pretty clear
she's not getting involved

Past the general description
she gave us.

I appreciate your
leveling with me.

So how should we go at craig?
Any tips?

I've tried everything
I know.

All right.

So, phoebe, how long have you
worked for mr. Steinman?

Two years.

Do you know anything
about his arguments

With a muslim guy
in the neighborhood?

The white kid?

Did he ever say he felt
threatened by this white kid?

Mr. Steinman felt sorry
for him,

'Cause he was so misguided.

Anybody else your boss
was having problems with?


I mean...i don't know.

Phoebe, if you know something,
you need to tell me.

Could it fall
under the heading of

"You didn't hear it from me,"
for various reasons?


I overheard mr. Steinman having
an argument with d. J. Drano.

The rapper, you know?

Darnell ellison,
real tough guy.

He's been sh*t a few times.

He was a client
of mr. Steinman's?

And some other
pretty well‐known rappers.

They commissioned big,
flashy pieces ‐‐

$30,000 To $50,000
in stones.

What was the argument about?

I don't know,
because it was over the phone,

But it was ugly.

Like threatening?
Like nasty.

And, personally, I wouldn't want
to get on drano's bad side.

I think people who have
end up dead.

At least that's what
he sings about.

Well, do you have an address
for this, um, drano?

I don't have addresses
for any of these guys.

And they only pay in cash.

Well, how can we find him?

He hangs out
at phat factory on bleeker.

It's a hip‐hop record store.

He had invited me there once
to hang out with him.

I mean, I didn't go.

What would my mom say?

Phat factory, okay.

Well, thanks, phoebe.
We'll be in touch.

Boss, the d. O. A. Steinman
had a rapper clientele.

His salesgirl just gave us one
to look at ‐‐ d. J. Drano.

Where are sipowicz
and clark?

All right, get them
hip to this, uh, who?



I'll be back in an hour.

[ Sighs ]

Where you been today,

Looking for work.

As a beer taster?

I've been out pounding
the pavement for days now,

Per my parole requirements.

I got a lot of doors
slammed in my face.

Frustration got to me,
and I had myself a drink or two.

That's all.

Piss‐test me if you want.

That frustration get you
over to michael's aunt's
apartment this morning?

No, ma'am.

I've been instructed
to keep away from there,

And that's just what
I've been doing.

We got a witness saw you
knocking on tammy's door.

You forgetting I've been
in here before?

I dealt with you
people before.

I've been lied to before.

I.e., You're trying to call
what you think is my bluff

By presenting facts
I know ain't true.

Well, I ain't biting.

No bluffing
this time, craig.

We got a witness.
We'll prove you were there.

Okay, so say you prove
I was there.

Let's assume that.
Don't mean I b*at up on tammy.

Hell, she's taking care
of my son.

If anything, I reach my hand
out to her in gratitude.

You've been up all night

You went over there
looking for michael.

Tammy gave you some lip,
and you smacked her around.

Ain't biting, ma'am.

Your ex‐wife couldn't testify
about the b*ating you gave her,

But the difference here
is tammy lived.

And when she gets out
of surgery,

After they reconstruct
her eye socket,

We're gonna be there.

Tell her "get well soon"
from me.

Can I go?

b*at it.

[ Door opens, closes ]

[ Rap music plays ]

Darnell ellison.


Ain't here.

I recognize you, darnell.
Come on.


You know a stuart steinman?

Stu the jew...


[ Laughter ]

What about him?
You had a beef with him?

Don't involve you...yet.

What's that mean?

Nothing, big money.
I got no beef with y'all.

But I got no reason
to go in, neither.

So if you don't mind...
Another time.

You done fronting
for your boys here, darnell?

Officer, now don't get all hot,
all right?

No, it's detective.
Now get down off the counter.

Or what?

We toss the place.

Go ahead.

You first.

All right,
all right.

Maybe I got a few minutes.


Let's go.

Come on!
Get off that thing!

So why "drano"?

'Cause I get
things moving.

Stuart steinman ‐‐
when did you see him last?

A month ago, maybe more.

Mostly we talk on the phone.

What was your last
conversation about?

Steinman got sh*t
this morning.
Wasn't me.

Always got that "wasn't me"
at the tip of your tongue?

Lots of folks get sh*t
in my game, son.

I know when I'm the one
who did it ‐‐ this wasn't me.

Afraid we're gonna need you
to convince us of that,

'Cause the way we hear it, your
last conversation with steinman

Was more of an argument.
What about?

Bad rocks ‐‐ b*at rocks.

Bad jewels.

You know serenity?

A singer.

My girl, who I was banging
around on, but I'm past that.

And to prove it, I laid on her
an emerald and diamond necklace

Of kermit the frog.

Or I thought it was,

'Cause she had it appraised,
and it wasn't worth d*ck.

What did you pay for that?

60 Grand.

Wasn't worth five.

Wasn't nothing about it
for real.

So I called the jeweler.

Said, "refund the dough,
or we got serious trouble."

What'd he say?

He didn't know
what I was talking about.

How did you leave it?

You visit steinman outside
his shop this morning,

Maybe get things moving
on your payback?

No, I did not.

You got a hard‐ass

This guy makes you
look like a chump.
Was not me.

If it was, that's something
you want to get way ahead of.

Was not me.

Prove it.

Julia mccorkle ‐‐

Stuy town.

I was there from 10:00 last
night to 10:00 this morning.

Call her and see.
We will.

60 Grand for a kermit
the frog necklace ‐‐

What, are you out
of your mind?

Don't ask me, man.
Talk to serenity.

But don't talk to her
about julia, right?

What did drano give you?

The runaround.

We got to get
the d. O. A.'S wife in here,

See what she knows
about this idiot.

[ Sarcastic ]
he gets things moving.

That's why he goes
by drano.

Can we get the d. O. A.'S wife
in here already?

Hey, michael.

Is detective jones here?

No, he went out
to get something to eat.

You need something?

I was checking to see
if he heard anything
on my aunt tammy.

She's out of surgery.
She's gonna be okay.

We're gonna head
down there soon,

So we'll tell her
you were asking about her.

Need anything else?

No, that's it.
Tell him I'll check in later.

Yeah, I'll do that.

Hey, michael...

Let's me and you
grab a soda.

I got to get to school.
Already missed half a day.

Real quick ‐‐ come on.



I'm good.

Have a seat.

Word I got was you didn't see
your dad come by this morning.

That's right.

But if we kind of look at things
honestly, realistically,

It was your dad who b*at up
your aunt this morning.

You see what you're doing
right now, michael,

Looking the other way?

That's starting
to get people hurt.

I didn't see him
hit aunt tammy.

But you saw him
hit your mom.

You saw him k*ll her.

But you kept quiet,
and look where we are now.

[ Sighs ]

I know you love him,
and he's your only family,

And you don't want
to lose him,

And you hold onto this
hope that he'll turn things
around and be a decent guy,

But that's just not
gonna happen, michael.

He's proven that.

And now your aunt,

Who went out on a limb
to help you ‐‐

Look at me, michael.

She's in the hospital
with her face smashed in.

Your dad hurts people.

That's just the way
his brain's wired.

And he's gonna
keep on doing it.

So you need to step up,
be a man,

And protect the other people
in your life right now,

Or this is gonna be on you.

You need to get to school,

He's getting there.

I don't want you talking to him.
We clear?

What's the worst
that could happen, baldwin?

He'd tell the truth,
and his dad would go
to prison for m*rder?

Is there some reason
you're opposed to that?

When he's ready
to talk about it, fine.

And I don't know
if he ever will be.

But if we force him
to flip on his dad,

He might lose it altogether.

Now that's the way it is.

His dad is gonna
k*ll somebody again...

Maybe you.

I'm handling this.

But you're not.

Don't talk to michael again.

Put your hand down,

If you do,

You'll see a side of me
you've never seen before.

Put your hand down.

I appreciate you coming in,
mrs. Steinman.

We just got
a couple questions.

Did your husband ever mention
a client named darnell ellison?


Ellison's also known
as "drano."

Have you heard that name?

Is he one of the musicians?

Did your husband mention
having a problem with him?


Did your husband ever talk
about having an issue
with quality control,

As far as stones he sold?

What's this drano saying,
that he got fakes?

Pretty much.


I told stuart the last time
not to deal with these people.

What happened last time?
Same thing ‐‐

Some rapper
said he got fake stones.

He made threats.

He slashed stuart's tires.

What was the rapper's name?

King something ‐‐

Steve or larry, maybe.

Paul ‐‐ king paul.

That's it.

[ Clears throat ]
when was this?

Last year.

Was it resolved?

Stuart replaced the piece ‐‐

$20,000 Out of pocket.

It nearly broke us.

What was the piece?

superman symbol.

If it was a shakedown,
why didn't your husband
call the police?

Well, this king paul brought
the piece in to prove his point.

But what he brought in was
a knockoff of what stuart made.

So you're saying
this "king paul"

Went to the trouble of having
his superman symbol copied

So he could
rip your husband off?

I don't know, but he didn't
get the fake from stuart.

Mrs. Steinman, we want to
catch the guy who did this,

But if you're holding
back something

About your husband's
business practices,

However embarrassing ‐‐

Stuart never sold anything
fake in his life!

He was an honest man who built
himself up from the ground.


[ Voice breaking ] he was
an honest, decent man...

And a good husband.

May I leave now?

Hey, tammy.

What do you want?

We want to find out
who did this to you.

I never seen him before.

How did he get into
your apartment?

Pushed his way in
when I was heading out.

What'd he look like?

Black and in his 20s.

I didn't see much.

Was it craig?

I'd have said so if it was.

This puts him away, tammy.

I didn't want
nothing to do with craig.

I told you that from the get‐go,
when I agreed to take michael.


I remember.

And you said
you'd take care of it.

And I've been trying,
believe me.

But I can't watch what he does
every minute of the day.

I just want to get
some sleep here.

If craig did this to you,
he goes away to prison,

And he can't hurt
anybody else.

And you know
what's funny about that?

That's what they told
my sister

When craig put her
in the hospital.

So she testified
against him.

Craig gets out
a couple years later.

Denise is dead.

This would be a third strike
against him.

You can save all that.

I don't believe you.

I don't believe
your legal system.

I don't believe nothing!

I don't know who hit me.
Now leave me alone.

All right, then.

And michael's got to find
someplace else to live...

As in today.

I'm sorry.

Where are we at?

The d. O. A., Steinman?

He's got a previous incident
passing off fake stones.

Some rapper named king paul ‐‐
real name, paul jamison.

We talk to jamison?

Lives in los angeles now.

Whoever we talked to said
the king doesn't talk to cops.

Get with his lawyer or manager,
josias freeland.

Same manager for this drano
that we talked to earlier.

Is that a coincidence?
Clark: we don't know.

We ran the d. O. A.'S phone.
There's calls to freeland.

Freeland should be here
any minute.

Michael's aunt tammy said she
didn't recognize her attacker.

She's scared of craig.


Where we at with him?

Michael know anything?


Keep working on the witness,

Anyone who saw craig
come and go.

Will do.

Josias freeland
for detective clark

And somebody else
I can't pronounce.

This way.

Didn't mean to offend
out there.

I'll live.
Sit down.

So d. J. Drano
and king paul ‐‐

You know about their
dealings with a jeweler
named stuart steinman?

I knew they had trouble,
fake jewels and whatnot.

You get involved in it?

I had to ‐‐
part of the job.

When's the last time
you talked to steinman?

I think you're well aware

That I spoke
with mr. Steinman last night.

You're just a cut‐to‐the‐chase
kind of guy, huh?

So what did you talk about?

Drano's fake frog.

What about it?

Steinman needed to replace it,
like with king paul.

Or pay the money back.

He got the point.

After you threatened him?

Why would I thr*aten a man
admitting he did wrong

And promising to take care
of the problem?

Now, steinman admitted
it was fake?

He did, like he did
with king paul.

And he said
he'd make it right.

But somehow this morning
he winds up sh*t.

Well, obviously, steinman
did some shady business,

And I doubt we're the only folks
that he tried to rip off.

Or maybe I'm in here because
we're the onlyblackfolks ‐‐

No, you're the only folks
who make it known to the world

In your music
if somebody crosses you,

They get taken out.

Show biz, detective.

King paul
went to catholic school.

Drano's dad
managed a factory.


Call it what you want.

Guys still get k*lled
and do murders.

Where were you this morning?

Oh, come on.
Now you're getting absurd.

You introduce your guys
to steinman?

I did.

So them getting screwed over
is on your hands.

Now that happened to me,
I'd drop your ass as manager.

Yeah, but if you
k*lled steinman,

That might get you back
in your guys' favor.

I don't need any act
enough to do m*rder.

Where were you this morning?

My office,
on the phone to london.

We'll look into it.

Be my guest.

[ Cellphone rings to tune
of "when the saints
come marching in"]

May i?

Tammy's neighbor
ain't budging.

She won't even look
at a photo array.

Any chance she might change
her mind once she calms down?

Doubt it.

So we have nothing.

We got two witnesses
who refuse to cooperate.

Makes it tough
to do our jobs.

Well, the manager's standing up
for drano and king paul,

Which means d*ck.

But drano
alibied out, right?

Doesn't mean he didn't
get one of his buddies

To pull the trigger.

I really appreciate
your cooperation.

You too.

That was the main guy,

The sheik at the mosque
tim garrity worships at.

He says garrity
wasn't there this morning.

Get garrity in here.

Jones: hey, michael.


What's going on?

I want to talk to him.

Is everything all right?


All right, go ahead.

Did you come back to talk to me
about your dad?

Did you see him hurt your aunt
this morning?

But you saw your dad at
the apartment this morning

Before you left?

You ready to talk
about your mom and dad?

Did you see your dad
b*at up your mom that night?


Did you see
the whole thing?

I tried to stop him,

But...he threw me in a room
and hit me

And told me to stay there.

I heard the rest.

Was that the last
you saw of her?

I came out when he was putting
her in that shopping cart.

We're gonna do everything
we can to avoid it,

But you may have
to testify to this,

Maybe in court with your dad
sitting in the same room.

Are you gonna be able
to do that?

I don't want him
hurting nobody else.

You're a good man.

He saw his dad k*ll his mom.

He'll do what he has to,

Do we know where
to find craig?

We got places
we could look.

He's a collar.
Bring him in.

Michael should stay here until
we get our hands on this guy.


He considers you a father
figure, not a cop.

That's why he couldn't
give it up to you.

[ Sniffling ]

I'm proud of you.

[ Crying ]

So what kind of guy were you
in high school, tim?

A jock type, popular?

I don't see the point ‐‐
nah, I didn't think so.

I'll bet you didn't have
a lot of friends,

And the friends you did have
were probably like them assholes

Who sh*t up that school
in colorado.

I am a peaceful man.

You're an outsider
and a loner.

And you chose the least
likely group to join

To make yourself look smart.

I chose islam
because I believe ‐‐

Because they'd take you?
Yeah, absolutely.

State of the world now,

They're thrilled to see any
white guy take interest.

The only question now is,

Are you the lone psycho
in the group,

Or was k*lling stuart
steinman an organized
plan involving others?

I did not k*ll
stuart steinman,

And that you would
implicate my fellow muslims ‐‐

All right,
if you did it alone,

We can say you got in
an argument with steinman

Over zionism or islam,
and it got out of hand.

Or if this was
an organized plan,

You can deal up the
other players and save
years of your life.

But you got to come clean.

What makes you so certain
I k*lled this man?

You lied to us
where you were this morning.

No one saw you
at the mosque.

And the surveillance cameras ‐‐
all 23 of them ‐‐

None of them
saw you, either.

You didn't know they had
surveillance cameras.

So why you lied,
or tell us what happened.

I wasn't at morning prayers.

When you went
to see steinman,

Was it on your own,
or were others involved?

I didn't go
to see steinman.

We're going
backwards, tim.

I went to have a massage
for my bad back.

And you didn't
tell us this. Why?

Because it was
a spank‐off joint?

I have a bad back.

You were getting
your nuts off.

Tim, cop to it
and tell us how to confirm it

Or face a m*rder rap.

The place is called
happy time massage.

It's on 25th
and 6th avenue.

The girl's name is suzy.
She'll know me.

I'm a regular.

So what exactly
is the koran's position

On muslims paying
to get their balls oiled?

The flesh is weak.


The idiot is weak.

Stay here.


Drano's manager,
josias freeland?

I ran his cellphone and got
a bunch of recent calls

To a high‐end costume jeweler
on canal street.

The place specializes
in copying fancy jewels,

Like drano's kermit the frog
or the superman pendant.

How recent were the calls?

Would have been right after
stuart steinman was k*lled.

You get in contact
with the costume jeweler?

The person I talked to
said the owner

Just walked out
this morning.

Said he was going on vacation
and didn't say where.

Did they confirm copying
the kermit and superman thing?

No, the guy said only
the owner would know,

But that a few weeks ago
they got a big order
of glass emeralds.

So maybe.

We need to talk
to this josias freeland.

Connie will bring you
up to speed.

Bartender at
the aces high called.

Craig woodruff
just walked in.


I'm fine.


Two seconds.

Real quick.

You free for dinner tonight,
with me?

I mean, if you're busy...

No. Sure.


I'll get with you later.

Tell us about canal street
jewelry, josias.

what am I doing here?
Canal street jewelry,

Who you called three times
before noon this morning.

I was looking for a tiara
for my niece.

She's doing a school play.

You know they specialize in
knocking off expensive garbage,

Like your kermit the frog
and superman symbol?

I didn't know that.

That's not why
you called the owner

And told him get out of town
for a while?

Excuse me?

The owner's assistant confirmed
knocking off the jewels

And said that the order
came from you.

On the way to pick you up,
we put in a call to drano.

He said the jewelry
he ordered from steinman

Was picked up
and delivered to him by you.

King paul said
the same thing.

On the way to your clients,

Did the stuff make a detour
to canal street jewelry?

Whatever assistant
you talked to is a liar.

You got steinman to pay up once
with king paul's jewelry.

You thought you could do it
again with drano's?

You know what I see here?

A conspiracy.

See whatever you want,
but start thinking about a deal.

Because without one,
you're dead.

As far as we hear it,

Ripping off immature,
g*n‐toting delinquents

Is no way to survive
in a rap game.

They'll get you on the street.
They'll get you in jail.

Now you could deal for
administrative segregation,

But you better start now,

Before the offer's
off the table.

You want to stay alive?


Did steinman figure out
it was you

That switched the jewels
on drano and king paul?


He thr*aten to go
to the police?


So you sh*t him.

Yes or no?

Yes, but you got
to understand something.

In my industry,
appearance is everything.

You got an expensive lifestyle.
You ran short.

You cooked up a scheme.
It backfired.

You think it's that simple,
that I got greedy?

I came from nothing!

I worked 20 hours a day
to get to where I am,

Competing against
ivy‐league white boys,

Big management firms.

I couldn't just let that go.

So it was on the jeweler to
bankroll your cash‐flow problem.

He had plenty ‐‐
more than enough.

You were way off.

[ Sighs ]

I want administrative

In the facility
of my choosing.

This ain't no
record deal, pal.

Got an update
for you, craig.

Let's hear it.

After seeing what happened
to his aunt,

Michael finally decided he
couldn't let it go anymore.

Sounds complicated.

It's not.

He just gave a statement about
how he saw you k*ll his mom.

[ Scoffing ]

You guys and your tired‐ass
bluffs, man.

You're going in, craig.

This is it.

And to the extent
that you care,

I'll be looking out
for michael.

Not to get back at you,

But because he's a good kid
and deserves a chance.

So michael's
saying what now?

One last thing...

I'm gonna make you a deal.


Don't push this to trial.

Don't force michael to testify
and relive this all over again.

Let him go.

What's the deal part?

If you agree to that, I'll let
you finish your cold beer,

'Cause it's the last one
you're ever gonna have.

Just keep in mind,

If you break the deal,

I'll call in a favor with
the department of corrections,

And you'll be in
23‐hour lockdown

For however many years
you got left.

Or someone on your tier?

I'll help one of their family
members on the outside,

And they'll deal with you
whatever way they want.

So I want you
to think about that beer...

'Cause I'll push
a button on you,

And don't think I won't enjoy
every second of it.

If what you say is true...

And michael betrayed
his own flesh and blood

And sided with
a cop like you...

Then he's dead to me.

And he's all yours.

On your feet.

[ Handcuffs clicking ]


This is nice.


Food's good.

And we're just
sharing a meal, or...

Maybe more than that.

It's up to you.

Isn't this a little
out of balance?

A boss and a subordinate
from the same command

Is very out of balance.

But here we are.

[ Clears throat ]

I don't ‐‐ I don't know how
comfortable I am with it.

With me
or with the situation?

I don't like the idea of keeping
a secret in the squad.

Well, what if
you didn't have to?

I mean,
what if the situation changed?

That means someone transferring
out of the 15th.

What if that happened?

It'd look like we'd had
an ongoing thing,

And that somebody transferred
to make it ethical.

[ Sighs ]

I don't like people talking
behind my back.

I've been through it
too much.

Well, say all that
was off the table ‐‐

No talking, no rumors.

We were free and clear.

Would you want to spend
more time with me?

Free and clear?

Yeah, I would.

I've been approached by
this real estate developer

About heading up
his security.

I'm considering
taking the job.

'Cause of this?

Because it's a good

And because losing the trial
dropped the ceiling

On how far I'll ever get
on the job.

When do you give your answer
to the developer?

By the end of the week.

Hard to imagine you
off the job.

Think about it.

I will.

Will you?


I will, too.

This pulls out into a bed.

The couch is fine.

How you holding up?

All right.

As far as...having
to move out and...

You know,
your aunt tammy ‐‐


I got it.

So what now?

Crash here for a while.

How long's a while?

Long as you need.

Well, I need...

A place to live.

I'll get a dresser for you...

Put it in the corner
for your stuff.

This is your home now
if you want it.

You sure that's cool
with you?

Michael, after seeing
what you did today,

It would be my privilege
to have you as a roommate.


And I'll start looking
into it paperwork‐wise

In order
to make it official.

I don't want you
worrying about anything.


No sweat.