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01x05 - Asylum

Posted: 04/27/22 15:08
by bunniefuu
Do you know Ammit?

Egyptian deity, right?
World's first bogeyman.

ARTHUR: The justice of Ammit
surveys the whole of our lives.

That's why we have to resurrect her.

And she'll light the
path to heal the world.

You brought this upon yourself, Khonshu.


Now, he's tethered to this place.

It's gotta be one of the big'uns.

We won.


- You know Steven?
- Of course I know Steven.

- If we can't calmly...

- STEVEN: Marc? Marc!
- Steven!

We gotta get out of here.


BOY: Help!

This is all your fault!


DR. HARROW: Calm down. Marc? Marc.

I didn't sh**t you.

Your mind is violently
vacillating between

sense and nonsense.

Picture this, all right?
Your brain is a pendulum,

swinging between a
very difficult reality,

that you are my patient here
at Putnam Medical Facility

in Chicago, Illinois,

and a reassuring fantasy that
you've created on your own.

That you're some kind of, I
don't know, superhero. All right?

You are doing everything and
everything possible not to look within.

You're not really a doctor.

DR. HARROW: Is that why you keep

starting imaginary
fights in our hospital?

No, you're not a doctor.

Look. I feel real. I
feel like a real doctor.

You're not a doctor.

Well, all right.


I'm not a real doctor. Okay,
well, all right, all right.

It's not about me, okay?

Let's start with you. Let's try
it your way. Retrace your steps.

Tell me. Tell me. How did
you come to be here today?

How did you get here?

I took the bus,

like I always do.

You wanna know what you
told me, how you got here?

You told me that you
were in a place that was

oddly reminiscent of this office,

except that it was in Egypt, right?
And that you were with a rhinoceros

- and...
- Hippopotamus.

You're right, I'm... You're
right, it was a hippopotamus,

but it talked.

Now, what do you think?
Do you think that is sense

or nonsense?


I find this really encouraging.

Honestly, I do.

The struggling mind
will often build places

to seek shelter for
different aspects of the self

from our most traumatic memories.

It's called just an
organizing principle, okay?

Some people, they see a castle, right?

Somebody else will see
a maze, or a library.

Or a... psych ward?

Yeah. Or it could be.
Could be a psych ward. Yeah.

What I find extremely interesting

is this new... The new animal character.


- Hippopotamus?
- I find that really interesting.

This hippo could break down the
walls between you and Steven,

and we might finally understand.

Understand what?

Well, before you got upset, you
were talking to me about a boy.

- Do you remember that boy?
- Mmm-hmm.

You think you could tell
me about that little boy?

Hey, thank you. I feel really great.


I mean, they must pay you a
lot of money in this place.

- You know what?
- You're really good.

I tell you what, I feel like a
million dollars, never felt so good.

I'm gonna see myself out. Thank
you. Doctor! No, you're not...

You're gonna release that monster...
He's gonna destroy everything!

- He's gonna destroy everything!
- Be gentle with him!

Listen, I am not your enemy!

No! No!


Hippo! Hippo!

Oh, man!

Wow, these meds are really amazing.

Is he always so intense?

Who, him? Yeah, pretty much.

HIPPO: So, are you two, like, twins?

- No.
- Well, yes, sort of.

HIPPO: Okay, great.

That's really cleared this
whole situation up for me.

That makes two of us.

Just a second ago, I thought
I'd been shot to death.

Oh, gosh! This will
really bake your noodle,

but I think you were just
taking a little time-out.

I'm afraid you're actually quite dead.

I'm sorry, what?


I'm dead? We're dead?


Yes, Marc. I think she's right.

I think we died.

HIPPO: I actually...
I have... Hold on a sec.

It's been a minute since we've
had a soul pass through here.

Bit distracted... Excuse me.

A-ha! Okay, here we go.

Welcome, gentle traveler... Travelers,

to the realm of the Duat.

Duat? The Egyptian underworld.

This is Taweret,

- goddess of women and children...
- MARC: Uh-huh.

...and she's guiding us through
our journey to the afterlife.

- Wow.
- MARC: Okay.

Right. So, this is the afterlife?

- The afterlife?
- An afterlife. Not the afterlife.

You'd be surprised how
many intersectional planes

- of untethered consciousness exist.
- Yeah.

(GASPS) Like the Ancestral
Plane. Oh! Just gorgeous. Anyway.

I do actually have cards for all this

if you just wait, and... I'm sorry.

Wait... Bye.

(GASPS SOFTLY) Okay, so...

Because the Duat's true nature
is impossible for the human mind

- to comprehend...
- Right. may perceive
this realm as something

more easily recognizable to you.

- Uh-huh.
- A psych ward's a first for me,

but, hey, we can roll with it, right?

Why would we imagine this realm
to be a psychiatric hospital?

Because we're insane.


We're insane.

This talking hippo,

talking dead bird, you're
outside of my body now.

And now the afterlife, right?

- That's the reality and this...
- STEVEN: But Marc, Marc.

The hospital. That's the imagination.

- Sorry, he's...
- Oh, man. Dr. Harrow's right.

Dr. Harrow?

This is an organizing principle.

- Is he a doctor now?
- MARC: I'll prove it you.

So, like, right through
these doors, for example,

we go through here,
there's gonna be patients,

and there's Crawley
probably about to yell bingo!

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

What is this?

This is the underworld.

I'm not crazy.

I'm dead.

- Where did you say we're going?
- We're sailing to A'aru.

To the Field of Reeds, right, Taweret?

Ah, so he's the smart one, hey?

Well, if your heart's balanced in life,

then you will spend eternity in paradise.

The Field of Reeds.

But before we get there, I've
just got to do a quick little...

- Whoa! Easy! Easy, easy, easy there!

Oh, goody! It worked! Look at that!

Here was little old me worrying
I'd blow your chests wide open.

STEVEN: Sorry, what?

MARC: Wait, what's she doing?

STEVEN: She's weighing our
hearts on the Scales of Justice

and the Feather of Truth.

You see, the ancient Egyptians
believed that the heart

was the sign of who
you really were in life.

If the Scales balance by
the time you end the journey,

then a soul is permitted to
pass into the Field of Reeds.

- MARC: What if they don't balance?
- You get thrown overboard. Whoo!

The dead will drag
you down into the Duat,

where you will remain
forever, frozen in sand.

No unbalanced souls on
my boat. Them's the rules.

Fingers crossed for you guys, hey?

I don't care what this hippo says.

There's no way we're
ending up down there.

And we're not going to
the Field of Reeds, either.

- All right. What are you proposing?
- If it comes to it,

k*ll the hippo, steal the boat.


- Um, fellas?

What? Why is it doing that?
Why is it moving like that?

TAWERET: I don't know. I
do not have a card for this.

Oh. It's the hearts.

They aren't full.

And trust me, I'm a goblet
half-full kind of gal, but...

It's like they each feel incomplete.

What does that mean?

Without balanced Scales, the Duat
will eventually claim your soul.

Do you have any other suggestions?

This boat contains all
of a life's memories.

Now I don't know what you two guys
have been hiding, but my advice,

get in there and show
each other the truth.

Balance your Scales before we
arrive at the Field of Reeds,

or your souls will be destroyed.

- STEVEN: Yeah, all right.
- So how are we supposed to do this?

Not sure. You think Layla's all right?

Yeah, for now.

And knowing her, she'll go on a
su1c1de mission to stop Harrow herself.

That means we better hurry, doesn't it?

Know what Layla would be all right with?

- Don't. Just don't say it.
- I'm just saying there is

one hippo and two of us,

and this ship can't be
that hard to steer. So...

- And we don't have to actually...
- Have to what? k*ll the Goddess Taweret?

No, just, you know,
find me a rope and...

Yeah. Or we can do what she says,

and help each other uncover whatever

it is that we're hiding, apparently.

Steven, I don't know about you,
but my memories are a fricking mess.

- Yeah, mine, too.

MARC: Whoa.

That's wild.

STEVEN: Oi. What's this?

Steven, what are we gonna do here?

We're gonna revisit every
single memory I've ever had?

Do you... Do you remember this?

Yeah. I don't know, it's
just a street, you know.

How many streets have you
walked down your whole life?

BOY: Help!

Did you hear that?

MARC: Hey.

STEVEN: Just a creepy caff
filled with dead bodies.

That's all it is. No prizes
guessing whose room this is.

- Yours.
- Funny.



New York. No way.

Oh, man.

STEVEN: What, do you know these people?

No. Oh, no.

Surely not all of them?

You k*lled all of them?

They were criminals. Murderers.
Predators. The worst of the worst.

Khonshu wanted them punished.

It's what he meant by protecting
the travelers of the night.

STEVEN: And you remember each person?

You try taking a life.

See how quickly you forget.

Kept wishing I'd fail and one
of them would k*ll me instead.

- The healing ended up being a curse.
- Marc!

Do you see this? Look.

The Scales are slowing
down. It's working.

Okay, all right. So then, now
what? What do we do? Do you go next?

Um... Who's that?


why is there a child in a room
filled with people that you've k*lled?

- Steven, look, don't go near him.
- Hey, little man.

What's your name,
there? Oh, hold on there.

- Wait a moment.
- Steven. Wait! Wait!

Come on! No, wait! Steven! Steven!

Open the door! Open the door!

- Open the door!
- Mom?

Food's ready. Who's hungry? RoRo?

Mom, come check out my drawing.

YOUNG MARC: He drew the
fish with only one fin.

Marc, be nice to your little brother.

I had a brother?

I'm not hungry. Want to go to the cave?

We'll eat later.

Boys? Don't be gone too long.

Hey, hey, hey, Marc. What do you do?

Keep an eye on your brother. Okay?

Laters, gators.

In a while, crocodile.


Where'd they go?

Let's do it. Let's go.

RANDALL: Okay. Okay, okay, fine, but...

I'll be Rosser, though.

Can you hear that, Dr. Grant?

(IN BRITISH ACCENT) I sure do, Rosser.

Sounds to me like danger.

- Dr. Grant?

not to when it's raining.

It'll be fine. Don't be a baby.

RANDALL: That was awesome.



Oh, God. Oh, no.


You have to get out of here!


Don't go any further!

The water's rising way too fast!

You got to get out of here.


Where are they?

MARC: Steven? Come back here!


Come on, lads. We have to leave now!

Can you hear me? Can you hear me?

- Where are you?

STEVEN: Marc! Marc!

- Help us, please! Help us.
- Marc! Oh, God.

- Follow my voice!

- Boys!
- RANDALL: Mommy!

- Mommy! I want my mommy!
- MARC: No. No, no, no.

STEVEN: I hear you!

- RANDALL: Mommy!
- I hear you, Marc!


- It's just a memory. It is just a memory.
- Help!

- RANDALL: Mommy!
- Damn it, Steven.



Hey, Steven.

WENDY: I want my RoRo back.

I want him back.


What are you doing here? Hmm?

MARC: Come on, buddy.

You were supposed to keep him safe!

Steven, let's go.

WENDY: You let him drown.

This is all your fault!

This is all your fault!

- Hey, Steven. Come here.

Come here! Stop, stop!
Don't go up there!


ELIAS: Wendy? Wendy, come on, please.

Wendy, please.

We're just about to
blow out the candles now.

She's not coming.

Your mother's not feeling well, Marc.

We'll do it just you and I this year.


MARC: Steven!


You can't have a birthday
without your favorite cake!


Get started on these, okay, son?

WENDY: You were always jealous of him.


Ever since he was born.


I should've known you would
do something like this.


Mum, what are you doing?

MARC: Steven!


What happened in that room, Marc?

- That's it, Steven. That's it.
- All right! All right.

Why are you remembering her like that?

That's not what she was like.

No. Let me go. Let me back
in there. What are you hiding?

What are you hiding?

ELIAS: Marc, son. Please come inside.

She will get help.


- We will fix this.
- You're supposed to fix this.

I mean... Why haven't you?


I cannot lose another son.



MARC: That's enough, Steven.

Get off me!



Where the hell are we now?

Oh, God.

- Harrow said you were a mercenary.

That you k*lled hostages.

- And you believe that?
- Yeah. Wouldn't put it past you.

MARC: Turns out going
AWOL in a fugue state

gets you discharged from the military.

Didn't have a ton of options after that,

so I went work-for-hire
for my old CO Bushman.

The job was to raid an Egyptian tomb.

But Bushman changed the plan,

called for no witnesses, and
I couldn't live with that.

STEVEN: Is that Doctor El Faouly?

Layla's dad?

(SIGHS) I tried to get them all away.

But we didn't make it.


What happened to you?



KHONSHU: What a waste.



I feel the pain inside of you.



What the hell are you?

I am the god Khonshu,

in search of a warrior.

MARC: (SCOFFS) A warrior.

Well, good luck with that.

KHONSHU: To be my hands,
my eyes, my vengeance.

To be my final word
against the evildoers.

To bind your very being to me

and eradicate only the
worst, those who deserve it.

Do you want death

or do you want life?

I don't know.

Your mind, I feel it. Fractured. Broken.

Most fascinating.

You are a worthy candidate
to serve me during this time.

In exchange for your life,

do you swear to protect
the travelers of the night

and bring my vengeance to
those who would do them harm?

STEVEN: That sneaky old vulture.

He was manipulating you from the start.

MARC: Yeah, well, he kept us alive.

STEVEN: Marc, he was
taking advantage of you.

Or it was just a way for me to
keep being what I've always been.

A k*ller.

KHONSHU: Do you swear to protect
the travelers of the night

and bring my vengeance to
those who would do them harm?



The Scales.

Have we done it? Have we balanced them?

KHONSHU: Then rise.

Rise and live again.

As my fist of vengeance.

As my

Moon Knight.

- Are those...

Come on, Marc. Let's go!

Taweret, what's going on?

TAWERET: Fear is spreading
in the upper world.

Unbalanced souls are being judged or

condemned to the
sands before their time.

Oh, this is bad. This is evil.

- Harrow.
- You see why we have to go back?

TAWERET: Even if I could
send you back up there,

you'd just be returning to
a body with a b*llet in it.

You wouldn't be able to heal.

STEVEN: Can you send word to
Layla? Please. Help us free Khonshu.

Are you sure you want
to be with Khonshu again?

Seems like you really
want to get away from him.

I did, but this is our only
shot. It's the way it's gotta be.

Please, Taweret, you have to help us.


What the heck?

Osiris is not going to like this,

but his gate is the only path back.


Get back inside! You don't have long.

Get those Scales balanced.


STEVEN: There was that bedroom
that you didn't want me to go into.

- That's it. That's where we'll go.
- Just a second.

Just wait a second. Just
give me a second here. Okay?

Um, look, we don't have to
go back through it all again.

We can just talk. Let's just talk.

Right here, right now. I'll tell you...

I'll tell you everything. Okay?

I'm just begging you, don't
make us go there again.

It's not worth it.

Not worth it?

Not worth it? Marc, you're
about to lose everything.

Do you understand?

If we don't get back,
and Harrow succeeds,

and all those people die...

If Layla dies,

that's on your head.

It'll be all your fault.

No, no, no! You can't! I won't do it!

I won't do it! You can't
make me! You can't make me!

Marc. Marc. Marc.

Stop it. Stop it.


Did you inject me with something?

You watch too many movies,
all right? (CHUCKLES)

We can't involuntarily sedate patients.

Not these days, huh? I mean,
not unless absolutely necessary.

Oh, Marc, what you've
been doing is so difficult.

I'm so proud of you.

Reliving these kind of traumatic
memories can be so painful.

They look and feel so real,

and you have been at it for hours.

Great work.

It's really... You've
been peering inward,

looking deeply into all of
the moments that make you, you.

Here. Come on. Take it.

Yeah. I'm so proud of you, Marc.

Now just stay with me
for one second, okay?

I want you to consider this.

Do you think you created Steven

to hide from all of the awful things
you feel you've done in your life,

or do you think Steven created
Marc to punish the world

for what your mother did to you?

Do you know?

Can you remember?

There's only one way to know.

You're gonna have to open up to Steven.

There can be no progress
without understanding.

Can you do that?

Can you open up to Steven?

I don't... This is my room.

I remember some things,
but I don't remember this.


YOUNG MARC: It's not
Mom. It's not my mom.

It's not my mom.

- It's not my mom.

WENDY: Marc, open this door.

Open this door right now.

It's not my mom.

- Open this door.
- It's not my mom.

It's not my mom.

(IN BRITISH ACCENT) Bloody hell.
Look at the state of this place.

Better sort it out before Mum sees it.

WENDY: Marc, open this door right now!


STEVEN: "When danger is near,
Steven Grant has no fear."

You made me up.

- WENDY: Open this door right now!

You're gonna learn

to listen.

Why do you have to make me do this?

I wanna see what she did.

WENDY: You disgusting human.

You do not need to see that.

That's the whole point of you.


The point of me?

The point of me? What?
To be your stress ball?

All this time I thought
I was the original,

but I'm just something that you made up.

You've got to live

a happy, simple, normal
life. You understand?

But it was all a lie, wasn't it?

So what?

What does it matter?

What? You wanna remember the truth?

That you had a mother that
beats you? That hated you?

That made your life a living hell?

You're lying. You're
just trying to upset me.

But you've gotten to live
thinking that she loved you.

That she was kind.
That she's still alive!


What are you talking about?

She's alive. I speak to her every
day. What are you talking about?

Dad called me after all these years,

about her shiva, and I couldn't do it.

No, this is all wrong. This
is... No, this is all wrong.

- Steven, I'm sorry.
- Oh, no, no, no.

No, no, no. No, thank you.

- No. Let me out, let me out!
- Calm down. It's all right. It's okay.

Let me out, let me out! (GRUNTS)

God. I'm so sorry. Sorry...

God. I'm so sorry. Sorry...

You gave me a real start there.
Gave you a bit of a wash, didn't I?


Hold on a minute. What's this...

It's good to see you again.

What is this? Is this some kind of test?

I recognize this place.

What's this?

- Steven, I'm your doctor. Remember?
- (SCOFFS) You're my doctor?

- I'm here to help you.
- Dr. Harrow, yeah, is it?

- That's right.
- Oh, yeah, look at that.


You've really gone up in
the world, haven't you?

I was beginning to worry
we might never speak again.

It's so strange. The little
haircut. Little silly 'tache there.

It's very Ned Flanders.

- Steven.
- What's Taweret up to now?

It's my fault. I asked
Marc to open up to you.

Did he get a chance to speak with you?

Yeah, well, he...

He lied to me. That's what he did.

Mmm-hmm. And what do you feel
that he lied to you about?

Oh. Nosy.

No, it's just... Steven,
when you first came in here,

I was worried you were never
gonna be able to acknowledge Marc.

What do you mean we're not...

I brought us here?

After your mother passed.

Oi. Don't say that.

That's not true.

That's not true.

Oh, I'm so... I must...

You having a laugh as
well? I don't wanna hear it.

- Steven, I must be mistaken.
- My mother is alive.

You say that again, I
will freak out! I promise.

I must be mistaken. Okay?

Would you like to speak with
her? Why don't we call her?

You don't have her number.

Yeah, we have it on file.

- Hold on, let me just get Dylan.
- No, don't do that.

It'll take two seconds.

Don't bother her.

Hey, Dylan. Yeah. Could
you call Mrs. Grant, please?

She screens her calls. She won't answer.

- She's afraid of tele salespeople.
- She'll wanna talk to you.

I'm sure of it. She's
getting the number.

Don't do that.

Okay, okay. Thank you.

- Please don't do that.
- It's ringing.

Don't bother her, please.

Uh, hello, Mrs. Grant.
Yes, this is Dr. Harrow.


Steven's here. He'd
like to speak with you.

Steven, would you like
to speak to your mum?

My mum...

(SOFTLY) My mum is dead.

My mum is dead.

MARC: No, no. Not gonna do it.

I'm not giving you that satisfaction.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.



(AS STEVEN) What...

Where am I?

Bloody hell, what...

Oh, bollocks.

Not again.

Heya, Mum. Hey, you all right?

Yeah, um...

(CHUCKLES) Would you believe
it? I am totally lost again.

I don't know where I am.
What an absolute muppet!

No, I know I did it
again, but I don't know.

I'm looking down a street...

Kinda looks a bit like
Mayfair. I think...

Oh, they're driving on
the wrong side. Sorry.

MARC: This is it. Mom's death
and shiva two months ago.

This was the moment our lives
started bleeding into each other.

Milwaukee... Milwaukee Avenue?
Does that sound familiar?

I couldn't...

I just couldn't... I
couldn't face that again.

All the things I'd done...


all those horrible things
that she said to you,

she was wrong. It wasn't your fault.

I shouldn't have
brought him in the cave.


Hey. You were just a child.

It wasn't your fault.


Hey, do you feel that?

I think we just stopped.

The Gates.

The Gates of Osiris. Come on. Hurry.

Taweret, what's happening?

TAWERET: I've never seen the
gates to the world above so close.

MARC: How do we open them?

I'm so sorry. Your
Scales never balanced.

Our journey's come to an end.
I cannot stop the inevitable.

I was really rooting for you guys,

but the unbalanced souls of
the Duat now must claim yours.

Marc, they don't look very friendly.

Hide. Hide.

Gabon. New York, Dubai.

STEVEN: Watch out!


Oh, no!




Oh, God.

Marc, you've got this.

But if I'm you...

It means I've got this, too.



I prefer cricket.



No! No!

Marc! Marc, no!






No, wait. Wait. Wait!

- Wait!
- Steven! Run!

- Wait!
- Wait, he's coming!

Keep... Stop the boat. Stop the boat!

STEVEN: Wait! Wait!

Oh, God.

- Steven!
- Wait...

No, no, no! Steven!


Stop the boat! Stop the boat!


TAWERET: (GASPS) Your Scales are balanced.