04x13 - I Gave at the Office

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Mary Tyler Moore Show". Aired: September 19, 1970 – March 19, 1977.*

Moderator: hapsullivan

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Mary is a thirty-something single woman who settles in Minneapolis after breaking up with a boyfriend.
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04x13 - I Gave at the Office

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Who can turn the
world on with her smile ♪

♪ Who can take a nothing day ♪

♪ And suddenly make it
all seem worthwhile ♪

♪ Well, it's you, girl
and you should know it ♪

♪ With each glance and every
little movement you show it ♪

♪ Love is all around
no need to waste it ♪

♪ You can have the town
why don't you take it ♪

♪ You're gonna
make it after all ♪

♪ You're gonna
make it after all ♪♪

Well, will you let me know if
you hear of anything? Thanks.

Morning. Morning, lou.

I just can't wake up today.

Why am I totally out of it
until I have my first cup of... Air?

I'll make some,
lou. Uh-uh, murr.

Mm-mmm. I used to
be a news writer.

I remember hating it
when my boss asked me to

Do piddling little
things like make coffee.

Besides, your coffee stinks.

Mr. Grant, I'll make the
coffee for you if you like.

No, mary. You're an
associate producer.

Anyway, we got this memo from personnel
about how you treat women different...

And don't give them those crummy
little jobs, like women are supposed to do.

Well, I really don't
mind making it for you.

You see? You don't agree
with that memo, do you?

Well, i, uh, sort
of suggested it.

Mary, you don't have to have memos
sent to me to get me to respect you.

I'm dying for coffee,
but I respect you.

We really ought to
hire somebody to do

Those crummy little
things like make coffee.

Either that, or I'll find
somebody I don't respect.

Hi, guys.

And once again, god
works in mysterious ways.

What a nice thought
to start the day, murr.

Hi, ted. Hi, lou.

We were wondering if you'd
mind making us some coffee.

[Chuckles] come
on. Is this a gag?

Oh. Oh, I get it.

You think I think I'm
too big to make coffee.

You think I'll pooh-pooh the idea,
thinking I'm too important to be seen...

Making your paltry, stupid
little small-potatoes coffee.

Well, I'll show you how
humble ted baxter can be.

I'll show you. I'll...
I'll make the coffee.

How do you make coffee, mar?

It's probably like making tea.

- Where are the coffee bags?
- Uh, ted, I'll do it.


Newsroom. Oh, hi.

And personnel said no jobs, huh?

Okay, thanks anyway.

Moonlighting on
the side, murray?

No, it's for my daughter. I'm
trying to find her a summer job.

Hey, remember mr. Grant said...

That he wanted us to get someone
to do things like making coffee.

Wouldn't bonnie be just perfect?

I was thinking about that too,
mar, but I didn't want to ask.

Hey, that would be terrific.

My kid's first real job
and with her father.

We could have lunch
together. That'd be wonderful.

Okay, it's done. No, no.

I don't want to be one of those
fathers who makes things easy for his kid.

I want you to treat
her like anybody else.

Interview a lot
of kids for the job.

I don't need to
interview anyone else.

Mary, I want her to get
the job because she's

The best for it, not
because she's my daughter.

Just interview a
lot of kids for it.

Then hire her.

No, I'm kidding, mar.

Guys, if you're looking for somebody
to make coffee around the office,

How about my mother?

How about your mother, ted?

Oh, mary, it would
mean so much to her...

To be here in the
newsroom... Well, around me.

Give her something to live for.

Something for an old woman
to wake up for in the morning.

- Ted, I really don't think so.
- Good. She'd have gotten
on my nerves anyway.

That's the film library,
and that's mr. Grant's office.

And I guess that's about it.

I hope it's not all too confusing.
No, I'll get the hang of it.

Okay. Why don't we
start you out right away.

You can make a pot of coffee.
Mr. Grant likes his as soon as he gets in.

And then maybe you could
alphabetize the files. Sure.

She doesn't have a desk,
mar. Shouldn't she have a desk?

Well, maybe a little
table or something.

I don't need a desk, daddy.

Well, well, well. Who is this?

Hi, mr. Baxter.

I'm bonnie slaughter.

[Laughs] bonnie slaughter.

Good heavens, look at you.

Why, the last time I
saw you you were...

Looked pretty much the same.

But then again, that was
only a couple of weeks ago.

Daddy, you never told me how
much fun mr. Baxter is to work with.

Didn't i?

Anybody gives you any trouble,
you just come to uncle ted.

Bonnie, in no way is
that man your uncle.

Morning. Morning.

Murray, you have that editorial
done yet? No, not yet, lou.

Oh, lou, this is my little daughter,
bonnie. Bonnie, this is mr. Grant.

Mary hired her to
help out... You know,

Make coffee, do the
files, things like that.

Ah, that's great. We could
use it. Glad to meet you, bonnie.

Thank you. Yeah.

Hey, mary, could I
talk to you a minute?

If you have the time. Sure.

Let me start off with the most
positive attitude I can summon up.


No? No.

No bonnie. No
murray's daughter. No.

It's not that I object to your hiring
somebody without asking me. Not at all.

What I object to is your doing
something dumb without asking me.

And hiring people's
daughters is dumb.

Well, why is that dumb?

Because you can't be yourself
around people's daughters.

You can't yell at
people's daughters.

The only thing you can do around
people's daughters is go around saying,

"Well, isn't she gonna break a
few hearts in a couple of years."

No, mr. Grant, she's
really a... A great kid.

- You can just be yourself.
- No, I can't.

She's a daughter. More
specifically, she's murray's daughter.

Which means I can't swear, which
cuts my vocabulary in half, mary.

Nobody is asking you to
change your entire way of life.

I would just suggest you could
maybe make a minimal effort.

I don't want to make
a minimal effort.

I don't have to make
a minimal effort.

I'm a boss. I don't even
like saying "minimal."

Well, are you saying that you think
bonnie should go? Murray's daughter?


No, I didn't mean that
we should let her go.

I just meant that she
shouldn't work here any longer.

Mary, I'm already
feeling a strain...

Because there is a
word I would like to use...

Which I can't because
she is in the next room.

I want to say it so much. I would
feel so relaxed if only I could say it.

Mr. Grant, look, it's just for
the summer. Only three months.


No. No. That wasn't the word.

Mr. Grant... I don't even
know what that word means.

Mr. Grant, look,
it's her first day.

Couldn't we just
give it a chance?

All right. All right.
We'll give it a chance.

We'll give it a chance until...
Until it doesn't work out.

And then we'll stop. Okay?


Oh, and, uh,

Since this is her first
real job, you know, i-if...

If you could make an effort to be
warm to her, it would really be nice.

I didn't plan on having to
change my personality...

To get a cup of coffee
in the morning, mary.

Well, no, i... You did this.

Back in the newspaper days, you know
what we did when we needed extra help?

We hired a wino. Mm-hmm.

They make great coffee and
you don't have to be warm.

Murray, where's that editorial?

I'll get on it in a minute, soon as I
finish cleaning up bonnie's new desk.

Murray, the station manager
wants to see that editorial by 11:00.

I've got it in my head, lou.
I just have to type it up.

I just want to make this nice and
clean for bonnie before she gets back.

Murray, try doing
something nice for me.

Sit yourself down and start
writing that editorial before i...

Compliment you on what a wonderful
job you're doing around here.

Kid's gonna break
a lot of hearts.

Oh, yes, I see.

You should have put the minutes and seconds
in this column, and not in that column.

Oh, that's what I did wrong.

Look, I'll redo
it for you, honey.

No, daddy. I'll do it. It'll
only take a few minutes.

Good morning, all. Look
what I found in the mail room.

Well, well, well. Is
that bonnie over there?

Hi, bonnie.

Bonnie? Hi, mr. Baxter.


Ted, just what do
you think you're doing?

He's rick welsh, 19 years old,
track team, university of minnesota.

I said to myself, ted
baxter, you old matchmaker,

I think you got yourself
one terrific el matcho.

I hope I'm not
embarrassing you two kids.

Ted, come here. Come here, ted.

Listen, she's only 15.

Oh, come on, murr.

Nowadays 15 is
practically middle-aged.

Bonnie, did you
say hello to rick?

- Hi, rick.
- Hi, bonnie.

Well, well! Do I
see sparks flying?

Rick, I'm sure bonnie's not
doing anything tonight,

And if we all looked away to let you
ask her out, I'm sure bonnie will say yes.

Won't you, bonnie?


Well, I don't know if these
are the perfect circumstances,

But would you like to
go to a movie tonight?

- Sure, I'd love to.
- Great.

I'll pick you up about 8:00.

[Giggling] sparks,
old buddy. Sparks.

Bonnie... Bonnie, you
can't go out with him.

Daddy, excuse me. He doesn't
have the address. I'll be right back.

Hey, murray, it's not that bad.

That old guy, going
out with my little girl.

Oh, come on. I thought
he was a very cute boy.

Boy? A cute boy?

Mary, he's 19. He's old
enough to be a sailor.

You know what guys are
like when they're 19, mary?

Well, when I was 19, i... Well, actually, I
was almost 21, but I could have been 19.

The first couple of days are always
so exciting. Don't you think so, mr. Grant?

Right, right. Kind
of nervous, but fun.

Right, right.

Murray, why are you
doing the time sheets?

Bonnie had a little problem.
I thought I'd help her out.

Oh, fine. Fine.

Uh, I can move the
table, mr. Grant.

[Chuckling] oh, no,
no. It's fine. It's fine.

Mr. Grant, I know what
you're going to say.

Oh, you do?

You know that I am going
to talk about murray...

Doing bonnie's work
instead of his own?

Yes, mr. Grant. Then I wonder if you
can tell me what I'm going to say now?

Oh, probably that,
uh, bonnie has to go.

That bonnie has to go, mary?

That's positively uncanny.

You and I are developing a
nonverbal communication...

Hitherto experienced only
by certain birds and fish.

I wonder, uh, mr. Grant,

If you could make the effort to
talk to me without being sarcastic?

Oh. Was I being sarcastic?


Well, how fortunate
for me that you are

Here to point out my
little character flaws.

Yesterday I learned to be warm.

And today I learned
I'm too sarcastic.

I'll be forever in your debt.

That's exactly what I am
talking about, mr. Grant.

It's very hard for me to stand up
to you and say something like that.

I-i'm just not a person who
goes around criticizing people.

So you must know that when I do say
something like that, it's important to me.

Mmm. So now I am
insensitive too, huh?

I'm so glad you happened
into my life to point out...

All right, forget it,
please. Forget all about it.

Forget it. Really,
forget it. Forget it.

I just think you could
say bonnie has to go.

- Okay, bonnie has to go.
- How can you say that,
mr. Grant?

Oh, mary! It's just
her second day.

[Knocking] come in.

Here's your coffee, mr. Grant.
Oh, thank you, bonnie dear.

Excuse me, bonnie, sweetheart.

- This isn't my cup.
- I beg your pardon?

No, my cup is brown and
has "lou" written on it.

L-o-u in big white letters.
You must have seen it.

Oh. Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Mr. Grant, I don't know how to tell
you this, but I just broke your cup.

I'm really sorry. I'll
buy you another one.

Oh, hey. [Chuckling]

There... There's nothing
to be sorry about.

It's not important. It's
just a cup. I'm really sorry.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

It's not important
at all. It's just a cup.

Hey, do you even believe that we're
standing here talking about a cup?


I loved that cup, mary.

Well, all right.

I will buy you another cup with
"lou" on it, just like the old one.

No, you can't, mary.

Oh, mr. Grant,

I imagine that somewhere in this
city there's another cup just like it.

Oh, now you're
being sarcastic, mary.

You are, mary, you
are. And you do it lousy.

Mr. Grant, could we please just
forget what I said about sarcasm?

Now, about my cup.

You can't find me another
one like that brown cup, mary,

Because my daughter sara made that cup
for me in camp when she was 12 years old.

I loved that cup, mary.

I'm really sorry,
mr. Grant. I didn't know that.

Her camp counselor said it
was the best cup anybody made.

Not just in camp
saginaw... In the world!

That includes everybody.

That even includes
the renaissance artists.

- Mr. Grant...
- I had three daughters like that, mary.

Three of them.

They were smart and cute and
just adorable to have around.

But none of them ever
worked in this office, did they?

Well, no, mr. Grant,
that's true.

- They didn't.
- Uh-huh.

Murray has one daughter... One
daughter who's out there now.

I trust you understand
my point, mary.

Uh, gee, mr. Grant, I'm
really not sure I do.

Mary, that's sarcasm. Oh, is it?

[Ted] now a recapping of
tonight's news headlights.

[Chuckles] that's headlines.

Sometimes when people ask me
what I do and I want to impress them,

I tell them I'm unemployed.

Mary, I know that
you haven't had time...

To take care of that little
matter we talked about,

But I know that as soon as the
news is over you will take care of it.

And the senate is due to
vote on it sometime this week.

And now we pause to bring you
this brief commercial message.


[Ted] why not?

Well, it seems...

There seems to be a holdup on the
commercial message or something.

Uh, it just, uh, doesn't
seem to be here.

But I can assure
you, it isn't my fault.

Bonnie! Bonnie, the film.

You... You... Film? Oh!

Mary, was that the film? I think
she's going to be a little late with it.

Come on, lou. She's just a kid.

She's entitled to a
little mistake. [Ted sighs]

Let me see. What commercial
was that? Oh. Oh, yes.

It was the one about that
woman that visits her friend.

And, uh, she, uh, goes
into the bathroom,

And she, uh... She notices something
funny... A little funny about the water.

It's blue.

And, uh, so she lifts up the top of
the t*nk, and guess what she sees...

She sees this little man in there
standing up in this little rowboat,

And he's got a captain's hat
on, and he's playing the maracas.

And he says, uh, "hi, margaret!"

Of course, she doesn't answer
'cause she's so surprised.

And he proceeds to tell her how she
can have blue water in her household,

And then she puts the
top back on the t*nk.

And now, back to the news.

Mary, we'll write the sponsor a
letter. You'll think of something.

And tomorrow we'll call our lawyers
and see if we're liable for anything.

Oh, mr. Grant, I'm so sorry.
I don't know what happened.

No, it's okay, honey.

Bonnie, that...

That wasn't a good thing to do.

It really wasn't.

In fact, you might even say
it was a dumb thing to do.

I know. Hey, lou, come on.

That's only a little mistake.

Hey, I make mistakes.
Mary makes mistakes.

Yes, even you make mistakes.

Now, look, murray...

Bonnie, could you help me with
something in the supply room?

Mary, you will take care of it?

Mr. Grant... Mary.

Yes, I will take
care of it. Good.

Hey, what's going on?

What did that mean when mary said
she'd take care of it, and you said good?

It's your daughter, murray.

It's just not working out.

I have no idea what
you're referring to.

Murray... Bonnie, she's
just not right for the job.

Lou, would you say what
you said just once more.

I said bonnie's just
not right for the job.

Okay, would you say
that just once more?

She's crummy for the job.

Okay, lou, step outside.
Oh, murray, come on.

No, I'm not kidding, lou. You said my
daughter was dumb. Now, step outside.

Here, hold that. Wait a
minute. That's not right.

Put it on the hanger.

I'm not gonna put
it on the hanger.

Murray, this is your new jacket.

You just bought this jacket.

You love this jacket. I have no
time for loving jackets now, lou.

Now, come on, step
outside. What do you

Mean, step outside?
We're on the 18th floor.

Okay, then we'll settle it
right here. Come on, right here.

Murray... Hey, murray,
I'm not gonna fight you.

Come on, lou. You've gotta
fight me. I don't have to fight you.

Hey, lou, come on. Please.

Show me some
compassion. I'm upset.

Come on, murray. Come on.

Oh, "come on," nothing.

First you call my daughter dumb,

And now you won't give me the
satisfaction of fighting with me, lou.

Hey, lou, come on.
We're old friends.

You should help
me out a little bit.

Okay. I didn't realize it
was that important to you.

I'll fight you.

I don't want to fight now.

Come on. Let's go outside.
Maybe you'll feel like it.

Lou, you're patronizing
me again. Murray, I'm not...

Hey, lou, how'd you like the way I saved
that commercial? Quick thinking, right?

Hey, murray, your daughter's
really lousing things up around here.

Okay, ted, you're next.

Lou's first, you're second.

Wait a minute. You're
first and lou's second.

First, huh? Thanks, murray!

It's about time I got a little
recognition around here.

Murray, I'll see you tomorrow.

No, lou, no. We're gonna
settle this right here and now.

Listen, if it's that important
to you, bonnie can stay. Huh?

Uh, no, mr. Grant, she
can't. I just let her go.

You're third.

I just came back to say good-bye to
everybody. Sorry it didn't work out.

Oh, it worked out, honey.

You can't help it you had an
impossible boss to work for. Yeah.

Now, look, everything's
gonna be fine.

What do you say we have dinner
and we can talk, huh? I can't.

I have a date with rick. As a
matter of fact, he's waiting outside.

Oh, that nice kid? Well, okay,
okay. But don't be home late.

- Remember, you and I have a date
to go shopping on saturday.
- Okay.

- And call me if you want
a job recommendation.
- Okay. Thanks.

Bye, honey. Bye, everybody.

The one who really
disappointed me was you.

Murray, don't blame me.

Why shouldn't i? You're
the one that fired bonnie.

Well, he made me do it.

Well, mr. Grant, I'm tired of
always takin' it on the chin for you.

I felt terrible having to tell
that kid she'd lost her first job.

I'm going to feel
badly about it for days.

And now I'm going to feel terrible
about what I just said to you.

I'm going home now.

Good night.

Uh, look... [Stammers]

Look, murray,
t-today you're mad,

But... You'll...

You'll be over it tomorrow.

No, lou. I don't think so.

It's gonna take a long
time for me to be over this.

No, no, no. You'll...
You'll see. You'll see.

You'll be over this
by tomorrow morning.


Tomorrow afternoon I
could probably be over it.

About 3:00.

Uh... You wanna
go out for a drink?


[Chuckles quietly]

Sip it slowly so you can really
taste all the different blends.

This is a special mocha blend with
guatemalan bean and a nicaraguan dark bean.

Mostly nicaraguan, but a little
touch of guatemalan for body.

That, along with my little secret,
gives it the deep, rich, satisfying flavor.

It tastes a lot like tea.

That's my secret.

So, how's bonnie doing?

Oh, terrific. She's
got a new job.

A little coffee shop
near the school, you know.

All the kids hang out
there. A lot of boys.

Oh, is she gonna
break a lot of hearts.

Yeah. And a lot of cups.

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