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07x24 - Dead Men Don't Shut Up

Posted: 04/27/22 07:31
by bunniefuu
Are you... are you
sure, sure, sure?

Yeah, he's dead all right.

How did it happen?

Oh, God, I don't know.

We were, you know...

And, well, he started
to get a little frisky,

and, um, well, he mentioned
that he had a heart condition.

And... (sighs)

God, I did see him
take a couple of pills.

You know, those
sex-performance pills.

He was using
performance enhancers

while he has a heart condition?

No wonder the guy
croaked. Was that your idea?

No. It was Tony's.

- (dialing) -He just
wanted to be there for me.

What are you doing?

Are you calling ?

No, ; I need the, uh,
number for the morgue.

Oh, my God, oh, my God.

- Michael.
- Wait, what?

What am I gonna do?

Uh, what do you mean?

Just put some clothes on
before the ambulance gets here.

No! I mean, what am I gonna do

about the contracts
I just had him sign?

Contracts? What contracts?

The contracts for his company.

It's a million-dollar deal.

Oh, God.

You know the police are
gonna think that I forged it.

Oh, they're gonna think that I

coerced him with sex or that I

k*lled him because I went
back on his agreement.

- What are you doing?
- The last thing I need

is to get involved
in a mess like this.

Oh, no, you don't.

Michael, you listen to me.

We need to drive Tony's
body back to the mansion.

We need to get it upstairs
with the signed paper,

so everything looks normal.

- Normal? (stammering) No.
- No.

Michael, you have to help me.

Well, if I do,
what's in it for me?

Honey, anything you want.

You want money? You want jewels?

Wait, wait, you swear?

- Anything I want?
- Yes.

Anything, just help me.


First thing we got to do,

we got to get him dressed.



MICHAEL (groans): I
feel like a funeral director.

I never dressed
a cadaver before.

LEXI: Yeah, well,
that's obvious.

You put his shoes
on the wrong feet.

Oh, yeah, well, I'm not the
one who put blush on his cheek.

Well, he looked a little pale.

(grunting, yelling)

LEXI: There's Eve.

Um, you take the
body; I'll go distract her.

Wait, wait, wait a sec.

No, no, I got an idea.

Go, go.

Oh, you doing a
little spring cleaning?

I'm kicking Peter out for good.

He's made a fool
of me once too often.

You want some help with that?

Yeah, sure, sure.



Help me with this couch.

All right.

You first.

- All right.
- Come on.

Come on. There you go.

Um, look, Eve, don't you
think that maybe you're, um,

just being a little
bit too hasty?


This isn't hasty;
hasty would be...

hunting Peter and Amanda
down and beating them senseless.

That's hasty.

- Mm-hmm. Okay.
- Come on.

It's always Peter
and Amanda, isn't it?

Oh, their obsession...

It destroys everything that
it comes near, you know?


You know what I'm talking about.

I know you do.


Okay, just a little further.

- Come on.
- Shh.

Oh, God.

- Okay.
- Okay.

- Go first.
- Into the chair.

Okay, okay, turn around.

This way.


Okay, come here,
you get the chair.

- Okay.
- Oh, oh.


That's good.

All right.

Oh, God, can you just try and
be a little bit more careful, okay?

It's not my fault.

The guy's getting stiff.

(laughs) "Getting stiff..."

Oh, come on, rigor
mortis has set in, right?

WOMAN: Tony, is that you?

Oh, my God. Oh.

Tony, are you all right?

I know you hate to be
disturbed when you're working,

but, um, whenever you're
ready, I'll be in my room,

dusting this and that.

This guy's slept with
everybody except his wife.


Michael, please, help me

get this pen to stay
in his hand, okay?

- Okay, okay, okay.
- Come on.

Okay, there we go.

Okay, let's go.

Look, what is this?

Michael, Michael, this
guy has a dossier on me.

And Eve and Amanda.

He's been investigating us.

- That's weird.
- Lexi.

- Shh, can we leave no, please?
- Yeah, okay.

All right. Listen, Tony, honey,

um, I'm really sorry
it had to end this way.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

I just figured out what I want.

And you swore you'd
give me anything.

Michael, this is not exactly
the time that we should be

discussing this;
we're trying to escape.

No, you got to
listen to me right now

because I'm never gonna
have this much leverage again.

Marry me.

Michael, I'm serious.

Stop clowning around.

I'm not clowning.

It never hit me before.

We are soul mates.

Yeah, we have
larceny in our hearts.

We have... we have
passion in our veins.

And nobody's ever excited
me as much as you do.

Oh, you're really
serious, aren't you?

I love you.

Well, you really are very handy.




♪ Naive and young ♪

♪ Not even a clue ♪

♪ To think that there
was another way ♪

♪ So blinded by things ♪

♪ I thought were true ♪

♪ Years pass me, day to day ♪

♪ Now my eye reveal ♪

♪ Of the trueness of what ♪

♪ I can almost
see it so clear... ♪

♪ I can't believe how
much I don't know ♪

♪ Who is my friend,
who is my foe? ♪

♪ Walking along... ♪

This guy must have
investigated everybody

he was in business with.

It sounds kind of
paranoid to me.

Hey, Michael, don't
speak ill of the dead.

You know, he died
on these sheets.

Lexi, you didn't
change the sheets?

- Oh. my God.
- (TV plays indistinctly)

You know, this stuff on Eve and
Amanda goes all the way back

to their... cheerleader days?

Hey, I bet there's some
juicy stuff on you in here.

- Hey, give me that.
- What?

- Give me that. Give me that. No.
- Come on, come on.

- REPORTER: entrepreneur, Tony Marlin.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

An entertainment industry titan,

philanthropist, and, well,
organ donor for several years,

Tony died of an apparent
heart attack at his home

in Beverly Hills.

They bought it.

Oh, God, the poor guy.

Why don't you, uh,

show me what you
did to the poor guy

that, uh, caused
him to buy the farm.

- Michael.
- Come on now.

You know I like to
live dangerously.

California, temperatures are...

(speaking French)

Orange County and the LA basin,

you can look for a very
hot and steamy afternoon.

- (sirens wailing)
- EVE: He's not here

in one minute, I'm gone.

Eve, it's : on the nose.

We ought to wait at least...

Good morning.

So, is this your idea of
gamesmanship, Peter?

You've dragged me
down to the county court

- building to try and intimidate me?
- Well, no.

I just thought that a
vacant mutual hearing room

would be helpful
in discussing terms.

Oh, discuss terms,
like when a w*r is over.

So, what does that make
you, Peter the Conqueror?

Let's be civil about this, okay?

- Can we stop hurting each other?
- Yeah.

When you're dead and in hell.


Eve, wait, please.

I-I never meant to hurt you.

I can't... My feelings
are what they are.

- I'm sorry.
- Oh, Amanda.

So, you two get to do
whatever it is you do

and everybody else be damned.


that was the best
funeral I've ever been to.

I assume you're not
here for grief counseling.


I mean, Tony went
out with a bang.

I think I owe to him not to cry.

And the best news is

his wife is gonna honor
all of his commitments,

including the contract
that I had him sign

with my agency.

Okay, so things are going well.

Why are you here?

Michael asked me to marry him.

- (exhales)
- So, you're here

to get my advice
on how to respond?


I already said yes.

Oh, so you'll be
looking for some

- couple's counseling?
- (laughs)

Oh, God, I don't
know what I want.

I used to think that Coop

was my true love,
but then Peter,

he just swept me off my feet.

And then I was sure that
Ryan was my Mr. Right

until Michael came in
and he was so generous

with all his help.

Not to mention, extremely
manly, if you know what I mean.

And don't forget, I
was in that parade.

Louis, what's wrong with me?

Lexi, you overthink everything.

Um, who you should
be compatible with,

why it ought to
work with someone.

Look, do me a favor.

Shut your eyes.


Just do it.


(clears her throat)

Okay, now let your mind relax.

Drift away.

And there...

emerging from the
darkness is a face.

A face of your true love.

Let it rise.

Here it comes.

PETER: Am I interrupting?

No. I was just leaving.

(Lexi scoffs)

Lou, uh, uh, I need a
little help here with Eve.

She's having a hard
time with the divorce.

You know, Peter,
without your love life,

I'd be out of business.

PETER: Please, Lou,
help me here, will you?

I'm-I'm worried about her.

She may go over the edge here,
or even worse... back to prison.

(sighs) I think you're
being a little melodramatic,

but if she needs to talk to me,
just tell her to give me a call.

No. She won't listen to me.

I was thinking maybe you might
casually go by the club tonight

and maybe... just offer
a little innocent guidance.

Okay. I'll see what I can do.


♪ And you will cry ♪

♪ And if my love
can't stop you ♪

♪ Words won't make
you change your mind ♪

♪ I took a chance to love you ♪

♪ You broke my heart this time ♪

♪ Fair enough... ♪

Hey, want some help with that?

Beat it, J.J.

Hi there.

Doing inventory?

I was.

Well, it's good to
keep yourself occupied.

I was sorry to hear about
you and Peter breaking up.

What is it, on the nightly news?

No. I do talk to
Peter, you know.

He used to be my patient.

It's a pity you couldn't
help him more.

I agree.

Uh, maybe I can
help you, though.

You know, talk it out?

I'm busy.

I could squeeze you in tomorrow.

I'm gonna be fine, okay?

- Okay.
- Okay.

I just know how
cold Peter can be,

and-and I think Lexi
found my insights useful

when I guided her through the
misery of breaking up with him.

He is a heartless bastard.

I could see you around : .

If you feel like it,
come by the office.

We'll talk.

Excuse me.

♪ Fair enough... ♪

Hey, Terry, you got a package

from one of those
schools you applied to.

Oh, just toss it. It's
probably a rejection.

RYAN: No, it's
bigger than a rejection.

Wait a minute. This
is, uh, contracts and

an orientation packet. Uh...

I thought you said
they turned you down.

What's going on?
Terry, what the hell...?

I said a lot of things.

What do you mean?
You lied about something?

- Look, just forget it, okay?
- No.

I want to know what's going on.

I love you, all right?

Now leave me alone.

No, no, Terry, wait.

I know that you
have feelings for me,

but that does not
mean that you love me.

I have always loved you.


Ever since the accident.

I felt like I couldn't let it in

because it would be betraying
Callie, so I shut it down.

I don't know what to say.

That's because
you're such a nice guy.

Don't you see,
that is the problem?

I've been living out here,
being so close to you,

seeing what a great
father you are to Sarah.

I just can't keep my
feelings buried anymore.

I can't even hear
this right now, Terry.

I mean... I love
you like a sister.

You've done an incredible
job of raising Sarah,

but I'm in love with Megan.

I'm getting married
in a few days.

I mean, you got to understand...

Terry, what are you doing?

(Terry sighs)


Megan, wait. It's-it's not...

(scoffs) Megan.

Megan, that's not
what it looked like.

I mean, I-I had no
idea that was coming.

Oh, well, that makes two of us.

Well, I mean, she-she
was seducing me.

Yeah, that's what
you said about Lexi.

This is beginning
to look like your M.O.

Oh, come on. I mean,
she's-she's telling me she loves me.

I turn around, and then,
she's standing there naked.

Oh, right. This naked
woman just starts kissing you.

Excuse me. We're getting
married in three days.

I can't believe you
still don't trust me.

Well, you know what? I
didn't see a lot of trust in there.

Well, then maybe you
shouldn't marry me.

Fine. The wedding's off.


(door slams)


Megan, please
don't shut the door.

I am so sorry. This
was all my fault.

I had no idea that I was gonna

just attack Ryan like that,
and he had no idea, either.

You know what?

He seemed pretty
comfortable with it.

Well, he wasn't.

Megan, I... I love Ryan.

But when he came
back last night...

he made it clear,
really, really clear,

that nothing was ever gonna
happen between us, because

he loves you so much.

You know, he's tried
to back out of it before.

But not now.

He really wants to be with you.

And I want you both to be happy.

You need that. Sarah needs that.

What do you need?

TERRY: To go back
to my life in New York.

I just hope that
you can forgive me.

EVE: Yesterday
at the courthouse,

I-I went out into the hall,
and Amanda was there.

Peter brushed past me,
and was hugging her.

(camera shutter whirring)

She turned, and
she looked at me.

I... I've seen
that... look before,

that hug before, outside
another courtroom.

At my trial.

VISCONTI: At the trial for the
m*rder of that high school boy?

Let's talk about it.

Kent and I were lovers.

Kent tried to r*pe Amanda.

I pushed him off the bleachers.

Amanda got scared and went home.

I got blamed, Amanda got off.

You don't think
the trial was fair.

Was what it was.

Kent tried to r*pe Amanda,

I pushed him off the
bleachers, Amanda went home.

VISCONTI: Interesting.

You're almost repeating
yourself verbatim.

EVE: No, I'm not.


Why don't you tell me more

about Amanda hugging
someone outside the court?


She was hugging...

um... I'm not sure who.

(camera shutter whirring)

It was Mr. Damarr.

Kent Damarr's father.

Father of the boy I
supposedly k*lled.

She was hugging him
like they were old friends.

- You didn't know they were close?
- EVE: Yes.


I don't know.

Eve, I sense you might be trying
to hide something from yourself.

I wonder if hypnosis might
help you unlock that door.

EVE: Hypnosis?

No. I don't think I'd like that.

VISCONTI: It could
help you expose

the roots of this memory.
Isn't that what you want?

A lot of couples
go to counseling

before they get married.

It makes things more solid.

Well, I think I've
been very solid.

You have, but...

Eve, hi. Are you okay?

No, I'm not, thanks to Amanda.

You see what happens when
you rely on Visconti for help?

You know, I remember

when Peter tossed you
out for Amanda, and...

Michael, shut up. I'm thinking.

About what?

That girl doesn't need a shrink.

She needs a friend.

Mm. Thanks.

I'm just gonna call the office.

- Be right back.
- Sure.


Well, what are you doing here?

I, uh... I've been
looking all over for you.

What is it? Is Sarah okay?

Yeah, she's fine.

Jane said you
had a job interview,

so I drove to the agency,
and they said you had a

lunch meeting here at Kyle's.

What's the problem?

The problem is, I love you,
and I want to marry you.

I thought you didn't trust me.

No. There truth is, I...
I... I got really jealous.

Why? Just because I had a
naked woman in my arms?


Can I help it that I
want you all to myself.

Want me? You have me.


(Megan sighing)

Don't let me interrupt,
but you got the job.

Can you start tomorrow?

Um... how about a
week from tomorrow?

I'm, uh... I'm getting married.

(Megan sighs)

MAN (over P.A.): Dr. Patrick
to Hematology, three north.

Oh, Amanda, hi. I
was looking for Peter.

Oh, so was I. We're
supposed to have lunch.

Oh, uh, well, you know,
I'm glad you're here, though.

Uh, uh, I don't want to pry.

Well, actually I do.

Can you talk to me about
what happened in high school?

What about high school?

VISCONTI: You know, the
death of that Damarr boy.

It would be helpful
with Eve's therapy

if I could have some
kind of reality check

on the actual events.

Uh, why are you talking
to Eve at all about this?

PETER: I asked him to.

I was hoping he could
help her come to terms

with losing her husband
and her best friend.

- I was worried about her.
- VISCONTI: She is stressed.

And her memories of that time
were complex and disturbed.

Well, for the record,

what happened
back then was simple.

Kent tried to r*pe me,

and she pushed
him off the bleachers,

and I went home.


That's exactly what Eve said.

Almost word for word.

Then it must be true.


Who is it?


Hi. Look, I brought you this.

Can I come in?


Eve, um, it turns out

that Tony Marlin was
having you investigated.

You knew Tony?

Yeah, we-we did

a little business.

Most of what's in there is
about the Damarr m*rder.

Sorry, but I couldn't
help but peek.

You know, it looks to
me like you got a bum rap.

Somebody died.

Somebody had to pay.

Yeah, but it was,
um, self-defense.

I mean, even Amanda said so.

And she'd have no
reason to lie for you.

Amanda was my friend back then.

She even visited me
in prison once a month

for years.

Yeah, that doesn't sound
like the Amanda I know.

What do you mean?

Eve, please,

Amanda's never been
loyal to anyone but herself.

She was either
checking up on you

or maybe she felt guilty.


We have nothing
to feel guilty about.

He tried to r*pe me.

You pushed him; I got scared
and I ran home, remember?

- I-I don't know.
- Yes, you do.

- No, Amanda.
- Yes, you do.

- I don't know.
- Yes, you do.

Yes, I do.

Wh-What, Eve?

Yes, you do what?

Yes, I-I do.

I remember.

I was scared.

Amanda was scared, too.

I rolled Kent's
body into the trench.


Everything after
that is a blank.


Dr. Visconti thinks he
can get the memory out

with hypnosis.

I have an appointment
with him tomorrow morning.

Oh, great.

Eve, you've got to open this up,

whatever it takes.

You got to shed
some light on this.

Show the world what an
evil bitch Amanda really is.

Amanda went home.

Well, not exactly.

She's living at the Bel Air
Park Hotel now, bungalow .

I think.

JANE: This wedding has been
on again off again so many times.

It sure doesn't make me want
to get married any time soon.

No, that's for sure, me neither.

Good, I'm glad we agree.

- Hi. -Hey, guys.
- RYAN: Hey. -MEGAN: Hey.

But Aunt Terry, can't you at
least stay for the wedding?

No, honey, my plane
leaves at midnight,

and they're expecting
me back at school.

But the wedding's in two days.

They'd let you stay that long.

Well, I (sighs) I think
this is a good time

for you all to be
together as a family.

You're still family, Terry.

Thank you for that.

I'll be back at the
end of the summer

when things are all
settled down, okay?

Well, I have a plane to catch.

I better get going.

I miss you already, Aunt Terry.


I miss you, too.

SARAH: I love you so much.

Come back soon?

I will.

I will think of you
every single day.

Just, um,

just don't say good-bye, okay?

Nobody say good-bye.

Steve, can we get
a dessert menu?

AMANDA: You know,
I've been thinking

about my life lately.

PETER: What about it?

Well, I feel cut loose
from everything.

The building, the
agency, old friends.

And you know, it's kind of
sad, but it's-it's freeing, too.

Like anything's possible.

Well, of course it is.

Especially after I got
those millions of dollars

- from my old man's land.
- No, no.

It's not about money, Peter.

I know it's not.

It's about knowing
what you want.

Yeah, I'm not sure.

I just, I don't want to
hurt anybody anymore.

Well, I understand that.

Listen, I have decided to
be very generous with Eve

in this divorce settlement.

I'm not doing
out of guilt, either.

Can we leave her
behind for one evening?

You know, let it go and
just focus on us now.

- ♪ Before the sun ♪
- Okay.

♪ Falls in through the shade ♪

♪ Before we remember ♪

- ♪ How to be afraid ♪
- Are you focusing?

- ♪ Before it gets too hard ♪
- I'll help you focus.

♪ To believe, lay here with me ♪

♪ Before we count
up what this'll cost ♪

♪ Before the present
or the past is lost ♪

♪ And all that's left
is a faint memory ♪

♪ Lay here with me. ♪

(music continues faintly)

♪ Go by ♪

♪ So before the sun... ♪


♪ So you made
me take your hand ♪

♪ Through your
eyes, I see this man ♪

♪ Walking by
then torn apart... ♪

♪ Count up what this'll cost ♪

- ♪ Before the present ♪
- They cheated on me.

♪ To the past is lost ♪

♪ And all that's left
is a faint memory... ♪

Amanda and Kent.

♪ Lay here with me. ♪

You and Jane seem pretty tight.

Oh, it feels so good.

It's actually making me take
a look at my old relationships

with Taylor and even Amanda.

I loved them, but
this is different.

- How do you mean?
- Well, with Jane,

I don't feel like I don't
have to be anybody special.

You know, I just
feel like I have to be.

Yeah, that's how
I feel with Megan.


Let me give you some advice.

Whatever you do, do
not hide yourself from her

and don't keep any secrets.

Oh, my God, it's positive.

I'm pregnant?

- (door opens)
- KYLE: We're home.

- Hey. Hi.
- Hey.

Oh, do you guys want some lunch?


Oh, you know, I got to meet
Megan at the flower shop.

- Oh.
- And, uh, a promise is a promise.

Absolutely. Remember the
number one rule in a relationship.

You always got to be honest.

- See ya.
- See ya.

You agree?

Mm, absolutely.


EVE: I think I'm losing my mind.


I don't even know
if they're real or not.

Visions of Kent

and Amanda having sex.

Amanda telling me what
to say about Kent's death.

Everybody keeping
secrets and telling lies.

Well, if these are
repressed memories,

we'll bring them out.

You did the right thing
by coming back here.

Okay, now look,

I want you

to focus on this light

while I count from one to ten.

And by the time I reach ten,

you'll be completely asleep.


One, you're feeling sleepy.

Two, three, going deep.


- Five.
- LEXI: This ought to give me enough

to show Amanda and
take her down for good.

You know, Michael,
I'm very impressed

with your level
of eavesdropping.

- Seven. -Are you? Yes.

This is no big;
I've done it before.

- Eight.
- Yeah, when I was, um,

spying on... I
mean, (clears throat)

checking on Megan and Coop.

Then, of course, Audrey
did the same trick on me.

And of course, that turned
out to be a big disaster.


- I'm trying to watch the show here.
- All right, sorry.

And ten.

You're completely asleep.

Completely and totally asleep.

Can you hear my voice?

- Yes.
- Good.


let your mind go back in time

to that night, years
ago on the bleachers.

You pushed him.

And then what happened?

I rolled Kent's
body into the trench.

I was cold and scared.

I knew I couldn't go home.

I wanted to hide,

but there was no place to
hide except under the bleachers.

I was so out of it.

I don't... I don't know
how long I was there.

But when I came to,
there was somebody there.

Somebody was
standing over the trench,

but I couldn't see who it was.

VISCONTI: You have
to let the face in, Eve.

Don't worry, it won't hurt you.

Your eyes are
completely open now.

It's too dark.

It's nobody I know.

Describe what you do see.

It's a person, a woman I think.

- How tall is she?
- I can't tell.

- What hair color?
- It's dark.

No, it's blonde.

It's Amanda.

Amanda, she's
standing over the trench.

What's Amanda doing there?

She-she didn't go home.

She lied to me.

Just relax.

We're gonna wake
up very slowly now.

That was... that was
a very good start.

We'll go further tomorrow,

once you have time
to assimilate all this.

Why? Why was Amanda there?

We'll find out.

When you come in tomorrow,

I want you to bring back some
memento from those days.

Uh, some bracelet,
something you can touch.

I saved a few things.


Sense memory can be very strong.

That's it.

That's how I'm gonna pull
those memories out of her.

Forget Visconti.

Wait, wait, wait, I got to say,

I don't get what
the big deal is.

I mean, so you unearthed
some dirt on Amanda.

You've already
destroyed her agency,

you bought her building.

She's lost everything.

Mm, not everything, Michael.

She's not alone, after all.


So, you still want
Peter, don't you?

Peter's my destiny, Michael.

Okay, you know what?

We're through.


All right.

All right, we're not

Um, we're still engaged,

but we need some time apart.

Okay, bye.

Wait, what...

Listen, let me know if
you learn anything more

from Visconti, 'kay?

Ah, Dena said you might be here.

You wanted to see
me about something?

Yeah. I have a
proposition for you.

Oh. What did you have in mind?


Is this why you
wanted to see me?

No, actually, I wanted
to offer you a job.

As what? Your concubine?

Well, as tempting as
that is, I wanted to know

if you wanted to be
director of public relations

for the hospital?

I don't know anything
about hospitals.

Oh, but you know

everything about
P.R. You'd be great.

You think so?


Just think about
the perks too, huh?

- (laughs)
- (door opens)

Dr. Burns?

Oh, Dena, hello.

DENA: Sorry.

Oh, that's okay.
Just conducting a, uh,

job interview.

- (chuckles)
- (door closes)

RYAN: Night, Sarah.

Sweet dreams.

Where you going?

- Back to my place.
- What for?

Well, we can't sleep together
the night before our wedding.

Oh, that's bull. I
mean, w-what if there's

a tornado tonight? Or I
have a stroke or something?

Oh, don't be silly,
you're too young.

No, the point is we can't waste
another chance to be together.

I mean, life's too

What are you looking at?

- I'm looking at you.
- Mm.


Ooh, hold that thought.


Hey, we just came
by to bring you a gift

and to mend a few fences

along the way.

Wow. We would've
sent out invitations,

but it's been so crazy, um...

You're both welcome
to come to the wedding.

Oh, thanks. We'll probably pass.

Kyle and Jane there may
be a little uncomfortable.

(nervous laugh)

Oh, well, at least come
to the reception. I mean...

- Yeah.
- Let bygones be bygones.

Yeah, amen to that.

Let's just hope that Eve

comes to the same
conclusion some day.

(dog barking in the distance)

(scissors cutting paper)

We'll see you when you get
back from your honeymoon.


Eve? It's Peter.

Hey, we don't live here
anymore, remember?

(door closes)

Excuse me. Can I help you?

- Uh, no, we were just leaving.
- Yeah,

it looks to me like you were
just breaking and entering.

talking to you, Lexi.


Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Oh, you poor, sick baby.

Oh, God, Amanda did
this to you, didn't she?


Okay, listen, you're gonna
come home with me, okay?

I don't think you ought
to be alone tonight.

There will always be
another pep rally, okay?

Okay, come on.

Come on, Eve.

Oh, Lexi, you are so good

to take care of me like this.


That's what friends are for.

You know, I really
have to get going though.

I have another appointment
with Dr. Visconti this morning

to help me remember more
about that night at the bleachers.

Look, Eve, um,

I really think that
Dr. Visconti's hypnosis

is messing with your head.


Well, what would you do?

Well, if it was me, I
would go back to Oakhurst.

Oakhurst. Why?

Because I think
there's there that could...

help trigger your memory.

Things that you
could see and touch.

You know, sense memory

can be really strong.

Uh, but I don't
know if I'm up to that.

I mean, they hate
me at Oakhurst.

And it scares me there.

I don't know what I would find.

Eve, you find the truth.

Hmm? And I'll go with you...

to help you deal with it, okay?

- You would do that?
- Mm-hmm.

You just remember
what really happened

and I promise you, we
will make Amanda pay.

Peter, there you are.

Uh, listen, um, Eve missed
a session this morning.

I-I'm breaking confidentiality
out of fear for her safety.

Let's go in here.


Yesterday I hypnotized her

back to that fateful
day years ago.

Oh, cut

the melodrama, will ya?


the regression, Eve
returned to the trench

she rolled the Damarr boy into,

and Amanda was standing there.

Well, that can't be.

Amanda said she never went
where Eve dragged the body.

Well, Eve said Amanda lied.

Well, I don't buy
it. You said yourself

that Eve is
emotionally unstable.

I'm telling you, Peter,
she knew what she saw.

And she saw Amanda.

And Amanda was
standing at the trench.

And do you, Megan, take Ryan

to be your lawfully
wedded husband?

To have and to hold, in
sickness and in health,

till death do you part?

I do.

Then by the powers vested in me

by the state of California,

I now pronounce
you husband and wife.

You may kiss.

- Kyle?
- Yeah.

Hold me.

AMANDA: Oh, good.
There you are. Sit down.

I was thinking,

if you give me an
advertising budget

of $ , then, um...

What's the matter?

I've been thinking
about the night

the Damarr boy died.

(laughs) Why, why are
we talking about this again?

Apparently Eve flashed
on something in therapy.

She said you were at the spot
where the body was dumped.

Well, either Eve was
hallucinating or lying.

But the one thing
I know for sure

is I was not at that trench.

None of us said it was a trench.

Everyone knows what it was.

The point is Visconti
thinks that she's recovering

- from a repressed memory.
- No, the point is

if you want this to
work out between us,

we're not gonna talk about
the Damarr m*rder again.

I just think it might be useful

if you try to remember.

Kent tried to r*pe me,

Eve pushed him, and I ran home.

That's the last time
I'm gonna tell that story.

Excuse me.


was meeting Kent
here that night.

She was gonna tell him
that they were through.

(sighs) They fought and...

and I got into it, and
then he went down.

Amanda and I, we ran
behind the bleachers

to where the body had fallen.

It was right here, I think.

It was a...

big, long hole in the ground.

They were,

they were laying pipe, I think.

I, uh,

I dragged Kent's body over to it

and I rolled him in.

God, I wasn't thinking clearly.

I, I...

backed under the bleachers.

God, I think I was in shock.

I, I don't know...

I don't know how
long I was there.

The next thing I saw...

the next thing I saw...

LEXI: It's okay, Eve, just,

just look at it and tell
me what you see, okay?

EVE: He was still alive.

I didn't k*ll him.

Kent was still alive

when I rolled him
into the trench.

Amanda came back,
she saw that he was alive,

she's the one who k*lled him.

I should have
never gone to prison.

LEXI: No, Amanda should have.

So we'll be gone five days.

If you have any
problems with Sarah...

Oh, she'll be fine.

All right. Hey, thanks
for all the help, bro.

Oh, no, thank you. You
guys went to all the trouble.

Oh, I'm so happy for you.

Oh, me too.

I realized when you
find the right guy,

you got to hold onto him
with everything you got.

- Hey, Kyle?
- Yes?

I have something
I want to tell you...

WOMAN: Come on, hurry
up. You're coming with me.

(departing footsteps)

But Aunt Terry, I'm
supposed to stay

- with my Auntie Jane...
- No, you're not. In the car.

- Put on your seat belt.
- Hey, Terry, what's going on?

JANE: I thought Terry
went back to New York.

(car engine starts)

(tires squeal)

Aunt Terry, what are you doing?

Don't talk to me, sweetie,
we're in kind of a hurry.

Aunt Terry, you're scaring me.

Everything's gonna be all
right. I missed you so much.

(horns blaring)

All right, baby, keep
your seat belt on, okay?

Everything's gonna be okay.
