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07x30 - The Daughterboy

Posted: 04/27/22 07:22
by bunniefuu
Ah... no hole in the ceiling.

Well, we know foreplay didn't
begin on the roof this time.

Oh, that's insulting.

Very insulting.

No, no, what's insulting is what

I think you two were
doing in the closet.

Excuse me, I don't
owe you an explanation.

We're not together anymore.

I don't need an
explanation. I have eyes.

Yeah, so do I.

And I'm horrified.

I mean, I'm not
against closet sex

but with a the right partner.

ALL: Shut up, Lexi!

Wait a minute! Hey,
I'm the landlord here.

You know what? You
may be the landlord

but you have no right
to be in my apartment.

LEXI: Who cares?

I can't believe that you
would do this to him.

MICHAEL: Hey, Megan doesn't
owe this flip-flopping jerk squat.

And who are you to talk?

Megan said that you were
doing it with Ryan at my wedding,

in the bathroom, before
the wedding cake was cut.

Yeah, well, Jane
was filing for divorce

before the cake was
even wheeled out.

You know what, Mancini?
You're an oversexed pig.

Oh, yeah? Well, you're
an oversexed slut!


- Hey, hey, hey!
- (everyone shouting at once)

Stop it! Stop it!

Everyone out of my
apartment except for Michael.

Oh, you got some unfinished
business to take care of?

- A little "coitus interruptus"?
- Oh!

Listen to me, you Neanderthal.

That is no way to
talk to a lady, okay?

Don't you talk to
about Megan like that!

Oh, oh, I guess I
should marry 'em first

and then kick 'em
in the gut like you do.

- Stop it!
- No, let 'em fight!

They should be fighting.

You have any pots around, Megan?

- Hey!
- It's gonna be a long night.

Oh, my God!


LEXI: Oh, my God!
You drew blood!

It's gonna be worse, if you
two don't leave me alone!

All right, fine. I don't
have a death wish.

Come on, Ryan, I'll
go tend to your wound.


Sorry, I didn't mean to hit
you with such a big lamp.

(Ryan groans)

Oh, is that an apology?

- Oh, you ungrateful...
- Michael!

All right.

Do you want him
to look at your head?

I don't want anything
from that quack.

- Or you.
- Hold on...

(Ryan groans)

(door opens, slams)

Okay. It's okay.

(groans) I'm bleeding.

The last thing I need
right now is a drink.

The vodka is not
for you to be drinking.

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! Gah...

You know, if you don't
mind, I'd like to alone.

No, I'm not gonna
leave you alone, Ryan.

I mean, you could have a
concussion, or you could

fall into a coma or you could,

you could die, even.

Ah, losing consciousness
sounds pretty damn good right now.

Aw, Ryan.

Honey, I hate to
see you like this.

- You want to talk about it?
- (groans)

You don't give
up, do you? (sighs)

(Ryan sighs)

I just thought I'd finally
straightened out my past

and was ready for
a future with Megan,

and she goes and
sleeps with Mancini?

I mean, did our relationship
mean that little to her?

Look, I know that Megan
cared very much for you,

but... look... and this is
no disrespect to Megan...

But she's... she's like
a basketball player,

you know, she's
always rebounding.

Maybe it's better
I found out now

rather than after I went to tell
her what I wanted to tell her.

Well, you can tell me if you
want to get it off your chest.

I have a daughter back east.

You have a daughter? Oh.

Is there a wife?

No, she passed away
just after Sarah was born.

- I'm sorry.
- (sighs)

Why is your daughter
back east and not with you?

It's a long story.
There was an accident,

I got Sarah out, but I
went back for Callie,

and it was too late,
and... I don't want to talk

about this right now.

I understand.

But, you know, if your daughter

is anything like you...

she's probably
sensitive and warm and...


- utterly irresistible.
- (low groan)

You know, Ryan I could get
you two aspirin and leave...

- or, you know...
- (low groan)

just the two aspirin.

I don't want to hate
myself in the morning.

- I already hate myself now, so...
- Mmm...

what the hell?

What about those aspirin, huh?

Oh, I got a better cure.






♪ I'm gonna carve my heart
a new day, and then just ♪

♪ Ride, gonna go
back to the hallways ♪

♪ And take off my tie ♪

♪ 'Cause you're kind enough ♪

♪ You'll feel the love ♪

♪ Gonna back up to the doorway ♪

♪ When they said
hey, what a day ♪

♪ To go play and I think I may ♪

♪ Got me crazy ♪

♪ Like you don't know me ♪

♪ So grab the car ♪

♪ We will go to Long's ♪

♪ Where they come around and
say everything you need to say ♪

♪ So won't you put
on your shades ♪

♪ And see are they
coming our way ♪

♪ And I've got
something to say ♪

♪ Nobody cares and... ♪
(song fades out)


Have you seen Kyle?

Oh, yeah. We had
breakfast together,

and then he went to
your construction site.

Oh. Aren't you
cold in that T-shirt?

It can't be more than
degrees in our room.


You know what? I'm really sick

of all your snide
comments and complaints.

This is my house... I
can wear what I want

and do what I want
whenever I want.

So if I want to
freeze my ass off...

it's my business.

Okay, I see I hit a nerve.

More than one. You're
taking advantage

of our friendship, and it's
time I set some boundaries.

I get the hint. I didn't mean

to take my
frustrations out on you.

Oh, what frustrations?
Your life's perfect.

(groans): Oh, hardly.

Ever since I sold the
building, I've felt unsettled.

That place was my anchor.

And, I don't know,
being a landlord

gave me more control over
my life and other people's lives,

and it's caused friction between

and Kyle and me and you
and me, and... I'm sorry.

That's okay.

Is there any more coffee left?


- Help yourself.
- Thanks.

So, what kind of mood was
my husband in this morning?

Oh, a good one.

He's excited about
your new house.

He thinks it's gonna be a
new beginning for you guys.

- Lucky you.
- Yeah.

Lucky me.


Good, no lamp. You're unarmed.

- Is Ryan here?
- No, actually, you just missed him.

He had to leave early for work

so he could stop
by the hospital.

Peter's gonna check
out his head to make sure

he doesn't have any
permanent brain damage.

Yeah, well, if he's
sleeping with you again,

- then he definitely has brain damage.
- Megan...

- (Megan groans)
- What happened to us?

We used to be friends.
We used to be good friends.

What happened is,
you slept with my fiancé.

Uh, correction:
he slept with me.

Megan, that shows me that
you and him are not meant to be,

and the sooner you
get that in your head,

the better off we'll all be.


- Whoo-hoo! (laughs)
- Hey!

- What are you doing here?
- Well, I woke up

and you were
gone. Call me crazy,

but I like to see my
husband in the morning.

Yeah, well, I couldn't sleep;
I wanted to get an early start.

Well, at least you had time
to have breakfast with Jane.

You know, I-I didn't
even mean to say that.

- It's not like I'm jealous.
- Well, you got nothing

to be jealous about;
we're just friends.

I thought she was
your friend, too,

until you used her
as a whipping post.

No, I was out of line, and I
already apologized to her.


And now I want
to apologize to you.


(both moan)

You know what?

This-this is not the place.

But follow me. Come here.

Now... you can
apologize all you want.


- Oh, hey, Peter!
- Hey!

I'm glad I got you
between rounds.

- Well, what do you have there?
- A present.

It's not every day my
husband buys a hospital.

Well, you're my inspiration.

You buy a club;
I buy a hospital.

Go ahead, open it, open it.


Oh, this'll be
perfect for surgery.

We keep talking about a
second honeymoon to Hawaii,

but now that we're
business people,

I just want you to
know that it's okay if we

- have to put the trip on hold.
- No, we don't have to.

I got my schedule worked out.

I figured Kyle would
cover for you at the club.

- So the trip's not off?
- Would I do that to you?

- Peter. Hi. Morning, Eve.
- Oh.

We have a problem,
and it's in the boardroom.

- What's the problem?
- An Irene Shulman problem.

She called an emergency
meeting of all the doctors.

If you ask me, it's a
mutiny; I don't trust her.

I got to go.

Oh, so I guess
it's aloha to Hawaii.

Two weeks... we'll be
sipping Mai Tais in Maui.

- Mmm.
- See you.


Mmm. ♪ Aloha... ♪

Where do you get off telling
us how to run our departments?

I mean, the last time I checked
we were all equal partners.

Financial equals,
not intellectual equals.

- I resent that!
- Oh...

If anybody needs a free
mental health checkup,

- it's you.
- Hang on, now. What's going on here?

I invested

$ , in this hospital,
and I'm not about to watch it

go down the drain
because of him!

Well, maybe you should
have invested in mutual funds,

because as long
as I'm a partner here,

Wilshire Memorial will offer

a mental health
program to the public!

Run by whom, you, Dr. Psycho?

- Look who's talking.
- Michael, please!

I'm not the one who wants a
psych ward named after them!

Oh, come on! You are taking
my comments out of context!

Egomaniacs don't make
comments, they make demands!


- Who are you calling
an egomaniac, -You!

Dr. Shulman, High
Priestess of Neurology!

Where's Amanda and the client?

Well, hopefully, they'll
be here any minute.

Listen, not that
I care, but, um,

what did you want
to tell me last night?

Oh, it doesn't matter anymore.
And could we not speak?

Because I have a
splitting headache

and five stitches in my
forehead, thanks to your lamp.

Hello. Um... Tony Marlin, I'd
like you to meet Megan Lewis,

Ryan McBride, my
two top executives.

- Hi.
- Sports injury, pal?

Um, no, a run-in
with my ex-fiancée.

We don't want to bore Tony
with our personal lives, colorful as

- they may be.
- I consider myself a man of the world,

but I've never had
a business lunch

with two such beautiful women.

Oh, I find that hard to believe.

TONY: Well, maybe once or twice.

- But don't tell my wife.
- RYAN: Oh, you're married?

I was gonna get married.

Yeah, but then you told your
fiancée that you cheated on her

with her best friend
at some singles resort

while you were away on
business, and apparently,

you slept with that same
best friend last night.

- Tell me you didn't.
- At least

that friend wasn't naked
in my bedroom closet.

MEGAN: Well, at least my
friend and I don't have sex

in the ladies' room
or in Amanda's office.

- What?
- That's what I heard from the friend,

- they did it on your desk.
- Lexi was on my desk?

TONY: Looks like
our president sets

the standard for
the rest of the nation.

I'm-I'm sorry, Tony,
we should be talking

about the campaign
for your cruise line.

No, no, forget it. This is
much more interesting.

I love to dish.

So, who is this, uh,
Lexi? She sounds like

- quite a handful.
- You know, I don't really

have anything to
offer this conversation,

so I'll see you
back at the office.

Who needed him, anyway?

This is shaping up
to be quite a lunch.

So, Megan,

tell me about yourself.

(crying): I'm sorry, I'm
gonna have to take the day off.

I really don't know what to say.

Well, I do.

Finally... we're alone.

(siren wailing)


Wait till you hear the latest.

- What now?
- Not only does Shulman

want to get rid of the free
coffee in the on-call room,

but she wants to charge
us for cleaning our scrubs.

Oh, and the assigned
parking is now $ a month.

I'm telling you, Peter,
that woman is an agitator,

a heretic and a rabble rouser.

I've already cashed her
check, Michael... she's a partner.

There's nothing
I can do about it.

Well, then we-we got to keep
our eye on her, you know?

We got to, like, bug her office
or her phone or something.

Michael, relax. You know,
every new organization

- has growing pains.
- Oh, yeah, right.

The scream-a-thons
in the boardroom?

You were there.
Visconti and Shulman

almost came to blows.

What's the real
problem here, Michael?

Well... Peter, you
know me too well.

It's the usual: money.

I mean, a doctor can barely
make a living these days.

I mean, without
those little perks,

- what does a guy have left?
- Patients.

Isn't that why we became
doctors in the first place?

Yes, and I recently put
my career on the line

for those patients,
as well as the nurses,

as did you. Now, are
we gonna let Shulman

gum that all up over
saving a couple of bucks?

Point well taken. (sighs)

Thank you.

Now, what we need is a mole.

Someone to cozy up to Shulman,
you know, keep tabs on her.

And I have the perfect person.


- Visconti? They hate each other.
- Oh, Peter,

you've been out of the
singles scene too long.

Beneath that venom they
were spewing was lust.

No... Visconti's our man.

Trust me.


I was on my way
home from the club,

I called the house, and Jane
said that you were working late.

Well, home is now
an hour's drive away,

and even longer in rush hour,
so I figured I'd avoid the traffic.

Well, it's after : ...
You wait any longer,

it's gonna be morning rush hour.

Maybe none of you
McBrides understand

how important landing this
new account is to my agency.

Okay, it's important.

I guess it was just
wishful thinking

that you would change your
mind and pull away from your work.

Where is the woman that I
made love to this morning?

That was then, this is now.

You can't take
everything away from me.

I have my own wants and needs,
separate from our life together.

I'm not trying to take
anything away from you.

I'm trying to add to our lives.

I'm trying to take this
pressure off of you.

Maybe I like the pressure;
maybe that's who I am.

I thought you were also my wife.

First of all, they
took the word "obey"

out of the wedding
vows a long time ago.

And you knew exactly
what you were getting

when you married me.

- People change.
- Yes, they do.

I'm about to say
something I'm gonna regret,

- so I'm gonna go.
- Good.

'Cause you're keeping
me from my work.

I don't know when I'll be home.

Good. I won't wait up.

(shower running)

Hope you don't
mind a little company.

AMANDA: Actually, I do.

Oh! What are you
doing in my bathroom?

Honey! Amanda
needed a place to crash.

You were already
asleep when she got here.

- I didn't want to wake you.
- Bathroom's all yours.

Why didn't you sleep
at your own place?

Because I was too damn
tired to drive all the way

to Malibu last night.
Any more questions?


Do you have a
jacket I could borrow?

I don't want people to
think I didn't go home.

But you didn't. Don't you
think you should call Kyle?

I'll call him from the car.

Amanda, he must be worried.

I don't want to talk
about Kyle right now.

What I need is a favor.

Right. The jacket.

Oh, and don't
forget your locket.

- Here.
- I am trying to land

this new client.

I want to impress him

and show him a good time.

If I stop by the club tonight,

would you pull
out all the stops?

Sure. Whatever you want. Now,

do you want to talk about what's
going on between you and Kyle?

Oh, stop worrying about
Kyle. He's never been happier.

He spends all his time
at the construction site.

- Without you.
- How much trouble

can a guy get into with
a hammer and nails?


Well, I think that we
should all shake hands

and be mature adults
about our situation.

MEGAN: The situation
being that you two are lovers.

I have accepted it and moved on.

Um, we're not lovers, okay?

At least not like
you and Michael.

LEXI: Ryan, honey, the two of us

sleep together... in my
book, that makes us lovers.

Well, in my book, there
has to be love to be lovers.

- I'm late for work.
- (Lexi sighs)

What are you smiling about, hm?

He only lashed out at me

because of all the pain
that you've caused him.

Yeah, well, if he's hurting,
he's the only one to blame...

He broke up with me.

Well, it's no wonder.

You don't understand him, Megan.

Ryan's got the weight of
the world on his shoulder,

and nobody's giving him
a break except for me.

Weight of the world...
What do you mean?

All I'm saying is that Ryan
is a very sensitive guy,

and what he does,
he does for a reason.

So get off his case, okay?

And get off mine.

(door opens)

(door closes)

VISCONTI: You wanted to see me?

Oh, terrific. Actually, I'm
glad that both of you are here.

I'm putting the two of you
in charge of a committee

to determine the future
of the trauma center.

You already know my position.

A committee's
just a waste of time.

I don't agree, and I
make the call here, Irene.

Hi. Uh, I'll be right
over here. I'll be quiet.

- Don't mind me.
- So, the two of you

can get started today at lunch.


We'll go dutch.
And don't expect me

to change my mind
on the trauma center.

I won't.

I don't know, Michael,

I got a bad feeling about this.

Relax, Visconti's
gonna make a great spy,

and Shulman's not
gonna suspect a thing.

I can think of a dozen other
doctors we could've gotten

- to keep an eye on Shulman.
- Come on,

I prepped the guy all morning;
he's got the moves down.

And for your information, I
had to break a breakfast date

with Megan to do that for you.

Michael, the last thing
I want to hear about

- is your sorry love life.
- Well, fortunately,

she's free for dinner
tomorrow night.

But I swear, if
that Ryan McBride

interrupts us one
more time... I mean,

have you ever been caught in
a closet with your pants down?

- (door closes)
- Of course, I have nothing

to be ashamed of, but still,
I mean, it's embarrassing.

I mean, there I was...



Men. They're just
not good listeners.


♪ 'Cause she's so ♪

♪ High ♪

♪ High above me ♪

♪ She's so lovely ♪

- ♪ She's so... ♪
- (whooping)

Can I get you guys
anything else, or...?

Yeah, we'll take another round.

And we'll pop to Las Vegas.

And you can pull
up a chair, or...

(indistinct talking, whooping)

I hate college boys.


Eve, I want you to cut
these college kids off

- after the next round.
- Okay.

- If you need me, I'll be in my office.
- Mm-hmm.

Hey, I guess that I
should say our office.

Ooh, I like the sound of that...
I never had an office before.

- Only a stall.
- Oh!

(music, chatter
continue in distance)

Kyle? You got a minute?

- It's about Ryan?
- Yeah, Megan, come on in.

You guys make up?

Well, obviously,
you haven't talked

to your brother in
the last hours.

No, I haven't talked to him

since he got the
letter from Sarah.

Sarah who?

Uh, I guess he hasn't gotten
around to telling you, then.


Ryan has a daughter.

Since when?

I think she's about
ten years old.

That-that must have been why

he came by my
apartment, but, uh,

Michael was there and
then Lexi showed up,

and it got so crazy, and...

- (cheering, shouting)
- Oh, wow.

So if he has a daughter,
then he must have a wife, huh?

I don't know. If you
want any details,

you're gonna have
to get them from Ryan.

(sighs) That's a
crazy night out there.

I'm gonna go make
sure things are okay.

- For the record...
- Yeah?

I hope things work out
between the two of you.

Thank you.

(sighs) I don't think
that's gonna happen.

♪ Throughout the passing years ♪

♪ As all the world
seems ever changing... ♪

♪ We share the
smiles and tears ♪

♪ Of life with love
that's so far-ranging... ♪

I'm off in a while, but I'd
like to dance with my wife.

- Kyle...
- Tony Marlin.

Kyle McBride.

You're a lucky man, Kyle.

So is he the reason you
didn't come home last night?

Tony's a client.
What's your problem?

You didn't come home last night.

You didn't even bother to call.

I think it's pretty damn
obvious what my problem is.

I can't get into this right
now. I can't ignore Tony.

But you sure can ignore me.

I'd rather be ignored at home.

Maybe I'll see you later.



You have the most
gorgeous friends.

- Oh. (laughs)
- What do you say

I take you ladies
out on the town?

No offense to your husband,

but I prefer a more
sophisticated establishment.

Sounds good to me. Eve?

Well, I have to
look after the club.

Amanda, do a little selling,

convince Eve she'll
have more fun with us.

J.J. can close up... he
closes up for Kyle all the time.

I've got my limo
parked right outside.

EVE: Um...

okay, I guess
it'll be all right.

I'll just grab my
coat on the way out.

Hey, you fools
want another drink?

- Yeah, I could use another.
- Yo, bartender, another round!

- (several talking)
- Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!

(all shouting "Drink!")



(sighs) Why didn't you
tell me you had a daughter?

Who told you, Lexi?

Lexi knows, too?

(laughs) Oh, of course she does.

You two are sharing everything
these days, aren't you?

Well, I was on my way
to tell you last night,

but you were busy with
Michael, remember?

I've known you for six months.

We were friends, we were lovers,
we were engaged to be married,

and you waited until last night

to tell me that you
had a daughter.

It's more complicated than that.

Where's her mother? I
mean, are you separated?

Are you divorced? I
mean, where are they?

Are you living some
sort of double life?

I mean, you can answer

any of these
questions in any order.

Her name is Sarah.
She's ten years old.

She lives in New York.
Her mother is dead.

The reason I never told you

is because I've never told
anybody before last night.

I'm not just anybody.

Well, seeing as how you go
back and forth between men,

especially Michael, you are now.

My daughter needs a
mother she can respect.

Oh, right, and, uh, Lexi
is perfect mother material.

(door opens)




my second divorce.

I should be used to
it by now. (chuckles)

Anything I can do to help?

Yeah, you can help me finish
off this bottle of Chardonnay.

I'm gonna have to
pass on the wine,

but I'll keep you
company, if you want.

Yeah, I'd like that.

(both laugh)


(laughs, sniffles)

I'm such a loser.

Always making a
mess out of my life.

- (whispers): Here you go.
- Thanks.


(phone ringing)

- Better get that.
- Yeah.


Yeah, yeah. Uh, yeah.

It's for you. It's the club.


Yeah, this is Kyle.

Aw, damn, you got
to be kidding me.

(sighs) Yeah, I'm on my way.

Is everything okay?

Bunch of college
kids got out of hand,

- they trashed the club.
- Oh.

I got to go.

Uh... you gonna be okay?


(door opens)

(door closes)

(indistinct chatter)

So, what did the
insurance guy say,

- you covered for damages?
- Yeah, but I would still rather

give the bill to your
wife... I told her,

cut the college kids off, but
no, she had to go out and party.

Yeah, with your wife.
What's with Amanda

keeping Eve out all night?
- With my wife?! What...

- Why am I yelling?
- Because they're not here

for us to yell out.

Here. Make yourself useful.

Kyle, please, I don't do brooms.

Uh, here. Do you do trash?

Come on, help me take
some of this stuff out.

I'd rather not. (clears throat)

Well, here's the
party girls now.

- Oh. Ooh.
- Well, hello.

PETER: Where you been?

Good question.

Um, well, I left you a message.

Didn't you check the machine?

- I was in surgery all night.
- And I was here; while you guys

were wherever the
hell it is you were,

our club almost got destroyed.

- What happened?
- I told J.J. to lock up.

Did you also tell him to
cut the college kids off,

to stop serving them?

Oh, my God, Kyle,
I'm so sorry, I forgot.

Yeah, well, maybe
it's not all your fault.

I mean, after all,
Amanda did make you

her entertainment consultant.

Don't lay this on me.

I was taking care of business.

Next time do it
without my wife, huh?

You coming?

- Amanda, I'll talk to you later.
- Okay.

KYLE: Hmm.

I, um, I really am
sorry about the club.

You sorry about anything else?

Like not coming home
for the past two nights?

Tony Marlin is
the biggest client

that I've ever gone after,
and thanks to the good time

that Eve and I showed him,
I'm closer to landing the account.

Congratulations. I'm glad Tony
had a good time at my expense.

- That's not fair.
- Forget fair.

You might be gaining a client,
but you're losing a husband.

Then again, maybe you
don't care about that anymore.

- Hey, Peter, did you hear?
- No.

Shulman backed off
the trauma center issue.

And she stopped lobbying
against free coffee and donuts

- in the on-call room.
- Visconti?

Mm-hmm. Did I tell
you he was the right guy

for the job, or what?

- Well, let's go congratulate him, huh?
- Yeah, let's.

IRENE: Oh, baby, baby...

- Go, Lou!
- (Irene gasps)

Did you ever hear of knocking?

Next time try locking the door.

Um... I can explain.

No, no, it's not necessary.

We have a meeting
in my office, Irene.

With your clothes on.

MICHAEL: You rascals
never would've gotten away

with this under the old regime.

Well, out with the old,
and in with the new...

And improved. Mmm, mmm...

(Irene moaning)

(sighs) It's worse
than I thought.

- Hey. Jane.
- Hi.

Yeah, we still got a couple
of days of cleanup left,

but I think we'll be able
to open up tomorrow.


Uh, just in the
neighborhood, or...?

Uh, no, no. I thought that maybe

we should talk about
what happened last night.

Yeah, look, I'm
sorry, it was my fault.

I think I was really
angry at Amanda, and...

No, I was... I was pretty
mad at Michael, too.

Not to mention, a little drunk.

- So it won't happen again.
- No.

Anyway, I just wanted
to clear the air, make sure

you didn't think you and Amanda
had to move out or anything.


Well, I'm working late tonight,
so I'm taking a long lunch.

I'd be happy to stick around
and help with the cleanup.

Ah, that is the best offer
that I have had all day.

As a matter of fact,
it's the only offer

- I've had all day.
- (laughs)

- Okay.
- Thanks.

I got a bone to pick with you.

Oh, well, get in
line behind Kyle.

Hey, you want to screw
up your marriage, fine,

- but don't screw up mine.
- No, Eve's a grown woman.

I don't make her
decisions for her.

Oh, come on, Amanda,
you tell her to jump,

she says "yes," then
you push her away.

You know what, if
that's why you're here,

- the elevator's that way.
- No.

That's not why I'm
here. I'd like an apology.

(laughs): Oh.

Um, okay, I'm sorry
I corrupted your wife.

I mean, I'm a bad person
who only thinks of myself,

and you might as well sh**t
me and put me out of my misery.

What is this, huh?

What's going on with you?

You slept at my
apartment the other night.

You spent the entire
evening out last night.

It sounds to me like
you're avoiding going home.

Maybe I am

avoiding things.

I feel like I'm drifting.

I hate the beach and
Jane's damn beach house,

and Kyle, well, he's
as happy as a clam,

and if he could, he would
never come into town.

Did you talk to Kyle about this?

No, he's changing.
And every time

that I think we're okay,
there's another hurdle

that we can't seem to get over,

and I'm just so
damn sick of it all.

Um, Ryan, I was hoping that
maybe we could have dinner.

I'm not a bad cook.

Well, I'm not a good cook,
but food isn't everything.

I'm not hungry.

Okay, forget
about dinner, and...

Ryan, honey, forget
about what I said

the other morning
in the courtyard.

Really, it was just a reaction
to Megan than, you know,

about where you and I
stand, relationship-wise.

If we stand at all.

SARAH (recorded):
Hi, Daddy. I miss you.

Aunt Terry won't tell me
when you're coming back.

Call soon. Bye.

- (click, dial tone drones)
- (Lexi sighs)

SARAH (recorded):
Daddy, please call me.

I was elected vice
president of my class.

I voted for myself
like you said to.

- (laughs) -I want
to tell you all about it.

Love you.

- (click, dial tone drones)
- (Ryan sighs)

I hate this. My
daughter needs me,

and I'm , miles away.

Oh, Ryan, honey, you're
doing the best you can.

Eh... I don't know.

I was too young to be a father,

but who thinks about
that when you're in love?

And after Callie died, I
had a choice to make,

and I thought, well, her sister

would be the best
full-time parent.

That's why I agreed
to limited custody.

- Well, I think you did the right thing.
- Maybe then.

But now it feels like
Sarah really needs

a full-time mother and father.

Well, who doesn't?

I've always wanted to be a mom.

Maybe I should

move back to New York.


Get a job at a small
ad agency upstate.

No, I forbid you.

You can't move
there out of guilt.

Ryan, honey, you've
got friends here,

you've got family,
you've got a career.

Besides, New York is so cold.

Yeah, but the more
that I think about it,

the more I like the idea.

Give me distance from Megan,

and allow me to really
start over with Sarah.

Well, Ryan, honey,
why don't you start over

with Sarah right here? Hmm?

Amanda had a
no-kids policy. I don't.

And, hell, I can
just evict Megan.

That'll give you separation.

That's not really necessary.

Look, Ryan, family's
the most important thing.

Don't you want your little girl

to grow up knowing
her Uncle Kyle?

And her Aunt Lexi?

Yeah. Maybe you're right.
Maybe I should give it a try.


- I'm gonna call her right now.
- Okay.

I'll bring her out
from New York.

- And you know what?
- Hmm?

My sister-in-law is just gonna
have to get used to the idea.

- Good.
- (touch tones sounding)

Okay, well, you know, I'm
gonna give you a little privacy.

You probably want
to be alone, huh?

- Okay. Thanks.
- Mm.

- (phone ringing through)
- Thanks.

♪ It's got to be love ♪

♪ As crazy as it may seem... ♪


Okay. Coming.

- Oh, Michael.
- Hey, hey, you're the wrong woman.

- Get out. Come on.
- (Lexi mutters)

Ryan was gonna move to New York

so he could be
closer to his daughter,

but I convinced him to
bring the little brat out here.

I gave him all this B.S.
about being a mother type.

Yuck! I'd rather die first.

Yeah, like I said, get out, hmm?

You know what's gonna
happen as soon as she gets here.

She's gonna realize that
there really is a Megan,

and that I'm an imposter.

And then Ryan's gonna dump me

and fall right back
into Megan's arms.

Lexi, why do all your
messes become my messes?

Ugh! Gee, I don't
know, Father Michael.

All right. Look, okay, this
is what you got to do, huh?

You got to get to her first.

Then you got to bring her some
candy, a toy, maybe some cash.


Then you got to tell
her you made a mistake.

Tell her you didn't
want to burden her

with all of her... her
daddy's girlfriends, okay?

All right, I'm glad I
could help. Good-bye.

- (Lexi murmurs)
- Come on. Let's go.

- Here we go.
- Oh. Oh.

Oh, good, great.

Everywhere I
turn, there you are.

Well, you know, you could
always give your notice.

In the meantime, I'm
adding another quarter

to the laundry mat,

and that's what I came
here to tell Michael.

Yeah, I'm forming
a tenant committee.

Oh. Well, I'm leaving.

Yeah, well, sign me
up for that committee.


Oh, you're wearing that
special cologne again, huh?

- Oh, I am?
- Mm-hmm.

Michael, this was supposed
to be a nice friendly dinner.

If you think we're gonna
wind up in bed again...

No, no, no. Megan,
the candles...

They were just because I
was, uh, trying to save electricity,

and the flowers I got
off a stiff at the hospital.

- Nice try.
- Oh.

Look, I hope you enjoy it.

I am going to bed... alone.

(Megan sighs)

♪ It's got to be love ♪


♪ As crazy as it may seem... ♪

Yeah, Terry, do you realize
how long I've been on hold?

No. I don't really
care how late is.

I want to speak to Sarah.

TERRY: How many
times do I have to tell you?

Sarah is asleep.

It's the middle
of the night here.

She's been calling my
machine all day, Terry.

TERRY: I don't care, Ryan.

One more late night
phone call or surprise visit,

and I will make sure you
lose all custody of Sarah.

You will never see
your daughter again.

(door closes)

Ryan, honey, wait up.

Where are you going?

I'm going with you to New York.

- Oh, you don't have to do that.
- Ryan,

you're bringing your
daughter back to L.A.

That's a huge,
life-altering decision.

I intend to be there
for support, you know.

Besides, having a woman there

will probably put
those nuns at ease.

Hurry up. We're
gonna miss our plane.

AMANDA: So, I had

my top storyboard
artist draw up the visuals

for a perspective commercial.

In my opinion, the best
way to reach the masses is

through television advertising.

Well, I can see you've
done your homework.

Put a lot of time and
effort into my campaign.

I'm still not ready
to make a decision.

Oh, well, tell me
what more I can do

to convince you to
sign with the agency.



If you're looking for something
more than a good ad campaign,

I am married.

Me, too, and it's
never stopped me

from getting what I want,
but I'm not interested in you.


Now, your friend Eve...

She's another story.


Well, if you recall,
she's also married,

and her husband is
definitely the jealous type.

Tell you what, Amanda.

I'm not very good at
visualizing things on paper,

but I like your concept
for the commercial.

It's hip, sexy.

If you can see your way
with sh**ting it on the come.

On my own dime?

That a significant
amount of money.

More than I've spent
on an entire campaign.

Well, maybe you're not up to it.

But for me to spend my millions,
you've got to spend your one.

Well, it's not out
of the question.

Good answer.

Just remember, Amanda,

the success of a TV
commercial is all in the casting.

Oh! Ryan, I don't mean
to belabor this point

that I've trying to make
for the last hundred miles,

but I... I really think that
we should call Sarah first.

- Why? We're here.
- Yeah.

I know, I've never
been one for surprises.

What if she freaks?

She's gonna be thrilled.

She's been wanting to
live with me for years.

Yeah, you know, but kids
can never be too predictable.

I mean, especially
ten-year-old girls.

She's gonna be fine, and
I know how to take care

of my own daughter, Lexi.

Ooh. Oh.

What's wrong?

Oh, I-I feel faint. I... I
think I need some water.

Is there a drinking
fountain around here?

Uh, yeah, right
inside. Are you okay?

- Oh, yeah. I...
- (phone ringing)

Are you gonna answer that?

- No.
- No?

Well, what if it's Kyle?

What if something
bad has happened?

What if it's some
other emergency?

- All right.
- You know what?

I'm just gonna go find that
drinking fountain myself. Yeah.

Ryan McBride.

Ryan, it's Amanda.

RYAN: What's wrong?

Nothing. Um, how
much money is available

in the agency's cash account?

Uh... a couple hundred
grand. But you know what.

I'll have to wait till
I get back to L.A.

to give you an exact figure.

I need more than that.

A million dollars to
sh**t a commercial.

You know, I really have
to hang up now, Amanda.

Sarah, honey, listen.
We have to talk.

Um, there's been a really
big misunderstanding.

You see, when we first met,

you thought I was your
dad's girlfriend Megan,

but actually, my name is Lexi,

and-and I'm a good
friend of your dad's, too.

I love him so much, and

oh, see, he's gonna be coming

through that door
any minute now,

and... and I really need
a big favor from you.

Can you tell him that
we've never met before?

Okay, and, well, in return,

I will buy you anything your
little heart desires, hmm?

You want some
clothes, or some toys?

How about a pony, huh?

Sarah, look, I know I'm
asking a lot from you,

but can you just give me
some sort of sign that you...

we have a deal?

Sarah, honey?

- (footsteps approaching) -WOMAN:
What do you think you're doing?!

I'm taking my
daughter home with me.

(Lexi clears her throat)

Where's Sarah?

Um, I don't know, but
I think she's run away.



Hey. Jane?

- Oh. Hi.
- Hi.

(laughs) Small world.

Well, Malibu's a small town.

Yeah, yeah. I guess once you and
Amanda move into your new house,

we'll be bumping into
each other all the time.

Mm. You meeting somebody here?

No, no. I'm just, uh...
I'm just getting takeout.

Well, why don't you join me?

Oh, I don't know if
that's a good idea.

Yeah, because of our little...

JANE: Almost kiss?

- No.
- KYLE: Well, then, there's nothing

wrong with two friends
having dinner. Sit.

All right, when
you put it that way.

(gentle, romantic
melody playing)

Oh. (laughs)

They must think we're a couple.

Should we tell 'em to stop?




♪ When I hear you ♪

♪ I hear a million sighs ♪

♪ Breathing in at once ♪

♪ When I hear you... ♪

Thanks for meeting
me at the last minute.

You know, I have been
giving a lot of thought

to your commercial, and
what do you think about

creating a theme song
for your cruise line?

She's an incredible woman.

Beautiful and talented.

Yeah. I couldn't agree more.

♪ Has let me see that it's... ♪

About the commercial.

We'll talk about it later.

(phone ringing)


Yeah, Dr. Burns?

Yeah, she's here.

She's in another set right now.

Oh, let me talk to him.

Hey, Peter, it's Amanda.

Yeah, Eve's on stage.

She's having a great night.

Well, that's all the more reason

to drop by the club
and surprise her, right?

So I'll see you
in a few minutes.

Wait. Um, she's not gonna
have a lot of time for you tonight.

The place is packed,

and one of the
bartenders called in sick,

and Kyle's taken the night off.

I'm even helping out,

and you know how
much I hate that.

But I'll tell her
that you called.

- (song ends)
- WOMAN: Oh!

- WOMAN : Yay!
- MAN: Yeah! -MAN : Yeah!

(applause and cheering)

Way to go.

(Eve laughs)

You got talent, kid.

You really like my
singing that much?

You have an amazing voice.

You should be
headlining in Vegas.

Well, thank you.

TONY: You really
want to thank me?

Make this a night to remember?

Dance with me.

AMANDA: Go on, give the man

what he wants.

Well, as long as we
don't leave the premises.

(Eve laughs)


(sighs) I'm sorry
about last night,

running out on you like I did.

It's okay. I figured
it had more to do

with your ex-boyfriend
than it did me.

- Mm, mm.
- (knocking)

I swear if that's
Ryan or Lexi...

Well, you get me a beer,
and I'll get the door, okay?

- Okay.
- Thanks.

(Michael grunts softly)

Um... look, uh, uh, we don't
need any Girl Scout cookies.

Father Michael?

- Uh... (clears throat)
- Can I help you?

SARAH: I'm looking for Megan.

I'm Megan.

No, you're not.

(laughs) Yes, I am.
I'm Megan Lewis.

But you're not the Megan who
came to see me in New York.

Uh, trust me, she's Megan.

SARAH: Well, I'm Sarah McBride,

and I'm looking for my father.

Do you know where he is?
