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07x28 - Ryan's Choice

Posted: 04/27/22 07:21
by bunniefuu

Hey, sweet girl.


What are you doing here?

I thought you weren't
coming until Easter.

I woke up this morning
and I said to myself,

"I got to see my
little girl today.

No two ways about it."

I have so much to tell you.

Jenny Franklin got
kicked out of school,

but the nuns won't say how come.

Aw, she was your
best friend, right?

Yeah. I think her parents work
at Switzerland or someplace.

Hmm. That's near Jupiter, right?

- Daddy.
- Okay.

Hey, I got some
news, too. Except

I didn't lose a
friend, I made one.

- Her name's Megan.
- Is she nice?

Oh, yeah, she's smart and funny.

I bet Sister Louise
wouldn't like her.

Yeah, you're probably
right about that.

She does have some bad habits.

Although, I can't
think of any right now.

But I was thinking,
maybe the three of us

could spend some time
together for vacation?

No, vacation's our time, Daddy.

Anyway, I don't know
why we're talking about

Megan so much. It's not
like you're serious about her.

Well, a little serious.

But not married serious.
That's our deal, right?

WOMAN: You shouldn't be here.

I just came by to say hello.

Well, fine, you've said it.

Now Sarah needs her sleep,
she's got class early tomorrow.

Please, Aunt
Terry, can't he stay

just a little while?

No, sweetie,

that's not a good idea, okay?

Aunt Terry's right, honey.

I should go.

I just stopped by to say hello

because I love you so much.

Even if it is against the rules.

Rules are for a reason, Ryan.

Okay, I'm gonna go.

I'll see you tomorrow
if Aunt Terry lets me.

RYAN: If not, spring
break, for sure.

We'll spend the
whole week together.


Just the two of us, I promise.

I love you, Daddy.


Sleep tight.

Okay, sweetie.

- Good night.
- (kissing)

Okay, tuck you in.

That was a bad idea.

Seeing you so briefly
is very hard on her.

You should let me stay longer.

I am not the bad guy here.

Okay, look, I just came
by to talk to her, okay?

No, it is not okay.

She needs her rest
a-and some stability,

and I've got to be her
father and her mother, too.

That's right, Terry,
your sister is dead.

And whose choice was that?

She's my daughter.

You can't keep her from me.

I'm still her legal
guardian, Ryan.

By court order, you get
her three weeks a year.

Seeing you any more
than that is hard on all of us.

AMANDA: I got to
get back to the office.

What? Babe, no, it's bedtime.

I know, I know I was supposed
to ease off at the agency.

You know what?

Why don't you come
out to the lot tomorrow?

You'll be amazed how
much we've gotten done.

We can have a
little bit of lunch.

Well, it'll have
to be a short one.




what's that "For
Sale" sign all about?


Guess. You can't sell a building

without notifying the tenants.

What if the new owner
hikes up the rent?

And what if you went one
day without feeling compelled

- to complain about something?
- (door opens)

Then I wouldn't be living here,

that's for sure.

Hey, Amanda.

- Look, if you're - (door opens)

selling to get away from me

or to forget about the
whole mess I started...

- (door closes)
- then I'll just move.

The whole mess?

You mean, losing my baby
because you couldn't keep

- from running off at the mouth?
- Look,

I took your slams
and I said I'm sorry.

I don't know what else I can do.

But it doesn't seem
to make any difference

because you obviously
don't want to forgive me.

- Obviously.
- Excuse me.

Eve Cleary?


Detective Davis.

I need to bring you
in for questioning.

About what?

Your involvement in the
Jackie Zambrano case.

Let's go.


Peter's at the hospital.

Call him for me. Please.




♪ Oh ♪

♪ My dear ♪

♪ I'm a broken man ♪

♪ Over you ♪

♪ And I'm ♪

♪ Just a kid ♪

♪ In my mind ♪

♪ Where we don't grow old ♪

♪ If I lose my step... ♪

PETER: So what's going on?
You can't hold Eve like this.

You can't hold her
without charging her.

Why can't I see her?

She's free to go,

as soon as she
signs her statement.

Her case is with the
parole board now.

Hearing is set for tomorrow.

Oh, okay. That
should be no problem.

Between her parole
officer and my attorney,

we should take care of things.

Maybe. But the
likelihood, she'll go directly

from the hearing tomorrow

back to prison to
finish out her sentence.

(phone rings)


Kyle, hi. Listen, I can't
find Ryan in New York.

He's not answering his cell.

Did he say anything to
you about where he'd be?

No, but it doesn't sound
like him to just disappear.

I'm sure he'll show up soon.

Well, we're swamped
here and I don't think

I'm gonna be able to
make it out there for lunch.

I'm sorry.


That's okay, I understand.

Uh, I'll see you
at home tonight.

Wild horses couldn't
keep me away.

Love you.

- Bye.
- (beep)

Why don't you go
ahead? I can manage.

No, I really have to stay
on top of this account.

Is everything okay
with you and Kyle?

Well, he is backing
off work at the club

these days and he wants me to
do the same here at the agency.

- Think you can?
- I don't know. I mean, Lexi's

been raiding the
client list lately,

and I'm not exactly a
step-back kind of person.


Well, after everything you
guys have been through,

I doubt if a little
flex-time conflict

- will be much of a problem.
- Yeah, we'll work through it.

We always do.

- Oh.
- Thank you.

♪ I just called to say ♪

♪ Everything's gonna be okay ♪

♪ Your friends ♪

♪ Aren't that far away ♪

♪ Anyway ♪

♪ Don't get so
down on yourself ♪

♪ Don't get so
down on yourself ♪

♪ Don't get so
down on yourself ♪

♪ Think of me with you... ♪

So, um, Ryan's coming back
from his business trip tonight.

I left him a voicemail to
meet me at the church.


so then Shulman decides she's
gonna close the trauma center.

I don't get all this corporate

downsizing, you know?

Just to boost profits

at the expense of,
of devoted workers.

It's just not right.

Devoted, that
describes me to a T.

No, I'm talking
about the nurses.

They need some top dog to
come in there and help them out,

like a doctor.

Like you, Michael.

(laughs) Yeah, right.

No, you're great at
rescuing underdogs.

Look at me.

And, uh, that clinic

that you opened a year ago.

You know, you weren't
so self-centered there.

I was really impressed.

- You were?
- Yeah.

Well, listen, uh,
it's getting late.

I got to get, I got evening
rounds tonight, okay?

- So I'm gonna get going.
- Good-bye, Michael.

Make me proud.

Yeah, I'm gonna save
a few of the underdogs.


Yeah, Michael, I saw you
working Megan over there.

That's good. That's good.

You'll be all in
position to catch her

when Ryan comes
back and dumps her.

Dumps her? He's coming
back to marry her, you moron.

That's not what his exes said.

Hey, sweetie. How you doing?

- Good.
- Have you heard from Ryan yet?

Yeah, he said he's done
with his New York business

and that he has
a lot to talk about.

So everything's okay?

It's fine. I just wish
he was back here.

- Oh, me, too.
- Listen, you know what,

I have to thank you for, for,

I don't know, all your
emotional support

and pushing me
to propose to Ryan.

I-I don't know how
I'll ever repay you.

Oh, one day, you
will. (chuckles)

AMANDA: No, I am not
selling so you can tear it down

to build condos.

It's practically a
historic landmark.

Good night.

- (groans)
- (beep)

Doesn't sound to me

like you really want to sell.

Oh, don't be ridiculous.

I'm just waiting
for the right buyer.

In my book, that's somebody
who offers you a fair price.

There's more things to
consider here, besides money.

Uh, like the fact that,

despite all of your griping,

you're gonna miss this place?

Come on, babe, just admit it.

Okay, maybe there's some
things about this place that I'll miss,

like the hardwood floors,

the original molding.

- The people?
- Well, Megan, maybe.

Ryan, on a good day.

- Eve?
- Don't push it.

Come on, sweetheart.
She is your oldest friend.

The people that have
known you the longest,

they keep you honest
about who you really are.

Then why did she go to you
about my nonexistent affair?

I don't know.

Why did I lie to you when
I thought that I was sterile?

We both made mistakes, okay?

I know she feels terrible
about what happened.

It's not enough.

Peter told me she
was arrested last night.

She might go back to prison.

That enough?

That is not my fault.

But if you don't
make up with her,

you might not
ever see her again.

You forgave me,
you've got to forgive her.

(door closes)

What is up with you?

Oh, thanks, thanks.

Oh, this Shulman thing's
just got me a little nuts,

that's all.

Well, I have a cure for that.

Come on, please. I'm
not in the mood for this.

I was just trying
to have a little fun.

Well, I don't know what's
fun about this situation.

Well, don't take it out on me.

You know, if you would've
taken my concerns

a little more seriously,

our life might not be
such a train wreck.

What are you talking
about, train wreck?

Are you still upset
about my arrest?

Because my lawyer said that I...

Forget about what
your lawyer said.


I think the board is
gonna revoke your parole.

But you said that...

Forget what I said, too.

I tried.

But the bottom line here is

they don't like your attitude.

(laughs) My attitude?


They think they let
you out too soon,

and they think you
belong back in prison.

But you're a doctor.

You can pay for-for lawyers

and-and judges and-and
my freedom, damn it!

Just like Amanda's
mother did years ago.

I live on this side
of the tracks now.

Doctors' wives don't go to jail!

(quietly): I'm sorry.

(thunder crashing, rain pouring)

(door opens)

(thunder crashing)

WOMAN (crying): Ryan!

- Ryan!
- (distant) Ryan.


MEGAN: Ryan.

You're in here. I was waiting
for you in the reception hall.

I'm glad you could
make it in time.

What's wrong?

Are you all right?

Marriage has to start
with honesty, right?


Honesty's like a wake-up call.

Trust me, you don't
want to fall asleep too long

around a guy like me.

What are you talking about?

There's things about
me you don't know.

Like, I hurt people.

I... I get engaged and
then I just can't deal.

It sounds to me like
you have cold feet,

and it happens to
everyone before a wedding.

It's more twisted than that.

What are you saying?

I slept with Lexi.

I know, at Michael's wedding.

You're not listening to me.

After that. I slept with
her after that, in Cabo,

when I told you
nothing was going on.

And I'll do it again.

It's always gonna
be like that, Megan.

Just when you need me the
most, that's when I'll push you away.

I'll find any
excuse to hurt you.

I'll leave, I'll
just run away...

You know what, how
could you do this?!

(thunder crashing)

It's who I am.

(thunder rumbling loudly)


(seagulls squawking)

(knock on door)

- Hey.
- You are such a bitch.

You slept with him again

after you swore to
me that it was over.

After you swore
you were helping me.

All right, this is
a big mistake.

No, you know what
the mistake was?

Your pretending that
you were my friend, okay,

while you slept with
Ryan behind my back

at some Mexican resort.

Okay, Megan, you know what?

- You're gonna get over this.
- No, you know what?

You... you are so sick.

You know, you need to be
medicated for sexual addiction.

Okay, all right, Megan,
vent. Go ahead, vent on me.

You know what, someday
you are gonna thank me.

You're gonna realize
that he is not for you,

Megan, and you're not for him.

And the sooner you get going...

You know what?

I'm already gone.

I'm out of your life.

Friendship, job...

I quit.


MAN: And, um, can
you explain these maps

that were found on your
wife's ex-cellmate's boat?

Maps that were purchased
with her credit card,

that make her an accomplice,
as well as a flight risk.

I was helping out an old friend
who was having a hard time.

Haven't you ever needed anyone?

What I need is not the question.

Now you have repeatedly
violated your parole.

Now, before we take
a recess for a ruling,

is there anyone here who
can give me one good reason

not to jail this woman?

AMANDA: I can give you one.

Eve works for me, as an
entertainment consultant

at my agency, Amanda
Woodward Advertising.

And you will vouch for her?

I have known Eve for
more than half my life,

and she is one
of the most moral,

responsible people I know.

She works hard and she
holds us all to a higher standard.

I depend on her to
help keep me honest.

It would be a terrible
hardship for me if I lost her.

Thank you, Ms. Woodward.

Um, we'll now
take a brief recess.

(quietly): Amanda.

Thank you.

Just helping out an old friend
going through a hard time.

Listen, if, um,

if I end up going
back to prison,

I'll know that you forgave me.

Now you have to forgive
me for being so obstinate.

You got it.

Eve Cleary Burns.

I asked for one good reason
not to send you back to prison.

And I was given one good reason.

Therefore, the
majority of the board

has voted to give you
the benefit of the doubt.

You're free to go, this time.


(Eve laughs softly)

- Thank you, Kyle.
- Congratulations.

KYLE: Boy, it's really
coming down out there.

I'm afraid your steps
are gonna have to wait.



- What's wrong?
- Nothing, nothing.

My date's gonna
be here any minute,

I have this great meal planned,
but the sauce tastes terrible.

Salt, maybe.

May I?



Salt, definitely.

Uh, sugar, you got any
oregano, maybe some garlic?



Wow. It's not easy to find
an after-hours handyman

who can build steps to your deck
and whip up a gourmet red sauce.

We're a full-service
company, ma'am.

Yeah, well, if you could
only fix my social life.

I thought you had
a date tonight?

Oh, I do, I do.

It's just, I don't know.

I met him at a client meeting.

I don't really think
mixing social life

with business life really works.

Besides, he's
kind of an airhead.


(phone ringing)


Oh, hi.

(thunder rumbling)

Oh, really? Oh.

No, no, no, no, I understand.

Okay, um...

All right, well, I'll
see you later then.


Well, my date has to reschedule.

There's been a mudslide on PCH.

KYLE: Oh, no.


That means I'm not gonna
be able to get back to Amanda.

- Yeah.
- Can I use your phone?

I'd like to call
her and tell her

I'm gonna stay out at the beach.

- Sure.
- Thanks.

(thunder crashes loudly)

JANE: You don't do
lighting, too, do you?

KYLE: Uh...

As a matter of fact...

I do.

(Jane laughs)

(Jane sighs)

Well, might as well eat.

Well, yeah, I'm not
really dressed for dinner.

Oh, you look just fine.

(thunder crashes loudly)

- So, now that you've told
the court -(phone rings)

I'm your entertainment

exactly what is an
entertainment consultant?

Uh, we'll think of
something later.

In the meantime, I
could really use this drink.

Amanda, it's Kyle for you.

He said he's stuck at the beach.

- Hey, girls.
- Hey.

Hey, um, watch my purse.


- Hi.
- Hi.

You're not gonna believe this.

So, I got a call.

Somebody wants to buy my
old man's property in Texas.

Oh, but that's great, isn't it?

No, because I don't
want to deal with it.

I don't want to go
back to that trailer.

I don't want to look
back into his life.

Aw, it won't be so bad.

Once was enough, trust me.

Well, we can do it
together, in just one day.

I just can't leave the hospital
for that long, you know?

This Shulman's already
brought some hack in to run I.C.U.

Oh, Michael can
keep an eye on her.

- Uh-uh. Uh-uh.
- Oh, come on, Peter.

We need to reconnect.

The last time you were there,

you were more open
than I've ever seen you be.

It really touched me.

You know, just think of
it as a -hour getaway.

Just us.

Come on.


WOMAN: Ryan!

- (flames crackling)
- (woman crying)

Get the baby!

(pounding on door)

(pounding continues)

I've been calling you all day.

I tried you here, I
tried you at work.

God, Ryan, how
could you tell Megan

that we slept together in Cabo?

It wasn't hard.

It was supposed to be a secret.

All right, I can understand
you having cold feet

about the wedding,
but now I've lost a friend,

I've lost an employee.

Yeah, but who cares, because,
see, now, we get to be together.

What are you...?

No. No, Ryan!

What is the matter with you?

Nothing you can't fix.

Hey, do you remember this trick?

Stop it. (gasps)

Are you nuts?

- Get off of me.
- Come on.

It's just like the powder
room at Jane's wedding.

You know what? And we
can do it in the closet again.

And maybe someplace new,

- like the back alley.
- Get off me.

Even Megan did
it better than that.

I don't know who
you are anymore.

(Lexi panting)

(phone ringing)

Excuse me.

Yeah, Burns.

Peter, got to get
here right away.

But, Michael, I
can't, I'm out of town.

Well, get in town.

Shulman's set up a
closed-door meeting

to replace you this afternoon,

and it's critical
to our practice

that one of us holds on
to that chief of staff post.

(over phone): Michael,
I can't help that.

You're just gonna have to
deal with this on your own.

If you're not here at this
meeting to defend yourself,

you're history, pal.

I'll be there.

Honey, I got to get
back to the hospital.

This whole Shulman thing
is blowing up in my face.

I can't avoid it.

Uh, what about the land sale?

Well, I'll handle it.

I'll just drive
you to the airport

and I'll catch a flight back
home tomorrow morning.

I don't want you to
haggle over money.

Come on, Peter, $
an acre is hardly fair.

It doesn't matter.

It's a thousand acres,
but it's all worthless.

I know my old
man's gonna wind up

costing me money in this.

I second that.

Nobody asked you, Bob.

All right, let me get my
things and we'll take off, okay?

All right.


Next time you want to
insult me with a lowball offer,

don't do it in person.

Have fun at the beach?

Uh, yes.

As a matter of fact, I did.

I built things with my hands
all day, I slept well all night,

listening to the waves, and
the air is so fresh down there.

Spare the Mother Nature
ad; I'm already late for work.

- (grunts) Oh.
- Oh.

Okay, so this is the deal.

I quit Sterling-Conway and
I just broke up with Ryan.

Here's a list of the
personal items at his place.

If you could just go
by and get them for me,

I-I don't want to go back
to his place ever again.


Megan, I know Ryan loves you.

I can't imagine what was wrong.

Well, you'll just have to ask
your dysfunctional brother

because he came
back from New York

a completely
different human being.

Well, as long as
he comes to work.

Actually, now
that you quit Lexi,

would you like to work for me?

With Ryan there?

No, that's the, uh, last
place I'd want to be.


Hey, baby, you trying
to matchmake those two?

Hardly, but any time I can take
advantage of Lexi's misfortunes,

I'm happy to do so.

Ah, I should've known.

Business always comes first.

you're just in time.

The meeting started
ten minutes ago.

This won't take long.

If you would just turn to
page three, then we could...

Hello, everyone. (clears throat)

Oh, how nice of you
to join us, Dr. Burns.

Just in time to tell us

why so much has gone
wrong on your watch.

On my watch?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Oh, well, let's see.

Admitting uninsured patients,

using a medevac helicopter
as a limousine for your ex-wife,

settling Dr. Mancini's
ridiculous lawsuit.

Wait a second, now,
I take issue with that.

Oh, can it, Mancini, you
shouldn't even be here.

But the final insult, Peter,
is bringing your convict wife

with her convict pals
into this place of healing.

Leave my wife out of this.

Oh, I'd love to, believe me.

Unfortunately you've
seen fit to put a m*rder*r

onto the Children's Foundation

with access to hundreds
of thousands of dollars.

You be very careful.

I'll sue you for libel.


Well, the truth is the best
defense in a libel case, Doctor.

Of course, if you want
to parade your wife's

colorful past out into public,
I'd be more than happy to.

Save it for your memoirs,
you pathetic witch.

- I quit.
- Oh, come on now.

Peter, don't fly
off the handle now.

You'll have my resignation
by the end of the day tomorrow.

See, I have a dream
about this property.

I close my eyes and I see cattle

in a sea of grass
out to the sky.

Neighbors helping neighbors
make the desert bloom.

Well, you sound like
a visionary, Mr. Stone.

Well, it's a personal
vision, Miss,

but it means a lot to me.


You know, I've been
checking around, um,

in the local papers
and with another realtor.

That much land is
worth $ , , at least.

Well, if you can find a buyer.

Oh, but I already
have found one,

sitting right here
at this counter.


So, just to be neighborly,
I'll take $ , .

Now, wait a
minute, Mrs. Burns...


(Mr. Stone and Eve chuckle)

Well, that was easy.

Why don't you draw up the papers

and we'll meet again
tomorrow morning

and you can give me
the full amount then?

You drive a hard bargain, Miss,

but your Texas
neighbors thank you.


Excuse me.

Oh, that's okay.

Thank you.

(engine starts)


♪ I was playing a club
by the Eiffel Tower ♪

♪ Taking a break
for half an hour ♪

♪ Girl from the bar
came out to talk ♪

♪ "Come on," she
said, "let's take a walk" ♪

♪ Monday was the day we met ♪

♪ Tuesday I was flying ♪

♪ Wednesday she
was far away... ♪

I'm telling you, huh?

That Chris Isaak... He
plays pretty sexy music, huh?

(Megan sighs)

Hey, uh, what are
you drinking, Megan?

Um, a warm brandy, at home.

♪ If I ever see
that girl again ♪

♪ I'm gonna tell her
that I love her... ♪

Megan and Ryan just broke up,

so the girl's
feeling a little down.


Well, this could be the chance
I was looking for, you know.

Be there for her
in her time of need.

I'm telling you,
timing is everything.

Michael, it might look
like that from the surface,

but, well, you see,
Ryan is my Mr. Right...

It's been
scientifically proven...

But he still has
the hots for Megan.

Wait a second.

Last time I was here,
trying to pull her off him,

you yanked me back to
try to keep them together.

I know, I know, it's just, well,

you see, Ryan's ex-fiancées
all say the same thing...

He's commitment-phobic...

So I tried to put the
two lovebirds together

so the whole thing would
just blow up in their face.

- Which it did.
- Yeah, but the problem

is that they still have
the hots for each other,

and now Ryan's acting all weird

and the two of them
have turned against me.

Yeah, well, Megan
hasn't turned against me,

so I think I could still
parlay this into something.

Yeah, maybe, maybe not.

Look, Michael, you and
I have to make a pact.

We got to try to keep 'em apart.

Oh, no, forget that, okay?

I'm gonna make my
own play for Megan.

I think I got an
idea how to do it.

(phone ringing)




Hey, sweet girl.

What are you doing up so late?

I just had to talk to you.

Daddy, I'm so lonely for you.

Oh, I wish I could
hold you right now.

Can you come see me soon?

(whispering): Go to
your room, sweetheart.

- But, Aunt Terry...
- Shh.

It's bedtime, okay?

Now, be a good girl

and don't forget
to brush your teeth.

- Sarah, you there?
- Do you have any idea what time it is?

Please put her
back on the phone.

I am trying to
protect that child,

and I am warning you
for the very last time

to stop calling her.

She called me.

Good-bye, Ryan.

(over phone): Don't
you hang up the phone.

Callie would never
have wanted you

to keep her from me like this.

How dare you even
utter my sister's name

after what you did to her?

You don't have an
answer for that, do you?


(line clicks)


(seagulls squawking and
waves crashing over stereo)

Since I couldn't get
you out to the beach,

I thought I would
bring the beach to you.


All the comforts
of surfside living.

Oh, thank you... for
saving me from myself.

That's what we do
for each other, right?

(both moan)

And just so you
don't forget it...

I got you a little reminder.


That is my heart.

It's beautiful.

If you're ever lost or alone,

you just touch it
and you'll know

I'm with you.

And whenever I see it on you,

I will know that you're okay.

(siren wailing)


What, are you redecorating?

No, I'm breaking camp.

I resigned yesterday.

You quit?

Oh, that's nice.

Nice? What do you mean, nice?

I've been butting heads with
Shulman, going crazy here.

How did it go
with the land sale?

Oh, well, you know, I-I
decided not to sell the land.

I-I decided to lease it instead.

You leased it?

I told you I wanted
to get rid of that place.

I know, but I cut a better deal.

With Torned Oil.

Here, check this out.

$ million?

- Mm-hmm.
- Is this a joke?

(laughing): No.

We're rich, Peter! We're rich!

I found the buyer's company
name in the phone book.

Turns out they're
an oil survey firm.

They already checked
out your property.

We are sitting on
black gold, baby.

I gave Torned Oil
a -year lease.

This is just the first check.

- First check?
- First check.

- You mean, there's more?
- Uh-huh.

There's more.

- There's more of these?
- Yeah.

- That's a very good thing.
- Yeah.

- That's a very, very good thing.
- Mm-hmm.

- Very good thing, hmm?
- Oh, yes.

(Eve laughs)


Want to celebrate?

Oh, yeah.

- Now?
- Yeah.

- Here?
- Yeah, yeah, right here.

(Eve moaning)

Right here, right on the check.

(Eve laughs)

AMANDA: Becky, get
me Tom Doyle in Graphics,

and I need the
Midline file right away.

- Yes, Ms. Woodward.
- Oh, and see if you can find me

just one accountant
who knows the tax code.

- BECKY: Right.
- Your investment banker, line two.

Oh, Becky, wait!

- (phone beeps on)
- Yes?

No. No way.

Oh, God. Uh, three aspirins.

Yes, Ms. Woodward.

Oh... God, lunch.

Yes, lunch... What
a terrible idea.

I'm sorry. I'm just really
swamped right now.

Ryan still hasn't shown up

for work because his
love life is in the toilet,

which is no excuse
at all, and I just...

I can't possibly
get away right now.

Why are you still here?

(door closes)

You're never gonna
be able to pull away

from the office, are you?


Not ever.

You take me, you
take the whole package.

Well... it's not a bad package.

We've been through
worse than this.

We'll get through this somehow.

You know, after my mother
died, my father... he hated me.

He blamed me for tying him down,

like I kept him
from the good life.

Some people can't
show you they love you

until after they're
gone, you know?

It makes them ashamed in person.

But this money is
not about his love.

It sure helps.

(Eve laughs)

So, what are we
gonna do with it all?

I mean, I-I can't
even fathom it.

Prison to no limits,
without even passing go.

Give me your hands.

Now. Now, I've
thought about this.

I think we should take
a year off and travel.

And I'm gonna play the top
golf courses in the world.

Hmm? Huh?

Peter, there you are.

Hey, hey, sit down. Sit down.

Well-well, congratulations.
I heard about

- your good fortune.
- PETER: Oh, thanks.

LOUIS: But I wanted
to let you know

that there's a group
of nurses and doctors

organizing a protest about
the rollbacks at the hospital...

Uh, listen, Doc, uh,

you know, that's not
my problem anymore.

I already handed
in my resignation,

and then I'm gonna move
the last box out of my office

after dinner, actually, so...

Anyway, hey, we're going
around the world together, huh?

Me and Eve.

I'm gonna play the best
golf courses there are.

You sure that's a good idea?

I-I mean, you love the
people at the hospital,

and you love being a doctor.

And look at all
those lottery winners

who walked away
from their lives.

All the money went
down the drain, and

they turned into empty shells.

Well, my shell's
never gonna be empty.

EVE: No.

Peter, just listen
to what he's saying.

I mean, you might be
lost without your patients,

without your responsibilities.

I mean, what does the
good life mean to you?

That's a good question.

♪ I know I let you
down the last time ♪

♪ You said then
there'd be no next time ♪

♪ One more chance
is all I'm asking... ♪

Now, remember, as long
as the doctors and the nurses

stand together
against the bosses,

it's the patients
that win, right?

- Right. -Right.
- Okay, good luck, everybody.

In solidarity,
forever. Don't forget.

Okay. Go ahead.

Aren't you coming
with us, Doctor?

No, no, uh, you start
the rally without me.

I got to finish some work here.

♪ How much your love
could mean to me this time ♪

(Megan laughs)

♪ This time... ♪

Your altruism is commendable.

Well, you know, when
the people need a leader,

the leader must hear
the call within himself.

- Mm-hmm.
- You want a drink?

No, thanks. Um, I want to know
why you wanted to meet me here.

Oh, well, it was part
of my good work.

No, I knew you were
down in the funk,

and I wanted to pull you out.

I don't think you
should let a jerk

like, uh, Ryan get you down.

So, come on, you want a drink?

No, no, no, I just... I
just don't feel like it.

But thank you so
much for caring.

Well, and you know
what? I do care, Megan.

And to be honest...
I never got over you.

I mean, it was just
a bad timing thing.

You know, when you wanted
me back, I was stuck with Jane.

Are you trying to use this
rebound thing on me again,

like after the wedding
reception, on the roof?

No way. I'm just
trying to be honest.

- That's all.
- MEGAN: Well, Michael, are you making

- a play to get me in bed?
- Honey,

really, I just want
to be here for you.

Michael, there is no chance.

I am never gonna
get over Ryan, okay?

Oh, come on. Just one more try.

- Give me one more chance.
- No, Michael.

Look, come on, one more try.
That's all I'm ask... Come on.

- Excuse me. No, no, no. Michael.
- Come on.

Oh, stop it.

♪ This time... ♪

- Okay, you win.
- Hmm.

We'll do this together.

Yeah, solidarity
forever, Michael.

PEOPLE (chanting): No
money, no care! No money...

You must all disperse.

Anyone who does not show up

for their shift will receive
disciplinary action.

You're a sad excuse
for a doctor, lady.

Well, you don't work here
anymore, do you, Doctor?

And your opinions don't matter.

I have your resignation
letter right here.

I assure you, we
are not about to blink

at a bunch of ragtag, would-be
anarchists who try to foist

their bleeding-heart,
whining, social welfare agenda

on the enlightened self-interest
of a... of devoted medical...

See this?

- Aah!
- I'm staying!

(applause and cheering)

- Here.
- You can't do that!

Oh, yes, I can stay.

You know what I'm gonna do?

I'm gonna organize
all of the doctors

and all of the nurses here,

and we're gonna refocus
our priorities on the patient.

(applause and cheering)

(crickets chirping)

I heard you were AWOL from work.

What is it with us McBrides?

The first sign of
trouble, we get faced,

and we try to play basketball.


Oh, just trying to lose
consciousness is all.

Oh, hey, Ry-Ryan,
take it easy, okay?

I know breaking up is difficult,
but you guys love each other.

You'll work it out.
It just takes time.

Kyle, you got no idea, not even.

Okay. Tell me then.

(Ryan sighs)

I was , you were gone. Dad...

Dad and I weren't speaking.

Um, I met this girl.

We... we fell in
love, we got married.



It was heaven.

We had a little
baby girl, Sarah.

Couldn't get any
better until the accident.

I was driving, and this, um...
this deer came out of nowhere.

I swerved off the road,
and I ran into this tree.

(woman screaming)

I stumbled out, but the
car was in flames, and...

WOMAN: Ryan!

(Ryan grunting,
woman whimpering)


Get the baby!

RYAN: Callie, my wife...


she was crying. She
couldn't get her door open.

And I was running out
of time, so I... I got Sarah

out of the backseat.

(Callie crying)


(Callie crying)

No! Ryan!

Ryan! (screaming)


It was too late.

She died.

Your baby?

She lives with her, um...

She lives with Callie's
sister in New York.

There was a nasty court
fight, Terry got custody.

She said I was too
young and reckless,

Callie's death was my fault.

No, it wasn't.

I had a choice, Kyle.

If I had gotten
Callie out first,

the flames didn't reach
the backseat until later.

You couldn't have known that.

Ryan, you can't blame yourself.

Terry blames me.

She hates me for
causing Callie's death.

I never loved anybody so
much in my life as I loved...

I loved her.

Until Megan.

You tell her?

I can't believe...

you have a daughter.

I went to New York a few days
ago to talk to Sarah, you know?

To talk to her about Megan,
about getting... remarried.

But, um, when it
came down to it, I...

I couldn't say anything.

She would understand
if she met Megan.

Kyle, you don't...

I promised her
I'd never remarry.

You don't get it, man.

You don't understand,
Kyle. You don't get it.

I deprived my
daughter of a mother.

I had a choice to make,
and I made the wrong one.


